Bee Gees "ONE" REACTION Video | best reaction videos to music

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 125

  • @Harpoon2theRescue
    @Harpoon2theRescue Год назад +7

    This song is FIRE!!!!!!

  • @097534
    @097534 2 года назад +6

    Utterly hypnotic!!!!

  • @wandalewis5097
    @wandalewis5097 2 года назад +14

    Barry said his biggest award to him was when they were inducted into the song writers Hall Of Fame 😊

  • @annettelane
    @annettelane Год назад +11

    And these guys do all their production too pure genius

  • @kathieovercash8414
    @kathieovercash8414 Год назад +9

    Warning with every Bee Gees song: Prepare to be blown away!

  • @deborahh2556
    @deborahh2556 Год назад +8

    I honestly cannot find a song I like better than even come close, it can only be another Bee Gees song!!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤

  • @royhollyfield1826
    @royhollyfield1826 Год назад +5

    They wrote over 1000 songs, many for other big start, Streisand and Celion Deion, "Immortality" must listen ....

  • @centrist1008
    @centrist1008 Год назад +4

    Best bridge ever!

  • @annettelane
    @annettelane Год назад +8

    Aren't these guys amazing .I have been enjoying them since the 60s gives so much joy

  • @gregpusczek4473
    @gregpusczek4473 2 года назад +5


  • @noelgray61
    @noelgray61 2 года назад +2

    Great moves mom

  • @amymarckel420
    @amymarckel420 2 года назад +48

    This is the song that put them back on American radio and into the Billboard top ten for the first time in a decade. They were just the best!

  • @eaccristo
    @eaccristo 2 года назад +2

    What lucky women they ended up with. Sigh❤❤❤

  • @kevindobson6568
    @kevindobson6568 2 года назад +5

    From the Bee Gees album titled One, 1989

  • @alansnow1129
    @alansnow1129 Год назад +6

    Thing about bee gees all their songs are very good. Unlike other artists

  • @trishafaulk2067
    @trishafaulk2067 2 года назад +6

    Love this song, one of my favorites.

  • @raycewilliams3300
    @raycewilliams3300 2 года назад +7

    I Googled HARMONIZE and it showed a picture of......... THE BEE GEES........

  • @barrycollier7451
    @barrycollier7451 2 года назад +9

    Nobody could harmonize like the Bee Gees. They were one of a kind.

  • @dp3396
    @dp3396 2 года назад +7

    Barry is the king of pickup lines!! Please react to SECRET LOVE.

  • @vandoraginther6421
    @vandoraginther6421 2 года назад +14

    Barry has been married to his wife Linda for 52 years, quite a remarkable couple. He was married when he was very young to Maureen Bates for 4 years although they only spent about a year together. Then he met Linda and they are one for sure. All three brothers were on their second marriages and they remained married. I love the Bee Gees they are all so amazing!!! Love your reactions!!

  • @JamesThomas-dn6ee
    @JamesThomas-dn6ee 2 года назад +8

    Bodyguard is another great song from that album

  • @GSTE_
    @GSTE_ 2 года назад +14

    The Bee Gees are just the thing to brighten up your day, Nice reaction.

  • @deborahdennehy9937
    @deborahdennehy9937 Год назад +3

    They are just SUPERB with this particular song - The Bee Gees will always be my favourite brothers! What a song?? I have heard from other Reactors that they don't understand why Barry says to be the One. Well you both understood as I did! Sensational 💝💝💝💝

  • @michaelsmith5021
    @michaelsmith5021 Год назад +4

    Girls, if you like this one, react to Alone from the same concert. These guys were amazing!

  • @LillyMarz777
    @LillyMarz777 Год назад +2

    Mo had the best moves.

  • @deborahrondini3765
    @deborahrondini3765 11 месяцев назад +6

    Lucky wife! They are still together after many years! So romantic!!people have lost this.

  • @otisroseboro5613
    @otisroseboro5613 Год назад +2

    Best Bee Gees Song Ever

  • @TheToscanaMan
    @TheToscanaMan 2 года назад +22

    The brothers never cease to take us there. What an incredible wealth of songs they wrote and perform like no one else can. Thankyou. 🙏☮❤

  • @stephenhanft1226
    @stephenhanft1226 2 года назад +21

    After the 70's disco era ended, The Bee Gees spent most of the first half of the 80s writing and producing for other artists such as Barbara Streisand, Dionne Warwick, Kenny Rogers, and Diana Ross. "One" was their first U.S top ten hit that they recorded together in 10 years. Their comeback song here in the states and and one of their best post-disco songs.

  • @rbaruah8790
    @rbaruah8790 2 года назад +10

    This was the tour where Andy was supposed to officially become a beegee member....this tour was called the One for All tour..... unfortunately he passed in 1988 this tour was in 1989....there are a couple of songs reflecting their mood is Wish You Were Here , and another is Tears....they are tear jerkers.....

  • @berniezuehlke1942
    @berniezuehlke1942 2 года назад +6

    They are One of the greatest writers/performers ever.
    They even have a country style song called Don't forget to remember.

  • @Zlata1313
    @Zlata1313 2 года назад +20

    Great catchy song, everyone who's a Bee Gees Fan loves this one. Knew you'd love it too!

  • @sallyhallada
    @sallyhallada 2 года назад +5

    I’ve always felt that Barry knew a little something about love - in this video he’d been married almost 20 years with 4 sons - he and his wife have a beautiful story. Now his wife and 5 kids, 8 grandchildren are all he has left besides his older sister. He has said “Be what those girls love you for - be a good example” 🤩

  • @debbienewton909
    @debbienewton909 2 года назад +6

    Wouldn't you just love to be one of the percussion girls?! Love this song!! One of my favorites!!

  • @lt6134
    @lt6134 2 года назад +13

    When this song came out, we would crank it up in the car every time it was on the radio! (And car dance together). I bet you’ll love “Secret Love” too.

  • @johnathanstruble1064
    @johnathanstruble1064 2 года назад +3

    Man , when Mom's a damn good vibe!! 👍😁❤️

  • @ronstopfer2315
    @ronstopfer2315 2 года назад +2

    Baby momma getting it on! 😀

  • @jjsteel43
    @jjsteel43 Год назад +3

    The Bee Gee's / Gibb Brothers were great. They had so many hits for decades. Barry Gibb is one of the best ever singer/songwriters of all time to me

  • @GwenByrd-d4k
    @GwenByrd-d4k 3 месяца назад +1

    Thats why Barry has been married to the same woman for 55 years and has 5 kids.

  • @janicetrimmell6897
    @janicetrimmell6897 2 года назад +15

    This is one of my absolute Bee Gees favorites. Barry's voice is sublime. The harmony is outstanding and the bass line knocks me out. It is a beautiful thought that loved ones would be as "one." I think for them it may also have meant they, as brothers, were as "one." Watch how Barry sings the line "I Can Feel You By My Side When You're Not There" and then turns and looks straight at Mo and Robin at 1:17. Thank You. You have no idea how much I love this. The whole album is wonderful.

    • @gaylaliles4095
      @gaylaliles4095 2 года назад +5

      Yes. I too think they may have been referring to each other as brothers. I adore how Barry looks at Robin and Maurice with such love and pride.

    • @carolespinoza8469
      @carolespinoza8469 2 года назад +4

      Janice you are so right.👍. Barry can feel them by his side when they aren't there. 💞💞🥺🥺🥺🥺

  • @ChuckHackney
    @ChuckHackney Год назад +1

    Along with Richard and Karen, the greatest harmonizers in modern music.May God always bless the Brothers Gibb, both alive and passed. Hope you are doing well, Barry. Thanks for the incredible joy you have brought us!

  • @artxxx7832
    @artxxx7832 2 года назад +5

    hi, listen to me.....i know you have a lot of bee gees song to react for...i know have to know the 1989 they made a concert in Meolbourne.....if you watch "the medley" or the versión of "words" that is in this probably will be almos incredibly beautifull (specially to see Barry singing live , words in this concert...)remember concert is "one for all concert" 1989

  • @ginap5148
    @ginap5148 2 года назад +3

    Three adorable grown men! This is one of my all time 😂💗 favorites. Thank you.

  • @jornspirit
    @jornspirit 2 года назад +3

    ...the ultimate versions live of almost all Bee Gees hits: One Night Only 1997 in Las Vegas - an absolute must for you guys... you will cry your eyes out... its sooo beautiful...

  • @LuckyDawgProductionsModerator
    @LuckyDawgProductionsModerator 2 года назад +12

    Fantastic reaction to a truly awesome song by the Bee Gees. One of my top 3 songs by them. Goosebumps listening to it. Love the change ups in the music. Such a great song!

    • @generationgapreacts
      @generationgapreacts  2 года назад +1

      Thank you again!

    • @annettelane
      @annettelane Год назад +1

      The Bee Gees have really covered other artist but for Carol kings 50th anniversary album they cover .Will you still live me tomorrow .

    • @LuckyDawgProductionsModerator
      @LuckyDawgProductionsModerator Год назад

      @@annettelane Love their cover of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow.

  • @lionheartroar3104
    @lionheartroar3104 2 года назад +3

    GREAT song.

  • @kevindobson3701
    @kevindobson3701 2 года назад +2

    This is from my fav Bee gees album

  • @bevnickel7693
    @bevnickel7693 2 года назад +6

    Great song choice, all I can say is WOW, these guys were the greatest.

  • @garyjones451
    @garyjones451 2 года назад +3

    GOAT. period.

  • @guitarman8462
    @guitarman8462 2 года назад +6

    You should watch their final concert as a trio live in Vegas called " One Night Only ". The song " One " was one of their last songs as a trio.

  • @sharonsmith8149
    @sharonsmith8149 4 месяца назад

    Great reaction! First time seeing your reactions. Both of you have inviting charisma. LOVE BEEGEES

  •  Месяц назад +1

    You have just been blessed with the total package of music, a vibe with pure vocals, harmony, masterful production of a music, instrumentation and a vocal crescendo like no other band in the world. The best band in the history of music from a family act standpoint period. They will NEVER BE MATCHED.... Love your reaction to this one. This was their last charting hit in 1989 and it hit # 7 on the USA Billboard Hot 100 songs for that year..., it should have went no less than top 5..

  • @toakenspy
    @toakenspy 2 года назад +4

    BeeGees The Only Love is one of the best harmonic trracks they have recorded in my opinion. Modern with great lyrics. Please react to that, you won't regret it.

  • @jettechdonatkins
    @jettechdonatkins Год назад +1

    Hello ladies.This is a favorite of mine.I like the version from their '97 live on Vegas concert.Thanks for this!

  • @uncabuzz118
    @uncabuzz118 2 года назад +14

    One" is the second international single (and lead single in the U.S.) from the Bee Gees' album, One. The album writing began in early 1988 but due to the death of little brother Andy it was postponed until November. This was the song that returned the Bee Gees to American radio and would turn out to be their biggest US hit in the 1980s, and their last hit single to reach the US top ten. It was their first Top 10 hit since "Love You Inside Out" was #1 in June 1979. It peaked at number seven on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in September 1989, and it stayed in the Top 40 for ten weeks. It also topped the American adult contemporary chart that same month, remaining at number one for two weeks.[

  • @Oldstager
    @Oldstager 2 года назад +3

    Really enjoy the reactions you both give. Bee Gees went through different eras where they were either top of the tree or overexposed where they turned to writing for others. Super talented but don’t forget that Robin was also a fantastic singer. Saved by the bell is also a great record.

  • @carolespinoza8469
    @carolespinoza8469 2 года назад +3

    I love y'all,s reaction so darn much.💞💞. You two are great at this. 🥰🥰

  • @eugene8008
    @eugene8008 2 года назад +2

    Awesome reaction to one please react to bee gees song lovers prayer thanks and you and your are both very beautiful

  • @jimb8830
    @jimb8830 Год назад +1

    Well..Hello Again!! What a pleasure it is to follow you both in these Reactions. You are SO Balanced and Natural and
    Expressive! ...and Yes, you feel it and demonstrate such Heart! Please pass these vids as a Renaissance (which we
    really need)! Yes this music and group are so fine as throughout the years. Grand tribute. Thank you. >>..and you
    might want to present and react to: REO Speedwagon - Take it on The Run; Supertramp - Good-bye Stranger and
    Cannonball; Little River Band - Cool Change. >> Thank You for all you do. Music: A Universal Language!

  • @suebono7922
    @suebono7922 3 месяца назад

    I just adore your reactions to this song and I feel exactly the same way. So smooth, such perfection!

  • @bevnickel7693
    @bevnickel7693 2 года назад +3

    Ok girls I m ready for Massachusetts live in concert by the Bee Gees 1997.

  • @kevindobson3701
    @kevindobson3701 2 года назад +1

    80s Bee gees , my fav decade of the Bee gees

  • @peterchang0323
    @peterchang0323 2 года назад +9

    Some of my favorite Bee Gees songs are Love So Right, Spirits Having Flown and Someone Belonging to Someone. You should also react to the live performance of the duet What Kind of Fool by Barry Gibb and Barbara Streisand, my favorite duet of all time.

    • @kthor
      @kthor 2 года назад +1

      Great suggestions👍!!

  • @jupiteralmighty3730
    @jupiteralmighty3730 10 месяцев назад +2

    My absolute favorite song by Bee Gees.

  • @RodLongoria
    @RodLongoria 2 года назад +1

    This song will make you feel you are the best bar stool dancer -- ever!

  • @negf22
    @negf22 2 года назад +3

    Barry always said he loves romantic songs.

  • @ChuckHackney
    @ChuckHackney Год назад +2

    More of their hommage to more modern music arrangements, almost with elements of "house" music! Still unmistakably BGs.

  • @Eric_L_Laney
    @Eric_L_Laney 2 года назад +2

    I had not heard this song in a long time. Saw your reaction earlier. I usually watch RUclips on my TV not signed on, and then like and comment on my phone where I am signed on. I agree! I will be listening to this song again too!

  • @francisxray9900
    @francisxray9900 2 года назад +2

    Such a pleasure, watching both of you to songs of the magical bros. Gibb. 'One' is another piece of art in music with a great, kinda caribian flow and surprising changes. Your facial reflects are absolutely true. Now I'm gonna warnya about emotional overflows. Why? If you check'em out with 'Had A Lot Of Love Last Night', out of their brilliant album 'Mr. Natural' in 1974, maybe you'll be touched by music with perfect lyrics like never before. Try it ifya ready for.

  • @ingridneumann8196
    @ingridneumann8196 2 года назад +2

    I love the Bee Gees ...What a great Song. ..please Look. ..Hold me by Barry Gib ....Man in the middle by Mo. Gibb.....Juliet by Robin Gibb. ..or Blue Island by the Bee Gees ..Thats so fantastic. Thanks

  • @bradvanvalkenburg9971
    @bradvanvalkenburg9971 2 года назад +6

    I would love to see you guys react to MASSACHUSETTS AND I'VE GOT TO GET A MESSAGE TO YOU

  • @gaylaliles4095
    @gaylaliles4095 2 года назад +7

    Great reaction! I thought I was the Bee Gees number-one fan, but I think you girls might win that honor. "One" is such an amazingly beautiful & perfect song. The brothers look great; they sound great a d they write the most beautiful romantic lyrics ever.

    • @generationgapreacts
      @generationgapreacts  2 года назад +3

      We have a three way tie for biggest bee gees fan ☺️

    • @kthor
      @kthor 2 года назад +1

      Make that a four way tie😂!

  • @shineshine63
    @shineshine63 2 года назад +1

    Funny you mentioned that towards the end because I've been saying for years that if people would listen to the BG's for just 30 minutes a day the world would be a much better place ;)

  • @wayne_twentyfive
    @wayne_twentyfive 2 года назад +3

    Amazingly consistent performers and songwriters .. They turned out great songs by the truckload for both themselves and other artists for decade after decade .. Love their 60s work the best, but the quality of their output never dropped in anything they did afterwards .. No wonder they are so loved and admired by yourselves and millions around the world.

  • @romine777
    @romine777 2 года назад +2

    I strongly recommend you play "Don't Forget to Remember"' by the Bee Gees. Not Falsetto.

  • @kcarr9589
    @kcarr9589 2 года назад +2

    You guys seem really great and I am enjoying you immensely! I love all the music you are playing, as my tastes are very eclectic. I’m hoping you start moving in different directions, adding different artists, etc. sometimes if I see it’s another Bee Gee song, I don’t watch, which is very disappointing. A song at least one of you doesn’t know would also add flavor and be really great - that is why we watch- for the excitement of sharing something new with someone. Your rapport is awesome and I think you can really go far - good luck!

  • @mickie-fielden5629
    @mickie-fielden5629 2 года назад +2

    I love this song !!
    It reminds me of my Husband so much, I really wish he was here, but he's waiting for me on the other side...

    • @generationgapreacts
      @generationgapreacts  2 года назад

      Sounds like your soulmate Mickie!

    • @mickie-fielden5629
      @mickie-fielden5629 2 года назад

      @@generationgapreacts 🌹
      Yes !!
      He Absolutely was my soul mate.. Not another Cowboy could ever fill his boots.. 😉

  • @marciamaria7796
    @marciamaria7796 2 года назад +4

    Essa música é show! Os Bee Gees São incrívelmente demais!! Adorooooooo!!!!❤❤❤❤👋👋👋👋💪🇧🇷👍

  • @kylekerwin4993
    @kylekerwin4993 7 месяцев назад

    They always had a way of transforming and creating songs that we are forever grateful for. Check out their song Islands In The Stream lead by Robin on vocals which ended up being covered with class by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton.

  • @kevindobson3701
    @kevindobson3701 2 года назад +1

    My Tears for fears request , gotta react to it with the music video
    It's half the experience . It's a mind blowing emotional song ! Can't wait

  • @kevindobson3701
    @kevindobson3701 2 года назад +1

    Can't wait for my Tears for fears No small thing request

  • @Iam-TaMeR
    @Iam-TaMeR 2 года назад +1

    A great song and a great reaction, try next their song ESP, you will be shocked.

  • @scenesroland3424
    @scenesroland3424 2 года назад +3

    hell yeah!! love this song soooo much, definitely one of their catchiest, most infectious melodies! please consider checking out Ordinary Lives (saw you guys have this one in the works somewhere, can’t wait for it!), and especially Wish You Were Here (their solemn tribute dedicated entirely to their then recently departed Andy - it’s a beautiful but sad piece)

  • @eggy1962
    @eggy1962 2 года назад +1

    When it comes to layers in a song Fanny is the top of the tree,they had so much production abilities on top of everything else.Hits thru 4 decades takes some doing

  • @LoueeLouii917
    @LoueeLouii917 2 года назад +5

    Another great reaction girls, I watched your reaction to Words and was wondering if you could do little brother Andy's version at Chicago Command Performance, you'll love it!! Thanks from Aus 💖🇦🇺

  • @BrendaLloyd
    @BrendaLloyd 4 месяца назад

    Check out " I could not Love you more " By the Bee Gees leading by Barry heart touching ❤😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤!

  • @kevindobson3701
    @kevindobson3701 2 года назад +1

    There are 1080 bee gees songs
    They have 21 albums

  • @kevindobson3701
    @kevindobson3701 2 года назад +1

    This came out in 1989

  • @damonchong9692
    @damonchong9692 2 года назад +1

    try react to bee gees wedding day. It highlights robin amazing voice!

  • @alvinbuckles9744
    @alvinbuckles9744 2 года назад +1

    I noticed Barry making the Times symbol. In math it is called the identity function of one. Meaning any number times one is the original number. I wonder if they are making a play on this.

  • @richardmayville7738
    @richardmayville7738 2 года назад +1

    first time I heard my bodyguard yes was pretty great robin is awesome ! note: this song is called wedding day Robin just shine's in this oneвидео.html it's about berry's and robins wedding Day- berrys been married over 55 yrs . you just dont find that now a days .

  • @Titus-as-the-Roman
    @Titus-as-the-Roman Год назад

    Imagine having to watch someone you love slowly disintegrates in front of your eyes, knowing nothing can be done but the faith and love will pull you through. -- "Love Of Two Is One (*) , Here but now they're gone , Came the last night of sadness , And it was clear she couldn't go on, , Then the door was open and the wind appeared , The candles blew and then disappeared , The curtains flew and then he appeared , Saying don't be afraid , Come on, baby (and she had no fear) , And she ran to him (then they started to fly) , They looked backward and said goodbye (she had become like they are) , She had taken his hand (she had become like they are) , Come on, baby (don't fear the reaper). Blue Oyster Cult- "Don't Fear the Reaper" (*)- I have his/her Tee's, half message on one, half the other, must stand semi-interwined to read it properly. It is saying something when intertwined w/someone 43 years and still anticipates another 43 years with the same. *- Me, once the shock wore off and the reality set in, the Universe has once again knocked me off my Metaphoric hobby horse in a funny Weird way, Imagine the abrupt and shocking thought, all of a sudden, that THE only true source of light, life, energy that powers my soul, literally the One that gives me the only happy reason to rise everyday could herself leave before me, -MAN-, if that ever happens I Will Be A Basket Case.

  • @vincenthewlett4329
    @vincenthewlett4329 2 года назад +1

    the live version on "one night only " is perfect.....if you feel that the version you just watched was good......then treat yourself to the one i said

  • @mujahidamin8504
    @mujahidamin8504 2 года назад

    You would love YOU ARE MY LOVE from 1975.

  • @stevealdridge9720
    @stevealdridge9720 2 года назад +1

    Sacred Trust, please

  • @davidsonchris737
    @davidsonchris737 2 года назад +1

    The version of this song is better from One Night Only Live from
    Las Vegas! ♥ Christopher J. Davidson

    • @Zlata1313
      @Zlata1313 2 года назад +1

      My fave is 89 Melbourne.

  • @dubivxler
    @dubivxler 2 года назад


  • @agilanpillay2930
    @agilanpillay2930 2 года назад

    Can any group have better harmony than this. Sometimes a song like "Angela " may not have been top of the charts but what a song.

  • @georgeralph8031
    @georgeralph8031 2 года назад

    Blink twice if you're being held against your will...

  • @markwilliamson6414
    @markwilliamson6414 2 года назад +1

    Even if you don’t react to any other songs from this album at least listen for yourselves. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.