made for my younger sister. THESE ANIMATIONS BELONG TO SZIN, MUSHROOMIE, AND ZIKSUA I DON'T OWN THEM! also, give me suggestions for my pride vids cuz my mind has gone blank #hamilfilm
@skits For your information she does have friends so don’t go around in the internet saying “Oh U dOn’T haVe FRIenddds because U inVitEd SoMeonE To Yttt FaAM”like WTF?
YES!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
your welcome! have you been wanting this?
I also love your profile pic!
Always tysm for me to be in ur yt fam!it’s a blessing,one of the most best things that’s happened to me in my life!
aw I'm glad u support and encourage me and others. I'm very blessed to call upart of my family
@skits you're really rude. and I have freinds. please leave
@skits For your information she does have friends so don’t go around in the internet saying “Oh U dOn’T haVe FRIenddds because U inVitEd SoMeonE To Yttt FaAM”like WTF?
this is amazing!!