I am well-acquainted with the argument you are presenting. The NHS of the UK is also under increasing strain due to obesity, alcohol and tobacco related illnesses, but it does not follow that just because people have the right to not be negatively affected by the habits of others, as a principle of fairness, that taxes for ciggarettes should go up. Using your example of the health service one could argue fatty foods, sweets, and alcohol are "negative externalities".
As a mater of fact, The consumption of alcohol does indeed generate negative externalities. This is partly the reason why they receive extra/higher tax than non-alcoholic drinks in most countries. (Including hong kong previously).
I live in Scotland which was one of the first countries to impose the "smoking bans". I am in support of this and evidence shows that it has been effective in reducing the number of smokers to a small degree. That's a far more effective measure than raising taxes which is always the government's first solution that penalises a large segment of the population under the pre-tense of improving health. Moreover, Yuk-man gives an example of how doing that might not even stop people from smoking.
and also in other "true democracy country" (contrary to the "fake" democracy in HK), countries like USA, UK, other EU countries (maybe not France) have deployed similar measures against the increasing rate of smoking.
I support the smoking ban as a matter of fairness not because it changes people's habits. Non-smokers have a right to not be affected by second-hand smoke, which is proven to be harmful, in public places. That is a distinct difference in my position you have not grasped.
I said that raising taxes is an attempt of the government to mould the habits of the populace not that it necessarily will. Do you think it is a good thing that people are forced to only smoke at home?
Please give me a elaborated idea on how smoking bann will not change people's habit. The complete ban of smoking limits the places which i person can smoke, this means that the habits of smoking is changed. Furthermore, a complete ban in smoking will have no effect on "helping" smokers, since they can stil smoke as much as they want at home/in their car etc. Where raising tax can even increase gvt. revenue which can be used to rehabilitate/cover medical cost of smoking.
You have misread my comment. Saying I support x because of y and not because of effect z does not mean I don't acknowledge z. Raising taxes can obviously have benefits but the important question is how much the taxes should be raised. I oppose raising taxes in HK because it violates the principle of fairness on two levels. Firstly, the government cannot favour one group (anti-smoking) over the other (smokers), and secondly smokers are likely to be working class which unfairly penalises a class.
I think it is you who needs to educate yourself. No one is disputing that increasing tax rate for tobacco reduces the smoking rate just as increasing tax for alcohol reduces alcohol consumption. The issue has to do with liberty and the government not interfering in people's affairs by trying to mould the habits of the populace unnecessarily through policies.
Ha. If adding tax is an attempt of the government to mould the habits of the populace, the idea of "imposing smoking bans" (which u raised and indicated support) would almost definitely change the habits of the populace, namely the smoking populace. It does not matter what I think, since youre the one suggesting and supporting the idea of "smoking bans".
Extending your logic, I will use an example of your own country. I am aware of the vehicle tax system in britain. I believe the tax rate on vehicles are related to their CO2 emissions. If ur car pollutes more, you pay more. Would u argue that your great government is being unfair? Would you argue that ur "government is discriminating against what people have contributed to society"? By asking ppl take responsibility for their actions, the government is being the OPPOSITE, it is BEING FAIR.
Your argument is interesting. If you study basic economics, you would know that cigarettes are something called "demerit goods". The consumption of these goods causes negative externalities. Negative externalities IMPOSES AN IMPACT UPON A THIRD PARTY. To give you a rough idea, excessive smokers go to a governmental clinic and uses its service, burdening the public health care system in hong kong, which has already been burdened by chinese pregnancy, limited supply of doctors and aging population
Increasing cigarettes Tax is proven, in many developed and developing countries, an effective way to decrease smoking rate. He is just talking crap that appeals to people. He is just playing with people's emotions in order to gain support. Please do some research before saying something unintelligent.
In your original argument you sed the government shouldnt "interfer in people's affairs by trying to mould the habits of the populace unnecessarily through policies". Its really interesting that u think raising the cigarette tax will "mould the habits of the populace" more than "smoking bans", given that smoking bans already exist within hong kong, in which further increasing these bans will arguably leave smokers no place other than their homes to smoke.
聽完真係拍爛手掌 , 尢其是每次講到........我又上頭了 . 真是笑死無命賠 !
上届当区 市民冇选黄疏民
真是 损害 全香港人 利益
因为黄疏民 为劳苦大众
出身出力 奋不故身 为市民
定不知 当区人 迷失方向
吃迷云汤 流失了一位真正 为民请民 伟大黄疏民
我代表香港人 请当区人
再次 支持 伟大的黄疏民
講得真好 人民英雄
why not both?本是同根生,相煎何太急
I am well-acquainted with the argument you are presenting. The NHS of the UK is also under increasing strain due to obesity, alcohol and tobacco related illnesses, but it does not follow that just because people have the right to not be negatively affected by the habits of others, as a principle of fairness, that taxes for ciggarettes should go up. Using your example of the health service one could argue fatty foods, sweets, and alcohol are "negative externalities".
記得英國人係度果陣, 會因應社會的實際情況而調整政策的鬆緊, 而曾蔭權政府的每一步都是閉門造車, 不顧普羅市民感受.
As a mater of fact, The consumption of alcohol does indeed generate negative externalities. This is partly the reason why they receive extra/higher tax than non-alcoholic drinks in most countries. (Including hong kong previously).
I live in Scotland which was one of the first countries to impose the "smoking bans". I am in support of this and evidence shows that it has been effective in reducing the number of smokers to a small degree. That's a far more effective measure than raising taxes which is always the government's first solution that penalises a large segment of the population under the pre-tense of improving health. Moreover, Yuk-man gives an example of how doing that might not even stop people from smoking.
and also in other "true democracy country" (contrary to the "fake" democracy in HK), countries like USA, UK, other EU countries (maybe not France) have deployed similar measures against the increasing rate of smoking.
Yeah, harbour city.
不過 政府真係做得吾夠好囉.
兩睇啦 食煙對身體係吾好的
今年9月, 請投人民力量一票~!!
今日睇番 煙仔已過百
戒烟把电子烟禁个屁啊 就想多个理由收多点税买茅台喝
Should the topic be rising the tax rate on cigarettes? Looks like spent more time on Dr. Lam.
利益申報: 戒左煙了,,錢都慳了
I Love the part at 8:55.
以下係本人個人觀點, 如果有咩得罪或不當話語或不正確言論, 多多包涵, 同時請記得, 你都係人, 你都會有觀點偏差ge時候, 將心比心.
(1)報販ok, 反駁唔到, 但你可以叫政府立多D保護低收入人士的立案, 但非反加煙稅
然後咩叫尊重吸煙權利? 佢又冇全面禁煙, 只不過將價錢提高, 以降低需求.
有讀過經濟的人都會知道加稅係目前眾多國家採取的最有效法案. 要人地尊重吸煙權利, 你地又有冇尊重過非吸煙人士的權利?
我出街最憎就係經過垃圾筒. 一定有人打緊邊爐, 臭到無倫. 第2最憎前面戈個係煙剷, 就算佢唔係食緊, 我都可以聞到戈陣煙臭.
日日吸埋依D二手煙, 一個唔小心肺癌真係唔知怪邊個. 我再加一個例子, 假如你隔離戈過有哮喘, 聞到你d煙發作又唔好彩冇藥係身死左,你算唔算間接謀殺?
佢唔係"都可以" 係一直都係 只不過大多數人將焦點放左係佢既行為上面
smoking will impair other people's health, raise public medical spending!
打把有錢佬都食雪茄 根本唔關生活環境事 話係傳統仲好笑 咁吸毒係唔係傳統啊 仲學人講英文 咪笑死人啦
現在55元 還會繼續加+
I support the smoking ban as a matter of fairness not because it changes people's habits. Non-smokers have a right to not be affected by second-hand smoke, which is proven to be harmful, in public places. That is a distinct difference in my position you have not grasped.
kaming lam 每包65元已經有害!
This bunch of MP is like gansters!
I said that raising taxes is an attempt of the government to mould the habits of the populace not that it necessarily will. Do you think it is a good thing that people are forced to only smoke at home?
hhahahaahah Raymond is so good
Please give me a elaborated idea on how smoking bann will not change people's habit. The complete ban of smoking limits the places which i person can smoke, this means that the habits of smoking is changed. Furthermore, a complete ban in smoking will have no effect on "helping" smokers, since they can stil smoke as much as they want at home/in their car etc. Where raising tax can even increase gvt. revenue which can be used to rehabilitate/cover medical cost of smoking.
食煙係冇問題,呼出嚟嘅二手煙,不可乎自己吞返, 真係影響人好臭
You have misread my comment. Saying I support x because of y and not because of effect z does not mean I don't acknowledge z.
Raising taxes can obviously have benefits but the important question is how much the taxes should be raised. I oppose raising taxes in HK because it violates the principle of fairness on two levels. Firstly, the government cannot favour one group (anti-smoking) over the other (smokers), and secondly smokers are likely to be working class which unfairly penalises a class.
I think it is you who needs to educate yourself. No one is disputing that increasing tax rate for tobacco reduces the smoking rate just as increasing tax for alcohol reduces alcohol consumption. The issue has to do with liberty and the government not interfering in people's affairs by trying to mould the habits of the populace unnecessarily through policies.
Ha. If adding tax is an attempt of the government to mould the habits of the populace, the idea of "imposing smoking bans" (which u raised and indicated support) would almost definitely change the habits of the populace, namely the smoking populace. It does not matter what I think, since youre the one suggesting and supporting the idea of "smoking bans".
Extending your logic, I will use an example of your own country. I am aware of the vehicle tax system in britain. I believe the tax rate on vehicles are related to their CO2 emissions. If ur car pollutes more, you pay more. Would u argue that your great government is being unfair? Would you argue that ur "government is discriminating against what people have contributed to society"? By asking ppl take responsibility for their actions, the government is being the OPPOSITE, it is BEING FAIR.
Your argument is interesting. If you study basic economics, you would know that cigarettes are something called "demerit goods". The consumption of these goods causes negative externalities. Negative externalities IMPOSES AN IMPACT UPON A THIRD PARTY. To give you a rough idea, excessive smokers go to a governmental clinic and uses its service, burdening the public health care system in hong kong, which has already been burdened by chinese pregnancy, limited supply of doctors and aging population
Increasing cigarettes Tax is proven, in many developed and developing countries, an effective way to decrease smoking rate. He is just talking crap that appeals to people. He is just playing with people's emotions in order to gain support.
Please do some research before saying something unintelligent.
(2) 推青年入吸毒火坑: 問題係索/買/賣毒品犯法, 同埋好多學校都有推廣抗毒. 我覺得推青少年入火坑的似係戈d對的反, 錯的又反的成年人.
對青少年泥講, 家長同學校就係佢地的政府, 佢地日日睇你地唔尊重特首, 日日遊行反對.
好多青少年心智未成熟, 佢地唔太識分是非黑白, 佢地好多時都會有樣學樣. 佢日日睇你地反政府, 佢地又反佢地的”政府”. 唔尊重佢地的”特首” 你叫我讀書? 你叫我唔好吸毒? 我覺得我地係正確, 我理Q得你死.
有人買私煙,.好多國家都諗緊點壓私煙/毒品買賣. 唔剩只香港面對緊依個問題. 唔好講到得香港有依個問題.
(3) 0_0我覺得你都好語無倫次, 吸煙的確對空氣, 對身體, 對周邊環境唔好播.
(4) 嗯, =.= 我敢打包單, 就算特首親身去拍廣告, 都會比你地依班人鬧到PK
In your original argument you sed the government shouldnt "interfer in people's affairs by trying to mould the habits of the populace unnecessarily through policies". Its really interesting that u think raising the cigarette tax will "mould the habits of the populace" more than "smoking bans", given that smoking bans already exist within hong kong, in which further increasing these bans will arguably leave smokers no place other than their homes to smoke.
點白癡法呢? 願聞其詳。
香港政府財政每年千億盈餘,增加煙稅有助舒緩公共醫療的負擔,絕對是個低智笑話。「吸煙危害他人健康」(an impact upon third party ),無可爭議,但政府容許煙民付出更多煙稅後,則可奉旨繼續危害third party健康,這種施政邏輯思維你怎會不認為荒謬絕倫?
白兔純粹 大陆呢边18纸,不过宜家我都系改索电子烟,准备慢慢戒掉。
钟卓航 嗯假煙好唔好食
Oscar lam 都有正经进口嘅,又唔系包包烟都系假也囖。