Kill Team Rumoured Cityfight, Vespids, Scions, and upcoming RULES CHANGES!

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024

Комментарии • 79

  • @TabletopImpulse
    @TabletopImpulse 3 месяца назад +34

    Cheers for the shoutout!

    • @NightfallTH
      @NightfallTH 3 месяца назад +4

      @Tabletopimpulse and @Glandy in one video? What is this, a crossover episode??

    • @majortom7186
      @majortom7186 3 месяца назад +3

      Well deserved!

    • @majortom7186
      @majortom7186 3 месяца назад +3

      @@NightfallTH GHD & Mr TI is the dream team.

    • @CrimsonTemplar2
      @CrimsonTemplar2 3 месяца назад +1


    • @slackeratlarge575
      @slackeratlarge575 3 месяца назад +1

      Mr TI, on the cutting edge of

  • @cals87
    @cals87 3 месяца назад +22

    I'm probably in the minority, but if the bespoke teams get the Compendium treatment I think I might stick to 2nd edition. It's balanced well, and I still have some teams I need to paint and assemble. I can't imagine GW is going to make new versions of teams like Exaction Squad, Nemesis Claw, Breachers etc. Shame those all these cools teams if they just get tossed by the wayside in the new version.

    • @michaeljdauben
      @michaeljdauben 3 месяца назад +5

      I agree. This seems like a stupid idea guaranteed to piss off every existing player. 😒

    • @thejomah
      @thejomah 3 месяца назад +2

      Yeah you are not in the minority, I'm not sure if there is a single person who would want their existing teams to be dumbed down and basically nerfed.

    • @MocnySquall
      @MocnySquall 3 месяца назад

      How legitimate is even this rumor? I will definitly stop playing this game, if it is true.

    • @cals87
      @cals87 3 месяца назад

      @@MocnySquall No one knows. GW has been on a "new edition every 3 years" for a while now. This summer/fall would be 3 years for this edition of Kill Team. The hope is that the new edition is just cleaned up rules like War Cry got, but never underestimate GW's ability to fuck something good up.

  • @naitp
    @naitp 3 месяца назад +9

    They can take away non-reciprocal shooting, but i'll flip a table if they lay a finger on those shapes.

    • @GlassHalfDead
      @GlassHalfDead  3 месяца назад +5

      My biggest fear is that if they keep the shapes but change them so the number of sides make sense. I'll never recover!

    • @naitp
      @naitp 3 месяца назад +1

      @@GlassHalfDead oh, the horror!

    • @sarrakitty
      @sarrakitty 3 месяца назад

      @@GlassHalfDead Imagine the confusion that would cause with the old measurement tools lmao.

    • @cals87
      @cals87 3 месяца назад

      The real GW play is to keep the shapes but change up the distances. Square is now 2", Circle is 1", Pentagon is 3" and Triangleis 6". Keep us on our toes.

  • @Cobalt-60
    @Cobalt-60 3 месяца назад +6

    I would be totally down for a new version of Cityfight for part of KT21/KT 3.0 (was a huge fan of Cityfight [40K 3e] and Cities of Death [40K 4e], that definitely was all about small, and mobile infantry units).

  • @davidteel7701
    @davidteel7701 3 месяца назад +5

    I would like a cleaned up 3rd edition, but not at the cost of losing all the current teams. I like the idea of flying units, but that might be oppressive, like the Harlequins were. Maybe turn fly movement into point to point instead of walking horizontally and then climbing vertically?

  • @Locoantropologo
    @Locoantropologo 3 месяца назад +8

    I hope that current KT will be still to able to be played with support at least on next edition

  • @avp2214
    @avp2214 3 месяца назад +11

    Not so random question: whats the point of taking the 32 (or so) Kill teams, stripping them of their bespokness and sending them to compendium? That would be like starting 40K 11th edition by sending all models to legends and and starting over with a box with space marines and Black Legion for the entire community to use.

    • @michaellee1116
      @michaellee1116 3 месяца назад +2

      Basically this.....the "fly team" rumors feel equally silly why would they pivot the game into being exclusively flying models 🤔

  • @Crushanator1
    @Crushanator1 3 месяца назад +4

    i think everyone is assuming Ellysians since theres never been a guard unit with proper jump packs, and there arent amy in the lore either. Its only ever been drop troops, and Ellysians are a beloved resin kit that lots of people would love. With the Scions kit being a single kit and pretty old, as well as very distinct from all other Guard, i can definitely see making a new and unified Scions range that looks like it takes its hints from the old Ellysians
    idk, hoping for clean and simple LOS rules and for them to drop the dumb as hell shapes for just using inches instead, but new editions of things are making me a but skittish about older kits ( especially those that were 40k kits with an add on sprue or no sprue at all). I'd hate for whatever bean counter at GW got so many armies pulled from The Old World mechanically bc their new boxes say Age Of Sigmar on them to have any say in doing that to Killteam or Warcry's new edition

  • @guilhermeissaRbbr
    @guilhermeissaRbbr 3 месяца назад +3

    when u said our current teams would lose their equipment, wouldnt that be devastating to a team like hearthkyn who love the auto calibrator and combat knifes?

  • @Korfax124
    @Korfax124 3 месяца назад +1

    I sure hope that Elysians models become a thing at some point as more numorous infil/deep strike units than Scions!

  • @ohmygoditisspider7953
    @ohmygoditisspider7953 3 месяца назад +2

    that was a very good shoutout. graceful. good video, too.

  • @rossshaw9968
    @rossshaw9968 3 месяца назад +3

    It feels like we are heading towards a 1.5 edition launch (similar to War Cry?), and if the city terrain is true, then hell yes. Stupid Question time: It was mentioned that multi level has never worked for Kill Team... but my lack of knowledge assumes that necromunda is multi level. So what is the differnece and how hasn't it worked in KT?

    • @nraketh
      @nraketh 3 месяца назад

      The rules restrict vertical mobility heavily for most teams, but a few have ways to ignore it almost entirely, which causes balance issues.

    • @Rob749s
      @Rob749s 3 месяца назад

      The difference is no one cares if Necromunda is flaky and unbalanced. The fun is in the story.

  • @CrimsonTemplar2
    @CrimsonTemplar2 3 месяца назад +4

    Circle Hello! Thanks for giving Mr. TI a shoutout.
    I’d love the next edition to fix LOS so it’s not so challenging to teach new players. Shared equipment lists would make it so much easier to errata & balance - everyone has a version of climbing gear & grenades, but you can call them whatever to satisfy fluff.
    The shapes are a mind-crime.

    • @Crushanator1
      @Crushanator1 3 месяца назад +3

      I bought in day one and have been to multiple tournaments and I genuinely do not understand how line of sight works, even a little.

    • @majortom7186
      @majortom7186 3 месяца назад

      Shapes are great for the game. The more Kill Team is distanced from the traditional ephemera of tabletop wargaming the more accessible it becomes.

  • @Lirretobb
    @Lirretobb 3 месяца назад +2

    A bit of classic GHD. That'll do nicely till Saturday...

  • @sarmism
    @sarmism 3 месяца назад

    I don’t know. Been in KT21 for about 10 months and I quite the chess challenge of the line of sight rules.
    Not bothered so much about the shapes but what a waste of plastic if we have to go to some new system of measurement.
    My hopes:
    1. Make flamers good.
    2. Do something about initiate to reduce the lottery of turn 2 and 3 activation priority.
    3. Add in a delayed activation or overwatch system to rebalance elites a bit.
    4. Get rid of pointless rosters and just allow us to take whatever for our team.
    5. And don’t completely mess up our teams, make them competitive in the new edition.

  • @Panta8472
    @Panta8472 3 месяца назад +2

    the only thing im especially skeptical of is them compendiumizing all the current teams.. just seems crazy to throw everything we currently have away but maybe thats just cope lol

    • @michaeljdauben
      @michaeljdauben 3 месяца назад +1

      I'm not at all pleased by the idea that the hundreds and hundreds of dollars of Kill teams I have bought would be neutered in the next edition. It just seems like such a stupid idea I have a hard time even GW would screw over their customers that egregiously.

  • @peterkukk5425
    @peterkukk5425 3 месяца назад +1

    whats wrong with LoS? and how we know for a fact that they will change it?

  • @krelekari
    @krelekari 3 месяца назад

    really really hope they redo the daemons
    I'd LOVE to get some flamers and screamers in the mix

  • @dwarrenmsp
    @dwarrenmsp 3 месяца назад +1

    Come for the triple hello, stay for the juicy rumors. I'm in a point in my gaming life that I'm looking to get into Kill Team/Warcry and this edition change stuff has got me hesitant to invest in Kill Team. Even the idea that bespoke teams could get "compendiumized" and relegated to history has me nervous. The same idea being that Kill Team games are so long. I'd love for them to find the compromise between Warcry and current Kill Team if possible. I can keep a full game of Crisis Protocol to 1.5 hours and I feel that's good, though I'd prefer 1 hour. So many good games out there, I hope GW can stick the landing with this edition change, but I'm just not sure.

  • @CastironWhisky
    @CastironWhisky 3 месяца назад +1

    I just realized I haven't been subbed this whole time! Time to correct that. What I'm hoping from Killteam 2024 is updated lists for the compendium teams, I do love my Deathwatch Veterans because they are ~v~i~b~e~s~ but pretty low in the standings compared to newer teams.

  • @martylund8411
    @martylund8411 3 месяца назад

    It should probably be a lot easier to make a model's relationship to terrain semi-abstract as opposed to ticky-tack based on models standing still to get shot at.
    Make obscurity purely reciprocal: if A is obscured to B then B is obscured to A - barring any "ignores obscurity" abilities.
    Make Vantage Points allow a shooting model to disregard all Light Terrain on a lower level for the shooting attack: targeting, defense, abilities, etc - anything that asks about "cover" or "in cover" is simply getting an answer of "No." No treating one order as a different one or having one state for Line of Site and another for Defense rolls or any other such confusion.

  • @MrTumnus1987
    @MrTumnus1987 3 месяца назад

    I’m here for the reciprocal wholesomeness!

  • @ericcreager51
    @ericcreager51 3 месяца назад

    6:45ish is sounding very Deadzoney lol
    He definitely said Scions, so I’m hoping for at least a new plasma gunner pose if not all new minis with different bits for kit bashing. I would love for them to bring the Elysians back but I don’t think there’s any chance of that currently.
    Great video 🍻

  • @lukashart7002
    @lukashart7002 3 месяца назад +1

    Clicked for Vsepids..... he didn't say anything about Vespids

  • @philippesimpson
    @philippesimpson 3 месяца назад

    Allow me to express my gratitude for the rituals of multiple hellos. Even if I'm not interested in the subject matter of a Glass Half Dead video, I always stay to the end to solemnly receive my consumer benefits. It's communion for atheists.

  • @Avera9eWh1teShark6
    @Avera9eWh1teShark6 3 месяца назад

    On one hand:
    On the other:
    not coming to big 40K
    Don't get me wrong I enjoy Kill Team, else I wouldn't be here and I think its aa great new dynamic for the game, but I would've liked to see a proper rules support update from way back in 3E.

  • @jonrollason5709
    @jonrollason5709 3 месяца назад

    This is very reminiscent of the Jungle Season at the moment. 😅

  • @conormcnamara2273
    @conormcnamara2273 3 месяца назад

    Bro if they put our a bespoke Elysians Team id buy it and play it in a second

  • @duckchickenduck
    @duckchickenduck 3 месяца назад

    I came for the double hello, I stayed for the reciprocal wholesomeness

  • @JasonPoley
    @JasonPoley 3 месяца назад

    multi layered vertical a city or say...hive? maybe they can piss off two sets of players and merge kill team and necromunda. :D

  • @Colorcrayons
    @Colorcrayons 3 месяца назад

    What do you think the possibility of them going back to a more mutable killteam options that we saw in KT18?

  • @davidkimball5222
    @davidkimball5222 3 месяца назад

    Think space hulk but KT ended up being the new necromunda set. Understandable confusion.
    The next KT terrain does sound like OG necromunda which would be awesome

  • @rando970guy6
    @rando970guy6 3 месяца назад

    those rumors sound right, we should get the third guard and tau teams before anything tyranid. And if it's a flier thing, there just aren't any tyrianids with wings so couldn't possibly do them.

  • @Blaster__CA
    @Blaster__CA 2 месяца назад

    GW hasn't said "last box". They've only said "Bheta Decima is coming to a close". That's certainly a far cry from "!New! !Edition!*.

    • @GlassHalfDead
      @GlassHalfDead  2 месяца назад +1

      Yes. But GW never says an edition is ending until the announce a new one. I'm just telling you the likelihood of what's going on based on a lot of evidence.

    • @Blaster__CA
      @Blaster__CA 2 месяца назад

      @@GlassHalfDead They said when 8th & 9th were ending. Said when 2nd was ending, during my formative 40k years.
      Anyway, non-Core games like KT, WC, etc., don't follow the 40k/AoS 3yr cycle. Most of their so called 'boxed games' are stable Rulesets that get Updated but not overhauled. KT being re-done 3yrs after its return was a necessity & an outlier, not a telltale that it's on the 3yr New Edition cycle.

    • @Blaster__CA
      @Blaster__CA 2 месяца назад

      & my original point was that GW said Bheta Decima is coming to a close during their previews of Termination. They in no way, shape or form said Termination is the end of the BD Season, tho.

    • @GlassHalfDead
      @GlassHalfDead  2 месяца назад

      @@Blaster__CA Well allrighty then, by all means, spread the word that Kill Team is continuing without an edition change :)

  • @blkjet117
    @blkjet117 3 месяца назад

    I can only hope that Kill Team and Combat Patrol get the same kind of attention Spearhead and hopefully AOS#4 got. This current meta of the Codex point values are being adjusted before the product even hits the hands of the customer is just ridiculous. The new designer seems to be making big strides on fun, fast, ready for competition play that is seemingly balanced system. This is so odd as it has become they exact opposite that we expect from GW.

  • @pbutch217
    @pbutch217 3 месяца назад

    Oh good. It's that time when GW requires us to buy our rules all over again, assuming you can secure a FOMO box, while possibly invalidating our current teams.
    Thinking its finally time to get off the gw train and get my 40k fix from space marine 2 when it releases

  • @steejansbigeagle1505
    @steejansbigeagle1505 3 месяца назад

    Phobos players going to own on that city killzone 😏

  • @chriswilson1372
    @chriswilson1372 3 месяца назад

    I’m down with modular terrain. Bheta Decima maps were a disappointment. But the games we put together, have so far been excellent. Still I would have loved to see some jungle or forest terrain. I’m still holding out hope for a catachan refresh against some Nids. Great video btw, keep them coming.

  • @kid0krewgaming326
    @kid0krewgaming326 3 месяца назад

    Aren’t we currently in KT2?

  • @MrStratofish
    @MrStratofish 3 месяца назад

    Flying does nothing for me. I'll probably stick with current edition if true

  • @majortom7186
    @majortom7186 3 месяца назад

    I hope they remove the danger zone between obscured and in cover. That’s the part of the LoS rules that I think catches most people out. NRS must remain possible though IMO.

  • @MekBoooooi
    @MekBoooooi 3 месяца назад

    City terrian+ multiple levels and flying... Kill team × Attack on Titan? 🤔

  • @nraketh
    @nraketh 3 месяца назад

    Rather than vespids I would rather see gargoyles. Nids need a team.
    Man that octarius trailer is still awesome.

  • @lowbrowminis
    @lowbrowminis 3 месяца назад +2

    I have multiple indirect sources mostly and confirm stuff through rumor triangulation. like what do I hear from multiple confirmed sources.

  • @Modge17
    @Modge17 3 месяца назад

    Aren't Scions with jump-packs Harakoni Warhawks?

    • @Spannaway
      @Spannaway 3 месяца назад

      Nah Scions are a different thing than the Warhawks, while they may be using grav chutes, Warhawks are just Imp Guard, and Scions are like often used by High Ranking Guard or Inquisition members

  • @Riddler_von
    @Riddler_von 3 месяца назад

    Thank you tank you…. I have missed my 2X hello

  • @Jackman0205
    @Jackman0205 3 месяца назад

    Solid video

  • @slackeratlarge575
    @slackeratlarge575 3 месяца назад +1


  • @heretical_hobbyist
    @heretical_hobbyist 3 месяца назад +1

    In a way, Valrak was right about Space Hulk with Kill Team rules. That's basically what the Darktide board game is.

    • @aneph96
      @aneph96 3 месяца назад +2

      I was thinking someone got it mixed up with the new nercromunda stuff

  • @nawrden4721
    @nawrden4721 3 месяца назад

    would love if it goes the way of warcry

  • @user-rp6kc3hp2r
    @user-rp6kc3hp2r 3 месяца назад

    We can't get a proper admech KT even when the game is set on a forge world. 😢

  • @Beedji
    @Beedji 3 месяца назад +1

    I dont understand people freaking out about rules changes. If you dont like em just play the old rules, they are still there, not going anywhere, this isnt a videogame.
    Also you can mix and match rulesets as you want as long as your opponent is okay with it (and if hes not a meta-afflicte-brain competitive freak, that shoud not be a problem). The game is yours, forever.

    • @peterkukk5425
      @peterkukk5425 3 месяца назад +1

      you can do that with your friends, but this is kinda a competitive game for a lot of people. so they cant change the rules.