Smile! It's all good. Yes, we are not here, but being beamed here by our higher self that resides in the spirit realm. Life is a consistent lucid dream, and that is totally fantastic. Create your dream world! Smile brother, it is all good!!
Wow. Yeah, this. The feeling that everything is awareness dropped into this free fall a few days ago. The best I can do to describe it is like an astronaut that’s always been going handhold to handhold, but this required pushing off. No solid ground, no one to land. It’s beautiful.
Perfect, beautiful piercing of the veil David. It absolutely does not exist. Presence is manifestation. So very subtle. Nothing is always here, perfectly said. Strikingly fearful, absolute freedom. And so the Truth is there is nothing and everything. In that I feel much love, joy, and peace.
This is the trouble with Neo Advaita/nonduality, when people engage in mental gymnastics to try to grasp truth when the truth transcends mind as thought, and can't really be described in words. ❤
No one awakens! That which IS, is ALL THERE IS. This is changeless. IS already IS, and It is fully awaken already. One cannot become what One is, nor can One get to where One never left.
There are 3 “levels”… There is being. It is being that is just being and not aware of anything because there is no separation or other. This is also known as the absolute. Then there is being aware. This is where being-ness becomes aware that it is. It is aware of its awareness. It is an impersonal knowing. This is also known as the first thought, which is I Am or consciousness. Finally, there is being aware of something. This is where separation takes place. It is the “I am this” or “I am that”. It is where the physical world takes form and the sense of I am this or that is associated with the personal sense (or a person).
I am still stuck in that final illusion. I can clearly see that the world is appearing within me, but this awareness still feels like a personal center. I can only hope for grace inorder to go beyond the Self.
If you lose your personal center, you will no longer be able to live in this reality. Living in society still requires being a separate individual. But now the ego understands that it is merely the ego and is just an avatar in this world. For me, as an ego, the most important thing is to understand that everything is not as it seems. Then comes liberation from samsara, because understanding arises. However, I, as an ego, do not disappear, and the other egos around me also do not go anywhere. The only difference is that they live in an illusion, and because of this illusion, they suffer more than I do.
I think it's a great idea to enjoy the appearance within you as that. Because that which feels stuck may be the need to separate, or seem to move towards "something else". Or a fear of stillness or restlessness. Does that sound relatable?
No “body” is stuck anywhere. There is just NOW, WHAT-IS, being all that is being. The Infinite, the Alone One, call it what you will, is already at Itself. This must be YOU, because It is all that is present to be YOU.
@ Just because True Identity is All Presence, the Alone Self, doesn’t mean that the body won’t go off and appear to do things in what appears as one’s daily round. Starting with Truth, with What-Is, one does what presented to be done, not for any self-aggrandizing reason, not to built up a sense of a separate self, but simply because it presents itself to be done. Because this One has no personal skin in the game, one ends up being more humane than any so-called human.
Yes I also was "against" relegion for a long time. But indeed that made me the same. The second part about the "dome" etc. A time ago I was biking and for a split second it was I was still en everything was coming towards/through me? Very strange. Can this be practiced? I think the danger of this is that it is people putting with more "thought" that perpetuates, so we have to be careafull :P
Yeah you can practice that. That's kinda what I mean with the inquiry in the senses. The Questions just lead into an exploration as a living practice 🙂 Also, that you're seeing the conceptual fixations appearing suggests that you're not bound by them anymore. As realisation deepens, the language makes less and less sense and is less important. I do what I do here because I know I can't control or define anything so there is the freedom to use concepts without them meaning anything. But like you're saying that is only half true, on the other hand I do have to be careful not to knowingly fuel that "knowable" world too much. It's kind of like a balancing act 😂
Can you please do a video about how memories operate? We seem to wake up every day and operate based on memories, which apparently never happened. Is the purpose of memories to keep us from waking up? I’m very interested in this topic lately.
Memories are thoughts, arent they. Its quite obvious that the past does not exist. More challenging l find the concept of the so called future...chasing a better life that will never come. For me its hard to let go of that because it implies there is no hope for things becoming "better" one day. I had glimpses of that, it was very dissorienting
@TheDreamer1980 good question. I made a video about this titled "I could be delusional". Where I suggest I could be a lunatic who is misleading everyone 😂
How can I deny seperateness if I withnessso many people treat me in destructive ways? How can they deceive, hurt or treat me unfair if they are one with me? Like... I know oneness is the truth, but in a world that acts from seperateness its impossible to deny the excistance thereof.
People can find it triggering when I talk about this one honestly. I know what you mean though. Deepening realisation will take care of this completely. But it doesn't solve any problems from the point of view of a self. You'll never believe me if I tell you. Just gotta find out 😂 Because it doesn't make any sort of sense from a personal point of view.
Am I hearing you correctly? When I close my eyes there is an assumption that whatever was experienced before closing my eyes is still there and that its always there, leading to a belief that there is a permanence of the experienced even while not experiencing it? And this also kind of sets up a sense of a something here and a something separate and permanent outside of here? (I realise that the word here implies a there, but you know what I mean. 😅) The juice here being the subtle suggestion of separateness in "something aware of awareness".
Yeah man I feel that's clear. It's the feeling of "leaning back" to a residing perspective apart from experience or "aware of" like you're saying versus the open and non-interpretative simplicity of "just so". When you can feel that happening directly then everything gets more immediate and direct/simple 🙂
When you consider all the attributes that the nothingness must inherently have then it equates to what one would consider God’s attributes. Spaceless, timeless, infinite, everything but no thing, no name, face, etc. It becomes the very foundation of reality. The nothingness that all springs forth from, it becomes the consciousness of God and the substance becomes God’s dream which our awareness experiences as one with him. We cannot know God without becoming one with God and then we know him as ourselves, however I believe God created an image of himself projected out as what can be called the son, or the Word made flesh, the perfect image of the Father and this image was created so that through the image we can come to know the eternal God, the one who otherwise is unknowable except through union. Until God enters back into the picture it will always just be an empty nothingness void, only God makes it make sense even though God himself is also a void because he himself is the foundation of reality, nothing can exist beyond him. He is existence itself. I am not referring to a religious God but the foundation of reality itself, the very ground of being from which there is nothing beyond.
I love that interpretation. A lot of the religious texts etc. Didn't make any sense to me until there was a change in perspective or a shift in the context. Now I have fresh reverence for a lot of the religious writings. Which is like a 180 degree turn from my previous understanding. I find expressions and pointings to what I talk about here everywhere now. I love it 🙂
That’s great! It’s the same for me, first I was hyper religious and then I went new age and then I became hyper religious again, finally I made contact with God face to face and realized God is nothing like what religion portrays him. God is beyond all our minds and concepts. Ultimately I realized we are all talking about the same thing but it’s just the subtle interpretations and symbolism of the wording that makes all the difference. Ultimately God is the very ground of reality, that which nothing is beyond, the end point of all searching and all rabbit holes, the point where there’s no where else to turn search or find answers, the unavoidable conclusion if one has searched fully and earnestly. The I Am that I Am and the you as one with it. The search is over now it’s all about embody his image fully now, so you can exercise your co-inherited dominion.
@ChidiOable I can totally relate to that 🙂 I came through slightly different schools of thought to arrive at the same conclusion. I really like the mystic or sufi approach it sounds just like what you've described 🙏
You reminded me of a video of David Bentley Hart talking about creatio ex nihilo and giving a critique of Lawrence Krauss treating “nothing” as a thing. I think it was Krauss anyway… it could have been Dawkins. Hart was at pains to stress that creation as referred to in the classical theistic tradition is not at act at the beginning of a linear timeline, but imminent in every moment. I can relate to your story about the “wee man” (does “wee” imply he’s very young or just short btw?). I’ve judged religious people expressing their beliefs, but I’ve never had a cynical perspective on religion because I wasn’t raised in one and never felt like any of them were imposing on me in an obvious way. I became more curious about them as I reached adulthood and almost became a Muslim at one point. I remain unaffiliated and let stick whatever is most sticky in the religions I peruse. I realised last year that I have a strong attraction to devotional practices, so started looking into Bhakti and Sufism. I’ve been trying to figure out why that is, and I think maybe it’s because ordinarily I’m quite analytical, so the Jnana approach is stimulating this tendency. The advantage of Bhakti is it bypasses all that and I can just open the door to love. When people ask me what I think God is my first thought is “the freedom to love”. I do believe the world is there when I’m not experiencing it, but I can find the doubt, just like I can find the doubt about the belief in a self. The latter seems more intuitively obvious for some reason… maybe because it seems less reliable.
That's cool. I think you're spot on about bypassing the analytical tendency. There is Definetely a trust aspect to this which comes online more as the personal will thins out. I think there is a "back and forth" aspect to this or a wave like movement between contraction and expansion, or focus and release (which I've noticed) that balances out. The balance or the "middle way" is like the center of 2 poles where it all comes back to. Something like that. Berry weird to try and describe but it sounds a bit like what you're saying if you can relate. It's like before I spent all of my existence at one extreme of opposites. But as the structure of self disappears everything comes to rest where it always was 😂
@difficult_to_describe Definitely a push and pull, but I do feel the default space is shifting into greater clarity. It's obvious there is no going back to the belief in identity and doership that seems like a kind of intoxication now. I'm still getting tipsy, as it were, but no longer bladdered with all the intense resistence and grasping that contextualised almost all my experiences.
I hate to be “paranoid”, (depends on perspective)but I’ve had a belief that our souls are “probes”, sent into a “denser/darker” form of existence, eventually to be absorbed back into the probe creator. I dislike this line of thinking of course, because it lessens my ego and I interpret it as bad since I may not have chose to come here after I had agency/experience. But it lines up with many other’s experiences. I definitely believe the higher worlds are reflected here and vice versa and maybe our current experience is needed to continue the existence of the higher world. I’d like to think they are separated, but that is obviously not the case.
Sounds like a beautiful belief. I'm sure there are a lot of realities which are true on one level but not ultimately true. I don't believe there are any limitations to possibilities. For example the "world of objects" is real on one level, but not ultimately real. Because it's substance is something limitless, free and infinitely novel/flexible, there is an immense and probably infinite variety of expressions and forms in the "physical world". They are all know able at one level, it's just like, what world would you like to know? 😄 I've known many worlds, but they are all based on the viewpoint of the knower. It's kind of like, when that knower is seen for what it is, not ultimately real, then it's degree of freedom increases infinitely. Because it's not bound to a fixed reality. It assumes the quality of a dream, the dreaming can be free and fun 🙂
It's very similar to my belief of the "Absolute Nothingness", a nonexistence existence, meaningless meaning, unbeing being and everytime you mention "it" you commit a paradox as it doesn't really "exist".
To bring your mind into a state of calm, take a walk in the park at dawn or immerse yourself in the contemplation of dew drops on a rose in the garden. Lying on the ground, look up at the sky and let your mind expand into its vastness; let the sky above awaken the sky within your mind. Stand by a stream and merge your mind with the flow of its currents, becoming one with their ceaseless sound. Sit by a waterfall and let its healing laughter cleanse your spirit. Walk along the shore, fully embracing the sweetness and force of the sea breeze. Admire the beauty of the moonlight and use it to bring your mind into the right balance. Sit by a lake or in a garden, breathe calmly, and let your mind freeze. With the slow and majestic rise of the Moon on a cloudless night.
@@KaleidosonicDreams528 I'm pretty sure yeah. But I can't say for sure that's due to awakening or not. I can't say I feel like this is about happiness though. For me it's more like peace and Okness. Connection with life as it is. Definitely deeper than happiness. How bout you?
There’s a vast difference between the conceptual and the actual. In order to speak of what is true or real, one must start with What-Is, as It is already present fact. In order words, one must start with what is present, what exists, what is being. This is irrefutable. There is only WHAT IS, what is-not, or what is not IS, is not the opposite of WHAT IS, as is-not means, non-existent, not present, not being. In other words, what is not IS, is not at all, it’s not here to be anything.
@@ferdinandalexander8053 Joke: Q: why can't you find a division between a concept and the actual? A: because division is a concept! 💥 It's the best joke because no one gets the punchline 😂
When you consider all the attributes that the nothingness must inherently have then it equates to what one would consider God’s attributes. Spaceless, timeless, infinite, everything but no thing, no name, face, etc. It becomes the very foundation of reality. The nothingness that all springs forth from, it becomes the consciousness of God and the substance becomes God’s dream which our awareness experiences as one with him. We cannot know God without becoming one with God and then we know him as ourselves, however I believe God created an image of himself projected out as what can be called the son, or the Word made flesh, the perfect image of the Father and this image was created so that through the image we can come to know the eternal God, the one who otherwise is unknowable except through union. Until God enters back into the picture it will always just be an empty nothingness void, only God makes it make sense even though God himself is also a void because he himself is the foundation of reality, nothing can exist beyond him. He is existence itself. I am not referring to a religious God but the foundation of reality itself, the very ground of being from which there is nothing beyond.
Smile! It's all good. Yes, we are not here, but being beamed here by our higher self that resides in the spirit realm. Life is a consistent lucid dream, and that is totally fantastic. Create your dream world! Smile brother, it is all good!!
That's it!
Wow. Yeah, this. The feeling that everything is awareness dropped into this free fall a few days ago. The best I can do to describe it is like an astronaut that’s always been going handhold to handhold, but this required pushing off. No solid ground, no one to land. It’s beautiful.
Awesome 😍
Perfect, beautiful piercing of the veil David. It absolutely does not exist. Presence is manifestation. So very subtle. Nothing is always here, perfectly said. Strikingly fearful, absolute freedom. And so the Truth is there is nothing and everything. In that I feel much love, joy, and peace.
Beautiful bro. Thank you! ❤️
Thank you, David, I’ll have to listen to this over again, I honestly didn’t comprehend it completely or maybe barely. ❤
@@madalynmoth4263 Maybe that's good! 😄👌
This is the trouble with Neo Advaita/nonduality, when people engage in mental gymnastics to try to grasp truth when the truth transcends mind as thought, and can't really be described in words. ❤
Thank you ☺️
It seems some of us need to do that. I'm certainly one of them 😂
No one awakens! That which IS, is ALL THERE IS. This is changeless. IS already IS, and It is fully awaken already. One cannot become what One is, nor can One get to where One never left.
@@ferdinandalexander8053 Perfect ❤️
There are 3 “levels”… There is being. It is being that is just being and not aware of anything because there is no separation or other. This is also known as the absolute. Then there is being aware. This is where being-ness becomes aware that it is. It is aware of its awareness. It is an impersonal knowing. This is also known as the first thought, which is I Am or consciousness. Finally, there is being aware of something. This is where separation takes place. It is the “I am this” or “I am that”. It is where the physical world takes form and the sense of I am this or that is associated with the personal sense (or a person).
Nice ❤️
God is an idea. A beautiful idea, but just an idea.
I am still stuck in that final illusion. I can clearly see that the world is appearing within me, but this awareness still feels like a personal center. I can only hope for grace inorder to go beyond the Self.
If you lose your personal center, you will no longer be able to live in this reality. Living in society still requires being a separate individual. But now the ego understands that it is merely the ego and is just an avatar in this world. For me, as an ego, the most important thing is to understand that everything is not as it seems. Then comes liberation from samsara, because understanding arises. However, I, as an ego, do not disappear, and the other egos around me also do not go anywhere. The only difference is that they live in an illusion, and because of this illusion, they suffer more than I do.
I think it's a great idea to enjoy the appearance within you as that. Because that which feels stuck may be the need to separate, or seem to move towards "something else". Or a fear of stillness or restlessness. Does that sound relatable?
No “body” is stuck anywhere. There is just NOW, WHAT-IS, being all that is being. The Infinite, the Alone One, call it what you will, is already at Itself. This must be YOU, because It is all that is present to be YOU.
Do you want to get rid of feeling that you are an individual? How are you going to do any kind of work in the society, then?
@ Just because True Identity is All Presence, the Alone Self, doesn’t mean that the body won’t go off and appear to do things in what appears as one’s daily round. Starting with Truth, with What-Is, one does what presented to be done, not for any self-aggrandizing reason, not to built up a sense of a separate self, but simply because it presents itself to be done. Because this One has no personal skin in the game, one ends up being more humane than any so-called human.
Yes I also was "against" relegion for a long time. But indeed that made me the same.
The second part about the "dome" etc. A time ago I was biking and for a split second it was I was still en everything was coming towards/through me? Very strange.
Can this be practiced? I think the danger of this is that it is people putting with more "thought" that perpetuates, so we have to be careafull :P
Yeah you can practice that. That's kinda what I mean with the inquiry in the senses. The Questions just lead into an exploration as a living practice 🙂
Also, that you're seeing the conceptual fixations appearing suggests that you're not bound by them anymore. As realisation deepens, the language makes less and less sense and is less important. I do what I do here because I know I can't control or define anything so there is the freedom to use concepts without them meaning anything. But like you're saying that is only half true, on the other hand I do have to be careful not to knowingly fuel that "knowable" world too much. It's kind of like a balancing act 😂
@difficult_to_describe 🧘🏾♀
Can you please do a video about how memories operate? We seem to wake up every day and operate based on memories, which apparently never happened. Is the purpose of memories to keep us from waking up? I’m very interested in this topic lately.
@@JayJayK1133 Sure I will try! 🙂
Memories are thoughts, arent they. Its quite obvious that the past does not exist. More challenging l find the concept of the so called future...chasing a better life that will never come. For me its hard to let go of that because it implies there is no hope for things becoming "better" one day. I had glimpses of that, it was very dissorienting
@difficult_to_describe I am also interested in this topic, because there seems to be a storyline with same people, places and activities.
What makes you think this guy has all the answers?.
@TheDreamer1980 good question. I made a video about this titled "I could be delusional". Where I suggest I could be a lunatic who is misleading everyone 😂
How can I deny seperateness if I withnessso many people treat me in destructive ways? How can they deceive, hurt or treat me unfair if they are one with me?
Like... I know oneness is the truth, but in a world that acts from seperateness its impossible to deny the excistance thereof.
People can find it triggering when I talk about this one honestly. I know what you mean though. Deepening realisation will take care of this completely. But it doesn't solve any problems from the point of view of a self. You'll never believe me if I tell you. Just gotta find out 😂 Because it doesn't make any sort of sense from a personal point of view.
I didn't know Tesco car parks had such an effect on people. Impressive. Must be God's presence in the non-personal part of the plan.
I think there is an aisle for it. It's up the back 😂
I think there is an aisle for it. It's up the back 😂
Am I hearing you correctly? When I close my eyes there is an assumption that whatever was experienced before closing my eyes is still there and that its always there, leading to a belief that there is a permanence of the experienced even while not experiencing it? And this also kind of sets up a sense of a something here and a something separate and permanent outside of here? (I realise that the word here implies a there, but you know what I mean. 😅) The juice here being the subtle suggestion of separateness in "something aware of awareness".
Yeah man I feel that's clear. It's the feeling of "leaning back" to a residing perspective apart from experience or "aware of" like you're saying versus the open and non-interpretative simplicity of "just so". When you can feel that happening directly then everything gets more immediate and direct/simple 🙂
@difficult_to_describe That clarified some more stuff here. Much appreciated. 🙏🏼
When you consider all the attributes that the nothingness must inherently have then it equates to what one would consider God’s attributes.
Spaceless, timeless, infinite, everything but no thing, no name, face, etc.
It becomes the very foundation of reality. The nothingness that all springs forth from, it becomes the consciousness of God and the substance becomes God’s dream which our awareness experiences as one with him.
We cannot know God without becoming one with God and then we know him as ourselves, however I believe God created an image of himself projected out as what can be called the son, or the Word made flesh, the perfect image of the Father and this image was created so that through the image we can come to know the eternal God, the one who otherwise is unknowable except through union.
Until God enters back into the picture it will always just be an empty nothingness void, only God makes it make sense even though God himself is also a void because he himself is the foundation of reality, nothing can exist beyond him. He is existence itself.
I am not referring to a religious God but the foundation of reality itself, the very ground of being from which there is nothing beyond.
I love that interpretation. A lot of the religious texts etc. Didn't make any sense to me until there was a change in perspective or a shift in the context. Now I have fresh reverence for a lot of the religious writings. Which is like a 180 degree turn from my previous understanding. I find expressions and pointings to what I talk about here everywhere now. I love it 🙂
That’s great! It’s the same for me, first I was hyper religious and then I went new age and then I became hyper religious again, finally I made contact with God face to face and realized God is nothing like what religion portrays him. God is beyond all our minds and concepts. Ultimately I realized we are all talking about the same thing but it’s just the subtle interpretations and symbolism of the wording that makes all the difference. Ultimately God is the very ground of reality, that which nothing is beyond, the end point of all searching and all rabbit holes, the point where there’s no where else to turn search or find answers, the unavoidable conclusion if one has searched fully and earnestly. The I Am that I Am and the you as one with it. The search is over now it’s all about embody his image fully now, so you can exercise your co-inherited dominion.
@ChidiOable I can totally relate to that 🙂 I came through slightly different schools of thought to arrive at the same conclusion. I really like the mystic or sufi approach it sounds just like what you've described 🙏
You reminded me of a video of David Bentley Hart talking about creatio ex nihilo and giving a critique of Lawrence Krauss treating “nothing” as a thing. I think it was Krauss anyway… it could have been Dawkins. Hart was at pains to stress that creation as referred to in the classical theistic tradition is not at act at the beginning of a linear timeline, but imminent in every moment.
I can relate to your story about the “wee man” (does “wee” imply he’s very young or just short btw?). I’ve judged religious people expressing their beliefs, but I’ve never had a cynical perspective on religion because I wasn’t raised in one and never felt like any of them were imposing on me in an obvious way. I became more curious about them as I reached adulthood and almost became a Muslim at one point. I remain unaffiliated and let stick whatever is most sticky in the religions I peruse. I realised last year that I have a strong attraction to devotional practices, so started looking into Bhakti and Sufism. I’ve been trying to figure out why that is, and I think maybe it’s because ordinarily I’m quite analytical, so the Jnana approach is stimulating this tendency. The advantage of Bhakti is it bypasses all that and I can just open the door to love. When people ask me what I think God is my first thought is “the freedom to love”.
I do believe the world is there when I’m not experiencing it, but I can find the doubt, just like I can find the doubt about the belief in a self. The latter seems more intuitively obvious for some reason… maybe because it seems less reliable.
That's cool. I think you're spot on about bypassing the analytical tendency. There is Definetely a trust aspect to this which comes online more as the personal will thins out. I think there is a "back and forth" aspect to this or a wave like movement between contraction and expansion, or focus and release (which I've noticed) that balances out. The balance or the "middle way" is like the center of 2 poles where it all comes back to. Something like that. Berry weird to try and describe but it sounds a bit like what you're saying if you can relate. It's like before I spent all of my existence at one extreme of opposites. But as the structure of self disappears everything comes to rest where it always was 😂
@difficult_to_describe Definitely a push and pull, but I do feel the default space is shifting into greater clarity. It's obvious there is no going back to the belief in identity and doership that seems like a kind of intoxication now. I'm still getting tipsy, as it were, but no longer bladdered with all the intense resistence and grasping that contextualised almost all my experiences.
I hate to be “paranoid”, (depends on perspective)but I’ve had a belief that our souls are “probes”, sent into a “denser/darker” form of existence, eventually to be absorbed back into the probe creator. I dislike this line of thinking of course, because it lessens my ego and I interpret it as bad since I may not have chose to come here after I had agency/experience. But it lines up with many other’s experiences. I definitely believe the higher worlds are reflected here and vice versa and maybe our current experience is needed to continue the existence of the higher world. I’d like to think they are separated, but that is obviously not the case.
Sounds like a beautiful belief. I'm sure there are a lot of realities which are true on one level but not ultimately true. I don't believe there are any limitations to possibilities. For example the "world of objects" is real on one level, but not ultimately real. Because it's substance is something limitless, free and infinitely novel/flexible, there is an immense and probably infinite variety of expressions and forms in the "physical world". They are all know able at one level, it's just like, what world would you like to know? 😄 I've known many worlds, but they are all based on the viewpoint of the knower. It's kind of like, when that knower is seen for what it is, not ultimately real, then it's degree of freedom increases infinitely. Because it's not bound to a fixed reality. It assumes the quality of a dream, the dreaming can be free and fun 🙂
There is no I,… only the “ing” - learned that from Paul Hedderman
It's very similar to my belief of the "Absolute Nothingness", a nonexistence existence, meaningless meaning, unbeing being and everytime you mention "it" you commit a paradox as it doesn't really "exist".
Yeah! That makes a lot of sense to me. More sense than anything having meaning 😂
Love the paradoxes (nowhere/now here) Thank you. 🫡
I dont get it. What is lil bro saying
The suggestion is there's nothing here that''s 'knot'
To bring your mind into a state of calm, take a walk in the park at dawn or immerse yourself in the contemplation of dew drops on a rose in the garden. Lying on the ground, look up at the sky and let your mind expand into its vastness; let the sky above awaken the sky within your mind. Stand by a stream and merge your mind with the flow of its currents, becoming one with their ceaseless sound. Sit by a waterfall and let its healing laughter cleanse your spirit. Walk along the shore, fully embracing the sweetness and force of the sea breeze. Admire the beauty of the moonlight and use it to bring your mind into the right balance. Sit by a lake or in a garden, breathe calmly, and let your mind freeze. With the slow and majestic rise of the Moon on a cloudless night.
Beautifully written thank you ❤️
Are you happier now you’re awake?
@@KaleidosonicDreams528 I'm pretty sure yeah. But I can't say for sure that's due to awakening or not. I can't say I feel like this is about happiness though. For me it's more like peace and Okness. Connection with life as it is. Definitely deeper than happiness. How bout you?
It’s not that there isn’t awareness…it just doesn’t belong to a you…
@@richardbelisle-c1e I'm thinking we have hit the limits of language 😂 Woohoo! 😍
Where is the universe?
@@brushstroke3733 I don't have a satisfying conceptual answer for that but it sounds like an awesome inquiry question 😍
In our dreams.
I believe I'm really here
Perfect 🙂
There’s a vast difference between the conceptual and the actual. In order to speak of what is true or real, one must start with What-Is, as It is already present fact. In order words, one must start with what is present, what exists, what is being. This is irrefutable. There is only WHAT IS, what is-not, or what is not IS, is not the opposite of WHAT IS, as is-not means, non-existent, not present, not being. In other words, what is not IS, is not at all, it’s not here to be anything.
@@ferdinandalexander8053 Joke:
Q: why can't you find a division between a concept and the actual?
A: because division is a concept!
It's the best joke because no one gets the punchline 😂
@ 😂😂
It is so sad you have to live in your car. I hope you find shelter soon son.
@@Karel-o4m 😄 Thanks, I'll get there one day 🤞
Yea no such thing as here non location
You should go find a legit master. You will progress on your path faster. Good luck.
@@meditateforawareness I'd love to do that 🙂 thank you ❤️
When you consider all the attributes that the nothingness must inherently have then it equates to what one would consider God’s attributes.
Spaceless, timeless, infinite, everything but no thing, no name, face, etc.
It becomes the very foundation of reality. The nothingness that all springs forth from, it becomes the consciousness of God and the substance becomes God’s dream which our awareness experiences as one with him.
We cannot know God without becoming one with God and then we know him as ourselves, however I believe God created an image of himself projected out as what can be called the son, or the Word made flesh, the perfect image of the Father and this image was created so that through the image we can come to know the eternal God, the one who otherwise is unknowable except through union.
Until God enters back into the picture it will always just be an empty nothingness void, only God makes it make sense even though God himself is also a void because he himself is the foundation of reality, nothing can exist beyond him. He is existence itself.
I am not referring to a religious God but the foundation of reality itself, the very ground of being from which there is nothing beyond.