To everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus To everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve. To everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. When you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time. To everyone who is creating, you got this. Your art is amazing. Remain in your flow and get stuff done! WE LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT LUV
I need to thank you because I feel so tired studying for 3 exams. That first affirmation gave me the power to remain concentrate. 5 weeks and I'm done with studying 7 hours at school and 6-8 at home❤
I seriously don't know why but everything about this Playlist hits me with nostalgia.... From the sounds of rain along with the works included in the Playlist to the background of Hogwarts brings back so much memories...
*In the somber melodies of dark academia tunes, there's a sense of comfort found amidst the chaos of life, a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is beauty to be found*
I gotta say, this is making my writing session go really well. I got a good and sad idea for a short story while listening to this and working on one of my poems!
When life gets really overwhelming and sad and I have to try to get caught up on chores, I turn this on with noise canceling headphones and this really soothes me.
Right now I find the playlist really comfortable and somehow absolutely not anxious. I guess living in somehow-Twilight vibes place makes you into this.
I've only been able to sleep 1-2 hours a night for about the last 6 months now. Nothing works. I've turned to RUclips to find anything to help even if it's just a little. These kinds of vids don't put me to sleep but they help me relax. Particularly piano/rain sounds. I won't sleep much tonight but thank you for posting this. The relaxing helps ❤
Don't pass judgement on someone's choices until you understand why they made them, and don't pass judgement on their attitude until you've felt their agony.Some people are better at concealing it than others.
These songs are absolutely astounding. Rich melodic speech, harmonies breathtaking orchestration constantly renewed in the use of the stamps of the instruments, in short a Babylonian sound architecture erected by humbles and impetuous performers-composers
really like this playlist, it perfect to listen to when studying for exams, but i do not like the audio-jump woman at the end, who only says 'audiojump' or somthing at the end during the songs, but super playlist so calming
28:41 Wow, this song... It makes me have an indescribably intense emotion. Majestic, heroic, and dreary... And the next song is like a word of consolation for the end of the war Does anybody know those songs' name?
Trying to stay awake so I can talk to lover more. It’s difficult especially since we’re in a long distance relationship and we have different time zones but I’m willing to spend every second I can with him. Lol don’t know why I felt like sharing my love life, this video just helps me with coping my sleepiness. :)
I don't know what it is about this aesthetic but it's just super comforting like.. I can forget about everything around me and pretend It's not so bright outside and it's not so freezing cold and I don't live in a disgusting yet expensive apartment that smells like dog piss and grass Y'know?
He shined his flashlight on the wolf, its black, wet eyes squinting in the light. That's when he realized it wasn't a wolf at all. Sure, it had claws, fur, and teeth, but It was all just there to clothe something else, something old. It was a wolf in sheep's clothing, or rather, something in wolf's clothing.
It was a cool summer night, mid june in the small town of Hallway Gul. Rain pelted the grounds heavily creating large pools of water through out the streets. The rain had been coming down for almost five days now and it still showed no sign of stopping. This "strange phenomenon" was not at all peculiar for thr folks of Basil Street. In this peculiar town the rain fall could last for weeks on end, rarely ever stopping. As the rainfall began to cease the street lights flickered on and off, only a few of them casting a warm, lasting, glow down onto the cracked sidewalks. The streets where empty and barren, the atmosphere silent. Not a soul could be spotted roaming the streets at this hour except for her. Now who "was she?" you may ask, or, you may not care at all in the slightest. Nevertheless I am going to tell you the long and tragic tale about a young girl who went by thr name of Lilith. THISS IS THE START OF MY STORY THE REST IS POSTED ON MY WATTPAD:3❤❤
To everyone who's studying with this music: Checklist: • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate • Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake up anyone • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well. • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need. •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me. You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book. I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight DISCLAMER: I did not create this, I found it on other playlists. I still wanna help people out and get them through any stress (:
I nearly flew out of my seat when I heard “flightless bird.” I love that melody! Automatically thought of the waltz scene from Twilight 🩵 THANK YOU!!!!
> العاطفة والعقل يشكلان ركيزتين أساسيتين في بناء الإنسان ، فلهما الدور الأساسي في التأثير في سلوك الإنسان وتصرّفاته سواء الجيدة منها أو السيئة ، فيكونان حاضرين في المواقف ويشتركان في التأثير بها مع وجود صراع بينهما في بعض الأحيان . كثيرا ما يواجه الإنسان صراعا داخليا بين عقله وعاطفته ، وغالبا ما ينتج عن هذا الصراع قرارات مصيرية قد تؤدي به إما إلى الانتصار وتحقيق النجاح ، أو إلى الفشل والهزيمة وهنا يظهر دور كل من العقل والعاطفة في تحديد نتيجة هذا الصراع . في بعض الأحيان على الانسان ان يتحكم بعقليه كي لايغرق في مستنقع الدماء ويخسر كل شي في الحظة الميتة القاتلة كالذي حكم على نفسيه بالموت والفناء عشنا في زمن بعض الناس لم يقتنع بعدالة السماء على هذه الأرض وقلوبهم فارغة من الصدق والايمان كرحيل الموتى في ثقب الظلام . الشاعر : الكوردي دلكش ٱوسي
الصداقة الحقيقية الصداقة….؟! هي بمنزلة الروح والنبض للإنسان .. فلا يستطيع الاستغناء عنها بأي حال من الأحوال .. والصداقة الحقيقية هي أفضل هدية بين البشرية وأجملها هي الصداقة التي لا تموت وتبقى صامدة على مر الأيام والعصور وتعني أن لا تستطيع العيش بدون صديقك وتعني أن تقف إلى جانب صديقك في أصعب الظروف والمواقف على الرغم من صغر حجم كلمة الصداقة إلا أنها في معناها أعمق وأجمل بكثير من أي كلمات أو معاني أخرى .. لا تعني البقاء مع صديقك لأطول فترة من الزمن لكنها تعني البقاء على العهد والوعد إلى الأبد .. ؟!
لاشي يدوم الى الابد .الحب موقت فقط لانه مجرد شهوة كانار الرحيل والفراق كاهدو سكرات الموت نزوة العشق واشياء من الجنوني كنار الاشتياقي والفراقي وبعض الاشياء لاتفسير لها تقشعر لها الابدان يفوق العقل والفكر والوجدان وعالم من الاحلام وذكريات وسحر وجمال وسر من أسرار الحياة واقوى سلاح فتاك وقاتل ويجعل قلوب العاشقين يتقطع الى الاشلائي ولكن يجب علينا ان نعيش في زمن العاشقين ونكون صادقين مع انفسنا قبل الآخرين وقلوبنا مليئة بالصدق والٱيماني ونور الرحماني وقريب من الله في كل الاتجاهات حتى لو كنا في أي زمان ومكان كنور شمس مشرقة بأجمل ٱلوان العشق والمحبة وسيبقى هذا الحب العظيم والمقدس في عقول الشرفاء والعظماء من جيل إلى جيل ولن ينتهي ابدا حتى لو انتهى زمن العاشقين حتى لو مابعد الموتي والذين لم يعشقوا ولم يعيشوا في زمن العاشقين كالروح بلاجسد كالذي مات من ملايين السنين واصبح في ظلمات وبحر من الإدمان وحكم على نفسه بالموتي والفنائي من رغم في بعض الأحيان الحب والعشق والغيرة والندامة والكره والغضب والنسيان والحقد والوحدة يقتل الانسان كلما ازدات عشقنا زاد جنونا وخيبة املنا في الحياة بدموع الحزن والفرح والبكائي .. شاعر دلكش اوسي
كلما كان الإنسان قوي فهو ضعيف ويزداد ضعفا وخوفا مع مرور الايام والزمن ويبقى وحيدا في تلك الزواية المظلمة القاتلة ويزداد من سكرات الموتي واحلامهم وذكرياتهم بين الحقيقة والوهم والخيال والسراب وسيصبح في ادراج الرياحي وخيبة الامل في الحياة كٱنه لم يكن يومآ ما وجودهم على هذه الارض واللاسف عشنا في زمنن بعض الناس وأكثرهم لم يقتنع بعدالة السماء على هذه الارض لم يكونوا يومآ ما اهلا للسلام خانوا انفسهم قبل كل الناسي وكانت قلوبهم خالية من الصدق والايماني وبقيى في ظلمات حتى يوم القيامة والحسابي شاعر دلكش اوسي
A beautiful frame frome The Priosioner of Azkaban
@@alannsouto That reminds me to buy some handgun ammo for mine.
That reminds me I need to get that stuff that dissolves them from the store.
I was just thinking the same thing! It does make it even more magical.
@@KiaraCaballero-km5us haha
To everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus
To everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve.
To everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. When you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time.
To everyone who is creating, you got this. Your art is amazing. Remain in your flow and get stuff done!
I need to thank you because I feel so tired studying for 3 exams. That first affirmation gave me the power to remain concentrate. 5 weeks and I'm done with studying 7 hours at school and 6-8 at home❤
@@anabenescu I'm studying for 3 exams too. good luck, I believe in you❤
@lllrrrkkn thank you so much! I wish you great succes💜
I love you.
@Chees thank you so much, I will! I hope you'll succeed too❤️
Song List
0:00 - 2:17 Sugarcane - Ana Olgica
2:17 - 5:20 Water Ripples - Enno Aare
5:20 - 8:42 Happiness does not wait - Ólafur Arnalds
8:42 - 12:02 Quiet Resource - Evelyn Stein
12:02 - 14:13 La Tour - Samuel Lindon
14:13 - 16:01 Tallis One - Samuel Lindon
16:01 - 18:26 The Swan - Tomasz kraal
18:26 - 19:38 Solas - Jamie Duffy
19:38 - 22:20 Quia Respexit - Johann Sebastian Bach
22:20 - 25:02 Prelude in E Minor (Op. 28 No. 4) - Chopin
25:02 - 28:41 Flightless Bird (piano version) - Iron & Wine
28:41 - 31:53 Schubert, Trio op. 100
31:53 - 1:03:46 Repeat
1:03:46 -1:07:03 (don't know)
25:02 I think it’s Flightless bird piano version, from a series called twilight
5:20 - 8:42 Happiness does not wait - Ólafur Arnalds
@@Gaia-vu4vf yes its called Flightless Bird, American Mouth by Iron and Wine
mann i really loved the last song
Love love quiet resource
I seriously don't know why but everything about this Playlist hits me with nostalgia.... From the sounds of rain along with the works included in the Playlist to the background of Hogwarts brings back so much memories...
I totally agree! Everything just goes together perfectly.....I'm definitely saving this to my little playlist for studying....👍😀
damm true
with Enno Aare - Water Ripples
It sounds like a peaceful ending after massive hardships.
2-in a haunted academy
all together...
I like it...
Being awake at night is such a peace i can finally breathe normally Its just better because the whole world is sleeping while ur awake
*In the somber melodies of dark academia tunes, there's a sense of comfort found amidst the chaos of life, a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is beauty to be found*
I gotta say, this is making my writing session go really well. I got a good and sad idea for a short story while listening to this and working on one of my poems!
wow i am a writer myself. If okay, I could read your workd ^^
its 1 am on a Friday night and I'm writing while listening to this, I haven't written this much in like a month
When you find the perfect songs to work to, all the creative juices start to flow! Trust me I know the feeling! It's so incredibly comforting... 👌
Ok but how nice it is, after a hard day, to listen to the twilight song with a background of Hogwarts. calmed my anxiety🤍
When life gets really overwhelming and sad and I have to try to get caught up on chores, I turn this on with noise canceling headphones and this really soothes me.
Right now I find the playlist really comfortable and somehow absolutely not anxious. I guess living in somehow-Twilight vibes place makes you into this.
Okay, finally found the perfect background noise while I prep my dnd sessions. Not too distracting, and the right vibe.
sounds more calming than haunting though...... just what i needed rn
Just finished sem 1 and im washing all that tiredness off of me, u'll get there y'all keep going!!
this playlist couldn't be more aestheticfully motivating for studying
I've only been able to sleep 1-2 hours a night for about the last 6 months now. Nothing works. I've turned to RUclips to find anything to help even if it's just a little. These kinds of vids don't put me to sleep but they help me relax. Particularly piano/rain sounds. I won't sleep much tonight but thank you for posting this. The relaxing helps ❤
get off your electronics...
I hope you're sleeping better
@@RHaney2012 dude shut up some people have mental issues and problems its not always that
this playlist is making my body and brain relax, this type of playlist make me fall asleep, i love it!❤🩹
This place is very special for me because I am a huge HP fan so I love being here, I belong here, it means I am at home.
Thanks a lot. Makes me happy even across the ocean.
Don't pass judgement on someone's choices until you understand why they made them, and don't pass judgement on their attitude until you've felt their agony.Some people are better at concealing it than others.
25:23 Edward e Bella
this playlist actually goes hard asf
need a spotify playlist or any recommendations would be cool
i listened to this while studying german and that was really so comforting, i felt like i was in a library in far away everything. thanks
If you are reading this, may God remove your doubts, worries, and fears and replace them with good health, happiness, and peace. 🥰
Thank you so so very much! I hope the same for you
i like the 'audio jungle' in the background lmaoo
patiently waiting for the angel that will make the timestamps list with each song
Beautiful mix
These songs are absolutely astounding. Rich melodic speech, harmonies breathtaking orchestration constantly renewed in the use of the stamps of the instruments, in short a Babylonian sound architecture erected by humbles and impetuous performers-composers
flightless bird i love that one!
Thank you :') Lovely playlist
really like this playlist, it perfect to listen to when studying for exams, but i do not like the audio-jump woman at the end, who only says 'audiojump' or somthing at the end during the songs, but super playlist so calming
Me searching through the comments to make sure I'm not the only one who heard that
Is anyone hearing “would you jump?” over and over again at the end?! Lol
28:41 Wow, this song... It makes me have an indescribably intense emotion. Majestic, heroic, and dreary... And the next song is like a word of consolation for the end of the war
Does anybody know those songs' name?
@mui707 Schubert trio op 100
Ikrrrr, I want to know the music name but can’t find it tho
@@absurdo1257 was in Sucession !
Trying to stay awake so I can talk to lover more. It’s difficult especially since we’re in a long distance relationship and we have different time zones but I’m willing to spend every second I can with him.
Lol don’t know why I felt like sharing my love life, this video just helps me with coping my sleepiness. :)
your music is great😍😍😍😍
I really loved this 🥺🥺 tysm
Oh, how spooky! I love this
I don't know what it is about this aesthetic but it's just super comforting like.. I can forget about everything around me and pretend It's not so bright outside and it's not so freezing cold and I don't live in a disgusting yet expensive apartment that smells like dog piss and grass
Bro yes. My neighborhood in definition ✌️😬😆
beautiful playlist
He shined his flashlight on the wolf, its black, wet eyes squinting in the light. That's when he realized it wasn't a wolf at all. Sure, it had claws, fur, and teeth, but It was all just there to clothe something else, something old. It was a wolf in sheep's clothing, or rather, something in wolf's clothing.
Reading Harry Potter with this playlist in the bg >>>>
It was a cool summer night, mid june in the small town of Hallway Gul. Rain pelted the grounds heavily creating large pools of water through out the streets. The rain had been coming down for almost five days now and it still showed no sign of stopping. This "strange phenomenon" was not at all peculiar for thr folks of Basil Street. In this peculiar town the rain fall could last for weeks on end, rarely ever stopping.
As the rainfall began to cease the street lights flickered on and off, only a few of them casting a warm, lasting, glow down onto the cracked sidewalks. The streets where empty and barren, the atmosphere silent. Not a soul could be spotted roaming the streets at this hour except for her.
Now who "was she?" you may ask, or, you may not care at all in the slightest. Nevertheless I am going to tell you the long and tragic tale about a young girl who went by thr name of Lilith.
Wow. This song made me miss a life I don't even have HAHA. Powerful and ambient oof.
i can't believe i got flightless birded
8:43 this piece reminds me Valiant Hearts' soundtrack a lot. Peace to everyone
Can relate to the title found myself in this position a week ago
wow, amazing ❤
I’m reading a deadly education rn so ty
Thank You!!
your music is great 😍😍😍😍
To everyone who's studying with this music:
• A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate
• Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time
• Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake up anyone
• a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.
• Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.
•Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy
Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.
You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book.
I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight
DISCLAMER: I did not create this, I found it on other playlists. I still wanna help people out and get them through any stress (:
32:00 is my favorite.
I have to study so much I might have to do 8 reps of this video today
I nearly flew out of my seat when I heard “flightless bird.” I love that melody! Automatically thought of the waltz scene from Twilight 🩵 THANK YOU!!!!
Thanks for the lovely playlist
Was very pleasant to listen to (with headphones on) until the chanting started near the end of the video. Is there a reason for that?
العاطفة والعقل
يشكلان ركيزتين أساسيتين في بناء الإنسان ، فلهما الدور الأساسي في التأثير في سلوك الإنسان وتصرّفاته سواء الجيدة منها أو السيئة ، فيكونان حاضرين في المواقف ويشتركان في التأثير بها مع وجود صراع بينهما في بعض الأحيان .
كثيرا ما يواجه الإنسان صراعا داخليا بين عقله وعاطفته ، وغالبا ما ينتج عن هذا الصراع قرارات مصيرية قد تؤدي به إما إلى الانتصار وتحقيق النجاح ، أو إلى الفشل والهزيمة وهنا يظهر دور كل من العقل والعاطفة في تحديد نتيجة هذا الصراع .
في بعض الأحيان على الانسان ان يتحكم بعقليه كي لايغرق في مستنقع الدماء ويخسر كل شي في الحظة الميتة القاتلة كالذي حكم على نفسيه بالموت والفناء عشنا في زمن بعض الناس لم يقتنع بعدالة السماء على هذه الأرض وقلوبهم فارغة من الصدق والايمان كرحيل الموتى في ثقب الظلام .
الشاعر : الكوردي دلكش ٱوسي
HOGWARTS!!! My home!
Omg this video is perfect!!! Name of the songs please!! 🖤
I think a list of the songs that has been used would've been great :)
A lot of us are curious about the wonderful tunes :) 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
25:30 Me, studying peacefully: ...Is that the Twilight song?
5:23 what’s the name of this song, i can almost remember but not quite
happiness does not wait by olafur arnalds
@@babykazuha thank you so much!!!!
could you out on the tracklist, please? ^^
2:20 what's the name of the song? So beautiful 🥺
water ripples by enno aare
@@babykazuha Thank you for the answer! Really appreciate it🙏🏻
26:42 can someone tell me the name of this song?видео.html
NooOOOOoooo not the Odia Jungle!!! D:
got some mad S.T.A.L.K.E.R vibes going for it
I just need to study for a long time. Best of luck to all students 🦢🎀
40:55 it reminds me Arcanum vibes
I need to know TOO! 😵😵
Does anyone know the name of the song at minute 14:16? I beg you!!
Tallis one-Samuel Lindon 🤗
الصداقة الحقيقية الصداقة….؟!
هي بمنزلة الروح والنبض للإنسان ..
فلا يستطيع الاستغناء عنها بأي حال من الأحوال ..
والصداقة الحقيقية هي أفضل هدية بين البشرية وأجملها هي الصداقة التي لا تموت وتبقى صامدة على مر الأيام والعصور وتعني أن لا تستطيع العيش بدون صديقك وتعني أن تقف إلى جانب صديقك في أصعب الظروف والمواقف على الرغم من صغر حجم كلمة الصداقة إلا أنها في معناها أعمق وأجمل بكثير من أي كلمات أو معاني أخرى ..
لا تعني البقاء مع صديقك لأطول فترة من الزمن لكنها تعني البقاء على العهد والوعد إلى الأبد .. ؟!
12:05 if anyone knows the name of the song, say it please
La Tour - Samuel Lindon
Anyone know the soundtrack names?
1:02:28 does anyone know this song??
لاشي يدوم الى الابد .الحب موقت فقط لانه مجرد شهوة كانار الرحيل والفراق كاهدو سكرات الموت نزوة العشق واشياء من الجنوني كنار الاشتياقي والفراقي وبعض الاشياء لاتفسير لها تقشعر لها الابدان يفوق العقل والفكر والوجدان وعالم من الاحلام وذكريات وسحر وجمال وسر من أسرار الحياة واقوى سلاح فتاك وقاتل ويجعل قلوب العاشقين يتقطع الى الاشلائي ولكن يجب علينا ان نعيش في زمن العاشقين ونكون صادقين مع انفسنا قبل الآخرين وقلوبنا مليئة بالصدق والٱيماني ونور الرحماني وقريب من الله في كل الاتجاهات حتى لو كنا في أي زمان ومكان كنور شمس مشرقة بأجمل ٱلوان العشق والمحبة وسيبقى هذا الحب العظيم والمقدس في عقول الشرفاء والعظماء من جيل إلى جيل ولن ينتهي ابدا حتى لو انتهى زمن العاشقين حتى لو مابعد الموتي والذين لم يعشقوا ولم يعيشوا في زمن العاشقين كالروح بلاجسد كالذي مات من ملايين السنين واصبح في ظلمات وبحر من الإدمان وحكم على نفسه بالموتي والفنائي
من رغم في بعض الأحيان الحب والعشق والغيرة والندامة والكره والغضب والنسيان والحقد والوحدة يقتل الانسان كلما ازدات عشقنا زاد جنونا وخيبة املنا في الحياة بدموع الحزن والفرح والبكائي ..
شاعر دلكش اوسي
18:30 what song is this
Solas-Jamie Duffy
What's contrast me if haunted music 🎶 in night I feel
18:27 what is the name of the song?
it's Solas by Jamie Duffy
can i use one of the songs in the background of a video? or will i get a copyright strike?
46:15 what is the name of the song
Tallis One - Samuel Lindon
@@snowinwinter4290 thanks
What is the song at 5:26
"happiness does not last" i think
Anyone knew what the second song is?
Can anyone please tell me the name of the music at 18:39 ?
Solas-Jamie Duffy
@@snowinwinter4290 Thank you!
28:41 PLEASE 🙏🏼
كلما كان الإنسان قوي فهو ضعيف ويزداد ضعفا وخوفا مع مرور الايام والزمن ويبقى وحيدا في تلك الزواية المظلمة القاتلة ويزداد من سكرات الموتي واحلامهم وذكرياتهم بين الحقيقة والوهم والخيال والسراب وسيصبح في ادراج الرياحي وخيبة الامل في الحياة
كٱنه لم يكن يومآ ما وجودهم على هذه الارض واللاسف عشنا في زمنن بعض الناس وأكثرهم لم يقتنع بعدالة السماء على هذه الارض لم يكونوا يومآ ما اهلا للسلام خانوا انفسهم قبل كل الناسي وكانت قلوبهم خالية من الصدق والايماني وبقيى في ظلمات حتى يوم القيامة والحسابي
شاعر دلكش اوسي
Anyone knows the very last song?
My Shazam is going braindead over this song
what is the song name at 3:29?
oh i got it. its Water Ripples by Enno Aare
anyone know the song at 50:45?
Solas by Jamie Duffy
I want to let myself in this house
other people:
Does anyone know the name of the first song? :)