Excuse me, how to get the Social Security number and what is the best company to buy a mobile phone line. And how to open a bank account. Transportation from the airport to the city center. And extract driving license all this you can do in one video. And you very much
جميل جدا يا محمد.
ربنا يحفظك
Ramadan Mubarak Mohammed 🎉🎊
ماهو احسن محل هناك
هل اسعار المواد الغذائية في هاليفاكس اغلى ولا ارخص عن تورنتو
تقريبا نفس الاسعار ما في فرق كبير بس مستوى المعيشة بتورونتو اغلى
مرحبا استاذ محمد كيف يمكن التواثل مع حضرتك
تفضل اخي اسال
اول مره اتابعك بس قناتك رائعه كل التوفيق لك .
هل فرصه هجرة المحاسب مع أسرته إلى هاليفاكس ممكنه و ايه افضل الطرق
Yes, but you need to do some exams and certifications like CPA
What's the best bank in Halifax for New immigrants?and thank you
all of them are good, it depends on what products and services you're looking for. all top 5 banks are good
انا كندي حاليا اعيش خارج كندا كنت سابقا مقيم في تورنتو هل تنصحني بالقدوم و السكن في هاليفاكس
It depends, are you alone or with family? Are you planning to find work in NS?
Excuse me, how to get the Social Security number and what is the best company to buy a mobile phone line. And how to open a bank account. Transportation from the airport to the city center. And extract driving license all this you can do in one video. And you very much
مكاه واحد جزائري رايح ليها