IUVENTA - THE FILM - a documentary by Michele Cinque

  • Опубликовано: 11 июн 2017
  • ENG In 2015 a group of youngsters use crowdfunding to buy a vessel to save lives in the Mediterranean sea. This is the story of their journey. Read more (GER):
    Produced by LAZY FILM: www.lazyfilm.it/
    DE Geflüchtete im Mittelmeer aus Seenot retten, das versucht der Berliner Verein „Jugend Rettet“ seit Juni 2016. Dafür haben die jungen Erwachsenen aus Berlin mit einer Crowdfundig-Kampagne einen Fischkutter finanziert. Damit kreuzen sie im Mittelmeer, mit an Bord der italienische Dokumentarfilmer Michele Cinque. Sein Film über „Jugend Rettet“ und das Schiff Iuventa soll es zur Berlinale schaffen. Mehr Info:
    Ein Film von LAZY FILM: www.lazyfilm.it/
    IT Il film “Iuventa” del regista italiano Michele Cinque racconta la prima missione di salvataggio in mare da parte dei ragazzi tedeschi della "Jugend Rettet" che, appena ventenni, hanno deciso di non restare inerti davanti alle morti in mare e di agire in prima persona per dare un segnale. Il documentario non solo segue da vicino le tragedie che ogni giorno si ripetono nel Mediterraneo a discapito di innumerevoli vite umane anche per l’assenza di una politica europea attiva di ricerca e salvataggio, ma si pone anche un'altra domanda: cosa succede quando, crescendo, vediamo i nostri sogni scontrarsi con la realtà? Leggi di più:
    Un film di LAZY FILM: www.lazyfilm.it/

Комментарии • 9

  • @manitaraki111
    @manitaraki111 5 лет назад

    where and how can we watch this film?

    • @GoetheInstitutItalien
      @GoetheInstitutItalien  5 лет назад

      Cara Elena, il film è distribuito in Italia da Wanted Cinema e Zalab. Questo è il loro sito web: www.zalab.org/projects/iuventa-il-film/ e questa la mail: distribuzione@zalab.org. Loro sicuramente ti sapranno dire le prossime proiezioni del film. Nel frattempo dovrebbe essere uscito anche in DVD. Speriamo di farlo vedere anche da noi al Goethe-Institut. Grazie per l'interesse e un saluto caro da tutto il team.

  • @keithwilliam4443
    @keithwilliam4443 7 лет назад

    "The tough question for the year, where is this going to?" May I suggest prison - for people trafficking.

    • @mazzofab
      @mazzofab 6 лет назад

      Agree. These kids are a bunch of people that are depressed psychos that feel bad with their own lives and have to do this just to get their serotonin levels up... hey.. let's save the world!!!! They do not know the culture, the language and the way of being of the people they "save" and just for this they should be jailed.. because this is clearly AGAINST the law..

    • @k.w.1966
      @k.w.1966 6 лет назад +2

      It is about saving lifes! Those people need help and they have the right to leave their country and seek asylum. From the universal declaration of human rights, article 14: (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution'. And the European politics are responsible that there are no safe ways for those people to come to Europe - so there are NGOs like 'Jugend Rettet' who take the responsibility and save human lifes. Every life matters and europe just stands there and watches people drowning.

    • @mazzofab
      @mazzofab 6 лет назад

      May I ask: Do you have any knowledge of Africa? Do you know the countries? Have you ever worked here? Do you know the culture? Do you know the language? And I am not asking about having been as a volunteer for a month or so.. That is just bollocks for the "save the world" people... I am asking if you have ever SERIOUSLY lived in one of the countries on this continent......? How do you know if a person is running from persecution?? Who assess this? A person in Europe that bases his decision on pictures and tweets on Facebook? Do you know anything about the privileges of multi billion dollar NGO's and associations such as the UN?? Do you know how the immigration laws and asylum laws work on the countries of this continent? Do you know that if you are illegal over here you get JAILED because you are BREAKING the law..? Do you now the perception that Europe is giving to this continent? Do you know what the people of this continent think about Europeans?? Could go on and on.... I am just asking you to stop and think for a second and not get caught by this silly propaganda video the makes these guys look like heroes by adding some tear making music over the images... THINK THINK THINK.... be rationale... And... as you stated: article 14: (1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution' This means that you have the RIGHT TO SEEK. The right to seek does NOT mean that you are automatically GRANTED the status.... Having the right and being granted the status are 2 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS.........

    • @frankielad4049
      @frankielad4049 5 месяцев назад

      Where the fuck is your humanity?