Glad I ordered this for my children last week and the box got here yesterday. I have a feeling it will sell out now that Jake's showcasing it. It's going in the Christmas stash and I know they'll be happy with it.
@@xolter1013 as the pokemom, I can assure you it is increasingly difficult to wait to watch them decide what gets opened and what gets saved for the sealed collection. This is why I watch Jake and the other Poketubers. It helps curb my desire to open all of it and catch them all for myself. 😁
So when I ordered this and opened my first one, I realized that the area behind Arceus' head is a more translucent white. So I decided to shine a light behind it. If you do the sun behind Arceus' head really shines. Small touch to the figurine but it is fun to look at and really makes Arceus' feel like a god.
I totally agree! I've been pushing this one HARD as something fun to both collect and keep sealed. Only collection box in the past year that has been this great value
I framed in perspex my ADP Cosmic Eclipse sealed booster pack from the Arceus V Figure collection box to display next to my Cosmic Eclipse Alt Art ADP. Also managed to find a good Arceus box for the sealed display with the Charizard pack Art bottom right, Arceus bottom left, Dialga top left and one of the bird trio top right. So they’re all facing inwards. Little things like this make us goofy collectors!
love your channel man! I've been holding this box myself, opened one and keeping the rest sealed. Such a great product. Side note: happy you don't over react every time you pull a hit! Keepin it real is the way to be
just managed to win a bid on a case of these for about 140$, sadly with tax it ended up costing 151$ but that still cheaper than id pay for them retail. hopefully they get to 100 a pop like the sword and shield figure collections.
love this product, i got one myself and pulled a nice Silvally GX from the cosmic pack. and i just wanna say that centering is the last thing i care about in a card
i Ordered 6, sealed fabric box. Only hit i got was rainbow Blaziken from Chilling Reign. i Enjoyed opening every single one cuz that Cosmic Eclipse booster inside. Promo card is sooooo awesome and i ordered it only to get this card in nice condition. In whole sealed fabric box i found only 2 worth grading with chance for 1 10 but might be hard to get 10. Main problem in every card i got were corners. In Europe we always get a little bit worse cards condition and that hurts but seems like we get more often missprint cards cuz that! i had one pack with extreme offcenter cards. Congratulations on Galarian Zapdos, i already opened 8 BB to find it but i have no luck to find any bird :/ Zapdos is my collection so that is cool to see my fav bird on your vid! :)
OMG I am so happy I followed your adivce. I ordered 2 boxes. One to open and one to put on the shelve. I opened the Cosmic Eclipse and I got the Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX. The one that they look like a statue on top of each other in your video. It's perfectly centered as well. I am hesitating now to open the second box also, but I need to control myself. 🙂
I think centering is really important. If a card has bad centering it keeps bothering me when I look at the card. I want cards in the best possible condition if I pull it from a fresh pack
I'm actually thrilled when I watch Jake pull something, I don't have to lower my volume to 2 and have my wife tell me for the 100th time "why is that guy screaming" LOL
I ordered about 15 from target a few months ago when they were $20 free shipping. I now wish i had bought more at that price. If we just look at today's prices for the individual components. It's $10 CE, $4x2 BS, $3 CR, $6 Arceus promo. $3 Arceus figure. That's $30. We damn well know the Cosmic Eclipse pack will be going for $20-30 alone in three next couple of years. So yeah, even at $25 on pokemon center right now, that's money in the bank. Technically it's money withdrawn since, i bought another 10 from PC right now. Lol
I don’t typically collect sealed products but I am so tempted to buy another one of these. I bought one to open for the promo but this is one of the few sealed products I could actually see myself displaying on a shelf! (This and the Eeveelution VMax boxes that came out earlier this year but those were so hard to get ahold of - I was lucky just to get one of each for the promos)
I picked up a couple of these boxes. One to open and one to keep sealed. I realized one of the boxes I got has 2 Cosmic Eclipse packs!!!! Think it’s a lot more valuable because of the error?
Im glad you brought up budget collecting. I recently became interested in collecting cards again. Already started by getting my hands on a Vivid Voltage etb. I also have 2 Lost Origins etb and a booster box coming. Im someone who is in this mostly for collecting but wouldnt mind turning a profit on some of these items in the future. what would be a good rule of thumb for how many to buy. for example if one were on a $200-$300 budget(willing to spend more for something worth it, but would prefer to keep in this range), how many of these Arceus boxes would be a good investment. 2? 3? 4? how many should remain sealed? im sorry for this long paragraph, its just that in all the research ive done i havent been able to find a concrete answer to these questions and you seem like the most beginner friendly advice giver of all the people ive found.
On a budget you can always just try and buy 2 of something like this, open one and keep the other sealed. I have one of those boxes sealed but might get another one to crack open that promo card is gorgeous
$50 here in Australia for arceus v box but i still had to pick it up recently but keeping it sealed as a display piece which i really like. Not sure if I'll buy another yet to open it up, still deciding, but this is a cool piece anyway 👍 i wish pokemon center would deliver to Australia haha
@@D.J.Tucci1 i probably tried to spam the purchase button/refresh button a while back when stuff sold out in minutes and it looked like bot activity xD
Not a good product for us , in europe this is €35-37 , cosmic is €10 then we have 3 pack for the price of 25€ and that promo its doesn’t make sense , in europe this hobby is so much expensive i see in America like half prices and you can actually buy some products. imagine now that the € has the same value as the $ this again doesn’t make sense
I think picking up TCG products with statuettes and keeping them sealed is always a nice investment. Same with the Celebrations Pikachu figure collection.
📌Just want to let everybody know im pursuing my dream and so should you if you’re reading this, theres always gonna be a harder day than yesterday.. but you are blessed and this comment is just good energy to you💜🔥 just picked up this goodie , amazing art on the arceus!
Glad I ordered this for my children last week and the box got here yesterday. I have a feeling it will sell out now that Jake's showcasing it. It's going in the Christmas stash and I know they'll be happy with it.
If only I could stash pokemon and not have the urge to open them...
@@xolter1013 as the pokemom, I can assure you it is increasingly difficult to wait to watch them decide what gets opened and what gets saved for the sealed collection. This is why I watch Jake and the other Poketubers. It helps curb my desire to open all of it and catch them all for myself. 😁
@@believeroftheword4627 I'm gonna start trying that, thanks!
So when I ordered this and opened my first one, I realized that the area behind Arceus' head is a more translucent white. So I decided to shine a light behind it. If you do the sun behind Arceus' head really shines. Small touch to the figurine but it is fun to look at and really makes Arceus' feel like a god.
I just got 2 boxes in the other day. One to keep sealed and one to open. Just tried this on the figure and that's so cool. Thanks!!
I totally agree! I've been pushing this one HARD as something fun to both collect and keep sealed. Only collection box in the past year that has been this great value
I framed in perspex my ADP Cosmic Eclipse sealed booster pack from the Arceus V Figure collection box to display next to my Cosmic Eclipse Alt Art ADP.
Also managed to find a good Arceus box for the sealed display with the Charizard pack Art bottom right, Arceus bottom left, Dialga top left and one of the bird trio top right. So they’re all facing inwards. Little things like this make us goofy collectors!
the fact that cosmic eclipse is worth $10 and that alt art promo is just pure beauty no reason to not get this product ordering right now
love your channel man! I've been holding this box myself, opened one and keeping the rest sealed. Such a great product. Side note: happy you don't over react every time you pull a hit! Keepin it real is the way to be
Cosmic will be in the Amazon exclusive premium collection available this holiday season as well.
Didn't love this when it was first announced.
But I love it when I got it in person.
The textured box and colour just so much better in person.
just managed to win a bid on a case of these for about 140$, sadly with tax it ended up costing 151$ but that still cheaper than id pay for them retail. hopefully they get to 100 a pop like the sword and shield figure collections.
love this product, i got one myself and pulled a nice Silvally GX from the cosmic pack.
and i just wanna say that centering is the last thing i care about in a card
I truly wish I didn’t care about centring haha
i Ordered 6, sealed fabric box. Only hit i got was rainbow Blaziken from Chilling Reign. i Enjoyed opening every single one cuz that Cosmic Eclipse booster inside. Promo card is sooooo awesome and i ordered it only to get this card in nice condition. In whole sealed fabric box i found only 2 worth grading with chance for 1 10 but might be hard to get 10. Main problem in every card i got were corners. In Europe we always get a little bit worse cards condition and that hurts but seems like we get more often missprint cards cuz that! i had one pack with extreme offcenter cards.
Congratulations on Galarian Zapdos, i already opened 8 BB to find it but i have no luck to find any bird :/ Zapdos is my collection so that is cool to see my fav bird on your vid! :)
I ordered 4 and kept one sealed earlier. It is a beautiful piece
@@tonyochoa4312 ur opinion better than u
OMG I am so happy I followed your adivce. I ordered 2 boxes. One to open and one to put on the shelve. I opened the Cosmic Eclipse and I got the Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX. The one that they look like a statue on top of each other in your video. It's perfectly centered as well. I am hesitating now to open the second box also, but I need to control myself. 🙂
Keep sealed i picked up 2 cases of these at well. Wont regret having them in a few years from now
I'm surprised no one is talking about the Pokemon Holiday Calendar. Oh well, more for me.
Already bought one!
If you are gonna get your cards graded of course center is important. I didn't care or know about centering until watching Jakes videos haha
Thank you for the tip on this product. I really like product highlights like this, particularly when you point out "good buys." Much appreciated!
Yup, I have 1 sealed in my collection. Just because it looks so nice. I did Crack one open as well.
Agreed. One of the best products of the year (arguably the best, until the zard UPC comes out)
I agree that being said I have wayyy to much sealed products. It was 31 at my Walmart I guess they mark it up
Hey Jake, do you think that collection boxes are worth buying and holding in general?
I was surprised at the abundance of it on the store shelves. I immediately picked up 2 boxes
Mine just showed up today along with my SDC =).
I think centering is really important. If a card has bad centering it keeps bothering me when I look at the card. I want cards in the best possible condition if I pull it from a fresh pack
Mines just came in along with my special delivery Charizard. Fantastic product to open or keep sealed
I'm actually thrilled when I watch Jake pull something, I don't have to lower my volume to 2 and have my wife tell me for the 100th time "why is that guy screaming" LOL
I've been waiting for you to review this product!
Surprised these aren't sold out for the price. Was on the fence, but pulled the trigger today. Thanks!
Definitely getting one of these!
I ordered about 15 from target a few months ago when they were $20 free shipping. I now wish i had bought more at that price. If we just look at today's prices for the individual components. It's $10 CE, $4x2 BS, $3 CR, $6 Arceus promo. $3 Arceus figure. That's $30. We damn well know the Cosmic Eclipse pack will be going for $20-30 alone in three next couple of years. So yeah, even at $25 on pokemon center right now, that's money in the bank. Technically it's money withdrawn since, i bought another 10 from PC right now. Lol
the nice thing about these boxes is the cosmic pack makes it unlikely to get a reprint, atleast not a reprint with a cosmic pack inside of it.
I've been bigging this up for weeks. Brought several. A hands down winner
I just opened this box! Great experience!
I ordered two and one of the boxes (sealed still) had two cosmics (one in place of the chilling reign pack)
Dude! That's awesome. Hold on to that one for sure
Picked up 10 of them from pokemon center. Thanks for sharing this
Nice alt art Jake! Love this box
I bought a case when it first came out! I couldn’t resist!
I don’t typically collect sealed products but I am so tempted to buy another one of these. I bought one to open for the promo but this is one of the few sealed products I could actually see myself displaying on a shelf! (This and the Eeveelution VMax boxes that came out earlier this year but those were so hard to get ahold of - I was lucky just to get one of each for the promos)
The box is amazing. I love the textured feel
Yes!!! Best product by far….great video
Already got 8 of these in the collection
I have to get another one of those, my arceus was super of cut lol
yes i reckon this promo card is INSANE for 55 dollars australian which is about 2 and a half hours worth of work at mimimum wage >.
I picked up a couple of these boxes. One to open and one to keep sealed.
I realized one of the boxes I got has 2 Cosmic Eclipse packs!!!! Think it’s a lot more valuable because of the error?
Opened 3 of these and pulled the Pikachu Trainer card and Rosa from 2 of 3 cosmic packs 🙏
i have a same OC zapdos and get it back cgc9 luckily:)
Couldn’t agree more. Great value
The promo is Beautiful and I pulled the Umbreon Vmax from the brilliant stars trainer gallery from it!
What a great pull, I got nothing from my box, but I will keep the other ones sealed for the future.
I tried to order this after watching your vid but the pokemon center doesnt ship to my location in Canada :(
You'll have to look on the Canadian Pokemon center. The link is to the US one
What about the Pokémon go Eevee collection? I think keeping that one sealed is a no brainer.
Was able to pick up a couple a few months ago but haven't seen any since. Hope to find more
Im glad you brought up budget collecting. I recently became interested in collecting cards again. Already started by getting my hands on a Vivid Voltage etb. I also have 2 Lost Origins etb and a booster box coming. Im someone who is in this mostly for collecting but wouldnt mind turning a profit on some of these items in the future. what would be a good rule of thumb for how many to buy. for example if one were on a $200-$300 budget(willing to spend more for something worth it, but would prefer to keep in this range), how many of these Arceus boxes would be a good investment. 2? 3? 4? how many should remain sealed? im sorry for this long paragraph, its just that in all the research ive done i havent been able to find a concrete answer to these questions and you seem like the most beginner friendly advice giver of all the people ive found.
Waiting to hear this answer as well Jake is the best, glad you found his channel!
If I were you I would buy a sealed case of it n keep that seal. N buy like 2 extra for yourself to open
On a budget you can always just try and buy 2 of something like this, open one and keep the other sealed. I have one of those boxes sealed but might get another one to crack open that promo card is gorgeous
Some of these contain Evolving Skies packs also.
Hey! Sorry, totally new to Pkmn cards here. How do I know if something is alternate art?
You’re only of the only guys who highlights the good boxes and tins. Thanks for putting me on game bro! You’re the 🐐!
Think I've opened 2 or 3 and I have 2 sealed as well, really love it and the fact it has the CEC pack in it too
Targuet have the arceus box restock
I enjoyed this product when I was opening it
Super amazing product. Great pull!
Are they still available? Lol I haven’t been able to find any
40 usd for this in Norway :c
Bought the Japanese arcues promo due to the arceus game logo being on it. May pick up this one as well
I have 4of thesese sealed so far
I got this with my special delivery charizard and the pulls was horrible. Not even a holo. And my figure was broken
Wow Jake!! The Roadrunner?!?
Damn that galarian bird pull
sadly this isn't a particular good product in Europe. not only does it cost more, but there are no cosmic eclipse packs in them
Meanwhile i try to get on in german for about 50€ 😂😂 I wish i could get stuff from american market without shipping cost :D
Great video jake!
$50 here in Australia for arceus v box but i still had to pick it up recently but keeping it sealed as a display piece which i really like. Not sure if I'll buy another yet to open it up, still deciding, but this is a cool piece anyway 👍 i wish pokemon center would deliver to Australia haha
Bro casually pulled my chilling reign chase card
Centering isn’t everything, but it’s not nothing. Nice hit in that Chilling Reign pack!
Talk about first pack magic✨
I picked up 2 boxes from ebay for $45 shipped
The problem with me and sealed product is i get it when i got dough but then down the line when i cant afford cards i crack open my sealed shit lmao
I mean, I would but I can get 2 cosmic eclipse booster packs for $7.99 from rite aid 😀😀😀
Where can you buy this if you're from Europe?
does anyone know how to get unblocked from the pokemon center website? joining via VPN doesnt help btw
Umm, why are you blocked? 😅
Clear your cache and all cookies. That worked for me!
@@D.J.Tucci1 i probably tried to spam the purchase button/refresh button a while back when stuff sold out in minutes and it looked like bot activity xD
ty jake !
This thing is closer to $40 over here, but still worth it
So should I buy like 10 of these the. Sell it for 1000$ in a couple years?
There's a lot of risk in that. But I'd say having one definitely is a good deal
Already picked up 11 with my 15% employee discount at Target.
😂 that’s just not necessary
Haha you made this product even better!
I had this sealed until my wife talked me into putting the card in our binder 😔
There is definitely value here. At least 15 usd
Or spend $70 for the Flareon VMAX ultra premium collection 😍
thats a good price. those boxes are going up and up.
@@smellMyfingerr714 oh ya. Bought one of each recently and wish I would have done it sooner.
I had 0 pulls in my box.. and you pull an alt art in the first pack...
Hey I got that for my birthday
Dang this is gonna sell out now lol
Just insta-bought this so hard right now
Love the channel, quick Merch idea, a T shirt that says “Wirf It!”. Send me one !
Better grading
You should keep it sealed… or not. I don’t care that much about the centering… but I do 😂
I had one box and the promo card was so off centre so I cracked it open and got a new box with a better promo card
Not a good product for us , in europe this is €35-37 , cosmic is €10 then we have 3 pack for the price of 25€ and that promo its doesn’t make sense , in europe this hobby is so much expensive i see in America like half prices and you can actually buy some products. imagine now that the € has the same value as the $ this again doesn’t make sense
whats up jake
You fiend! I was buying one slowly every week, now it’s gonna sell out 😭
I think picking up TCG products with statuettes and keeping them sealed is always a nice investment. Same with the Celebrations Pikachu figure collection.
I got 6 for 120
GOAT box
::is now sold out everywhere:: 😹
📌Just want to let everybody know im pursuing my dream and so should you if you’re reading this, theres always gonna be a harder day than yesterday.. but you are blessed and this comment is just good energy to you💜🔥
just picked up this goodie , amazing art on the arceus!