The Sons of Ishmael - Bill Pinto

  • Опубликовано: 14 ноя 2023
  • Upon conceiving her son to Abraham, the angel of the Lord prophesied to Hagar that Ishmael ‘will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren’ (Genesis 16:12).
    In the life of Ishmael, there is no record of this prophecy being fulfilled. Among his descendants, however, we observe an unmistakable fulfilment of this prophecy.
    Join brother Bill as he traces the lineage of the great nation that arose from the loins of Ishmael, the rise of the religion connected to this son of Abraham, and the pivotal role his descendants will play in the final events of Bible prophecy.
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Комментарии • 35

  • @infiniteunknown8858
    @infiniteunknown8858 7 месяцев назад +4

    Excellent study, brother Bill. I'm blessed to have brothers like you in my life. I pray GOD keeps blessing you as HE clearly has been. I was just telling Promise about some of this. So glad to hear you shed greater light on the topic.

  • @mercedespena7422
    @mercedespena7422 7 месяцев назад +2

    And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Luke 21:24

  • @sojournerinaforeignland5144
    @sojournerinaforeignland5144 7 месяцев назад +9

    The Messiah told ethnic Israelites, the pharisees, that they were not the sons of Abraham, but rather the sons of the devil. Paul says that Christians, whether jew or gentile, are counted as the seed of Abraham. That we are grafted into the olive tree, that is Israel, through faith, or broken off through unbelief. That there is no distinction between jew or gentile in Christ. John the revelator said that there are those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are liars and actually are the synagogue of satan.
    The Ashkenazi people who converted to judaism in 700 AD, who deny the only begotten Son of God and blaspheme His name, who come from the kazarian empire, who were founded as a nation by the balfourt declaration negotiated by the rothschild family,... They are not the Israel of God.

    • @nobodyreally
      @nobodyreally 7 месяцев назад

      Does anyone else find the Hebrew word Hamas and its root interesting? ḥāmās. Hebrew 2555; from 2554. To imagine wrongfully, false, injustice, violence (against, done), etc.

    • @alexdubois7270
      @alexdubois7270 7 месяцев назад

      It's also worth noting that the blessing that went to Judah was regarding the eventual Messiah being born, Whom the scepter and the staff belongs to. There is no mention about Judah's descendants being superior to any of the others simply because they are of Judah's line. In fact, Judah's bloodline suffered all the same consequences of sin that the other tribes did. Being from the line of Judah did not save one of them over anyone in another tribe. Why is it so difficult for so-called Bible believers to see that Judah's line would be the line that produced the King of Kings to rule all, but that simply being of the bloodline didn't make any of them better than the rest? How is this always overlooked? His brothers praise him and bow down before him, because "HIM" refers to Messiah.

    • @theradicalreformer2894
      @theradicalreformer2894 7 месяцев назад

      Amen. The holocaust and the 6 million number were contrived to give an excuse for Ashkenazi Jews to be given a homeland in Israel "because they were being persecuted in Europe." Step in Arthur Balfour.

    • @Kristy_not_kristine
      @Kristy_not_kristine 7 месяцев назад +1


    • @jessicaleague4173
      @jessicaleague4173 5 месяцев назад

      @@alexdubois7270 correct, the promised seed and scepter went to Judah while the birthright (land trustee) and namesake (Jacob/Israel) went to Ephraim. The partially blind Jacob blesses the youngest son of Joseph, Ephraim (meaning doubly fruitful), with his right hand and said he would become a multitude of nations which translates as fullness of Gentiles. 🤯 This connects to the multitude of fishes (153) caught on the right side of the boat in John 21:6. Christians think we show up in the book of Acts but we are through the whole book starting with Genesis. Israel, Jacob, Ephraim, and Joseph are all terms used to refer to the 10 northern tribes. We have been partially blinded (like Jacob) to who we are and that we are the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Paul spoke of these mysteries but most still don’t understand what he was talking about. See Rom. 11:25-27, Isa. 59:20-21, Amos 9:9, Jer. 31:1-11. Our Messiah is actually connected through His lineage to Judah, Joseph, and Levi as well. Look close at the blessing to Joseph in Genesis 49. Just as Joseph’s identity was hidden from his brothers and he became a part of the Gentile world, our identity has been hidden from our brothers and sisters in the house of Judah and we have become a part of the Gentile world. We also forgot who we are too which ties into the name Manasseh which means forgetting or blind. We are the prodigal son of Luke 15:11-32. We are one of the two sticks of Eze. 37:19. We are the adulterous divorced bride from Jer. 3:1-13&20-21 who is still today worshipping the world’s way instead of our Father’s way. See the mystery in Rom. 7:1-4, 1 Cor. 7:39, Deut. 24:1-4, Hos. 2:14-20 (Ishi means husband). Our Savior died not only to redeem us from sin but so that He could remarry us without breaking Torah Eph. 5:25. But some have started to wake up and come back to His Torah and His Sabbath and His holy convocations/feast Sabbaths instead of the world’s Babylonian holidays and Sunday worship. The Torah is being written on hearts just as Jer. 31:33 and Heb. 8:10 prophecied they would. The Torah is being sealed among the disciples just as Isa. 8:16 prophecies of. These yearly holy times and laws were changed at the same time that the Sabbath was. Our Father’s prophetic calendar is the key to these times. The fall feasts will soon be fulfilled. There are also lots of super cool connections with the number 17 which is the triangular number of 153. Let me know if your interested. Shabbat Shalom and blessed Sabbath!

  • @theradicalreformer2894
    @theradicalreformer2894 7 месяцев назад +3

    Good presentation. I personally do not believe that most of the people calling themselves Jews are Biblical Jews, but rather that they are Europeans who co-opted the Jewish religion. There's a book called The Thirteenth Tribe which says that the so-called Jews of today are from Ukraine. That's why they look Caucasian rather than middle Eastern. Also another interesting aspect on what's taking place in the Gaza genocide is that Hamas is an organisation that was created by Israel for the purpose of provoking Israel into war with Palestinians. This would not have happened with the PLO as they were always talking of peace. Like Sun Tsu said "All warfare is based on deception." It's interesting that Mossad's motto is "By way of deception shall thou make war."

    • @Kristy_not_kristine
      @Kristy_not_kristine 7 месяцев назад

      I believe these very same points.

    • @myheart4jesus
      @myheart4jesus 7 месяцев назад

      During the exodus of Egypt not all israelites had migrated back to the promised region. There were a huge number of Israelites that dispersed to Greece and surrounding areas. Some even went back to Egypt..

    • @theradicalreformer2894
      @theradicalreformer2894 7 месяцев назад

      @@myheart4jesus Sounds like an opinion rather than history. Where's your evidence?

  • @bojibear7957
    @bojibear7957 6 месяцев назад

    Jews and palestinians both need Jesus God

  • @richeanx
    @richeanx 7 месяцев назад +1

    Have you any thoughts on Brother Bill Cave's most recent study?
    Specifically the use of the Augusta Victoria Hospital on the Mount of Olives being used as a headquarters for the Ottoman Turkish forces in 1917,
    and it's fitting the description of a tabernacle given in verse 45?

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  7 месяцев назад +2

      Would that make it so Daniel 11:45 was fulfilled in 1917?
      The next verse (Daniel 12:1) tells you that at the time that the king of the north plants his tabernacles is when the time of trouble begins. This clearly did not happen around 1917.
      You would need to disconnect Daniel 11:45 from Daniel 12:1 to make such a conclusion. The chapter markers were not written by Daniel so there is no justification for disconnecting them.

    • @richeanx
      @richeanx 7 месяцев назад +1

      I think it's important to take into consideration Miller's 13th rule of interpretation before discounting this event entirely.
      By the way, I'm not in any way affiliated with Brother Cave, but I do believe his study is worth your time and addresses the points made.
      God bless:)

    • @theradicalreformer2894
      @theradicalreformer2894 7 месяцев назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry I thought the KON already had tabernacles in the glorious land? That being the temple on the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa mosque?

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  7 месяцев назад +1

      @@theradicalreformer2894 the verse says ‘tabernacles of his palace’ which means something like royal tent or headquarters - a kind of governing presence. Currently the state of Israel has most of the power there

    • @mike-3alg
      @mike-3alg 7 месяцев назад

      @@earthenvesselsministryI think we should be thankful that our Lord has tarried so long on this, as a day is as a thousand years. If you do not think that we are in a time of trouble just st look at all the millions that have been slaughtered in the past 100 years, way more than the dark ages.

  • @ShellbieB
    @ShellbieB 3 месяца назад

    The drunkeness is the drinking of false doctrines… couldn’t the marriage and eating be spiritual too?

  • @Joyo2020
    @Joyo2020 5 месяцев назад

    I hope you know that I am in totally disagreement to my husband sending your ministry in Australia money. I work just as much as he does to take care of my child. Especially while the ministries and people I am involved with locally are being neglected - Who I actually benefit from. I am gracious enough to not call this a cult but he is not at all restrained in calling me in Babylon and apostasy. From my point of view he’s the one in aposta y and I am kind enough to try to agree on what we agree on and keep some unity. Enjoy.
    While I take care of my daughter 24 7. And he hasn’t even changed her diaper once in the last three months or more that I remember so that I can let him work comfortably.
    Just because this ministry teaches in the flat earth.
    Great testimony.
    While I take her out every place possible so I can give him some quite in his home office.
    He can’t even let me give 100 or 200 to some of the ministries that I am a part of.

  • @myheart4jesus
    @myheart4jesus 7 месяцев назад +1

    Im sorry but satan is ruler of this world. Could it be so that the angel of the Lord that had visit Hagar was a deity. She was sent away for something she was forced to do. Hagarwas a maidservant. So she was close to hear almost everything and all conversations that took place in them tents. So she understood and learned everything about abrahams God. She knew abraham had these visits from God. She probably felt rhe Lords anointing on abraham. So when she was kick out and felt like she was left for dead accidit from that ctafty ol satan woyld be perfect timing to pay a visit to hagar. Butvmaybe ut wasnt Satan. It xitld be hagar just doung what she had to so her and her son get what she felt was hers and her sons also. She was a slave prior to Sara. And then is given to sara and so on. She might be tured of being thrown like trash.

    • @TRiiKzZ1CoD
      @TRiiKzZ1CoD 5 месяцев назад

      Is that what they told you? Lmao

  • @OnTheWallsOfZion
    @OnTheWallsOfZion 7 месяцев назад +1

    Good study. The KON comes to his end under the 6th plague (drying up of the river Euphrates) and the pioneers were unanimous on this position. That's why the verse says, "yet". "Yet" as used in other verses in the Bible is like a parenthetical; meaning that even though what has been stated in the previous sentence (before the word, "yet") will take place, but in the future ("yet") he will come to his end. It does not mean that he will come to his end before the next verse of Daniel 12:1 is fulfilled. If folks are waiting for probation to close (plagues begin to fall) when Michael stands up in Dan 12:1(this would be when the 1st plague falls), then it would be too late for those still waiting in Daniel 11:45 for the KoN to come to his end under the 6th plague, thinking that Michael has not yet stood up. The pioneers had this prophecy down to the letter and it would be well for us to follow Sister White's counsel to read the 1897 DAR by Uriah Smith, plus Haskell and other prominent pioneers on this subject.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  7 месяцев назад +3

      There is no justification for disconnecting the flow of Daniel 11:45 from Daniel 12:1. 'And at that time shall Michael stand up' (Daniel12:1) At what time? The time surrounding the events in the previous verse of course which was the KON planting his tabernacles and coming to his end.

    • @OnTheWallsOfZion
      @OnTheWallsOfZion 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@earthenvesselsministry "yet" , "shall" and "and" have complete different meanings. the verse doesn't not read "and" will come to his end. It reads, "yet he shall" which means in the future at some time. I would suggest doing Bible word searches using "he shall" and "yet" so see how it is used. Curious, when do you believe that the KoN will come to his end? Before the plagues are poured out in Daniel 12:1? How can Islam bring forth a time of trouble (plagues) if they have come to their end BEFORE Dan 12:1 when Michael stands up and pours out the plagues? We know God used Islam in the past (Rev Ch 9) and throughout history to bring a scourge (plague Rev 9:20) against apostate Christianity as well as protecting the true followers at the same time. Just some thoughts to consider.

    • @earthenvesselsministry
      @earthenvesselsministry  7 месяцев назад +2

      @@OnTheWallsOfZion KON comes to his end at the time Michael stands up according to the scriptures. His demise precedes the close of probation by some brief period. The scriptures do not state that Islam brings the 7 last plagues

    • @OnTheWallsOfZion
      @OnTheWallsOfZion 7 месяцев назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry What do you think of this?

    • @OnTheWallsOfZion
      @OnTheWallsOfZion 7 месяцев назад

      @@earthenvesselsministry Here is a new video with pioneer quotes to consider on the subject matter. Happy Sabbath!