There Are So Many People Saying "Hacks!", Like, He Said That He Hacked In The Description, And Silent Levels Were Supposed To Be Impossible!!, What Would You Expect? Hay Tanta Gente Que Dice "¡Hacks!", Me Gusta, Dijo Que Pirateó En La Descripción, ¡¡Y Se Suponía Que Los niveles De Silencio Eran Imposible!!, ¿Qué Esperarías?
What's The Song Name, I Really Like It 8) *(I don't care if people say you used noclip, they are just stupid because they didn't even read the description lol)*
He was using NOCLIP for gameplay but, people think he is hacking going through blocks and I was like" Did you guys not read the description!?!" People just dont care about reading descriptions anymore.
@SeraFin 12 but in 2.11 that is exactly possible, in which you briefly increase the speed of the spikes when building the lvl, so it is possible that you can skip more than 2 or 3 spikes, but that you can if you play it and over the spikes jumps with higher speed although it is not shown that it gets faster, for whoever plays the lvl it is normal speed but he can still jump over several spikes, this is only possible with an app that you connect to Gd and that is only possible in 2.11. despite all this it's fucking hard !!!!!
Ice Enderman Player 2 The Object Thingy Have you heard of a description? Oh wait.... your 5... umm.. I’ll explain it in and easier way.... Hey Kiddo! The description is a magical place where it tells most information that isn’t in the video! just freaking read the description.
Read desc :3
Crrano usaste hax jajaja
Pinche ©
seguro que lo puso asi para no tener copyright strike y tener mas dinero y weas asi
crrano when noklip :V
1:41 the most possible part of every silent level
I'ts noclip
yeah true
@MACKENZIE DAVID that's in the editor dummy
The voice in this song: Before puberty
The voice in the original song: After puberty
1:22 bro went through the bricks! You can’t die!
Read the description.
That's called NoClip
Ok.. i get that its "silent" but alot of the Jumps Are Literally Impossible.
For real
Like he went threw some things
@@Ace-bq5lt sometimes people make me lose braincells in their utter idiocy
Can you jump 4 spikes
@@eeberry2006 Bruh no
more spikes=a silent level
so true XD
10 spikes you can't complete 70 years
*0:19** That gave me an optical illusion-*
No its predator or prey
Best noclip ever
YES noclip
Yeas noclip да ноклип
Noclip with impossble demon = ???
I bugged, my brain stopped working for how epic this level is.
No Clip
1:35 ccrano you have gone too far
Dwight Connor Lmao
That moment when you need a start pos while using noclip
Read the description man, he litterally says that it is a noclip level and he wanted to show some gameplay!!!
0:00 low death
0:41 this is literally a hell level
difficulty: Easy Demon
dude, i was ended Deadlocked, Clubstep and Theory of e\/erything 2
It's noclip
@@arkain-b4l dude
yeah is like impossible:)
1:22 dang. he just went right thru that part.
...i think he cheated..
Read desc
@@DuoRainbow HITBOX?
0:49 that's me going home from school
this is seriously not funny
mohamedalhamelixxx o but it made me laugh . Keep hating on your side ;)
@@bababoey253 not hating it's just my opinion
Woah so fast
@null vlad ещё один))
Holy crap! That wave looks insane!
@@Ze-fg2hf bruh
Thanks for letting us know what nock em high sound sounds like! 😂
Speed it up a little and it's basically all of nightcore
LoneWolf sure
Tara Cinna Ember-Williams nock em song HIGH MODE 😂
1:22 You hit the wall and you went thought 😂
0:16 I'm afraid to sleep after this sound
i think 0:17 - 0:18
But I also think that he uses noclip
@@terminqa yeah really in 1:22 he not dying and he go over but no die
Still looks easier than most silent levels
*insert millions of quadruple spikes and mini wave
I agree but like most silent levels it's still harder than extreme demon
@@Unthinkablenames lol this is much possible in wave
ok, try again with 1.3 speed to see if it still easy or not
1:34 oof
Vǿłɕăŋǿ Sigues vivo :v
Volcano i miss you
Pero estuve en el anterior directo ;-;
1:21 ok we can clearly see this man go through the dang thing
It's noclip can you even do it
Can yall read the top comment before commenting? You sound stupid
edited since this comment looks embarrassing
Read desc
No np
There Are So Many People Saying "Hacks!", Like, He Said That He Hacked In The Description, And Silent Levels Were Supposed To Be Impossible!!, What Would You Expect?
Hay Tanta Gente Que Dice "¡Hacks!", Me Gusta, Dijo Que Pirateó En La Descripción, ¡¡Y Se Suponía Que Los niveles De Silencio Eran Imposible!!, ¿Qué Esperarías?
Raul and also the map has been stolen and remake
I "expect" him to atleast try to not hack and do it
But It Is Impossible
wow you know spanish
but he also try to keep his secret like he don write in english he just write in spanish so some most people not gonna know it
Ok, have no clip.
But is amazing!
Good level.
I wouldn't say it's silent difficulty, but you buffed it a lot lol
Everyone: This is noclip
Me: reads the description
the audio is the definition of a lil nock em
extreme demons then: still possible
Extreme demons now: 0:18 0:41 1:16 1:27
POv: you step on all the empty spots on a legobrick field
0:46 N O C L I P
Uhh yeah he said that in the desc...
Read desc -_-
read desc among us pfp
now this comment section is full of "desc"
Me when I see the thumbnail: WRONG PUSAB
Pusab Police!
The wrong Pusab is Colon’s greatest fear
So what.
@@buriitani it's a joke. You haven't watched GD Colon have you?
Bruh does it look like I care. Yes I have but what is such the problem with a font.
Is this not auto and your god or hax
Edit:Hax 0:45
Edit 2
He says he used noclip in Description
Yeah your right
Wat is noclip?
@GAME GUY when you can hit an object and no oofpacito
Title: Impossible Level!
The person making the video: think again
title: silent knock em
Me: *u sure this is silent?*
What the fUcK
Me:there's no way to complete silent levels crrano:you wanna test that theory
Still no way
1:22 did he just went through the spikes
Read the desc
@@adriamc4154 oh yeah...
Did u mean the wall ding dong dingus?
I think we all gonna agree that the thumbnail is exellent
1:22 ¡NOCLIP!
read desc dumbass
Hahahaha lol no clip real
After reading description : oh ... ok :/
He is cheating
2 dumb replies
1:21 noclip
uhh yeah he said that in the desc...
0:19 Noclip
Read the description.
@@zxcursed2285 Read the description.
@@Rahhh12345 .
the level is so hard that the even the guy who is singing the song’s voice turned high pinched 💀💀💀💀
kotlecikGMD you know it’s fake...right
Not mlg exposed.
I can do that
Red The Mlg Owl you just killed me 😂
0:41 mis neuronas al momento de un examen
"So how many Spikes do want in silent nock em?"
"Y E S"
0:41 *insane nock em in here*
How da heck did he jump over like 12 of thoes spikes
1:22 i didn’t see a hack lol
ALEJA TAQ read the description
Read description
@@alejataq ur dum
He litterally says that it is a noclip level, read description next time😑😑😑
What's The Song Name, I Really Like It 8) *(I don't care if people say you used noclip, they are just stupid because they didn't even read the description lol)*
ツZaphkielVex Nock em
Nock em
Name of song:Bossfight nock em
and you don't have a brain stupid.
He was using NOCLIP for gameplay but, people think he is hacking going through blocks and I was like" Did you guys not read the description!?!" People just dont care about reading descriptions anymore.
Alternate title: har nock em with some high pitched nock em beatbox
No clip
Gael xD lol so true
Yes I
Give this man an award
1:21 rip tour ship [*]
I can’t go through an ordinary nock em but here’s also a complicated one (written by a translator)
How is it silent if I can hear it
ATOM RUclips don't be a hater
0:11 easy noclip sign
Read the description.
@@fuze1586 Read the description.
He crearly says it in the desc that he used noclip
monica lina oh
Noclip, noclip,noclip
I already noticed that you used noclip
the thorn crossed
Khe pedo Kon la kancion :v
Mal educado
My pulse when the girl sat down on her knees: 0:41
0:20 look at it... 4 spikes... no one can handle that!
Shadow Herobrine F.U.V It can be done
It can be done lol u need to get it frame perfect tho
You can literally just speed up and able to pass it
It is a noclip level, he says that in the description!!!!
Wow this looks very fun to play
Soo, you can still listen to it while playing
Loco estas usando noclip >:v con eso no se juega loco
el macho 33 :v entendiste que el no clip es para mostrar el nivel?
Soooooooo this is a noclip level? I saw you go into spikes just wounding great level
Can we talk about how baby cute pitched the music is 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dude, nock em ain't copyright. No need to make it high pitched!!
I know right
No boiiiiiiiiiiii
@@thepresence2997 it is
0:42 his mouse isnt liking this
1:23 slow it
read desc
SILENT NOCK EM (IMPOSSIBLE LEVEL!) *proceeds to beating it*
What hack is it??
Robert Mihai NoClip. Basically it disables the player's hitbox
He's a pro at the game
carol kane Nah
Carol Crane 1:22
It's noclip
Булкину это надо показать 🤣🤣
yes yes yes
No one cares
oh and nice no clip dude !
0:54 sounds like an ending
this guy is doing frame perfects on 20 fps, huge respect
And with the track: Nock Em, Goofy Edition
its a noclip version, watch any second and he will clip the wall, especially the ship parts
“I buffed it as best as I could”
I’m sorry but what
I agree noclip in this level.
Its glitch block
fack noclip
MASTER KIRILL look the description
Its impossible you do you. Expectt u peice of shit
yeah he had noclip on you can tell because on the spider part he went on top of the spikes
Did you see that're insane
La jitbacs :V lo salvo xD
Nada de noclip , es la jitbac :v
Clari que si :V
0:44 hacks?
Read the desc
Not so impossible if you can do it, huh?
Bug good joke :/ i guess
"Silent nock em" me who plays on silent volume : 😎
Why when the level ends it says that.34 seconds and use no clip
1:22 la jitbacs :V
Cristóbal GD ツ. Now i undestand
Cristóbal GD ツ c
He's a heckin' hacker
He is a hacker
No . Jitbacs es hitbox y noclip ya es pasarse del hitbox sin morir
Nah bro noclip is used
DuduGaming X no shit
Топ это ноуклип
Read desc...
He litterally said he used noclip in the description, better research next time😑
Me: QUADRIPPLES ARE IMPOSSIBLE! Me later: wait you use noclip
1:22 noclip spotted
Read the description
@@shanniieboo yes
1:29 No clip o_0
Read desc
I now 😎😎😎
Is no clip ha
Nah. The spike hit box is small
Noclip and have start pos
read desc
@SeraFin 12 but in 2.11 that is exactly possible, in which you briefly increase the speed of the spikes when building the lvl, so it is possible that you can skip more than 2 or 3 spikes, but that you can if you play it and over the spikes jumps with higher speed although it is not shown that it gets faster, for whoever plays the lvl it is normal speed but he can still jump over several spikes, this is only possible with an app that you connect to Gd and that is only possible in 2.11. despite all this it's fucking hard !!!!!
Ты читер я видел как ты через препятствия насквозь проходишь!!!
Д я тоже видел !!!!!! Ноулклип !!!!!!!!!
Это не чит это специальные блоки через них можно пройти
да на самолёте последнем
Сами бы прошли Silent nock em
Он ещё на шипы наскакивал
Recuerdo cuando hacias buen contenido u.u
es noclip no....
xX4LPONXXx solo por escribir mal le dices rata khe Bérgamo we? :v
son gohan como le digo? Morza? :v
XXΔLPΟПXXX si esta bien :v
Michelle Palma es noclip no
No click no sabes escribir
NanixGam3r como te digo Perfecto ... Respeta 😒
They don't make silent levels like Silent Clubstep, Silent Club and Silent Circles anymore.
Yep he's a noclip hacker
Read desc/ lee la descripción
Youre right he is a hacker
1:19 no clip
Read the description stupid
@@espipanda-1453 you stupid dude
@@omchinhhieu4768 You're stupid
AlexyzNizty all of you are stupid
2:08 ASCO xd
Ok this map is sick i just wish I was accualy good to be able to play it
Yup he is a hacker
such blind people
Shut up stupid 3 year old
Angela Bowery are You seriously?? Im more than 3 years Im not a kid
Ice Enderman Player 2 The Object Thingy Have you heard of a description? Oh wait.... your 5... umm.. I’ll explain it in and easier way.... Hey Kiddo! The description is a magical place where it tells most information that isn’t in the video! just freaking read the description.