I was cleaning a parking lot at a Walmart in Whiteville NC one night and saw city cops stealing from Walmart.Walmart was having a big sale and put a bunch of stuff outside on the sidewalk and was using off duty cops to guard the stuff after hours. I watched city police cars pulling up and the off duty cops and the on duty cops loaded the police cars up. I was in the parking lot for over 2 hours and saw 3 cop cars loading and leaving in that time period. I called my father because he owned the parking lot sweeping business and told him about it. The next morning daddy let the Walmart know because he was afraid it would be blamed on us since we were in the parking lot.A few days later I got a call from the SBI and wanted to know if I would meet them in the next county and talk to an agent. I met the agent and told him what I had witnessed and showed them video that I had recorded. I later was told that 4 officers had been charged and fired.After that every time we went to Whiteville to clean in that truck we were followed and watched by police cars.A few times they would flip the blue lights and blow the horn over loud speaker. I figured it was some of their buddies that didn’t appreciate their comrades being fired and charged. I called the SBI agent that I met and told him how we were being harassed.After that we were never harassed again.
@@SLYSHY58they investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing. If it was anybody else, they would have been charged with a lot more than just misconduct. 😡 3:50
Stealing government property. Fencing it on duty, in uniform and out of the patrol car. Misconduct in office and facing 10 yrs in prison. They'll never see a day behind bars. Getting caught is the worst thing accordingto the LEO standard. Misconduct and theft by police is classified by the sheriff. Only when they are caught by the public and they are unable to sweep it under the rug does the sheriff act this way.
Leon Lott is corrupt himself. My grandparents have told me and showed me a lot. Drug houses that have given them problems for years and never had 1 deputy actually arrive after calling…. Then they were retaliated against by the very “neighbors” that were giving them trouble. How did they know? Especially if no cops ever responded….
Absolutely! I rarely hear LEO apologize, he's a real man bc he takes ACCOUNTABILITY of what could have been done better. Sad stuff here, Lawd' ha' mercy! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
SHERIFF Lott ! You’re an amazing man and sheriff ! It’s heartbreaking to have officers steal equipment ! Your honesty is very courageous and I pray you and your family stay safe !
If somebody were to just walk into the police department and make claims that police were stealing from Walmart, they would be threatened with trespass and told to leave or be arrested
No they can not. He said they are going to be decommision. One they are decommissioned, they can NEVER carry a weapon again. That is in a database because they will have to be commissioned in whatever state they apply in.
No they cannot rotate to another city or state. When charged and arrested in SC their law enforcement accreditation is revoked and it is filed in Columbia at the Criminal Justice Department. These two officers will never be employed within the State of S.C. or any other state.
SHERIFF I hope you read this. An officer with less than 5 years experience SHOULD NEVER be put in a specialty position! K9, Narcotic, etc. There is too much freedom for a rookie officer with 2 years experience on the road!
I agree whole heartily with having 5 years of service. I am a retired officer of one the larger departments in the country and that’s how it was for FTO, K9, SOS or any specialty team. Unfortunately majority of patrol divisions around the country have less than 5 years of service. Starting in 20014 departments around the country had mass exodus of very good officers due to political climate and the way law enforcement was treated.
@@Bettlesnap156Character, character, character!!! Rookie or seasoned, it comes down to character! A thief is a thief! Had they been on the job twenty years, as criminals they would have just gotten more proficient, Sheriff Lott is not responsible for the character of these thieves, period!!
We had to call police to my father’s house once because a stranger had went inside (my dad had dementia and lived on our property). As the cops were leaving, one tried to pocket a pistol from the china cabinet. Had I not asked him what he was doing he would have taken it. He turned and pulled it up and was like “this is a nice weapon. They don’t make these anymore. I was just looking”. As he set it back in the cabinet. Blew my mind. They were there to dig through anything. They were there to arrest a man who WAS armed and had been shooting from the back of a pick up truck all morning. He was let out of the at pickup, ran on foot to my dads and went inside. He took off his socks and shoes and laid back on the couch trying to convince my daddy “you know me we are good friends”. At the end of the day I held that man at gunpoint til the cops came. They sent him back to jail. He had only been out for 6 days after a 7yr sentence so back he went.
I've heard Volusia County FL Sheriff Grady Judd say it and was PROUD of it.. I appreciate the Sheriffs that do this because they make the public more willing to trust officers.
So on this occasion two cops are charged, fired. And the Sheriff pontificates about it trying to portray a high moral standard in the force. But how many times is police crime of all kinds covered up? These two are scapegoats for all the police crime that is condoned.
lol. 😂 I would bet my life that this police chief is just as corrupt as his thin blue line buddies. I bet this police chief lied on probably hundreds of reports.
They’re only reason we are watching this police chief on TV is because a citizen had irrefutable proof. If somebody just walked into the police station and made an accusation, they would intimidated you to leave or face and unlawful arrest . And at the very least, you will have a target on your head in that city
The police chief is just doing damage control. Kind of laughable that he says he has a professional police department just after two of his thin blue line buddies got caught stealing
He’s minimizing the charges because it’s under $10,000. More than likely it’s well over $10,000. just a perfect example of a police chief doing whatever he can for his thin blue line buddies, even though they just totally disgrace the whole department
@@CITIZENSDOGEAgreed 💯 Damage control. Media control. In two or three years, when a deal is made or it might go to trial. There won't be any press conferences.
It’s nice to know that there are some good apples out there, but you can’t call 911 and request that only decent and honest cops respond to your emergency.
Sheriff Lott is top notch!! He’s a great person, a great leader & a phenomenal sheriff!!! It’s great to see an open, honest & transparent sheriff. The world needs a lot more like Sheriff Lott!!!! I know he feels really guilty but it’s not his fault. Thank u for your honesty sheriff!!
I appreciate this news and glad K9 pups are doing good. My condolences for those you lost. I respect your honesty. Make them examples of what not to do. Officers are not above the law.
Respect to the sheriff. But, and it's a big butt, if he's naive enough to believe that he has only 2 bad apples out of 900 he sure isn't watching cop videos on RUclips.
Props to this sheriff for facing the public and not sweeping this whole thing under the rug. My only beef is his assertion that these "two bad cops" are an anomaly. Not reasonable to conclude that the rest are saints.
Police are human just like you. No one ever claimed that LEF officers are perfect and walk on water. By far, LEF officers are some of the best people you could ever hope to meet, especially when you need one. I personally have never heard of anyone calling for help requesting a drunk, drugged, or deranged person to come to their aid.
This says everything about the Sheriff’s Department. What has been done to prevent this from happening again? The Sheriff says he’s sorry. He doesn’t say anything about lack of management. Someone else should know more about what the deputies are doing.
That's what happens when you don't do inventory. They found out about the crime in social media. They didn't know that stuff was missing. Just ask for more funding and keep raising taxes.
No, because plenty of people steal. This time, they just happened to be cops. Working in the education field, I’ve seen people do the same exact thing. Happens no matter what job someone holds. Don’t get what is going through peoples heads.
Politicians steal, Judges steal, and no one has the balls like Sheriff Leon to investigate, press charges, arrest them, and then publicly expose them. Respect earned and respect given. This Sheriff and his department have my greatest respect.
This sheriff has been in office for a long time. I was stationed in Columbia SC from 03-06 and he was sheriff then. Happy to see he’s holding the officers accountable accountable
What has me scratching my head, he says the ppl who bought the items were innocent, they didn't know.🤔🤔 Hmmmm....if I bought stolen goods, I would be arrested for BUYING stolen goods! Know it or not. I wish he could've went a little more into that explanation.🤔🤔
If you unwittingly buy something that was stolen, and you have no clear reason to think it is stolen property, you almost never get charged. You will almost always have to surrender the stolen items, however. This happens to pawn shops, etc. Same as if you buy a stolen vehicle that has had the VIN altered by the seller/thief. There are numerous RUclips videos backing this up.
Speaking for the community we all would prefer the sheriff to stand up and admit to dealing with corruption and cleaning up the department it's going to look much better on you than not doing something about it lacking transparency or lying or even passing them along to a different department to deal with
I support the police and what they do is ultra important but man there is a real problem with corruption and aggression of officers against people who simply ask questions or stand up for their rights.
Germany : TWO YEARS training to become a police officer Ireland : TWO YEARS training to become a police officer Russia : TWO YEARS training to become a police officer Finland : THREE YEAR degree to become a police officer Norway : THREE YEARS training to become a police officer Iceland : THREE YEARS training to become a police officer Portugal : FOUR YEARS training to become a police officer UK : THREE YEARS to become a police officer How long are we going to continue to allow law enforcement to believe that everything that comes out of their mouths is a LAWFUL order or the TRUTH???? "In this day and age" how can law enforcement continue to be so STUPID??!! "LAW" enforcement doesn't know the "LAW"!!! Even the "STUPIDVISORS" have no idea what they are talking about!!! Just look at the LACK of RESPECT, PROFESSIONALISM, HONOR and INTEGRITY of these police encounters!!! What part of these encounters does these officers believe makes them and law enforcement as a whole look GOOD??!! They are PETTY, VINDICTIVE and RETALIATE against We the People!! They will LIE so easily!! How do these officers look themselves in the mirror every day believing that they are ridding the world of the "bad" guys when THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS??? Out of 80 countries there are only 2, Iraq and Afghanistan, that have LOWER standards to become a law enforcement officer than the US!!! LET THAT SINK IN???? Law enforcement is the DUMBEST MOST CORRUPT "profession" IN AMERICA!!! They need LESS training than a BARBER, yet they are issued a badge, gun and arrest powers WITH qualified immunity!! They train more on how to apply "pain compliance techniques" and how to shoot/kill and abuse/arrest citizens than they do on the LAWS!!! Would you allow a plumber or electrician who didn't know their jobs work on your house?? Then why are we continuing to allow law enforcement who doesn't know the LAW be out there taking away people's MONEY, FREEDOM and in some cases LIVES??? We must abolish qualified immunity!! The "officer safety" phrase is a FARCE!! In 2023 there were 1329 citizens killed by law enforcement officers a 6.13% INCREASE and 136 law enforcement officers killed by citizens a 39% DECREASE!! So how can they continue to use "officer safety" as an excuse for anything?? All the FTP, ACAB, DEFUND, AUDITS and any other anti-police movements that are mainstream now a days are a direct result of THEIR OWN ACTIONS!! They EARN THE HATE every single day video after video and don't care because they have qualified immunity and know NOTHING will happen to them!! Law enforcement is nothing more than a REVENUE GENERATION division of the government!!! The national success rate of law enforcement solving crime is 46% for major crimes and 17% for property crimes!!! THINK ABOUT THAT!!! If you could only do your job at these rates, do you think the company you worked for would keep you employed???? We the People DEMAND BETTER!!!
Funny how the top pig is so quick to bring “justice” in this case and treat the piglets “just like everyone else” - clearly only because they stole from the police.
Imagine the money these two could have made in the course of their careers , hundreds of thousands of dollars one would imagine , and yet they blew it for a few grand apiece , there's a finite amount of gear they could have stolen prior to an audit presumably , plus how dim must they be to have been selling swag from a patrol car .
Imagine how many lives they have destroyed,Now everybody they have ever came into contact with while employeed with your agency the case need to be investigated asap
Now we can all rest comfortably in the knowing, that our justice system will treat them accordingly under the law and show no preferential treatment to one of their own. If you believe that I am being sarcastic, go ahead and leave a like.
Getting in front of bad publicity. Not saying that he isn't taking responsibility. But there was just a week ago thousands of dollars donated to fund the cost of 2 to 3 more dogs for that department. So it looks especially bad. And any company wants to control the narrative about negative publicity. It will probably be three or more years before this comes to trial, if it does. I will bet there won't be any press conference to follow up on charges.
These two criminals are stupid 1 putting it on social media 2 meeting in the police department parking lot. Also why aren't they stripped of immunity and charged with the same charges you would a cilivian? This will be swept under the rug because they were cops . Probably stripped of there certification and no prison time
I love how she says "Obviously they are Fire!d" Is it? The Norm are 2 things! #1 Its Swept under the Carpet! And #2 (The most Common one) they are Suspended Pending.......! I hope the DA brings this to Court with No Sweetheart Deals!Glad this Sheriff did the right thing! Bodycams should be good when they are Released!
Making sure they never work again is the best thing he can do- too many times. Officers are canned from one department and they just move over a county and go right back to work.
I think this sheriff is upstanding and honorable for doing this press conference, and if this was the county I lived in, I would have even more faith in my sheriff after this press conference. He is holding his deputies accountable for a fairly minor crime, we’ve all seen other departments across the country sweep these things under the rug, and this sheriff probably very easily could have done the same… good show sir.
Good for the leadership of this agency for up holding standards, policy, and law. Many other agencies would hide this because of the community fallout and embarrassment. Understand the current state of law enforcement culture, hiring, challenges and limitations regarding your safety. New book- Dealing with Burglary and Home Invasion Robbery. Helpful information regarding recognition, deterrence, working with law enforcement and use of force issues. Everyone should be an active participant in their own safety and security while working with law enforcement. Sheriff Leon Lott takes ownership and speaks for all the good officers and the work they have done. These two dishonored officers are a disgusting cancer. The community should support this Sheriff Department and this Sheriff.
As far as items not having parts numbers when manufactured. Just like in a correction facility. You can and should put an identifying number on anything. Its just an example of not tracking bulk use items.
I have to say I appreciate the sheriff coming forward with the information, as he should. And either he’s a really good actor or he’s legitimately affected by the situation. He does seem genuinely disappointed in these thieves. Talk about bold…showing up in their patrol car on city time to sell stolen goods. Clearly, they didn’t feel that they weren’t going to be held accountable by anyone!
Many years ago, a central MA small town police dept. had a couple of trusted officers stealing tires directly from their own police cruisers by ordering allegedly needed tires and keeping the new ones for themselves to sell in conjunction with a local repair shop owner !!
Sheriff Lott, misconduct gets you arrested and fired. Abusing civil rights is a slap on the wrist. Don't apologize, clean up the entire department. 💪💪💪
He seems he seems he seems he's not he not he not this corrupt has being going on since the inception of the police force the only difference now is the people have mobile phones to record and prove it.
“We wanted to add the full weight of the criminal justice system on these officers so we went with misconduct” You go sheriff. Add loitering or maybe the felony of vagrancy or better yet jaywalking. That’ll will teach them. 😂
You all are NOT to Blame!! God bless you for being the honorable policeman and standing up for honesty in the public. We are proud of you and your people are proud of you!!!! Prayers for you and your honest officers and families.
I was cleaning a parking lot at a Walmart in Whiteville NC one night and saw city cops stealing from Walmart.Walmart was having a big sale and put a bunch of stuff outside on the sidewalk and was using off duty cops to guard the stuff after hours. I watched city police cars pulling up and the off duty cops and the on duty cops loaded the police cars up. I was in the parking lot for over 2 hours and saw 3 cop cars loading and leaving in that time period. I called my father because he owned the parking lot sweeping business and told him about it. The next morning daddy let the Walmart know because he was afraid it would be blamed on us since we were in the parking lot.A few days later I got a call from the SBI and wanted to know if I would meet them in the next county and talk to an agent. I met the agent and told him what I had witnessed and showed them video that I had recorded. I later was told that 4 officers had been charged and fired.After that every time we went to Whiteville to clean in that truck we were followed and watched by police cars.A few times they would flip the blue lights and blow the horn over loud speaker. I figured it was some of their buddies that didn’t appreciate their comrades being fired and charged. I called the SBI agent that I met and told him how we were being harassed.After that we were never harassed again.
When will people understand that leo's are the biggest criminals.
Thank you for your honesty and bravery, I know it wasn’t easy but it was worthwhile. 👌👍
Look at our President, these cops are taking plays out of his playbook, not all pigs are bad ones, but the bad pigs know who they are.
No doubt they probably would’ve framed you if you weren’t the one that reported the stolen items
3:18 - the fact that they tried to do this *at the police station while on duty* tells me that they had absolutely no fear of consequences.
Other people are involved..these 2 clowns did not think of this on their own... they did this at the police department because its business as usual
That tells me that they are not too bright.
Not a mistake. They made a choice to steal.
U know they don't want to admit the truth 🙏🏾
@@SLYSHY58they investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing. If it was anybody else, they would have been charged with a lot more than just misconduct. 😡 3:50
Yea they mistakenly stole the equipment, then mistakenly took orders for said equipment, and then just mistakenly sold it. Great defense!
Their families must be so proud
Right! That's my dad!
My wife would divorce me in a heartbeat if I did something this stupid.
I didn’t realize that misconduct was a higher charge than theft of government property? Wow!
Stealing government property. Fencing it on duty, in uniform and out of the patrol car. Misconduct in office and facing 10 yrs in prison. They'll never see a day behind bars.
Getting caught is the worst thing accordingto the LEO standard. Misconduct and theft by police is classified by the sheriff. Only when they are caught by the public and they are unable to sweep it under the rug does the sheriff act this way.
@ exactly right!
Tax payers property
@ but we are likely to be arrested and tased if we walk out with a pencil 🫣
Thank you for not covering up their crime! When you're honest AND TRANSPARENT, the community can be very forgiving!
Why not multiple charges. Stealing, possession of stolen property. Using government property while committing crimes. The list goes on
No lets see if they are held to a higher standard when they go to court
They’ll get off
@@hollymonkey4608 And rehired somewhere else with a promotion
Nope, they'll get the minimum sentence or the charges will be lessoned.
Probation is about all they will get !!
Imagine how many more are doing this
'HOTR News', everyday there's verified news stories about crooked cops.
So many, he can't cover em all.
A lot
And how many WORSE things they were never caught doing.
@charlesmisiak4926 imagine
Accountability to cops means the public found out and you can't sweep it under the rug
They'll probably still get a shortened sentence.
Very admirable man and realistic, ethical response
Thank you Leon Lott for your transparency. We are blessed to have you as Sheriff
Leon Lott is corrupt himself. My grandparents have told me and showed me a lot. Drug houses that have given them problems for years and never had 1 deputy actually arrive after calling…. Then they were retaliated against by the very “neighbors” that were giving them trouble. How did they know? Especially if no cops ever responded….
What’s your kinship to the sheriff?
@@billkaldem5099I think it's his brother. Just like your mother's brother is your father. You seem to have a very close knit family.
@@fishfood8719 is that all you’ve got?
Thank you Sheriff Lott for being transparent and calling it for what it is.
You have my respect !
Absolutely! I rarely hear LEO apologize, he's a real man bc he takes ACCOUNTABILITY of what could have been done better. Sad stuff here, Lawd' ha' mercy! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
SHERIFF Lott ! You’re an amazing man and sheriff ! It’s heartbreaking to have officers steal equipment ! Your honesty is very courageous and I pray you and your family stay safe !
If there were two arrested you can guarantee that there were 4 that knew for awhile and done nothing.
Right on, exactly.
I have great respect for Sheriff Leon. I wish other law enforcement agencies would follow his example.
Don't be fooled by words only two were caught there's another two thousand who are not caught because there the biggest legal criminals around
Shame on our cowardly Congress for not abolishing outdated and often misused qualified immunity.
If somebody were to just walk into the police department and make claims that police were stealing from Walmart, they would be threatened with trespass and told to leave or be arrested
with no national database, these critters can simply rotate to another city
No they can not. He said they are going to be decommision. One they are decommissioned, they can NEVER carry a weapon again. That is in a database because they will have to be commissioned in whatever state they apply in.
No vetting in this country
@@JN-fl3kznot necessarily true I personally know 3 that got decommissioned and got a job in the next city
No they cannot rotate to another city or state. When charged and arrested in SC their law enforcement accreditation is revoked and it is filed in Columbia at the Criminal Justice Department. These two officers will never be employed within the State of S.C. or any other state.
@ bs
SHERIFF I hope you read this. An officer with less than 5 years experience SHOULD NEVER be put in a specialty position! K9, Narcotic, etc. There is too much freedom for a rookie officer with 2 years experience on the road!
I agree whole heartily with having 5 years of service. I am a retired officer of one the larger departments in the country and that’s how it was for FTO, K9, SOS or any specialty team. Unfortunately majority of patrol divisions around the country have less than 5 years of service. Starting in 20014 departments around the country had mass exodus of very good officers due to political climate and the way law enforcement was treated.
@@Bettlesnap156Character, character, character!!! Rookie or seasoned, it comes down to character! A thief is a thief! Had they been on the job twenty years, as criminals they would have just gotten more proficient, Sheriff Lott is not responsible for the character of these thieves, period!!
@ I concur sir!
@@Bettlesnap156Treated bad?
Gee, wonder why?
@@Bettlesnap156people respond to cops as they've been treated by them. Don't blame politics!
I can only imagine how many lives they have destroyed while employed
We had to call police to my father’s house once because a stranger had went inside (my dad had dementia and lived on our property). As the cops were leaving, one tried to pocket a pistol from the china cabinet. Had I not asked him what he was doing he would have taken it. He turned and pulled it up and was like “this is a nice weapon. They don’t make these anymore. I was just looking”. As he set it back in the cabinet. Blew my mind. They were there to dig through anything. They were there to arrest a man who WAS armed and had been shooting from the back of a pick up truck all morning. He was let out of the at pickup, ran on foot to my dads and went inside. He took off his socks and shoes and laid back on the couch trying to convince my daddy “you know me we are good friends”.
At the end of the day I held that man at gunpoint til the cops came. They sent him back to jail. He had only been out for 6 days after a 7yr sentence so back he went.
This is the first time I ever heard anyone say they would make sure that these cops wouldn't be cops anywhere else
I've heard Volusia County FL Sheriff Grady Judd say it and was PROUD of it.. I appreciate the Sheriffs that do this because they make the public more willing to trust officers.
So on this occasion two cops are charged, fired. And the Sheriff pontificates about it trying to portray a high moral standard in the force. But how many times is police crime of all kinds covered up? These two are scapegoats for all the police crime that is condoned.
Sherriff knew this was happening and didn't care. He's just trying to cover up his own complicity
...You're dreaming Sheriff if you think the Community TRUSTS you guys!
Typical behavior of these corrupt criminal cops in america. Worst in the world
Thank you for being honest and honorable.
lol. 😂 I would bet my life that this police chief is just as corrupt as his thin blue line buddies. I bet this police chief lied on probably hundreds of reports.
They’re only reason we are watching this police chief on TV is because a citizen had irrefutable proof. If somebody just walked into the police station and made an accusation, they would intimidated you to leave or face and unlawful arrest . And at the very least, you will have a target on your head in that city
The police chief is just doing damage control. Kind of laughable that he says he has a professional police department just after two of his thin blue line buddies got caught stealing
He’s minimizing the charges because it’s under $10,000. More than likely it’s well over $10,000. just a perfect example of a police chief doing whatever he can for his thin blue line buddies, even though they just totally disgrace the whole department
@@CITIZENSDOGEAgreed 💯 Damage control. Media control. In two or three years, when a deal is made or it might go to trial. There won't be any press conferences.
Will the police union be telling us what a gross miscarriage of justice has occurred?
There are no police unions in S.C.
Cops being charitable helping out folks with limited funds to buy expensive equipment,gotta love these guys!
End 20 year pensions.
Corrupt cops in Richland? No way!😯 How poorly do you handle money if you gotta steal leashes and sell them ?🤷
We're the police equipment for non civilian use only?
They are going to do everything they can to make sure these officers do not pay significant consequences. Mark my words.
With out a doubt, a moment of weakness,they are so sorry!
It’s nice to know that there are some good apples out there, but you can’t call 911 and request that only decent and honest cops respond to your emergency.
Why not ?..hehe..
Never call cops for anything. Cops ALWAYS make everything worse.
Sheriff Lott is top notch!! He’s a great person, a great leader & a phenomenal sheriff!!! It’s great to see an open, honest & transparent sheriff. The world needs a lot more like Sheriff Lott!!!! I know he feels really guilty but it’s not his fault. Thank u for your honesty sheriff!!
I appreciate this news and glad K9 pups are doing good. My condolences for those you lost.
I respect your honesty. Make them examples of what not to do. Officers are not above the law.
Respect to the sheriff. But, and it's a big butt, if he's naive enough to believe that he has only 2 bad apples out of 900 he sure isn't watching cop videos on RUclips.
Props to this sheriff for facing the public and not sweeping this whole thing under the rug. My only beef is his assertion that these "two bad cops" are an anomaly. Not reasonable to conclude that the rest are saints.
Cops don’t become psychopaths, psychopath become cops
Dishonest cops? say it ain't so,I'm so disheartened!
how embarassing 😢
Wow cops aren’t any better than other people? No wayyy
Police are human just like you. No one ever claimed that LEF officers are perfect and walk on water. By far, LEF officers are some of the best people you could ever hope to meet, especially when you need one. I personally have never heard of anyone calling for help requesting a drunk, drugged, or deranged person to come to their aid.
This says everything about the Sheriff’s Department. What has been done to prevent this from happening again? The Sheriff says he’s sorry. He doesn’t say anything about lack of management. Someone else should know more about what the deputies are doing.
Maybe they need to put up some security cameras in the K-9 supply room.
Sounds like they have very lax inventory control issues, in some of there internal departments.
That's what happens when you don't do inventory. They found out about the crime in social media. They didn't know that stuff was missing. Just ask for more funding and keep raising taxes.
I strongly believe- there's many more than 2.
@MsRhondaRandy they lie like my toddler...
Same guilty face.
He's about as mysterious as a blocked toilet.
Is anyone surprised by this ????😢😢😢
Only they got caught.
No, because plenty of people steal. This time, they just happened to be cops. Working in the education field, I’ve seen people do the same exact thing. Happens no matter what job someone holds. Don’t get what is going through peoples heads.
They will be hired elsewhere soon.
No. The usual suspects 👨🏼
Politicians steal, Judges steal, and no one has the balls like Sheriff Leon to investigate, press charges, arrest them, and then publicly expose them. Respect earned and respect given. This Sheriff and his department have my greatest respect.
This sheriff has been in office for a long time. I was stationed in Columbia SC from 03-06 and he was sheriff then. Happy to see he’s holding the officers accountable accountable
Why am I not surprised, at all. They just got caught
What has me scratching my head, he says the ppl who bought the items were innocent, they didn't know.🤔🤔 Hmmmm....if I bought stolen goods, I would be arrested for BUYING stolen goods! Know it or not. I wish he could've went a little more into that explanation.🤔🤔
If you unwittingly buy something that was stolen, and you have no clear reason to think it is stolen property, you almost never get charged. You will almost always have to surrender the stolen items, however. This happens to pawn shops, etc. Same as if you buy a stolen vehicle that has had the VIN altered by the seller/thief. There are numerous RUclips videos backing this up.
Nothing to see here folks, we'll investigate ourselves tyvm. Move along now like subservient 🐑
A dishonest cop, well that’s a big surprise.
Misconduct is the lowest charge you could have given them. Grand theft is more like it.
Misconduct might be the lowest, but misconduct in office is more serious. Google "misconduct v misconduct in office"!
Sheriff Leon is really mad part of his gang was caught. He is taking appropriate measures to make sure this will never happen again.
What, that they are not caught?😳
Speaking for the community we all would prefer the sheriff to stand up and admit to dealing with corruption and cleaning up the department it's going to look much better on you than not doing something about it lacking transparency or lying or even passing them along to a different department to deal with
Wow they were steal in your building and it took that long to figure it out great detective work.
Imagine what they got away with before body cam and cell phones
Unliving innocent people!
I support the police and what they do is ultra important but man there is a real problem with corruption and aggression of officers against people who simply ask questions or stand up for their rights.
The jobs sucks. So much violence. So much ego.
That should tell you that they hate us and our civil rights name one thing cops do that people can't do themselves
Germany : TWO YEARS training to become a police officer
Ireland : TWO YEARS training to become a police officer
Russia : TWO YEARS training to become a police officer
Finland : THREE YEAR degree to become a police officer
Norway : THREE YEARS training to become a police officer
Iceland : THREE YEARS training to become a police officer
Portugal : FOUR YEARS training to become a police officer
UK : THREE YEARS to become a police officer
How long are we going to continue to allow law enforcement to believe that everything that comes out of their mouths is a LAWFUL order or the TRUTH????
"In this day and age" how can law enforcement continue to be so STUPID??!! "LAW" enforcement doesn't know the "LAW"!!! Even the "STUPIDVISORS" have no idea what they are talking about!!! Just look at the LACK of RESPECT, PROFESSIONALISM, HONOR and INTEGRITY of these police encounters!!! What part of these encounters does these officers believe makes them and law enforcement as a whole look GOOD??!! They are PETTY, VINDICTIVE and RETALIATE against We the People!! They will LIE so easily!! How do these officers look themselves in the mirror every day believing that they are ridding the world of the "bad" guys when THEY ARE THE BAD GUYS???
Out of 80 countries there are only 2, Iraq and Afghanistan, that have LOWER standards to become a law enforcement officer than the US!!! LET THAT SINK IN???? Law enforcement is the DUMBEST MOST CORRUPT "profession" IN AMERICA!!! They need LESS training than a BARBER, yet they are issued a badge, gun and arrest powers WITH qualified immunity!! They train more on how to apply "pain compliance techniques" and how to shoot/kill and abuse/arrest citizens than they do on the LAWS!!! Would you allow a plumber or electrician who didn't know their jobs work on your house?? Then why are we continuing to allow law enforcement who doesn't know the LAW be out there taking away people's MONEY, FREEDOM and in some cases LIVES??? We must abolish qualified immunity!!
The "officer safety" phrase is a FARCE!! In 2023 there were 1329 citizens killed by law enforcement officers a 6.13% INCREASE and 136 law enforcement officers killed by citizens a 39% DECREASE!! So how can they continue to use "officer safety" as an excuse for anything?? All the FTP, ACAB, DEFUND, AUDITS and any other anti-police movements that are mainstream now a days are a direct result of THEIR OWN ACTIONS!! They EARN THE HATE every single day video after video and don't care because they have qualified immunity and know NOTHING will happen to them!!
Law enforcement is nothing more than a REVENUE GENERATION division of the government!!! The national success rate of law enforcement solving crime is 46% for major crimes and 17% for property crimes!!! THINK ABOUT THAT!!! If you could only do your job at these rates, do you think the company you worked for would keep you employed???? We the People DEMAND BETTER!!!
Officers who new and said nothing should be fired ñever to be a police officer again and no pension
Funny how the top pig is so quick to bring “justice” in this case and treat the piglets “just like everyone else” - clearly only because they stole from the police.
No they shamed the captain otherwise "nothing" happened.
Well, we certainly know what side of the fence you sit on.
@ The side of ethics and actual rule of law and equal treatment under the law. Yes.
Excellent work sheriff, regardless of what they are accused of...crime is crime, wrong is wrong.
Criminals are criminals.
He be stealing too.
Thank God for the honest police officers!! We need even more of these honorable trustworthy officers!!!
Imagine the money these two could have made in the course of their careers , hundreds of thousands of dollars one would imagine , and yet they blew it for a few grand apiece , there's a finite amount of gear they could have stolen prior to an audit presumably , plus how dim must they be to have been selling swag from a patrol car .
900 people working in that department. I bet there are more than just 2 bad apples.
Yet, if they have enough 'time in' already, they'll get to keep their pensions. 🙄
Pensions are as solid as gold!
A charge of misconduct doesn’t seem like the full weight of the justice system to me.
I wonder how much they stole from the public
They did it because he has a bunch of inventory laying around collecting dust LMAO they figure the municipality won't miss it😅😅
Imagine how many lives they have destroyed,Now everybody they have ever came into contact with while employeed with your agency the case need to be investigated asap
It’s an isolated incident, but at least two officers are involved. I love how they twist the words to fool the public.
Now we can all rest comfortably in the knowing, that our justice system will treat them accordingly under the law and show no preferential treatment to one of their own. If you believe that I am being sarcastic, go ahead and leave a like.
Taking responsibility
Agree with you Markheckman. This Sheriff and his department have my respect.
Getting in front of bad publicity. Not saying that he isn't taking responsibility. But there was just a week ago thousands of dollars donated to fund the cost of 2 to 3 more dogs for that department. So it looks especially bad. And any company wants to control the narrative about negative publicity. It will probably be three or more years before this comes to trial, if it does. I will bet there won't be any press conference to follow up on charges.
These two criminals are stupid 1 putting it on social media 2 meeting in the police department parking lot. Also why aren't they stripped of immunity and charged with the same charges you would a cilivian? This will be swept under the rug because they were cops . Probably stripped of there certification and no prison time
I love how she says "Obviously they are Fire!d" Is it? The Norm are 2 things! #1 Its Swept under the Carpet! And #2 (The most Common one) they are Suspended Pending.......! I hope the DA brings this to Court with No Sweetheart Deals!Glad this Sheriff did the right thing! Bodycams should be good when they are Released!
Never happen 😢. 😂😂😂
This makes people not trust cops even more when you have bad actors like these two!!!
Wait, you mean cops break the law???!!
Thank you for your transparency Sheriff. I had no idea that Misconduct in Office was a higher charge than Theft of Government Property.
Tampa cops beat me up stoled my hearing aids money and e bike then arrested me for being deaf
Making sure they never work again is the best thing he can do- too many times. Officers are canned from one department and they just move over a county and go right back to work.
What about all the innocent people they've arrested just so they could rob them?
I think this sheriff is upstanding and honorable for doing this press conference, and if this was the county I lived in, I would have even more faith in my sheriff after this press conference. He is holding his deputies accountable for a fairly minor crime, we’ve all seen other departments across the country sweep these things under the rug, and this sheriff probably very easily could have done the same… good show sir.
That poor sheriff sounds like a disappointed father. Sheriff it’s not your fault. The blame falls on those two, not you and your department.
Yea but who was watching the "store"?
The dogs knew about it!!! Are they facing charges too???
I'm glad he's reminding us how hard their jobs are firstly because it's important to justify their inflated budgets.
They do have a helicopter and an armored personnel carrier.
Good for the leadership of this agency for up holding standards, policy, and law. Many other agencies would hide this because of the community fallout and embarrassment. Understand the current state of law enforcement culture, hiring, challenges and limitations regarding your safety. New book- Dealing with Burglary and Home Invasion Robbery. Helpful information regarding recognition, deterrence, working with law enforcement and use of force issues. Everyone should be an active participant in their own safety and security while working with law enforcement. Sheriff Leon Lott takes ownership and speaks for all the good officers and the work they have done. These two dishonored officers are a disgusting cancer. The community should support this Sheriff Department and this Sheriff.
This is very typical for police
A man in authority stealing? Well I am surprised ! 😂😅😂😅😂😅😂
Ate these two cops gonna receive a good citizens award for their thievery ?
Possibly a promotion .
@belair54 that wouldn't surprise me at all.
Aside from being crooked cops what really gets me is that one guy showed up in his patrol car to make a sale.
It's called bluffing. Who would question a cop in uniform??
As far as items not having parts numbers when manufactured. Just like in a correction facility. You can and should put an identifying number on anything. Its just an example of not tracking bulk use items.
Union will get their jobs back.
Usual suspects
I have to say I appreciate the sheriff coming forward with the information, as he should. And either he’s a really good actor or he’s legitimately affected by the situation. He does seem genuinely disappointed in these thieves. Talk about bold…showing up in their patrol car on city time to sell stolen goods. Clearly, they didn’t feel that they weren’t going to be held accountable by anyone!
Many years ago, a central MA small town police dept. had a couple of trusted officers stealing tires directly from their own police cruisers by ordering allegedly needed tires and keeping the new ones for themselves to sell in conjunction with a local repair shop owner !!
It happens every where. In all organizations. It's worse when it concerns people who can legally use deadly force when dealing with the public.
Sheriff Lott, misconduct gets you arrested and fired. Abusing civil rights is a slap on the wrist. Don't apologize, clean up the entire department. 💪💪💪
The union will reinstate thin with back pay
Thanks Chief, this just makes me trust your Dept more.
Yea sure, just being facetious?
@belair54 No, a police chief who will hold his own accountable is a rarity. We need to see it more.
@@NEW_INSITE Ok,good, but how many other brothers in blue knew about it and turned a blind eye?
@belair54 True
This Sheriff seems level headed and no nonsense. He seems like a true lawman.
Honesty goes a long way and he seems genuinely disappointed
He seems he seems he seems he's not he not he not this corrupt has being going on since the inception of the police force the only difference now is the people have mobile phones to record and prove it.
@ yet, no mobile phones were used, and no citizens reported it. But they were happy to get a good deal, eh?
So much for ‘background check’.
Get Sheriff Grady Judd on the job, he will clean the mess up Peronto!
“We wanted to add the full weight of the criminal justice system on these officers so we went with misconduct” You go sheriff. Add loitering or maybe the felony of vagrancy or better yet jaywalking. That’ll will teach them. 😂
You forgot obstruction!
The corruption of cops is staggering.
You all are NOT to Blame!! God bless you for being the honorable policeman and standing up for honesty in the public. We are proud of you and your people are proud of you!!!! Prayers for you and your honest officers and families.