PROVISIONISM: A Brief Overview

  • Опубликовано: 6 окт 2024
  • Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, give a quick overview of what Provisionism entails. Some like the label Arminian, some like Traditionalist, some try to avoid the labels all together, but the word "PROVIDE" is simply putting the attention back on the God who provides for the needs of all fallen and sinful people.
    To watch a much longer and more in-depth biblical defense of Provisionism with LIVE questions and answers, go here: • A Biblical Defense of ...
    For more please visit: soteriology101...

Комментарии • 236

  • @denyyourselfdaily
    @denyyourselfdaily 4 года назад +55

    I enjoyed this. It’s nice to be able to put into words what my theology has been these many years.

  • @AidenRKrone
    @AidenRKrone Год назад +4

    I like how provisionism can uphold monergism because it places an individual's salvation in the hands of God, in that when a person cries out to God and makes a conscious decision to accept Christ as Savior, God, because he is a keeper of promises, responds to that call, and subsequently sends the Holy Spirit to indwell in that person. The choice to provide salvation to a person is always God's, but because He is honorable and just, He will always provide that salvation when someone makes a genuine profession of love of and faith in His Son.

  • @tomferguson4996
    @tomferguson4996 4 месяца назад +3


  • @Davina249
    @Davina249 7 месяцев назад +4

    I went from a 5 ppint calvinist to a 0 ppint calvinist in about 1 hour of watching your videos! Pray that the lord would lead me going forward 🙏

  • @MandyGood
    @MandyGood 4 года назад +50

    Thank you so much for making this video. I am a former Calvinist, I am so happy your videos pulled me out of it! I was so blind to the truth of the scriptures. I love your videos. I been taking notes every chance I get. I knew deep down as the more I read the word that Calvinism is wrong in how we are saved. Thanks so much for these videos! God bless you!

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +4

      Praise God! I pray that u become fruitful in your knowledge of Scripture.
      According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      2 Peter 1:3‭-‬8

    • @MandyGood
      @MandyGood 4 года назад +4

      Nick _7 thank you!

    • @Monday2705
      @Monday2705 4 года назад +3

      Amen! Praise God!

  • @raymond.28
    @raymond.28 11 месяцев назад +4

    I just left calvinism. This makes much more sense.

  • @scottthong9274
    @scottthong9274 4 года назад +27

    Provisionism is the basic, simple, plain reading of the Bible Gospel we teach kids in Sunday school and share in street evangelism.
    Try to imagine Ray Comfort's videos but instead he's going around giving an accurate representation of TULIP to passing unbelievers lol! That is how different Calvinism is from Biblical Christianity.

    • @Monday2705
      @Monday2705 4 года назад +7

      Exactly. Imagine preaching the gospel but then adding “but....this may not work for you, bc God might have created you to burn in hell and you have no choice.” Lol

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +3

      That would be a mess which is why Calvinists have to preach our Gospel and then shove in the TULIP afterwards. Very typical of a cult.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +2

      @@Monday2705 That would at least be consistent with what they believe. Then again why bother preaching the Gospel if there are unconditionally elect people that will be saved with or without the Gospel anyways bc the Biblical Gospel is not power of God unto Salvation in Calvinism, election is.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 3 года назад

      @Gavin Riley Provisionism is fairly new to me as well, at least the term is. I would NOT consider myself one but I think Leighton has a lot of things right.
      Thanks for sharing your experience. It is always helpful to hear stories that confirm what I am saying because some people don't believe what I am saying. God bless.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 3 года назад

      @Gavin Riley Indeed.

  • @omnitheus5442
    @omnitheus5442 4 года назад +14

    Love the PROVIDE acronym!!

  • @redfaux74
    @redfaux74 3 года назад +7

    Wow.... that's powerful.
    If Jesus were a Calvanist then He had NO RIGHT to give the story of the Good Samaritan. Indeed, Calvanism definitely represents a very different god altogether. That's brutal, not loving at all.

  • @brianwagner3651
    @brianwagner3651 4 года назад +13

    An Excellent Improvement on the last overview of Provisionism! Now I hope there will be another one some time in the future, with more bells and whistles, (like a powerpoint) showing each point and chief verses in bold pictures.

  • @houstonSolo
    @houstonSolo 4 месяца назад +3

    4 point Arminianism with extra steps. I’m a full 5 point Calvinist but here’s the good news, we are ALL going to have much of our theology corrected when we see our King! “Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind”
    Let’s unite around the closed handed doctrinal truths of the gospel and have healthy discourse about the open handed issues, knowing that “{we} are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.”

    • @jamesevans5971
      @jamesevans5971 Месяц назад +1

      Amen! I know I don’t agree with you on all points. However, obviously you can speak deliberately, with clarity, and graciousness. Peace of Christ to you.

  • @ericsmith7287
    @ericsmith7287 4 года назад +15

    YES! YES! YES! and YES! I found your channel approximately a year ago, maybe more, when I was trying to understand why people believe Calvinism. It just didn't make sense to me, since as a systematic theology it is a mishmash of presuppositions. Your channel basically affirmed what I was thinking. I knew I rejected some of the isms and didn't want to be Arminian for the very reasons you give, but wasn't sure where I was falling. Thank you for explaining my dilemma.

  • @elteacher6410
    @elteacher6410 Год назад

    Sincere prayer:
    Thank you, Lord God, for providing for all of the lost, and therefore including me. Thank you for the life and ministry of my brother Leighton Flowers, and for all the believers who preach the good news to all.
    In Jesus' name, amen.

  • @John5.24
    @John5.24 Год назад +2

    Beautifully said. Praise God for His goodness and longsuffering toward all men. He truly is wonderful and worthy of all praise!

  • @jamesevans5971
    @jamesevans5971 Месяц назад

    Thank you sir. I have desired an overview, like this. You definitely hit on some big points. So, I know that I agree with much here. And I am working on some things where all the pieces haven’t yet come together. I know my hope is anchored to the one who is eternally secure!

  • @SusanMorales
    @SusanMorales 4 года назад +20

    More Bible videos explaining just provisionism please :)

    • @MandyGood
      @MandyGood 4 года назад +8

      I love these videos because he uses a way to explain the gospel in how it is explained in scriptures

    • @abashedsanctimony154
      @abashedsanctimony154 4 года назад +3

      John 20:30'31 "But Yeshua did many other signs before his disciples, which are not written in this scripture. 31But these things are also written that you may believe that Yeshua is The Messiah, the Son of God, and when you believe, you shall have eternal life in his name." *
      *P* People Sin : "The carnal mind is *enmity* against God"-Romans 8:7
      *R* Responsible : Leviticus 22:21,23
      "And whoever offers a sacrifice of peace offerings to the LORD to accomplish his vow, or a *freewill offering* in beeves or sheep, it shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no blemish therein"
      Open door policy :Mark 8:34 34"And Yeshua called the crowds with his disciples, and he said to them, "Whosoever is willing to come after me, let him renounce himself* and take up his cross and let him come after me""
      *V* Vicarious Atonement : Yeshua 2 Cor 5:15 "And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again"
      *I* Illuminate Grace : Col 2:12 "And you were buried with him in baptism, and in it you arose with him, because you believed in the power of God who raised him from among the dead"
      *D* Destruction : 2 Thess 2:10 "and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved"
      *E* Eternal Security: (All People are desired by God to be saved Roman) 8:39 "Nor height, nor depth, neither any other created thing, shall be able to sever me* from the love of God, which is in Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah"

    • @overcominglife2
      @overcominglife2 3 года назад +3

      @@michaelmichael-ci8hi where did you find this that man has no ability to chose him? There's the problem of Calvinists. You should read bible in it's context...

    • @overcominglife2
      @overcominglife2 3 года назад +2

      @@michaelmichael-ci8hi now here are some verses which clearly says that people who can freely reject him or come to him.
      He 👉🏻"WHO REJECTS ME"👈🏻, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him- the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day.
      John 12:48 NKJV
      But you are not 👉🏻"WILLING TO COME"👈🏻 to Me that you may have life.
      John 5:40 NKJV

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 3 года назад +1

      @@michaelmichael-ci8hi - Offerings don't have free will. People do. He's not talking about the free will OF the offering but of the person who wills to give it.
      You have a choice to give it or not.
      "Those that endure unto the end SHALL be saved". Matt 10:22, 24:13, Mk 13:13
      Jesus said "Jerusalem, Jerusalem... how I would have gathered you to me like a hen gathers her chics BUT YOU WOULD NOT." He didn't say I refused to gather you and you had no choice. They had a choice to bow or rebel. Still do.
      Prov 1 says they had a choice but they refused. It's always been the same. There's no plan B. You can reject Jn 3:16 but it's still whosoever. That's true love. I'm not sure why you would reject that kind of love. I would dump that theology in a heartbeat even if I was 95 and always in it. I want the truth and Jesus is truly loving and JUST.

  • @mayorrodgers7446
    @mayorrodgers7446 Год назад +1

    Fascinating. I agreed with everything, but then was prepared to disagreed with the eternal security. But, as with everything, it depends on what someone means. I appreciate how he defines the term. I reject the common notion of eternal security, but can appreciate and affirm how he defines.

  • @gregjay9933
    @gregjay9933 4 года назад +2

    This is Leighton’s best video. What an amazing contrast - God’s provision for all V’s God’s choice for the elect.

  • @coleyoung912
    @coleyoung912 3 года назад +2

    Seriously phenomenal breakdown Leighton. I have come to realize I’m a provisionist/mere molinist through your work and that of Tim Stratton as well. I’ve believed both of these positions for years but didn’t know there was some kind of succinct description before I came across yours and his ministries. Praise God for faithful men!

  • @zebra2346
    @zebra2346 10 месяцев назад

    Mr. Flowers, this is most excellent! Thank you for illuminating what I now believe since I've rejected Calvinism

  • @vicvil4631
    @vicvil4631 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for explaining this so well. I know I don’t believe Calvanism or Arminism. Now, I know that I believe in Provisionism.

  • @patcandelora8496
    @patcandelora8496 10 месяцев назад

    It’s funny. For years I have been waffling back and forth between Calvinism and Arminianism to the point where I want to pull my hair out! I never knew about provisionism until recently. Finally!!! A way out of the maze! Thank you Dr. Flowers!

  • @tzephon
    @tzephon 3 года назад +4

    Maybe "Destroyed" isn't the best word for the "D" because it sounds like annihilationism. Maybe Dire Consequences.

    • @redfaux74
      @redfaux74 3 года назад +2

      Destroyed doesn't mean dead. Leaving you alive to suffer is worse. Killing is the end.

  • @francisburgula4167
    @francisburgula4167 4 года назад

    Thank you for articulating this tension so well, and providing a biblical explanation on this debate that has been going on for centuries. I really appreciate your ability to be sensitive to believers on both sides, yet being so faithful to the scriptures. You are truly a great blessing to the church the body of Christ. Keep it up my friend. Blessings.

  • @gosteronlinecourses
    @gosteronlinecourses Год назад

    I consider myself to be a "provisionist" and was asked to explain my position the other day and really mucked it up terribly. Thank you for this clear and concise explanation and overview. I think I can explain it a bit clearer now!

  • @jesset2455
    @jesset2455 4 года назад +4

    Im a 7pt Provisionist.

  • @JamesCrocker-b6z
    @JamesCrocker-b6z 4 месяца назад

    Thank you for this video. I never heard of provision ism before this. I’ve never been a Calvinist and I couldn’t agree with everything. Arminianism said this gives me another option and a very good one from what I’ve seen so far.

  • @TheMaskedBaptist
    @TheMaskedBaptist 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you, Leighton.

  • @elizabethjean2709
    @elizabethjean2709 Год назад +1

    do you think the techy sensors in my laptop heard me shouting "PROVIDER?"
    I'm not mad at this. best one yet.
    good job :)

  • @brandi_w
    @brandi_w 4 года назад +1

    Awesome! Please make these as pocket cards for us to witness and share.

  • @n.holt7
    @n.holt7 4 года назад +28

    I am a 0 point Calvinist 😁

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +2

      @@franciscusgomarus5086 Hahaha. Nice false dichotomy but unlike Calvinists we are not blind followers that would fall for such foolishness. Tell me what u think a pelagian is and we will see whether I fit your definition or not. I really couldn't care less what u call me bc I just believe the Bible.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +1

      @@franciscusgomarus5086 No. U could leave L out and still have a consistent system. L wasn't originally in the system to begin with but was added later(to attract people maybe?). There are Calvinists who are Universalist amd some(probably most) who are not, some believe Adam had free will and some who disagree with that. Some say u are corpse like dead while others say u could choose God but will not bc u will never want too. There is variance in Calvinism so no, u don't have to be a 5 point Calvinist to be called a Calvinist. If u share in Calvinistic presuppositions then u are a Calvinist.
      Funny I deny all 5 ponts and don't believe in work based Salvation. So I guess I am not a pelagian. Perphaps u don't know what a work is since u haven't searched the Scriptures diligently. Define a work by the Bible's definition, specifically Paul's definition.

    • @nickwilliams9450
      @nickwilliams9450 4 года назад

      @@franciscusgomarus5086 I think we simply need to pray for your discernment. If you truly believe that Calvinism is the Gospel and believe in this dichotomy, as you presented, you have (of your own free will) been deceived. I pray that you're not predestined to miss the point I'm making. ;-)

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +1

      @@franciscusgomarus5086 Yeah. Typical Calvinist. Sense u don't believe it I must just not understand lol. Typical Gnostic nonsense.
      No, u started with Calvinism not the Bible. There is no good news in Calvinism except election and that isn't the biblical Gospel. According to Paul u are damned bc u believe in a false gospel.

    • @nickwilliams9450
      @nickwilliams9450 4 года назад

      @@franciscusgomarus5086 We already agree on such verses. You have, like so many others, missed the point of contention. God has already revealed, in Inspired Scripture that I cannot of my will or my running (or works) choose to enter Heaven. It is of God's will that the option exists for those who believe in Christ to have that gift of grace through faith. I pray that you one day come to understand that God's glory never has been and never will be expressed in His damning certain people to Hell before He ever created, but that his Glory is shown in how He foreknew that we would have no options in and of ourselves and thus He, of His will, created an option for all. He paid the entire price. 100% His doing. He just doesn't force us all into Heaven, but instead made us truly in His image with real choices - even a choice which we have only thanks 100% to His grace. The word Gospel can truly be equated to "good news" for everyone.

  • @Al104Figueroa
    @Al104Figueroa 10 месяцев назад +2

    1:55 he said:
    If someone is dead,
    He provides a life giving truth
    and how one is made alive,
    By belief in His truth
    I find it confusing sir, a dead man believes something? I thought dead people can't think.

  • @seanvann1747
    @seanvann1747 4 года назад +1

    Excellent!! Thanks again Leighton 😊

  • @nancywenger1388
    @nancywenger1388 4 года назад

    Thank you! For your work in this. I am are there and speaking out on this.

  • @Jondoe_04
    @Jondoe_04 Год назад

    Its clear the fundamental foundation of this idea is based off an idea that the goodness of God is dependent on the working of God on individuals rather then Him being God in of Himself. Instead of releasing God is good, merciful and just and wishing to demonstrate His attributes saved His people, it presupposes that the Godness of God is dependent on Him saving people who come to Him and that man is able to when scripture is clear man are born as children of wrath.

  • @ruthvansandt9713
    @ruthvansandt9713 4 года назад +2

    Eternal security is IN HIM. Yes. Therefore it belongs only to those who BELIEVE. Yes. I only differ because I do believe over many verses that it is possible for us to step away, apostate, having once believed to fall away. I don’t think the excuse “they were never saved” is sufficient. Anyone have more videos on the E specifically? (Preferably from Soteriology101) I know the minute in this video is hardly sufficient to explain and I’d like to know if I’m a PROVID or PROVIDEionist

  • @minicoopertn
    @minicoopertn Год назад +1

    For D why not use Dammed instead of Destroyed. The use of the word Destroyed suggests to cease to exist rather than being sent the Hell.

  • @galenstevenson918
    @galenstevenson918 4 года назад +1

    Now, that's what I call delivering the good news!

  • @Anteater23
    @Anteater23 Год назад +1

    Change R to Responsibility and D to Destruction. Sounds better imo.

  • @johnmarkharris
    @johnmarkharris Год назад +1

    The graphic isn’t high resolution enough to zoom in and read the scripture references. Can you post a link to a PDF?

  • @josephhaurik2652
    @josephhaurik2652 2 года назад

    Great explanation brother. Thank you for this video.

  • @rbmath
    @rbmath 10 месяцев назад +2

    QUESTION: Good based on WHOSE definition?. He believes God must provide opportunities / provisions for man to be saved. QUESTION: WHY?. Saying because God is good, does not answer the question asked. You need to have a biblical definition of good, You to prove God must, or it's in the nature of God to be good and provide salvation for the entire human race. Since he does believe its the Will of God to save the entire human race, WHY is God Failing? why do people go to hell even though it is the will of God to save the entire human race?
    Ephesians 1:11
    In Him, we also have been made an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will,..
    Isaiah 46:10
    Declaring the end from the beginning,
    And from ancient times things which have not been done,
    Saying, ‘My counsel will be established,
    And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’,

    @ETHANGELIST 2 года назад +2

    As a Reformed Protestant, I can still agree with plenty of this. Yes Christ provided a way for all, God loves all and invites all. However, it feels brother Leighton deeply underestimates the power and depth of sin and overestimates the abilities and morality of man. The good Samaritan parable is not even about salvation. And it's not consistent with Provisionism either. Did the good Samaritan potentially "provide" help or guaranteed help?
    I might create a video response to this or Provisionism in general.

  • @jvieceli
    @jvieceli 10 месяцев назад +1

    What does destroyed mean according to this view? Is it annihilation? Or is it a constant stat of eternally perishing? He doesn’t spell it out.

  • @seasharpdeflat
    @seasharpdeflat Год назад

    Amen. I agree with everything I heard in this video.

  • @crafterman2345
    @crafterman2345 2 года назад +3

    How is this any different from Arminianism? I notice Calvinists always admit they're Calvinists but Arminians are always like "I'm not Calvinist or Arminian"

    • @jonathannerz1696
      @jonathannerz1696 9 месяцев назад

      From what I can see, Arminians believe it is possible to lose your salvation, but Provisionism teaches eternal security. That last point of TULIP is the only one I actually defend wholeheartedly and is the reason why I can’t call myself Arminian.

    • @Zb-uo2bl
      @Zb-uo2bl 2 месяца назад

      ​@@jonathannerz1696Eternal security, as taught in Provisionism, he was very clear to say that it is entirely "In Christ"! ....who is the Only Judge of the heart, who therefore Will know if each person has truely stayed true to Him.
      Eternal security as taught by (many preachers in my hearing) concerning Calvinism, allows that a person may "fall away" in life style or verbal Confession, and still be one of the Elect through and because of the Sovereignty of God!

  • @BlessedLaymanNC
    @BlessedLaymanNC 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for this video. I did not see it until I asked for one right at one month after this one was published.
    I love you, brother, but I wish you, as well as many others, would quit trying to protect God from telling an apparent lie. I believe God meant it when He said, "... for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17b (KJV)
    I not only believe God meant what He said, but He fulfilled it through substitution atonement. The animal(s) died to clothe Adam and Eve! This is the picture of Christ, and even your "Provision".
    This is also a great teaching about Saints in sin. Adam sinned, God provided a substitution and forgave Adam, but Adam still had to suffer the earthly consequences of his actions.
    Being eternally saved by the Blood of Christ does not mean I do not answer for my sins! It means I am not condemned for them.
    God bless you, and thank you for your ministry.

  • @developer36able
    @developer36able Год назад

    Came here from @Ruslan's podcast

  • @daddada2984
    @daddada2984 3 года назад

    Amen... this how is see the saving of God.

  • @dylanschweitzer18
    @dylanschweitzer18 2 года назад

    In regards to your point on E, I don't think we can say someone "is saved" because they professed faith once as a kid. But I do think we have the grounds to say someone was never saved. 1 John 2:19

  • @graysonbr
    @graysonbr 9 месяцев назад

    "You are just mostly dead" from the Princess Bride

  • @jameshogan1871
    @jameshogan1871 3 года назад

    Thank you!

  • @Lurkingdolphin
    @Lurkingdolphin 3 месяца назад

    Provisionism is so cool because you get the best of the both worlds . Arminianism and Calvinism both have areas that are really bad and really good . A has free will (good ) and no determinism but it has Open theism and no eternal security. Calvinism has eternal security and no open theism . But it has determinism and no free will .

  • @mariepybus3237
    @mariepybus3237 3 года назад +1

    My oldest brother is a calvinist and he said God hates us

  • @roneldell5137
    @roneldell5137 3 года назад +1

    The Most sensible theological view out there. Calvinism and Arminianism view doesn't make any sense!

  • @glenncook8140
    @glenncook8140 2 года назад

    I find it interest that the "V" portion says that the atonement provides "a way" for salvation. The bible is clear that there is no other way...So, it should be "The Way", period.

  • @theSawyerSolution
    @theSawyerSolution Год назад

    Why would someone chose choose to follow a God who they are hostile toward?

  • @bridgetgolubinski
    @bridgetgolubinski Год назад

    super helpful!

  • @icypirate11
    @icypirate11 4 года назад +2

    If this statement is true...
    _A ≠ B_ , _A = C_ , _A ≠ D_ , and _A ≠ E_
    can this also be true?
    _A = B_ , _A ≠ C_ , _A = D_ , or _A = E_ ?
    According to 1 Corinthians 2:14...
    Natural man does not accept the things of the Spirit of God. (A ≠ B)✅
    Natural man believes the things of God are foolishness. (A = C)✅
    Natural man cannot understand the things of God. (A ≠ D)✅
    Natural man doesn't have spiritual discernment. (A ≠ E)✅
    How can Provisionists claim that...
    Natural man can accept the things of the Spirit of God (A = B)❌
    Natural man doesn't believe the things of God are foolish. (A ≠ C)❌
    Natural man can understand the things of God. (A = D)❌
    Natural man does have spiritual discernment. (A = E)❌

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +1

      I don't claim any of those things personally.
      But let's note a few things the passage doesn't say.
      1. It doesn't say the natural man cannot accept the Gospel
      2. It does not say he is unable to understand the Gospel.
      3. It does not say the natural man is a lost person.
      4. It does not say any spiritual discernment is required to understand and believe the Gospel.
      5. It doesn't define the things of God or the things of the Spirit of God as the Gospel.
      The passage is very clear that it is talking to believers about the mysteries and the hidden wisdom of God which would NOT include the Gospel bc the Gospel had already been revealed.

    • @larrytruelove7112
      @larrytruelove7112 4 года назад +2

      An unsaved man can be influenced by the Spirit of God. I’ve heard unsaved people describe salvation through Christ very well. They simply reject salvation through Christ. It’s not as though they have no cognitive ability to see it, they merely decide that they don’t want it. The Holy Spirit is capable of helping us to see Christ and receive Him.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +2

      @@larrytruelove7112 That is right. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness, and judgement and he does that to the WORLD according to Jesus not the elect.

    • @CowboyPilot79
      @CowboyPilot79 Год назад

      You clearly missed "Illuminating Grace" or what Wesley would refer to as Prevenient Grace. Another way to understand it might be "Enabling Grace"

  • @amajestyaubrey7433
    @amajestyaubrey7433 4 месяца назад

    What churches are provisionist ?

  • @jjphank
    @jjphank Год назад +1

    So you’re a partial Pallagianist? I have to ask the question why did plants and animals start dying? I believe in the doctrine of original sin, but not in a Calvinist over realized sense! this will explain why plants and animals die!
    And Jesus could be born sinless , because the sin is past of Adam, not Adam and Eve ! So the ‘womans seed ‘would be sinless referring to Genesis 3 See first Timothy 2 !
    Also, you’re only secure in salvation, If you’re walking in the light, then you’re forgiven of all sin, but if you’re not walking in the light, according to first, John 1:7, the blood of Jesus will not cleanse you of all sin. Talking about willful sins and willful sinful habits!
    I don’t see any problems with the five points of Arminianism!
    let me know your thoughts

  • @MineStrongth
    @MineStrongth 3 месяца назад

    Does "Destroyed" refer to Annihilationism?

  • @JonathanEngblom
    @JonathanEngblom 5 месяцев назад

    ....I'm a 6-point-leaning Provisionist 😅 perhaps a 5-pointer...🤔

  • @mariepybus3237
    @mariepybus3237 3 года назад

    My brother said that we couldn’t respond to christ

  • @joshhale2507
    @joshhale2507 2 года назад

    Boom! ✊

  • @joshuasinanan2602
    @joshuasinanan2602 2 года назад

    According to our manual, we have to forgive everyone...even if they say their Baptist ... Jk.
    Great video. I Love the label as an option to toss into the octagon where Calvinists and Arminianists think all other disciples of Jesus through history don't exist.

  • @n.holt7
    @n.holt7 4 года назад +1

    Did u coin the word Provisionsim or did someone else bc I honestly had never heard of the term prior to reading your book. Now I agreed with a lot of what u believe but I had just never heard the term.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +2

      @@franciscusgomarus5086 Lol. Pelagius believed the following:
      1. Faith is a work(incorrect)
      2. We are saved by faith(correct)
      3. Therefore works save(incorrect)
      The Augustine actually took from his premise ironically believing:
      1. Faith is a work(incorrect)
      2. Work don't save(correct)
      3. Therefore faith doesn't save(incorrect)
      We don't accept any of those false premises and thus are not pelagians.
      I would be the following:
      1. The Bible is God's Word
      2. God cannot lie
      3. God's Word says we are NOT saved by works
      4. The Bible says we are saved by faith
      5. Therefore faith is NOT a work.
      Both Pelagius and Augustine started with philosophy rather than God's Word, that is where they went wrong.
      Ignorant Calvinist bringing only lies and misrepresentation, nothing new under the sun ;)

    • @apilkey
      @apilkey 4 года назад +6

      Franciscus Gomarus and the “U” in “TULIP” stands for “UNBIBLICAL” which also sums up all the other points.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад +3

      @@apilkey 🤣 I wish I had thought of that.

  • @jjemsnd7
    @jjemsnd7 Год назад +1

    Seems like a rebranding of arminianism

  • @Tallandstrong45
    @Tallandstrong45 3 дня назад

    Thats not the definition of responsible

  • @mickknight6963
    @mickknight6963 11 месяцев назад

    All sounds like just reading the Bible, but "destroyed"? You do not believe in an eternal Hell? Annihilationism?? If so, I believe that's a serious problem with plain scripture on the subject. However, it's not the heresy of universalism! Thanks Bro. 🧐

  • @icypirate11
    @icypirate11 4 года назад +3

    I wonder if Dr. Flowers has read Romans 8:28-30
    And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
    Who is called according to His purpose?
    Who is foreknown?
    Who is predestined?
    Who is conformed to the image of His Son?
    Who is justified?
    Who is glorified?
    If this is really *all people* then the verses would read:
    And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to *[all people]* who love God, to *[all people]* who are called according to His purpose. For *[all people]* whom He foreknew, He also predestined *[all people]* to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among *[all people]* ; and *[all people]* whom He predestined, *[all people]* He also called; and *[all people]* whom He called, He also justified *[all people]* ; and *[all people]* whom He justified, He also glorified *[all people]* .
    If this is *elect people* or whomever God has freely chosen to save then the verses would read:
    And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to *[elect people]* who love God, to *[elect people]* who are called according to His purpose. For *[elect people]* whom He foreknew, He also predestined *[elect people]* to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many *[elect people]* ; and *[elect people]* whom He predestined, *[elect people]* He also called; and *[elect people]* whom He called, He also justified *[elect people]* ; and *[elect people]* whom He justified, He also glorified *[elect people]* .

    • @brando3342
      @brando3342 4 года назад +4

      You're just assuming God can't know who will freely choose him.

    • @Giant_Meteor
      @Giant_Meteor 4 года назад +3

      Yes, he has read these verses and made a few videos related to them, such as:
      Live Q&A episode 12 Roman's 8:28-30
      Romans 8:28-30 De-Calvinised
      Foreknown? Revisiting Romans 8:28-30

    • @icypirate11
      @icypirate11 4 года назад +1

      No, the passage teaches that God foreknows those who "freely choose" Him. But it all says that God predestined those same people who "freely choose" Him as well.
      God knows fully who will freely choose Him because He predestined them to do so.

    • @icypirate11
      @icypirate11 4 года назад +1

      @LaLa Smith,
      I appreciate your honesty. We all could be wrong in many ways. I don't claim to have all the answers. In my opinion, I just haven't heard a sufficient consistent breakdown of Romans 8:28-30 from Flowers. I understand it's completely sufficient to maybe you or someone else and that's why we have these "debates" in Christian circles because we are trying to sharpen iron with one another.
      I believe Christians freely choose God because God freely chose to predestine us to do so.
      To foreknow something doesn't mean you caused it to happen if you're omniscient.
      But to predestine something is to cause or destine something for a particular fate or purpose or to determine an outcome or course of events of something in advance.
      Christians freely choose God
      Christians are predetermined to do so in advance unbeknownst to them.

    • @brando3342
      @brando3342 4 года назад +1

      If you are determined, you don't get a "free choice". By definition.
      God's plan is God's plan. From the first day, to the last. He knows the first, just as he knows the last and it is all in step with the result he foreknew.
      He also so loved *the world* , that *whosever* believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.
      God's plan INCLUDES our libertarian free will (whosoever). He does not determine our choices, he includes them. He knew it from the first day and he'll know it on the last.
      We can choose to do God's will or we can choose our own will (not my will be done, but yours).
      At times he gives us over and hardens our heart *if we choose* our own will over his.
      His overarching plan uses these free choices for good. We get what we want because we freely choose it, but God already knew what we would choose.
      So, we are free to choose, real freedom. Even though, God knows and has his timeless plan.
      They aren't in conflict like they are with compatibalism.

  • @mysticmouse7261
    @mysticmouse7261 8 месяцев назад

    6:06 1 Corinthians 2:14 King James Version (KJV)"But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned."
    This does not imply Calvinism. Provisionism is Arminianism redressed with pretty sanctimonious language. The core is the same. We contribute to our salvation. The Devil's doctrine. Calvinism is not the alternative.

    • @Tallandstrong45
      @Tallandstrong45 3 дня назад

      @@mysticmouse7261 its doesnt imply calvinism, but it suports it more strongly than Mr Flowers statements on "R"

  • @abashedsanctimony154
    @abashedsanctimony154 4 года назад +1

    Provisionism means All
    *P* People Sin : "The carnal mind is *enmity* against God"-Romans 8:7
    *R* Responsible : Leviticus 22:21,23
    "And whoever offers a sacrifice of peace offerings to the LORD to accomplish his vow, or a *freewill offering* in beeves or sheep, it shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall be no blemish therein"
    *O* Open door policy :Mark 8:34 34"And Yeshua called the crowds with his disciples, and he said to them, "Whosoever is willing to come after me, let him renounce himself* and take up his cross and let him come after me""
    *V* Vicarious Atonement : Yeshua 2 Cor 5:15 "And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again"
    *I* Illuminate Grace : Col 2:12 "And you were buried with him in baptism, and in it you arose with him, because you believed in the power of God who raised him from among the dead"
    *D* Destruction : 2 Thess 2:10 "and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved"
    *E* Eternal Security: (All People are desired by God to be saved ) Roman 8:39 "Nor height, nor depth, neither any other created thing, shall be able to sever me* from the love of God, which is in Our Lord Yeshua The Messiah"
    @2:00 John 20:30'31 "But Yeshua did many other signs before his disciples, which are not written in this scripture. 31But these things are also written that you may believe that Yeshua is The Messiah, the Son of God, and when you believe, you All shall have eternal life in his name." *

  • @bradfleck9458
    @bradfleck9458 9 месяцев назад

    God's Word is inspired - every word, every letter - in the original languages. Fact. God's Word tells us that He elected from eternity past those who would believe. Fact. God's Word also tells us that sinners must believe. Fact. Anyone who's honest has to come away from God's Word and say that these two seemingly opposing truths are simply a paradox to us as humans....but not to God Himself. My take is that they are both true but that God has different audiences in mind within each context. For the election passages, God intends to encourage His Saints in the midst of their suffering and persecution. You belong to God and nothing can change that for He chose you from eternity past. For the so-called "free will" passages, God intends to encourage people who are struggling with sin to examine their souls and their profession of faith - are they truly trusting in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ Alone. You are indeed saved and have eternal life if it's true that you are trusting in Jesus Christ alone for your salvation. Therefore....our preach God's sovereign election in order to comfort believers in their time of need and preach man's need to believe to those who claim Christ but their fruit seems to betray that claim.

  • @sergiomendoza9932
    @sergiomendoza9932 3 года назад

    How long has provisionism been around?

  • @icypirate11
    @icypirate11 4 года назад

    Questions for Provisionalists. I really want to understand your point-of-view.
    Is God omniscient? Does God know everything that has, is, and will happen?
    If God is omniscient, is there a finite number of people that God has foreknowledge of (only known to Him) that will freely choose to believe in Him?
    If God is omniscient, is there a finite number of people that God has foreknowledge of (only known to Him) that will freely choose to suppress and/or reject Him?
    If there is a finite number of people who freely choose God, would you agree with Romans 8:29 that those people are predestined to become conformed to the image of Jesus?
    Is it also true that if there is a finite number of people who freely choose suppress and/or reject Him, would you agree with Romans 8:29 that those people are predestined to NOT be conformed to the image of Jesus?
    This may sound weird but I need to understand your answer... If God has omniscient foreknowledge of a person who will end up in hell, is it possible for that person to be saved by me preaching the Gospel to them?

    • @darrennelson5855
      @darrennelson5855 4 года назад +4

      He does. God is essentially omniscient, meaning he cannot not know. But knowledge is not causative. Just because God foreknows doesn't mean he determines everything. He simply knows the future free choices of creatures.

    • @apilkey
      @apilkey 4 года назад +5

      Take your cell phone and FILM YOURSELF choosing between two objects like 2 different coloured socks.
      FREELY CHOOSE which one you will choose to wear and then put it on.
      Q: Did you freely decide which sock to wear?
      Q: Could you have chosen the other one if you wanted to?
      * playback the video and watch it.*
      You’re now watching the video of yourself FREELY CHOOSING which sock to wear and you ALREADY KNOW what sock you will choose because you’re watching a video of something you’ve already done.
      You’ve chosen the sock and so you obviously know when watching the video what sock you will choose even before you choose it.
      But you “in the video” didn’t know until you chose it.
      So by you watching the video of yourself and knowing what sock you chose before you even chose it in the video... does that now mean that you determined which sock you would wear because you already knew which one while watching the video?
      Obviously not.
      When you’re watching the video does the fact that you know what sock you will choose before you choose it in the video now make your choice of that sock determined and not being able to have chosen the other one?
      Obviously not.
      ...When you watch a re-run of a football game from last year and you already know who won; does you watching that game and knowing who already won now all of a sudden mean that you yourself have determined who won beforehand?
      Obviously not.
      Does you yourself now knowing the outcome beforehand change the fact that either team could’ve won on the day it was played?
      Obviously not.
      God INHABITS eternity.
      He knows the future because He’s IN the future.
      If you as a puny little human can do this by filming yourself and then watching the playback, I’m pretty sure that Almighty God can know the future without determining it.

    • @icypirate11
      @icypirate11 4 года назад

      That was a good analogy. That's kind of how I understand Provisionalism to be. That's why I'm asking these questions.
      Let me play off your football re-run idea... Let's say I'm watching the recording of a football game. I know the entire game, every play, and who will win/lose. From my perspective, the game is already determined. From the players who played the game they had no idea who was gonna win till it was over.
      Let's flip it around. I'm one of the players in the football game. From God's perspective, the game is already determined. He knows who will win. From my perspective I'm praying to God for help to win the game. If I pray to God and my team wins, did God answer my prayer? How does He do that if it's just a recording? How does God do that if the players have autonomous free-will?

    • @apilkey
      @apilkey 4 года назад +2

      icypirate11 How do you know that the reason that team won while it was actually being played was BECAUSE that person freely prayed and God heard his prayer and answered their prayer, and if they didn’t pray they would not have won?

    • @enonknives5449
      @enonknives5449 4 года назад

      How do you understand the meaning of the word "omniscient" as it applies to God? What is your Scriptural support for your belief? Or did you just invent a meaning that seemed good to you...based on nothing?

  • @jesset2455
    @jesset2455 4 года назад +1

    Texas Badpists?

  • @Thehappybirder
    @Thehappybirder 11 месяцев назад

    You are not properly representing what once saved always saved means. Big fan of the show but you’re not doing this one fair it’s a lot more complex than that.

  • @dorothyhinkel185
    @dorothyhinkel185 4 года назад

    God makes sense and his plan makes sense. When Adam and Eve sinned by disobedience God immediately offered them a plan of salvation. Gen 3:15. Someone would come and die as a substitute for them. They understood and by faith accepted this plan. God showed how they should worship him by sacrificing an innocent animal. They had to leave the Garden because they could not Eat of the tree of life and
    live forever with their newly acquired sinful nature. They would eventually die physically.
    with there new sinful

  • @janwilson6763
    @janwilson6763 Год назад

    Roman's 1:20 -25

  • @omnitheus5442
    @omnitheus5442 4 года назад +2

    Wonder if White will bother to watch this. Doubt it...

    • @MandyGood
      @MandyGood 4 года назад +5

      Josh Smith I pray Doctor White gets out of Calvinism. I’ve listen to him for the last 8 years! I use to be a hardcore Calvinist. Now I’m not and my whole family tell me I’m going to hell now and hate me. Makes sense because there’s no love in Calvinism but I still love them

    • @jesset2455
      @jesset2455 4 года назад

      He'll watch it a seeth with hatred for the Gospel.

  • @HeavenGuy
    @HeavenGuy 4 года назад +3

    If you understand we are in a covenant, it clarifies a bunch. The covenant is open to all. It also contains responsibilities for both parties. He rules your life. You get eternal life. You can take it back. He can too if you love something more than Him.

    • @apilkey
      @apilkey 4 года назад +1

      If you understand that once you give your life to Christ it’s not yours anymore but His, then you’ll understand that you can’t take back something that doesn’t belong to you and that He will not give back to you.
      A regenerate Christian cannot lose their salvation because it’s not theirs to lose.
      It’s not about YOU keeping yourself.
      It’s about HIM keeping HIMSELF in you!
      If it was about YOU keeping yourself then ya of course you could lose your salvation.
      But it’s about CHRIST keeping you because your life is now hid with Christ:
      COLOSSIANS 3:3
      3 For ye are dead, and your life is HID with Christ in God.
      Even if you deny Him that doesn’t matter because HE CANNOT DENY HIMSELF inside of you!
      If the Holy Spirit were to leave you He would be denying His very self which He cannot do!
      2 TIMOTHY 2:11
      11 IT IS A FAITHFUL SAYING: For if we be dead with him, we SHALL ALSO LIVE WITH HIM:
      12 If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
      13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: HE CANNOT DENY HIMSELF.
      *This is a FAITHFUL saying.*
      Do we believe it’s a faithful saying or do we doubt and believe this is a lie?
      Another solidifier for me is the key word ETERNAL.
      *When you believe you have ETERNAL life not temporary life just in case you lose it.*
      It’s eternal meaning you have it FOREVER.
      Key word is ETERNAL not just simply “life.”

    • @apilkey
      @apilkey 4 года назад +2

      1 JOHN 5:11-13
      11 And this is the record, that God hath given to us ETERNAL LIFE, and THIS LIFE IS IN HIS SON.
      12 HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH LIFE; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
      13 THESE THINGS HAVE I WRITTEN UNTO YOU THAT BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God; THAT YE MAY KNOW that ye have ETERNAL life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.
      *VS. 13 These things are also written that we MAY in fact truly know we have eternal life which is another huge give away.*
      If you think you can lose your salvation then you don’t really ever know you have eternal life.
      But God’s word is clear we actually CAN know!
      So how can we be certain and know then?
      Because it’s got absolutely nothing to do with us but it’s all to do with HIM!
      vs 11 says He gives us ETERNAL life and that this life is IN His Son!
      This life is not in YOU, it’s in His Son.
      It’s in CHRIST which is in you.
      You can’t lose something that’s not yours to lose it’s impossible.
      You give your life to Christ and nothing can pluck it out of His Hands.
      It’s also impossible to un-do a spiritual operation of God that was done not by human hands.
      When you’re spiritually circumcised with Christ then how can you then become un-circumcised?
      How can a mere mortal undo a SPIRITUAL circumcision that’s not done by human hands?
      You can’t sew your foreskin back on once you’ve been circumcised.

    • @apilkey
      @apilkey 4 года назад +2

      It's not that WE can't lose our salvation it's that HE can't lose our salvation.
      Our salvation isn't ours to lose it's HIS.
      How can we lose something that's not even in our hands to lose?
      It’s in GOD’S hands!
      Like a set of keys you can only lose your keys if they're in YOUR possession.
      But if you give your keys to someone else then you can't lose your keys anymore only THEY can lose them.
      Since we've given our lives to Christ we can't lose them anymore.
      Our lives are now in HIS possession and we know that He will never lose a set of keys!
      If you believe you can lose your salvation then you're faith is not in Christ it's in yourself.
      You need to put your faith IN Christ.
      Faith in Christ means you believe you have eternal life.
      Christ is in you and *He can't deny Himself.*
      Has nothing to do with you.
      It's all about HIM keeping you.
      Do you believe HE can keep you?
      Do you trust that He'll never leave you or forsake you?

    • @HeavenGuy
      @HeavenGuy 4 года назад +1

      @@apilkey That is not what LF says. You never lose your free will. You gave your life to Him. You can take it back. God won't make you be His bride.

    • @HeavenGuy
      @HeavenGuy 4 года назад +1

      @@apilkey - There is no medium term life. There is only eternal life. 1 Peter 1:9 says receiving the end of our faith, even the salvation of our souls. We are saved by hope until the covenant is complete upon death.

  • @n.holt7
    @n.holt7 4 года назад

    Leighton, Arminianism is just another branch of Calvinism. Don't relate us to that at all. Jacob Arminius believed in a lot of things that are distinctly Calvinist such as regeneration preceding faith, total inability, predestination and election unto Salvation, conflation of election and predestination, Perseverance of the Saints and most importantly his foundation was man's word rather than God's. We should be nothing like them. Just bc Arminians are closer to the truth than Calvinists doesn't make them like us. A lie is still a lie even if it has a little bit more truth with it. Just look at Satan's example, he knows all about a little truth with a little lie. He is perfectly happy with Arminianism bc they like Calvinists start with man's word and philosophy rather than God's.

  • @UltraAar
    @UltraAar 4 года назад +2

    James White will hopefully pick this apart and analyze it

    • @icypirate11
      @icypirate11 4 года назад +2

      I think Dr. White has already shown from scripture many times errors in Dr. Flowers theology. I really do believe Dr. Flowers is trying to understand scripture but the issue with Dr. Flowers is that he doesn't let the scripture speak for itself. He doesn't like the Biblical concept that people are born damned from birth. He thinks it's unfair. He desires very badly to believe that we absolute free-will and that we can choose to love the light rather than love our darkness. Dr. Flowers doesn't seem to understand that slaves to sin are not free and are not capable of freeing themselves.
      A person who is slave to sin and who loves their sin cannot acknowledge that they are a sinner without first believing in God and His Truth. A person rejects they are a sinner because they reject the Gospel that teaches that they are a sinner. A person who accepts the fact that they are a sinner because they believe the Gospel and what it teaches.
      Islam teaches that I am an infidel. I reject that Islam is true so I don't believe that I am an infidel.
      Christianity teaches that I am a sinner. If I reject that Christianity is true then I don't believe I am a sinner.

    • @UltraAar
      @UltraAar 4 года назад +1

      @@icypirate11 I agree, I'm a huge fan of James White and I'm a calvinist

    • @UltraAar
      @UltraAar 4 года назад

      @@icypirate11 I appreciate your comment 🙏

    • @justicewhite4739
      @justicewhite4739 4 года назад +3

      @@UltraAar Calvinism is of the devil plus if people were damned before even being born then that means God willed that person not to be saved therefor making God a lair and the author of death. because it is his will that all men are saved as scripture says.

    • @n.holt7
      @n.holt7 4 года назад

      Probably not.