For car lovers, the 2025 Brussels Motor Show presented the latest models. Today we look at the Oriental models; next week's episode shows the Occidental models.
Very nice. Beautiful cars and SUVs. The €16,000 one is a steal. Sombre music. Most are out of range for my budget. Haha... Where are the pretty girl models? Hehe...
Thank you for sharing. Enjoyed seeing all the fabulous cars ❤
😊❤Добридень, дякуемо за чудовий огляд автiвок, представлениях на цiй виставцi. Ефектна робота, цiкава презентацiя😊❤ Успiхiв, гарного вихiдного! Дружнiй привiт з Украiни😊❤
Very nice. Beautiful cars and SUVs. The €16,000 one is a steal. Sombre music. Most are out of range for my budget. Haha... Where are the pretty girl models? Hehe...