woowww...sungguh canggih,ketajamannya warna terasa jelas sekali,seandainya aku miliki akan ku share kesemua orang bahwa ini adalah teknologi terbaru jaman sekarang,inovasi jelas sekali,bayangkan jika semua orang tahu pasti beralih ke mesin ini,ini dibutuhkan trust,integritas dan marketing yang handal."it's future next generation"
Hi EPSON, I have 2 questions. 1st: Which one is the actual model for this printer line (Surelab)? 2nd: This model is available in USA or Latin America? I'm from El Salvador and I want this printer for my company, thanks
iman-ka@khoshrou.com {supplier and sub seller} We are the supplier of Laser gun,AOM driver,PCB,Spare parts,Rollers,Gears,Key board,Minilabs, Brands; Noritsu,Fuji frontier,Durst,Epson,Konica,Chromira Prolab, for FUJI NORITSU, also sell almost all spare parts of FUJI ,Noritsu,.. . for more info send me an email On, iman-ka@khoshrou.com Almost all spare parts for Noritsu,Fuji frontier....
woowww...sungguh canggih,ketajamannya warna terasa jelas sekali,seandainya aku miliki akan ku share kesemua orang bahwa ini adalah teknologi terbaru jaman sekarang,inovasi jelas sekali,bayangkan jika semua orang tahu pasti beralih ke mesin ini,ini dibutuhkan trust,integritas dan marketing yang handal."it's future next generation"
No money
Robi Antono has to
Do you have color print on disks printers?
Hi EPSON, I have 2 questions.
1st: Which one is the actual model for this printer line (Surelab)?
2nd: This model is available in USA or Latin America?
I'm from El Salvador and I want this printer for my company, thanks
Price indian money 12x18 ?
how much in US Dollers
buen día estoy interesado quiero contactarme me encuentro en peru
Dimana kita beli...tolong info nya
luar biasa
How much USD for that Fujifilm DX100 - Silverlab Solutions ,?
How much prise
How much Prise
11 lax in India
how much?
{supplier and sub seller}
We are the supplier of
Laser gun,AOM driver,PCB,Spare parts,Rollers,Gears,Key board,Minilabs,
Brands; Noritsu,Fuji frontier,Durst,Epson,Konica,Chromira Prolab,
for FUJI NORITSU, also sell almost all spare parts of FUJI ,Noritsu,.. . for more info send me an email On,
Almost all spare parts for Noritsu,Fuji frontier....
Maybe train your model to not put their thumbs on the prints and this ad would then be more convincing -- sheesh
pgn beli tapi bisa kredit dak yo
Epson you should donate these printers to India because they can't afford the prise
Diabolical Potatoe lol....no bro India is biggest buyer of HP INDIGO u know what I'm saying
How can.........u said it...once come to india