700, Gott sei Dank sind Anrufweiterleitungen in grossen Stil heutzutage wohl registrierungspflichtig, und kaufbare Nummern wie Skype soll es so nicht mehr geben
Ich weiß es noch als wäre es erst gestern gewesen, ich war 14 und hörte es 1992 zum ersten Mal es ist der BESTE TECHNOTRACK den's damals gab und das bis heute da fing meine Liebe für Techno an - jetzt bin ich 46 und frage mich wo die Zeit geblieben ist, ich liiiiiiiebe es und könnte es in DAUERSCHLEIFE hören vielen Dank fürs hochladen ❤👍🎶🎵🤙🤟🎵🎵👏👏😉
wieso macht jemand ein video über eine Legende, die in Westdeutschland BRD jeder kannte? In Kiel soll es damals U Boote gegeben haben, und der Kutter mit dem Kreuz? Ale
@@BesterytberJOJONAS Stimmt nicht ganz. Kraftwerk war für viele Musiker damals schon prägend und sind die Erfinder der elektronischen Popmusik. Und gelten für die meisten auch als Begründer des Techno. "Unzählige internationale Musiker und Bands berufen sich auf Kraftwerk als Inspirationsquelle". Im übrigen hat die Band U96 mit Kraftwerk zusammengearbeitet und ein Album gemacht.
Almost 30 years ago I first heard this at a nightclub in `91, I bought the cd the following morning, played it more times than I care to think about and consider it one of my all time favs from the whole of the 90`s. Where has the time gone?
Vorreiter waren dann doch wohl eher andere wie beispielsweise The Prodigy - gerade international. Das Boot wurde im Oktober 1991 veröffentlicht, da war die Technoszene schon in vollem Gange.
Всім привіт, я з України. Мені 36 років, і я шукав цей трек все життя, бо це один із перших моїх свідомих спогадів про музику. На той момент мені було 6 років, коли я слухав цю композицію на касеті. І ось я нарешті знайшов його. Дякую, U-96 за закладену любов до електронної музики!
I remember my dad showing me this song when I was 6 years old and I have to say, this song has a special place in my heart. Still one of my favourite songs of all time and it gets my adrenaline pumping every time. Love it
I remember me and my older sister as we were children, raving and jumping around the living room like there's no tomorrow while dancing to this track in the early 90s. Unforgettable moments :)
umso erschreckender das ich sowas lese und im grunde ein realer hintergund dahinter steht wo unsere u-boot leute ihr leben gelassen haben und sich die neuen generationen damit bespassen...ähnlich bei meiner alten, die kannte nur das lied und den dümmlichen tanz dazu.... das es ein film dazu gibt und einen ernsten hintergund hat wusste sie nicht, geschweige den das der WWII dahinter steht in dem tausende von deutschen u-boot leuten umgekommen sind.... hauptsache feiern, vögeln und sich sinnlos volllaufen lassen
@Kain Nod wieso muss ich eine alternative haben? reicht doch wenn es hier um den WW2 und die leute die da gestorben sind geht...was muss ich da mit einer alternative aufwarten und warum??? tanzt du auf dem garb deines vaters wenn er verstirbt und fragst die runde rum was es für eine alternative gibt? die leute sind hier gestorben im WW2, das sollte das hauptaugenmerk sein...muss man das echt noch erörtern
It's 1992. 2am. I'm alone in my room, lying in bed, watching MTV and snacking on sweet popcorn, contemplating ditching school tomorrow. Life was sweet and easy and full of possibility. I want my childhood back.
its 1980 autumn the mushrooms are wearing off and I'm 15 it's time to leave school "I retire" next day mum says "did you not go to school today...."? I want my childhood back but it's known as senile dementia at my age and in 10 20 years I'll be in a world I must escape from wearing nappies and shitting myself each day as a part of my journey(you get forced to wear nappies and you get told to shit & piss yourself, a mental hospital for criminaly insane is my only choice or death by firing squad armed police, there must be a more peace full way maybe a mountain in Himalaya? A VOLCANOE HEAD FIRST SELF DESTRUCTION WITH smoke rings that's got to be my best option only I die only I get killed perfect, Iceland is quite close, who wants to live forever.
An extraordinary movie with an equally compelling soundtrack. What the movie makes clear is the fact the men fighting for Germany on these U-Boats -- in fact across the board -- were no different from the men fighting for America on naval vessels, etc. Men were men; same challenges, difficulties, fears, sactifices, threats, and so on. I served in the U.S. Navy and could have made rank quicker had I wanted submarine duty but no way could I have handled those tight, enclosed quarters in an underwater tube for months. Hats off to those did. On both sides.
@@dropme98 они воевали против русских. Хотя разобрав Ие_рус_алим, Ие руса лим, хочется спросить о том, кто русский? 😂 русские татары, русские грузины, русские евреи, русские немцы и т. д. Новодворская уже называла себя русской. Видимо эти товарищи стесняются своей принадлежности к своей, к настоящей, национальности.
"Und tanzen" Absolut ein geiles Lied auch nach so vielen Jahren höre ich es immer rauf und runter. Bin 43Jahre alt also mit der Mucke aus dem besten Jahrzehnt 1990 groß geworden
My first techno song on cassette, my first encounter with the techno genre. Since then, I got 39 yrs old and still love this song and the electro genre. Play this song at my funeral.
Mega Lied, war damals mit der erste Techno den ich gehört habe und Feier es heute noch mit 43 Jahren… man merkt man wird alt, bleibt alle ewig gesund und Glücklich 😉✌️☀️
Nachdem 1988 in Belgien der New Beat aufkam, war nun hier mit Alex Christensen erstmal in der breiten Öffentlichkeit von Techno die Rede. Wir dachten an eine kurzlebige Welle, aber der Techno lebt noch immer. Schön, dass wir am Anfang dabei waren. Ich bin heute 49 und noch immer dabei !
I have a very funny memory to that song. We were at night on a lonely country road in bavaria and it started to rain like crazy, and soon there were small creeks on the road. But I was in a hurry, and I put the MC with that song in the cassette drive and raced up and down that road in my shitty old Audi B2 all the way home. While I felt like a brave submarine captain, the frightened expression in my passengers faces was just priceless. Today I am way too old for such shit ... but its a shame the clock won't turn back.
We started in Ancona, Italy by noon but randomly stopped for a yodel festival in the alps as three of four occupants (I was driving so still sober) were drunk thought it would be a great idea to join. In the German part of the Alps that massive rain came down around midnight. Especially uphill was terrifying, real floods pushed be back down and I let the engine yell at 5500 rpm in third gear to race up against it. Downhill with approx 150 kph we smashed with a large BASH in the creeks, got wet feet and the driver side mirror fell of. The throttle wire to the gas pedal was torn at Nuremberg and I had to open the hood and mount a wire on the throttle attached at the remains of the gone mirror, accelerating with my arm out of the window. By elbow had hurt even two weeks after - the cold driving wind and stress over hours inflamed it. Turned out at arrival that two hubcabs did not make it. Brave comrades that gave their life in the floods. By noon we arrived in Hamburg alive. Now as grown family man I am sad and happy together that these wild years are over.
Es gibt keine Wörtet, die beschreiben können was diese Musik bei mir auslöst, freies Tanzen, glücklich sein, was will ich mehr, noch mehr von dieser Musik, danke für diesen Hammer Sound 🫵✌️👍♥️🇩🇪
Vor 12 Jahren habe ich auf diesem Lied getanzt und die Europameisterschaft mit dem ersten Platz belegt. Dieses Lied ist bleibt für mich immer einer meiner highlights 💥
i think one of the reasons why this techno remix actually works pretty well, is that the original soundtrack also had some clear electronic influences (which is pretty unique amongst serious war movies i think)
The movie was great (and still remains largely unknown by younger generations). And the album this was my first cassette tape I bought with my first salary.
As an English man I lost my relatives to this war as I expect you have many German friends, war is a part of life and history and I have no hatred of my fellow European citizens, in fact I hope we can work together and make a better world
Alan Fox, you sound stupid, don't be. During the times of the Napoleonic wars, the UK was allied with Prussia. Afterwards, Germany chose an undemocratic path. Now we are EU and NATO partners, and who's fucking that one up...?
Das Boot von U 96 (,Alex Christensen)schuff damit ein Techno /Dance Meisterwerk .Ich liebe es auch heute noch .Der legendäre Kriegsfilm WOLFGANG PETERSEN 'Das Boot'.Hart und schonungslos .Die Realität unterwasser in einem U-BOOT (Es gab wirklich U 96 ,Deutsches U-Boot der Kriegsmarine)
Because the movie was mainly about people. People who were put into this madness because in practice they had little to no choice. They mostly despised Hitler and were unaware of all the horrific things that tottenkopf genocide maniacs were doing. For them it was "just" a war in which they took part as one of the sides. They were just people and to some point they were trying to rationalize what they were doing in order to keep their own sanity. This movie is so good also because while watching you're asking yourself a question: what I would do if I was one of them? If I was just a small pinion in a big machine of evil? Would I resist or rather try to keep my sanity and rationalize all that madness? Would I keep my head low and try to survive or try to be a hero? Or would I ever know a reason to be one?
My greatest fear in life will be that someone takes one of the best pieces of music of all time from one of the greatest films of all time, makes it sound more techno, and add themselves saying random things in robot voices over it. Oh wait.
Когда подростком помню слушал и смотрел думал клип специально сняли про подводную лодку, спустя лет 15 узнал что оказывается это кино и клип нарезки из фильма, что фильм шедевр что клип (ровно 40 если что)
This track encompassed me when i was a kid … Мне было лет 10, когда я услышал эту композицию, и она сильно повлияла на мои вкусы в электронной музыке. U96, danke sсhon!
Вы знаете, я хоть и русский и живу в России, но фильм Вольфганга Петерсона, настолько великолепен и талантлив, что пересматривал его много раз, включая специальную режиссёрскую версию. Фильм шедевр. Кто понимает настоящее искусство, тому не важна национальность или страна. Мировые шедевры - они интернациональны!
В этот момент какие-то смелые белки в морской форме пилотируют один из украинских морских беспилотников в Черном море и слушают мелодию Das Boat, белка-капитан курит деревянную трубку, он ушел на флот после того, как его зоопарк взорвали в Харькове и ему пришлось бежать, еще в феврале 2020 года, он не может забыть то, что увидел в тот день. Они прокладывают дорогу Новороссийску, чтобы взорвать какой-то дурацкий сухогруз "Руски" в космос. Слава Украине и Слава Белкам.
Everytime I hear this song I have to cry. I think about my Great-Grandfather who died in an U-Boot. He musst have experienced unbelieveble fear and despair.
Respekt to all German sailors who fought on u boots they were very very courage these people were elites of all. Submarines crews were serving for countries not politicians and RESPECT TO ALL SERVING/SERVED ON SUBMARINES
I can remember this song. My dad listened to it when I was small. It´s crazy that I know that even if you don´t know very much about the time when you 3 or 4 years old.But if I hear old songs I remember that I heard them.
@@makaveli6637 I watched and listend to The Cure - Lullaby when I was a kid and the violin sounds and the dude getting eaten by a spider scared me forreal xD now I like it as its a cool jam.
первая композиция u 96 которую я услышал она меня поразила....с тех пор я влюбился в такую музыку ..это шедевр рассказывающий о нелегкой службе подводников.
Ein Meisterwerk, damals in der fünften/sechsten Klasse gab es wilde Diskussionen über die drei Teile. Wolfgang Petersen hat sich selbst übertroffen und ein Denkmal gesetzt.
Das war der Startschuss mit meinem damaligen 10 Jahren in die Welt der elektronischen Tanzmusik.. Ich war auf mindestens 15 MAYDAY's, 10 Loveparade's, ich habe mindestens 1000 Clubbesuche hinter mir, ich war DJ, habe 4000 Vinyl Schallplatten und bin alt geworden.. Aber die Musik lebt in meinem Herzen weiter..
My god I remember watch this on MTV was only round 9 and I remember saying that’s one seriously bouncey Tune this tune got me into Dance / Trance Techno prog and list goes on
@@viciu080 poczytaj troszkę o gatunkach muzycznych. Techno wywodzi się z muzyki elektronicznej, na początku wyodrębniało się z końcem lat 70. W Europie tak naprawdę zaczęło się rozwijać od lat 80. i 90. Kraftverk, U96 balansowano w opozycji do już istniejących gatunków muzycznych, na pewno utwór powyżej zaliczać można do techno, a nie disco. Nurt elektroniczny, z którego wypłynęło techno w Europie głównie zauważysz w Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech... Jest o czym czytać. Świetny nurt, na którym opiera się wielu dzisiejszych twórców.
@@SuperPikaska radziłbym to samo. Techno było inspirowane Hip Hopem i Housem oraz oczywiście syntetyka pionierów elektroniki tj jak KraftWerk, Brian Eno i wielu innych. Pierwsze utwory techno powstałe w Detroit brzmią zupełnie inaczej niż dzisiaj i można słyszeć inspiracje powyższymi gatunkami. Dla wielu ludzi także i dla Ciebie każdy utwór elektroniczny to techno a tak nie jest zatem odsyłam do lektury i do licznych dokumentów na YT
Desde Arica, Chile puedo decir que este de U 96 es un verdadero temazooo. Era uno de mis temas favoritos dance de los 90s cuando estudiaba en la enseñanza media. Grande U 96!!!
Recuerdo que en mi niñez mi hermano mayor tenía una cassette con techno, el platero le llamaba, en este habían muchas canciones buenísimas y esta. Siempre me encantó! Me imaginaba a un robot haciendo música y creando sonidos a medidas que aprendía de los sonidos que programaba... Das boot 🎶
The movie is a timeless classic, partly because of Klaus Doldingers epic theme. The U96 remix is also epic, partly because of the actual theme, partly because was released at a time when it was just right.
Wenn ich dieses Video anschaue läuft es mir auch heute noch kalt den Rücken runter, genauso wie beim Film "das Boot." Diese Musik bringt das richtig zur Geltung. Danke Alex Christensen Danke U96
Thats what always gets me. The diesel engine sound as the background beat. Seen the movie, read the book, been to Laboe to the real thing. Scary, and unbelievable.
Медведь не охотится на медведя,лев не охотится на льва,человек охотится на человека,подводная лотка была создана не для туризма,грустно...клип и музыка это шедевр...👍
Это к сожалению правда,такое сложнейшее судно создавалось не для подводной рыбалки...проектируют и создают это люди с мозгами,руководят этим люди без мозгов...
OMG I had this on a mixtape in high school and lost it in a move in the 90s. Been looking for the tracks on it for ages. Just randomly got inserted on RUclips's Sisters of Mercy playlist!!!! Woooooo
holy shit lasttime I heard this track when i was 8 years old in Poland 92' i finally found it !!! i love it! 1 2 3 techno! i could never remember the tune and never remembered the name. damn it feels good when U hear a track from the past like 2p years ago. !!!
I understand your feelings. Surely they were brave, but... Becouse of them (also Werhmacht etc.) millions of brave men didn't return home to their loved ones in Poland. Moreover their loved ones were raped and killed (wifes) and children starved to death, shoot in the head or cut by saw (Wolhynia). Thousands burned alive, thrown down the balcony and thousands driven by tanks. Their homes were burned and some children and women buried alive. And after all of that this brave men were sold to USSR by the allies and those who found themselves in the West, weren't invited to the victory parade in London. After all of this years some stupid belgian PM calls us Nazis and germans want to teach us democracy. Thats! really sad!!!
Poland also had ships and submarines and you can't deny that german submarines took part in war. So don't glorify them. Becuose of this "brave" submarine soldiers, Wehrmacht could longer rape and burn my country. Sorry.
Hahaha, ok. I'll stop feeding the troll. Then who are you? Where are you from? But throwing granades to children and shooting them into head wasn't punished by death? Read books, watch the "Warsaw Uprising" made only from original recordings. But not only there, you have evidence that for ex. germans killed civilians becouse of the political orders. In two days (5-7 august 1944) they killed 35-65k men, children and women (all civilians) in Warsaw's district of Wola.
And You know what? Polish-German relationship started in 972 by their invasion (battle of Cedynia). Then we have Głogów, Teutonic Order, Prussia, partitions, WW1, WW2. Show any map showing that Poland occupied any german territory. Becouse in maps, we can see that germans were invading for 1k years and if someone grabbed land from each other it was germany (Holy Roman Empire, Brandenburg, TO, Prussia, germany after 1872, 3rd Reich etc. They stopped after Soviet victory in 1945.
And it isn't that I don't like this move or techno version of the theme. Movie was great, but I had a feeling of gloryfing Kriegsmarine and whole German-nazi state. I read books of Erich Maria Remarkque and I'm far from saying that really good man stood only on one side of this conflicts. But I can't accept gloryfing.
First techno track ever I heard in my life, it was 1991 and I was 8 years old, it was the beginning of an endless love story for techno.
Thanks U 96 🖤
Wie recht du hast.
same here ;)
Had 7 years when i heard this song first time. Still kicking
My first techno song also
Bin etwas älter (jetzt 46) aber die Musik bewegt mich immer noch
RIP Wolfgang Petersen Regisseur. ..Danke für dieses Meisterwerk von Film....Das Boot
Отличный фильм. В России его любят.
Apsolutes Meisterwerk! Für die Ewigkeit
Тяжелый фильм, я его посмотрел только один раз, второй навряд ли когда осилю
@@Ivan_Ivanov91 ну и ты гонишь.
40 раз за неделю смотрю
Треку 30 лет, а переплюнет большинство современной музыки! Этот шедевр крутили ВСЕ любители электроники!
Эт точно..
well don´t know but 1848 was not second world war.
700, Gott sei Dank sind Anrufweiterleitungen in grossen Stil heutzutage wohl registrierungspflichtig, und kaufbare Nummern wie Skype soll es so nicht mehr geben
Impressum, sicher, Konrad Adenauer Allee....
Bezos, CEO, un dos tres und wolfheim she wolf maessig abtauchen. ö 2+ 6 not 26?!
Ich weiß es noch als wäre es erst gestern gewesen, ich war 14 und hörte es 1992 zum ersten Mal es ist der BESTE TECHNOTRACK den's damals gab und das bis heute da fing meine Liebe für Techno an - jetzt bin ich 46 und frage mich wo die Zeit geblieben ist, ich liiiiiiiebe es und könnte es in DAUERSCHLEIFE hören vielen Dank fürs hochladen ❤👍🎶🎵🤙🤟🎵🎵👏👏😉
Same here, auch 46😅
wieso macht jemand ein video über eine Legende, die in Westdeutschland BRD jeder kannte? In Kiel soll es damals U Boote gegeben haben, und der Kutter mit dem Kreuz? Ale
Ja, der Alex wusste schon immer wie er seine Fans begeistern kann..😉👍
Wenn du Satzzeichen benutzt, versteht man deinen Text schneller und besser.
Friesen for Holland
I am German, my grandfather worked on a boat like this during WW2. He once said, the movie is very close to reality. Scary!
Wow thx for sharing your story happy that your granfather survived the war
so this is what happens when a u boat gets attacked by a other u boat?
Your name says otherwise
@@gejnijeokej314 dude lol, his name so french
WoW..... speechless......
Ein Meilenstein der europäischen Musikgeschichte, was die gesamten 90er beeinflusst hat. Jedes mal bekomme ich ne Gänsehaut... Eifach nur genial!
da haste recht
War das einzige Mal dass Europa die Musikszene dominierte und die USA Huber sich ließ. Leider schade das diese Zeit vorbei ist 90er Musik beste
Ja, das stimmt.
@@BesterytberJOJONAS Stimmt nicht ganz. Kraftwerk war für viele Musiker damals schon prägend und sind die Erfinder der elektronischen Popmusik. Und gelten für die meisten auch als Begründer des Techno. "Unzählige internationale Musiker und Bands berufen sich auf Kraftwerk als Inspirationsquelle". Im übrigen hat die Band U96 mit Kraftwerk zusammengearbeitet und ein Album gemacht.
@@BesterytberJOJONAS ja wußte garnicht das "Technotronic" ein Projekt aus Belgien war, genauso 2 Unlimited aus den Niederlanden.
Almost 30 years ago I first heard this at a nightclub in `91, I bought the cd the following morning, played it more times than I care to think about and consider it one of my all time favs from the whole of the 90`s.
Where has the time gone?
Sadly we cannot change the time
But it makes life worth of living it
Fast forward
Yupp....its my all time fave, alongside brooklyn bounce 08 recall.
💖....yea, where the time has gone....💖💖
U96 ist heute noch unerreichbar. Eine Legende. Die Legende. U96 hat Musik von den 90er geprägt und war absolut eines der Technoszene Vorreiter.
Und ist komplett obsolet....
Naja, jetzt übertreib mal ned. Emmanuel Top bleibt die Nummer eins.
Tampoco te pases...
He's the Jean Michel Jarre's son...
Vorreiter waren dann doch wohl eher andere wie beispielsweise The Prodigy - gerade international. Das Boot wurde im Oktober 1991 veröffentlicht, da war die Technoszene schon in vollem Gange.
I was 16 when this was released. I'm 46 now and it's still an anthem. Been playing the hell out of this for the last week.
Claus swab
Jip its good stuff from. England. ❤️💪💪💪
0:47 and go :) i`m 47 now :)
You was 16 in 1991?
Всім привіт, я з України. Мені 36 років, і я шукав цей трек все життя, бо це один із перших моїх свідомих спогадів про музику. На той момент мені було 6 років, коли я слухав цю композицію на касеті. І ось я нарешті знайшов його. Дякую, U-96 за закладену любов до електронної музики!
Dies ist wirklich ein Meisterwerk, erst recht der Film. Slava Ukraina.
I remember my dad showing me this song when I was 6 years old and I have to say, this song has a special place in my heart. Still one of my favourite songs of all time and it gets my adrenaline pumping every time. Love it
Same! With my mom though ♥️
Nach 9 Jahren hört das noch jmd außer ich
Ja freilich. 😆
Me too
Ich 😂 👍👊🏻😎🇵🇱
This song was my first techno song ever.. Changed my life forever.. Still juicy as brest pregnant woman😅
I remember me and my older sister as we were children, raving and jumping around the living room like there's no tomorrow while dancing to this track in the early 90s. Unforgettable moments :)
Please tell me that like me you also first came across this on a NOW compilation and then incessantly played it on repeat
was für ein Brett damals...das Ding war glaub ich 16 Wochen auf 1 in Deutschland.
Danke Alex für diesen Teil meiner Jugend ;-)
Lief in alle Dorf-Disco und Tempels rauf und runter.Echter Klassicer.
In Schweden auch. Ahh so lange her.
umso erschreckender das ich sowas lese und im grunde ein realer hintergund dahinter steht wo unsere u-boot leute ihr leben gelassen haben und sich die neuen generationen damit bespassen...ähnlich bei meiner alten, die kannte nur das lied und den dümmlichen tanz dazu.... das es ein film dazu gibt und einen ernsten hintergund hat wusste sie nicht, geschweige den das der WWII dahinter steht in dem tausende von deutschen u-boot leuten umgekommen sind.... hauptsache feiern, vögeln und sich sinnlos volllaufen lassen
@Kain Nod wieso muss ich eine alternative haben? reicht doch wenn es hier um den WW2 und die leute die da gestorben sind geht...was muss ich da mit einer alternative aufwarten und warum???
tanzt du auf dem garb deines vaters wenn er verstirbt und fragst die runde rum was es für eine alternative gibt?
die leute sind hier gestorben im WW2, das sollte das hauptaugenmerk sein...muss man das echt noch erörtern
@@frankhaaren3411 liol
Hahahah 1991! Das Ding holte ziemlich viele ab, einschließlich mich, ich war 13 und spulte immer wieder zurück auf Anfang! Danke Alex ;-)
,......und, biste heute U-Bootfarer??😅
M.H. Kapitänleutnant a.D
Januar 1992 meine erste CD... Und hüte sie heute noch wie einen Schatz.... Absolut großes kino❤️❤️
It's 1992. 2am. I'm alone in my room, lying in bed, watching MTV and snacking on sweet popcorn, contemplating ditching school tomorrow. Life was sweet and easy and full of possibility. I want my childhood back.
Great Song except for the Techno guy and His dumb speech. Whatever the Original Video ist from..
No childhood😮
its 1980 autumn the mushrooms are wearing off and I'm 15 it's time to leave school "I retire" next day mum says "did you not go to school today...."? I want my childhood back but it's known as senile dementia at my age and in 10 20 years I'll be in a world I must escape from wearing nappies and shitting myself each day as a part of my journey(you get forced to wear nappies and you get told to shit & piss yourself, a mental hospital for criminaly insane is my only choice or death by firing squad armed police, there must be a more peace full way maybe a mountain in Himalaya? A VOLCANOE HEAD FIRST SELF DESTRUCTION WITH smoke rings that's got to be my best option only I die only I get killed perfect, Iceland is quite close, who wants to live forever.
@@Blueluisea matter of your opinion. Everyone else liked it back then.
One of the best movies ever, and one the first and best techno pieces ever - both still hold their own today.
nothing to add, nothing to take away
An extraordinary movie with an equally compelling soundtrack. What the movie makes clear is the fact the men fighting for Germany on these U-Boats -- in fact across the board -- were no different from the men fighting for America on naval vessels, etc. Men were men; same challenges, difficulties, fears, sactifices, threats, and so on. I served in the U.S. Navy and could have made rank quicker had I wanted submarine duty but no way could I have handled those tight, enclosed quarters in an underwater tube for months. Hats off to those did. On both sides.
underrated comment.
It's totally underrated...!😉
ты забыл про русских!
@@dropme98 они воевали против русских. Хотя разобрав Ие_рус_алим, Ие руса лим, хочется спросить о том, кто русский? 😂 русские татары, русские грузины, русские евреи, русские немцы и т. д. Новодворская уже называла себя русской. Видимо эти товарищи стесняются своей принадлежности к своей, к настоящей, национальности.
I love ur comment.
"Und tanzen"
Absolut ein geiles Lied auch nach so vielen Jahren höre ich es immer rauf und runter. Bin 43Jahre alt also mit der Mucke aus dem besten Jahrzehnt 1990 groß geworden
im finnish i cant dance
@@TheZINGularity Same.
@@TheZINGularityyou can be taught
R.I.P. Wolfgang Petersen, director of "Das Boot".
Ja...ein sehr guter Regisseur
Tecno 🎉
R.I.P. red heart of mine too as no one survives 3 decades of torture.. but nice to remember myself at times
@@DafneVallstrom-s7o Go watch it abain
who cares
Сам фильм шедевр! Саундтрек супер! U 96 - Das Boot - идеальный ремикс!!!
смотрел фильм.. в чём шедевр
в том что оригинал музыки узнал?)) примат
Лучший фильм о подводниках
@@РоманРолан-щ5и Командир счастливой щуки , вот лучший фильм о подводниках .
@@NVNNVN-lp6ws меня не зацепил
I'm enjoying it for 26 years. Great movie + Great techno tune = Timeless track.
Вышел же целый сериал, 2 сезона
My first techno song on cassette, my first encounter with the techno genre. Since then, I got 39 yrs old and still love this song and the electro genre. Play this song at my funeral.
Great, i have no mor to say
Mega Lied, war damals mit der erste Techno den ich gehört habe und Feier es heute noch mit 43 Jahren… man merkt man wird alt, bleibt alle ewig gesund und Glücklich 😉✌️☀️
Здоровье временно...
Все временно...
@@DedRUclips-xb2ulman kann auch Sachen positiv betrachten und sein Leben genießen als immer nur alles schlechte in allem zu sehen 😉
I saw this film once 39 years ago. I remember holding my breath the whole time. I remember every scene. Incredible film making.
Тема огонь!!! 2021 год кто слушает? Всем добра!!!!
@БАРОН ТОМСОН Привет лол
Слушаю и плачу , вспоминая, как жестоко убили наших ребят на «КУРСКЕ» !!!
I assume that means who's watching in 2021? I am Sir!
@@Izabelle710 тоже 10-ти долларовая ш...?
ich habe es als Jugendliche geliebt und es ist nach wie vor genial
Jawohl so ist es
Das Lied ist echt schön🤌🏻😁
LIL Kim was greatest.
BIC, ein U boot und kein Snap, ne echt jetzt nicht.
Nachdem 1988 in Belgien der New Beat aufkam, war nun hier mit Alex Christensen erstmal in der breiten Öffentlichkeit von Techno die Rede. Wir dachten an eine kurzlebige Welle, aber der Techno lebt noch immer. Schön, dass wir am Anfang dabei waren. Ich bin heute 49 und noch immer dabei !
Hi bin mittlerweile 55 und finde Techno immer noch hammerhart
В 90 крутая музыка,ни одна дискотека не обходилась без нее
это точно! были времена!
Одна из любимых!
@@Tattya100 крафтверк не слышали?
Я вел в то время дискотеки ю96 включал 1 в начале . Класная музыка минимум слов, что еще надо для разогрева
Sounds like a boss battle theme.
It more sounds like an lab meltdown music
Maiani Underwood Sounds like I’m about to lead Soviet forces in Red Alert
Sounds like something that would fit in Darius. A HUGE BATTLESHIP DAS BOOT IS APPROACHING FAST!
Yes you’re right😂
Nah, unless your boss is giant nazi ghost-submarine.
The main instrumental chords always give me goosebumps , very emotional piece of music.
Кадры из фильма просто идеально подходят к песне! Динамика зашкаливает. С этого клипа началась моя любовь к Techno. Обожаю суровое Техно )))
Основная тема трека взята прямо из фильма, это ремикс по сути.
@@alexpetrov8871 Да, я слышал как звучит тема в фильме. Но U 96 сделали лучше оригинала, чувствуется динамика, тревога и серьезность происходящего.
Подводная лодка 1985 года, режиссёр Вольфганг Петерсен (1941-2022), снял "Троя", "Двухсотлетний человек"
I have a very funny memory to that song. We were at night on a lonely country road in bavaria and it started to rain like crazy, and soon there were small creeks on the road. But I was in a hurry, and I put the MC with that song in the cassette drive and raced up and down that road in my shitty old Audi B2 all the way home. While I felt like a brave submarine captain, the frightened expression in my passengers faces was just priceless. Today I am way too old for such shit ... but its a shame the clock won't turn back.
Oh, yes. This was on, driving way too fast late at night over wintery roads.
@@kimerikellingsen9975 especially, in dark Alpen roads)
I want to serve in your Audi Marine Division.
nice one,know that feeling.
We started in Ancona, Italy by noon but randomly stopped for a yodel festival in the alps as three of four occupants (I was driving so still sober) were drunk thought it would be a great idea to join. In the German part of the Alps that massive rain came down around midnight. Especially uphill was terrifying, real floods pushed be back down and I let the engine yell at 5500 rpm in third gear to race up against it. Downhill with approx 150 kph we smashed with a large BASH in the creeks, got wet feet and the driver side mirror fell of. The throttle wire to the gas pedal was torn at Nuremberg and I had to open the hood and mount a wire on the throttle attached at the remains of the gone mirror, accelerating with my arm out of the window. By elbow had hurt even two weeks after - the cold driving wind and stress over hours inflamed it. Turned out at arrival that two hubcabs did not make it. Brave comrades that gave their life in the floods. By noon we arrived in Hamburg alive. Now as grown family man I am sad and happy together that these wild years are over.
Es gibt keine Wörtet, die beschreiben können was diese Musik bei mir auslöst, freies Tanzen, glücklich sein, was will ich mehr, noch mehr von dieser Musik, danke für diesen Hammer Sound 🫵✌️👍♥️🇩🇪
bei mir löst techno nur langeweile aus
0:01 Fun fact: To avoid confusion, Germans will always start their songs by declaring the genre
I don't think so and I'm a German
du denkst das weil du ein Ami bist und ihr seid schmutz
Just like they always start their wars with a declaration of war, they are a very organized nation.
@@MarmurowyPalac Ahah loved this one =D Peace to all.
@Fork Larsen Is just the short name or sometimes the nick name for American.
But I think Heisenberg has other problems, just ignore him.
Я короче когда маленьким был)) Боялся этот трек и прятался помню)))🤣👍
а я музыку x-filles ещё боялся 😅
В прошлой жизни наверное был подводником
@@RiseSpeed-QQQ Спасибо, пересмотрю!
Vor 12 Jahren habe ich auf diesem Lied getanzt und die Europameisterschaft mit dem ersten Platz belegt. Dieses Lied ist bleibt für mich immer einer meiner highlights 💥
glückwunsch :)
Я слушал ее на кассете, с магнитной леной, это было очень круто в детстве, качались под нее в 90
и как? накачались?)
i think one of the reasons why this techno remix actually works pretty well, is that the original soundtrack also had some clear electronic influences (which is pretty unique amongst serious war movies i think)
The movie was great (and still remains largely unknown by younger generations). And the album this was my first cassette tape I bought with my first salary.
As an English man I lost my relatives to this war as I expect you have many German friends, war is a part of life and history and I have no hatred of my fellow European citizens, in fact I hope we can work together and make a better world
matt robinson You blew it with the fat warmonger.
matt robinson i hope to
matt robinson let's just build some Type VII's (U-96's) and end some wars ;)
England should have allied with Germany. Why did the Germans and English hate each other so much?
Alan Fox, you sound stupid, don't be. During the times of the Napoleonic wars, the UK was allied with Prussia. Afterwards, Germany chose an undemocratic path. Now we are EU and NATO partners, and who's fucking that one up...?
Ta muzyka i te teledyski... do tego sie wraca po latach!!!
Тяжело писать наверное на русском?
@@jilo6uteji_tvoego_anajia118 nonody wants to speak this cruel language! 🇷🇺=💩
@@jilo6uteji_tvoego_anajia118tak. Szczegolnie, ze to znienawidzony przez nas język.
3 lata ORP Warszawa piekło
Эх, где мои 90-е, можно смотреть вечно, молодцы, а за фильм немцам отдельное спасибо
Самый лучший фильм о подводниках .
Сталинград ,их тоже мощный фильм .
Я детям приказал посмотреть.
Дочерям с зятьями.
@@ДождикОсенний-ш8х Сталинград немецкая версия тоже класс .
Хотелось посмотреть "Густлав " на русском языке не нашел .
Das Boot von U 96 (,Alex Christensen)schuff damit ein Techno /Dance Meisterwerk .Ich liebe es auch heute noch .Der legendäre Kriegsfilm WOLFGANG PETERSEN 'Das Boot'.Hart und schonungslos .Die Realität unterwasser in einem U-BOOT (Es gab wirklich U 96 ,Deutsches U-Boot der Kriegsmarine)
I was just shocked by this movie. Enemy submarine, but I worried about her crew as for my own. Greetings from Russia
For the Sea, we are all the same.
Because the movie was mainly about people. People who were put into this madness because in practice they had little to no choice. They mostly despised Hitler and were unaware of all the horrific things that tottenkopf genocide maniacs were doing. For them it was "just" a war in which they took part as one of the sides. They were just people and to some point they were trying to rationalize what they were doing in order to keep their own sanity. This movie is so good also because while watching you're asking yourself a question: what I would do if I was one of them? If I was just a small pinion in a big machine of evil? Would I resist or rather try to keep my sanity and rationalize all that madness? Would I keep my head low and try to survive or try to be a hero? Or would I ever know a reason to be one?
Russia, found out lately that Faberge did lot´s of interesting stuff, but this video better, not quite Lil Kim or legends, b u t great...
One of my greatest fears in life is that some bearded hipster will make an acoustic version of this on ukulele.
Only 601 U-Boats survived the attack.
Only 30 had gone missing and has been Sunk
My greatest fear in life will be that someone takes one of the best pieces of music of all time from one of the greatest films of all time, makes it sound more techno, and add themselves saying random things in robot voices over it.
Oh wait.
good fear
Hah, nice u got it! Gotcha! And...
Erstens die Serie und dann Jahre später dieser Sound! DER WAHNSINN! DAS SIND CLASSIC TECHNO DIE WIR HEUTE NOCH IN DER ARBEIT HÖREN! Geil Geil!
Andreas Schulz wie wahr 😍👍
Ich bin nicht sicher ob das Techno ist.
Oh noooo...this was my youth 😔...But I still love it 😃 !!! Thanks for this U 96 !!! A true masterpiece !!!
Greetings from Hungary🇭🇺
ezt fiatal korodban az emtíví jurópon láttad?
@@enddav Of kórsz 😀...10 vagy 11 éves lehettem és imádtam ezt a klipet !!! Üdv
Привет в Венгрию, обожаю этот треки, привет из Москвы!!!!
Ахуеть тема, слушал, когда мне было 16, сейчас мне 42... И все равно слушаю u 96
Полностью согласен,мне тож 42,наша музыка,нашего времени
@@МихаилТерпугов-н1л мне 43.. но тема афигенная.. вечная)
Мне 41. Я тоже тут.
Когда подростком помню слушал и смотрел думал клип специально сняли про подводную лодку, спустя лет 15 узнал что оказывается это кино и клип нарезки из фильма, что фильм шедевр что клип (ровно 40 если что)
Ага, а мне 56 ! И что??? Тема была еще до меня. Но за душу!!
Ich bekomme Hühnerhaut wenn ich es mit geschlossenen Augen höre....kommen so viele schöne Erinnerungen hoch.......
Da hast du recht. Selbst ich bekomme Gänsehaut. Ich habe den Film vor kurzem gesehen . Und ich muss sagen , das ist ein toller Film.
Ich bin dabei.
Kenne es als Gänsehaut 😂
@@alinaknb7176 👍😅👍
Love this song. One of my favourite songs when I was a child. Can't stop listening to this one
Ich kenne dieses Lied seit dem Tag meiner Geburt, gefühlt. Still love it.
This track encompassed me when i was a kid …
Мне было лет 10, когда я услышал эту композицию, и она сильно повлияла на мои вкусы в электронной музыке.
U96, danke sсhon!
3 languages
Вы знаете, я хоть и русский и живу в России, но фильм Вольфганга Петерсона, настолько великолепен и талантлив, что пересматривал его много раз, включая специальную режиссёрскую версию.
Фильм шедевр. Кто понимает настоящее искусство, тому не важна национальность или страна. Мировые шедевры - они интернациональны!
В этот момент какие-то смелые белки в морской форме пилотируют один из украинских морских беспилотников в Черном море и слушают мелодию Das Boat, белка-капитан курит деревянную трубку, он ушел на флот после того, как его зоопарк взорвали в Харькове и ему пришлось бежать, еще в феврале 2020 года, он не может забыть то, что увидел в тот день. Они прокладывают дорогу Новороссийску, чтобы взорвать какой-то дурацкий сухогруз "Руски" в космос. Слава Украине и Слава Белкам.
@@odakyuodakyu6650дядь а где ваш весь черноморский флот расскажи пожалуйста...
@@rundewiese58 известно где, на дне Черного моря вместе с флагманом москва
@@odakyuodakyu6650 Еb@nuтые бандеры. Были злыми бандерами, а сейчас больные бандеры.
@@constantinpanzer4917крейсер Москва утопил ВЕСЬ флот окраины?
Here in 2021. Das Boot is an amazing film.
It shows the utter futility of war.
exactly .. the crew make it through everything, have a little welcome home celebration .. and get wiped out :-(
U can see the whole serial including 2 seasons
and still we've learnt nothing! :(
toute ma jeunesse , j'écoutais cela à 19 ans il y a trente ans ... quelle nostalgie ... c'était le top à l'époque ... énorme!
Everytime I hear this song I have to cry. I think about my Great-Grandfather who died in an U-Boot. He musst have experienced unbelieveble fear and despair.
Mine too.... May they rest in peace
I am sorry for you grandfather's losses
Greeting from old ally Finland
@@JV-bj4kx thanks
Respekt to all German sailors who fought on u boots they were very very courage these people were elites of all. Submarines crews were serving for countries not politicians and RESPECT TO ALL SERVING/SERVED ON SUBMARINES
@@lukcerix2493 Yes
В дни моей юности, когда звучала эта музыка на дискотеках - это был полный улёт!!!!
И сейчас звучит неплохо)
92 год я помню
I can remember this song. My dad listened to it when I was small. It´s crazy that I know that even if you don´t know very much about the time when you 3 or 4 years old.But if I hear old songs I remember that I heard them.
same for me , my father used to listen to this song and 15 years later I searched it on RUclips by typing "submarine song" and here I am now
Haha nice
Same here, my father starten this song on the tv and i asked him if he played this when I was a kiddooo and he said yeah
Same here.
My mothers grandpa was in the finnish navy during the Winter war (Talvisota) and he served on a submarine.
And it went pretty much like this.
when i was a child i scared from this music
video and song but now i just love the movie -das boot!
Kicia same, when I was little my dad used to listen to this song very loudly and I was very scared everytime, now I like it
@@makaveli6637 I watched and listend to The Cure - Lullaby when I was a kid and the violin sounds and the dude getting eaten by a spider scared me forreal xD now I like it as its a cool jam.
первая композиция u 96 которую я услышал она меня поразила....с тех пор я влюбился в такую музыку ..это шедевр рассказывающий о нелегкой службе подводников.
точно! особенно о нелегкой службе подводников в степях кахлостана
Сколько лет слушаю и всегда болдею от этого ролика большое спасибо всем людям которые сделали этот шедевр ❤❤❤❤❤
This is just amazing.
I remember just as 1991 was yesterday.
Techno never dies!
One of the best films I've ever seen,from a German point of view(for a change)
There are many war movies from the german point of view, u just have to look for them
Downfall is a good one from a german sec POV who was in hitlers bunker till the end.
Ein Meisterwerk, damals in der fünften/sechsten Klasse gab es wilde Diskussionen über die drei Teile. Wolfgang Petersen hat sich selbst übertroffen und ein Denkmal gesetzt.
Is this a film?
@@Neptunils i already knew that
We all know how much Germans love their techno
U 96 kenne ich noch aus den 90er. Ich liebe es 😁
Me 2
Nicht nur du)
Kraaaaass hab gedacht ist von 2012🤪
@@andreslideman93 Mein Patenkind ist Bj 1993, es gab die Musik aber lang bevor))
@@romanroman1850 😂😂 das war ein witz!^^ ich bin selber baujahr 93 und ich hatte u96 auf kasette^^ 🙌🤙
Das war der Startschuss mit meinem damaligen 10 Jahren in die Welt der elektronischen Tanzmusik.. Ich war auf mindestens 15 MAYDAY's, 10 Loveparade's, ich habe mindestens 1000 Clubbesuche hinter mir, ich war DJ, habe 4000 Vinyl Schallplatten und bin alt geworden.. Aber die Musik lebt in meinem Herzen weiter..
My god I remember watch this on MTV was only round 9 and I remember saying that’s one seriously bouncey Tune this tune got me into Dance / Trance Techno prog and list goes on
Техно 90 х бесподобно. Такого не будет никогда!!
Счас, нет техно
Будет у других и по другому. Им тоже будет казаться, что это самое лучшее в их жизни. Молодость :)
Как же это давно было. Плакать хочется. Спасибо за музыку и за эмоции)
Отличный фильм, отличная музыка. Почему-то я думал, что не найду поскольку это... current year. Да вы и сами знаете. Спасибо.
Utwór młodości. Takie były początki techno.
@@tomjones5636 emardżensi
Początki techno sięgają lat 70-tych a to jest raczej disco
@@viciu080 poczytaj troszkę o gatunkach muzycznych. Techno wywodzi się z muzyki elektronicznej, na początku wyodrębniało się z końcem lat 70. W Europie tak naprawdę zaczęło się rozwijać od lat 80. i 90. Kraftverk, U96 balansowano w opozycji do już istniejących gatunków muzycznych, na pewno utwór powyżej zaliczać można do techno, a nie disco. Nurt elektroniczny, z którego wypłynęło techno w Europie głównie zauważysz w Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech... Jest o czym czytać. Świetny nurt, na którym opiera się wielu dzisiejszych twórców.
@@SuperPikaska radziłbym to samo. Techno było inspirowane Hip Hopem i Housem oraz oczywiście syntetyka pionierów elektroniki tj jak KraftWerk, Brian Eno i wielu innych. Pierwsze utwory techno powstałe w Detroit brzmią zupełnie inaczej niż dzisiaj i można słyszeć inspiracje powyższymi gatunkami. Dla wielu ludzi także i dla Ciebie każdy utwór elektroniczny to techno a tak nie jest zatem odsyłam do lektury i do licznych dokumentów na YT
Masterpiece of a techno song! Very interesting and epic song! Was number 1 here in Norway! ❤️
Desde Arica, Chile puedo decir que este de U 96 es un verdadero temazooo. Era uno de mis temas favoritos dance de los 90s cuando estudiaba en la enseñanza media. Grande U 96!!!
I came across it searching for das boot trailer, and I am really glad I did. It is one of the best movies I have seen!
Oh the synthesized speech on the Atari ST. I used to love making it swear on the screen and say it.
Us 90s kids knew how to entertain ourselves
Recuerdo que en mi niñez mi hermano mayor tenía una cassette con techno, el platero le llamaba, en este habían muchas canciones buenísimas y esta. Siempre me encantó! Me imaginaba a un robot haciendo música y creando sonidos a medidas que aprendía de los sonidos que programaba... Das boot 🎶
The movie is a timeless classic, partly because of Klaus Doldingers epic theme. The U96 remix is also epic, partly because of the actual theme, partly because was released at a time when it was just right.
If listening right, you can hear the beat of the diesel machines in the Background. Quite creative for a techno track.
Wenn ich dieses Video anschaue läuft es mir auch heute noch kalt den Rücken runter, genauso wie beim Film "das Boot." Diese Musik bringt das richtig zur Geltung. Danke Alex Christensen Danke U96
Ruht in frieden alle die im Krieg gestorben sind
Aber vergesst nicht die vermissten die irgendwo einsam im Krieg ihr Leben gelassen haben fern der Heimat ruht in Frieden .
Achtung jaaa
Einfach nur richtig geile Musik, dazu noch der beste deutsche Film aller Zeiten!
👌driving 🚗 through Germany 🇩🇪 and listening 🎶 and enjoying 😀
Early 90's techno/rave pure gold.Innovator,pioneer, and legend.
Increible ... Más de 20 años y aún me siguen gustando estos temazos
Forever #1. When its released i was 13 years old. Now i'm 37 and still love it.
same here man :D
And here :D
rhyminsimon2009 me to i was 12 😘
Idem for me.
I was 12 too, had it on a tape labeled "Tekkno" from a german girl :))
Diesel engine sound. To the beat of the heart. The best film about submariners. Best Film Soundtrack.
Thats what always gets me. The diesel engine sound as the background beat. Seen the movie, read the book, been to Laboe to the real thing. Scary, and unbelievable.
Медведь не охотится на медведя,лев не охотится на льва,человек охотится на человека,подводная лотка была создана не для туризма,грустно...клип и музыка это шедевр...👍
Это к сожалению правда,такое сложнейшее судно создавалось не для подводной рыбалки...проектируют и создают это люди с мозгами,руководят этим люди без мозгов...
Ich bekomme immer wieder Gänsehaut bei dem Lied. Absolut passend zu den Szenen. Super Technosong von U96.
OMG I had this on a mixtape in high school and lost it in a move in the 90s. Been looking for the tracks on it for ages. Just randomly got inserted on RUclips's Sisters of Mercy playlist!!!! Woooooo
Who is here in 1945
Admiral Doenitz
Härman göring
Nah I’m in 1632
Семён Ильич Богданов - Marshall of the Tanks army (Russia) 1894-1960. RIP.
Maybe im a Polish Man, but still its in the past. We need to be together these days 💪
coś pieknego... protoplasta pięknej muzyki...
Кто слушает в 2019 лайк!!! И всем здоровья ребята!!!
Слушаю рядом с Северным морем в Германии
мощный фильм, мощный саунд
Фильм крутой.
@@SuperCtrlAltDel ты в Видяево послушай, проникает
Мой крёстный брат любил этот трек(
Всем добра и жизни;) !
Was 12 and obsessed when this came out! I'll be 39...my daughter is 12 now :) Great times!
Beste Musik. Auch heute noch
Согласен 😊
holy shit lasttime I heard this track when i was 8 years old in Poland 92'
i finally found it !!!
i love it! 1 2 3 techno!
i could never remember the tune and never remembered the name.
damn it feels good when U hear a track from the past like 2p years ago. !!!
Superb series and so realistic.War is a terrible thing and to think that so many brave U-Boat men never returned home to their loved ones is so sad.
I understand your feelings. Surely they were brave, but... Becouse of them (also Werhmacht etc.) millions of brave men didn't return home to their loved ones in Poland. Moreover their loved ones were raped and killed (wifes) and children starved to death, shoot in the head or cut by saw (Wolhynia). Thousands burned alive, thrown down the balcony and thousands driven by tanks. Their homes were burned and some children and women buried alive. And after all of that this brave men were sold to USSR by the allies and those who found themselves in the West, weren't invited to the victory parade in London. After all of this years some stupid belgian PM calls us Nazis and germans want to teach us democracy. Thats! really sad!!!
Poland also had ships and submarines and you can't deny that german submarines took part in war. So don't glorify them. Becuose of this "brave" submarine soldiers, Wehrmacht could longer rape and burn my country. Sorry.
Hahaha, ok. I'll stop feeding the troll. Then who are you? Where are you from? But throwing granades to children and shooting them into head wasn't punished by death? Read books, watch the "Warsaw Uprising" made only from original recordings. But not only there, you have evidence that for ex. germans killed civilians becouse of the political orders. In two days (5-7 august 1944) they killed 35-65k men, children and women (all civilians) in Warsaw's district of Wola.
And You know what? Polish-German relationship started in 972 by their invasion (battle of Cedynia). Then we have Głogów, Teutonic Order, Prussia, partitions, WW1, WW2. Show any map showing that Poland occupied any german territory. Becouse in maps, we can see that germans were invading for 1k years and if someone grabbed land from each other it was germany (Holy Roman Empire, Brandenburg, TO, Prussia, germany after 1872, 3rd Reich etc. They stopped after Soviet victory in 1945.
And it isn't that I don't like this move or techno version of the theme. Movie was great, but I had a feeling of gloryfing Kriegsmarine and whole German-nazi state. I read books of Erich Maria Remarkque and I'm far from saying that really good man stood only on one side of this conflicts. But I can't accept gloryfing.
Lieder der Jugend........ was 'ne geile Zeit.......
A Masterpiece For All Times....