They seem to focus on the credit cards which is certainly massive fraud. How about all the rest of the money that was a surplus and now a negative? This certainly should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I think the people who hired her and the other employees are exceptionally Gifted and Should be proud of their outstanding achievements of the Students…. They are Doctors!!!! They deserve every penny they had to use for the Students… should she have gone hungry????
She did nothing wrong!!! Every public official in government does this… remember, the superintendent was Only being paid $265,000… the average Black family in St Louis is $28,000… she was just trying to survive with all that inflation
Now you know why Seattle schools were glad to get rid of her.
Yeah, and they want to merge with the county. No, thank you..
They seem to focus on the credit cards which is certainly massive fraud.
How about all the rest of the money that was a surplus and now a negative?
This certainly should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
$1800 for a meat and cheese tray. Disgusting. So entitled to think she'd get away with this.
What's new?
I think the people who hired her and the other employees are exceptionally Gifted and Should be proud of their outstanding achievements of the Students…. They are Doctors!!!! They deserve every penny they had to use for the Students… should she have gone hungry????
She did nothing wrong!!! Every public official in government does this… remember, the superintendent was Only being paid $265,000… the average Black family in St Louis is $28,000… she was just trying to survive with all that inflation