Odinn has many names. As do many of the other Gods. Being of English & Swedish ancestry I found it very natural depending on mood or what i was trying to convey to use the various names. My English half of my family is very old in that country. Mentioned in the domesday book as well as hailing from what was the danelaw for a time. And that is rounded out with my grandmother on that side being half German. So it is highly likely that aside from Anglo-Saxon tribal genes I also have Dane and German genes. My Mother's side is Swedish. The point is mentioning this ties into what i mentioned at first. Depending on my mood "Odin" could be Odinn, Woden, Wotan, and so on. And the same goes for the other Gods I talk to. I agree that it is probably best to at least attempt using the version more akin to where your family comes from. But there is also no harm in using any of the other names. They all resonate within me. Maybe it is because I am a Germanic Mutt, lol. But definitely try the one closely related to your ancestral region. When I began down the path of coming home to the Gods 30 yrs ago I began with Odinn as my interest began with interest in my Swedish ancestry. But over time I embraced all the other names. Though never forget, speak to the Gods in the manner that best suits you. They like those of us who look the in the eye so to speak and say what we want from the heart. Cheers !
We have very similar genes! I've traced my family through the 1500s to Southern Germany and my DNA says mostly German and then a mix of English/British Isles, Dutch and Sweedish.
I'm from the Netherlands. We learned at the catholic elementary school in the '50. The names of the Germanic gods Wodan, Donar, Frya. And of course at history lessons we learnt about the priest Bonefatius how was kilt by the Frisians. The names of the days are here maandag (Monday), dinsdag (Thingsdag), woensdag (Wodansdag), donderdag (Donarsdag), Vrijdag (Fryasdag) zaterdag (Satursday), sunday (Zondag).
The catholic church was pretty good in erasing the old myths and beliefs in Central/western Europe. They even placed their churches/chappels/monasteries on old places of power..
I think the Catholic Church is the last one to tear apart old religions. I truly believe that the Celtic religion was attempted by Caesar, I believe a religion came before that got hampered with. Maybe even once more before the first cities. But it’s all good. Our souls remember.
Yeah I guess maybe that's why Vladimir chose Orthodoxy, because the Greeks had incorporated the Slavic or even Norse gods and traditions into the Eastern Orthodoxy of Eastern Slavs. I just don't believe that Vladimir a devoted Pagan would so nonchalantly fully destroy paganism
Hi. Talking about "awakening memories of past lives", I've never considered myself to be particularly religious, growing up in a largely Christian society (Australia), however, I have been aware for many years of a void, a feeling of something important being missing. That void has been filled since developing an interest in my ancestors and my heritage. I have discovered the religion (as best as we can ever really "know" it) of my ancestors, our people. And it feels good and it feels right. I feel, at long last, a sense of belonging, a sense of peace. I spend a lot of time thinking about the mechanics that underpin our society and (western) civilisation and I can see the very important and even necessary role that was played by Christianity, however, I think that Christianity has probably passed it's "use by date" and that a return to our old ways and values are needed, for such is the nature of the challenges we now face. I strongly believe that there is a need for us to unite as a people. B.T.W., the lighting is looking good.
@@dustyfox8532 if Europe wasn’t united under Christianity then Europe would have been completely conquered by Islam (which came close multiple times) and we would still be kept in bondage by an even more hateful form of Abrahamic slavery.
@@phillipmargrave That demonstrates a need for unity and brotherhood among European nations. It doesn't mean Europeans need to follow an Abrahamic religion.
@@dustyfox8532 yes I agree but that unity wasn’t there and it’s not now either and Islam is still invading Europe and Europeans are too afraid of being called racist to do anything about it
Thank you very much for sharing these information. Based on my family's history and my brother's DNA test, I assume we're Frisian-Saxon and a lil tiny bit Scandinavian. I was triggered by north mythology before I knew, or let's say realised, all of that and now it's good to know that there is more to examine, even here in Germany.
Your one of the few that will ever recognize regional variances. Essentially the same but a little different. Much respect for putting yourself out there & taking some serious flack your talking points. Skäll 🍀
I dont have scandanavian ancestry but i have northern germanic ancestry,, more specifically from the shleswig holstein region and i thank u for making this video so i can more accurately find my ancestors practice!
I love your view on the language and past lives, thank you for saying that, Ive started to think of (feel) padt lives a lot latly, but I doubt myself sometimes. You have such a clear expression and view of stremgth in our belief and old ways, its truly inspiring and freeing to share with athors, I never found another pagan that I resonate as much as with you, thank you so much and bless you
I have a simple academic-minded question, but before I ask it, a preface. I am asking this, not to begin conflict and strife amongst us Pagans, but more so we can all be on the same page. Now, I have been following Mike’s channel for some time, along with Dr. Jackson Crawford, and in the last year, Maria Kvilhaug (author and translator regarding Norse Paganism), & have been introduced to Dr. Neil Price (35 years in the field of archaeology and chair at University of Uppsala, Sweden). This channel is the only of those 4 sources that makes the stance that Norse Pagans practiced a written history that was burned away by Christians. The other 3 sources agree that they were almost exclusively an oral-based peoples when it came to passing down history, tales, sagas, etc. (minus some rune stones that generally don’t seem to do anything more than say a quick blurb about either the person writing it or the person they wrote it for I.e. here lies Bob). So, if I were in a scholarly debate in which I mentioned that the Norse people during the Viking age had all their texts burned by Christians, and they wanted “proof”, what could I cite? Thanks in advance!
My mother's side came almost entirely from Denmark. My father's side is mainly of British extraction. I feel a strong draw towards both sides. Woden and Oðinn both feel right.
I feel frustrated all the time. I have no knowledge of Belgae/Flemish branch of germanic paganism. I stick to Norse paganism because my Y haplotype traces back to Scandinavia in the middle ages (most probably denmark). I’m also half Indian which grants me the Vedic gods who we know a lot more of since they weren’t wiped out by you know who. Thank you for this video btw keep up the great content!
seems like a mix between Germanic and Indo-European paganism is your jam. I would suggest to take a look into baltic paganism, since it still keeps traditions of our common Indo-European ancestry (and thus also Vedic religion) with influence of Germanic paganism. baltic paganism is very well documented as well, so a great source if you want to know more
@Milan Meeuse funny you say that since I just got into baltic paganism in a serious manner. They have a lot of similarities with Hinduism aswell as Sanskrit.
The region that Belgium lies in, that stretches into the Netherlands and Germany has both roots in Frankish and celto-germanic traditions First of all I want to say that modern nation states can't really be the basis for pagan spatial systems, because 1) they didn't exist and 2) Germanic people are expansive discoverers and migrators. They cross broders others erect. We have to look at the natural landscape in all it's aspects geology, climate, botany etc. to see the land like our forefathers did. In this region we find two kraftorte of the Franks. Childeric's grave in Tournai and Charlemange's palace/grave in Aachen, where all Eastern Frankish kings would be crowned e.g. the place they took their sacred power of kingship from. Thus Frankish is one tradition to look for. What's also very typical for this region of celtic-germanic mixture is the matronae cult. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matres_and_Matronae That would translate to the Nordic disir and the norns. With all Skandinavian disir holydays and the Anglo-Saxon holyday Modraniht during the Yuletid. (I personally think Epiphany with the three wise men is a christian-patriarchal tanslation of Modraniht). In Flanders the matronae survived christianised in the "drie gezusters" St. Genoveva, St. Eutropia and St. Bertilia. Along the Roer there are tales of the Juffern that are oral traditions of the matronae myths.
@@sualtam9509 Thank you for this! I haven’t looked much into Frankish pagan traditions (mainly cuz we have a silly ‘rivalry’ with France and Wallonia, LOL). Yes I know the pagan sects changed mainly due to the landscape and surroundings. I’ll take a deeper look into this! :)
Love this channel... recently found it and great to see one with no bs and straight to the point. Thanks to putting these vids out my great. Greetings from England
Like your videos mate you've help me to identify my true identity and to understand and except who I am I've always felt a connection to my ancestors who were the Danes and the Germanic and I don't really know much about them other than what I've learnt in history books but since Ive watched you I learnt more about my people's past and their knowledge thankyou
Same for me. I've traced a ton of my family tree (I am American) back to Southern Germany (i cant go back further than mid 1500s so far) and the DNA I did has me at 60% German and then the rest is a mix of English, Dutch and Sweedish. It's very interesting to dive into.
Being some mishmash of French, Scottish, Irish, German, Welsh, Swiss, Norse and even a little native American, I don't really care what it's called or what the names go by. I'll use the better known ones, because in the end, they're the same entities. Plus, my significant other is as Norse as it gets. Red beard and hair, last name is Thorson.. He might as well be Móði, he looks so alike.
People with Greek or Italian or Romanian ancestry are also very fortunate that a lot of information is available about their pagan traditions. The Slavs and Celts have the fewest sources. But many Celtic areas have a strong Roman heritage.
the Slavs are also the ones least interested in doing research about their pagan past, by my observation at least (I myself am Slavic). Christianity has overtakem their minds.
@@NoctLightCloud Well, religion is still functional in eastern lands. Here in the west, the churches are all coopted by the globalists, they have become enemies of the people. So we who are traditionally and conservatively minded, we have an incentive to look for an alternative. And we also start looking at the flaws built into Christianity that the globalists are exploiting to make Christianity into a globalist anti people source. So, maybe not look a gift horse in the mouth, as far as Slavs are concerned? It is good to gather all that remains of traditional religion of the Slavs. But I am not sure that using these collections to attack Slavic Christianity is a good idea. Also, having been living next to alien peoples for so long, I think Slavic Christianity might have evolved into something more functional than western Christianity.
Attended school in the 1950's and history book mentioned our pagan origins. It said that the days of the week originated from these. Wodan was supposed to be the uppergod, Donar and Frija became the days Thursday and Friday.(donnerstag und freitag).
My longest lived Ancestral family areas before immigration to Australia around 1860s are Götaland (Germanic), Pomerania (Slavic), Eastern Prussia (Baltic). I live by the concept that because we are the sons of our fathers and we live in the image of our Gods then I must accept all the Gods of my fathers as my own. Probably unacceptable to some, but I am equally comfortable associating with Thor Perkūnas or Perun and adapt many cultural intricacies from the different Baltic peoples I descend from.
Subscribed. Exactly the kind of things I’m trying to figure out at the moment. Received a DNA test and found my heritage is 60% Germanic specifically German and Dutch. The rest is Ashkenazi Jew who will have been exiled and migrating through the same area. Fascinating. Just finished Agricola/Germania, reading Beowulf and the poetic edda. Want to bring paganism into my life as close as I can get to my heritage. I’m also going to be digging into the Torah and Kabbalah to study my Jewish ancestry.
I'm very new at this and don't really know what to think about it yet. Here are a few random thoughts. 1st I'm an American with Germanic, Irish, and English ancestry that I know about. The Austrians that I know about in my ancestry help settle the then Georgia colony in the late 1720s or early 1730s. My hunch is that since most of us are muts anyway, especially here in the US, trying to be faithful to any one tradition when so little is really known about them seems futile and unnecessary. Since most of us (Americans anyway) are eclectic people living in an eclectic culture with an eclectic ancestry is seems to be only natural to be kind of eclectic in terms of how we pursue spirituality if we choose to go in a Pagan direction. If I were to choose to really go in a pagan direction, I would probably try to pull stuff from my Germanic ancestry. But since I live in a land where Native American spirituality is indigenous and where many of those spiritualities have a more intact history, it also seems to me to make sense to pull from them as well. I've been a Christian all my life, but I'm disillusioned with it for lots of reasons. I'm just dabbling with this stuff. And this just me thinking out loud. Thanks.
I think you're absolutely right to honour the spirits of the land where you currently live as well and learn from the native traditions and beliefs. You're also right to feel sceptic about christian traditions, the only thing they can do is make a community controllable, but true spirituality and mysticism come from other sources.
The show is filled with cringe and inaccurate stuff, both visually, characters etc but nonetheless I enjoy the show and Ubbe is the best 😉 but fun enough I just can't help it but I think the most accurate in ideal character mentality of that time is probably Gunhild? Apart from the silly fighting shield maiden stuff of course.
Very interesting, I was actually reading about the proto indo european origin of the thunder god. And all variants, how germanic was thunraz, celtic taranis, Latin tonans, perun and perkunas in balto slavic being lithuanian perkunas the closest to proto indoeuropean perkwunos. The shift of the T to Th and P is the difference. But at the end the same god of the pan indoeuropeans en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perkwunos I know wikipedia is not a great source but I read this from other source before
My family is from Lower Franconia. They always said we came from the Suebi and the Franks. I love learning about this. I definitely like to stick with Proto-Germanic names due to being closer to Suebic rather than Frank.
I haven't had an in depth dna test yet but I know my ancestory is mainly Irish, norman and saxon and all from areas heavily colonised by Scandinavians, which makes sense that iv always felt a pull towards, norse paganism, and now I'm practising norse paganism openly and I feel free 🙂🙂
Odin in Gothic would be probably Wodans. Very, very few nouns ended in "z". Only two are attested, from the Wulfila's translation of the Bible, the name Mosez - Moses, and riqiz - darkness, which is also spelled riqis. "Z" at the end is found in protoGermanic. Thus, for example Thor would be in Gothic Thunrs, Tyr would be Teiws etc.
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 Np. Since protoGermanic was reconstructed in a great part from Gothic, which is a very conservative language, thus very close to protoGermanic, there is a simple trick to help you with names - ending "az" found in protoGermanic became "s" in Gothic. Wodanaz - Wodans; Thunraz - Thunrs; Baldraz - Baldrs etc. It is an interesting thing to know. 👍
If I were to proceed as you mention here, my strongest connection is to Sweden, through my Swedish born grandfather. So Norse it is! Feels right, thanks.
Thank you for this video, I did my DNA test and it came back 50% Scandinavian which I found very cool, I think it is Sweden would be the area...love learning about these things for sure
It's quite interesting that there's not too much information on actual worship methods used in scandinavian paganism, considering the amount of other info has preserved. Sometimes i get sad because the information of the Finnish gods is so lacking but then i remember that we're so lucky that the worship and other cultural habits have been documented. But i guess it's no wonder, since the paganism in Finland finally "died" off only during the 20th century. You can still find old bear skulls hanging on dead pine trees in the back woods where bear worshipping happened, it's crazy.
I think my ancestry is english, irish and scottish. I'v lived in Scotland for most of my life and feel the strongest connection to scotland. Dumfries and Galloway, where I live is where a few danjsh vikings settled, there are alot of norse names here. Where I live is called Ravenstone, or Ravinstone, which is norse. So would my est practice be celtic paganism or can I follow the older, pre-saxon version? Just curious 😊
The Scandinavian Peninsula became ice-free around the end of the last ice age. The Nordic Stone Age begins at that time, with the Upper Paleolithic Ahrensburg culture, giving way to the Mesolithic hunter-gatherers by the 7th millennium BC (Maglemosian culture c. 7500-6000 BC, Kongemose culture c. 6000-5200 BC, Ertebølle culture c. 5300-3950 BC). The Neolithic stage is marked by the Funnelbeaker culture (4000-2700 BC), followed by the Pitted Ware culture (3200-2300 BC). Around 2800 BC, metal was introduced in Scandinavia in the Corded Ware culture. In much of Scandinavia, a Battle Axe culture became prominent, known from some 3,000 graves. The period 2500-500 BC also left many visible remains to modern times, most notably the many thousands rock carvings (petroglyphs) in western Sweden at Tanumshede and in Norway at Alta. A more advanced culture came with the Nordic Bronze Age (c. 1800-500 BC). It was followed by the Iron Age in the 4th century BC.
R1b Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup bearers almost decimated the old European haplogroups such as I1 for example. The indigenous peoples of Europe fled to the British Isles and Scandinavia from continental Europe around 5000-3000 years ago.
Your logic is good - that we were all the same people at some point in the past...and probably so for longer than we realize today. Would add however, that my nascent understanding of Animism leaves me with the impression that Deity is probably not bound by physical characteristics of humanity such as skin pigmentation, nor by the human construct of nationality. Deity would, in my view, transcend such things. We, on the other hand, may experience multiple incarnations, through which we gain experience among those disparate characteristics... probably to learn from the respective worldviews and lessons they bring and to an ultimate end we cannot see or know while thus existing. All that to say...I don't spend alot of time thinking about who merits to talk to my Deities or not. I don't spend any time on that, in fact - I'm concerned with my own relationship to Spirit, be it a god, ancestor, house, or land, because I'm living my own journey. I don't presume to interpret anyone else's journey or its meaning - it's theirs to discuss with the spirits of their understanding.
its just hogwash the idea of gatekeeping a religion is pretty dumb. even under the different ancestors concept they still had the same gods. our gods are not litteral people their the incarnation of concepts. the way one might picture them is irrelevant to the truth of our world
My relatives are mainly from northern Germany and France, so I’m guessing I have Frank ancestry. I also have Sicilian ancestry, who practiced Stregheria. I have a lot of research to do, but discovering this is so exciting!
one side of my family were hunters and gatherers and one side of my family where armorsmith or weaponsmith later down the tree most ancestors converted over to Hunters in Gatlinburg based off there sir name i have one 4 5th cousin living today with the sir name king. I shared 54% of my DNA with her.
Hi brother I live since 1965, in Bavaria, and the Bavarians have Celtic pagan traditions , and although Germans, many Bavarians say they decend from the Celts
The myths of the non-Scandinavian Germanic peoples would have been quite different from that of the Norse. They are related but not the same. How so? Well, generally 400 years separate the conversion of the English for instance from the conversion of the Norse. The myths would have changed during such a long time, since they were oral. Just as the languages have changed and are not the same. We don’t know much about the English and continental Germanic myths, but we know something, and that differs from the Norse myths. Some gods are even different. Saxnot, Eostre, Nehalennia have no Norse counterparts. Nerthus was a godess in Germany, but her Norse counterpart Njörðr, was a god. The German myth of how mankind was created involving Tuisto and his son Mannus, is entirely different in Scandinavia, involving Askr and Embla. The English thundergod Thunor did not wield a hammer, as his Norse counterpart Þórr, but an ax. The concept of Ragnarök and Valhöll were probably a unique scandinavian thing too.
Hello friend,you are doing great job I love your content,I have one question do you know something about Georgian paganism? (It is country between europe and asia)
...as half breed of Scottish and Spaniard who also happens to have some Germanic heritage is hard for me not too feel that i have that old GOTH inside in just a hidden voice in my mind.. SKAL brothers/Sis
So as a predominantly English and Scottish dna, it does state I have 10% germanic Europe, 2%Swedish/demark and 1% Norway. Would I be research germanic paganism?
I've considered myself an Animist for 20 years as someone who did not grow up with religion, I've studied Animists all over the world(ex was Japanese so learned about Shintoism), for your more primitive isolated people, they barely think about gods, it's more about knowing the spirits are there and you are part of that world. Psychedelics use to be a religious experience to get in contact with those spirits/nature, and that has been corrupted by the beatniks and hippies, these same people have went on to make their synthetic drugs, all these psych meds for depression have blinded people to the spirits, add in people sitting inside all day in air conditioning staring into a screen have blinded them to nature, we are already living in the zombie apocalypse. My main roots are Scandinavian/Germanic, but I don't feel the need to have "Gods", just knowing I'm part of nature and the spirits are all around me is good enough.
Why would love tu know where my surname, Boening, is from. The father of my grandpa was from northern Germany, close to the Nederlands and Denmark, but i would like to understand the origin of it.
I do feel jealous of the Germanics, for some of their pre Christian culture was written down,while the Slavs barely know anything except Perun and Veles. Most of our gods were made up in the 19 20 century. This makes our Slavic pagan societies technically cosplayers, which is not bad
Paganism doesn’t need dogma or strict religious practices, paganism is a living religion. Nothing about what the Slavic Neopagans are doing is wrong. The faith of the original pagan Slavs would have been pretty different from their original indo-European beliefs.
I really can't decide how best to focus my practice... being the Germanic mutt that I am (German, English, Welsh, and Scandinavian). I feel the strongest urge just to focus on the Nordic ways because that's what we know the most about, but then I feel like I am neglecting my other ancestry! Help! xD
Which country do you live in? I would just go with whatever is native to the nation you live in (that is if you live in one the nations you have ancestry to)
My grandfather Flynn Says our bloodline came out Ireland, but that it started with the invasion of The Norwegian vikings settling in dublin/waterford. DNA test i took said that i had a 74% match to the Norwegians dna found in burials. Wish he was alive to tell him. Cause the rest of my fathers line on the test says Ireland and southwest scotland.
So I'm a complete mutt... Namesake is Danish but in my father's father's alone I have Scottish, Swedish, German, and Dutch (Italian as well but not applicable here as much) Then on my mother's side I have mostly German, then French and Hungarian... so... what do I do hahaha.
I would assume many of the ancient Germanic practices also shared a commonality with some of the Gauls since we know that many of their tribes lived east of the Rhine. Both share an Indo-European root so it seems possible.
@@mondaysinsanity8193 no the Gaelic ppl are not Gauls. But clearly the Gauls spoke Gallic as Ceasar mentioned those west of the Rhine (the Gauls) are Celts. The iron age in France was celtic. Known as hallstatt and Là Tene culture. The language, art work, burial practice, religion, style of dress all throughout France was Celtic (Gauls) were celts.
why? As a Slav, I would be more than happy, if someone who is not slavic practices slav paganism. We are live in XXI century, we all travel and the globe is for us. I feel extremally happy to have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and finding myself in them. Let people be happy with anything they want. Im from Poland, and I feel a strong bond between me and Norse Paganism. I'm happy with who I am and how I changed my life because of it. Would you forbid me feeling on that way just because I'm slavic?
@@matkaboskanieskalana6629 Off course you are. Just as Scandiinavians can read and enjoy myths from other nations.. But if you are not Scandinavian you can’t claim them. Nowadays everyone with a little bit of Germanic ancestry seem to think of the Norse myths as their myths or the myths of their ancestors, but it’s not.
@@alriktyrving5051 the only correlation between me and germanic people is that my aunt and uncle live in Germany. I'm (I guess) 100% polish. Why are you so closed for other people in your culture. I am certain, that Vikings would have been happy if someone from idk Byzantium or America had claimed their Gods and started to believe in them. If we were living in 10th century, you would be the same as Christian's then - they killed because pagans remained pagans, you would kill because normal people want to be a part of your culture. You know what happens to tribes, which are closed for people from outside of the tribe? I know that those examples are pretty dramatic, but I dont know how else should I explain. I have my own culture, mythology, paganism (slavic), and I would be very happy if someone from even different continent believed in Gods from my place. I'm very open minded, I dont deny existing any panteons or gods, and I want to have an option to feel the connection with the panteon I feel the most connection with even thought I dont know if I have any ancestors from place they come from.
I’m working on an “ancestry tribe” project for mine and my girlfriend’s families. What would be the likely moral code of a tribe whose primary gods are Tyr and Sigyn? I know Sigyn was Loki’s wife in Norse mythology, but I haven’t heard much about her in Antiquity Germanic tribes
You mention past lives a lot… what if digging leads you to a past life that is not Germanic, like Hindu? I know there are a lot of shared roots across Germanic and Vedic beliefs. But I find myself torn between the two. I apparently carried a lot over from Hinduism that goes way back to my toddler years before I knew where any of it came from (and it was completely different from what either of my parents or their families taught). I only pieced this together recently after forty years. But, my father passed away as did all of my grandparents, and they all had strong German / Danish roots. No Hindu / Indian roots. So I find myself split between past life tendencies and current life DNA connections. Not sure how to handle that. (Apologies for posting from my art account. Please disregard that.)
On one of your other videos you mentioned that all Norse and Germanic people have the same beliefs. I wonder what your thoughts are on Tuisto as it is not mentioned in any Norse myths.
How about Normans? They were initially germanic, but got latinized quickly, then spread out around Europe and Mediterrean...are they still to consider germanic and elegible for this kind of cults according to their anchestry or not according to their new way of life and ebraced latin culture? And what about the people on which they ruled over and enbreed with them like sicilians, with still today sometimes are born with blond hairs as a reminescence of that? Same question about Longbards, Franks, Ostro and Visigoths, ecc.
Of course! I think all those peoples were pagan for alot longer than the history books say. the kings/leaders may have been baptized but plenty of evidence that the people had pagan tradition/beliefs for alot longer
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 no so far eastern France. But I read and other here in Quebec told me Robert family name before was Hrodberht a Germanic family name. I have nos history in my family three going back ton england.
@@vincentrobert1194 Robert is germanic / frankish name so it's very likely that your ancestry is frankish which if talk about heritage is most close to nowadays Germany. Btw I'm mostly frankish too and come from Germany!
So do Poland and the Eastern European countries not have as much gothic ancestry as middle and Western Europe? I ask this because of my European ancestry on my mothers side.
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 I’m from Flanders and I don’t know if my ancestors were Frankish or something else but the Frankish people now speak French so …..
Unfortunately, Old Frisian writing on paganism is pretty much non-existent since Germanic pagan cultures were not particularly bookish and hardly wrote stuff down.
Dutch isn't of Old Frisian descent, but rather off the Franconian branch. Old Frisian is more closely related to Old English and Old Saxon. Old Frankish is geographically related to Old Saxon and the names for the Gods would be likely Wuodan and Ðunor/Ðonar
The Norse Sources talk about places in mainland Europe a lot actually when talking about things related to Volsunga Saga. These tales were just recorded in old Norse a.k.a. North Germanic that doesn't mean that that's what they are all about. They are broader Germanic tales and legends.
Hay my Hoeben name goes back to frisia I'm blond blue eyed told I'm dutch I'd like to think I have viking ansestors bt I have no idea can anyone educate me a little ?
Thor and Odin! Tor och Oden ska det vara i Sverige. Vet inte hur det är i Norge. Men ganska säker på du tycker att den Svenska namnen är mer korrekt än våra slavar i England tycker ( :) )
The claim that "all these myths are the same but just with different names" is not completely true I'm afraid. Since these myths were handed down orally, same differences exist between the various tribes. For example, the Old Norse god Njörðr is male, but is etymologically related to a fertility goddess Nerþuz in Proto-Germanic.
Yeees very true. Good for bringing that up. Njordr we find in quite a few sources all being a male but very early on in Tacitus, Germania Nerthuz was listed as a female. It has puzzled the historians for some time. I did a video on that and will speak about it in more depth later on.
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 which video was that? I'd like to know more about Nerthuz (and Nertha, which I see online sometimes but can't seem to find attestations of)
@@Xanomodu Yes only one attstation by that name. I speak about it a bit in this video but will do another one soon ruclips.net/video/DFZNEPIVFkw/видео.html
The name Nerthuz seems to stem from a PIE root word meaning “virility “, likely via Celtic influences, thus making it cognate with the name of the Hindu god Narayana. This makes sense considering Ingwaz has been regarded as both His son and Her consort
This channel iš criminally underratet
Odinn has many names. As do many of the other Gods. Being of English & Swedish ancestry I found it very natural depending on mood or what i was trying to convey to use the various names. My English half of my family is very old in that country. Mentioned in the domesday book as well as hailing from what was the danelaw for a time. And that is rounded out with my grandmother on that side being half German. So it is highly likely that aside from Anglo-Saxon tribal genes I also have Dane and German genes. My Mother's side is Swedish. The point is mentioning this ties into what i mentioned at first. Depending on my mood "Odin" could be Odinn, Woden, Wotan, and so on. And the same goes for the other Gods I talk to. I agree that it is probably best to at least attempt using the version more akin to where your family comes from. But there is also no harm in using any of the other names. They all resonate within me. Maybe it is because I am a Germanic Mutt, lol. But definitely try the one closely related to your ancestral region. When I began down the path of coming home to the Gods 30 yrs ago I began with Odinn as my interest began with interest in my Swedish ancestry. But over time I embraced all the other names. Though never forget, speak to the Gods in the manner that best suits you. They like those of us who look the in the eye so to speak and say what we want from the heart. Cheers !
We have very similar genes! I've traced my family through the 1500s to Southern Germany and my DNA says mostly German and then a mix of English/British Isles, Dutch and Sweedish.
I'm from the Netherlands. We learned at the catholic elementary school in the '50. The names of the Germanic gods Wodan, Donar, Frya. And of course at history lessons we learnt about the priest Bonefatius how was kilt by the Frisians. The names of the days are here maandag (Monday), dinsdag (Thingsdag), woensdag (Wodansdag), donderdag (Donarsdag), Vrijdag (Fryasdag) zaterdag (Satursday), sunday (Zondag).
The catholic church was pretty good in erasing the old myths and beliefs in Central/western Europe. They even placed their churches/chappels/monasteries on old places of power..
In Britain thats cuz Mary or someone very close to Christ’s family came to Britain with the holy grail and other relics
I think the Catholic Church is the last one to tear apart old religions. I truly believe that the Celtic religion was attempted by Caesar, I believe a religion came before that got hampered with. Maybe even once more before the first cities. But it’s all good. Our souls remember.
Im guessing its all still there, in the catacombs of the Vatican city
Yeah I guess maybe that's why Vladimir chose Orthodoxy, because the Greeks had incorporated the Slavic or even Norse gods and traditions into the Eastern Orthodoxy of Eastern Slavs. I just don't believe that Vladimir a devoted Pagan would so nonchalantly fully destroy paganism
Talking about "awakening memories of past lives", I've never considered myself to be particularly religious, growing up in a largely Christian society (Australia), however, I have been aware for many years of a void, a feeling of something important being missing.
That void has been filled since developing an interest in my ancestors and my heritage. I have discovered the religion (as best as we can ever really "know" it) of my ancestors, our people. And it feels good and it feels right. I feel, at long last, a sense of belonging, a sense of peace.
I spend a lot of time thinking about the mechanics that underpin our society and (western) civilisation and I can see the very important and even necessary role that was played by Christianity, however, I think that Christianity has probably passed it's "use by date" and that a return to our old ways and values are needed, for such is the nature of the challenges we now face.
I strongly believe that there is a need for us to unite as a people.
B.T.W., the lighting is looking good.
Couldn't agree more mate. Well, maybe I disagree a bit on the need for Christianity, but the rest is bang on.
Long live out folk.
@@dustyfox8532 if Europe wasn’t united under Christianity then Europe would have been completely conquered by Islam (which came close multiple times) and we would still be kept in bondage by an even more hateful form of Abrahamic slavery.
@@phillipmargrave That demonstrates a need for unity and brotherhood among European nations. It doesn't mean Europeans need to follow an Abrahamic religion.
@@dustyfox8532 yes I agree but that unity wasn’t there and it’s not now either and Islam is still invading Europe and Europeans are too afraid of being called racist to do anything about it
@@phillipmargrave Sadly very true. And not just Europe, but also the U.S, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
I'm a young person from England I'm learning about paganism and my ancestors culture roots heritage from the past and present today
Thank you very much for sharing these information. Based on my family's history and my brother's DNA test, I assume we're Frisian-Saxon
and a lil tiny bit Scandinavian. I was triggered by north mythology before I knew, or let's say realised, all of that and now it's good to know that there is more to examine, even here in Germany.
So you are not viking
@@veronicalogotheti5416yeah,Saxons are older than Vikings 😎
@@veronicalogotheti5416What about me? I'm a quarter Irish
Your one of the few that will ever recognize regional variances. Essentially the same but a little different. Much respect for putting yourself out there & taking some serious flack your talking points.
Skäll 🍀
I dont have scandanavian ancestry but i have northern germanic ancestry,, more specifically from the shleswig holstein region and i thank u for making this video so i can more accurately find my ancestors practice!
If you have Northern Germanic ancestry, you have Scandinavian ancestry
I love your view on the language and past lives, thank you for saying that, Ive started to think of (feel) padt lives a lot latly, but I doubt myself sometimes. You have such a clear expression and view of stremgth in our belief and old ways, its truly inspiring and freeing to share with athors, I never found another pagan that I resonate as much as with you, thank you so much and bless you
I have a simple academic-minded question, but before I ask it, a preface. I am asking this, not to begin conflict and strife amongst us Pagans, but more so we can all be on the same page.
Now, I have been following Mike’s channel for some time, along with Dr. Jackson Crawford, and in the last year, Maria Kvilhaug (author and translator regarding Norse Paganism), & have been introduced to Dr. Neil Price (35 years in the field of archaeology and chair at University of Uppsala, Sweden). This channel is the only of those 4 sources that makes the stance that Norse Pagans practiced a written history that was burned away by Christians. The other 3 sources agree that they were almost exclusively an oral-based peoples when it came to passing down history, tales, sagas, etc. (minus some rune stones that generally don’t seem to do anything more than say a quick blurb about either the person writing it or the person they wrote it for I.e. here lies Bob). So, if I were in a scholarly debate in which I mentioned that the Norse people during the Viking age had all their texts burned by Christians, and they wanted “proof”, what could I cite?
Thanks in advance!
My mother's side came almost entirely from Denmark. My father's side is mainly of British extraction. I feel a strong draw towards both sides. Woden and Oðinn both feel right.
I guess there is only one letter difference between your mother and father side
Spoiler alert: They're the same God.
@@jurikurthambarskjelfir3533 I meant both names for him feel right
@@jurikurthambarskjelfir3533i mean I think the w letter looks better than without the w letter
I feel frustrated all the time. I have no knowledge of Belgae/Flemish branch of germanic paganism. I stick to Norse paganism because my Y haplotype traces back to Scandinavia in the middle ages (most probably denmark). I’m also half Indian which grants me the Vedic gods who we know a lot more of since they weren’t wiped out by you know who. Thank you for this video btw keep up the great content!
seems like a mix between Germanic and Indo-European paganism is your jam. I would suggest to take a look into baltic paganism, since it still keeps traditions of our common Indo-European ancestry (and thus also Vedic religion) with influence of Germanic paganism. baltic paganism is very well documented as well, so a great source if you want to know more
@Milan Meeuse funny you say that since I just got into baltic paganism in a serious manner. They have a lot of similarities with Hinduism aswell as Sanskrit.
The region that Belgium lies in, that stretches into the Netherlands and Germany has both roots in Frankish and celto-germanic traditions
First of all I want to say that modern nation states can't really be the basis for pagan spatial systems, because 1) they didn't exist and 2) Germanic people are expansive discoverers and migrators. They cross broders others erect. We have to look at the natural landscape in all it's aspects geology, climate, botany etc. to see the land like our forefathers did.
In this region we find two kraftorte of the Franks. Childeric's grave in Tournai and Charlemange's palace/grave in Aachen, where all Eastern Frankish kings would be crowned e.g. the place they took their sacred power of kingship from.
Thus Frankish is one tradition to look for.
What's also very typical for this region of celtic-germanic mixture is the matronae cult.
That would translate to the Nordic disir and the norns.
With all Skandinavian disir holydays and the Anglo-Saxon holyday Modraniht during the Yuletid.
(I personally think Epiphany with the three wise men is a christian-patriarchal tanslation of Modraniht).
In Flanders the matronae survived christianised in the "drie gezusters" St. Genoveva, St. Eutropia and St. Bertilia.
Along the Roer there are tales of the Juffern that are oral traditions of the matronae myths.
@@sualtam9509 Thank you for this! I haven’t looked much into Frankish pagan traditions (mainly cuz we have a silly ‘rivalry’ with France and Wallonia, LOL). Yes I know the pagan sects changed mainly due to the landscape and surroundings. I’ll take a deeper look into this! :)
Thank you for the video, definitely helps point me in the right direction to learn more about my germanic ancestors.
Love this channel... recently found it and great to see one with no bs and straight to the point. Thanks to putting these vids out my great. Greetings from England
Like your videos mate you've help me to identify my true identity and to understand and except who I am I've always felt a connection to my ancestors who were the Danes and the Germanic and I don't really know much about them other than what I've learnt in history books but since Ive watched you I learnt more about my people's past and their knowledge thankyou
My Germanic ancestry comes from lower germany, saxony, so I guess the names of the gods for me are Wōdan, Thunar, etc.
Same for me. I've traced a ton of my family tree (I am American) back to Southern Germany (i cant go back further than mid 1500s so far) and the DNA I did has me at 60% German and then the rest is a mix of English, Dutch and Sweedish. It's very interesting to dive into.
Thanks Man, that helped a lot
Being some mishmash of French, Scottish, Irish, German, Welsh, Swiss, Norse and even a little native American, I don't really care what it's called or what the names go by. I'll use the better known ones, because in the end, they're the same entities. Plus, my significant other is as Norse as it gets. Red beard and hair, last name is Thorson.. He might as well be Móði, he looks so alike.
Thank you so much for all the videos. It is immensly valuable
People with Greek or Italian or Romanian ancestry are also very fortunate that a lot of information is available about their pagan traditions. The Slavs and Celts have the fewest sources. But many Celtic areas have a strong Roman heritage.
the Slavs are also the ones least interested in doing research about their pagan past, by my observation at least (I myself am Slavic). Christianity has overtakem their minds.
@@NoctLightCloud Well, religion is still functional in eastern lands. Here in the west, the churches are all coopted by the globalists, they have become enemies of the people. So we who are traditionally and conservatively minded, we have an incentive to look for an alternative. And we also start looking at the flaws built into Christianity that the globalists are exploiting to make Christianity into a globalist anti people source.
So, maybe not look a gift horse in the mouth, as far as Slavs are concerned? It is good to gather all that remains of traditional religion of the Slavs. But I am not sure that using these collections to attack Slavic Christianity is a good idea. Also, having been living next to alien peoples for so long, I think Slavic Christianity might have evolved into something more functional than western Christianity.
@@martinan22 I agree, well said.
Attended school in the 1950's and history book mentioned our pagan origins. It said that the days of the week originated from these. Wodan was supposed to be the uppergod, Donar and Frija became the days Thursday and Friday.(donnerstag und freitag).
Sunday (Sun) Monday (Moon) and then Saturday is the only Roman based name for the day (Saturn)
Wednesday is Odin’s day, derived from the many different spellings. Tuesday is for Tyr with the same explanation.
Awesome video as always!
I just want to feel closer to my dad. I know his great grandparents were from Germany, but that's about it.
Great video. I love this. Proto-Germanic has the best sound to me. It speaks to my spirit.
Your just a pretty awesome fella, thanks brother.
My longest lived Ancestral family areas before immigration to Australia around 1860s are Götaland (Germanic), Pomerania (Slavic), Eastern Prussia (Baltic). I live by the concept that because we are the sons of our fathers and we live in the image of our Gods then I must accept all the Gods of my fathers as my own. Probably unacceptable to some, but I am equally comfortable associating with Thor Perkūnas or Perun and adapt many cultural intricacies from the different Baltic peoples I descend from.
The best part of the old ways is the tie into nature. It really resonators with me.
Subscribed. Exactly the kind of things I’m trying to figure out at the moment.
Received a DNA test and found my heritage is 60% Germanic specifically German and Dutch. The rest is Ashkenazi Jew who will have been exiled and migrating through the same area. Fascinating.
Just finished Agricola/Germania, reading Beowulf and the poetic edda. Want to bring paganism into my life as close as I can get to my heritage.
I’m also going to be digging into the Torah and Kabbalah to study my Jewish ancestry.
Your English is very good. I've lived in Australia last 17 years, and my accent still persists lol....
I love your videos!
I'm very new at this and don't really know what to think about it yet. Here are a few random thoughts. 1st I'm an American with Germanic, Irish, and English ancestry that I know about. The Austrians that I know about in my ancestry help settle the then Georgia colony in the late 1720s or early 1730s. My hunch is that since most of us are muts anyway, especially here in the US, trying to be faithful to any one tradition when so little is really known about them seems futile and unnecessary. Since most of us (Americans anyway) are eclectic people living in an eclectic culture with an eclectic ancestry is seems to be only natural to be kind of eclectic in terms of how we pursue spirituality if we choose to go in a Pagan direction. If I were to choose to really go in a pagan direction, I would probably try to pull stuff from my Germanic ancestry. But since I live in a land where Native American spirituality is indigenous and where many of those spiritualities have a more intact history, it also seems to me to make sense to pull from them as well. I've been a Christian all my life, but I'm disillusioned with it for lots of reasons. I'm just dabbling with this stuff. And this just me thinking out loud. Thanks.
I think you're absolutely right to honour the spirits of the land where you currently live as well and learn from the native traditions and beliefs. You're also right to feel sceptic about christian traditions, the only thing they can do is make a community controllable, but true spirituality and mysticism come from other sources.
You really need more subs!
Why? So it can become mainstream and ruin everything?
Thank you we are one
Anyone ever tell you, that you look like Ubbe from the tv-series Vikings? xD
He does
My favorite character
The show is filled with cringe and inaccurate stuff, both visually, characters etc but nonetheless I enjoy the show and Ubbe is the best 😉 but fun enough I just can't help it but I think the most accurate in ideal character mentality of that time is probably Gunhild? Apart from the silly fighting shield maiden stuff of course.
Secretly he is Ubbe in Vikings. He just doesn't tell us ✌🏻
Shut up
I'm English with Norman so I need to really research.
Greetings from Canada.
Very interesting, I was actually reading about the proto indo european origin of the thunder god. And all variants, how germanic was thunraz, celtic taranis, Latin tonans, perun and perkunas in balto slavic being lithuanian perkunas the closest to proto indoeuropean perkwunos. The shift of the T to Th and P is the difference. But at the end the same god of the pan indoeuropeans
I know wikipedia is not a great source but I read this from other source before
Thanks bro I did the ancestry I was curious about the Germanic people and you answered some of my questions But I have More
The distruction of the Holy Groves in Saxony by Charlemagne was a crime.
My family is from Lower Franconia. They always said we came from the Suebi and the Franks. I love learning about this. I definitely like to stick with Proto-Germanic names due to being closer to Suebic rather than Frank.
Jackson Crawford is followed by me. I am German in the USA
I haven't had an in depth dna test yet but I know my ancestory is mainly Irish, norman and saxon and all from areas heavily colonised by Scandinavians, which makes sense that iv always felt a pull towards, norse paganism, and now I'm practising norse paganism openly and I feel free 🙂🙂
I am a lot of the North Sea germanic peoples and gothic. My Vater actually gave me a gothic name based off the gothic word mikils which means strength
Odin in Gothic would be probably Wodans. Very, very few nouns ended in "z". Only two are attested, from the Wulfila's translation of the Bible, the name Mosez - Moses, and riqiz - darkness, which is also spelled riqis. "Z" at the end is found in protoGermanic. Thus, for example Thor would be in Gothic Thunrs, Tyr would be Teiws etc.
You are probably right. I had to get those gothic translations from wikipedia so probably not super reliable
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 Np. Since protoGermanic was reconstructed in a great part from Gothic, which is a very conservative language, thus very close to protoGermanic, there is a simple trick to help you with names - ending "az" found in protoGermanic became "s" in Gothic. Wodanaz - Wodans; Thunraz - Thunrs; Baldraz - Baldrs etc. It is an interesting thing to know. 👍
If I were to proceed as you mention here, my strongest connection is to Sweden, through my Swedish born grandfather. So Norse it is! Feels right, thanks.
Thank you for this video, I did my DNA test and it came back 50% Scandinavian which I found very cool, I think it is Sweden would be the area...love learning about these things for sure
never give your dna to these companies. you are probably cloned in china now.
Though o would say norse is gone swedish emigration occured because of bad crops poverty and such things in sweden
It's quite interesting that there's not too much information on actual worship methods used in scandinavian paganism, considering the amount of other info has preserved. Sometimes i get sad because the information of the Finnish gods is so lacking but then i remember that we're so lucky that the worship and other cultural habits have been documented. But i guess it's no wonder, since the paganism in Finland finally "died" off only during the 20th century. You can still find old bear skulls hanging on dead pine trees in the back woods where bear worshipping happened, it's crazy.
Great video
I think my ancestry is english, irish and scottish. I'v lived in Scotland for most of my life and feel the strongest connection to scotland. Dumfries and Galloway, where I live is where a few danjsh vikings settled, there are alot of norse names here. Where I live is called Ravenstone, or Ravinstone, which is norse. So would my est practice be celtic paganism or can I follow the older, pre-saxon version? Just curious 😊
The Scandinavian Peninsula became ice-free around the end of the last ice age. The Nordic Stone Age begins at that time, with the Upper Paleolithic Ahrensburg culture, giving way to the Mesolithic hunter-gatherers by the 7th millennium BC (Maglemosian culture c. 7500-6000 BC, Kongemose culture c. 6000-5200 BC, Ertebølle culture c. 5300-3950 BC). The Neolithic stage is marked by the Funnelbeaker culture (4000-2700 BC), followed by the Pitted Ware culture (3200-2300 BC).
Around 2800 BC, metal was introduced in Scandinavia in the Corded Ware culture. In much of Scandinavia, a Battle Axe culture became prominent, known from some 3,000 graves. The period 2500-500 BC also left many visible remains to modern times, most notably the many thousands rock carvings (petroglyphs) in western Sweden at Tanumshede and in Norway at Alta. A more advanced culture came with the Nordic Bronze Age (c. 1800-500 BC). It was followed by the Iron Age in the 4th century BC.
R1b Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup bearers almost decimated the old European haplogroups such as I1 for example. The indigenous peoples of Europe fled to the British Isles and Scandinavia from continental Europe around 5000-3000 years ago.
Can you please explain the differences between R1B and I1 Europeans? My results are R1B-U106, which is considered Germanic.
so glad i found you had many an arguement saying they were diffrtrnt gods but they defo wernt
Your logic is good - that we were all the same people at some point in the past...and probably so for longer than we realize today. Would add however, that my nascent understanding of Animism leaves me with the impression that Deity is probably not bound by physical characteristics of humanity such as skin pigmentation, nor by the human construct of nationality. Deity would, in my view, transcend such things. We, on the other hand, may experience multiple incarnations, through which we gain experience among those disparate characteristics... probably to learn from the respective worldviews and lessons they bring and to an ultimate end we cannot see or know while thus existing.
All that to say...I don't spend alot of time thinking about who merits to talk to my Deities or not. I don't spend any time on that, in fact - I'm concerned with my own relationship to Spirit, be it a god, ancestor, house, or land, because I'm living my own journey. I don't presume to interpret anyone else's journey or its meaning - it's theirs to discuss with the spirits of their understanding.
its just hogwash the idea of gatekeeping a religion is pretty dumb. even under the different ancestors concept they still had the same gods.
our gods are not litteral people their the incarnation of concepts.
the way one might picture them is irrelevant to the truth of our world
Good job
My relatives are mainly from northern Germany and France, so I’m guessing I have Frank ancestry. I also have Sicilian ancestry, who practiced Stregheria. I have a lot of research to do, but discovering this is so exciting!
@Daniel Linley I’m 2/3 German and 1/4 Italian, and my family practices German traditions much more than Italian ones.
Thank you so much! Very interesting!! I love this channel❣️
Powerful History 😎👍🛡️⚔️
one side of my family were hunters and gatherers and one side of my family where armorsmith or weaponsmith later down the tree most ancestors converted over to Hunters in Gatlinburg based off there sir name i have one 4 5th cousin living today with the sir name king. I shared 54% of my DNA with her.
Hi brother
I live since 1965, in Bavaria, and the Bavarians have Celtic pagan traditions , and although Germans, many Bavarians say they decend from the Celts
Your comment caught my attention. My ancestors are said to have come from Bavaria. Sigler be the the name. I would hope to one day see it for myself.
West and South Germany has more celtic, East Germany has more slavic admixture.
I’m all of those!
Scot & Czech here. I’ve got it from both sides.
The myths of the non-Scandinavian Germanic peoples would have been quite different from that of the Norse. They are related but not the same. How so? Well, generally 400 years separate the conversion of the English for instance from the conversion of the Norse. The myths would have changed during such a long time, since they were oral. Just as the languages have changed and are not the same.
We don’t know much about the English
and continental Germanic myths, but we know something, and that differs from the Norse myths. Some gods are even different. Saxnot, Eostre, Nehalennia have no Norse counterparts. Nerthus was a godess in Germany, but her Norse counterpart Njörðr, was a god. The German myth of how mankind was created involving Tuisto and his son Mannus, is entirely different in Scandinavia, involving Askr and Embla. The English thundergod Thunor did not wield a hammer, as his Norse counterpart Þórr, but an ax. The concept of Ragnarök and Valhöll were probably a unique scandinavian thing too.
In Norway in my family history
Hello friend,you are doing great job I love your content,I have one question do you know something about Georgian paganism? (It is country between europe and asia)
No. Unfortunately I dont know anything. But I think they still have some great pagan temples if I remember correctly
...as half breed of Scottish and Spaniard who also happens to have some Germanic heritage
is hard for me not too feel that i have that old GOTH inside
in just a hidden voice in my mind..
SKAL brothers/Sis
So as a predominantly English and Scottish dna, it does state I have 10% germanic Europe, 2%Swedish/demark and 1% Norway.
Would I be research germanic paganism?
Is it true that some tribes would prioritize some gods above others?
Yes absolutely. More warlike areas were more into Aesir and more peaceful farming tribes were more with Vanir.
I've considered myself an Animist for 20 years as someone who did not grow up with religion, I've studied Animists all over the world(ex was Japanese so learned about Shintoism), for your more primitive isolated people, they barely think about gods, it's more about knowing the spirits are there and you are part of that world. Psychedelics use to be a religious experience to get in contact with those spirits/nature, and that has been corrupted by the beatniks and hippies, these same people have went on to make their synthetic drugs, all these psych meds for depression have blinded people to the spirits, add in people sitting inside all day in air conditioning staring into a screen have blinded them to nature, we are already living in the zombie apocalypse. My main roots are Scandinavian/Germanic, but I don't feel the need to have "Gods", just knowing I'm part of nature and the spirits are all around me is good enough.
Why would love tu know where my surname, Boening, is from. The father of my grandpa was from northern Germany, close to the Nederlands and Denmark, but i would like to understand the origin of it.
Dutch yep thats me. Het is mooi weer waar ik nu woon .
I do feel jealous of the Germanics, for some of their pre Christian culture was written down,while the Slavs barely know anything except Perun and Veles. Most of our gods were made up in the 19 20 century. This makes our Slavic pagan societies technically cosplayers, which is not bad
Paganism doesn’t need dogma or strict religious practices, paganism is a living religion. Nothing about what the Slavic Neopagans are doing is wrong. The faith of the original pagan Slavs would have been pretty different from their original indo-European beliefs.
I really can't decide how best to focus my practice... being the Germanic mutt that I am (German, English, Welsh, and Scandinavian).
I feel the strongest urge just to focus on the Nordic ways because that's what we know the most about, but then I feel like I am neglecting my other ancestry!
Help! xD
Which country do you live in? I would just go with whatever is native to the nation you live in (that is if you live in one the nations you have ancestry to)
its all the same gods just different names. practice how your heart guides let your ancestors guide you. no need for anything else
My grandfather Flynn Says our bloodline came out Ireland, but that it started with the invasion of The Norwegian vikings settling in dublin/waterford. DNA test i took said that i had a 74% match to the Norwegians dna found in burials. Wish he was alive to tell him. Cause the rest of my fathers line on the test says Ireland and southwest scotland.
So I'm a complete mutt... Namesake is Danish but in my father's father's alone I have Scottish, Swedish, German, and Dutch (Italian as well but not applicable here as much) Then on my mother's side I have mostly German, then French and Hungarian... so... what do I do hahaha.
In the same boat as I am a mutt as well. Id say to pick the practice that calls to you the most. Im sure the ancestors would understand.
Chistianity 🤣
I would assume many of the ancient Germanic practices also shared a commonality with some of the Gauls since we know that many of their tribes lived east of the Rhine. Both share an Indo-European root so it seems possible.
gauls are germanic
gauls, franks, norse, etc. all germanic
@@mondaysinsanity8193 the gallic tribes were Celtic lol
@@Dreoilin gauls are not gaels
@@mondaysinsanity8193 no the Gaelic ppl are not Gauls. But clearly the Gauls spoke Gallic as Ceasar mentioned those west of the Rhine (the Gauls) are Celts. The iron age in France was celtic. Known as hallstatt and Là Tene culture. The language, art work, burial practice, religion, style of dress all throughout France was Celtic (Gauls) were celts.
Norse Paganism IS only for Scandinavian and Germanic descent. No one else.
why? As a Slav, I would be more than happy, if someone who is not slavic practices slav paganism. We are live in XXI century, we all travel and the globe is for us. I feel extremally happy to have the opportunity to learn about different cultures and finding myself in them. Let people be happy with anything they want. Im from Poland, and I feel a strong bond between me and Norse Paganism. I'm happy with who I am and how I changed my life because of it. Would you forbid me feeling on that way just because I'm slavic?
Norse mythology is for Scandinavians only. Continental Germanic and English mythologies are not the same as Norse mythology.
@@alriktyrving5051 what are you talking about. Now I'm not even able to read about myths, because I'm not Scandinavian?
@@matkaboskanieskalana6629 Off course you are. Just as Scandiinavians can read and enjoy myths from other nations.. But if you are not Scandinavian you can’t claim them. Nowadays everyone with a little bit of Germanic ancestry seem to think of the Norse myths as their myths or the myths of their ancestors, but it’s not.
@@alriktyrving5051 the only correlation between me and germanic people is that my aunt and uncle live in Germany. I'm (I guess) 100% polish. Why are you so closed for other people in your culture. I am certain, that Vikings would have been happy if someone from idk Byzantium or America had claimed their Gods and started to believe in them. If we were living in 10th century, you would be the same as Christian's then - they killed because pagans remained pagans, you would kill because normal people want to be a part of your culture. You know what happens to tribes, which are closed for people from outside of the tribe? I know that those examples are pretty dramatic, but I dont know how else should I explain. I have my own culture, mythology, paganism (slavic), and I would be very happy if someone from even different continent believed in Gods from my place. I'm very open minded, I dont deny existing any panteons or gods, and I want to have an option to feel the connection with the panteon I feel the most connection with even thought I dont know if I have any ancestors from place they come from.
I’m working on an “ancestry tribe” project for mine and my girlfriend’s families. What would be the likely moral code of a tribe whose primary gods are Tyr and Sigyn? I know Sigyn was Loki’s wife in Norse mythology, but I haven’t heard much about her in Antiquity Germanic tribes
You mention past lives a lot… what if digging leads you to a past life that is not Germanic, like Hindu? I know there are a lot of shared roots across Germanic and Vedic beliefs. But I find myself torn between the two.
I apparently carried a lot over from Hinduism that goes way back to my toddler years before I knew where any of it came from (and it was completely different from what either of my parents or their families taught). I only pieced this together recently after forty years. But, my father passed away as did all of my grandparents, and they all had strong German / Danish roots. No Hindu / Indian roots. So I find myself split between past life tendencies and current life DNA connections. Not sure how to handle that.
(Apologies for posting from my art account. Please disregard that.)
On one of your other videos you mentioned that all Norse and Germanic people have the same beliefs. I wonder what your thoughts are on Tuisto as it is not mentioned in any Norse myths.
Look up the "Buri Real Meaning " video in the 'norse deities translated and interpreted' playlist. Buri must be the equivalent to Tuisto I guess.
I have Saxon, 3 lines of Scandinavian, 3 lines of Celt.
How about Normans? They were initially germanic, but got latinized quickly, then spread out around Europe and Mediterrean...are they still to consider germanic and elegible for this kind of cults according to their anchestry or not according to their new way of life and ebraced latin culture? And what about the people on which they ruled over and enbreed with them like sicilians, with still today sometimes are born with blond hairs as a reminescence of that? Same question about Longbards, Franks, Ostro and Visigoths, ecc.
Of course! I think all those peoples were pagan for alot longer than the history books say. the kings/leaders may have been baptized but plenty of evidence that the people had pagan tradition/beliefs for alot longer
I have both in my family
I'm of gernanic, Scandinavian, and celtic ancestry so I just follow all pagan beliefs we were all one tribe or 2 in the beginning anyway
Wodan sound better than Odin,I just feel like the W is better at the start of the word lol
You'd probably know, is the -az in Wōđenaz and Þunraz the proto-Germanic form of As/Ása/Asen (god)?
No, it’s the Germanic equivalent of the Latin word ending ‘-os’, like in the Latin name of the god Neptune, “Neptunos “
the suffixes are -naz and -raz, among many derived from PIE. check out what they 'do':
im portuguese but i did a dna test to see my ancesters and i have from norway
wasn't there something about eating the dead? or at least the ones of great renown and/or prowess, to take in some of their strength?
No. No sources about that in any of the germanic practices at least
My family name is Robert // Hrodberht, is there a way I can find out exactly what tribe it came from?
Sounds like Saxon to me! It depends where your family comes from. If its England, it will be Saxon, Angle or Jute tribes
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 no so far eastern France. But I read and other here in Quebec told me Robert family name before was Hrodberht a Germanic family name. I have nos history in my family three going back ton england.
@@vincentrobert1194 Robert is germanic / frankish name so it's very likely that your ancestry is frankish which if talk about heritage is most close to nowadays Germany. Btw I'm mostly frankish too and come from Germany!
Frisian here
So do Poland and the Eastern European countries not have as much gothic ancestry as middle and Western Europe? I ask this because of my European ancestry on my mothers side.
I think they have even more gothic ancestry. Not seen the DNA studies though
For Dutch and flamish , should we go for Frisian version?
Yes absolutely. There are some good sources for that. Any chronicles about Redbad or the other kingdoms nearby are great ones for you to learn more.
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 I’m from Flanders and I don’t know if my ancestors were Frankish or something else but the Frankish people now speak French so …..
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 but i think it were Saxon and Frisian cuz of our language …
Unfortunately, Old Frisian writing on paganism is pretty much non-existent since Germanic pagan cultures were not particularly bookish and hardly wrote stuff down.
Dutch isn't of Old Frisian descent, but rather off the Franconian branch. Old Frisian is more closely related to Old English and Old Saxon. Old Frankish is geographically related to Old Saxon and the names for the Gods would be likely Wuodan and Ðunor/Ðonar
Keep the maps on screen longer. Thanks.
Frankish is also German mate
The Norse Sources talk about places in mainland Europe a lot actually when talking about things related to Volsunga Saga. These tales were just recorded in old Norse a.k.a. North Germanic that doesn't mean that that's what they are all about. They are broader Germanic tales and legends.
Exactly. The Burgundians and the Huns are spoken about in those sagas even. Much more widespread that originally believed
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 Yeah i believe the King Gjúki was said to be a king south of the Rhine.
I cant find hardly anything about germanic paganism mythology is it the same or Norse and could I read Norse mythology would it be the same?
Yes. Slightly different language/names/practices of course but essentially the same religion. We just have very few records of it.
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 ok thank you so much!!
Hay my Hoeben name goes back to frisia I'm blond blue eyed told I'm dutch I'd like to think I have viking ansestors bt I have no idea can anyone educate me a little ?
I have no Scandinavian/germanic blood. What do I call my gods
Thor and Odin! Tor och Oden ska det vara i Sverige. Vet inte hur det är i Norge. Men ganska säker på du tycker att den Svenska namnen är mer korrekt än våra slavar i England tycker ( :) )
The claim that "all these myths are the same but just with different names" is not completely true I'm afraid. Since these myths were handed down orally, same differences exist between the various tribes. For example, the Old Norse god Njörðr is male, but is etymologically related to a fertility goddess Nerþuz in Proto-Germanic.
Yeees very true. Good for bringing that up. Njordr we find in quite a few sources all being a male but very early on in Tacitus, Germania Nerthuz was listed as a female. It has puzzled the historians for some time. I did a video on that and will speak about it in more depth later on.
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 which video was that? I'd like to know more about Nerthuz (and Nertha, which I see online sometimes but can't seem to find attestations of)
@@Xanomodu Yes only one attstation by that name. I speak about it a bit in this video but will do another one soon ruclips.net/video/DFZNEPIVFkw/видео.html
@@norsemagicandbeliefs8134 thank you kindly! If only more channels had interaction like this!
The name Nerthuz seems to stem from a PIE root word meaning “virility “, likely via Celtic influences, thus making it cognate with the name of the Hindu god Narayana.
This makes sense considering Ingwaz has been regarded as both His son and Her consort