Looks like I forgot to write out the square root over the first term. As for the inner term that got turned into a fraction, I just multiplied sqrt{1-a_t} by the fraction sqrt{1-a_t}/sqrt{1-a_t}.
congrats on writing a paper! i notice that another recent paper from NVIDIA uses a unit vector for attention (nGPT) where the dot product is naturally equal to cosine as the lengths are one. are these two works related to each other in any way?
Thanks!! I only read through the nGPT paper briefly, but I think nGPT was trying to make softmax attention/transformers more expressive and efficient by changing a few things. They do normalize before they apply the softmax function, making the logits a cosine similarity between -1 and 1. However they keep the softmax operation which forces the model to stay quadratic in terms of complexity. The paper I worked on removed the softmax function which allowed the attention mechanism to be changed into an RNN which is linear in complexity.
why you can directly change x_t-1 to x_t+1 in 29:21.
It depends on if you do a forward step or an inversion step in the opposite direction using the formulas above. Both come from x_t though.
great one, really liked it
How is the equality in DDPM established in 17:49?
Looks like I forgot to write out the square root over the first term. As for the inner term that got turned into a fraction, I just multiplied sqrt{1-a_t} by the fraction sqrt{1-a_t}/sqrt{1-a_t}.
congrats on writing a paper! i notice that another recent paper from NVIDIA uses a unit vector for attention (nGPT) where the dot product is naturally equal to cosine as the lengths are one. are these two works related to each other in any way?
Thanks!! I only read through the nGPT paper briefly, but I think nGPT was trying to make softmax attention/transformers more expressive and efficient by changing a few things. They do normalize before they apply the softmax function, making the logits a cosine similarity between -1 and 1. However they keep the softmax operation which forces the model to stay quadratic in terms of complexity. The paper I worked on removed the softmax function which allowed the attention mechanism to be changed into an RNN which is linear in complexity.