FF+’s Mulder explains why ‘Rainbow Coalition’ can and will beat ANC/EFF in 2024

  • Опубликовано: 28 ноя 2022
  • Freedom Front Plus, the political party which champions minorities and Cape Independence, is credited with being ‘the adult in the room’ during fractious coalition discussions in Gauteng Metros. The electorate is paying attention, with the FF+ on the right side of seismic swings in two recent by-elections. Reasons why become apparent during this interview with party stalwart Dr Corné Mulder, a member of the National Assembly since 1988. Mulder, a fourth-generation South African politician, explains how coalition governments are the natural consequence of SA’s proportional representation electoral system introduced in 1994. He reaches a hopeful conclusion - positing that a ‘Rainbow Coalition’ of political parties outside of the economically destructive ANC/EFF can and will win the 2024 National Election. That result, he believes, will usher in a new era of prosperity for the country. Mulder spoke to Alec Hogg of BizNews.

Комментарии • 144

  • @michaeleilkamerer2098
    @michaeleilkamerer2098 Год назад +31

    I have for many years admired Dr.Mulder.His vast talents,insight, vision and intelligence,is of utmost importance for South Africa.An honest leader, who impresses and who doesn't shy to state his opinion in parlement.I have no doubt,he is deeply respected in parlement.I always look forward to listen to his viewpoints, concerning various polical matters.I hope and trust this quality leader won't retire soon!! Michael Einkamerer.

  • @RG-jr8ym
    @RG-jr8ym Год назад +14

    I've always respected the FF and what they stood for. Wish him all the best and hope his plans for our country is successful..

  • @houseking1000
    @houseking1000 Год назад +14

    This Guy Is RIGHT! IT Can Be Done. I won't let ANC push me out of my own country. I was born HERE!

    • @fin-rb3yz
      @fin-rb3yz Год назад

      some blck people were also born in amerika.....but see how they live

  • @maruiscordier2042
    @maruiscordier2042 Год назад +19

    I never supported the FF but now I know who I will vote for in 2024

  • @reginaldm707
    @reginaldm707 Год назад +37

    Excellent interview, honestly I had lot of assumptions about the FF+ but I was patient with myself and decided to listen to this interview. I have Respect for Dr Mulder now than before...."I will not let anyone to push me out of Africa, it is nice to visit overseas and that but as soon as I come back and breath African air, then I know I'm home"

    • @nathanielkgobe427
      @nathanielkgobe427 Год назад +1

      Wow, Wow that's awesome words of wisdom, coming back, as soon as I take the first breath, then I know that I am back home 👌👌🙏

    • @TamimLB
      @TamimLB 8 месяцев назад +1

      How interesting, a black man (you) supporting VF+ and a white man (me) supports IFP. Love this country dude

  • @RaiSMM
    @RaiSMM Год назад +11

    I like Dr Mulder, he is level headed and a realist.

  • @colinthomas8677
    @colinthomas8677 Год назад +20

    Definitely there has to be another political solution for SA 28 years of fraud, theft, corruption and failure has to be addressed?

    • @frikrabie5371
      @frikrabie5371 Год назад

      The ANC doesn't fulfill its constitutional obligations.
      The ANC is far worse than just a "poor" government, it CHOOSES to break down and to destroy. That is why this action is warranted and needed.
      Most importantly the ANC incites hatred/violence against us when they say that we stole their land - I checked, we didn't.
      It is not reasonable to expect law abiding tax payers to continue with "the winner takes all principle" of a democracy to their own and the country's demise.
      Who says we HAVE to be part of this political dispensation? Nobody questions this. It is time to stop, think and QUESTION this.
      Nothing and nobody have the right to force us to be part of this self destructive political dispensation.
      Approach the courts - convince them that it would be in the best interest of the country as a whole if we control our own taxes (first goal). Justify our rejection of the current political dispensation (main goal).
      Die enigste praktiese oplossing is om ons eie belasting (persoonlike, besigheids en brandstofheffings), munisipale fooie en betalings vir elektrisiteit self te beheer. (Our money under our control).
      Deur dit te doen kan ons die land feitlik oornag omdraai.
      Maar is dit haalbaar, hoe gaan ons dit reg kry?
      Ons het nie n keuse nie, ons moet dit doen.
      My voorstel is om die stelsel te verander deur n hofsaak in die konstitusionele hof. Dit is dalk net n beginpunt.
      Ons is GEREGTIG om die land om te draai.
      As dit is wat nodig is om die land om te draai (en dit is) dan moet die hof ons toelaat om ons belasting ens. te beheer. Dis tog ook vir die beswil v.d. land as n geheel. Hoekom nie?
      Die ANC het NIE DIE REG om ons te weerhou om die land om te draai nie.
      Dis die kruks van die beoogde saak in die konstitusionele hof.
      Indien die hof nie onomwonde in ons guns beslis nie wat heel moontlik is kan dit nog steeds susksesvol wees want dan het miljoene Blankes, Bruin en Indiers gehoor dat hulle GEREGTIG is om te doen wat die beste is vir hulle en SA as n geheel. Op die oomblik dink nie een van hulle so daaraan nie.
      Niks of niemand het die reg om ons te dwing om in n selfvernietigende politieke bedeling te bly nie ook nie die konstitusionele hof nie.
      So n hofsaak sal ook die besef tuisbring.
      Die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel - regsaksie teen die ANC
      As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie kan daar mos nie grondonteiening sonder vergoeding wees nie.
      Dis dan die rede waarom die ANC en EFF vra vir onteiening sonder vergoeding.
      Ons het grond by die Zoeloekoning gekoop. Daar was ander gevalle ook gewees, tewens Bennie van Zyl v.d. TLU se vir my dat daar 25 traktate was tussen die Voortrekkers en Swart stamme vir die koop van grond.
      Die Voortrekkers is bes moontlik die enigste groep mense in die geskiedenis wat nie grond met geweld af geneem het nie maar gekoop het! Die V.O.C. het ook maar hulle was nie n nasie nie.
      Die TLU het al in 2019 vir Ramaphosa gese dat hy en die ANC lieg as hulle sê ons het die grond gesteel.
      Die TLU het ook al R100 000 aan gebied vir enige iemand wat kan bewys dat ons die grond gesteel het maar niemand het nie.
      Ek het n ou onderhoud op RUclips van John Vorster gesien (Firing line with William F. Buckley) net voor die '74 verkiesing waar hy sê dat die regering reeds in 1936 besluit het om 7.25 miljoen morge grond te koop en as ADDISIONELE grond te gee aan die tuislande.
      Tydens die onderhoud het hy gese dat daar reeds 7 miljoen morge gekoop was van Wit mense en dat dit al reeds aan die tuislande oorhandig was.
      As ons nie die grond gesteel het nie en ons betwis nie eens die ANC en EFF se leuen nie is ons sekerlik die grootste idiote in die geskiedenis!
      Kom ons vat die ANC hof toe.
      ANC waar is jou gedetaileerde lys van grond wat gesteel was?
      Ons kan grondonteiening sonder vergoeding nek om draai eens en vir altyd met so n hofsaak.
      Omdat ons nie vir die ANC en EFF se hulle lieg oor die grond nie dink almal al klaar dat ons die grond gesteel het.
      Deur ons stilswye kondoneer ons die leuenaars se leuen.
      Ons kan dit nie in hierdie geweldadige land bekostig nie.
      Hoeveel plaas aanvalle en haat is nie al deur hierdie leuen veroorsaak nie en hoeveel nog?
      Bennie van Zyl se vir my so n hofsaak sal omtrent R5m kos saam met litigasie want die ANC sal definitief apelleer. Die TLU het nie die fondse hiervoor nie.
      Om as n regering dit jou doelwit te maak om mense se grond by hulle te steel gebaseer op jou eie gefabriseerde leuen.
      Om mense se grond by hulle af te vat is gelykstaande aan n oorlogsverklaring.
      Die ANC breek die land ekonomies af as ook die samelewing, tewens die ANC hits rassehaat aan teen die Blankes as die sê ons het die grond gesteel.
      Hoe kan daar verwag word van ons om verder ons belasting te gee aan die ANC en belangriker om deur die ANC regeer te word?
      Wat sal n groep redelike persone doen onder hierdie omstandighede?
      Of eerder waarop is n minderheidsgroep in ons omstandighede GEREGTIG?
      Dit is eintlik die saak wat ek wil begin. Blankes sal baie meer as R5m gee vir hulle vryheid.
      Ek dink nie mense besef dit nie maar dit (die ANC se leuen oor die grond) kan DIE REDE wees wat n hof (insluitend die Wereldhof en VN) se uitspraak in ons guns swaai as ons besluit om ons self te distansieer van die huidige politieke bedeling.
      Bruin en Indier wil ook onder die ANC uit kom, ons staan nie alleen nie.
      Dis nie net n Swart en Wit kwessie nie.
      Dit gaan oor waardes, breek jy af of bou jy.
      Blankes bou, ons kan nie langer onder die afbrekende ANC regering aan gaan nie.
      Die ANC is DIE REDE vir die verval v.d. land.
      Daar is honderde indien nie duisende bewyse hiervoor wat in die konstitusionel hof voor gele kan word.
      Hoe kan ons hierdie saak verloor?
      Om Swartes titel regte te gee vir die grond waarop hulle bly in die ou tuislande sal die grootste welvaart skepping ooit in die land tot gevolg he.
      Hoe is dit moontlik dat die ANC en EFF nooit daaraan gedink het nie!?
      Die huidige stelsel waar grondeienaarskap onmoontlik is, is juis DIE REDE (histories en huidiglik) vir Swart armoede, Swart verstedeliking en plakkerskampe.
      Die ANC se hy is Swartes se "Liberator" maar hy lieg.
      Die ANC is Swartes se "Opressor".

    • @andrewandrew6284
      @andrewandrew6284 Год назад +1

      I agree with you,EFF is the future

  • @ayeshasalie1187
    @ayeshasalie1187 Год назад +10

    Good to hear the views of Dr Mulder. I am one of many minorities, who have been disillusioned by the ANC, after voting them into power in the 1990's. I still have no idea who I would support in an election tomorrow, but he gives me hope for the future.

  • @neomakhetha379
    @neomakhetha379 Год назад +23

    Dr Mulder has earned my respect over the years 👌🏿

  • @christinemeyer9160
    @christinemeyer9160 Год назад +13

    I always admire the balanced intellectual reasoning of this Mulder family, their foresight for what can be done as well as guidelines how to get there.Imagine where this country could be with leaders like them!!

  • @divanbuys1484
    @divanbuys1484 Год назад +5

    With regards to his last statement of "I'm home", it hit me really hard. I worked abroad for 4 years and decided to come back for a holiday with my family. As soon as the plane touched the ground that beautiful African sunrise hit me straight in my chest. It was then that I realised I'm not going anywhere. Africa is in me as I am in Africa and I will fight for her until my heart stops. Just wish more people would stay and realise that Africa is worth the fight

  • @marwinsing
    @marwinsing Год назад +24

    Dr Mulder understands the urgency of this. Great interview, thanks Alec.

  • @charleschurch4901
    @charleschurch4901 Год назад +5

    I love Dr Mulder's words. Let's make South Africa a beautiful Rainbow Nation of honest, hard-working people and build a solid middle class for all our people.

  • @chrissaayman2053
    @chrissaayman2053 Год назад +13

    FANTASTIC leader!!!!!!!

  • @Straightdeal
    @Straightdeal Год назад +17

    Have a lot of respect for the FF+. My hopes are that the DA, FF+ and ActionSA can pull SA through the toxic ANC/EFF and that we can move forward to save our country.

    • @Straightdeal
      @Straightdeal Год назад +3

      I''ve just watched the video for a second time, and given the 47% "guesstimate" for the coalition parties, I was so impressed by the enthusiasm portrayed by dr Mulder, here is my "wish list" for 2024:
      DA: 25%
      FF+: 10%
      ActionSA: 6%
      IFP: 8%
      PA: 4%
      Other: 2%
      ANC/EFF: 45%
      One can only hope!

    • @christophervan6966
      @christophervan6966 Год назад

      The Evil ANC

  • @thomasgosling5155
    @thomasgosling5155 Год назад +12

    I for one as an expat would love to return to South Africa, I left in the year 2000 when my boy turned one years old, never regretted the decision but would love to spend my retirement years back home.

  • @user-rp8dw9hg3j
    @user-rp8dw9hg3j Год назад +11

    Thank you so much for this conversation. Young South Africans like me need to hear these voices. Main stream media don't give them time. And we don't really watch mainstream media anyway. I'm losing hope, and I'm now looking to emigrate with my young family.

    • @tonitappous2422
      @tonitappous2422 Год назад +6

      @H Pse don't leave, SA needs you! And yes, the mainstream media is very captured and biased and leaves out important information that South Africans should know!
      Have you seen the overwhelmingly positive response of the youth to Mac G's recent Podcast with John Steenhuisen on RUclips?
      It is a real eye- opener that bodes well for the future of our country !!
      (read the comments of the youth)

    • @christophervan6966
      @christophervan6966 Год назад +1

      No. Stay up and fight.

    • @HoneyBeeBee
      @HoneyBeeBee Год назад

      . Yes it sucks this side but we can't just keep running. I'm below 30 and shared the same sentiments at some point but THIS IS MY HOME! MY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY!!🇿🇦 We have the most power to solve this right now.

  • @butchlester1
    @butchlester1 Год назад +16

    I think Corne’ Mulder just got my vote for the next election and my wife’s

  • @127834
    @127834 Год назад +8

    Dr. Mulder is a very smart man. The rainbow coalition idea is a very good one indeed 👍

    • @bazilbirch
      @bazilbirch Год назад +1

      That is the most exciting part. The sooner that that gets off the ground, the better.
      Come on, people, we have to stand together.

  • @johnraath5009
    @johnraath5009 Год назад +10

    I've just changed my political allegiance!

  • @ecomandurban7183
    @ecomandurban7183 Год назад +6

    we must listen to what he says and get the job done

  • @garagepie
    @garagepie Год назад +3

    Well said Mr Mulder! We need a joint good party coalition! Let's fix SA!

  • @petermabe897
    @petermabe897 Год назад +8

    Your biggest problem with coalition is the behind the scenes shenanigans where you trade among yourselves using people's vote to further your own narrow personal and political nests.
    What RSA needs and deserves is an open discussion, on national TV, about:
    1. The MUST DO's - maximum 10 priorities, ONE MANIFESTO
    2. What's in it for individuals - who is going to be the president and other leaders
    3. All participants/ those chosen into leadership/public positions MUST lose political party identity while in office...because they'll be working for citizens of the country who voted for them
    4. Non compliance should be met with instant consequences, fired or immediate resignation followed by private prosecutions where appropriate...no long protracted processes that lead to nowhere.
    5. Scorecard and reporting of what's promised vs what's delivered within short timeframes...nothing beyond envisaged own term of office
    6. Basically a 4 year lifespan of the coalition to be reviewed and revisited in year 5 to ascertain its appropriateness and need for the next cycle. People must know that this isn't a lifetime job, they must have their own fallback professions ...and no crosstitution will be allowed...once out, there's no "self-correct" nonsense
    Anything further from this high level blueprint will be a waste of time and only subject society to further abuse by the current system

    • @nelsonchinasamy9857
      @nelsonchinasamy9857 Год назад

      Peter Mabe, you have made a very valid point,. I just don't believe in coalition governments, they never work. All these shenanigan politicians do is get together behind closed doors and work out good positions for themselves. Once in they forget about the electorate, it is all about themselves thereafter. The petty bickering starts and the reason they are there is forgotten.For 2024 let's forget about the ANC, DA OR EFF, LET'S LOOK AT THE SMALLER GUYS. Maybe that's where our savior is. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @normandubowitz1965
      @normandubowitz1965 Год назад

      A realists take! Milder has not heard of Faust obviously.

  • @mrmanq9517
    @mrmanq9517 11 месяцев назад +2

    Coming back to this after Gayton Mc Kenzie said John Steenhuizen is not the right individual to head this coalition
    I somehow have faith in this gentleman. Seems level headed and calm 🙌

  • @robertprentis30
    @robertprentis30 10 месяцев назад +1

    Brilliant and inspiring.
    Thank you.

  • @democracy2.0
    @democracy2.0 Год назад +2

    Positive vibes we need to save our country 👍🙏🤞

  • @stephenrakusin5408
    @stephenrakusin5408 Год назад +6

    Very positive and embracing thank you

  • @nathanielkgobe427
    @nathanielkgobe427 Год назад +2

    What really flabbergasted my heart, listening Dr Mulder speaks, yes i must say he is a level headed Man very Logical, truly speaking you can't get bored, I'm that type of person who is from the school of thought, but i did not stay long enough to obtain any qualifications academically, bcs of abject poverty stricken family, and financial constraints. but when something is right or truthful to me it doesn't matter who does it, i don't support color, status, or majority, and when someone is wrong, and is my fellow comrade then that crystal clear wrong becomes right, no, no, no, to me wrong is wrong and right is right finish and klaar, that is exactly what pushed me out of politics. People don't realize that by agreeing to something that you genuinely know to be wrong, is equivalent to selling your own soul, yes u'll have all the money in the world but have no peace of mind. I am telling you don't be entangled by the smiles on their faces, deep down there is sadness and lot of shame for the atrocities they've done to be were they are today, don't get lured, JESUS IS COMING 🙏

  • @willene58
    @willene58 Год назад +1

    Great to hear the well respected Mr Mulder politian and his family of heroes .This is all we now need for a new rainbow government.

  • @fbdutoit5243
    @fbdutoit5243 Год назад +1

    I am not a politician ,but I agree what Dr Mulder has said. I have just travelled a big portion of the country , Western Cape , Free State , Northern Cape etc. and all we saw was deterioration, poverty , jobless people strolling around, kids out of school etc. we only have one chance in 2024 to turn this around , if we fail our fate will be worse ! Smaller parties have to put aside their own agendas now and work towards a common goal, to unseat the ANC and EFC. The true rainbow nation will then come in effect again where all people will have a better future ! Lets support the drive for a coalition Government to govern South Africa after the 2024 election !

  • @garagepie
    @garagepie Год назад +9

    I like the idea of the Rainbow Coalition 🌈

    • @politician7084
      @politician7084 Год назад

      Just in words and paper but not in action,, that's why people dont buy their idea, fake....

    • @laurie7-mo5gk
      @laurie7-mo5gk Год назад

      If there's Coalition there won't be service delivery,it will be this thing of by election each and every six month until five years infighting

  • @fanamalindi6183
    @fanamalindi6183 Год назад +1

    This is a great African,he gives me hope I see myself in his dream

  • @vijayjagannath2870
    @vijayjagannath2870 Год назад +6

    The Indian community needs to consolidate and join the FF+. I always admired Corne Mulder for his aporoach

    • @fin-rb3yz
      @fin-rb3yz Год назад

      yes just like during aprtheid....

    • @merle-wq9ir
      @merle-wq9ir Год назад

      ​@@fin-rb3yzAnyone who still thinks Apartheid is mentally challenged. It's gone. It's history.

  • @amm7088
    @amm7088 Год назад +17

    Love this party and what it stands for

  • @kamelashogole1455
    @kamelashogole1455 Год назад +2

    woza 2024 i will vote for ff plus finish and klaar

  • @dalecollett3402
    @dalecollett3402 Год назад

    Fantastic interview. It gives me hope.

  • @wda_digital
    @wda_digital Год назад +5

    The marketing of all of these political parties are really bad. They should be highlighting each and every corruption case of the ANC, tally the amounts together (even just the last 10 years) and show people in their own languages (all of them) HOW MUCH was actually stolen from us the people and what could have been done with it (ie: roads, electricity, hospitals, schools, etc). Get in touch with us, we have over 20 years marketing experience in both print and digital)

    • @carlruppert7324
      @carlruppert7324 Год назад

      That is literally 90% of what the DA has been doing for over a decade. Do you not watch the news?

    • @christophervan6966
      @christophervan6966 Год назад

      Yes. So start helping!

  • @apostolpappas
    @apostolpappas Год назад +2

    Excellent interview with political pragmatism.

  • @soniaantonio4741
    @soniaantonio4741 Год назад +5


  • @hannesjansen9941
    @hannesjansen9941 Год назад +2

    Please analise previous election results...a majority is not 100% ...it means having 50% +1
    We need at citizenry level to change 5 people to NOT vote ANC ...and the ANC is history

  • @peterjohnmackenzie8264
    @peterjohnmackenzie8264 Год назад +1

    This is my next party I will vote

  • @janviljoen7001
    @janviljoen7001 Год назад +3

    Well said, thanks.

  • @iegsaanadams1109
    @iegsaanadams1109 Год назад +1

    Well said could not have said it any better .

  • @yvettevandermerwe6354
    @yvettevandermerwe6354 Год назад +1

    MARY JACOBS Moolman was very close to this family

  • @nelienepillay4534
    @nelienepillay4534 Год назад +2


  • @gerhardmeyer5801
    @gerhardmeyer5801 Год назад +1

    Positive talk /the western cape is going to depart from the whole ZA

  • @paulasmulders6832
    @paulasmulders6832 Год назад

    First politician to articulate what I have been saying for some time now. This matter extends beyond party politics and it is entirely possible too end the radical domination of the country if all opposition groups and organizations agree to work together to achieve what must be our first priority. Get rid of the radicals.

  • @davidmcfarlane5873
    @davidmcfarlane5873 Год назад

    A rational man,thanks.

  • @robertowilco7422
    @robertowilco7422 Год назад +1

    Very smart man

  • @sabeloshabangu1485
    @sabeloshabangu1485 Год назад +1

    The problem with SA is international influences.....As much as I would like to believe the gentleman but what he says is inconsistent because he stated his argument by staying the is a minority within the majority which for me is the very divisive reasoning that led to apartheid most importantly it's untrue 90% of black Southern African are Nguni descent so we are basically all one blood. His interested in both saving South Africa and cape independence which is other inconsistency. Let's truly embrace diversity

  • @pietrudman9738
    @pietrudman9738 Год назад +1

    Sounds amazing, what influence would the future of the West/ America the European countries and the so called green carbon free future have on our world. Interesting times ahead.

  • @patrickmulligan3226
    @patrickmulligan3226 Год назад

    Dr Mulder a good name for your movement could be ‘The United Party”

  • @democracy2.0
    @democracy2.0 Год назад

    I was not sure who to vote for in 2024. While I know the F.F. is a Afrikaans party I will consider voting for them next year. Need to dethrone the cANCer

  • @MrT-un6py
    @MrT-un6py Год назад +1

    Get rid of 16 million illegal parasites.
    That is 99 % of our problem in S.A.
    Get our borders secured.
    The unemployment will drop by a consecutive 50%.
    Next in order of preference is Education.
    GOD Bless South Africa.

  • @christophervan6966
    @christophervan6966 Год назад +1

    2024 is like a political World Cup, which to win means victory for the Rainbow Coalition over the enemy, the Evil ANC.

  • @gerhardmeyer5801
    @gerhardmeyer5801 Год назад

    26 to 58 present Wow

  • @martinengelbrecht5384
    @martinengelbrecht5384 Год назад +1

    Lost by 6 votes! 1978! 1976 was the beginning of the troubles!

    • @petermabe897
      @petermabe897 Год назад +1

      He's misstated history...apartheid was increasingly brutal leading up to the tipping point, being 1976...beyond that, it became more desperate for the apartheid regime to hold onto power and that escalated issues. So, his family was directly involved in both advancing and maintaining oppression of black people over many years...notwithstanding democracy.

    • @martinengelbrecht5384
      @martinengelbrecht5384 Год назад

      @@petermabe897 agreed about as bad as this lot.

  • @mathewman
    @mathewman Год назад +2

    just remind me what happened to the other rainbow nation?

  • @normandubowitz1965
    @normandubowitz1965 Год назад

    Mr Milder.Have you heard of Faust!

  • @JilleOuma-nv6oz
    @JilleOuma-nv6oz 10 месяцев назад

    Stem vir ff plus hy is tops hy praat waarheid

  • @gerriedoll154
    @gerriedoll154 Год назад +1

    What about the leadership of the EFF ?? There is a book who you can read what kind of person Malema is. The ANC and the EFF leaders had problems with there leaders ??

    • @andrewandrew6284
      @andrewandrew6284 Год назад +1

      Malema is a good leader,calls a spade a spade

    • @igame6823
      @igame6823 Год назад +2

      Book funded by who?

    • @andrefouche9682
      @andrefouche9682 Год назад

      @@politician7084 You will see how he outdoes Zuma in stealing.

    • @andrefouche9682
      @andrefouche9682 Год назад

      @@politician7084 And where is the proof of who owned the land and when you have the land what do you do with it then?

    • @andrefouche9682
      @andrefouche9682 Год назад +1

      @@politician7084 Yeah but how do you prove ownership, show me the documents that your ancestors owned any land. Anyway we have seen this movie before poverty will follow soon.

  • @zisilemoyi2246
    @zisilemoyi2246 Год назад +1

    U have made a career out of politix ..Corne Mulder

  • @frederikbrits9559
    @frederikbrits9559 2 месяца назад

    What is the results of the Mulder-family bussiness [party]......NONE

  • @MrLechesa
    @MrLechesa 3 месяца назад

    Rainbow Coalition??😂😂

  • @Rustie_za
    @Rustie_za Год назад

    pipe dreams

  • @jamesbowie6057
    @jamesbowie6057 Год назад

    Coalition gov doesnt work
    Free the Cape . Cape independence. Voting now useless

  • @ronm4385
    @ronm4385 Год назад +7

    This guy cannot talk Rainbow nation while talking Cape exit at the same time

  • @patricksylvester3716
    @patricksylvester3716 Год назад

    vote and support EFF

  • @Neo_Rain146
    @Neo_Rain146 Год назад +2

    More feeding of the delusion

  • @argentnexus7129
    @argentnexus7129 Год назад +2

    "Minority rights' is simply a euphemism for racism. The ideology of Apartheid was structured around 'minority rights'. 'Minority or majority' rights will not solve South Africa's problems. A real need for the appreciation of "HUMAN RIGHTS' is required. Having a great Constitution and a moronic State and public is counter-productive,

    • @andrefouche9682
      @andrefouche9682 Год назад +2

      I would say black empowerment is a euphemism for racism.

    • @argentnexus7129
      @argentnexus7129 Год назад

      @@andrefouche9682 Nobody said it isn't. But it ain't euphemism it is outright blatant racism. If you read my comments without becoming defensive, you would have noticed that i decried both minority and MAJORITY rights

    • @fin-rb3yz
      @fin-rb3yz Год назад

      @@andrefouche9682 until aprtheid effects on the majority are reversed , rsa will never unite...

    • @christophervan6966
      @christophervan6966 Год назад

      Minorities are a fact of life. Birds of a feather flock together. Not so much race but cultural affinity.

  • @Dinuzulu1879
    @Dinuzulu1879 Год назад +2

    Why did you not stay in Germany😅😅😅

    • @yvettevandermerwe6354
      @yvettevandermerwe6354 Год назад +1

      And you? In your mud and dung kraal

    • @Dinuzulu1879
      @Dinuzulu1879 Год назад +1

      @@yvettevandermerwe6354 what are you doing in Africa?

    • @yvettevandermerwe6354
      @yvettevandermerwe6354 Год назад +2

      @@Dinuzulu1879 🤟🤟🤟🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @Dinuzulu1879
      @Dinuzulu1879 Год назад

      @@yvettevandermerwe6354 we are not the Australian aboriginals, New Zealand Maori, the Americas native Indians or Canadian First Nations. We will finish you in Africa. Smart ones have left. Stay and you will run for your lives ☺️

    • @yvettevandermerwe6354
      @yvettevandermerwe6354 Год назад +1

      @@Dinuzulu1879 that's why you don't use your real name ..... so you can threaten. You're probably not even 20 just young stupid & noisy 🙄

  • @user-po3me4gr6g
    @user-po3me4gr6g 9 месяцев назад

    He keep talking of voters moving from DA to FF+. They moved from DA back yo their right-wing home the moment the DA got senior black leaders. Rudimentary maths he talks of best election at 2.2% jeepers what is the combined national vote of ANC and EFF? Dam can someone tell these people the Tricameral Parliament is dead