Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Muslim Version || Spoken Word || Response

  • Опубликовано: 21 окт 2024

Комментарии • 18 тыс.

  • @alfredojr1995
    @alfredojr1995 12 лет назад +4309

    All my life i was raised catholic but after what has been going on in the war in the middle east i decided to read the Quran and i don't regret it. It has opened my mind.

    • @lemonhead5703
      @lemonhead5703 2 года назад +6

      Salam , curious if you’d converted to Islam after those years?

    • @rozminshaikh8178
      @rozminshaikh8178 2 года назад +5

      Even i am curious to know..

    • @dee-lightt8997
      @dee-lightt8997 2 года назад

      Muslims fight endless bloody wars over the Koran and between the different sects.

    • @ronnieofnewyork7393
      @ronnieofnewyork7393 2 года назад +1

      You went from one false religion to another false religion you went from death to death

    • @omaaosman1329
      @omaaosman1329 Год назад

      @@ronnieofnewyork7393 explain please?

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +1127

    "God is not a man... nor a son of man... Nor a human..." Numbers 23:19
    Your bible not mine is saying this, so why do you still say God is a man?
    Accept Islam it's the only true religion.

  • @crigjig
    @crigjig 11 лет назад +5668

    I am a Christian, but this video gave me some serious questions. It is time to do the research and figure out who Jesus really was.

    • @androidlibya2508
      @androidlibya2508 2 года назад +18

      Hi there
      What is the result of your research?

    • @c2couples746
      @c2couples746 2 года назад +4

      @@muhammadwaris4426 still when you say that Quran doesn't have been changed for 1400 years ,like wise you people also doesn't changed ,the word what you said of ( convert to Islam ) that is the difference , Bible teach us how to be a good human and how to spread love we don't want search for who is real God we are here to spread humanity and to be good example for the upcomming generation

    • @debscarter6718
      @debscarter6718 2 года назад +28

      Hello, I was christain,
      I’m muslim because of other things
      And now this, is even more proff
      Allah Aza wajel the mighty and majestic is calling his people to worship him in the way he wants us to worship him,
      May Allah bless you.

    • @c2couples746
      @c2couples746 2 года назад +2

      @@debscarter6718 you could can change into any religion that doesn't your god or my god expecting ,what they said is to follow the holy book what they have given

    • @umarmujahid3978
      @umarmujahid3978 2 года назад +7

      May Allah guide you

  • @alCOLEholic1281985
    @alCOLEholic1281985 12 лет назад +4773

    I am 15 and I was raised Christian by my mother. I began wondering WHY my beliefs were chosen for me. I chose to look into Islam, and I liked what I was learning. I am proud to say that as a teenager I was able to recognize the truth of Islam and the fantasy of Christianity. I just pray that my family will accept me COMPLETELY. Thank you for this video ! @lebo2196

    • @androidlibya2508
      @androidlibya2508 2 года назад +4


    • @almulk._7591
      @almulk._7591 2 года назад +3


    • @FlyingNimbus
      @FlyingNimbus 2 года назад +17

      Salam brother, I hope you are doing well. It's been 9 years and was wondering how everything went for you?

    • @mariazaya4447
      @mariazaya4447 2 года назад +3

      Really wonderful what do you saw in their religion that attract you. Now jesus is a fantasy. What kind of jokes you say

    • @mariazaya4447
      @mariazaya4447 2 года назад +8

      “For the word of the cross seems foolish to those who are on the way to destruction; but to us who are on the way to salvation it is the power of God"

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +384

    One minute he's God, next minute he's the son of God. Please.....God is not a man. Nor does God consumate women to have children. God is One and God is the Greatest. He is the Creator of all.

    • @famvids9627
      @famvids9627 19 дней назад

      If this is your statement on the Christian creed, then you clearly don't understand what Christians believe. You should spend more time trying to understand what Christians mean and believe because almost all of your criticism has been adequately explained in the first five centuries, including in the first few councils. However you are talking like you have never read about Arius and Nestorius and the councils who engaged their arguments.

  • @muslimalatina150
    @muslimalatina150 12 лет назад +2228

    Sister, you need to take some time and search.... I searched for the truth and studies Islam and the Bible and made my conversion to Islam this year. Just take your time and read and pray about it. It took me several months and It's like I suddenly had an epiphany. I'm so happy in Islam now, I feel great peace.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      Quite unfortunate! That kind of epiphany is not of God my brother/sister 😬. Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. As much as I respect the video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you come back to Him through Jesus! 🙂🙏

    • @TatesWorld101
      @TatesWorld101 2 года назад

      @kolo the word begotten is a fabrication, look it up

    • @omaaosman1329
      @omaaosman1329 Год назад


    • @noormuzamil9850
      @noormuzamil9850 Год назад

      Allah akbar

    • @billywink1210
      @billywink1210 8 месяцев назад +1

      What language did Moses speak ?? Hebrew , what language did David speak ? Hebrew , what language does Allah speak ? Arabic, that means Moses and David didn’t speak tot allah just Muhammad, did you know
      why does allah send 2 angels to teach black magic ?? Is allah Satan ?? Why was Satan talking through Muhammad mouth ?? Unless he is a prophet is Satan , the Quran says the sun sets in a pool of water , it says there is a mountain in the sky where snow comes from. Moses spoke Hebrew , David and other prophets spoke Hebrews , so they were not serving allah because allah only speaks and hear Arabic, allah can not have son without a companion, but Mary had a son without an companion, what allah could not do , Mary did it , who is allah ?? He looks more like Satan , if you need more proof , let me know .

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +1376

    May Allah reward you immensely. Your comment speaks truth. We cannot just accept what our parents have handed to us, we must think and reason for ourselves. I ask Allah to make your journey easy from here on in.

  • @davidmcvay
    @davidmcvay 12 лет назад +1278

    i was a christian i went to a pastor with questions about the trinity and the mistakes of the bible and he told me " theres just some things u wont understand til u meet him and people have changed the bible over and over to fit there culture." that wrecked my faith, then i found Islam, an unchanged religion with a pure unchanged book that is very specific in telling u wht u need to do. Jesus and every other prophet preached of 1 God with no partners. Mark 10:17-19 he says how to get to heaven

    • @nicknssud
      @nicknssud 2 года назад +10

      This video is not accurate and takes the verses in question out of context.
      Matthew 6:6 comes from a time during the Sermon of the Mount and into the context of prayer:
      But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
      Yes Jesus never said to explicitly worship Him but to worship the Father (Matthew 4:10).
      Yet we forget that Jesus is part of the Trinity: The Father, The Son, And the Holy Spirit as Lord over all.
      And to worship the Father/LORD is to also worship Jesus as He and the Father is one:
      I and the Father are one.”
      John 10:30
      That the Lord is also the Spirit:
      Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
      2 Corinthians 3:17
      As Jesus says to Phillip, that He and the Father are one:
      9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.
      John 14:9-11
      So please. Stop your deceitful video claiming to take things out of context. Jesus IS NOT ONLY A PROPHET. He is everything. To know Jesus is to know the Word incarnated. To know Jesus is to know the Father. And to worship Him as our Lord and Savior, because He is worthy! He isn't just fully man, but He also is fully God. And to "DO" like you said will never be enough. Because we need His grace, to believe and put our by faith that He has died on the Cross and was raised up on the third day.
      Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
      John 14:6-7
      Praise be the name above all names! The LORD above all lords! King of all kings. Praise be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! May His glory reign forever and ever... Amen.

    • @jessicalamb8312
      @jessicalamb8312 2 года назад +2

      Its interesting to hear stories and faith in Islam.
      Is incredible that muslims have to pray 5 times a day, perform pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life time, fast during the Ramadhan month and promise of heaven after they have fulfilled all 5 pillars of Islam.
      However, if a person failed to do just 1 of them, can they still go to heaven ?
      I understand God's law is perfect..such that if one breaks a law he is considered broken all laws.
      Since No one has kept all the laws of God, therefore everyone is condemned already.
      Jesus who is God has come from heaven to fulfilled all these Laws and traditions to make everyone free.
      Jesus took all the punishment for all of man's wrongdoings on His body and paid the Ultimate price for everyone's sins by dying as us on the Cross.
      All sin debts have been paid to God through Jesus Christ so that everyone can have everlasting life with God forever.
      God loves the whole world so much.....John 3:16
      This is the Good News... the Gospel of Love through Lord Jesus Christ.
      I pray God's Love will touch the hearts of many Man again.

    • @mohamedelshlcany6689
      @mohamedelshlcany6689 2 года назад +12

      @@nicknssud Unfortunately, my friend, you are citing verses from the Bible, which is known to have been distorted, so all your words have no basis in truth.

    • @mohamedelshlcany6689
      @mohamedelshlcany6689 2 года назад +6

      @@jessicalamb8312 My friend, I will not argue with you much. You are already in a channel that talks about Islam, so you can learn everything you want from here, but I will ask you to please search well and think with your mind and read well before the time for your departure from this life comes, read well and search for The right way before you find Jesus disavow you on the Day of Judgment Read and think and you will know that Muslims do not pray 5 times a day in vain, brother, you still have a chance as long as you are alive, so search for God before this opportunity is lost from you and before you discover That you were worshiping just a human being, I wish you success and that you find the right path and that God guides you to it

    • @jessicalamb8312
      @jessicalamb8312 2 года назад +2

      My friend, Perhaps its good to start reading from the 4 Gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John as adviced by Quran, Surah 5 before its too late for you.
      Btw, Jesus Christ is GOD. He came from Heaven. He is from God; incarnate as a Man. (Read John 1: 1-18)
      Jesus purpose on Earth is God making a New Covenant with Mankind to replace the Old Covenant of Law of Sin and Death. The Old Covenant of God has many Laws written in the Torah and was contigent on Man keeping them. However, not a single man on earth is able to keep the Laws..All have failed terribly and God was grieved. Under the Law, if you break 1 law you have broken all Laws ( The 10 Commandments) and its punishable by death. All of mankind is already condemned, deserving death under the Old Covenant. But God is a Loving God and in His Mercies and Grace, He came to make a New Covenant with Man through the sinless blood of Jesus Christ who became the Sacrificial Lamb of God. Jesus Christ will carry and take away all the sins of the whole world on His body and pay the Ultimate price with His blood by dying for everyone, including you and i .....to set us free !
      All you need to do is Believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour of your soul. Believed in your heart He has resurrected from the grave and is alive today. Because He lives, you will also live. He has promised eternal life to those who accept Him.
      Jesus said, "..My yoke is easy and My burden is light ." ( No need for the religious burden of praying 5× a day, doing fasting on Ramadan month, making pilgrimage and offering animal sacrifices etc because Jesus is your Final Sacrifice to God ).
      The Love of God and the Righteousness of God are fulfilled at the Cross. This is the Good News. The Gospel of God's Grace for whole of Mankind.
      Peace be with you.

  • @jacobtimmy7319
    @jacobtimmy7319 11 лет назад +2430

    For the non- muslims who would love to know more about islam and comparing islam and Christianity and other faiths, watch Dr zakir naik he is a Muslim scholar who memorized the bible,quran,and many other scriptures by heart..You will find many of his videos that will help you understand more about islam may god be with you all inshallah

    • @mariazaya4447
      @mariazaya4447 2 года назад +3

      Oh hello Jacob, I see you're not Arabic and you use some words in arabic I don't know how Muslims make your head shacking, so if you see that Comparing religions make the Islam the religion of God it's not a way to make sure that Islam is the real religion because in these VIDEOS they are attacking Christianity for their own benefits. So may the Lord jesus open your heart to see him. Amen

    • @mohamedelshlcany6689
      @mohamedelshlcany6689 2 года назад +3

      @@mariazaya4447 Excuse me, madam, but what is your proof that Jesus is the Lord?

    • @j358x7
      @j358x7 2 года назад

      @@mariazaya4447 So stating facts is 'attacking' now? wow you're so lame you have no logical and factual arguments so all you can do is play victim. May Allah guide you.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +3

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @jinn_721
      @jinn_721 Год назад +3

      @@boluo.a7347 If you read the bible Jesus Christ peace be upon him said....
      Its mentioned the Gospel of john chapter number 14 verse number 28 ( Jesus Christ peace be upon him said my father is greater than I ) ...
      Gospel of john Chapter number 10 verse number 29 ....Jesus christ peace be upon him said ...
      ( My father is greater than All )
      Gospel of Matthew chapter number 12 verse number 28 .Jesus Christ peace be upon him said ...
      ( I cast out devil with the spirit of God )
      Gospel of Luke chapter number 11 verse number 20 Jesus christ peace be upon him said ..
      ( I with the finger of god cast out devils )
      Gospel of john chapter number 5 verse number 30 Jesus Christ peace be upon him said ...
      ( I can of my own self do nothing either here i judge and my judgment is just for a seek not my will but the will of almighty god ) anyone who say they seek not my will but the will of almighty God he is a Muslim .. . Jesus Christ peace be upon him is the Muslim . He never claimed divinity .He never said that he was Almighty God he clearly mention.Its mentioned the gospel of john chapter number 14 verse number 24 Jesus Christ peace be upon him said ...
      ( that the words are you hear are not mine but my father who has sent to me )
      its mentioned in the gospel of john chapter number 17 verse number 3 .
      ( This is life eternal so that we may know that there is one god and Jesus Christ 2000 it .Its clearly mention that Jesus Christ was a messenger .)
      Its mentioned the gospel of Matthew chapter 19 verse number 16 to 18
      ( that a person aproaches Jesus Christ peace be upon him and asked him that good master what good things should I do so that I shall enter eternal life .Jesus christ peace be upon him says .Why thou call it me good g.od for there is only one god and that is the father in heaven and if they want to enter eternal life you keep the commandments )
      jesus christ did not say that if you want to enter eternal life if you want to go to paradise believe am god he didn't said that you believe that I died in the cross for your sins . and its clearly mentioned in the book of acts chapter number 2 verse number 22
      ( Demon of Israel listen to this Jesus of nazareth a man aproved of god amongst you by wonder that miracles which god did by him and you understood )
      so all the credit goes to almighty God and Jesus Christ peace be upon him was a man .All the miracles done were done through almighty god .All the miracles and messenger did what done by almighty god they came to testify there was one god but Jesus Christ also said in the gospel of john chapter number 16 verse number 12 to 14 .
      "( That I have many thing to say unto you but he cannot bear them now for even the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you into all truth he shall not speak of himself all that yet shall speak he shall glorify me )" ...
      This prophecy is prophesized no one but the last and final messenger prophet "MUHAMMAD" peace be upon him .
      So if you're a true Christian and if you believe in Jesus Christ peace be upon him jeasus christ peace be upon him said That I have many thing to say unto you but he cannot bear them now for he when the spirit of truth shall come he shall guide you into all truth .He shall not speak of himself all that yet shall speak he shall GLORIFY me .. This prophecy is prophecy no one but the last and final messenger prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .

  • @PibGaming
    @PibGaming 10 лет назад +6872

    i'm faithless..but i must say, this is very logical and beleivable

    • @nicknssud
      @nicknssud 2 года назад +2

      This video is not accurate and takes the verses in question out of context.
      Matthew 6:6 comes from a time during the Sermon of the Mount and into the context of prayer:
      But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
      Yes Jesus never said to explicitly worship Him but to worship the Father (Matthew 4:10).
      Yet we forget that Jesus is part of the Trinity: The Father, The Son, And the Holy Spirit as Lord over all.
      And to worship the Father/LORD is to also worship Jesus as He and the Father is one:
      I and the Father are one.”
      John 10:30
      That the Lord is also the Spirit:
      Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
      2 Corinthians 3:17
      As Jesus says to Phillip, that He and the Father are one:
      9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.
      John 14:9-11
      So please. Stop your deceitful video claiming to take things out of context. Jesus IS NOT ONLY A PROPHET. He is everything. To know Jesus is to know the Word incarnated. To know Jesus is to know the Father. And to worship Him as our Lord and Savior, because He is worthy! He isn't just fully man, but He also is fully God. And to "DO" like you said will never be enough. Because we need His grace, to believe and put our by faith that He has died on the Cross and was raised up on the third day.
      Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
      John 14:6-7
      Praise be the name above all names! The LORD above all lords! King of all kings. Praise be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! May His glory reign forever and ever... Amen.

    • @Younis1446
      @Younis1446 2 года назад +1

      Hey there, yes Islam makes sense because it is the true religion.. By the way, the videos on the playlist on my channel might be life-changing! Anyway all the best to you!

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as the I respect the video, the truth cannot be changed. Any matter about God is beyond LOGICAL THINKING. The Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven not as a prophet (John 14:6, John 3:16) Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit as a Christian to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @dee-lightt8997
      @dee-lightt8997 2 года назад

      Unbelievable and unknowledgeable.

    • @dee-lightt8997
      @dee-lightt8997 2 года назад

      @@Younis1446 how can the book make sense when Muhammad couldn't read or write. The info was passed on orally to other people who wrote the Koran AFTER Muhammad died. So, he couldn't correct any mistakes that were made.

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +68

    Brother I'm not sure you understand the consequences of such reasoning. Apart from the fact it makes no sense equating GOD THE ALMIGHTY to one third, what an absolute insult and blasphemous remark. You are undeniably confusing many people away from christianity to search for the true God. The One true God, no partners, no associates, no one but HE. The One and Only God. Allah. Islam has the only answer.

  • @YoliaDiva
    @YoliaDiva 12 лет назад +2024

    Iam a christian but damn it dis video stated many true facts ,, its got me overthinking i must admit :/

    • @lynnlynn1317
      @lynnlynn1317 2 года назад


    • @nicknssud
      @nicknssud 2 года назад +11

      This video is not accurate and takes the verses in question out of context.
      Matthew 6:6 comes from a time during the Sermon of the Mount and into the context of prayer:
      But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
      Yes Jesus never said to explicitly worship Him but to worship the Father (Matthew 4:10).
      Yet we forget that Jesus is part of the Trinity: The Father, The Son, And the Holy Spirit as Lord over all.
      And to worship the Father/LORD is to also worship Jesus as He and the Father is one:
      I and the Father are one.”
      John 10:30
      That the Lord is also the Spirit:
      Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
      2 Corinthians 3:17
      As Jesus says to Phillip, that He and the Father are one:
      9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.
      John 14:9-11
      So please. Stop your deceitful video claiming to take things out of context. Jesus IS NOT ONLY A PROPHET. He is everything. To know Jesus is to know the Word incarnated. To know Jesus is to know the Father. And to worship Him as our Lord and Savior, because He is worthy! He isn't just fully man, but He also is fully God. And to "DO" like you said will never be enough. Because we need His grace, to believe and put our by faith that He has died on the Cross and was raised up on the third day.
      Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
      John 14:6-7
      Praise be the name above all names! The LORD above all lords! King of all kings. Praise be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! May His glory reign forever and ever... Amen.

    • @lynnlynn1317
      @lynnlynn1317 2 года назад


    • @ArksE8
      @ArksE8 2 года назад +18

      @@nicknssud there's no trinity in the bible. The word bible isn't even in the bible. You can't base your salvation on a book according to men.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +3

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost you faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you sister! 🙂🙏

  • @missmariyah8195
    @missmariyah8195 2 года назад +443

    This is the video that made me research Islam. I’m so proud to be Muslim.

    • @nalmak8731
      @nalmak8731 Год назад +5

      I'm happy that you are safe ❤❤❤

    • @fathimaabdulaleem6857
      @fathimaabdulaleem6857 Год назад +4

      Happy for you sister♥️

    • @hasanalshehry6390
      @hasanalshehry6390 Год назад +3

      Thank god and I am too Happy sister ^---^

    • @Herman47
      @Herman47 Год назад

      Why are you proud to surrender your brain to Muhammad, believing everything he tells you to believe?

    • @hasanalshehry6390
      @hasanalshehry6390 Год назад +3

      @@Herman47 because he is a profit from god and everything he said is 100% right if you check for example he said one day nomads they will have tall buildings (towers) and you can see it in Qatar , UEA and KSA.

  • @Johnandhisvideos
    @Johnandhisvideos 12 лет назад +2052

    As a Christian, I strongly support this video, blessing to you and us all :)

    • @lynnlynn1317
      @lynnlynn1317 2 года назад


    • @dee-lightt8997
      @dee-lightt8997 2 года назад +3

      In what way do you support the video?

    • @ronnieofnewyork7393
      @ronnieofnewyork7393 2 года назад

      If you support islam you are not a Christian and never received the Holy spirit

    • @ChristianityAndIslam
      @ChristianityAndIslam 10 месяцев назад

      Actually to be a muslim for jesus is an insult. Jesus never taught to do childmarriage, have multiple wives, mutah, breastfeeding an adult, lying, taking people lives,walk around stone 7 times , kiss it, throw rocks at shaitan house and more. If you dont believe that this is what islam teach, ask me for sources.

    • @ChristianityAndIslam
      @ChristianityAndIslam 10 месяцев назад +1

      jesus is god. jesus said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega-the beginning and the end,”, “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come-the Almighty One.”, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life", "before Abraham was born, I am", "who has seen Me has seen the Father.","I and the Father are one.” "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;". Also "And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." Notice when the man called jesus god, jesus didnt deny it. Jesus forgave sins,resurected people from death, fasted for 40 days, healed people and did more..
      Colossians 1: 15 -1 :16
      "Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation"
      "For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things have been created by Him and for Him."
      "In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God AND THE WORD WAS GOD” , “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”(that is jesus).

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +157

    Luke makes no mention of being inspired by the Holy Spirit rather he says "since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you," Please. You are making up your own beliefs, same as with your belief of "Jesus being God". Please give up, do not be like the Jews who rejected Jesus. Accept Muhammad (pbuh) as the final Messenger, the same way we accept Jesus (pbuh) as the Messiah. And accept that our God is ONE and ONE ONLY.

    • @famvids9627
      @famvids9627 19 дней назад

      First let me say that even if Luke never mentioned the Holy Spirit, it doesn't mean that he wasn't inspired by the Holy Spirit, he just failed to mention it. He's not required to mention every detail. Having said this, Luke writes about the Holy Spirit MORE THAN ANY OTHER WRITER IN THE NEW TESTAMENT! So right off the bat, your argument falls apart. Not to mention Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles which also discusses Pentecost which is all about the Holy Spirit. It's obvious that you haven't even a rudimentary understanding of the most basic concepts and writings of the Bible. You're basically creating a strawman, then demolishing it and saying how superior Islam and the Quran are, which violates every major principle of apologetics.

  • @sogwap17
    @sogwap17 12 лет назад +499

    Interesting points. I'm Christian and have a different view than most and actually agree more with you and your logic than with the doctrine of the trinity. One God, and his son Jesus. I think if most people picked up a bible on their own and read it for what it says, rather than being told, one wouldn't arrive at the conclusion that Jesus is God. Like you said, how could God really die???

    • @mariazaya4447
      @mariazaya4447 2 года назад

      “Who was put to death for our evil-doing, and came to life again so that we might have righteousness.”
      (Romans 4:25)

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +1

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost your faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @azad1718
      @azad1718 2 года назад +1

      @@mariazaya4447 made up sweet lie by deceiver Paul who never met Jesus. God don’t need fake lamb man Jesus or animal sacrifice to forgive someone. Jesus said keep commandments and seek forgiveness for salvation, not his suicide

    • @fatenhafza9950
      @fatenhafza9950 Год назад +1

      You can find many priests or preachers that reverted to islam.

    • @zakariyeyusuf1064
      @zakariyeyusuf1064 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 I agree that you need the holy spirit as a non practicing Muslim. Logic is only the rules we perceived in our lifes, but I believe God sent as the holy spirit speaking in our languages in the form of prophets, ministers, people with sincere intention of taking us to better holier and logical life. I believe institutions such as military and goverment are holy for the For they protect us. But some uneducated people confuse holiness with their plotical aims such as what is going on in middle east and others. This is why I respect legitimate, democratic or non democratic authorities. My God help us. Peace

  • @jenniferdao4871
    @jenniferdao4871 Год назад +39

    I got goosebumps listening to this - revert muslim here for 11years now

  • @allfltd7879
    @allfltd7879 Год назад +210

    Now I am Muslim ALHUMDULILLA

    • @amenaashry7166
      @amenaashry7166 Год назад +3


    • @amenaashry7166
      @amenaashry7166 Год назад +1


    • @DestinyAwaits19
      @DestinyAwaits19 Год назад

      Your prophet = warlord.

    • @qudrahadam
      @qudrahadam Год назад +1

      I wish my friend will find islam as well

    • @ChristianityAndIslam
      @ChristianityAndIslam 10 месяцев назад

      Actually to be a muslim for jesus is an insult. Jesus never taught to do childmarriage, have multiple wives, mutah, breastfeeding an adult, lying, taking people lives,walk around stone 7 times , kiss it, throw rocks at shaitan house and more. If you want islamic sources , ask me for it.

  • @sarahangel10000
    @sarahangel10000 12 лет назад +1481

    Masha'Allah, may Allah have a place for you in paradise.
    p.s. If you're family doesn't except you, just remember Allah will

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

  • @narutoNmadara
    @narutoNmadara 12 лет назад +571

    Jesus isn't god. God cant be killed and he is independent of everything.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      God permitted that so He had to die in the flesh for our Sins and He resurrected!!! As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @troll821
      @troll821 Год назад +1

      Lamest excuse for trinity

    • @rosemedia8909
      @rosemedia8909 Год назад

      Jesus died but he raised again

    • @basmaelmezouar8761
      @basmaelmezouar8761 Год назад +1

      @@rosemedia8909He never died... God saved him. He will come back on the day of Judgement. Please read the Bible, then read the Quran and ask yourself "which one did actually answer my questions?". There are too many signs to ignore the Islam

    • @rosemedia8909
      @rosemedia8909 Год назад

      No bro that's islamic logic
      I also read Qur'an and Bible
      First writed holy book is Bible then Quran You can see the grave of any dead man on earth but the grave of Jesus will be open because he was raised and still lives in heaven

  • @RapperNamedQUICK
    @RapperNamedQUICK 12 лет назад +1710

    as a jew i respect your work amen

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +1

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost you faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @dee-lightt8997
      @dee-lightt8997 2 года назад +1

      Another fake commenter. A practicing Jew knows the Bible contains the Torah and the new testament. The Torah is the basis for the new testament and is quoted extensively by new testament writers.

    • @user-tb9qx6on1g
      @user-tb9qx6on1g 2 года назад +1

      @@boluo.a7347 He's a jew...

    • @user-tb9qx6on1g
      @user-tb9qx6on1g 2 года назад +3

      @@boluo.a7347 "Love can be good, but love can be blind." May Allah guide you, ameen.

    • @dominic3990
      @dominic3990 2 года назад +4

      @@boluo.a7347 lol I prayed for the holy spirit for wisdom when I was Christian and it didn't change a thing and here I am now as a devout Muslim

  • @adamdoe938
    @adamdoe938 12 лет назад +733

    First, I love your video, your beliefs, and the way you convey them.
    That said, I myself do not follow any religion. I have faith in God, but little faith in man. Too many atrocities have be committed under the false flag of religion. However, I think Islam is by far the most devout and sincere. To me, no other religion holds God in such reverence and submits to him as complete and sincerely as the followers of Islam do.
    I really do hope you know just how lovely and inspiring this video is.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @Asiyah2000
      @Asiyah2000 2 года назад +2

      @@boluo.a7347 what is truth for you??

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      @@Asiyah2000 You clearly didn't read my comment, else, you won't be asking such question. I already mentioned it. The only way to making it to Heaven is accepting that Jesus came to die for your sins and accepting Him as your Lord and Saviour and not a prophet and then living a Holy life by the grace of God! Your works are too filthy before God to make you enter Heaven.Take note of this and beware ⚠ You're literally being deceived by Satan because he is very smart and will take millions of people to hell with him😬 I pray you make the right choice before it's too late because you can die at any time and it will be too late for you to repent⚠⚠⚠

    • @rahmaibrahim7467
      @rahmaibrahim7467 Год назад

      @@Asiyah2000 very nice question

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +670

    All praise to God the Most High. God has opened your mind to think and reason.
    Say that your Lord is One and Only. He does not beget, nor was he begotten. And there is none like unto Him. [Quran Ch. 112]
    God sent down His Final Messenger Muhammad whereby God promised that the Quran would be the Final testament, and no one can alter the teachings, like they did with Jesus (peace be upon him). GOD IS ONE. Islam is the Final Religion. Please search it for yourself. You will see the truth.

  • @PawLRunzTheTube
    @PawLRunzTheTube 12 лет назад +762

    I am not religious in any way at all, but you have some very interesting words I've watched this video about 5-6 times now and I can't say your correct in what your saying for I'm non religious but your words do catch my ears and I actually enjoyed this video.

    • @deltaraybeast5909
      @deltaraybeast5909 2 года назад +1

      Why don’t you try to research different religions in the world and look and see if there might be one which is the most eye catching and opening to you and see if that is something you would pick if you had to pick any one of them? I am just suggesting ideas to be honest, it’s 10 years since you have commented but I hope you may look at this comment!

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @rahmaibrahim7467
      @rahmaibrahim7467 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 wey be your problem gangan na u just Dey jump about in peoples comments just to make sure they follow you blindly common be open minded a lot of people knows the truth when they find one so quit trying already 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 Год назад

      @@rahmaibrahim7467 See my brother o 🤣, I comment my reserve even though salvation is not a laughing matter. The truth must be told to as many people are interested to listen. It is not possible for everyone to make Heaven so I'm not surprised if millions are misled. Pray genuinely and ask God to guide you without a biased mind and you'll be surprised what He'll show you. Many of my family members were Muslims until they got a personal encounter with Jesus Himself Who made it clear to them that Christianity is the only way to making it to Heaven not fanatism. Christianity is not a religion, it is way deeper than that and this is what makes all other religions false! May God help you brother 🙏

  • @ihatesandybeaches
    @ihatesandybeaches 12 лет назад +699

    Im not trying to say anything bad about Christians, I'm Muslims and i have respect for Christans, but did you know there are SOOOO many different versions of the Bible, it has changed sooo much over time? But the Koran has remained exactly the same since the beginning. Did you know Muslims LOVE Jesus. (PBUH).? No offense but the majority of Christians and Every other religion judge Islam the wrong way. Only if you research and read will you know the way Islam really is.

    • @billywink1210
      @billywink1210 8 месяцев назад

      There are many different versions of the Quran too , at least 26 ,in fact the Quran verses in Morocco are not the same with those in Saudi Arabia, by the way all the prophets didn’t speak Arabic, therefore allah was not the God of Moses , allah o my speaks and hear Arabic
      The Triune God is everywhere in the Old Testament Genesis 1:2 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
      The Holy Ghost clearly mentioned
      Genesis 1: 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
      Let us ( The Father , Son and Holy Ghost)
      Psalms 110: 110 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
      My people perish for lack of knowledge hosea 4: 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

    • @billywink1210
      @billywink1210 8 месяцев назад

      why does allah send 2 angels to teach black magic ?? Is allah Satan ?? Why was Satan talking through Muhammad mouth ?? Unless he is a prophet is Satan , the Quran says the sun sets in a pool of water , it says there is a mountain in the sky where snow comes from. Moses spoke Hebrew , David and other prophets spoke Hebrews , so they were not serving allah because allah only speaks and hear Arabic, allah can not have son without a companion, but Mary had a son without an companion, what allah could not do , Mary did it , who is allah ?? He looks more like Satan , if you need more proof , let me know .
      I love you , but let us reason ❤❤❤

  • @lifesong000000001
    @lifesong000000001 12 лет назад +1089

    Interesting, and it made me think; I am a Christian. and yet I will still stick w/my faith in God. But it really had me thinking about things, legit.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost your faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @dee-lightt8997
      @dee-lightt8997 2 года назад

      Another fake commenter. Again any child that's bee to vacation Bible school knows the truth.

    • @User56279
      @User56279 2 года назад +2

      @@boluo.a7347 And what do you think Islam calls to worshipping satan??!!! Jesus is prophet of God who was given the gospel just like those before him , David, Abraham, Moses. Islam calls to the Worship of the creator only, if you were only sincere to yourself you would accept the truth that worship is only for the Creator (God) not the created (Jesus). A loss for you is that you are still following an outdated version of God's religion. As for the Muslims we are Glad and thankful to be on the updated version(Islam).
      Quran 57:28-29
      O you who believe [in Moses i.e. Jews and Jesus i.e. Christians]! Fear Allâh, and believe in His Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), He will give you a double portion of His Mercy, and He will give you a light by which you shall walk (straight). And He will forgive you. And Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
      ˹This is so˺ that the People of the Book(Jews & Christians) ˹who deny the Prophet˺ may know that they do not have any control over Allah’s grace, and that all grace is in Allah’s Hands. He grants it to whoever He wills. For Allah is the Lord of infinite bounty.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      @@User56279 Nobody said you're worshipping satan. No man is perfect which means that no man is worthy to enter Heaven to meet the perfect God when we die because Heaven is too pure for any imperfections. This was why God sent Jesus to die for our sins so that through His blood (which was shed to pay for the price of our sins we couldn't pay ourselves), we can be clean and worthy to enter Heaven.
      You all have heard this truth severally but satan is deceiving millions of you to work against this truth. I'm not surprised at all because Jesus said that this will happen.
      Good works will not take anyone to Heaven because even bad people do good works, so all our works are filthy before God.
      Morever, I am absolutely certain that I am going to make it to Heaven if I die now because I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour through God's grace. If you can't boldly say now that you are going to enter Heaven if you die then you should question the religion you claim to have because God is not a God of chances!
      I'm not going to further exchange words with you, you're free to choose what you want to believe. The good thing is you've heard the truth so you'll have no excuse when you die and God rejects you from entering Heaven because you rejected who Jesus truly was and the main purpose for which He was sent by calling Him a "prophet"; prophets who are simple ordinary men used by God. Jesus said whosoever shall deny Him here on earth, He will also deny before God in Heaven!

    • @User56279
      @User56279 2 года назад +2

      @@boluo.a7347 Quran 5:72
      Surely, they have disbelieved who say: "Allah is the Messiah [Jesus], son of Mary." But the Messiah ['Jesus] said: "O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Verily, whosoever sets up partners in worship with Allah, then Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and the Fire will be his abode. And for the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers) there are no helpers.
      Mark 12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord
      Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
      Quran 5:75
      The Messiah [Jesus], son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother [Mary] was a Siddiqah [i.e. she believed in the words of Allah and His Books (see Verse 66:12)]. They both used to eat food (as any other human being, while Allah does not eat). Look how We make the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to them, yet look how they are deluded away (from the truth).

  • @3112teohjw
    @3112teohjw 12 лет назад +1315

    This is indeed a nice video.. Indeed. I am a Christian, but it had me questioning.. Who Jesus really is. I still have my faith, but thanks for creating this video, it indeed allows me to understand more.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +1

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost you faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @anti_islamophobe
      @anti_islamophobe Год назад +2

      @@boluo.a7347 absolutely Jesus is a way to heaven, he guided us to follow the way which go to God but he didn't say I am begotten son of God.
      Give me any reference when Jesus said I am begotten son of God and worship me.

    • @ChristianityAndIslam
      @ChristianityAndIslam 10 месяцев назад

      to be a muslim for jesus is an insult. Jesus never taught to do childmarriage, have multiple wives, mutah, breastfeeding an adult, lying, taking people lives,walk around stone 7 times , kiss it, throw rocks at shaitan house and more. If you dont believe that this is what islam teach, ask me for sources.

    • @ChristianityAndIslam
      @ChristianityAndIslam 10 месяцев назад

      jesus is god. jesus said: "I am the Alpha and the Omega-the beginning and the end,”, “I am the one who is, who always was, and who is still to come-the Almighty One.”, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life", "before Abraham was born, I am", "who has seen Me has seen the Father.","I and the Father are one.” "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;". Also "And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." Notice when the man called jesus god, jesus didnt deny it. Jesus forgave sins,resurected people from death, fasted for 40 days, healed people and did more..
      Colossians 1: 15 -1 :16
      "Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation"
      "For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities-all things have been created by Him and for Him."
      "In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God AND THE WORD WAS GOD” , “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”(that is jesus).

    • @billywink1210
      @billywink1210 8 месяцев назад

      The Triune God is everywhere in the Old Testament Genesis 1:2 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
      The Holy Ghost clearly mentioned
      Genesis 1: 26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
      Let us ( The Father , Son and Holy Ghost)
      Psalms 110: 110 The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.
      My people perish for lack of knowledge hosea 4: 6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

  • @jrighteous1984
    @jrighteous1984 12 лет назад +937

    I am Christian , and I approve this video , in fact I preach the same message , worship only Jehovah ! (Allah)

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +3

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost your faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @jrighteous1984
      @jrighteous1984 2 года назад +4

      @@boluo.a7347 I've never lost my faith , I just know what the Bible teaches. I've read it cover to cover 3 times in 2 language , i don't believe in worshipping Jesus , the Bible doesn't teach that ..

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +1

      @@jrighteous1984 @J. Sand Alright brother, I respect that! 👍 I have also finished reading the Bible almost twice and now I'm just focused on studying and meditating on it daily with the help of the Holy Spirit who gives our own Spirit understanding. I encourage you to do the same because the Bible is beyond just a book for just reading! 🙂
      Furthermore, if you worship Jesus, you also worship God because God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are ONE but different personalities just like a man with spirit, soul and body but still ONE man!😊
      Also, If we shouldn't worship Jesus why did He say we should pray and perform miracles in His name and not God's name?! (Mark 16:17) 🤷‍♂️ Don't be confused my brother, you can't agree with other believes and still claim you are a Christian (2 Corinthians 6:14-16). Stay blessed bro! 🙏

    • @jrighteous1984
      @jrighteous1984 2 года назад +3

      @@boluo.a7347 i don't believe in the Trinity because it's not biblical, Jesus never said he was God , Jesus never said worship me , in fact he stopped people that tried to drop on their knees to worship him . He always said , " my father sent me " .. " my teachings aren't mine , they are my father's " , he also prayed to God , remember when he was on the cross and he prayed ? Was he talking to himself ? If he was God he would demand to be worship by everyone that saw him , since he was not God , he never said that . Also John his own apostle said , " no man has seen God ever !" .. was John Lying ? .. you can believe whatever you want , it's your choice , but believing that God was 3 different people makes no sense and contradicts the Bible in almost every turn . You mentioned Satan , well that's one of the things Satan loves to do , is to confuse you and misunderstand things so that your worship can be faulty .

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +1

      @@jrighteous1984 For a person who claims to have "finished reading the Bible 3 times", I am highly disappointed at some of your analysis of the Bible 😒.
      Did Jesus stop all the following people in the following scriptures from worshipping Him?! 🤔
      1. In Matthew 28:17-18, Did Jesus not accept the worship of the disciples and even claimed that all power in Heaven and on earth is given unto Him?!🤷‍♂️
      2. In John 9:38 didn't Jesus accept the worship of the healed blind man?!🤷‍♂️
      3. In John 20:28, Thomas clearly called Jesus "My Lord and my God"did Jesus deny it?!🤷‍♂️...He even approved of this and you still claim He is not God?!🤔
      4. Many more examples where Jesus made Himself to be worshipped by evil spirits, sick people and others and Jesus never stopped them - Mark 5:6, Matt. 20:20, Matt. 15:25, Matt. 14:33, Matt. 8:2 and many more...
      Also, even though the word 'Trinity' isn't explicitly written in the Bible does that discredit its existence?!? Jesus Himself talked about Him being the Son of God and God being the Father and there is the Holy Spirit of God (Matt.28:19). When Thomas called Jesus God in John 20:28 why did Jesus not rebuke him?! Instead, He said and approved that Thomas is right!
      In John 9:35-37, Matthew 28:19 and other scriptures, didn't Jesus call Himself the Son of God. Even the evil spirit in the man in Mark 5:6-7 immediately recognized that Jesus was God the Son and immediately ran to Him and called Him by His name and still you don't believe in the Trinity after all these evidences. Keep doubting and hoping to find the exact word "Trinity" in the Bible...SMH 😒
      Well, as you said, we're free to believe what we want to believe but that will not change the TRUTH and I know the TRUTH and the TRUTH has set me free from all doubts and fears. Believe what you want!
      You clearly just read the Bible just like a novel or an ordinary book.
      Get your facts right next time and don't argue like unbelievers ⚠️⚠️⚠️

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +46

    Where are you getting your information from? It clearly says in the Bible Book of Luke Verse 1 "since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you," IS THAT GOD SPEAKING!!! NO it's clearly LUKE. Please brother learn your religion. The Quran claims to be the word of God and it IS the word of God. Don't confuse Christianity with Islam. Peace.

  • @SeekingAllahFindingJehovah
    @SeekingAllahFindingJehovah 12 лет назад +15

    I used to worship Jesus but Allah guided me to Islam. I'm not an idol worshipper anymore. Thank you Allah Almighty.

    • @Guledgk
      @Guledgk Год назад +1

      wait... i think your christain now... is your love blind now

    • @Nadaismail5765
      @Nadaismail5765 5 месяцев назад

      ​@@Guledgk He is just a hypocrite

  • @ketchup15000
    @ketchup15000 12 лет назад +1133

    لا إله إلا الله

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @komentar-17tahunyanglalu51
      @komentar-17tahunyanglalu51 2 года назад +4

      Laa ilaha illa Allah. Muhammadarrasulullah.

    • @djaon2422
      @djaon2422 Год назад +1

      لقد مرت عشرت سنوات
      لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

  • @Eserr7856
    @Eserr7856 12 лет назад +311

    In Islam, God sends prophets to guide mankind on the true path of submission to the only God, humans are naturally weak and prone to sin, but God is all merciful and easily forgives repentant sinners. By believing and submitting to God, and following the rest of the 5 pillars the Muslim is on the path of salvation. In Christianity, humanity was made in the image and likeness of God but became enslaved to sin,death,Satan. Humanity needs a Redeemer to set us free, because we can't save ourselves.

    • @azad1718
      @azad1718 2 года назад

      Christian is a Greek Roman joint venture myth religion fusion of Greek Roman mythology with the flavor of Jewish scriptures to make it look legitimate. It has no connection with the teachings of Jesus and Jesus did not preach while on earth what church industry is telling you

  • @IslamicPresentations
    @IslamicPresentations 12 лет назад +230

    Beautiful Poem in reply to what christians believe. May Allah Guide us all & protect us from the whispers of the Devil. Amen .

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @Daniels86711
      @Daniels86711 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 If this was the case... every single person prior to Christianity went to hell. Including Abraham, Moses etc. Christianity didn't even exist until long after Jesus, so Jesus wasn't even a Christian. Might want to consider how that makes any sense other than you believe for no reason. The man who told us Jesus was god never even met him. Apostle Paul gave himself the label of Apostle, and Jesus as son of god after fashioning a religion in his own ideas. Including adding his own stories to the collection that makes up the Christian bible.

  • @DecedentoftheDecade
    @DecedentoftheDecade 12 лет назад +194

    Everything I've ever wanted to say to every Christian I've ever seen successfully summarized into 4:59. Well done, lebo2196, well done.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @pointofview5921
      @pointofview5921 Год назад

      "From you comes the victory; from you comes wisdom, and yours is the glory. I am your servant. 60 Blessed are you, who have given me wisdom; I give you thanks, O Lord of our ancestors."

    • @billywink1210
      @billywink1210 8 месяцев назад

      why does allah send 2 angels to teach black magic ?? Is allah Satan ?? Why was Satan talking through Muhammad mouth ?? Unless he is a prophet is Satan , the Quran says the sun sets in a pool of water , it says there is a mountain in the sky where snow comes from. Moses spoke Hebrew , David and other prophets spoke Hebrews , so they were not serving allah because allah only speaks and hear Arabic, allah can not have son without a companion, but Mary had a son without an companion, what allah could not do , Mary did it , who is allah ?? He looks more like Satan , if you need more proof , let me know .

  • @TheWop3g
    @TheWop3g 12 лет назад +472

    This video is amazing! i am a christian and i love god with all my heart, this video really made m question my faith, is Jesus God? i immediantly flipped to scripture in my head to Isiah 7 were it talks about the coming of the Emmanuel it doesn't say that we are supposed to worship him specifically but then i flip to the john or mark which it says that all authority in heaven and earth was given too him. plz help im not looking forward to convert to any religion, i just want to know the truth.

    • @Nadaismail5765
      @Nadaismail5765 2 года назад +3

      With Islam completed God the Truth

    • @abdelkarimkeraressi1418
      @abdelkarimkeraressi1418 2 года назад +3

      brother theWop3g the Authority its from ALLAH GIVE IT TO HIS PROPHETES . LIKE MOSES ... AND JESUS ... MUHAMED peace bve upobn them . No one is supperior then a prophete of GOD.

    • @olakolade6656
      @olakolade6656 2 года назад

      God never said we should worship him, but he is so incredible full of love, goodness,purity, kindness, patience et. that our first reaction is to want to worship him for how incredible he is and for what he has done for us

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost your faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @abdelkarimkeraressi1418
      @abdelkarimkeraressi1418 2 года назад

      ​@@boluo.a7347 ok Bolu O.A tell me now what Holly Spirit told you after jesus its 2000 years ! what this holly spirit told you somethings new. just Tell me ONE new rule one thing wich you dont have in new or old testament ? im gonna show you this is a lie . when jesus said i have manythings to tell you but you can nnot bear them now . when he spirit of the truth come he shallguide you to all truth . he did not say when holly spirit he said spirit of truth and if you continu read it said false spirit is false prophete and true spirit is a true prophete. this is spirit of truth is prophete muhamed. is montion in old testament and he montion in barnabas bible. its crystal clear as you see the sun in full day . if holly spirit inspire thos mark and jhon and luke ex.. why they have differences btw them ? if they got told by holly spirit the gospel why you have many many and too much contradiction on it? GOD canot LIE ? holly spirit is Angel jibrail by the way if you dont know im gonna tell you. so stop belive in falsehood like jesus die for you sins ex... or you say jesus is god this is a lie . and jesus was neither son or god him self . Jesus was a messanger and prophete of GOD. when a jew ask jesus : good master ex... what jesus reply to him ?. why calling good there is no one good except GOD ALONE. so love him with all your heart and your mind and thats is the first commandement. so jesus said love GOD he is good not jesus . jesus is telling you im just a humain being im not god and yet you are as a disbeliver beliving he is GOD and when you got caught by a muslim you gonna say no he is son of god. what a liar you are such a bastard minded .
      jesus said about Allah . that may know you THE ONLY TRUE GOD And jesus christ who you have sent. Here jesus is sayin about ALLAH is the only TRUE GOD. when you have a THE ONLY TRUE GOD. you know english is this mean there an others gods beside ALLAH ? nOpe . because THE ONLY TRUE GOD is ALLAH. And jesus Christ as a messanger. this is what we belive and this is the truth . so let me know jesus said i did not come to demolish the law . the law of abraham i came to fullfill the law. so if you have fking brain in your head to think with how can paul change the law ?!!! and curse jesus ?!!!! are you okay ? you are have a hate toward the truth . you chrisitans most of you are bastards to reject everything what jesus said and you beliver on saint paul wich he was a disbeliver .
      i be rude because im tired of people like you you are literaly brainwash . use ur fking brain just littel bit and you can see the light.
      jesus was calling son of man in your bible he never been calling son of god. and even if you said jesus was son of god it mean he is not GOD. GOD know everything . jesus did not know the last hour. jesus did not know fig trees if it has fruits or not and wich season it should product fig. this is humain being not GOD .ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY Know everything . even a grain of sand he know it. and every leaf fall from a trees except he has knoweldge of it . he know everything . so you are a disebeliver and with that closed mind you have and your brain wash you deserve a hellfire for eternal even your bible is corrupt AF you still can see the truth . but your heart and your eyes and deaf and blind .
      GO TO atour wrote god . www.atour.com/dictionary/ its aramaic dictionnary from aramaic to english. put god there and you gonna be suprised in aramaic GOd is Aalah . so jesus was calling the only true GOD : Aalah and we muslim call him Allah = Aalah . so think twice because if you die as a disbeliver you gonna be in hellfire. use your fking braine again and again . ALLAH give you intellect use it in good way . dont close your brainwash when it come to chrisitanity . i use thos words because im tired of thos useless and brainwash chrisitans . you wait for a muslim to come allong and tell you . your books is corrupted aF ????!!! you can not test you book and read it by your self and test it if its words of god or its been change . and all time ytour scholar throwing words from bible and add others ex...... .
      Also jesus was prayin to GOD by prostrating ex... same like we muslim pray. Jesus im going to my Father and your Father . this is mean not really father you should found what does it mean this words. he said im going to my ffather and your fathers my GOD and your GOD. jesus clear sayin he has a god. so stop making foolout of your self by sayin jesus was god. i hope you read this with an open mind . and dont take thos small nasty and dirty words as personally ; i just wrote them out of my anger to see people like your self in 2022 still beliving jesus is god or son of god. its really nonesense. also it wrote in your Book. GOD he is not A man or son of man . nothing like to him. so use just your brain .

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +215

    Then who was the Almighty God praying to in Mathew 26:39 ? And why was God Almighty prostrating like a Muslim ? Don't be a blind follower brother.

  • @marciadavidson7074
    @marciadavidson7074 12 лет назад +353

    i dnt have a religion bt i understand wt the muslims are trying to say!

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @basmaelmezouar8761
      @basmaelmezouar8761 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 Please do some more research before you speak. If you are going to follow a religion without actually using your brain, it will be useless. Trust me, read the Bible, then read the Quran and ask yourself "which one did answer my questions truthfully?".

    • @ProVideoEditor_Upwork
      @ProVideoEditor_Upwork Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 You are trying to ignore other verses of Jesus (wrıtten is red letters). In bible, every verses is not from Jesus, I think you know it. Research about what Jesus said and then read the Quran. You will feel it.

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +26

    See what I mean, after all that "Bible is from God" stuff you were saying has vanished now. So please answer this question. The Jews rejected Jesus. You called them disbelievers. Take the next step and accept Muhammad too. He is the final Messenger. Jesus is the Messiah.

  • @messivillaxaviniesta
    @messivillaxaviniesta 12 лет назад +80

    Im just asking. If Jesus died for our sins he died for nothing then because our sin still count? Paul didnt think of that did he?

  • @issojaffal6352
    @issojaffal6352 12 лет назад +290

    Islam is the true religion and how do you know if the bibles are correct? There are over 5000 different bibles with completely different words and meanings. There is only one Quran, so which do you believe? 5000 different bibles or the one Quran that has never ever changed since it was created? And how could Jesus as a God be defeated by humans?? Its just like saying humans are more powerful than God. But thats not true so Jesus was never murdered. He works for Allah. Hope this was helpful :).

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад +1

      There is only one Bible too with different broken down versions for better understanding but same meanings. Any other Bible apart from the real ones genuine Christian use is false ⚠️
      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @elenacruz-world
      @elenacruz-world Год назад +1

      If he wasn’t fully human and died a real death his sacrifice wouldn’t have the significance or power to defeat evil. He had to be fully human to die and fully god to resurrect.
      His sacrifice split history in half and defeated evil, therefore evil will never accept it because it will be accepting his defeat. And will try to make statements such as this to discredit the most beautiful act of love from God to his humanity.

  • @InsanityAndFlowers
    @InsanityAndFlowers 12 лет назад +1145

    Absolute brilliance!

    • @lynnlynn1317
      @lynnlynn1317 2 года назад


    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost your faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @dee-lightt8997
      @dee-lightt8997 2 года назад

      Absolute ignorance.

    • @pointofview5921
      @pointofview5921 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 bro stop going to every comment

  • @faction52
    @faction52 12 лет назад +82

    Islam : The 2nd Largest Religion who LOVES JESUS ( peace be upon his Gracious soul )

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @JanSneeuw83
      @JanSneeuw83 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 give the copy and paste preeching a rest Bolu...your belief is crumbling now more and more Christians finally see the misleading doctrine for what it is

    • @sirahmad
      @sirahmad Год назад +1

      Islam the first religon of Prophet Adam a.s there no first or second

    • @Exceptionalistic
      @Exceptionalistic 3 месяца назад

      @@boluo.a7347as he said love can be blind

  • @KelsMOMents
    @KelsMOMents Год назад +5

    I grew up catholic family, went to Catholic school. All my life I asked “who does Jesus pray to?” In the bible he prayed a lot. Where is his church? In the bible he preaches whenever, wherever to whoever. He didn’t have church, no religion. He preaches by the rocks, mountains, by the trees, dessert, ocean, lake, river but never inside church, nor parish, temple. After he passes every religion fought over his teaching and revise and benefits from it… but the truth is up to you. You are the truth, the way, the life just like what Jesus was trying to convey. I love it brother! Very powerful awakening unfortunately not everyone gets it.

  • @54321cierra
    @54321cierra 12 лет назад +774

    Soooooooooooo true! This really makes me think!!

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @denggarambang1151
      @denggarambang1151 2 года назад +1

      @@boluo.a7347 if Jesus is son of God then he’s not God is he?

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      @@denggarambang1151 Good day brother. Jesus Christ is 'God the Son' - the second personality of God in the Trinity. God has 3 personalities (God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit) - {Matthew 28:19, John 9:35-37, Mark 5:6-7} just like we as humans. A man is also a trinity (Body, soul and spirit). If a man can be a trinity of his own how much more the powerful God that created man in His own image?! 🤷‍♂
      People just like to make the matter of the TRINITY sound so complicated, 🤔 it is actually easy to understand for those that are ready to understand and believe!

    • @denggarambang1151
      @denggarambang1151 2 года назад

      @@boluo.a7347 good day brother. Could you please show me where in the Bible is mentioned the concept of Trinity? That these three persons , the Father, son and the Holy Spirit are one?

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      @@denggarambang1151 1 John 5:7-8 clearly states that they are one. You can keep looking for more excuses but it won't change the fact that this is the Truth! 💯
      I pray 🙂🙏your eyes get open soon because all these back-and-forth arguments are the plan of Satan and we shouldn't give the devil what he wants, we must just believe in Jesus the Son of God who came to die for our sins so that we can crush every plan of Satan to take us to hell with him ⚠⚠⚠

  • @mohmoe1
    @mohmoe1 12 лет назад +137

    if you go to a christian arab and ask him to say god in arabic he will say allah
    allah is arabic for god

    • @ladykatsuyu7632
      @ladykatsuyu7632 2 года назад

      Yeah but God in Christians = Jesus xd

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @azad1718
      @azad1718 2 года назад

      @@ladykatsuyu7632 Jesus did not exist 2000 years ago. His mother did not know she gave birth to her God ! She did not know she was claiming poop of her God Jesus! Jesus did not know he was God while on earth, he said he is going to his God . It needs extraordinary brainwashing to make eating pooping breathing sleeping sneezing coughing crying man Jesus as God

    • @sirahmad
      @sirahmad Год назад

      @@ladykatsuyu7632 so you don't believe father of jesus is God?

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +322

    Welcome to Islam brother :)

  • @Nonagus
    @Nonagus 12 лет назад +60

    This deserves a billion views. Mash'Allah, great work brother.

    • @deltaraybeast5909
      @deltaraybeast5909 2 года назад

      Agreed without a doubt!!!

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

  • @SalahAlsunaidi
    @SalahAlsunaidi 12 лет назад +338

    I hope you have free time to search about Islam

  • @mohmoe1
    @mohmoe1 12 лет назад +87

    islam mean to submit you will to almighty god so muslims means one who submits his will to almighty god jesus ( pbuh) submited his will to almighty god in that case jesus was a muslim

  • @anabulsi26
    @anabulsi26 7 месяцев назад +3

    I see a lot of responses saying that I converted to Islam. Congratulations, my brothers
    May God strengthen you in the word of truth

    @ROFLPH3NOIX 12 лет назад +175

    This video is amazing. It made me think a lot even though I'm not atheist, he brings up many points

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @TheLionessFinalBossMOD73
      @TheLionessFinalBossMOD73 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 your in every single comment. Stop trolling, get offline and go get a life dude.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 Год назад

      @@TheLionessFinalBossMOD73 I have a life which God has given me and has been saved by Jesus Christ so that when I die, I will make Heaven. I must share this good news with everyone who is interested to be saved also so that they won't die spiritually in hell forever after physical death!

    • @TheLionessFinalBossMOD73
      @TheLionessFinalBossMOD73 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 ok well this is not the way to do it. You are actually turning people against you and the message your trying to convince them of by trolling them like this. It's not your place to judge other people and their status on faith. I wish you the best in life and may Allah guide you to the right path.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 Год назад

      @@TheLionessFinalBossMOD73 I'm not judging anyone but I'm spreading the Truth as bitter as it might sound. He that would be saved will be saved and He that has decided to choose another path which is false will have nobody to blame but his/herself when it will be too late to repent in hell ⚠️. The devil is smart and doesn't want to be in hell alone so he is decieving millions of people to end up with him! May God open your eyes to the Truth the devil is hiding from you all.

  • @alfatir14
    @alfatir14 12 лет назад +20

    Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh. I am a revert as well Sister. Islam has given me peace also, and has freed me from the (trappings) Dunya.

  • @djquiz6425
    @djquiz6425 12 лет назад +7

    I heard how Jesus changed other people's lives and I wanted it too.I was a lying stealing cheating arrogant sexually immoral drug-addicted jerk.I wanted to stop hurting others and myself.I asked Jesus to take control of my life;I had made a mess of it.He came and purified my thought-life and heart.I believe the Son of God died for my sins and rose again. Understanding His love I trust Him and give Him control of my life. He transformed me into a new person.Never knew joy like this was possible.

  • @IslamOnDemand
    @IslamOnDemand 12 лет назад +22

    "And behold! God will say: "O Jesus the son of Mary! Did you say unto men, worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of God?" He will say: 'Glory to Thee! Never could I say what I had no right (to say).'" -The Qur'an 5:116

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

  • @GlamourAngel321
    @GlamourAngel321 12 лет назад +216

    idk if u'll write back, but this one is really good. Im a christian by the way, but I see your point of view, some christians have the same point of view, as you just to let you know, the whole thing is just kinda complicated

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      It's not complicated my sister. If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost your faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

    • @Asiyah2000
      @Asiyah2000 2 года назад

      @@boluo.a7347 you really so weak if you against questions 🤣

    • @nawelyounsi1431
      @nawelyounsi1431 2 года назад

      My sister he speaks the truth god is one

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      @@nawelyounsi1431 No man is perfect which means that no man is worthy to enter Heaven to meet the perfect God when we die because Heaven is too pure for any imperfections. This was why God sent Jesus to die for our sins so that through His blood (which was shed to pay for the price of our sins we couldn't pay ourselves), we can be clean and worthy to enter Heaven.
      You all have heard this truth severally but satan is deceiving millions of you to work against this truth. I'm not surprised at all because Jesus said that this will happen.
      Good works will not take anyone to Heaven because even bad people do good works, so all our works are filthy before God.
      Morever, I am absolutely certain that I am going to make it to Heaven if I die now because I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour through God's grace. If you can't boldly say now that you are going to enter Heaven if you die then you should question the religion you claim to have because God is not a God of chances!
      I'm not going to further exchange words with you, you're free to choose what you want to believe. The good thing is you've heard the truth so you'll have no excuse when you die and God rejects you from entering Heaven because you rejected who Jesus truly was and the main purpose for which He was sent by calling Him a "prophet"; prophets who are simple ordinary men used by God. Jesus said whosoever shall deny Him here on earth, He will also deny before God in Heaven!

    • @basmaelmezouar8761
      @basmaelmezouar8761 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 Prophets were not "ordinary" men. Allah swt send prophets to us to lead us back to Him and to show us the right way of living life so people like you ALSO get a chance to enter Paradise. He blessed them with certain knowledge and powers so they aren't men like us. Please do not disrespect the prophets if half of what you say has no evidence.
      If you claim that Jezus is God then you are saying that God, the creator of EVERYTHING (from the universe to the smallest stone on earth), is going to come down on earth in the form of a human and suffer? If Jezus is God, then what is Mary supposed to be? Jezus is the son of Mary so that means that Mary is something bigger, isn't it? And if you claim that Jezus is the Son of God, you also claim that Mary is the wife of God (astaghfirulah) and you know how children are made...
      Notice how you disrespect your Lord and his messengers? Pray to God and ask him to lead you and then you will know which religion is the true religion...

  • @rudinam2409
    @rudinam2409 2 года назад +12

    Why did it take me this long to watch this video. Amazing words 🧡

  • @TalkIslam1
    @TalkIslam1  12 лет назад +14

    This is what it's all about. We call upon all people to use their minds and reason to understand that God is ONE and ONE only. Islam is the only religion to successfully implement this concept. We accept all Messengers from Adam to Muhammad (pbuh). They all had one message - GOD IS ONE AND ONE ONLY. Thanks again for your comment. :)

  • @mkyplease
    @mkyplease 12 лет назад +28

    Wow your words are amazing, your amazing, Jazzak Allah khair brother.
    Love from Gaza Strip, Please pray for us.

  • @princesspali95
    @princesspali95 12 лет назад +224

    god bless u i watched it and now i knw that im on the right track ...........

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      No you're not my sister 😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

  • @emreokocha
    @emreokocha 12 лет назад +29

    "of al the commandments,which is the most important ?"
    "The most important one "answered Jesus "is this : "Hear ,O Israel ,the LORD our GOD ,THE LORD İS ONE " (Holy bible Mark Chapter 12/28-29)
    Peace !

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @omaaosman1329
      @omaaosman1329 Год назад

      Peace, but it’s very important to know which religion is truth

  • @MrWebSongs
    @MrWebSongs 12 лет назад +11

    Very well spoken ...... Thank you for allowing me to step out of my own comfort zone, hear your words, and reflect upon them.

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      If you question your Christianity because of this video, then you're not truly a born again christian and you really need the Holy Spirit my brother/sister😬. As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      I just hope you haven't already lost your faith by now....Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you! 🙂🙏

  • @bizz724
    @bizz724 12 лет назад +68

    "For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.(matthew 7:14)

    • @lynnlynn1317
      @lynnlynn1317 2 года назад


  • @Astroswatiri
    @Astroswatiri 12 лет назад +304

    beautiful, this piece speaks the truth!

  • @shygurlundercover832
    @shygurlundercover832 12 лет назад +7

    Thumbs up this is so true! why can't people understand such simple logic? Its so sad how some people can be so blind!!

  • @jannulik
    @jannulik 12 лет назад +6

    Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Amen.

    • @Asiyah2000
      @Asiyah2000 2 года назад +4

      Every prophet was the way to God and truth so what is your point??

    • @rosemedia8909
      @rosemedia8909 Год назад

      Jesus (Allah) bless you

    • @sr.t17
      @sr.t17 10 месяцев назад

      @@rosemedia8909jesus spoke Aramaic. Google the word "God" in Aramaic . You will be surprised and disappointed that your little trick of writing ( Allah ) does Not work . + it actually shows how little you know about jesus .ironic

  • @messivillaxaviniesta
    @messivillaxaviniesta 12 лет назад +18

    "As for the faithless, it is the same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not have faith. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and their hearing, and there is a blindfold on their sight and there is a great punishment for them."

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

  • @Jannah6789
    @Jannah6789 12 лет назад +3

    Beautiful video. I wish all the christians use reason and logic when researching their religion one more time with an unbiased mind. They will come to know the truth is Islam.

  • @akinyemisodiq6365
    @akinyemisodiq6365 27 дней назад +1

    ma sha allah ...still watching this video since 2013. may Allah make it always beneficial and grant my brother kamal saleh the best reward in this world and the next

  • @XxxCaryNeoxxX
    @XxxCaryNeoxxX 12 лет назад +39

    Guys, just stop Arguing! Debates create a lot of heat but never much of Light...
    Christians.... you guys, please try reading the original Hebrew bible with the word-to-word translation .... And my Muslim Brothers, please stop arguing with the ppl who will never change... Practice Islam and Allah shall take care of his own world... think about saving yourself first... :)

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

    • @troll821
      @troll821 Год назад

      @@boluo.a7347 lamest excuse for paganism

  • @molossus92
    @molossus92 12 лет назад +5

    "And say: "The truth is from your Lord." Then whosoever wills, let him believe, and whosoever wills, let him disbelieve." [18:29]
    Technically speaking, nobody is "forced" into Islam. There are those born into Muslim families who turn away from the faith, while there are those born into other religions who turn TO the faith. Every heart has its ups and downs in terms of spirituality, and Islam acknowledges this.

  • @bustami70
    @bustami70 2 года назад +10

    Masha'llah brother, well said!💜

    • @lynnlynn1317
      @lynnlynn1317 2 года назад


  • @strangelyfanciful
    @strangelyfanciful 12 лет назад +1

    Alhamdulillah! I was born in an Islamic Family but still is learning about our religion. And I find it remarkable whenever I come across Islam revert. Allah has showed you the straight way.. Alhamdulillah. May Allah bless you always..

  • @springxstrawberry
    @springxstrawberry 12 лет назад +61

    Very well said mashallah !

  • @messivillaxaviniesta
    @messivillaxaviniesta 12 лет назад +15

    "O Hear O Israel! Thy lord is 1 god!"

    @LIsMRMOTOWN 12 лет назад +10

    This brother has done a great job explaining the error of people who see Jesus as God and, unlike, Dr. Oakley, who attempts to refute this, actually gives people the chance to respond to what he said. What is Dr. O afraid of? Would Jesus not allow others to ask him questions? As for the statements Christians have posed below, they need to read the book What Did Jesus Really Say? Misha'al ibn Abdullah, which answers all these questions. That is, if they are really seeking the Truth!

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

  • @StriveforJannah2
    @StriveforJannah2 12 лет назад +1

    I agree, there is no use of debating those who have shut their hearts toward Islam. May Allah swt give us all Hidayat. Ameen.

  • @Herman47
    @Herman47 Год назад +3

    *One thing that Jesus did NOT approve of was fighting Christians and Jews until they surrender and pay the Muslims money (see Quran 9:29)* .

  • @BalliZlif3
    @BalliZlif3 12 лет назад +4

    #truth This has enlightened me in soo many ways. This its why I'm converting to Islam..

  • @kendallkendall825
    @kendallkendall825 Год назад +7

    Brother you are helping so many people to find guidance. May Allah bless you brother. Truly seek they would find keep away from a one track mind. In'sha'Allah.💕💕💕💕💞💞💞💞💞

  • @selfrealisationspodcast
    @selfrealisationspodcast 12 лет назад +2

    i'm not muslim but you say a lot of things that i agree with and at the end of the day if you believe in god and not disobey him your doing the right thing

    @LIsMRMOTOWN 12 лет назад +20

    "I AND THE FATHER ARE ONE": If one reads that same verse in the Bible translated from the Ancient Eastern Manuscripts, or reads St. John 17:11, where Jesus prays that the Creator make his DISCIPLES “ONE, as we are,” it becomes obvious this does not mean ONE-AND THE SAME PERSON but rather, OF THE SAME MINDSET or “of ONE ACCORD” as the Ancient Eastern text says. [The “Living Bible” translates John 17:11 “united just as we are."]

  • @DvidFilms
    @DvidFilms 12 лет назад +45

    If I had to choose who to believe in; it would be Jesus. The historic documentation on both Jesus and Muhammed cause me to follow the one who proved themselves to more then just a mere man. Jesus is the only one who defeated death. Muhammed died and stayed in the ground.

  • @messivillaxaviniesta
    @messivillaxaviniesta 12 лет назад +28

    Commandment of god: Do not worship me in any image of any kind inccluding anything inhabiting in the earth and heavens. Christians say god is a man in the sky lol which breaks it because humans are creatures on earth.
    " O children of Israel, You shall keep these commandments until the day of judgement."
    lol eating swine and worshipping god as an image of a man breaks those 2 commandments so u dont worship the god of abraham, moses, jesus and Muhammed (peace be upon them)

  • @flagrl78
    @flagrl78 12 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the offer, but about 11 years ago I did a research paper while in University regarding Christianity and Islam. During my research I interviewed and surveyed my Muslim, Catholic, Protestant, and Evangelical counterparts and Clergy & spent months researching. This now allows me to appreciate all religions & recognize that there are man-made shortcomings within each. I have to go with my heart, whether wrong or right, I cannot accept that Jesus was just a prophet and not the Messiah.

  • @HajarNour306
    @HajarNour306 12 лет назад +14

    I love Jesus, but I love Allah the most ..

  • @messivillaxaviniesta
    @messivillaxaviniesta 12 лет назад +31

    Jesus says I myself can do nothing in the bible...What? God can do nothing?

  • @bizz724
    @bizz724 12 лет назад +17

    Useless explaining to them Jesus said :"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and then turn and tear you to pieces." Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Proverb 9:8) God bless u my friend

  • @jayboy92
    @jayboy92 12 лет назад +1

    What is possible for Him, we cannot even comprehend. He is the Three in One. He has Unity within himself, the unity he wished us all to have with Him. In John 14:6, Jesus says, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life, no one comes TO the Father, except THROUGH me."

  • @QuranSprouts
    @QuranSprouts 12 лет назад +32

    That was mad. Subhanallah!

  • @Bismillah90
    @Bismillah90 12 лет назад +4

    Masha'Allah I can't get enough of your poems, do more Insha'Allah :D.

  • @chifumnanyaokoye1325
    @chifumnanyaokoye1325 Год назад +4

    Well all things said, I'm so proud to be a Christian.... thank you Jesus for dying for me and the power in your name 🔥🔥
    Christianity cannot be comprehended with the carnal mind, but by the Holy Spirit.🔥

  • @forhisglory3770
    @forhisglory3770 Год назад

    The views in compassion to the Christian one of this say it all.. may God give you eyes to see, ears to hear abd a heart to recieve.. jesus is the way truth and life, no one comes to father but through Him.

  • @minacare
    @minacare 12 лет назад +3

    Exactly! thank you!.Qur'an's treatment of the conception and virgin birth of Jesus makes it very clear that the prophet Muhammed acknowledged the supernatural and holy aspects of the coming of Jesus to earth. In reference to the virgin Mary, the Qur'an states, "And she who was chaste, therefore We breathed into her of Our Spirit and made her and her son a sign for all peoples" (Surah 21, Al-Anbiya, The Prophets: 91).

  • @arrowfence4
    @arrowfence4 12 лет назад +14

    this video is sooooooooo true man ur awesome!!!

  • @drakenshun58
    @drakenshun58 12 лет назад +5


  • @MsAttitudeJ
    @MsAttitudeJ 12 лет назад

    After watching I love Jesus but reject Islam , I was a little confused however watching this made it all clear. Jazakallah for uploading very Inspiring :)

  • @bizz724
    @bizz724 12 лет назад +8

    So many miracles till TODAY in every countries are being done in Jesus's name! Healing of sick,cancers are healed and I myself attested healing in my country...A woman who was paralysed for 4 years threw away her walking stick and run...This is not fiction everyone knew her as paralysed When we prayed in Jesus's name many miracles occured!!! and myself i had fever which was healed in not more than 1 hour I took the name of Jesus and believed faithfully he died on the cross and sealed my sicknes

  • @paldos305
    @paldos305 12 лет назад +123

    الله أكبر

    • @boluo.a7347
      @boluo.a7347 2 года назад

      As much as I respect this video and every Muslim worldwide, the Truth will always remain the Truth whether we choose to accept it or not! ⚠️
      Believing in Jesus as the Son of God is the only way to God and making Heaven (John 14:6, John 3:16) - not as a prophet ⚠️⚠️⚠️
      Satan is smart and knows how to play these games by deceiving millions and sending them to hell to end up with him 🚫. The matter of God is beyond "LOGICAL THINKING", you need the Holy Spirit to minister to you and I pray God helps you repent before it's too late! 🙂🙏

  • @nicknssud
    @nicknssud 2 года назад +4

    This video is not accurate and takes the verses in question out of context.
    Matthew 6:6 comes from a time during the Sermon of the Mount and into the context of prayer:
    But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
    Yes Jesus never said to explicitly worship Him but to worship the Father (Matthew 4:10).
    Yet we forget that Jesus is part of the Trinity: The Father, The Son, And the Holy Spirit as Lord over all.
    And to worship the Father/LORD is to also worship Jesus as He and the Father is one:
    I and the Father are one.”
    John 10:30
    That the Lord is also the Spirit:
    Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
    2 Corinthians 3:17
    As Jesus says to Phillip, that He and the Father are one:
    9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. 11 Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves.
    John 14:9-11
    So please. Stop your deceitful video claiming to take things out of context. Jesus IS NOT ONLY A PROPHET. He is everything. To know Jesus is to know the Word incarnated. To know Jesus is to know the Father. And to worship Him as our Lord and Savior, because He is worthy! He isn't just fully man, but He also is fully God. And to "DO" like you said will never be enough. Because we need His grace, to believe and put our by faith that He has died on the Cross and was raised up on the third day.
    Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know him and have seen him.”
    John 14:6-7
    Praise be the name above all names! The LORD above all lords! King of all kings. Praise be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! May His glory reign forever and ever... Amen.

  • @nadiaazim9354
    @nadiaazim9354 2 года назад +2

    Subhan ‘Allah, spot on ! May Allah bless you bro