If a farmer earns the minim wage at £12 per hour for 37 hours =£444 per week, x 52 = £23,088 per year , Now Show me a farmer that works 37 hours a week !!! More like 70 hours per week, and the vast majority of those hours they are doing bloody hard labour ! You think they well paid and lead a cushy life then think again, think of that farmer who is getting out of bed at 4 oclock in the morning to milk cows, next time you put milk in your tea just think of the effort it took for you to be able to do that ! STARMER - he hasent got a bloody clue, Get him out .
Spot on I worked on a farm when I was 12 during the school holidays and we started at 4am and finished about 10 pm very hard work but it was great but when we left the farmer was still working I would love to see starmer and his lot working the land they wouldn’t last 5 mins
@@blackantaned I don’t know who you are sir, but for pensioners like yourself and your wife, my father included, when you’ve worked all your lives and paid into the pot for years, I’d say you should all be entitled to free utilities or at a very reduced rate. It’s absolutely disgusting what this government has done to pensioners.
How often do you listen to an MP and burst out laughing for all the right reasons? Well done Richard, vote Reform and lets get this country back on its feet!
Often ,farage is like a comedy show, he cannot do his job he was elected for how can he be a pm. He is to weak and frightened to hold a clinic , yet he can go to a hunt with his rich pals and minders and forget the people of clacton that would be really funny he gets voted ou, he is a disgrace.
@mark1282 she is not an economist, has never been, she lied on her CV, she was in retail banking. if she was she wouldn't of tanked the economy worse than Liz Truss gov, which was actually ousted by globalists via TBE. Rachel is clueless, and put this country back by 20 years with her budget / policy
Sadly the voters are train drivers, nurses, doctors and their supporting family members and until it directly affects them …. they’re still pro labour .. The cracks in the system though are hurting the pensioners who vote tory anyway, who’s children daren’t let out they voted labour in 🤷♂️
Its bloody ridiculous 🙄 We have elderly people sitting in their homes in coats gloves hats & scarfs just to stay warm, constantly worried about turning the poxy lights on so will often sit in the dark or use torches or candles, people that have given their lives over to the protection of the uk past & present as service men & women now living on our streets homeless, yet we have people who have illegally broke into Britain being put up in hotels free to sit in their brightly lit rooms with heating at full wack, food in their bellies & a nice warm bed not a care in the world or worry about paying for it....bloody ludicrous.
I’m nearly sixty with disability my bungalow turns into a fridge without heat, I get benefits tomorrow but tonight have none and am freezing,he wants to kill the elderly to house illegal imagrants. Sorry about spelling,suffer brain injury.
I have been saying this for months, I get no reply👺👺👺👺👺there are hundreds of men being kept in hotels DOING NOTHING???? Why are the British people being taxed on even pensions???? It's screwy!👺👺👺👺👺
@riolewis4713 it's like the 70s all over again but worse. This time there aren't any politicians of gravitas and knowledge just a bunch of Marxist students on one side and left leaning liberals masquerading as Tories on the other. Happy days
She has a PPE from New College, Oxford and an MSc in economics from the LSE and worked at the Bank of England. She is not "Rachel from accounts"...She worked at the Bank of England for six years in its structural economic analysis division and was seconded to the British Embassy in Washington for about 18 months. As Second Secretary In the economics division. This is what the Yorkshire Post reported in 2021 in an interview with her: "In 2006, she moved to Yorkshire after getting a job at Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) on the retail mortgages team." If she had wanted to keep that secret, how was it relayed to the Yorkshire Post?
I think the farmers are like a lot of people, property rich but monetary poor. I also think that the government are hoping that the farmers will have to sell their land and it will be snapped up for house building ! Keep fighting Richard and co !
What Ballocks !! A farmer was trilled about the tax ?????? Defense cuts !! So what country will the U.K. pay to defend it ?? Starmer's team are completely Out of Their Minds !
Labour are giving 3 billion to Ukraine, so I am guessing Ukraine, but I also remember that our troops will be enlisted into the European Military Forces after talks with Brussels?
Why not let them stay in the hotels the pensioners - I think paying for illegal immigrants and giving them free transport is absolutely outrageous when you cannot look after our pensioners?????
As a pensioner who is 2.8p over limit for pensions credit and a single person as well who will alsoose my single person discount on CT I wish I could live in a four star hotel with 4 meals a day and be lovely and warm not afraid to put heating on it's disgusting that pensioners have worked all their lives and were getting a bit of help with their heating but a labour government the ones who supposedly care for working class have STOLEN it from us they keep saying yes but the triple lock is giving you 430 a year extra next year so your better off thanks to us LIARS Tories had already made sure triple lock was kept and THEY had no intention of stealing our 200 heating allowance it's only 300 iIF YOUR OVER 80 my cousin who worked from age 14 till he was FORCED to retire due to terminal cancer at 79 has just received THREE letters from DWP first one congratulating him on reaching 80 and now being entitled to a MASSIVE 25p a WEEK increase and increase all 80 year olds get which has never increased in over 20 years wouldn't pay for a pint of milk patronising and totally insulting 2ndetter saying he and his wife wete NOT eligibility for the 300 heating allowance as he was now 80 thats what they lost and 3rd letter letting him knkw government would still be paying him the TEN POUNDS xmas bonus which would be helpful gor fuel bills the 10 pound bonus. began in 1972 and then my parents could buy 2 bags of coal keeping house warm and hot water constantly for almost 2 weeks and they still had enough left to buy some shopping for a few meals that ten pounds TODAY wouldn't pay my energy bill for even 4 days MPs are excellent at giving themselves increases but never think of increasing the so called Xmas bonus or payment for reaching ages of 80 they wouldn't accept same payment for 52 YEARS now Starmer says the 530 increase next year is making us all better off and giving us more than he stole from us I'm no brainbox but my maths tells me his is definitely wrong I lose 200 heating allowance I lose my 25%dickuny on CT equating to over £130 my energy bill INCREASED in oct by 138 my foid shop has gobe up ny £11.45 a week as im o er limit for pensions credit im paying for glasses and dental treTment unlike the illegal immigrants who receive all that free as well i neither smome or drink but i enjoyed a few days at my OAP s club sadly i. Ant afford to attend anymore too embarrassed to admit I can't afford the small amount asked for a dinner in club or buy a raffle ticket so to save my embarrassment I now stay at home with blankets wrapped round me so when I total up how much more I'm paying out BEFORE the 430 increase next year I'm not as Starmer claims financially better off I'm worse off by a few hundred pounds id like EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of PARLIAMENT to live on JUST a state pension not for a week or two but for 6 months during which time they can't access their fat bank accounts for help and see how well they manage on 11k a year instead of the 95k they get for being pathological LIARS to ALL their constituency they appear out of the woodwork every time theyre loooking for votrs promise the sun moon at stars guarantee that they will improve tjings once they vet thekr seat in parliament they show their yrue colours they dont give a ying fuk about them e who elected them oy intetest seems to be in lining their own pockets and freebirs wrte now hearing about ate disgusting and IMOimmoral and illegal it's accepting bribes no matter how they yry and cover it up and LABOUR the party for working vlasses ars WORST of the lot my patents and large extended famy were ALL loyal labour voters. It wentime ALL our friends and their families have sworn to NEVER vote labour again as long as we live never here kier or Stalin Starmer has single handedly DESTROYED LABOUR PARTY PERMANENTLY by his actions and deeds he's anti British and anti elderly ares more about looking after health and safety of illegal immigrants than white indigenous British citizen who have worked and paid into the system for several years and last straw is hearing him SILENCE MPs in Westminster andeaxer of the house silence them as well NEVER in HISTORY has MPs been SILENCED in Westminster and I. believe we have right to know why what's he hiding and who or what is he covering up grab the gear kier maybe a SIR but he is paid by TAXPAYERS to SERVE BRITISH TAXPAYERS NOT to self serve himself and continuously lie to us to protect his favoured sections of society enough is enough we know MPs were silenced re questions re Southport and that labour party are withholding further I formation to pr{tect tge petpetrator of these hideous crimes we know the perpetrator dad has a nasty past in Rwanda and that 2 tier mier was involved in ensuring he was given asylum here in 2003 but wbat else is be hiding that made him silence OUR MPs denied them their paiamentry pri ilge to adk questio s and WHY did leader of tbe housr also SILENCE them whole lot of them need to grkw a pair and DEMAND to know soThey can explain to taxpsyers who employ them WHY fir first time EVER in whole history of parliament were tbey SILENCED stop. Ring such cowards who only care about their wages and give public answers they deserve WE EMPLOY MPs to serve Us NIT to protect a select few and lie and treat us as fools WE ARE NOT STUPID and we DEMAND HONESTY I know labour have problems even spelled honesty or yruth line WHY is reerves still in Westminster she lied on her cv and repeated the lie AFTER beibg fkund out day of budget she AGAIN STATED she was an economist in HSBC when she oy ever dealt with cusyomers complaints was involved for her part for in fraudulent expenses claim and was about to be fired for misconduct due to LYING again stating she wss too ill to attend work when on investigations it was found she wS attending LABOUR PARTY MEETING WHY the hell do we have a chancellor who constantly lirs every time she moves ber lips and why did sleamer of the house NOT pull her up on her KNOWN and PROVEN lies about her job lying on a cv is illegal an offence and is a sacked offense so WHY did free gear kier NOT sack her minute her lies anout cv wete exposed hed have done plenty of shouting if that wS a tory or reform especially roll on may elevtiobs when teform will take every labour seat as even diehats labour voters HATE what starmer had turned tbe party into hez maming GB a dictatorship whete be jails anyobe who DAReS the have an opinion that dkesnt fit with his. A NASTY EVIL and IMO a VERY DANGEROUS 😢MAN TO BE RUNNING GREAT BRITAIN god help us all if he's not thrown out sooner rather than later along with his complete cabinet then just maybe the decent labour MPs will show some backbone and remember who and why LABOUR PARTY were started for it certainly was not for labour MPs to FATTEN their own wallets and put pensioners into poverty or to watch exservicemen sleeping and dying on streets while taxpsyers pay against their will to provide r star hotels fully inclusive plus mobile phones clothes cas free travel and last straw PRIVATE HEALTH CARE Shane on every member of labour party 3 cowardly or to greedy thinking of their paypacjets to stand up for the working classes and rights of the white indigenous British taxpsyers who pay your overpaid salaries we should be allowed to have a vote of no confidence in our government as we wouldn't trust one LIEBOUR MP to put a shilling in the meter it would be kept to help the illegal immigrants he's happy to risk in his own figures 4000 pensioners lives by stealing their heating allowance yet MPs are still claiming THEIR 2500 heating allowance for 2nd homes which is odd as he and theiving reeves are privately rentout out their MAIN homes SCAMMING from the public purse yet AGAIN get the6IUT NIW before they TOTALLY DESTROY what they'veeft of our once great country and where is our king whilst it's happening out talking to his plants or counting the 11million he's grabbing from NHS for a garage to keep ambulances in Great Britain noinger has anything Great about it especially if your British and or elderly 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
It's not just farmers,it has a knock on effect, so many depend on farming industry ,lorry drivers. Tractor firms, etc etc. Farming is the last bastion of British industry,so this idiotic policy hopefully will bring the government down
This country is facing the biggest crisis, l can ever remember, and l am 78 but nothing on the news and know talk shows,but news about other countries ,
Brilliant, love reform, please vote reform, our best chance of getting our country back on track, we need hope and light, not dismal disgusting starmer xxxxxxx
Supporting own fat Cat class of hypocrites who spend more time protesting for paying taxes and demand freebies which they are not entitled to .Parasites in village bars who can offerd to Pxxx down the drain thousands of £ every year must pay taxes first .
Because everybody just complains on the social media platform, Starmer doesn't look on youtube, we all need to march on downing street and call him out for what he is
It's gonna be brutal. May the utter panic start then in Labour HQ and constituency offices nationwide. Many new Labour MP's realising they are going to be one-term wonders.They may already be looking at their careers out of politics.
I owned a small bakery business that won national awards. Lockdown killed it, from a valued 160k to 40k in 2 years, I had to sell. I used the money to buy a smallholding, I planned to start a small farming business, and already had the business plan and customers lined up. North Somerset council contacted me out of the blue and changed my land from agriculture to 'leisure & greenbelt', meaning I cannot use it. 2 businesses lost due to terrible government, and I know many, many more people either not working today, or on minimum wage jobs who, at one time were trying or even succeeding in creating business/jobs & wealth! I have never had a satisfactory explanation... I am now looking at moving to another country...
I‘ve got a small business. Pretty successful 2006 till 2020. Then we had Covid, then ir35, then 25% CT, then NI hike, now we’re on our knees. It’s totally unsustainable.
@paulinej2834 not if you go to Bede and get it from the back of the shop. I have bought 5 different styles over the last 25/30 years. They are all still good.
Can you see anyone in the labour party omitting they went to cosco to buy some cheese and came out with a canoe! The reform party are real people that have worked for a living and in touch with the electorate. Pity our first past the post electoral system hinders progress for them.
I don't know, something is going on. They've seen themselves tank in the polls, they know their decisions are bad but keep going one after the other, 2 tier off all around the country promising god knows what but they don't seem to care and talk about a longer term.
Mr Tice should be prime minister/ he has a full understanding of society as a whole and does not disrespect pensioners and hardworking people and would not treat us as second class citizens. RR re inheritance tax for farmers was a disgrace i have always understood that farmers are not overpaid due to ploughing finance into their business, RR answer was they could repay the money over 10 years and i read if this happens the would have to pay interest on that, even greater burden to their children/so RR has put them in a no win situation . I admired the farmers protest which was held in a respectful way/its a pity that Parliament cannot show them the same respect.
Farm land and the people who farmer it are of national importance and should be defended and supported and not pushed off the land to be replaced by multinational corporations who are experts at avoiding taxes or new towns built by builders who are also experts at tax avoidance.
We would do well to just adopt the US consititution. It saved the US from the DS where no other countries constitution could, not even the UK unwritten document.
Aye & get rid of all the unwelcome boat people ASAP all the money wasted on that lot should have paid the pensioners heating bills governments should ne bl...y well ashamed of themselves We've had up to -11 here in Scotland & winters not started yet !!!!!!!
Why is Starmer away from the UK so often ? I think that the British atmosphere has become intolerable for him. He doesn't just know that millions of people hate him. He can feel it in the air.
I really enjoyed the conversation between you two,thank you,and a lot of truths spoken that made a lot of sense pity the government didn’t hear it might give them some sensible ideas to run the country properly
Absolutely spot on! Starmer couldn't navigate a Tesco meal deal, let alone support farmers, pensioners, or our armed forces. 🚜💂♂🥴 Classic Labour - all talk, no backbone. 🤷♂
My father is sat in the dark every single night when I FaceTime him,coats on in the dark with his woolly hat on! It breaks my heart and won’t accept my help through pride. He bought a battery sensor light for £2 so he can see when he moves around so he doesn’t fall. If anything happens to him I will most definitely take action as this government has neglected their elderly instead of respecting them. The day we rid of labour we will celebrate along with the vast majority of UK.
And the windows of the asylum seekers hotels are open all year , all the heat going out because they don’t have to worry about paying the gas electric bills
I could never understand why people pay inheritance tax on property that they actually own and want to leave family members it is appalling and it's wrong because you already pay tax when you purchase a property if it's over a certain amount so it's appalling and disgraceful and wrong.
We need to be as close to self sufficient as possible in two vital commodities: food and fuel. Reform is by far the best party to achieve that goal, at the moment we are nowhere near it War is just around the corner..
@@paulinej2834thanks, I've been saying that. Labour left a massive debt or black hole at the end of their last government. Why isn't this spoken about?
Apparently anyone who doesn't agree with Starmer is far right, Labour, a right bunch of pillocks.
Well, I'm far right then
@@KKeebeeB You far right pillock. Only joshing.
I could think of a better word!!!
Going to a banned meeting with every far right nutcase in Europe tells us everything we need to know about Farage, Tice and the other reform henchmen.
Labour is far right part of the new World Socialist Citizens Party as is China wake up
Rayner left school with more kids than qualifications...
I actually quite like Rayner tbh
Can’t stand her stupid voice😡😡
@@matthewv4170hope that's a joke ffs
Blimey, no wonder she called it the Ginger Growler then!
That's no surprise is it?? she has an NVQ in Care, of course that's how she got to be deputy PM 🤣🤣🤣
If a farmer earns the minim wage at £12 per hour for 37 hours =£444 per week, x 52 = £23,088 per year , Now Show me a farmer that works 37 hours a week !!! More like 70 hours per week, and the vast majority of those hours they are doing bloody hard labour ! You think they well paid and lead a cushy life then think again, think of that farmer who is getting out of bed at 4 oclock in the morning to milk cows, next time you put milk in your tea just think of the effort it took for you to be able to do that ! STARMER - he hasent got a bloody clue, Get him out .
My son works on a Farm..He works from 7:30 am until 6:00pm (when it's not too busy, and there are enough other staff)...and has four days off..a MONTH
Spot on I worked on a farm when I was 12 during the school holidays and we started at 4am and finished about 10 pm very hard work but it was great but when we left the farmer was still working I would love to see starmer and his lot working the land they wouldn’t last 5 mins
They also depends on the weather and a year like this one, with all the rain, must affect the yield from their crops.....
@@Captainblack710 Well said.👨🌾🚜👏
Oh dear I've lost 1/2 a cup of coffee in Nero's a week.
❤️love and respect to you I’m so sorry that you played the game and they cheated
@@blackantaned I don’t know who you are sir, but for pensioners like yourself and your wife, my father included, when you’ve worked all your lives and paid into the pot for years, I’d say you should all be entitled to free utilities or at a very reduced rate. It’s absolutely disgusting what this government has done to pensioners.
@@keithapps Really?
@@keithapps maybe you’ll need that money when you’re old, you selfish POS.
This country is like a father who donates money to charities whilst his children are cold and hungry. Charity begins at home !
Why don't they sack some of the civil servants to save money!
They don't know they've got any they're still working from home
@@paulslater9061The civil servants may have knowledge of wrong doing??
Not spending billions on illegals would be a far better idea.
@@LindaMcDonald-i7u could explain why they all seem to get very generous pensions. Hush money for life?
@@nikkip338580% of YOUR council tax goes THEIR pension pot....😢
Absolutely correct.
His last rally called for a minutes silence. The only noise you could hear was a helicopter. He is a patriot,
Paul Golding is too. Look him up!
How often do you listen to an MP and burst out laughing for all the right reasons? Well done Richard, vote Reform and lets get this country back on its feet!
Too long to wait the damage is done and get worse
Imagine, one day, Farage as PM, But Kemi will have her day to make her mark on history, first
Often ,farage is like a comedy show, he cannot do his job he was elected for how can he be a pm. He is to weak and frightened to hold a clinic , yet he can go to a hunt with his rich pals and minders and forget the people of clacton that would be really funny he gets voted ou, he is a disgrace.
Only party talking sense is Reform UK, we must get them in ASAP
Definetley the mainstream parties no longer represent Brish people our culture and values
Reform's idea of sense is to sell the NHS to the Americans and stop all state pensions, just so they can cut pensions for the very rich.
Even the bit where Richard Tice laid and said Rachel Reeves wasn't an economist?
@mark1282 she is not an economist, has never been, she lied on her CV, she was in retail banking. if she was she wouldn't of tanked the economy worse than Liz Truss gov, which was actually ousted by globalists via TBE. Rachel is clueless, and put this country back by 20 years with her budget / policy
They need to get they ducks line up now it's looking like they gone get in
Starmer the farmer harmer this will be the last time labour are allowed to run this country what a shower
Thats been said before
There not running it , they are wrecking it 😢
Sadly the voters are train drivers, nurses, doctors and their supporting family members and until it directly affects them …. they’re still pro labour .. The cracks in the system though are hurting the pensioners who vote tory anyway, who’s children daren’t let out they voted labour in 🤷♂️
Richard Tice talks common sense no wonder the Reform Party is becoming more popular with many people
And why msm try & trash him & Reform at every opportunity.
@paulinej2834 Definitely many people have had enough of the mainstream political party's
He's a good communicator with all the sense and polish that Liebour lacks
They've lost numerous voters just because of him?
...only if you're hard of thinking...
Even the labour MPs were laughing at Rachel from accounts
Its bloody ridiculous 🙄 We have elderly people sitting in their homes in coats gloves hats & scarfs just to stay warm, constantly worried about turning the poxy lights on so will often sit in the dark or use torches or candles, people that have given their lives over to the protection of the uk past & present as service men & women now living on our streets homeless, yet we have people who have illegally broke into Britain being put up in hotels free to sit in their brightly lit rooms with heating at full wack, food in their bellies & a nice warm bed not a care in the world or worry about paying for it....bloody ludicrous.
I’m nearly sixty with disability my bungalow turns into a fridge without heat, I get benefits tomorrow but tonight have none and am freezing,he wants to kill the elderly to house illegal imagrants. Sorry about spelling,suffer brain injury.
And don't forget doctors and dentists 24/7. Its disgusting!
I have been saying this for months, I get no reply👺👺👺👺👺there are hundreds of men being kept in hotels DOING NOTHING???? Why are the British people being taxed on even pensions???? It's screwy!👺👺👺👺👺
I agree with every word you have written
Well said. totally agree. it’s a disgrace
pensioners never vote for Labour because they know what they are about.
Yes your right because we've seen and heard it many times before
My late parents used to say never vote for Labour they will tax you left right and centre
Yes you’re right we have lived through Labour so many times and they are always clueless!!!!!!
Do think this shower the worst in history though!!!!’
I never have! But your wrong many many Pensioners have for years Voted Labour but that has probably changed now
@riolewis4713 it's like the 70s all over again but worse. This time there aren't any politicians of gravitas and knowledge just a bunch of Marxist students on one side and left leaning liberals masquerading as Tories on the other. Happy days
Just get rid of inheritance tax altogether ..
Control the food, control the people.
Yes I remember Henry Kissenger saying that. He was another WEF puppet
You’ve gotta love Lee Anderson. “Rachel from accounts” Bloody brilliant 😂😂😂😂😂
@@dellakennedy2010 "Cannabis Farmers".🤣🤣😂😂😂
@ 😂😂😂
I had got a mouth full of coffee when Lee said that and I spat it out choking with laughter. It was the best 😂😂
Top bloke , him and richard and nigel would sort out this country.
I loved Lees comment .. there was another Mp who quoted the punishment for lying on their CV
At least Lee had promotions unlike Rachel Reeves, who had demotions until allegedly beefing up her CV.
Rachel from accounts- that name needs to stick....
She wasn't from accounts she was from Customer service.😮
Rachel Thieves.
@@paulwalker2777Complaints Department.
She has a PPE from New College, Oxford and an MSc in economics from the LSE and worked at the Bank of England. She is not "Rachel from accounts"...She worked at the Bank of England for six years in its structural economic analysis division and was seconded to the British Embassy in Washington for about 18 months. As Second Secretary In the economics division.
This is what the Yorkshire Post reported in 2021 in an interview with her: "In 2006, she moved to Yorkshire after getting a job at Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) on the retail mortgages team."
If she had wanted to keep that secret, how was it relayed to the Yorkshire Post?
I think the farmers are like a lot of people, property rich but monetary poor. I also think that the government are hoping that the farmers will have to sell their land and it will be snapped up for house building ! Keep fighting Richard and co !
Any number of lost farms is a crime.
Richard is correct I was a local counsellor unpaid for 17 years. I stepped down when corrupt under the table politics were allowed to happen!
What Ballocks !! A farmer was trilled about the tax ?????? Defense cuts !! So what country will the U.K. pay to defend it ?? Starmer's team are completely Out of Their Minds !
Labour are giving 3 billion to Ukraine, so I am guessing Ukraine, but I also remember that our troops will be enlisted into the European Military Forces after talks with Brussels?
Like he suggested A Canabis 🌿 farmer 🚬🤪
Why not let them stay in the hotels the pensioners - I think paying for illegal immigrants and giving them free transport is absolutely outrageous when you cannot look after our pensioners?????
And private medical cover!
As a pensioner who is 2.8p over limit for pensions credit and a single person as well who will alsoose my single person discount on CT I wish I could live in a four star hotel with 4 meals a day and be lovely and warm not afraid to put heating on it's disgusting that pensioners have worked all their lives and were getting a bit of help with their heating but a labour government the ones who supposedly care for working class have STOLEN it from us they keep saying yes but the triple lock is giving you 430 a year extra next year so your better off thanks to us LIARS Tories had already made sure triple lock was kept and THEY had no intention of stealing our 200 heating allowance it's only 300 iIF YOUR OVER 80 my cousin who worked from age 14 till he was FORCED to retire due to terminal cancer at 79 has just received THREE letters from DWP first one congratulating him on reaching 80 and now being entitled to a MASSIVE 25p a WEEK increase and increase all 80 year olds get which has never increased in over 20 years wouldn't pay for a pint of milk patronising and totally insulting 2ndetter saying he and his wife wete NOT eligibility for the 300 heating allowance as he was now 80 thats what they lost and 3rd letter letting him knkw government would still be paying him the TEN POUNDS xmas bonus which would be helpful gor fuel bills the 10 pound bonus. began in 1972 and then my parents could buy 2 bags of coal keeping house warm and hot water constantly for almost 2 weeks and they still had enough left to buy some shopping for a few meals that ten pounds TODAY wouldn't pay my energy bill for even 4 days MPs are excellent at giving themselves increases but never think of increasing the so called Xmas bonus or payment for reaching ages of 80 they wouldn't accept same payment for 52 YEARS now Starmer says the 530 increase next year is making us all better off and giving us more than he stole from us I'm no brainbox but my maths tells me his is definitely wrong I lose 200 heating allowance I lose my 25%dickuny on CT equating to over £130 my energy bill INCREASED in oct by 138 my foid shop has gobe up ny £11.45 a week as im o er limit for pensions credit im paying for glasses and dental treTment unlike the illegal immigrants who receive all that free as well i neither smome or drink but i enjoyed a few days at my OAP s club sadly i. Ant afford to attend anymore too embarrassed to admit I can't afford the small amount asked for a dinner in club or buy a raffle ticket so to save my embarrassment I now stay at home with blankets wrapped round me so when I total up how much more I'm paying out BEFORE the 430 increase next year I'm not as Starmer claims financially better off I'm worse off by a few hundred pounds id like EVERY SINGLE MEMBER of PARLIAMENT to live on JUST a state pension not for a week or two but for 6 months during which time they can't access their fat bank accounts for help and see how well they manage on 11k a year instead of the 95k they get for being pathological LIARS to ALL their constituency they appear out of the woodwork every time theyre loooking for votrs promise the sun moon at stars guarantee that they will improve tjings once they vet thekr seat in parliament they show their yrue colours they dont give a ying fuk about them e who elected them oy intetest seems to be in lining their own pockets and freebirs wrte now hearing about ate disgusting and IMOimmoral and illegal it's accepting bribes no matter how they yry and cover it up and LABOUR the party for working vlasses ars WORST of the lot my patents and large extended famy were ALL loyal labour voters. It wentime ALL our friends and their families have sworn to NEVER vote labour again as long as we live never here kier or Stalin Starmer has single handedly DESTROYED LABOUR PARTY PERMANENTLY by his actions and deeds he's anti British and anti elderly ares more about looking after health and safety of illegal immigrants than white indigenous British citizen who have worked and paid into the system for several years and last straw is hearing him SILENCE MPs in Westminster andeaxer of the house silence them as well NEVER in HISTORY has MPs been SILENCED in Westminster and I. believe we have right to know why what's he hiding and who or what is he covering up grab the gear kier maybe a SIR but he is paid by TAXPAYERS to SERVE BRITISH TAXPAYERS NOT to self serve himself and continuously lie to us to protect his favoured sections of society enough is enough we know MPs were silenced re questions re Southport and that labour party are withholding further I formation to pr{tect tge petpetrator of these hideous crimes we know the perpetrator dad has a nasty past in Rwanda and that 2 tier mier was involved in ensuring he was given asylum here in 2003 but wbat else is be hiding that made him silence OUR MPs denied them their paiamentry pri ilge to adk questio s and WHY did leader of tbe housr also SILENCE them whole lot of them need to grkw a pair and DEMAND to know soThey can explain to taxpsyers who employ them WHY fir first time EVER in whole history of parliament were tbey SILENCED stop. Ring such cowards who only care about their wages and give public answers they deserve WE EMPLOY MPs to serve Us NIT to protect a select few and lie and treat us as fools WE ARE NOT STUPID and we DEMAND HONESTY I know labour have problems even spelled honesty or yruth line WHY is reerves still in Westminster she lied on her cv and repeated the lie AFTER beibg fkund out day of budget she AGAIN STATED she was an economist in HSBC when she oy ever dealt with cusyomers complaints was involved for her part for in fraudulent expenses claim and was about to be fired for misconduct due to LYING again stating she wss too ill to attend work when on investigations it was found she wS attending LABOUR PARTY MEETING WHY the hell do we have a chancellor who constantly lirs every time she moves ber lips and why did sleamer of the house NOT pull her up on her KNOWN and PROVEN lies about her job lying on a cv is illegal an offence and is a sacked offense so WHY did free gear kier NOT sack her minute her lies anout cv wete exposed hed have done plenty of shouting if that wS a tory or reform especially roll on may elevtiobs when teform will take every labour seat as even diehats labour voters HATE what starmer had turned tbe party into hez maming GB a dictatorship whete be jails anyobe who DAReS the have an opinion that dkesnt fit with his. A NASTY EVIL and IMO a VERY DANGEROUS 😢MAN TO BE RUNNING GREAT BRITAIN god help us all if he's not thrown out sooner rather than later along with his complete cabinet then just maybe the decent labour MPs will show some backbone and remember who and why LABOUR PARTY were started for it certainly was not for labour MPs to FATTEN their own wallets and put pensioners into poverty or to watch exservicemen sleeping and dying on streets while taxpsyers pay against their will to provide r star hotels fully inclusive plus mobile phones clothes cas free travel and last straw PRIVATE HEALTH CARE Shane on every member of labour party 3 cowardly or to greedy thinking of their paypacjets to stand up for the working classes and rights of the white indigenous British taxpsyers who pay your overpaid salaries we should be allowed to have a vote of no confidence in our government as we wouldn't trust one LIEBOUR MP to put a shilling in the meter it would be kept to help the illegal immigrants he's happy to risk in his own figures 4000 pensioners lives by stealing their heating allowance yet MPs are still claiming THEIR 2500 heating allowance for 2nd homes which is odd as he and theiving reeves are privately rentout out their MAIN homes SCAMMING from the public purse yet AGAIN get the6IUT NIW before they TOTALLY DESTROY what they'veeft of our once great country and where is our king whilst it's happening out talking to his plants or counting the 11million he's grabbing from NHS for a garage to keep ambulances in Great Britain noinger has anything Great about it especially if your British and or elderly 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
They know pensioners won't vote Labour so they don't care.
I can imagine them offering a swap for their private homes. Not joking.
@@joebaird5874 It's coming. They'll be wanting their spare rooms or raising their council tax.
Vote reform
To right the only party with common sense reform
It's not just farmers,it has a knock on effect, so many depend on farming industry ,lorry drivers. Tractor firms, etc etc. Farming is the last bastion of British industry,so this idiotic policy hopefully will bring the government down
If it doesn't, the millions of tonnes of human waste NOT spread on farm land as fertiliser almost certainly will.
This country is facing the biggest crisis, l can ever remember, and l am 78 but nothing on the news and know talk shows,but news about other countries ,
knocking people that work outside for wearing quality outdoor wear…… this is how low it’s got.
I support the Farm right
That's a good one.
😂 excellent
@@redplanetplasterer Farm right🤣.😊👨🌾🚜
Their not farm right just right so farm .
Support for the farmers is growing 😋
Brilliant, love reform, please vote reform, our best chance of getting our country back on track, we need hope and light, not dismal disgusting starmer xxxxxxx
I'm no supporter of Labour but I don't think that replacing them with Reform is the solution for the organized chaos in our country.
Ideas? If not Reform, then what?@bigbreadeaterellis
So pleased all 5 Reform mps went to support the farmers ❤❤❤
Supporting own fat Cat class of hypocrites who spend more time protesting for paying taxes and demand freebies which they are not entitled to .Parasites in village bars who can offerd to Pxxx down the drain thousands of £ every year must pay taxes first .
Pensioners and farmers will kick labour out in the may elections
Simply the most important people on the planet FARMERS
No farmers = mass starvation .
Why is Starmer still getting away with this still.
Because everybody just complains on the social media platform, Starmer doesn't look on youtube, we all need to march on downing street and call him out for what he is
May 1st 2025. Boycott Labour. Not a single vote!
It's gonna be brutal. May the utter panic start then in Labour HQ and constituency offices nationwide. Many new Labour MP's realising they are going to be one-term wonders.They may already be looking at their careers out of politics.
I owned a small bakery business that won national awards. Lockdown killed it, from a valued 160k to 40k in 2 years, I had to sell. I used the money to buy a smallholding, I planned to start a small farming business, and already had the business plan and customers lined up. North Somerset council contacted me out of the blue and changed my land from agriculture to 'leisure & greenbelt', meaning I cannot use it. 2 businesses lost due to terrible government, and I know many, many more people either not working today, or on minimum wage jobs who, at one time were trying or even succeeding in creating business/jobs & wealth! I have never had a satisfactory explanation...
I am now looking at moving to another country...
Wow,that's a nightmare,that's totally labour right there.
can we all stand and march on number 10 the nation to fight for what is right
I will be there!!!
@@kathleenfederl5121 me too.. Name the day 🙏
I’ve never demonstrated in my life but I would go ✊🏻
Please for the love of God , country and sanity get this Government out . Vote Reform at every opportunity ❤
I‘ve got a small business. Pretty successful 2006 till 2020. Then we had Covid, then ir35, then 25% CT, then NI hike, now we’re on our knees. It’s totally unsustainable.
so true. 😢
It's unforgiveable how you've been treated by out of touch governments..
Voted Reform wake up Britain!
Reform all the way.
Rachel got to go she is a lier
They all need to go, not one piece of truth from any of them.
Where's the £300 off our gas and electricity bills which was promised to us by Labour when they got in power
Add it to the Loooong list of Lies.
Not getting that until 2029 😂 by then the bills will have quadrupled thanks to the net zero scam.
It’s gone to Ukraine
Labour are scumbags sign get Starmer out petition
It was a lie, like pretty much everything they say
There's only one who need controlling and that is Starmer and Co
We will have a street party when Starmer and the labour party are kicked out of goverment.
Starmer is a traitor and should be tried as such he's a disgrace to our country 😢 please sign the petition and get these scumbags out
How do you sign
Where is the petition.
@josephineduffy3489 just look it up on Google and it will show you my friend
exactly cut the foreign aid bill ASAP!
Support the farmer wear a Barbour , get rid of star mer wear a Barbour 👍
Yeah but make sure you only wear the Barbour stuff still made in the UK.
If it ain't made in Britain it ain't British!!
British made Barbours may be expensive to buy but they will last you your whole lifetime!
@paulinej2834 not if you go to Bede and get it from the back of the shop. I have bought 5 different styles over the last 25/30 years. They are all still good.
Reform all the way
Many words have been used to describe Starmer and his cronies. Just two are enough… total incompetence.
I don't vote but I'll be voting reform
Can you see anyone in the labour party omitting they went to cosco to buy some cheese and came out with a canoe! The reform party are real people that have worked for a living and in touch with the electorate. Pity our first past the post electoral system hinders progress for them.
We are being governed by the Addams family. 🏴🇬🇧
Addams family were actually quite a nice bunch! This shower are absolute vile👿😡😈
The Addams family would be so old that they would have dementia by now.... ah now I understand!
😂😂😂😂I was going to say the flumps
That's an insult to the Adams family
To Be Sure We'd be Fine with the Adams family 👍
Anything is Better than this shower of shite 😂
The price of food will go up. Between the cost of producing food and the supermarkets having higher national insurance, it's unavoidable
Can't we cut out the stores and order straight from the farmers.
@@JenniferBartlett-xi3tqwatch "Clarksons Farm" and see how much red tape goes with running a small independent farm shop.
Great interview.
Love All 5 Reform Mps
Join the resistance 🇬🇧 💙 🇬🇧💙🇬🇧
any form of inheritance tax is immoral.
Pensioners may not one forlabour,but a great deal more younger people won't vote Labour after this
It'll be a long time before Labour get in again after this, if ever
I don't know, something is going on. They've seen themselves tank in the polls, they know their decisions are bad but keep going one after the other, 2 tier off all around the country promising god knows what but they don't seem to care and talk about a longer term.
Mr Tice should be prime minister/ he has a full understanding of society as a whole and does not disrespect pensioners and hardworking people and would not treat us as second class citizens. RR re inheritance tax for farmers was a disgrace i have always understood that farmers are not overpaid due to ploughing finance into their business, RR answer was they could repay the money over 10 years and i read if this happens the would have to pay interest on that, even greater burden to their children/so RR has put them in a no win situation . I admired the farmers protest which was held in a respectful way/its a pity that Parliament cannot show them the same respect.
great to see all the farmers out to vocalise the piunishment we are getting from the government
The most irritating thing is the smug look on Angela Rayners face .
Gobby Rayner
I thought the same for once she had a lovely jacket wonder who bought it
You must agree she got him there though, but I get irritated that they all treat parliament debate as a joke.
@ no she didn’t , she couldn’t get anyone . She’s not a politician.
@@carolinenorman6141 😂
Farm land and the people who farmer it are of national importance and should be defended and supported and not pushed off the land to be replaced by multinational corporations who are experts at avoiding taxes or new towns built by builders who are also experts at tax avoidance.
Lee Anderson is hilarious. The look on Rachel, from accounts face after his speech, is class. 🤣🤣🤣
Vote for reform put the grate back into Britain
We need a proper constitution like the Americans have; there's too many traitors in Westminster now, we can't trust them to uphold our rights.
ECHR was the nearest thing we had, but for some reason everyone on the right hates it.
Who can we trust to write it though?
We would do well to just adopt the US consititution. It saved the US from the DS where no other countries constitution could, not even the UK unwritten document.
@@GeoffDay-t4g could we leave the part about guns out though
Aye & get rid of all the unwelcome boat people ASAP all the money wasted on that lot should have paid the pensioners heating bills governments should ne bl...y well ashamed of themselves We've had up to -11 here in Scotland & winters not started yet !!!!!!!
I vote for reform in the last election and will vote for them again and again .
We need an Elon Musk
Bill Gates must be rubbing his hands together in glee.
Why else would he visit starmer after the election?
Why is Starmer away from the UK so often ?
I think that the British atmosphere has become intolerable for him. He doesn't just know that millions of people hate him. He can feel it in the air.
He took 470 delegates to COP Azerbaijan
I really enjoyed the conversation between you two,thank you,and a lot of truths spoken that made a lot of sense pity the government didn’t hear it might give them some sensible ideas to run the country properly
Absolutely spot on! Starmer couldn't navigate a Tesco meal deal, let alone support farmers, pensioners, or our armed forces. 🚜💂♂🥴 Classic Labour - all talk, no backbone. 🤷♂
Best laugh I've had tonight love Richard he talks the talk.
My father is sat in the dark every single night when I FaceTime him,coats on in the dark with his woolly hat on! It breaks my heart and won’t accept my help through pride. He bought a battery sensor light for £2 so he can see when he moves around so he doesn’t fall. If anything happens to him I will most definitely take action as this government has neglected their elderly instead of respecting them. The day we rid of labour we will celebrate along with the vast majority of UK.
Reform is the party that will make this country great again, helping the people of the uk is what they want to do
Can't wait for Reform to be in charge, Love you Richard. I also own a Barbour jacket. xx
Homeless on the streets in the snow Illegals in posh hotels ????????
And the windows of the asylum seekers hotels are open all year , all the heat going out because they don’t have to worry about paying the gas electric bills
I love Richard and Jeremy
Hate Starmer, Angela, Yvette, Lammy and Khan 😡😡😡😡
Migration costs the most
I could never understand why people pay inheritance tax on property that they actually own and want to leave family members it is appalling and it's wrong because you already pay tax when you purchase a property if it's over a certain amount so it's appalling and disgraceful and wrong.
There's a very good reason that many, many pensioners don't vote labour.........they're old enough to know better.
I really enjoyed that interview 😀
Vote for reform uk from now to the next general election
Time for early retirement so i can stop paying income tax and NI to this usefless government who will just waste it.
No one is talking about the road fund licence increases that will be coming in April 2025.
I'm 59, on universal credit and I have to wear multiple layers because I simply can't afford to heat my house.
Brilliant show
Farmers are far right now 😂
Richard Tice is spot on as always👍🏻
Go for it Richard, Nigel & Co. There are millions of people behind you.
It will be far right wellington boots 👢 next
A Barbour jacket is the problem?? This is why the farmers will win
Got mine in the charity shop 😊
We should be requesting aid from other countries
Most average people are now sitting in the cold, already... This shouldn't be happening to old people.
As I type I am sitting in bed wearing a jumper and scarf with the electric blanket on, it's cheaper than central heating 😂
They want pensioners dead!
Vote 🗳 Reform 🇬🇧 every single by-election.
We need to be as close to self sufficient as possible in two vital commodities: food and fuel. Reform is by far the best party to achieve that goal, at the moment we are nowhere near it War is just around the corner..
I wonder who pulls Rachel thieves strings?
My money's on Blair
Her husband? Head, or similar, of DEFRA?
Oh my days, yeah thats right, SCRAP ALL OUR DEFENCES, Putin would love that. What ever next, will this Government F up😮
If they keep this up we will have no military left to defend us.
Where are all the people who voted for them? They’ve all gone a bit quiet.
There weren't many of them to begin with
Growth was 0.1% last year under the Tories. I'm expecting it to go negative under Labour.
it must already be there if the Government have to steal from the farmers, pensioners and employers, while importing negative equity over the channel.
We'll be in recession by the new year
But the Tories were slowly reducing the last massive debt left by Labour, slowly, but without the changes Labour are inflicting on everyone.
@@paulinej2834thanks, I've been saying that. Labour left a massive debt or black hole at the end of their last government. Why isn't this spoken about?