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  • @Oblivionknight
    @Oblivionknight Год назад +2

    What a crazy summon session! Loved when Edelgard came out of nowhere when she heard you talking smack

  • @shuichichirocks33
    @shuichichirocks33 Год назад +1

    Okay so full disclosure I had this on in the background but when you said Legendary Ryoma for AHR I almost BROKE my neck looking back at the screen LMAO

  • @ProtoSpark0
    @ProtoSpark0 Год назад +5

    Thank you for the video, RocketGal, it was a joy to watch while playing/grinding our daily feh shenanigans!
    When it comes to the formas I'd say: Definitely AVOID the Edelgard one, it may work less optimally compared to other saves- while she is an awesome player phase galeforcer. Plumeria is great, but I'd say that Duel RF 4 would be better for her, so she could double down as an Arena and Aether raids merge project. I'd say the best one is L!Chrom, brings him up to modern fodder, and up to date threat, I'd say, he can still be tanked though, so even with that build he won't be as prominent as before. So, I'd say it's a great pick up for a first L!Chrom, or one of the few first, or final merges, but if you already have him +2, I'd say just save up the forma for next time. None of them seem to have as big of an impact on an account as prior runs.
    And don't worry about my questions!!! I'm honestly happy to see I.S. went ahead and gave a five star for each of my questions, paying you back for the trouble and mouthfuls! ahaha. Thank you for answering them 💙
    Oh and I can feel that so much, I'm torn between considering this the best CYL vs the First one, those are my top ones, exactly for reasons you mentioned: Back then I was in my first university year! Studying for an exam, I clearly wasn't doing well with, and had already considered changing course. On the 2nd of February 2017, it took place, and nope, it didn't go well enoughl- Feh came out, and it helped me not stress out and just move along with my path! So CYL 1 bares some special feelings as well, nonetheless, after so many years, in which either the unit I wanted didn't turn out too good playstyle wise, or Art choice wise- the creativity and consistency of this batch made me really want to congratulate IS for a wonderful execution.
    Congrats on your summons as well! I am yet to do my own, 800 orbs vs Ophelia, CYL and even L!Robin rerun (I'm missing oooooneeee merge).
    3 cheers for M!Robin and NOT Grima, and may the complicate Norse mythology names/weapons be with us, as powercreep speeds up 🤣

  • @abyssforstthecryomancer7898
    @abyssforstthecryomancer7898 Год назад +5

    Nice pulls. I pulled five brave corrin, four brave robin, gullvieg, and two soren. Have a wonderful day.

  • @lori2738
    @lori2738 Год назад +3

    Small correction, gambit 4 Is not locked to infantry
    It's locked only to Sword, Lances and Axes, but any movement type can use it

  • @Kersplunkle
    @Kersplunkle Год назад

    Glad my question got you a gullvieg!
    Congrats on your summons!

  • @Ssbb7777brawler
    @Ssbb7777brawler Год назад +1

    I managed to get brave corrin to plus 3 after only just getting above the first spark ( she’s now a merge project ) but your summons were definitely more unpredictable than mine ( that random edelgard still strikes me ).
    Congrats on your summons

  • @Ybercillo
    @Ybercillo Год назад

    Good pulls! That Soren will sting at +6

  • @TheActuarist
    @TheActuarist Год назад

    I was not expecting that answer! I would have gone with the game that had the most number of characters I want to hang out with and not the game that had the least scary monsters lol

    • @rocketgalFE
      @rocketgalFE Год назад

      Just got to make sure if I die, it won't be too gruesome 🤣

  • @Angel34545
    @Angel34545 Год назад +1

    Good luck with your summons in the future! Glad you were so lucky. Free picked Robin and got the others within the first spark.

  • @KeepinItFresh
    @KeepinItFresh Год назад +1

    Yeah, wish FEH coulda had some fun with B!Gulveig and breaking the mold with integrating the story more with a new hero. I like the FB a lot tho. Forging Bonds been done leading the charge for any interesting character development ever since it got over it's 'summoner dating simulator' growing pains in that first year of its inception or so.
    Aiite, thanks for this summoning sesh. Imma let it play out and watch it as I head to bed cuz I'm a weirdo and tmi but whatevs, yo. Always like hearing your thoughts on the game RG amongst the other heavy hitter FEHtubers.

    • @KeepinItFresh
      @KeepinItFresh Год назад +1

      btw, LMFAO @ the "okay, kind of a weird sentence" reax to the Robin summon

  • @Bulbasaur617
    @Bulbasaur617 Год назад +1

    Congrats on your summons on your end.
    On my end after saving up to 160 orbs after the last FEH channel and before the CYL FEH channel, I manage to get Brave Gullveig, Brave , a duplicate Lillith, and Lapis for the first time.
    I used the 40 free summon on Brave Female Corrin while I used my free 5 star summon on Brave Male Robin.
    Recently after getting all the tickets from Forging Bonds and out of the 4, I manage to get a duplicate brave male Robin and Brave Gullveig.
    Overall I think my summoning session went pretty good. I'm gonna try saving my orbs for for any of the summon banners that's currently out.
    Also yeah wish they properly implement and explain Brave Gullivgg's appearance there instead of copy and paste that version in the latest story along with the other brave units and the bonus unit there.
    And yeah agreed. He was very underrated in usage here. Wish he was used better in the story. Although the image where King Njordr got "Thanos Snapped" surprise me.

  • @InfernapeFan1228
    @InfernapeFan1228 Год назад

    Unfortunately I only pulled 5 Sorens in about 950 orbs, so he’s +6 including the free pick and the spark. Also got 3 Robins total, I think I want to fodder one of them to Summer Male Shez.

  • @youngernest1019
    @youngernest1019 Год назад

    Got everyone cept Robin, done with godswords

  • @baconhwang
    @baconhwang Год назад

    I’m glad you had some great pulls! Keep it up, RocketGal!

  • @Xertaron.
    @Xertaron. Год назад +1

    Didn't get anything from the tickets. Oh well. As a free summon, took Corrin for the sake of the dragon vein effect and because i don't have any far saves beside Fomortiis.
    The whole Gullveig discourse is understandable - CYL is only once a year and wasting one of the slots on a "character" who's most defining aspect is a pair of tits is bound to make people triggered. Some compare it to Gatekeeper, but he was almost universally beloved, there is no shot he would ever get to the game otherwise and IS did him really well.
    So it could've been salvaged if they did something interesting with the concept of brave Gullveig, but looking at the forging bonds they clearly didn't know how (if referencing the most memed line from Seidr isn't a giveaway) - which i can't blame them for, that would be like trying to make a gourmet meal with a hamburger helper. Their only mistake was putting her in CYL list to begin with. Or maybe it's intentional as way of saying "stop wasting your votes like that".

  • @albertpnc
    @albertpnc Год назад

    I had 50 orbs after 2 sparks (with almost the same brave unit luck, 2 robin 2 soren) for the female units and spent 40 more orbs to get closer to the 3rd spark while watching and pulled 2 more Corrin, A!Fjorm and M!Shez. Thanks for the luck, RocketGal!

  • @zyc8198
    @zyc8198 Год назад

    Lmao. 这是送命题啊😂😂😂 58:28

  • @eddygarza7132
    @eddygarza7132 Год назад +1

    Rocketgal uninstall fire emblem heroes solo f2p players please for Game die i hate this game