Big Bang Busted! Dr. Michio Kaku and Neil deGrasse Tyson.

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • The James Webb Space Telescope was launched on the 25th of December 2021, and has been looking at distant objects in the universe and making discoveries beyond the abilities of the Hubble Space Telescope. American theoretical physicist Dr. Michio Kaku and American astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson describe how new discoveries are not compatible with the Big Bang and a new creation theory needs to be found. For the creationist these new anomalies are consistent with God’s character.
    Psalm 19:1-2 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
    Job 9:9 -10 Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. 10 Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.
    Psalm 147:4 - 5 He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names. 5 Great is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite.
    Psalm 8:1 O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast set thy glory above the heavens.
    Psalm 8:3-4 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; 4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him?
    Job 37:5 God thundereth marvellously with His voice; great things doeth He, which we cannot comprehend.

Комментарии • 33

  • @crettywap2981
    @crettywap2981 Год назад +2

    I can’t believe they pretended to know the age of the universe. That’s such a crazy thing to be able to claim

  • @lillyanna8432
    @lillyanna8432 Год назад +2


  • @ChazzleDazzleVideos
    @ChazzleDazzleVideos Год назад +1

    This is the problem with people thinking to linearly just because our understanding at the moment is what it is doesn't mean that's the reality. Science changes and continues to change so when people think oh this happened at a certain point they are limiting themselves.

  • @cheycasters
    @cheycasters Год назад +2

    these dudes is nuts!!

  • @Fourestgump
    @Fourestgump Год назад +3

    Maybe time isn’t constant. Time could move faster in a smaller universe

    • @biblicaltours3541
      @biblicaltours3541  Год назад +1

      you might like Dr. Chuck Missler’s videos on Beyond Time and Space

    • @sasca854
      @sasca854 7 месяцев назад

      Depends on what you mean by constant. One always reckons time the same way in one's own frame of reference (a concept called "proper time"). However, according to general relativity, time is _not_ constant between observers. There is also no absolute frame of reference in which one could measure time against all other frames-- it's _always_ relative. We would reckon time in the early universe as having moved _slower_ relative to our clocks today. The same thing happens as you approach any spacetime horizon, including the event horizon of a black hole and T=0 of the big bang.

  • @edwarddelgado9654
    @edwarddelgado9654 Год назад +1

    Job 26:7 "He hung the Earth on nothing

  • @mikebar42
    @mikebar42 Год назад

    I ordered that.. and it's late.

  • @ntal5859
    @ntal5859 Год назад +1

    Kaku has always been arrogant and soon as Webb shows him up he turn coats.

  • @MoMo-qi4dx
    @MoMo-qi4dx Год назад +1

    Such as science!?! ...

  • @keep_walking_on_grass
    @keep_walking_on_grass Год назад +3

    Surprise! the big bang wasn't a fact, it was an assumption. Whilst atheists thought they rather trust in facts and criticized people who have faith in God as the creator of the universe and all life on earth.

    • @jasonpenn5476
      @jasonpenn5476 Год назад

      I have always had a problem with the big bang hypothesis... if according to the "theory" the universe is expanding with everything moving apart, then how are we on a collision course with the Andromeda Galaxy?

  • @georgebond7777
    @georgebond7777 Год назад +1

    And no Population III stars

  • @rohansoni8607
    @rohansoni8607 Год назад +1

    Bill Maher?...

  • @Jacke7111
    @Jacke7111 Год назад +5

    God spoke and the universe was. He could have done it in a nanosecond or in 14 billion years, or as he did, he created everything in six days and rested one day. The earth is about 6000 years old if you calculate the years in the bible, and thats is what i believe, because i have made Jesus Christ my Lord and saviour.

    • @biblicaltours3541
      @biblicaltours3541  Год назад +1

      absolutely, and if you go to a large Natural History Museum you will see that they are without the many galleries needed for the intermediate fossils demanded by Darwin’s theory, because there aren’t any! 🙌✝️🎉

    • @ntal5859
      @ntal5859 Год назад +1

      6 days but there was no Sun or Earth so how do you count 6 days. You are nut jobs to think one entity could make all the stars, seriously get medication.

    • @jasonpenn5476
      @jasonpenn5476 Год назад

      And if you believe the literal word of the Bible, then you also believe that Noah's Ark was real, but there are some really problematic issues with Noah's Ark! 1) Noah only put 2 of every animal on the Ark. So how do you explain animals found in only certain areas of the world like the platypus? Why are they found in only certain remote areas. If you actually add up ALL of the land dwelling species (this includes all dogs as just dogs, so breeds are not included), then there are way too many animals for the amount of space available on the Ark. 2) With the measurements taken how do you account for the food? Only 2 of each animal? What did the carnivores eat? And the food for the elephants alone would have taken up around half of the available space! Face it, Noah's Ark did NOT happen. The Bible does contain some true accounts, but realistically, it is a book of fables used to teach us how to live our lives correctly. So, If you can't reconcile Noah's Ark with reality, then how can you reconcile Genesis? It has been proven that the Earth is way older than 6,000 years! Man has been on Earth for around 10,000 years, and most fossils are millions of years older than the oldest human fossils!

    • @jasonpenn5476
      @jasonpenn5476 Год назад

      @@biblicaltours3541 First of all, absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence. Secondly, people of your ilk are constantly committing the fallacy of "moving the goal posts"! Every time an intermediate fossil is found, your camp always asks, "so where is the fossil between that one and us?" Your insistence of denying evolution just goes to show that you don't understand evolution! Evolution is a process that takes millions of years to occur. The process incorporates minor changes that occur over vast amounts of time. It is well known that dogs are derived from wolves, we don't see any "missing link" fossils to show the change from a wolf to a chihuahua, but since a wolf and a chihuahua can still produce offspring, that is how we know that they are closely related. We see evolution all the time... breeding animals to get specific traits (bigger chickens, cows that produce more milk, etc.) is nothing more than evolution that is sped up due to man's intervention! Stop denying evolution, learn what it is! Stop with the age old (and tired) argument of "how can you say that man came from monkeys", no evolutionist ever said that we came from monkeys, what was said is that we and monkeys have a common ancestor. Failing to understand the ancestor part of evolution raises the question, "how can you then believe that all people came from Adam and Eve?" Why can't you reconcile Faith with Science? Did you not know that the Big Bang Theory was proposed by a Catholic priest? I believe in God, but I also believe that evolution is the process that God used to create all life! Furthermore, You are obviously going by the modern interpretation of the Bible. The KJV Bible does not say what the original texts say. Translations between languages alone create many issues (for example, in English we say "Thou shall not kill", but in the original Hebrew, the commandment really is "Thou shall not murder"), then add on the fact that people tend to flavor the interpretations, such as King James telling his scribes exactly what to write when composing his version of the Bible. So, this means that since there are hundreds of versions in multiple languages, you cannot say that the Bible is the divine word of God. If the Bible truly were the divine word of God, then there would be only one version! The Bible is inspired by God, but written by man, therefore the Bible is inherently fallible!

    • @biblicaltours3541
      @biblicaltours3541  Год назад

      @@jasonpenn5476 you are correct if God didn’t flood the entire world as He said He did and there isn’t evidence then He is a liar and we can believe nothing that He says. I lead creation tours through the NHM London, attendees are to carefully read through the Flood scriptures in Genesis so they know what it actually says, and just how long the water was on the land, and the run off. Answers in Genesis have made a life size Ark in Kentucky and they have a RUclips video of a tour where they guide you through. How the animals can be fed, the type of food, the cleaning of the cages etc. Adult animals weren’t needed and the Ark is massive. Dr. Andrew Snelling recently took samples from the rock folds along the Grand Canyon and has published papers proving that the folds were created while the layers were soft and formed during the Flood period. Genesis Apologetics have many Flood videos showing the catastrophic plate tectonics causing rapid subduction, as the land mass split and moved into today’s position. The massive tsunamis and volcanic eruptions etc, huge dinosaur graveyards in America with disarticulated adults and no youngsters. The hot and cold rocks in the mantle that shouldn’t be there if the land masses moved slowly, see John Baumgardner. The polystrate fossil trees found across the world cutting through supposedly millions of years of sedimentary rock. Sea shells and marine fossils found on Mount Everest, marine and terrestrial creatures fossils found together. The one ice age caused by the Flood created land bridges for the movement of creatures and people who became isolated as the ice melted. The platypus fossils are found in South America with the dinosaurs. Modern birds such as parrots, flamingos, owls and sea birds are found with dinosaurs. John Mackay has built a machine showing how the sediment layers form in sideways moving water. We have been finding soft tissues in dinosaurs for years, Mark Armitage has his research published on nerves found in triceratops horn. Mary Schweitzer has soft tissue research published on 200 + million years old Ichthyosaurs. Carbon 14 is found in coal, diamonds and dinosaur bones proving they can’t be millions of years old. Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson has published, peer reviewed research on the Y chromosome genetic lineage and it goes back just 4,500 years to Noah’s three sons, see his research on RUclips or his book Traced. Dr. John Sanford’s research on genetic entropy proves that the overwhelming influx of nearly neutral mutations is rusting out our genome, no creature can be very old and other scientists agree. I also lead Biblical archaeological evidence tours through the British Museum, the Bible is the longest historical narrative in the world and you can follow it the most of the galleries in the museum. See my Joel Kramer playlist to tour the Biblical archaeological sites in Israel, I filmed in 2019. God has given us prophecy too, see the calculations on my RUclips video called Beyond Reasonable Doubt with Chuck Missler, there are 351 prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the life of Jesus Christ written in advance and found in the New Testament, just 48 fulfilled by one man is off the charts as probability goes. God isn’t hiding, evidence is in museums, at archaeological dig sites, fossil sites, genetics and space! He created you to have a relationship with Him and given you free will to accept or refuse, I hope you accept! 👍😊

  • @kalasatwater2224
    @kalasatwater2224 Год назад +1


  • @buzzard6410
    @buzzard6410 Год назад +2
