You are greatly blessed in Christ my little sister because in your age you can understand the word of the man of God preaching. May the Lord open more your spiritual understanding that you grow more in knowledge of God
I'm from Ghana and I saw a man of God in my dream on the 28 of December 2019 telling me to go and see Apostle Suleiman because he has something I'm looking for. I woke up and started to search the Apostle on RUclips and the first video I saw about his was " Your life is in your hands" and another one also said "Cook yourself in prayer." I think I'm getting closer to what I'm hungering for. God bless more Apostle
Lord help me to cook myself on my knees. Deliver me from laziness, procrastination, slumber, discouragement and weakness in Jesus name. I really need to manifest.
To manifest be connected to the Word n prayer. 2020 have a target to mark. Have a target to hit the target. Have a target to hit in prayer. Have a target to read the Bible. Set monthly prayer goals for ur life. Don't be idle, have plans, agendas for urself.
I am fm the US. Apostle, I received several dreams yesterday. You were in one of them: I found myself in Africa among the people and it was a dry, barren season of end time events. We were discouraged and needed a word fm YAH. I heard a voice (HS) telling me to look for the man of God, Suleman. So we went looking for you, it was night time and we found you on a corner (T-junction) with your back to us with lifted hands praising and worshipping YAH. As we got closer to you, you began to manifest in the Spirit bc I knew you were being touched as if by electricity. I knew you were given a word for us as HS took over your body and you were unable to control yourself. I now pray that you would indeed receive a word for us. I am being shifted to Africa bc of my assignment by YAH. I am walking as Abraham did as he was told to get out fm his kindred and go to a land he did not know. I pray to manifest NOW in the mighty name of Yashua. AMEN
Thank you 💕 for everything you do see you then thanks again best wishes to you All AMEN 🙏 Like this way and get back with our lives together with Jesus God's word thanks again and holy Trinity church in mind for future reference and amen 🙏
I declare manifestation upon my life in Jesus name! May every soul hungry for the Lord be touched in Jesus name! May your cup never run dry in Jesus name! Amen!
This is a timely message for me.. oh God ignite my flesh, body soul and spirit with prayer.. I want to eat prayer, I want to breath prayer ... Help me Lord
I rebuke the spirit of laziness in my prayer but the thing is I have never failed to prophesy positive things upon my life because words have power and I also use scriptures i know off hand to prophesy upon my life and as far as I am still breathing, I believe all what I have prophesied upon myself will come to pass
Follow the righteous Apostle, walk in his sermons/messages and you will do more as Elisha confess of his master, Elijah. We are following a true chosen servant, who doesn't lie in Jesus name. Na True. Amen
Well done papa.. the man with anointing for result and evidence any time, any day. it is my humble desire to connect to your grace/ anointing and remain in them for ever... Thank you Jesus..
Pastor please pray for me!! I can read very well but immediately after reading i will forget everything" Papa please i really need your prayer sir 🙏my name is NGOZI IGWE...
Father Lord, cook me in prayer. Impart me with the spirit of prayer and dry up hunger. I want to fast a lot and pray in 2020 in Jesus name. I want to see answers to prayers, across deeper realms and climb into dimensions of power in the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
I Love message too much I mean I enjoy them I resigned from nolly wood films and grab Celebrative TV your messages I care to watch and it's changing My life.i Thank God for you God's general
Apostle I always thirsty for your sermons,and I get charged whenever I listens to the word, this is the kind of massages my heart desires everyday of my life,thanks a lot dad
Iam Joyce from Nakuru Kenya you are my mentor sir even if you are far every morning I listen to your message before I go to work.i believe one day I will meet you in person.
If you like papa drop your love like here.
Papa Johnson Suleman I love you till death
I love you papa Johnson Suleman
Love you papa
Lv you loads dad
ebsu movie papa I love it messages and I'm asking u to pray for me
Thank you pastor i am just a ! 12 year old girl but I understand your word thank you PASTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙏🙏🙏
Nice one honey keep it up
What are you doing on RUclips?...
You are greatly blessed in Christ my little sister because in your age you can understand the word of the man of God preaching. May the Lord open more your spiritual understanding that you grow more in knowledge of God
I'm a Muslim, sir I love u so much and I believe strongly in the LORD you serve. More anointing sir
Have you considered Jesus? Fully, freely and completely He will save you...
Jesus is God and there is none other name under heaven that we must be saved by
Glory to God
God bless you
Only Jesus can save.
I'm from Ghana and I saw a man of God in my dream on the 28 of December 2019 telling me to go and see Apostle Suleiman because he has something I'm looking for. I woke up and started to search the Apostle on RUclips and the first video I saw about his was " Your life is in your hands" and another one also said "Cook yourself in prayer." I think I'm getting closer to what I'm hungering for. God bless more Apostle
Bless you!
I felt the Powerful anointing.
Absolutely 🔥🔥🔥
Hope you have gone to see him.
Lord help me to cook myself on my knees. Deliver me from laziness, procrastination, slumber, discouragement and weakness in Jesus name. I really need to manifest.
U must have wrote this prayer on my behalf 2??😱😱
Father Na father. Thank u sir
Amen amen amen
Lord help me to go on my knees, deliver me from every attack and wrong spirit, deliver me from the dragon in my life. I know you are my Alpga n Omega
Prayer + holy life = MANIFESTATION
This deep
@Listowell Peter Krah
Prayer + the word + fasting = MANIFESTATION to the World around you. Holiness is commanded and it is the ticket to see the Lord.
Papa pray for us so that will move around the world and testify on the goods of hours region's
To manifest be connected to the Word n prayer. 2020 have a target to mark. Have a target to hit the target. Have a target to hit in prayer. Have a target to read the Bible. Set monthly prayer goals for ur life. Don't be idle, have plans, agendas for urself.
I second ur suggestion, im setting my target for 2020. Holy spirit help me
I am fm the US. Apostle, I received several dreams yesterday. You were in one of them: I found myself in Africa among the people and it was a dry, barren season of end time events. We were discouraged and needed a word fm YAH. I heard a voice (HS) telling me to look for the man of God, Suleman. So we went looking for you, it was night time and we found you on a corner (T-junction) with your back to us with lifted hands praising and worshipping YAH. As we got closer to you, you began to manifest in the Spirit bc I knew you were being touched as if by electricity. I knew you were given a word for us as HS took over your body and you were unable to control yourself.
I now pray that you would indeed receive a word for us. I am being shifted to Africa bc of my assignment by YAH. I am walking as Abraham did as he was told to get out fm his kindred and go to a land he did not know. I pray to manifest NOW in the mighty name of Yashua. AMEN
All words of apostle Jonson Suleiman make me feel happy
I want more of Jesus
Thank you 💕 for everything you do see you then thanks again best wishes to you All AMEN 🙏 Like this way and get back with our lives together with Jesus God's word thanks again and holy Trinity church in mind for future reference and amen 🙏
My name is Eunice I from Trinidad and Tobago every one of your service is so powerful I thank God you are so real thank you
This was way back in 2008 but still powerful. Apostle Suleiman has taught me a lot.
Word of God are new eveymorning🙏
The word of God never fade
Papa you are one in a million love your preachings so much more grace man of God
My prayer life has been ignited 🔥🔥..I must take over territory this year 2024 with the fire received from this message... Help me holyspirit🙏🙏
Salute straight outtaa Sierra Leone in Africa
Every yoke must be brokenin my life every word spoken against me my children,husband,career and family and financese must bow to the blood of christ
We don't explain, we manifest...God I shall manifest.
Papa, I am Sampson, I need ur mantle , I want you to be my Elijah . I respect you.I want you to be my spiritual father.
🔥🔥🔥 Thank you sir for this sermon as i am in this journey of cooking myself in prayer and staying in the secret place..All love from Botswana.
God bless general of God. From Ghana
Thank you so much apostle Johnson your sermons changed my prayerlife
Papa God bless for devoting your self for his work. Am a boy of 19 years and you are my mentor please pray for me so that I can become one
I am Ghanian ❤
May God give me the spirit of consistency to fulfill my prayer life goals and devotion in His word.
I declare manifestation upon my life in Jesus name! May every soul hungry for the Lord be touched in Jesus name! May your cup never run dry in Jesus name! Amen!
Father increase my zee to pray like your servant.I love his radicality🙏🙏🙏
I can't fail this year ,2021 in Jesus's name!!!
Sir May God Almighty Grant U Paradise
This is a timely message for me.. oh God ignite my flesh, body soul and spirit with prayer.. I want to eat prayer, I want to breath prayer ... Help me Lord
Oh Lord help me to cook myself in prayers. I need to manifest to my generation
Lord show me mercy and blessings me
I love your preaching so much sir
Whatever is holding down my life and that of my household is destroyed by fire and thunder of God in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Amen!!!!
Oh Father, Revive my Prayer life so that I will stop explaining I want to manifest to my generation in Jesus Christ mighty name. Amen 🙏
I rebuke the spirit of laziness in my prayer but the thing is I have never failed to prophesy positive things upon my life because words have power and I also use scriptures i know off hand to prophesy upon my life and as far as I am still breathing, I believe all what I have prophesied upon myself will come to pass
Follow the righteous Apostle, walk in his sermons/messages and you will do more as Elisha confess of his master, Elijah. We are following a true chosen servant, who doesn't lie in Jesus name. Na True. Amen
Glory Glory
God bless you Papa
Amen I begin to manifest from today onwards in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
I tape from your grace sir
Well done papa.. the man with anointing for result and evidence any time, any day. it is my humble desire to connect to your grace/ anointing and remain in them for ever... Thank you Jesus..
Papa, l pray thee, intercede for our weakness in Jesus name and l know we will change in His glory; with our Faith. Amen
Very powerful message,am cooking my self in prayer 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I cook myself in prayer in the name of Jesus
Thank you Lord for your son, Lord bless him more.
Papa, l pray God fill us with His grace and power to face impossibilities, in Jesus name. Amen
Pastor please pray for me!! I can read very well but immediately after reading i will forget everything" Papa please i really need your prayer sir 🙏my name is NGOZI IGWE...
Amen sir may God help us
I want my own oooh Lord
You are a blessing to my life.
Father Lord, cook me in prayer. Impart me with the spirit of prayer and dry up hunger. I want to fast a lot and pray in 2020 in Jesus name.
I want to see answers to prayers, across deeper realms and climb into dimensions of power in the Holy Ghost in Jesus name.
Me 2! I agree!
Man of God ride on
Apostle Johnson Suleman is a metal
Father increase my prayer life
God please deliver me and my children from the spirit of laziness
I Love message too much I mean I enjoy them I resigned from nolly wood films and grab Celebrative TV your messages I care to watch and it's changing My life.i Thank God for you God's general
Thank you Jesus for all you I going to do for I reasive my ducoment in Jesus name amen
Lord of Apostle intervene in my prayer / spiritual life
Pastor I really understand your messages thank pastor 🙏
Father remove all forms if laziness from me where prayer is concerned. Fire me Up Lord with your power for great manifestations
Pastor more anointing God bless you so much
My generation will be unshakable.
Suleman preach JESUS to the people
Lord I pray for the appetite for your word and prayer in Jesus name Amen
I just can't get enough of the beginning of this video with his tongue speaking.
Thank God for listening this good news Lord I thank you
This is my year of manifestation in Jesus Mighty Name Amen
Help me oh Lord to increase my prayer life
Powerful man of God keep your good work
You are the prayer mantel. My father, my father. Nobody can pray longer than Apostle Suleman.
Papa I love this…this year 2023 I must have a target help me to pray and always want to pray
This is provoking the prayer man in me.
Oh lord have mercy on us, and grant us the grace to manifest! Amen.
We are cooking ourselves in prayers👏👏👏
O lord have mercy on me and strengthen me to cook my self with prayers year 2021 in thy mighty name of Jesus Christ Amen,
Thanks sir papa
This year I will pray like never before
Papa I'm bless always pray for me I'm not well looking for a job & healing god bless you man of God Nonhlanhla zuma
Let's pray and set Nigeria on holy 🔥...
Wow!!!The title drew me to this cooking myself in prayer Now!2021 am cooking myself!!!!
i love your peacher sir
Prayer should become A lifestyle.
Prayer is a spiritual law and it has nothing to do with convenience.
I receive the anointing for prayer
Heavenly father father I receive the anointing for prayer
Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ❤❤
I manifest in Jesus Holy name
Thank you Jesus 🙌 I will manifest in your glory
2024 I must manifest.Lord give me the grace to cook myself in prayer.
Apostle I always thirsty for your sermons,and I get charged whenever I listens to the word, this is the kind of massages my heart desires everyday of my life,thanks a lot dad
If you are 2024 say I will pray
I must manifest this week,this month, the coming months, this year and beyond. I must manifest in Jesus mighty name..Amen
I will not be mocked any other day, I will never walk in shame from now ,I will never be embarrassed any other day. I will not explain I will manifest
Iam Joyce from Nakuru Kenya you are my mentor sir even if you are far every morning I listen to your message before I go to work.i believe one day I will meet you in person.
Preaching exactly what he is- Fire. He is my father and my spiritual mentor.
3 years ago l was listening to this sermon. And im here again listening to it! This is an ever fresh mesage
Here ❤
God help me to cook my self and my family in prayer
Amen man of God more Grace you guys should pray for Nigeria let it be ok
Wow thank you jesus, ur word never dry 2009 still put something in me for 2020
Thank you Jesus for this man who you have chosen