The Minneapolis Police: A Criminal Organization

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 8 тыс.

  • @BigJoel
    @BigJoel  Год назад +2367

    Here's a link to the report:
    Here's my nebula, where you can access my monthly bonus videos:
    SMALL CORRECTION: At 22 minutes in, I say that POC youth are around 180% and 500% more likely to be subjected to bodily force and unholstered guns, respectively. In fact, they are around 1.8 times more likely, and around 5 times more likely. So, not 180%, but 80%. I'm really dumb about math and just thought percentages worked a different way, while writing this section. Very dumb error, though thankfully, the actual information is on screen.

    • @cfiber_inc
      @cfiber_inc Год назад +14

      I like french fries

    • @erikdaniels0n
      @erikdaniels0n Год назад +12

      I can’t find your Blair White video

    • @BigJoel
      @BigJoel  Год назад +140

      it's not up yet! will be tomorrow

    • @NickolaiPetrovitch
      @NickolaiPetrovitch Год назад +35

      Thank you so much for the effort you put into this video, Joel. ❤

    • @kappasphere
      @kappasphere Год назад +17

      I just went to the comments to complain about the report missing from the video description, only to find this

  • @GeeVee1978
    @GeeVee1978 Год назад +2369

    There's something almost darkly comical about a police officer trying to act like a badass Dirty Harry-type cop saying one liners while he's literally throwing a woman to the ground for jaywalking. If these pathetic scumbags were characters in some sort of movie or show they'd be criticized for being written too one-dimensionally.

    • @Strogman25
      @Strogman25 Год назад +208

      "The villains are too cartoonish. It isn't believable. I mean, this isn't a Disney movie! Give it some nuance!"

    • @lavellelee5734
      @lavellelee5734 Год назад +13


    • @Username-2
      @Username-2 Год назад +12

      Hahaha well said.

    • @Jkjoannaki
      @Jkjoannaki 5 месяцев назад +62

      I've seen that. I've seen fascist evil characters being "too much" and then we have a minister in my country that almost copies homelander quotes and attitude and people believe it and are impressed and influenced and im like.... this is supposed to be a caricature, not a personality. Wtfffff

    • @nachshonlorian188
      @nachshonlorian188 5 месяцев назад +25

      I was cracking up throughout that whole segement. It just sounded like something straight out of a south park episode.

  • @cnidariantimes
    @cnidariantimes Год назад +5057

    I'm a lifelong twin cities guy. Since childhood I was told by my parents and teachers to just stay way away from the police. MPD and SPD have been the scariest gang in the city since i could remember. When my Parents moved here in the early 80s they were told by their new neighbors not to call the police unless you absolutely had too. No one suggested they had been any better in the 60s, or the 50s. These thugs have been a blight on our city for generations. They are systematically corrupt and violent and I've always feared them more than any crime in my hometown.

    • @annapelch29
      @annapelch29 Год назад +338

      It's crazy how far that sentiment travels, too. I grew up two hours away from M/SP in Wisconsin, and as teenagers, we were always told by our parents to watch for the cops when we'd head to the cities for shopping or whatever. They were what was scary to our small town parents, not "big city crime"

    • @marquisdelafayette1929
      @marquisdelafayette1929 Год назад +175

      I’m from Philly and it’s the same ol shit here. LE is the problem. I lived in some of the “worst” neighborhoods and was always more scared of the cops then I was of “criminals”.
      We don’t have gangs like other cities and each small block is like a small business. So they openly sell drugs, yelling out “crack, dope, hard” and “pull up” as you drive by. But they are all running a business. So people getting robbed or assaulted or threatened? They take that EXTREMELY seriously, and are respectful of you if you MYOB. My brother was buying $500 on drugs, dude waiting overhead and tried to pull some shit.. badgering him to throw him a “bag or two, you won’t miss it. Dudes on the block saw him hassling and went after him with 2X4s.
      The “bad guys” are the ones handing out water bottles and Little Cesar’s during heat waves to the addicts/homeless and doing more than 99% of the cops or anyone else does. Most are just trying to get by but have been painted as liars (“yeah SURE the police planted evidence, that’s exactly what a criminal would say “ which has been proven time and again w/videos).

    • @wcjerky
      @wcjerky Год назад +136

      "Hey, it looks like the Italian Mafia has abandoned Napoli and decided to come to Minneapolis."
      "Oh, thank God! Finally, some justice!"

    • @philzeo
      @philzeo Год назад

      ​@@marquisdelafayette1929as Philly fam, I couldn't agree with you more. Cops love force, but people got your back if something goes down like 90% of the time while the cops just drive by then PULL YOU OVER the moment you start driving. Jawns corrupt.

    • @RagingRugbyst
      @RagingRugbyst Год назад +9

      ​@@wcjerkyah you'd for sure stop HEARING about the injustices, you'd just stop hearing from chatty people from time to time.

  • @QueerGritty
    @QueerGritty Год назад +3473

    As a prior criminal defense attorney- this is every jurisdiction. In my local jurisdiction many of the law enforcement agencies eliminated body cams so they can’t get caught in lies.
    I once had a case of a man walking on the side of the highway. The cops send police dogs after him, tore open his arm and he needed 88 staples and then threw him off the overpass and he landed on his head with a TBI.
    They charged him with “battery on a law enforcement officer” despite the fact that the officer was on video beating the man as his dog ripped his bicep open.
    My prosecutors defended the cops and sought a prison sentence.
    Part of the problem with policing in this country is that prosectors back up their lies and put the cop’s victims in jail without bond to bully them into pleading guilty.
    I no longer work in that area of law, it made me sick. I have many more disgusting stories.

    • @mes4prez
      @mes4prez Год назад +183

      This is so sickening to hear. I'm glad you no longer deal with such cases, thank you for sharing your story, these cases and others like them are not one-offs, or exceptions by any means.

    • @gluttonousslave
      @gluttonousslave Год назад +28

      good, now apply this to the biggest police department
      the one in EVERY county

    • @Nefville
      @Nefville Год назад +179

      That's exactly how it is here in Louisville with the LMPD. Police issues aside, people should be suspicious when the conviction rate in China is just 6% higher than it is here. 99 vs 93. There is no way in hell that 93% of people accused of a crime are guilty, what happens is exactly what you said, prosecutors ask for extremely high or no bonds to bully people into pleading guilty. They threaten people with longer sentences for simply exercising their rights to a trial. Something is very wrong with the justice system here and I don't blame anyone for wanting no part it.

    • @Prikense
      @Prikense Год назад +18

      wait, they send dogs over what? walking?

    • @k80_
      @k80_ Год назад +120

      @@Prikense police dogs are trained to attack people on command, they send the dog if they think they will be able to get away with “he was fleeing”

    @X-SPONGED Год назад +1137

    "Rights? Yeah, serves them rights!"
    *_- Unnamed MPD Sergeant after pepper spraying a homeless man for attempting to not freeze to death in an empty parking lot_*

    • @fluffypinkpandas
      @fluffypinkpandas 10 месяцев назад +51

      > Unnamed MPD Private adding in

    • @Шелсометотнераяту
      @Шелсометотнераяту 5 месяцев назад +13

      so perfectly cheesy

    • @stephengrigg5988
      @stephengrigg5988 Месяц назад +1

      ​@@Шелсометотнераятуperfectly cheesy?.... yeah, not the wording I'd use

  • @Narokkurai
    @Narokkurai Год назад +2881

    The sickening part is there are plenty of people who will hear all of these accounts, and not only still support the MPD, but support them enthusiastically. For a shockingly large percentage of the country, this is what policing is supposed to look like. They think the problems in the world are caused by people no longer obeying authority, and they think that disobedience should be punished with overwhelming physical violence.

    • @marcello7781
      @marcello7781 Год назад +1

      Even worse, there are people who think the police should be composed by military-like death squads that gun down and torture whomever they deem as a criminal, in a similar fashion to Filipino authorities or Brazilian BOPE, not realizing that this abuse of power leads to a wider corruption and keeps the kingpins of criminality safe.
      The cherry on the top of the cake is that these people are the same that whine about the brutality of authorities in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.

    • @mallninja9805
      @mallninja9805 Год назад +1

      Those are the same people that cry about the constitution and the founding fathers the loudest. Clearly, they did get the "don't give your armed government thugs too much power" message the founders were trying to convey.

    • @arturoaguilar6002
      @arturoaguilar6002 Год назад +272

      True. Some people are very supportive of over-punishing suspects on the spot (even when giving punishment isn't a cop's job). Derived from the "criminals deserve all the bad things happening to them, no matter how inhumane or cruel" mentality.

    • @ItWasSaucerShaped
      @ItWasSaucerShaped Год назад

      I think of the either conservative or centrist parents that call the cops on their kids, with no doubt an overly simplistic and paternalistic view of how authority works & how authoritative systems operate. Then their kids end-up dead or maimed & traumatized, with their horrified pleas immortalized in policing transcripts.
      IMHO, people only enthusiastically support the MPD & similar policing bodies out of a deadly ignorance about how such systems radicalize their membership and court violence until it not only becomes the primary solution to any conflict but the desired outcome of every interaction. The thing to be done, period.
      When we depict policing in media, even when we do our best to provide an honest assessment, we are forced to do the viewer a disservice by the mere act of competent editing. We can't show the viewer how every cop is sitting around bored for 90% of their job, on call with nothing to do, then summoned at random intervals to whatever problem while being trained & conditioned to the idea that the only meaningful activity they'll likely get to do is be violent and giving them toys whose only function is violence.
      And often we don't do our best to show this at all - we show a dynamic, science-and-strategy-centric environment where cops are always busy cracking cases and collaring sophisticated criminals. An institute of old, wise and salty Fathers eager to tame an urban jungle with measured force & discipline - the childish fantasy that is the pristine ideal of the patriarchy.
      The reality of a bunch of ever-more-angry, ever-more-cynical gangsters on state payroll who really, really just want an excuse to go out and hit somebody because at least that would be something to do, and really, really just want to torch the black neighborhood because in their brains that neighborhood is the reason they don't get to be the sophisticated Father cops shown on TV (and also just because the hate black people and mostly signed-up as cops to harass / assault / kill black people after being recruited by an increasingly racist police force).

    • @joemomma3648
      @joemomma3648 Год назад +163

      The cruelty *is* the point.

  • @andrewklang809
    @andrewklang809 Год назад +2624

    Just read today that a cop handcuffed someone inside a squad car that had been left on the railroad tracks. A train came by and -struck- demolished the car, severely hurting the arrestee. The court ruled that there was no evidence the cop intended any harm, so they were acquitted of all but a misdemeanour. No jury, judge ruled summarily.
    A cop has to DELIBERATELY TRY to kill someone, and admit to it, before they would ever be held accountable, barring one-offs like a multi-million-person national protest movement.

    • @legrandliseurtri7495
      @legrandliseurtri7495 Год назад +399

      That would be seen as attempted murder if anyone else had done this. What the fuck.

    • @bmutante7597
      @bmutante7597 Год назад +38

      I remember this on another video, cant remember which though

    • @bmutante7597
      @bmutante7597 Год назад here's the footage, its not from the analysis in which i saw it but the footage is... surrral, one of the most blatantly fucked up things i have actually seen police do

    • @beanieguitarguy4070
      @beanieguitarguy4070 Год назад +279

      I know you said you read about it, but that’s not just an article. There’s full body cam footage of the incident. From the time the officers had spotted the train to the time the train made contact with the car, they had MORE than enough time to move either that car or the victim out of the vehicle.
      They parked the vehicle on the tracks, however it doesn’t take that long to hop in the seat, release the e-brake get into gear and slam the gas to get off of those tracks.
      Now let’s assume that they were panicking, which would be fair. Trains are pretty scary when they’re heading towards you. They could have quickly opened the door (as far as I remember, no attempt was made), grabbed the victim out of the car, made sure they were on their feet and run together to a safe distance.
      They could and SHOULD have done either of things, and had plenty of time to do so. Trains are not sneaky, the train was blaring it’s horn, and they are on tracks. You can stand pretty close to them very safely.

    • @Alexander_Grant
      @Alexander_Grant Год назад +72

      Oh don't worry, the cop got slapped with a couple of misdemeanors. She got acquitted of manslaughter. Justice is served!

  • @beepyou34
    @beepyou34 Год назад +17617

    With cops like these, who needs criminals?

    • @michimatsch5862
      @michimatsch5862 Год назад +1030

      At least the criminals usually aren't gonna cause you a traumatic brain injury or cause you to be needed to be intubated.
      Much better to be mugged or have some stuff stolen.
      Heck, considering hospital costs even a stolen car might be cheaper than chancing an encounter with the police.

    • @Davserban
      @Davserban Год назад

      ​@@michimatsch5862guaranteed they don't go after the real armed criminals because they're scared shitless, just going after normal vulnerable people it seems.

    • @harrytruman9567
      @harrytruman9567 Год назад +202

      The carceral state needs criminals! That's who! And it needs them in perpetuity.

    • @st.anselmsfire3547
      @st.anselmsfire3547 Год назад +128

      MPD does one better: have cops that are criminals!

    • @edwardzignot2681
      @edwardzignot2681 Год назад +362

      I come from a "bad" neighborhood. I've casually hung out with coke dealing gang members on numerous occasions, never felt like I was in any real danger, you just don't be weird or disrespectful, or ask them about business.
      I see a cop my blood pressure shoots through the roof. I'm a white guy. Still jacks my anxiety when one's behind me in traffic.
      I've personally seen 3 incidents of profiling. Once I was breaking the law but the cop went for the AA kids that just happened to be nearby.
      I'm not afraid of Crips, but I am afraid of cops.

  • @Doombacon
    @Doombacon Год назад +481

    Minnesota resident here, two kids I was in special ed with in highschool were killed during wellness checks their parents had called for them because they had missed some phone calls. Both of these took place years prior to the scope of this investigation. I have had an unrelenting fear that someday a cop is going to knock on my door while I'm sleeping, break down the door when I don't respond and injure or kill me after I wake up startled like what happened to my peers.
    The police in my state are currently and have for decades been a threat to public safety.

    • @fluffypinkpandas
      @fluffypinkpandas 10 месяцев назад +8

      be like me and set the expectation early on that you will never check your emails or phone
      so that they dont act shocked and think its an emergency when you dont do exactly that

    • @SumeriyaYaxlaka
      @SumeriyaYaxlaka 7 месяцев назад +5

      I have a dawning suspicion that this is real...
      And I am having a genuinely difficult time wrapping my head around this story..

    • @RafaelSouza-pr4gs
      @RafaelSouza-pr4gs 5 месяцев назад +26

      this is probably the most alarming and messed up account on this whole comment section and that's saying something. american police are ridiculously incompetent when it comes to dealing with mentally unwell or neurodivergent people

    • @petermmm42
      @petermmm42 5 месяцев назад +8

      What the fuck, that's actually terrifying, I am so sorry that happened to you, them, and their families

    • @petermmm42
      @petermmm42 5 месяцев назад +7

      Poor kids, that should never happen to anyone ever

  • @Trunks1200
    @Trunks1200 Год назад +2265

    Reminder that as a barista if I make a costumer's drink wrong I legitimately might be fired, but if a cop repeatedly beats or kills unarmed people that they will continue working on the force for decades

    • @SleepyMatt-zzz
      @SleepyMatt-zzz Год назад +140

      People in the police force have less accountability than the army, it's completely absurd.

    • @MrMayhem-yo2wh
      @MrMayhem-yo2wh Год назад +2

      You’re a barista, your opinions mean nothing

    • @austin5259
      @austin5259 Год назад +75

      You forgot about the promotion they get for "keeping the peace"

    • @ImperialRonod
      @ImperialRonod Год назад

      ​@@MrMayhem-yo2wh my bu$$y is made of saltwater.

    • @doctahjonez
      @doctahjonez Год назад +30

      As if the cops weren't instituted specifically to subjugate people right from the start lmao

  • @dustypartition
    @dustypartition Год назад +3690

    It is completely within our rights, as per the first amendment, to give a cop the middle finger.
    Please, remember this, but also remember that they clearly don't care about people's rights.

    • @taylorward7576
      @taylorward7576 Год назад +93

      that's where the second comes in :)

    • @workshoptelescope
      @workshoptelescope Год назад +201

      That is no longer true. States are taking steps across the country to codify any speech directed at law enforcement that can be considered abusive to be unprotected or outright illegal.

    • @kathunter2130
      @kathunter2130 Год назад +319

      A trans man in LA was just beaten and arrested by an officer who followed him to a convenience store because the cop didn’t like that he had flipped him off. He was charged with assaulting an officer.

    • @chompythebeast
      @chompythebeast Год назад +143

      Remind every cop that class traitors aren't welcome in your town. 1312 means *all* cops, every last one, at every moment

    • @ince55ant
      @ince55ant Год назад +70

      its illegal for them to just kill you but the law doesnt stop their guns working

  • @andyboom2004
    @andyboom2004 Год назад +7036

    What's annoying is there is a societal myth that there is a belief that the aggression is necessary because cops are always in constant danger, but when they accurately assess a threat like in an active shooter situation, they cower in fear, and the bravado they use on unarmed citizens is nowhere to be found.

    • @Westley6578
      @Westley6578 Год назад

      They are nothing but worthless. Honestly, liberals are just as much the enemy of the people as conservatives and fascist are

    • @chompythebeast
      @chompythebeast Год назад +640

      Cowardice and class treachery go hand in hand

    • @pallingtontheshrike6374
      @pallingtontheshrike6374 Год назад +74

      not supporting police until they’re completely disarmed lul

    • @ThejollyFrenchman
      @ThejollyFrenchman Год назад +500

      Exactly. They're only aggressive when they're *not* in danger.

    • @vappyreon1176
      @vappyreon1176 Год назад +201

      ​@@pallingtontheshrike6374no, never support à pig

  • @jessesteelman1238
    @jessesteelman1238 Год назад +545

    12:42 'You can talk, you can breathe.' In court while speaking about George Floyd's case a pulmonary specialist explained why it's literally the opposite. The person is letting air out because that's the easy part, its expanding your chest again with that pressure that's the hard part.

    • @jam-trousers
      @jam-trousers 5 месяцев назад +50

      Good pick up. We call it positional asphyxia in NSW. You don’t have to be actually choking to be at risk of fatal asphyxiation. The fact they can get away with this level of scientific awareness puts them somewhere in 1850 in my book

    • @tommyhubbard342
      @tommyhubbard342 3 месяца назад +23

      You expect conservatives to understand basic logic?

    • @cinnabar555
      @cinnabar555 2 месяца назад +3

      @@tommyhubbard342lmao 😭😭😭 true

    • @TriSpedsOfficial
      @TriSpedsOfficial Месяц назад

      ​@@tommyhubbard342and you think Democrats will? That's comical when you're both the laughingstock of our country

  • @adorablepandaring1975
    @adorablepandaring1975 Год назад +2020

    when my family used to live in downtown minneapolis, my dad was beat up during a routine traffic stop. apparently the cops thought he had stolen his car, even after they discovered he hadn’t. he never received an apology from the police department. my dad is a fairly conservative guy, but he absolutely hates the police because of that incident.

    • @3_pancakes767
      @3_pancakes767 Год назад +333

      He only needs to be personally effected in every conservative way for him to become any better of a human?

    • @gibra-elwalker8022
      @gibra-elwalker8022 Год назад +303

      @@3_pancakes767 a long anime style arc of this guy purposefully getting his father victimized by public institutions in order to create awareness.

    • @elvingearmasterirma7241
      @elvingearmasterirma7241 Год назад +305

      Yes that tends to be a trend in conservative people. They don't ever learn to flex their empathy skills

    • @M-Soares
      @M-Soares Год назад +182

      @@3_pancakes767 Some people will still defend the cops even if personally wronged. My best friend's stepdad is a black conservative. He has been assaulted by cops while doing nothing at all but he still says "i was at the wrong place at the wrong time (he was a block away from a protest) so the officer had a reasonable excuse to act that way"

    • @VCV95
      @VCV95 Год назад

      Make sure to remind him his conservativism is what caused the cops to beat his ass that day. He voted for his own ass to get kicked. Remind him every time he tries to say dumb shit, and bring him the actual laws, funding, judges, etc his votes caused for that to happen.
      Bring him the evidence of his own folly. Unless y'all aren't on bad terms, then i would still gather the evidence, sit him down, let him read through it, and have an honest, hard conversation about how he is supporting more people being attacked like him. It's an in to change hearts and minds, but only if y'all are fairly close.

  • @Linkman95
    @Linkman95 Год назад +802

    I think its really important to know what "rubber bullets" are and it should be mentioned every time they come up. They are not soft rounds. They are rubber coated grenade sized rounds that *are* *not* *intended* *to* *be* *fired* *directly* *at* *targets* . They are meant to be fired at the ground, so they lose momentum and then bounce back up at a crowd. But officers often fire these directly at people, causing immense amounts of bodily harm.

    • @SoundFantasy
      @SoundFantasy Год назад

      Correct if you can’t handle yourself being shot by a rubber bullet you should double consider shooting at crowds. It’s disgusting.

    • @Pantsinabucket
      @Pantsinabucket Год назад +192

      In the case of shotgun rubber bullets, it is literally just a lead slug coated in rubber.
      Then again, actually learning how to use their service weapons is a burden we cannot place on our precious baby policemen.

    • @tsrenis
      @tsrenis Год назад +127

      I think it's equally important to get this right so I'm just gonna correct you here, they're not meant to be fired at the ground at all, that makes them unpredictable. They are meant to be fired at the lower body.
      Despite their advertised use as supposedly non-penetrative relatively safe munitions, they're far less safe than is even being described here. They're capable of causing both blunt and penetrative trauma and if fired at close range they can hit people at the same impact as actual live ammunition.
      Basically if you already think they're unsafe, double that.

    • @Linkman95
      @Linkman95 Год назад +37

      @@tsrenis I'll take your word for it. I think the key point is they aren't meant to be fired at peoples faces

    • @patiotaiza
      @patiotaiza Год назад

      The police blinded several people during the 2019 protests in Chile by firing rubber bullets directly at their faces

  • @seanmangan6674
    @seanmangan6674 Год назад +1077

    Minneapolis resident here, the mentality around here is just don't call the police. They will escalate the situation and that's when things get dangerous

    • @sexymonkeyman5850
      @sexymonkeyman5850 Год назад +135

      Same, I am white yet have had many bad experiences with the police I can’t imagine how bad it is for people who aren’t white

    • @terrellturner162
      @terrellturner162 Год назад +26

      If they even show up to begin with...

    • @beccak8166
      @beccak8166 Год назад +200

      I get scared to call 911 here. When I was psychotic, I called 911 for an ambulance and requested an officer not come. I wasn't lucid, but I did remember how many distressed mentally ill people are killed by cops. I was assured an officer wouldn't come.
      Within like 15 minutes, first person to show up was a cop, hand on his hip (where his gun was) He kept trying to get me to come down and talk to him, despite my growing distress and insistence I would not.
      I'm an EMT now, and horrified by this. These people don't have the training, let alone the humanity, to deal with distressed people.

    • @pdjinne65
      @pdjinne65 Год назад +30

      Just remember that you are paying for that service you cannot use... (and so am I)

    • @thebagofsalt
      @thebagofsalt Год назад +12

      ​@@pdjinne65if it's anywhere like where I am that's more than half your municipal tax dollars

  • @jaymeselliot8181
    @jaymeselliot8181 Год назад +481

    cop to unarmed person: GET ON THE GROUND, STOP RESISTING *tases* cop to active shooter: *hides and calls backup who also hides*

    • @GuyWithInternet.
      @GuyWithInternet. Год назад +48

      I think there’s only been one good response I’ve seen and that one was the Nashville shooting if I remember. It however doesn’t excuse things like Uvalde in the slightest. How do you have dozens if not hundreds of cops with body armor and weapons and not go charging in because “what if we get shot” like what do you think is happening to the chuldren?

    • @jaymeselliot8181
      @jaymeselliot8181 Год назад

      Its odd. Sometimes they are in there like a dirty shirt guns a-blazin' and other times they keep their distance, i guess it depends on who's on shift that day. Some cops love killin people, other ones avoid it unless absolutely necessary

    • @SewerRat3000
      @SewerRat3000 Год назад +33

      They get a power rush when hurting people who are unarmed

    • @Tortillasoup-se7sh
      @Tortillasoup-se7sh 4 месяца назад +1

      These are two different department

  • @thisoldboy4111
    @thisoldboy4111 Год назад +807

    It should be illegal to call the use of "rubber" bullets anything but lethal force

    • @Jokoko2828
      @Jokoko2828 Год назад +119

      Nah man, this projectile that can break bones is totes non-lethal cause it's made of rubbery plastic.

    • @bestaround3323
      @bestaround3323 Год назад +33

      ​@@Jokoko2828lead coated with rubber.

    • @jacobjankowski
      @jacobjankowski Год назад +38

      They are called less lethal munitions not less than lethal

    • @ZovcDrafts
      @ZovcDrafts Год назад

      They'll find a way to shoot people one way or another.

    • @milesyalzin2018
      @milesyalzin2018 Год назад +16

      True, even then you gotta aim to the right spots to make sure you're not causing serious injuries with them, and surprise surprise, they almost never are.

  • @Slowther87
    @Slowther87 Год назад +790

    I work at a mental health hospital where Im one of the very few males. I can't tell you how many times a patient codes and is extremely violent towards other patients and workers. Every time this happens, we are able to safely subdue the coding patient with me and a couple of other female workers with no problem without anyone getting injured. If we can do this multiple times a week, I think a highly funded police force should be able to handle people having a crisis without any kind of weapons.

    • @skeetsmcgrew3282
      @skeetsmcgrew3282 Год назад +107

      To me it's like working in a kitchen and then being like, pft I'm not reaching in that oven, there's a 1% chance I might get burned. Instead I'm gonna use a pair of tongs even though more often than not it's gonna fall on the floor and be ruined. If you don't wanna get hurt, don't be a cop. There are thousands, millions of jobs that come with inherent risks, but only cops get to completely negate all the risk through totalitarian violence

    • @Detroittruckdoctor55
      @Detroittruckdoctor55 Год назад +1

      You hit them tranquilizers bruh lmao

    • @coolguyjki
      @coolguyjki Год назад +110

      @@Detroittruckdoctor55 Even if they did, which they don't, are you suggesting that being tranquilized is worse than being shot? Are you 12?

    • @_derpderp
      @_derpderp Год назад +56

      God bless mental health workers especially in-patient. My life was saved by someone like yourself (as well as the other patient assaulting me), if it’s happened on the streets one if not both of us would be dead. Cops need to do observation in psych wards regularly to see the good and the bad and see what happens to some people who they make life harsher for on the outside.

    • @_derpderp
      @_derpderp Год назад

      @@skeetsmcgrew3282Unfortunately many are there for the higher wages and more indemnity than they would find in other professions in their area :/ or are ex-military but didn’t gain any useful enough skills to transfer to civ life. law enforcement ends up matching the most closely to their aptitudes and expectations of what civ life ought to be- hierarchical and dangerous.

  • @Sootielove
    @Sootielove Год назад +1957

    Having to plead with a police offier "Don't kill me/my son" is horrifying on a level I can't comprehend

    • @TurtleChad1
      @TurtleChad1 Год назад +3

      Cry about it

    • @Rustylorde
      @Rustylorde Год назад

      @@TurtleChad1 i would say "have some fucking sympathy" but you obviously have failed at being a decent human being.

    • @emmettbrown3463
      @emmettbrown3463 Год назад +243

      @@TurtleChad1 what are you on about????

    • @emmettbrown3463
      @emmettbrown3463 Год назад

      what the fuck is that account even

    • @I_Like_Ike53
      @I_Like_Ike53 Год назад +194

      ​@just_a_turtle_chad you're so cool and edgy, everyone admires you 😐

  • @seoulbrotherno1
    @seoulbrotherno1 Год назад +298

    Had MPD break into my house in 2015. I lived on Pleasant Avenue, but there were apparently conducting a raid at the same address on Pilsbury Avenue, one street over. Two belligerant cops showed up to the wrong house, forced their way in, made multiple threats and left. Nothing happened to the officer. No apologies were made.

    • @SumeriyaYaxlaka
      @SumeriyaYaxlaka 7 месяцев назад +12

      Criminal behaviour empowered by grossman

    • @gamesandglory1648
      @gamesandglory1648 Месяц назад

      @@SumeriyaYaxlaka and about half the time when this type of stuff happens, they commit on the side, 'civil asset forfeiture' basically lets cops take any money they want.

  • @Trunks1200
    @Trunks1200 Год назад +453

    A few months ago a friend of mine got jumped in my work parking lot by a group of men who did not like that he was in an interracial relationship with one of their sisters. Thankfully a few of my friends from work were there to defend him and despite being outnumbered they fought them off. I arrived on the scene right as the fight was ending. Everything cooled down and we talked for a while before the police showed up. One of my coworkers called them. Mind you the situation was resolved at this point. The officers questioned us, and afterwards got back into their cars and sat watching us. About 10 minutes later two of the guys who started the fight came back to the parking lot and started shouting at us, heckling us and trying to egg us on back into a fight. We let the police know and they sat in their car doing nothing. My friend, a black man, and one of the people who was jumped originally yelled back at them to go away saying "you already lost, take the L and get out of here." He stepped a bit closer while doing this, and at this moment, not a moment sooner, the police jumped out of the car. A white police officer ran my coworker down and tased him to the ground before laying his knee on his back for minutes on end. The people who jumped him ran away, and no one chased them. My friend complied, and we on the sidelines yelled at the cop saying they had the wrong person, and yelling at him to let our friend go. The other cop on duty an older white man stepped up to us and put his hand on his gun. He shouted that if we got one step closer that he would shoot us. These people are criminals through and through. The only thing calling them will ever do is make things worse or do nothing at all.

    • @bobjones2959
      @bobjones2959 Год назад +24

      Honestly this is shocking. I could never have imagined that officers of the law would behave like that. Of course I was always sympathetic with protestors but I think I had still not realized the full extent of how bad it was. These are no longer rightfully officers, they behave like a mafia and ought to be treated like one. After these revelations every. Single. Member of the MPD should be given criminal charges. This kind of erosion of public trust and utter lack of accountability is disgusting.

    • @welshlout3400
      @welshlout3400 Год назад +13

      That’s a chilling story. I can visualise the focussed, predatory stare of the cops like the T-1000.
      Might as well be done with it and just employ outright automatons with hard-coded biases if this is the quality of law enforcement typical of a human police officer.

  • @joannaellis7890
    @joannaellis7890 Год назад +189

    Teacher here- one time a student started having a full-blown panic attack in my classroom, and when I kneeled down in front of her to coach her through breathing exercises, she said, "Don't touch me!" You know what I did? Not touch her and continued helping her with breathing exercises until the nurse showed up. How is this hard?

    • @ethanb4017
      @ethanb4017 Год назад +17

      There is a reported statistic that 40% of police officers domestically abuse their spouse. It is hard for these people to not immediately use force because they have been allowed the ability through every avenue in their life. Every time a TBI in this video was mentioned, I teared up because I have worked with so many individuals with TBI and they have so much trouble existing without help.

    • @jorenvanderark3567
      @jorenvanderark3567 2 месяца назад +4

      That statistics is BS. It's closer to 17 percent (which is still 4 times the national average)
      We don't need to make up things to make the cops look bad. Thank you very much.

    • @diablominero
      @diablominero Месяц назад +1

      You're not on trenbolone. Many cops are. Being on androgens and progestogens at the same time causes emotional disturbances in a lot of people, and trenbolone (which is both androgenic and progestogenic) has a reputation for being the most impressive anabolic steroid.

  • @WobblesandBean
    @WobblesandBean Год назад +2589

    My mother LOVES the MPD, she likes the fact that they hate BLM and needlessly injure peaceful protestors. And then she wonders why my sister cut all contact with her.

    • @tomorowsnobodys
      @tomorowsnobodys Год назад +478

      Based sister

    • @ThejollyFrenchman
      @ThejollyFrenchman Год назад +208

      What's the bet she changes her tune when a cop does something to her?

    • @actinopterygiis
      @actinopterygiis Год назад +2

      you need to cut contact with that freak

    • @sampines5494
      @sampines5494 Год назад +413

      @@ThejollyFrenchman Then she’ll say: But I never thought the leopards would eat my face! - woman who cheered for leopards eating people’s faces police force

    • @CGcorruptproductions
      @CGcorruptproductions Год назад +11

      Disowning your own family member because they don’t care about politics 😂

  • @fullbin1162
    @fullbin1162 Год назад +1674

    the cops are legitimately the scariest part of going into minneapolis for me, and just cops in general. im disabled but when im sitting in my car and not in my walker or wheelchair i look perfectly healthy. i wouldnt be able to comply with most physical orders police give without risking my health. im constantly paranoid that if i get pulled over and dont comply correctly because of my disabilities that ill be at the hand of a cop who now has a great excuse to abuse me. disabled people make up half of the people that are killed by cops, black disabled people are particularly at risk.

    • @Tehstampede
      @Tehstampede Год назад +43

      I live in MN and the scariest part of going into Minneapolis for me are all the people running around screaming at the top of their lungs about random bullshit and generally acting like they're on some good ass drugs

    • @criznash
      @criznash Год назад

      @@Tehstampede stop making shit up

    • @unknown30895
      @unknown30895 Год назад +1

      They are not people just have a one off incident

    • @RandomPerson-ob1hk
      @RandomPerson-ob1hk Год назад +16

      ​@@unknown30895who is not people?

    • @Poppy-333
      @Poppy-333 Год назад +17

      Thank you for openly sharing this concern. It’s sad that we live in a world where anyone has to fear these things. Wishing you well. ❤

  • @Trunks1200
    @Trunks1200 Год назад +2841

    More accountability when a police officer wounds a dog then when they kill a black person. Insane.

    • @NGEvangeliman
      @NGEvangeliman Год назад +100

      Turns my stomach.

    • @thejohnkaufman
      @thejohnkaufman Год назад +48

      Absolutely fucking maddening

    • @norikofu509
      @norikofu509 Год назад

      What do you mean? US cities were literal war zones from a outsider perspective because they killed a Black man

    • @GraceJing
      @GraceJing Год назад +84

      Given the six foot fence mentioned, I'd put money on that household having decent means

    • @norikofu509
      @norikofu509 Год назад

      @@leshtricity Floyd was a POS, who didnt deserve to live inn a normal, fuctionnal society. but he didnt deserve to die like that tbh

  • @alexisallegret8295
    @alexisallegret8295 Год назад +1201

    It's important to note this isn't only limited to the USA. I live in Australia and the police are brutal towards Aboriginal and Torres strait Islander peoples. I have personally witnessed a small 12 year old indigenous girl get violently pinned to the wall by an over 6 foot police officer as she allegedly assaulted someone.
    When I filed a complaint, I got a call by a srgt who told me that she reviewed the footage and saw nothing wrong with the policeman's actions. She completely brushed off my allegations of excessive force and maintained he acted appropriately.

    • @unconventionalideas5683
      @unconventionalideas5683 Год назад +117

      You should have sent it to the media and posted it to RUclips. That would’ve made it into a national incident.

    • @nabstablook22
      @nabstablook22 Год назад +25

      That’s so horrible. I can’t believe the police are the same over here.

    • @calc2323
      @calc2323 Год назад +68

      In Perth they chuck indigenous people in the back of paddy wagons (no seatbelts are there at all) and speed over speedbumps for sport. One officer had a photo he took of a dead indigenous man he had discovered as his office desktop photo as a joke in the station. Lots of excessive force. Lots of discrimination.

    • @kaileymo
      @kaileymo Год назад +23

      True. Even though this is about the MPD, I don’t think it would be that much of a stretch to make some assumptions about every other police department. That may sound like a huge generalization, but I honestly don’t think it is.
      They love to throw around the line about “a few bad apples”, but seem to be purposely leaving out the last part of the anecdote.

    • @recursiveslacker7730
      @recursiveslacker7730 Год назад

      @@unconventionalideas5683if you shed light on government corruption in Australia you just get your house set on fire, just ask friendlyjordies.

  • @deanpope2055
    @deanpope2055 9 месяцев назад +150

    Telling someone to sit down and saying “I’m gonna mace ya” is Buck fucking wild, like what are you even supposed to do atp? Sit down and get maced? I’d run

    • @miecha4445
      @miecha4445 9 месяцев назад +34

      Scary thing is if you run they'll do worse than mace ya

    • @SurpriseOwl-nt5ux
      @SurpriseOwl-nt5ux 3 месяца назад

      You'd get tased tho😔

    • @minnethreat
      @minnethreat 3 месяца назад +6

      you'll be shot in a driveby by a police car. I've seen MPD driving down Lake street with guns out the window in broad daylight.

    • @deanpope2055
      @deanpope2055 3 месяца назад

      @@minnethreat that’s so scary, like genuinely

  • @arkorat3239
    @arkorat3239 Год назад +389

    They sound cartoonish evil, like a writer trying to make the enforcer as unlikable as possible.
    I'm honestly surprised that they don't straight up kill the people interfering. These scumbags are right at home in The Boys.

    • @ztl2505
      @ztl2505 Год назад +114

      The cop stating he’s a proud racist is the sort of thing I’d probably call lazy, on the nose writing if it were a TV show and not real life

    • @kylesmith5633
      @kylesmith5633 Год назад +7

      Blue hawk, do you have any comment on the recent killings (that you just happened to commit)?

    • @Are_you_eyeballing_me
      @Are_you_eyeballing_me Год назад +6

      “The Shield” TV-show seems more and more like a documentary

    • @mileskile9520
      @mileskile9520 Год назад

      They’re literally worse than the storm troopers, whos name were based on German soldiers in world war 1.

    • @leonodonoghueburke4276
      @leonodonoghueburke4276 Год назад +31

      @@ztl2505 "The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense" - Some author

  • @cryptik1895
    @cryptik1895 Год назад +1499

    As a Minnesotan, I'm glad you're covering this, the amount of people that defend these pigs is very disheartening.

    • @bestaround3323
      @bestaround3323 Год назад +53

      A lot of these officers deserve the death penalty. The main issue with the death penalty is that it can't be taken back, so evidence needs to be air-tight. There is zero argument that they did these things.

    • @KILLSQUAD__
      @KILLSQUAD__ Год назад

      @@bestaround3323 See comments like this I hope the FBI watches, these are the mass shooters. Just like the one in Dallas on their PD.

    • @yeahno555
      @yeahno555 Год назад +8

      As a former Minnesotan - leave the Minneapolis area if you're in it.

    • @ciromoriello7054
      @ciromoriello7054 Год назад +5

      ​@@bestaround3323what about the body cam footage?

    • @glovesflared
      @glovesflared Год назад +35

      @@bestaround3323 they don't deserve death penalty in civil court, they deserve revolutionary justice, to be judged by the people they have oppressed (same outcome tho lol)

  • @Youngblood457
    @Youngblood457 Год назад +725

    Remember, when the black panthers would stand out with their rifles, and shotguns and what not when a black person was being arrested, not to stop them from doing so but to make sure the police don’t go overboard? Can we bring that back for anyone who’s getting arrested because they obviously can’t be trusted to not go overboard.

    • @alicesenz6374
      @alicesenz6374 Год назад

      When the BPP did that it was legal, California implemented gun control to prevent them from doing that.

    • @wildfire9280
      @wildfire9280 Год назад +13

      At this point it’s enough of a “compelling state interest” to establish official copwatching patrols under whatever oversight board they have (if any at all, wish I could say they were mandatory by state and/or federal law but no, no progress there).
      It seems we have more control over the military than we do over police. If anyone were to form a military junta, it’d probably be police too.

    • @ryanmackenzie6109
      @ryanmackenzie6109 Год назад +99

      I'd agree, but I know damn well those cops would be all too happy to call in backup to gun them all down. Makes my spine cold. 😞

    • @lepannean4231
      @lepannean4231 Год назад +134

      ​@@ryanmackenzie6109but we know from Uvald that the only people they won't attack is someone who can actually fight back. Bullies to the core.

    • @erocktherockjohnson5169
      @erocktherockjohnson5169 Год назад

      Gun control is racist

  • @bens1cultist405
    @bens1cultist405 Год назад +2158

    Keep in mind that “rubber bullets” are plastic or resin and have a whopping 3% fatality rate due to the fact that they can crack bones and rupture organs.

    • @tundra4331
      @tundra4331 10 месяцев назад +174

      So even if they keep you alive more then actual bullets, the life they left with you just fucking sucks

    • @shrike_8136
      @shrike_8136 7 месяцев назад +296

      @@giselhernandez8 if a judge cant sentence someone to a broken arm or ruptured organ, why should a police officer be allowed?

    • @Claudius-s4c
      @Claudius-s4c 7 месяцев назад +149

      @@giselhernandez8 Did you even watch the video?

    • @Claudius-s4c
      @Claudius-s4c 7 месяцев назад +110

      @@giselhernandez8 Also you do realize that many police assume you did something even if you didn't do anything?

    • @Eldiron
      @Eldiron 7 месяцев назад +58

      ​@hahashibe Galaxy brain solution. I'm going to live forever by just not dying :D

  • @ComradeMarlow
    @ComradeMarlow Год назад +354

    Dont call the police about mental health issues. Try to keep them as far away from the situation as possible

    • @Schemilix
      @Schemilix Год назад +20

      That goes for the UK too. Best case scenario someone gets put in the clink overnight possibly with no toilet.

    • @redblue9478
      @redblue9478 Год назад

      Police are automatically injected into any mental health situation that involves a professional, whether or not you demand one not appear. It's why I haven't been to therapy in 20 years and would rather go out mauling people who would take my freedom in any form.

    • @mamizoumain
      @mamizoumain Год назад +22

      I remember in college one girl on our floor was having a panic attack and she called 911 for help. The two cops that showed up broke into her room and arrested her. She was fine and back the next day, but it makes me angry that we don't have the services in place to properly treat mental health issues.
      Edit: she called the police herself

    • @skedarblegarble
      @skedarblegarble Год назад

      Yep! My dad is a cop and he thinks anyone mentally ill has a demon in them and needs a beating or an exorcism. Not the South... California.

    • @Lucasp110
      @Lucasp110 Год назад +8

      Here in Brazil we have 190, 192 and 193
      190 calls the police, 192 calls SAMU (emts and ambulances), 193 calls the firefighters
      Cant see the point of calling a police officer for health matters

  • @shmimple6600
    @shmimple6600 Год назад +365

    As someone who lives in the city this report doesn't even feel vindicating. You see this and sometimes more as part of daily life. Even the campus, which has its own police force, has pigs driving across the bridge on the pedestrian level. I have been harassed by cops in cars driving behind me on the sidewalk. THE SIDEWALK.

    • @drinklewinkle
      @drinklewinkle Год назад

      Those U cops are absolute garbage, I was stuck working at the Walgreens on University by the East Bank stop and they were literally within sightline of us and every business on that block. To the point that if anyone called 9/11 it would go to them first, but they did fuckall to help if we ever had medical emergencies, threats, students in danger.
      The fuck are they there for then? To go around and harass kids at the U, because I sure as hell didn't see them doing anything ever.

    • @TheTransitmtl
      @TheTransitmtl Год назад +15

      I am so sorry you have to live this. As a Canadian living in Montreal this is shocking. By no means is our police department blameless but I would never hesitate to call them. I have seen them de-escalate more often than not.

    • @makeitthrough_
      @makeitthrough_ Год назад

      ​​@@TheTransitmtl​ "As a Canadian living in Montreal"
      Jesus Christ, I'm so sorry to hear that. Like, Canada in general is fine but Montreal sounds like a full on corrupt shitshow

    • @Ayanislucky
      @Ayanislucky Год назад

      The U of M cops are evil

    • @chrismanuel9768
      @chrismanuel9768 Год назад +14

      ​@@TheTransitmtlAs an American, I've literally had a cop that thought he was my friend brag that he liked to pretend his flashlight was a bodycam so he could get people to fall in line, but that he didn't have to worry about doing whatever he wanted because none of them actually wear bodycams

  • @segue2ant395
    @segue2ant395 Год назад +250

    Generous to say 'failed to de-escalate' when all the examples so far the police have escalated a normal situation into something violent. Refusing unwanted untrained treatment for a broken nose, jaywalking, and not wearing a seat-belt all escalated to armed assault.

    • @juniperrodley9843
      @juniperrodley9843 Год назад +11

      "Failed" implies they were trying in the first place.

  • @CaptainZlex
    @CaptainZlex Год назад +120

    Traumatic brain injuries are no joke. They can be very difficult to recover from. The brain is a very delicate organ that we still don't fully understand. So even the people who come out the other side physically okay can still have a whole host of mental issues to deal with.
    Just remember that every time Big Joel says someone suffered from a Traumatic Brain Injury in this video.

    • @laurazielinski2437
      @laurazielinski2437 2 месяца назад +3

      As someone who suffers from a TBI, I can verify this. It’s a lifelong and life changing event. Not to be taken lightly. I’m not the same person I was before. I grieve her.

    • @CaptainZlex
      @CaptainZlex 2 месяца назад +3

      @@laurazielinski2437 I feel you. My dad suffered one too and he was never the same person either.

    • @Toenail_VR
      @Toenail_VR 2 месяца назад +1

      even a simple fall can kill you, my dads friend died after hitting hit head on a table.

    • @polishherowitoldpilecki5521
      @polishherowitoldpilecki5521 Месяц назад

      @@laurazielinski2437what happened eaxactly??

  • @CaseyShontz
    @CaseyShontz Год назад +813

    They literally said “I’m racist” and shot dogs for no reason. Wow. How much more villainous can someone be?

    • @chompythebeast
      @chompythebeast Год назад

      Manifest Destiny is ongoing. They literally _always_ get away with it. And euromericans will always find a reason to defend it, be cause that's what settler-colonial, genocidal empire is

    • @Resetium
      @Resetium Год назад +48

      People love to claim that they'd fight the villain themselves,
      And then ignore said villains when they make themselves known.

    • @taranullius9221
      @taranullius9221 Год назад +26

      Mmmmm they're missing the hood. Put that on and they've completed the villainy.

    • @CBRN-115
      @CBRN-115 Год назад

      Shooting dogs is the lowest of the low

    • @Tomartyr
      @Tomartyr Год назад +21

      Maybe throw in some moustache twirling?

  • @rollinnollin546
    @rollinnollin546 Год назад +142

    It should be pointed out that the classification of rubber bullets as “non-lethal” is pretty dubious. Rubber bullets can kill or maim, especially when fired directly at a person, which is not their intended use. They are meant to be bounced off the ground to decrease velocity before reaching their target, although police seem to rarely use them in this way.

    • @InsufficientGravitas
      @InsufficientGravitas Год назад +8

      They can be fired at a person directly but aiming for the head or shooting while at a close range is likely to kill or maim and should be used sparingly, the issue with bouncing being that they can bounce unpredictably and cause injury.

    • @sloanekuria3249
      @sloanekuria3249 Год назад +6

      @@InsufficientGravitas "should be used sparingly"? or "should be a criminal offense"?

    • @MouldedMind
      @MouldedMind Год назад +1

      @@InsufficientGravitas if after bouncing they still can cause injuries how bad would they be when fired directly.

  • @76678-m
    @76678-m Год назад +792

    Calling them a criminal organization is an insult to criminals. I’m not even exaggerating. Many people we call “criminals” are incarcerated for petty and often harmless “crimes,” and those who are incarcerated for harming others are simply made worse by our injustice system.

    • @btarczy5067
      @btarczy5067 Год назад +132

      I think state-sponsored terrorists would be an apt description. Don’t know if one could get away with a title like that but yeah, „criminal“ doesn’t quite hit the severity of what is happening. With criminals it is usually assumed that they would be held accountable if caught.

    • @CBRN-115
      @CBRN-115 Год назад +46

      Licensed thugs is what they are

    • @fellinuxvi3541
      @fellinuxvi3541 Год назад +1

      Yeah, but that's not the definition of criminal

    • @Dubmaster3
      @Dubmaster3 Год назад

      Actual violent criminals and gang members I have met were not nearly as bad as these cops.

  • @amiatanamedmichelle5539
    @amiatanamedmichelle5539 Год назад +198

    I grew up in a part of Minneapolis known as “Near North”, close to the outskirts of the city and the neighboring town of Crystal. MPD once stopped to talk to me and my friends. We were all girls, all between ages of 10 and 12, hanging outside of a Hy-vee where we just purchased snacks and sodas. Yes, we were loitering. I don’t believe loitering should be a crime, but I digress. A squad car pulls up in the handicap parking spot in front of us. A man over six foot came out, and IMMEDIATELY started alleging that we were s*x solicitors, prost*tutes. Some of the girls were scared and ran off. Me and my best friend and I girl I didn’t really know remained. He asked to see our IDs. Being that we were tweens, not even teens, we did not have identification. I offered to show my student ID in my wallet, showing that I was in fact a middle school student. The officer backed down and was walking back towards his vehicle, but not without saying something along the lines of “girls your ages should be playing with dolls not grown men”. After that incident I never hung out with people if it wasn’t a public park or someone’s parents house. It traumatised me from having the “city kid” experience of having freedom to explore unsupervised.

    • @12monkey57
      @12monkey57 Год назад +1

      You should come to Crystal. It’s a great city

    • @magicalgrim3471
      @magicalgrim3471 5 месяцев назад +19

      That’s insanely fucked girl
      Hope things are better for you these days

    • @apricot8301
      @apricot8301 4 месяца назад +12

      That's absolutely disgusting. Wish you knew who the officer was.

    • @ViperPain141
      @ViperPain141 4 месяца назад +7

      @@apricot8301So that he can be put on a list.

    • @stephengrigg5988
      @stephengrigg5988 Месяц назад

      Another pdf in blue

  • @Alex-cw3rz
    @Alex-cw3rz Год назад +565

    You know your society is messed up when you have to supply the police with cameras to monitor their behaviour like a baby moniter. Due to how much they l ie.

    • @joearnold6881
      @joearnold6881 Год назад +167

      You know it’s messed up when them wearing cameras doesn’t even slow them down for a second.
      It’s terrifying

    • @justicemann4895
      @justicemann4895 Год назад +67

      The worst part is that they can just lie about the footage or it'll just be ignored if it doesn't fit the narrative they're trying to tell

    • @baskey3723
      @baskey3723 Год назад +56


    • @thebigmeme7534
      @thebigmeme7534 Год назад +22

      Even a healthy society should probably still have body cams. Ideally it keeps all cops in check.
      But they can just turn the things off with no consequences whatsoever so there isnt even a point to them now

    • @JonasWhitt
      @JonasWhitt Год назад +8

      I mean literally thats just 90% of people with power however large or minute, from discord mods to politicians, when your given a good deal of authority, oversight is basically required, as otherwise it will be abused. Even without all the controversy police have been in for the past 30 years, I honestly think body cams would be a good idea regardless, and such monitoring really should be extended to other professions as well.

  • @PhantamSam
    @PhantamSam Год назад +1199

    Born and raised in Minneapolis, I went to high school a few blocks away from where George Floyd was killed. Left a little less than a decade ago. Took me a while to get the courage to watch this one. Some personal anecdotes:
    -My (black) aunt has lived in the south, Chicago, and NYC. I will always remember sometime in the 2000s she told me the MPD was far and away the most racist police force she has interacted with.
    -My friend, a photojournalist, had his finger broken with a rubber bullet while taking pictures of the George Floyd protests.
    - I was involved in a car crash over a decade ago. The police were leading an illegal chase through residential streets, with an officer telling me in the hospital that they were going 80-90 miles per hour. This chase lasted for several miles beyond the point it should have ended, and only ended when the driver they were chasing struck my car and sent it flying through the air. I should have died, but ended up with only two broken legs and several months of my college career in a wheelchair. The department that led the chase was the same department that would kill Floyd and was burned down in the uprising. I was watching from across the country, but never felt greater catharsis than when that station burned.

    • @Sahdirah
      @Sahdirah Год назад +40

      Thank you for sharing your stories with us. ❤

    • @schemesthefox1255
      @schemesthefox1255 Год назад +23

      Now I know not to ever go to that place. I can't imagine living there for so long

    • @PhantamSam
      @PhantamSam Год назад +59

      @@schemesthefox1255 it’s not like it is a hellish place all the time. I moved out to NYC afterwards, worked in the South Bronx for a few years, and work in the projects in Manhattan now. I’ve seen some awful shit in many places. In it’s favor, Minneapolis has lovely parks and lakes, the cost of living is low, and healthcare is world class. Like any city it has its problems, and MPD just happens to be the major one.

    • @skoop651
      @skoop651 Год назад

      less police means more crime, especially in america
      if you are so desensitized to crime that you think it's normal, that doesn't mean other people want the same to happen to their areas
      violence should be discouraged by any sane society

    • @skoop651
      @skoop651 Год назад +3

      @@PhantamSam guess what causes the problems in those cities?

  • @haloslippin6894
    @haloslippin6894 Год назад +392

    This video is absolutely nuts. I remember during the riots thinking that the burning of the police precinct was a step too far. I am now open to the idea that it was completely justified.

    • @zenraloc
      @zenraloc Год назад +22

      Yeah FR, i had no idea

    • @zenraloc
      @zenraloc Год назад +9

      This sounds like something straight out of a movie

    • @TurtleChad1
      @TurtleChad1 Год назад +3

      This still doesn't justify riots

    • @talsen6495
      @talsen6495 10 месяцев назад +76

      ​@@TurtleChad1idk. Riots were over the failure of law. Causing monetary damage seems like a pretty mild consequence compared to the city funding and protecting what is effectively a terrorist organization.

    • @tarrellkurtz502
      @tarrellkurtz502 10 месяцев назад +1

      ​@just_a_turtle_chad Disgusting! Do you even live in MN? If not, don't speak as if you know what's justified. You don't know what it's like to be arrested for nothing! Put in jail against your will because the police felt they could alter my parents statements. I won that case after 2 years, but they deliberately attempted to pin my family against me. If that's not a corrupt gang to you, idk what is. Stop being blind to the injustice

  • @0r0chimaruG0ku
    @0r0chimaruG0ku Год назад +573

    Lived in Minneapolis, grew up there actually. Got robbed at least 50 times, maybe more. Still got more love for anyone walking the street than any cop in that city. I remember getting jumped by some oldheads about one block off nicolette mall (a busy downtown parkway). It was probably about 1 am, and they had me pushed up against a wall and were kicking my friend repeatedly in the ribs and stomach. Cops drove by us, window open, looked right at us and did nothing. Nothing. Just kept driving. What purpose do they serve I wonder. One of the oldheads caught up with me and we ended up being cool with each other because we stayed in the same building. He made it up to me. Criminal gang members who beat up my friend and stole my money and already broken iphone are nicer and more apologetic than cops in that city.

    • @shinballzilla9048
      @shinballzilla9048 Год назад +51

      That is a very scary thought holy shit

    • @user-md3wm7vu1f
      @user-md3wm7vu1f Год назад +6

      how do you get robbed 50 times? do you spend lots of time outside late at night or are you extremely short or something?

    • @0r0chimaruG0ku
      @0r0chimaruG0ku Год назад +61

      @user-md3wm7vu1f people look at me and say "now there's a guy that won't shoot us if we run his pockets"

    • @0r0chimaruG0ku
      @0r0chimaruG0ku Год назад

      @@user-md3wm7vu1f have you ever been robbed?

    • @03eeon
      @03eeon Год назад +8

      This is interesting to me. I live in a very safe city and have never been victimized despite being relatively frail and passive. I think it’s because I’m black in a majority white town, but it’s actually crazy to me that someone can have been robbed/jumped 50 times. Did you not think to get a gun for protection?

  • @terrioestreich4007
    @terrioestreich4007 Год назад +489

    One of my cousins called the Mpls police because her boyfriend assaulted her, they bullied her, yelled at her and acted like everything was her fault. She felt like they were mad at her for calling them and it added to an already traumatic experience. They treat everyone like garbage, black or white, men or women

    • @josephmocol1702
      @josephmocol1702 Год назад

      MPD are made up of garbage people. Other departments in the metro look at MPD like they are fucking monsters. It says a lot when fellow cops from other departments don’t want to associate with you.

    • @vlad5042
      @vlad5042 Год назад +97

      i love how annoyed cops get when they feel like you've wasted their time. like don't you know the time i've spent here talking down to you could've been spent doing something useful, like beating up someone's mother for not slowing down at a yellow light.

    • @hobocode
      @hobocode Год назад +34

      Same thing happened to me in small town american. It's all cops everywhere.

    • @no_peace
      @no_peace Год назад

      They treat everyone like garbage but they treat Black people worst. Any other identity only makes it worse.

    • @Demiglitch
      @Demiglitch Год назад +18

      @@vlad5042 Hey, that's out of line! They don't need an excuse to beat up someone's mother.

  • @kathrynm1042
    @kathrynm1042 Год назад +770

    As someone who has dealt with and heard stories about the MPD, I am so glad you made this video. I am a white woman and all of my interactions with them have been horrible. I am sickened by the way they treat people of color. I have a girlfriend who was in an abusive relationship with an MPD cop. They ended up promoting him to sergeant. Anyone who is proud of these cops has not spent any time with them.

    • @gigachad6885
      @gigachad6885 Год назад

      Then go spend more time with black people (who are 13% of the population, yet do 52% of the crimes, and 60% of the murders), I'm sure you will be sooo much safer... Afterall, the few tickets, harsh words and rough handlings you had are much worse that high amounts of rapes and murders, right ?
      Yes those cops suck and are corrupt, but the people they deal with on a daily basis are even worse. Avoiding both will help you live a safer life

    • @Stuck_in_the_US
      @Stuck_in_the_US Год назад +4

      If you think mpd is bad the entire Arkansas government is/ was pure hell(look up the boys on the track)

  • @roostertheastronaut4513
    @roostertheastronaut4513 Год назад +80

    I have a criminal justice degree because I wanted to be a cop but learning about how the system actually works radicalized me and made me realize I never want to do that. The police are not your friend and they aren't there for your safety.

  • @AudioSuede
    @AudioSuede Год назад +1619

    It's somewhat surreal to see a Big Joel video about my hometown, and depressing that it's to rightfully highlight our city's brutal and despicable police force. Two bits of added context:
    1) The city voted on and failed to pass a resolution to dissolve the MPD and establish a new Department of Public Safety, an umbrella department which would distribute funds between police and social services (i.e. defund the police). It was a bitter disappointment when the vote failed.
    2) The story about the racist cop ranting about Black Hawk Down is even more bone-chilling when you know that Minneapolis has one of the largest Somali immigrant populations in America, and the Cedar-Riverside area, often called "Little Mogadishu" by locals, has become a hotbed for rightwing misinformation and stochastic terrorism. A few years back, a bunch of extremist "journalists" made a series of videos stomping around town in bulletproof vests, claiming that the city was unsafe and that Little Mogadishu in particular is a "warzone." There are people who've never been to our city that believe whole neighborhoods were burned to the ground and the streets are a crime-filled hellhole, and the centerpiece of their fear is that Somali neighborhood. (To be clear: The city is fine and that neighborhood is as safe as any other. The area is near the University of Minnesota's main campus and features several concert venues, theaters, and restaurants. It's a low-income neighborhood in the heart of the city. Is there crime? Sure. Crime exists everywhere. But I've walked around that neighborhood many times and will do so many more, and never felt unsafe.) So when he references Black Hawk Down, he's speaking very specifically about the slaughter of Somalis by the US military and invoking it to threaten migrants who escaped that country's civil war to come live here where they were supposed to be safe. It's extremely dark

    • @justsomeredspy
      @justsomeredspy Год назад +114

      Oh shit, I completely forgot about those larpers roaming around in bullet proof vests. Didn't they also claim that they had elite special forces body guards with them for their own protection? I have my fair share of opinions about crime in Minneapolis, but that whole incident was so completely idiotic that I genuinely believed it was supposed to be a parody the first time I saw it. Then, I found out it wasn't a parody and that made me very sad.

    • @bornstar481
      @bornstar481 Год назад +2


    • @lavellelee5734
      @lavellelee5734 Год назад +1

      Goddamn 😢

    • @lavellelee5734
      @lavellelee5734 Год назад

      ​@@justsomeredspythat actually happened?

    • @AK-bf2ho
      @AK-bf2ho Год назад +4

      Surreal is damn right. Seeing the place I live in, in the news all over the country and even in some other countries, for this kind of reason....I don't even know where I'm going with this. It just left me feeling so hopeless. And Minnesota is supposed to be a democratic state. This is just depressing.

  • @fablecouvrette5334
    @fablecouvrette5334 Год назад +87

    As merely a casual martial artist, I can say there's no such thing as a safe choke- and the proportional response to someone constricting your neck in any way is, as if they are trying to kill you.
    Not that anyone requires expertise to know that. Your body tells you "I'm gonna die right now if I don't fight back" when your neck is restrained, and your body is fucking right.

    • @fablecouvrette5334
      @fablecouvrette5334 Год назад +30

      Any of those pigs would shoot to kill with no hesitation if someone got their hands around their neck, and would say "I had to, I was defending my life".
      But when they do it, they expect absolute compliance like the victim shouldn't have a survival response. They insist we're all docile sheep, and then behave like they're under attack when we don't act like sheep.

    • @legrandliseurtri7495
      @legrandliseurtri7495 Год назад +17

      @@fablecouvrette5334 Yes, that's so infuriating. Random people are expected to blindly trust the police even when they're physically threatened.

    • @InevitableTruth247
      @InevitableTruth247 Год назад +5

      @@fablecouvrette5334 you are describing the monopoly on violence. police have the monopoly on violence. when they shoot it is normal and just, because they have been granted the awesome powers from the state.
      when the citizen engages in self defense, it is seen as an act of violence against the officer, and as such you will be tried in court if you live to tell the tale.

  • @patb2151
    @patb2151 Год назад +247

    I’ve always been shocked by videos of police tackling people, crying “stop resisting” while digging their knees into the back of their victims, making it out as if writhing in pain was the same as resisting arrest. My body would resist being piled on by some fat brute too. Absolute thugs.

    • @joemomma3648
      @joemomma3648 Год назад +40

      They aren't using excessive force because they believe the person is resisting, they're using excessive force to give the impression that they believe the person is resisting.
      It's a tactic of plausible deniability. If the body cam video is accidentally lost but the audio remains, then you can clearly tell they were resisting. And even if they weren't, the officer felt that they were so it's all justified.

    • @vlad5042
      @vlad5042 Год назад

      yep you're just meant to lie there limp and let them throttle you even though that goes against all of your natural instincts. its like some bdsm sh/ except i didnt consent and using my safeword gets me punched in the teeth.

    • @galactic85
      @galactic85 Год назад +10

      It's to establish plausible deniability. It's been reported that in some trainings cops are told to shout "stop or ill shoot" AFTER they fire their gun because human memory is so flawed that by sanders will automatically reorder the events in their brain so that they remember the cop yelling a warning BEFORE shooting. Yelling "stop resisting" does something similar.

  • @christopherdomenichelli8977
    @christopherdomenichelli8977 7 месяцев назад +64

    I remember hearing a story of some kid who got arrested for making fun of the police after the police failed to stop a school shooter

    • @NolanTHEecguy
      @NolanTHEecguy Месяц назад

      Holy shit I’m just I don’t know that kid who made fun of the officer had all his rights to there’s something called I don’t know THE FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT that cop has blood on his hands

    • @gamesandglory1648
      @gamesandglory1648 Месяц назад +1

      @@NolanTHEecguy there have apparently been court cases where people were given assault charges for insulting cops, so yeah, it's fucked.

    • @NolanTHEecguy
      @NolanTHEecguy Месяц назад

      @@gamesandglory1648Jesus Christ why can’t police do what they fucking do and not act like Angelo Brontë from red dead redemption

  • @lilyevans7597
    @lilyevans7597 Год назад +200

    Shocking that in a country with such a brutal, militarized approach to policing, you can still have a dept that is actively extra malignant. Worst of the absolute worst

    • @Sputterbug
      @Sputterbug Год назад +11

      I mean we have a lot of those. LA is another one

    • @madisonsnellings8501
      @madisonsnellings8501 Год назад +15

      Albuquerque will just shoot them and ask questions later, I don't know how they compare but they're pretty bad as well.

    • @hobocode
      @hobocode Год назад +3

      Norms of the absolute norm

    • @lavellelee5734
      @lavellelee5734 Год назад

      ​@@madisonsnellings8501huh?! Wanna elaborate on that😅

    • @fartmaster6977
      @fartmaster6977 Год назад

      ​@@madisonsnellings8501this all started cuz of that goddamned heisenberg fellow.

  • @Goblin_Wizard
    @Goblin_Wizard Год назад +467

    I live in Minneapolis and another neighbor just put up a thin blue line flag yesterday. I don’t get how anyone could support such a racket.

    • @tankiller9638
      @tankiller9638 Год назад +26

      I don't get why you would do that in the first place given the shear animosity towards cops in Minneapolis person is asking to get random shots at their house

    • @SomeRandomDevOpsGuy
      @SomeRandomDevOpsGuy Год назад +64

      They probably think that will help then not get attacked by the cops

    • @FlareStorms
      @FlareStorms Год назад +4

      ​@@SomeRandomDevOpsGuybased optimus prime pfp

    • @Jimpiedepimpie
      @Jimpiedepimpie Год назад +1

      If you get your wages from the goverment they're still your friends, aren't they?

    • @Saibellus
      @Saibellus Год назад

      if i lived there is have that shit on my car, my clothes, fuck is get a tattoo like a damn talisman if it protected me even a little from these cops

  • @BabyJesus66
    @BabyJesus66 Год назад +268

    The 2nd amendment gives us rights to bear arms against a tyrannical government... at what point does that apply? This government agency seems pretty tyrannical.

    • @mindlander
      @mindlander Год назад +8

      Try it.

    • @commiedoge747
      @commiedoge747 Год назад

      And that right there proves 2a is nothing but a carrot on a stick for Americans. "So we can rise against tyranny" but when shown tyranny... Crickets

    • @Onoesmahpie
      @Onoesmahpie Год назад +68

      Citizens need recourse against cops who abuse their power. If a cop doesn't properly identify themself and they point a gun at a citizen, the citizen should be allowed to use deadly force in self defense.

    • @BabyJesus66
      @BabyJesus66 Год назад +35

      @@mindlander think I'll pass unless I have a death wish for myself. Don't think it would work out too well, but makes you question our "rights"

    • @needsmetal
      @needsmetal Год назад

      In Minnesota you have Right to Die, it means crimnals have more rights than you. fight back and you get more time than the guy that shoots you.

  • @tonywords6713
    @tonywords6713 Год назад +115

    It's hard to imagine a more frighteningly Orwellian phrase than "STOP RESISTING".

  • @VoonNBuddies
    @VoonNBuddies Год назад +769

    The problem with the police is not that they often use excessive violence against innocent people, it's that they can, and there is nothing you can do to stop them. If a cop wants to touch you, hurt you, kidnap you, kill you, there is simply nothing that you can do to stop them that won't make it worse. If a criminal assaults you on the street, you can defend yourself. If a cop walks up to you and immediately tazes you, defending yourself is a crime. And more than a crime, it's an excuse for the officer to escalate the violence.
    We could replace or "train" every single cop working today and it wouldn't change this fact: the only thing that can prevent a cop from hurting you, is the cop themself. It's the Police as an institution, not just the police as a group of people, that needs to go.

    • @MrGoldfish8
      @MrGoldfish8 Год назад +2

      Exactly. Organised violence by the state is labelled "justice" but when we defend ourselves it's a "riot", it's "terrorism", it's "crime".

    • @OlleLindestad
      @OlleLindestad Год назад +14

      What would an improved alternative look like?

    • @beccak8166
      @beccak8166 Год назад +45

      @@OlleLindestad Highly recommend the CNN article "What the US would look like without police, as imagined in 3 scenarios"👍 for more reading about an ideal world, mother Jones "What a World Without Cops Would Look Like"

    • @falsum2701
      @falsum2701 Год назад +26

      @@OlleLindestad Volunteer neighbourhood security forces

    • @somebloke2238
      @somebloke2238 Год назад +63

      "Defending yourself is a crime" you hit the nail on the head with that

  • @UwURainUwU
    @UwURainUwU Год назад +1029

    The Jaywalking story really hit me as a British person especially because there are no such laws and pedestrians almost always have priority. It's just so fucking obvious these "people" are just looking for a legal outlet for their own violence and hatred.

    • @MTmerm
      @MTmerm Год назад +79

      these cops would have an anyeurism driving through any road thats decently busy with pedestrians

    • @AceRasputin
      @AceRasputin Год назад +4

      So you think you can just walk down the middle of the M25 and nothing can be done to stop you? There’s no such laws?

    • @LeftPhilip
      @LeftPhilip Год назад +79

      ​@AceRasputin what are you talking about jesse

    • @voigto
      @voigto Год назад

      @@AceRasputin Just in case you weren't being an obtuse fuckhead, no that would not be jaywalking. It would be against the RTRA, unless it is necessary for them to do so as a result of an accident or emergency or of a vehicle being at rest on a motorway.

    • @trutwhut6550
      @trutwhut6550 Год назад +34

      ​@@AceRasputinnot really, they could get in trouble for endangering the public with their actions if it was a particularly busy day.

  • @beansnrice321
    @beansnrice321 Год назад +359

    Only call the police if you think that an ignorant, armed sociopath will help the situation.

    • @airplanes_aren.t_real
      @airplanes_aren.t_real Год назад +3

      I'll keep that in mind if I ever need to kill someone, just look up recent complaints sent to the station, look for what triggers them the most and lie about it on an anonymous call

    • @Username-2
      @Username-2 Год назад +2

      @@airplanes_aren.t_realYup that’s basically what swatting is. And it’s gotten many people killed.

  • @Amoebaaaaaa
    @Amoebaaaaaa Год назад +57

    I work with the extremely poor/homeless and mentally ill in my community. I've been assaulted. Had guns drawn. If myself or any one of my coworkers interacted with our clients the way MPD does, not only would they go to jail. They'd be out of a job. It just isn't even imaginable to treat human beings this way, regardless of the circumstances.

  • @mikexstad1121
    @mikexstad1121 Год назад +230

    As a Minnesotan, let me recommend you look into the police using Ketamine on people. It happened to my buddy as he was peeing in an alley. They accused him of a sex crime, drugged him, then tried to get him to sign papers while under the influence. Behind the Bastards Podcast, did a great deep dive into MPD

    • @benjamincox4211
      @benjamincox4211 Год назад

      Yeah they overdosed an autistic black man in Colorado with ketamine injections

    • @emmanuelle2977
      @emmanuelle2977 Год назад +9

      that is so fucked up

  • @StriderWolf
    @StriderWolf Год назад +651

    man minneapolis might actually be safer without any police force at all. this is insane.

    • @ahdog8
      @ahdog8 Год назад +150

      not even a "might." they would absolutely be safer!

    • @kawaiimunism
      @kawaiimunism Год назад +92

      _everywhere_ would be safer without any police force at all

    • @SlaughterHouseEducation
      @SlaughterHouseEducation Год назад +23

      Yeah it’s almost like what we’ve been saying makes perfect sense in context

    • @stopsperging6064
      @stopsperging6064 Год назад +11

      @@SlaughterHouseEducation I mean if you want someone to take your views you have to give them the context in which it works not just a bold statement of defund all police its like asking to send an alarm bell off in someone who might not inherently disagree with you but believe in some form of police

    • @bencheevers6693
      @bencheevers6693 Год назад +5

      Nah Minneapolis is like Baltimore, Chicago and LA, the cops are nasty but the criminals and gangs are quite savage

  • @ichaukan
    @ichaukan Год назад +138

    The fact that they still lie so brazenly and easily even when wearing body cameras shows that they are entirely unfit to be in any position of authority.

    • @timothymclean
      @timothymclean Год назад +9

      I disagree. The problem is with authority itself. They understand the assignment-it's just something that never should have been assigned.

    • @no_peace
      @no_peace Год назад +1

      I mean yeah it's systemic but they're also rotten

  • @mr.fleming709
    @mr.fleming709 Год назад +52

    PD’s are the only organizations where a single member could cost the organization hundreds of thousands of dollars and still keep their job

    • @Jkjoannaki
      @Jkjoannaki 5 месяцев назад

      Lol so true. If it wasn't state funded violence it wouldn't be able to continue as a criminal/mafia/corporate organization

    • @rebajeanforever3700
      @rebajeanforever3700 Месяц назад

      Really, lol
      What about Covid?
      How about pharmaceutical?
      The list can go on and on that do harm to people and pay out and still keep there jobs.
      These last 30 to 40 years should show you.
      Damn, look at our education system etc.
      Go ahead take the law enforcement away and then see what happens. Lol, bring out the UN police, smh....then see how you like it!

  • @annoyedbipolar7424
    @annoyedbipolar7424 Год назад +275

    Minnesota was born and raised. Unfortunately, because I'm Ojibwe (Native American) I have a family whose been targeted several times over several generations.
    My late grandfather even won a case of police brutality several decades ago.
    They broke his back because he refused to leave and stop witnessing another case of police brutality. My grandfather's brother was drunk and being beaten by several officers. So when he wanted to de-escalate the situation and bring his brother home they decided to beat him as well.
    This is one of those stories that looking back changed our whole family's trajectory and in many ways, my family is still dealing with the repercussions of those events.
    There's much more anecdotal evidence from inside and outside my family.
    (apparently, the MPD used to get into brawls with groups of Native American families and lose. It would go unreported because a bunch of white 6ft tall cops with batons getting beat up by unarmed 5' 5 brown guys was pretty humiliating.)

    • @SleepyMatt-zzz
      @SleepyMatt-zzz Год назад

      That is wild, but not surprising. The origins of the American police force stemmed from a time when they were tasked with capturing escaped slaves and persecute indigenous people who had their homes stolen.

    • @MrMayhem-yo2wh
      @MrMayhem-yo2wh Год назад

      And then everyone clapped right?

    • @annoyedbipolar7424
      @annoyedbipolar7424 Год назад +33

      @@MrMayhem-yo2wh I don't know. Does this sound like a story where 2/3s of both sides end up without alcohol or substance dependency?

    • @worldoffood123
      @worldoffood123 Год назад +8

      Thank you for sharing your story. Best wishes

    • @kostajovanovic3711
      @kostajovanovic3711 Год назад

      ​@@MrMayhem-yo2whWerner Herzog fan?

  • @1drumshark
    @1drumshark Год назад +352

    Without cops, who will shoot your neighbors dog?

    • @Founder6087
      @Founder6087 Год назад +3

      The criminals will, because no police will be there to stop them

    • @bdarecords_
      @bdarecords_ 11 месяцев назад

      @@Founder6087 That has been debunked. There are so many articles, essays and even studies about this if one is willing to inform themselves. Police as a system should not exist anymore. Let's assume a Super AI has the power to change society completely, abolish capitalism and whatnot. In a perfect world, police would ALWAYS be abolished and if you are optimistic and believe that eventually every injustice will be abolished and be it in hundreds of years, police as a system has no future and will not exist in it.

    • @nocturnelux3391
      @nocturnelux3391 7 месяцев назад +17

      Do the ATF count as cops in this case, or are they different?

    • @yungtago9161
      @yungtago9161 6 месяцев назад

      @@Founder6087 the police wouldn't stop them anyway, they're too busy harassing minorities

    • @Jkjoannaki
      @Jkjoannaki 5 месяцев назад +39

      ​@@Founder6087how often do cops prevent crime? Most times they search for accused criminals, not future ones. It's a matter of luck if they ever prevent actual crimes. Most detectives admit anyway that majority of crimes happen within houses or buildings in ways that are legally protected by being viewed by the cops without evidence of criminal activity. When did the cops ever prevent a rape? Most crimes that are perpetuated again and again are crimes made by those who the cops protect. That's why there's not police violence in fascist or Christian or zionist protests.

  • @maceotrigger8625
    @maceotrigger8625 Год назад +376

    I was born and raised in Minneapolis and I can say first hand that this is one of the most calculated and evil gangs in the history of America. I have not only been the victim of this but have first hand seen the effects of this. One of my first exposures to this was coming home and at the end of my street was a dealers house and me and my friends saw the cops violently raiding the house. This culminated with the cops releasing an attack dog on a man who was on the ground face down begging for his life I will never forget the sounds he made I really hope he’s okay today

    • @shaunbarrie2263
      @shaunbarrie2263 Год назад +40

      This sounds like the kind of situation one would think to call the police for, and yet...

    • @oldgreenknees1205
      @oldgreenknees1205 Год назад

      Cops only treat you the way you let them. #2ndAmendmentIsForCorruptGovernmwnt

    • @lavellelee5734
      @lavellelee5734 Год назад +7

      ​@@shaunbarrie2263they're already there 😅

  • @Scriven42
    @Scriven42 Год назад +32

    Cops and Klan go Hand in Hand.
    Same now as ever.

  • @cfnretro6448
    @cfnretro6448 Год назад +360

    I have lived in Minneapolis for a lot of years. As a black man, I’ve had police respond in an aggressive manner towards me in an incident where I called them. They honestly are bullies, who hide behind their badge.

    • @sentientnatalie
      @sentientnatalie 11 месяцев назад +5

      Why I would actually think twice before calling the cops, even if I may well really need them.

    • @TimmyTheTinman
      @TimmyTheTinman 9 месяцев назад

      @@sentientnatalie then why are you gonna do if someone threatens your life?

    • @sentientnatalie
      @sentientnatalie 9 месяцев назад +2

      @@TimmyTheTinman Surely you mean what, not why, your use of the latter part of speech makes no sense.
      What would I do if a cop threatened my life? That's the real question, ofc to answer yours, if a non-cop threatened my life, they would do nothing outside of seeing it as an excuse to intrude and manufacture for themselves a free collar, especially in America, but even over here, our cops are being Americanised, which naturally makes them a lot worse than they already are. Anywhere capitalism's cops are, the risk of death to their "enemies" skyrockets. So be careful how you approach calling the cops, won't you?
      Your butchered question isn't the gotcha you think it is...
      Btw, I wish you as much of a Happy New Year as you tried to usher in for me lol.

    • @cinnabar555
      @cinnabar555 2 месяца назад

      they’re not even bullies atp they’re terrorists

    • @Toenail_VR
      @Toenail_VR 2 месяца назад

      Rage Against The Machine was right.

  • @ava2977
    @ava2977 Год назад +318

    I still remember that haunting horrible footage of the elderly man just walking during the 2020 protests and the cops pushed him on the ground. He had a serious brain injury and couldn’t walk for weeks. But their charges were dismissed ultimately. How can we possibly be okay with a system that does this?

    • @mechanomics2649
      @mechanomics2649 Год назад

      Lots and lots of propaganda.
      Generation after generation is told, from a young age: "Police are good, police are your friends." They're taught that police are heroes and paragons of good.

    • @michaelfiori6700
      @michaelfiori6700 Год назад

      Then trump made of him and said he was faking it. No joke look it up. The president at the time said that old Mas antifa and was faking it.

    • @falcon_arkaig
      @falcon_arkaig Год назад

      I just BET if a civilian pushed that elderly man and caused brain damage they'd be in jail. But for some reason Cops don't get punished? What kind of justice system is that?

    • @hairymcnipples
      @hairymcnipples Год назад

      Because it's literally what they're there for. Unfortunately peaceful protest is unlikely to fix this. The role of the police in the USA is to terrorize the citizenry until they cannot challenge capital. Police in other liberal nations have similar aims but more palatable - or at least less obviously abhorrent - methods.

    • @intensebug
      @intensebug 7 месяцев назад +8

      Worst part is he had an officer's helmet in his hand and was trying to return it. A simple act of kindness and this guy ends up on the concrete, blood pooling around his head while the police step around and over him. One pauses out of basic functioning empathy and his buddy notices and pulls him along. Like a half hour drive from my old place. No accountability. It's so transparently evil.

  • @cassidyauld6413
    @cassidyauld6413 Год назад +171

    minneapolis resident here! loved this video, you did an excellent job showing how fucked our police are. one thing you also could have mentioned, our police are notorious for failing to investigate sexual assault cases. in 2019, it came out that minneapolis police failed to test 1700 rape kits in the past 30 years

  • @isaacbacka8731
    @isaacbacka8731 Год назад +44

    I know it probably doesn’t interest you to make another police department video. But please check out the Anchorage PD in Alaska. They are notoriously inept, one of the most statistically violent police forces in the country both domestically speaking and towards civilians, and for the past 3 police chiefs have been successfully fighting back against body cams being issued. They finally got sued and forced to, and then a few weeks later release a statement delaying it by a year for no reason. Plz spread the word and help us make them accountable

  • @adamshinbrot
    @adamshinbrot Год назад +532

    I doubt you'll see this comment, but if you do it might be instructive to look at a little fairly recent history: back in the 80's Mayor Fraser hired Tony Bouza to clean up the Minneapolis Police. Bouza was an intelligent and insightful man, a police captain in New York City, the author of several books, and fully aware of the criminal (although he was diplomat enough not to use that term) nature of the cops here.
    He made some valuable observations about the police force: the fact that Minneapolis had a huge number of officers sitting at desks, and a relative few cops on the street. I'd bet this is still the case, making the 571 sworn officers even less effective. As far as effectiveness is concerned Bouza also tried to institute one-person police cars to increase police presence; you can guess how that went. And he tried, oh he tried, to do something about what he called "the thumpers"; i.e. the cops whose only response to almost anything was violence. But he failed there too. The union beat him at every turn, the cops hated him and refused to cooperate with him, and he retired defeated.
    I guess my conclusion is, we've been here before, albeit without a DOJ report, but my bet is the cops will win this time too. Without the destruction of the police officer's union there will be no substantive change. Period.
    I think Tony Bouza is still alive; he might be a fun interview.
    I don't live in Minneapolis any longer otherwise there'd be no way I'd be saying any of this. The Minneapolis police were and are a disgrace.

    • @OneEyeShadow
      @OneEyeShadow Год назад

      All it takes is just 500 loser boys with a gun and a badge, huh?

    • @shareetz3154
      @shareetz3154 Год назад +31

      looks like he passed away just a couple of weeks ago…

    • @adamshinbrot
      @adamshinbrot Год назад +41

      @@shareetz3154 Ah, Jeez. Sorry to hear it. He was a good and wise man.

    • @ChiWillett
      @ChiWillett Год назад +1


    • @adamshinbrot
      @adamshinbrot Год назад

      @@andrewbaiocco304 Not if they have a union.

  • @bazzfromthebackground3696
    @bazzfromthebackground3696 Год назад +315

    That's what happens when you have an entire generation of cops raised on "Law & Order" and all of its spin-offs.
    They wanna be TV.

    • @Dexter037S4
      @Dexter037S4 Год назад

      Not Law & Order, but more Blue Bloods and The Shield.
      Hell L&O today is like the most leftist cop show out there (other than the Canadian ones, which due to laws up here, are actually more realistic than US ones, and everyone is an asshole).

    • @sentientnatalie
      @sentientnatalie Год назад +19

      I'd say it's mostly Blue Bloods, one of the most insidious copaganda pieces, basically ultra-conservative "Back the Blue" porn.

    • @leaffinite2001
      @leaffinite2001 Год назад

      ​@sentientnatalie all cop shows peddle lies and fearmongering, painting cops as heros constantly at threat of death.

    • @kawaiimunism
      @kawaiimunism Год назад

      Police have essentially always been like this. From their inception, they've functioned as a legally-sanctioned gang authorized to use violence essentially with impunity so long as they maintain state power. _Our Enemies in Blue_ by Kristian Williams is a good history on the topic.

    • @Zanador
      @Zanador Год назад +6

      Law & Order might be copaganda, but the cops in that show generally act pretty normal and respectable and it's rare that anything particularly violent happens outside of the inciting incident for the episode. If these guys wanted to be like L&O they wouldn't be acting like this.

  • @Dreigonix
    @Dreigonix Год назад +614

    I implore everyone not to judge Minneapolis by our god-awful police system, and to not fall into the mental trap of “good thing _our_ police department isn’t that bad”. If it seems that way, it is only because they have done a better job of covering up their abuses.

    • @bewawolf19
      @bewawolf19 Год назад

      I judge Minneapolis by the people living there not realizing things such as murder, rape and robbery are bad. That and the fact Minneapolis constantly votes to fuck over the rural parts of the state. I do find it funny though that Minneapolis views their police as systematically corrupt and abusive, and then keep the very same people in charge for a century.

    • @beccak8166
      @beccak8166 Год назад +96

      Your friendly reminder that around 90% of police officers in Minneapolis do not live here. This is an occupying force

    • @CheddarDrip
      @CheddarDrip Год назад +8

      @@beccak8166so? I’m pretty sure they would still suck if they commuted from Woodbury instead of Seward. This is the same dodgy excuse we used when we burned down the police station on lake. No, it wasn’t “bad actors from out of town” it was us, because they suck. Just own it. We don’t need to pretend everybody within the imaginary bounds of our city lines are just automatically “better”

    • @beccak8166
      @beccak8166 Год назад +48

      ​​@@CheddarDripthey do commute from woodbury, that's my point. These aren't community members. These are outsiders occupying our city.
      Lol at the thing about the station, I live right near there. I know what you're talking about. Yah an out of towner was charged for the act but that thing was going down either way 💀
      To be clear, I don't think that our problem with police would be solved if they were from our city and not the suburbs. I'm an abolitionist, not a reformist. But I think it's good to point out that, like I said, this is an occupying force who has an extremely powerful union and no other ties to the city other than a track record of brutalizing it. I think that's something to keep in mind when educating people about the police in our town.

    • @Dreigonix
      @Dreigonix Год назад +5

      @@beccak8166 TRUE!

  • @Redawesomeoby
    @Redawesomeoby Год назад +35

    Oh boy, a career where I can beat someone to the brink of death and NOT get charged for it? Sign me up - Every prespective cop ever

  • @blink_nimbledigit
    @blink_nimbledigit Год назад +227

    I live in Mpls and during the protests after George Floyd I was scanning police radios to help inform protesters. I overheard police officers joking and getting excited about being cleared to use pepper spray grenades in response to some of the officers (with full shields) having some rocks thrown their direction. It was sickening.

    • @kalisederoche
      @kalisederoche Год назад +29

      as someone pepper sprayed in those protests, that is chilling to hear

    • @someonelse2
      @someonelse2 Год назад +18

      Hey! Good comment and thanks for your work, you should really change your pfp after this though just in case 👍

    • @blink_nimbledigit
      @blink_nimbledigit Год назад +8

      @@someonelse2 fair point!

    • @johnhatchel9681
      @johnhatchel9681 Год назад

      When your soft, sorry ass needs help we all know who you're calling.

    • @Drogba757
      @Drogba757 Год назад

      Fuck around and find out. 😂

  • @philipajfry
    @philipajfry Год назад +118

    A cop I knew personally once told me he basically permanently crippled someone for pissing him off.

    • @bdarecords_
      @bdarecords_ 11 месяцев назад +17

      Was he proud of that? I bet he was.

    • @philipajfry
      @philipajfry 11 месяцев назад +53

      @@bdarecords_ why else would he tell a 13 year old kid? He was proud, and I was terrified.

    • @bdarecords_
      @bdarecords_ 11 месяцев назад +13

      @@philipajfry So sick

    • @minnethreat
      @minnethreat 3 месяца назад +7

      that was Thomas Lane. he also bragged about running over dogs for fun and deliberately trying to hit kids in crosswalks with an unmarked car.

    • @youtubegarbage7876
      @youtubegarbage7876 2 месяца назад +1

      Yeah... they are awful people.

  • @gabrielkies9068
    @gabrielkies9068 Год назад +116

    I was an RA at the University of Minnesota from 2015-2017, and I had to deal with the MPD a number of times. One time, we had to call 911 about a suicide in progress. The cops arrived before the EMTs and made jokes at the expense of the suicidal resident.
    She ended up being okay, so the story ends well. But shit like that happened constantly.

  • @bonkersTwoThousand
    @bonkersTwoThousand Год назад +25

    This genuinely fucking terrifies me. I live in the county and am very vulnerable to this shit. Knowing i could be a victim of this behavior for simply walking down the street forces me inside my house in utter fear.

    • @raychbez
      @raychbez Месяц назад

      What county? We're talking about a city police department. Unless you live in Minneapolis and walk down the street often. What are you so scared of? Pick me comment.

    • @rebajeanforever3700
      @rebajeanforever3700 Месяц назад

      Minneapolis is a dangerous city. You constantly have to watch your surroundings. Even if you think you're only touched by it by walking a lot downtown, you are fooling yourself. Everywhere you go, you can place yourself in harms way. Downtown walking, on a bus, in contaminated public bathrooms. Going to stores and being followed cause they want to rob you. Robbing is very high in Minneapolis. Northside is very dangerous. Even if you feel you will not be a victim, you're wrong. Every crime is taking place. It happens to you or others. Lets say by some miracle, nothing has happened to you physically, but mentally it is happening every day. All the shootings, the innocent and not so innocent, are being shot and killed. Never knowing when you go outside that there could be a victim laying there dead. People over there suffer from pstd ɓy all of it, and no one who lives there for any length time will suffer with it. Even the cops who work in those high crime areas.
      I could say more, but the truth hurts.

  • @felicitys3621
    @felicitys3621 Год назад +2198

    My dad and I were listening to this video when he turned to me and told me with a completely straight face. “What people don’t understand is that officer had LDS, it makes it extremely hard to deal with people.” and I was trying to run through a bunch of legal terms in my head, before I finally turned to him and asked what it was.
    “Little Dick Syndrome”

  • @weebemail8376
    @weebemail8376 Год назад +340

    “you can’t say fuck the police unless you’re in a display of protest” … what do you think saying “fuck the police” is ???

    • @user-burner
      @user-burner 11 месяцев назад +21

      Presumably a display of protest
      Edit: I may be stupid

    • @randominternettoaster7859
      @randominternettoaster7859 4 месяца назад +5

      ​@user-burner i relate to that edit. i may be stupid too

    • @Xman34washere
      @Xman34washere 3 месяца назад +5

      ​@@user-burner I mean you did get the point

  • @mythic_snake
    @mythic_snake Год назад +242

    I've said this before and I'll keep saying it: There is only one law in their eyes. It is the law of unquestioning compliance. If you break this law (whether it is real or imagined), you are subject to immediate termination. No other laws matter. Only compliance matters. The number of non-cops who support this mentality and the cops who abuse their power is sickening. Authoritarianism is a disease.

    • @rafaravioli
      @rafaravioli Год назад +27

      This is the thread that ties all these incidents together. None of these people were violent toward the cops, but most/all of them did not immediately comply in some manner, which led to their extrajudicial punishment/execution.

    • @danielmerchant5533
      @danielmerchant5533 7 месяцев назад +2

      This disregards the numerous cases where victims tried to comply, where multiple officers gave conflicting orders, where officers used force recklessly harming bystanders, where officers used force on dogs, or where non-compliance was invented or encouraged to justify police violence.
      "Why didn't they just comply" is a common take on what amounts to a sweeping violation by cops of my right as an American to have a justice system involving elected judges and trials by peers where innocence is presumed until proven guilty.
      What's the use of voting for a judge if the cops are going to circumvent my representative? Was jury duty that big of an upset to the economy that we're giving away our right to be involved in judging our peers? It's an affront to democracy and a perversion of justice.

    • @mythic_snake
      @mythic_snake 7 месяцев назад

      @@danielmerchant5533 VERY good point!

  • @ezraorwhatever
    @ezraorwhatever Год назад +312

    I was in a Minneapolis high school during the protests following the murder of George Floyd. There where armored vehicles everyday for months outside. And I kept thinking how do we have these. What war are they fighting. That was the first time I realized that the police where not on the side of the people, they where at war with us. I feel deep shame that I could ever have thought otherwise.

    • @kaden-sd6vb
      @kaden-sd6vb Год назад +43

      You shouldnt feel shame that you thought like that, you should feel pride that you learned the truth. Most people aren't capable of that these days...

    • @hywodena
      @hywodena Год назад +32

      I had the same realization. I was in Portland and realized as police continued attacking peaceful protesters. The protests in Portland were not always peaceful, but usually were. The police seemed to treat us the same either way. Every riot started as peaceful, and did not become violent until the police made it that way. They were always the ones escalating.
      Seeing the police waging war against us was.. horrifying. It made me realize that it wasn't just a handful of bad officers and failed accountability. I realized the police do not protect people, that is not their job. The whole system is corrupt.

    • @gigachad6885
      @gigachad6885 Год назад +2

      I'm sure you would've prefered to live close to George, because robbing your pregnant mother by pointing a bun at her stomach is better than seeing a few armored trucks stop lootings

    • @DaHuntsman1
      @DaHuntsman1 Год назад +25

      @@gigachad6885 Honestly, better that than have a completely unaccountable organization with military equipment that treats our cities as a shooting gallery.

    • @usernamesarestupid7104
      @usernamesarestupid7104 Год назад +12

      @@gigachad6885 your name is cringe

  • @tilog6839
    @tilog6839 4 месяца назад +21

    This is an excellent summation of how much the Minneapolis Police Department sucks. After they killed George Floyd there was an attempt to defund them, but that didn't happen. However, they're so awful that they ended up defunding themselves. Today, they're desperately scrambling to try to recruit people because few people want to work for them. Decent, well-adjusted people who have other options are not interested. And, since the spotlight is on them, they can't hire from their usual pool of sociopaths. As a result, the Minneapolis Police Department is about 1/3 smaller than it was in 2018. That's good news because dirty cops only create more problems.

    • @stephengrigg5988
      @stephengrigg5988 Месяц назад +1

      And Minneapolis isn't a smoking cinder? How is that even possible? The cops tell me they are the only ones that can keep us safe.

  • @robcourtney6332
    @robcourtney6332 Год назад +2110

    Edit: FFS, people, my point was we'd all be lucky to have the kind of JOB SECURITY cops here in the U.S. seem to have!
    Cops are so lucky. I'm a retired airline pilot. Imagine how much easier and stress-free my job would have been if I could screw-up so badly that people died and it have no effect on my career.

    • @mindlander
      @mindlander Год назад +10

      This must be sarcasm.

    • @the_expidition427
      @the_expidition427 Год назад +142

      @@mindlander It's not

    • @timothymclean
      @timothymclean Год назад +72

      To be fair, it's hard to imagine a situation where an airline pilot's failure kills people without said pilot being one of those people.

    • @robcourtney6332
      @robcourtney6332 Год назад +175

      @@timothymclean Oh it's not that hard to imagine. I vividly remember the night the captain of a Saab 340 turboprop (from a different company than mine) started an engine without confirming that personnel on the ground were clear of the propeller...

    • @_ikako_
      @_ikako_ Год назад +39

      A more apt comparison would be if you were able to knowingly and willingly endanger people's lives just to display you had that power. Or that you could just choose to crash any plane you wanted, cut all the parachutes aside from your own and jump ship to safety

  • @yurisonovab3892
    @yurisonovab3892 Год назад +75

    The irony of saying "that's not actually legal unless you're in a riot or a display of protest" after assaulting someone protesting.

  • @ixacey1069
    @ixacey1069 Год назад +365

    Earlier this year my partner and I were walking down Larpenteur Avenue to go to a party in Saint Paul. Before we crossed the border of Falcon Heights, the small city between Minneapolis and Saint Paul, we heard a little black boy yelling outside the door of an apartment complex, he couldn't have been older than 8 years old. He was clearly in distress and needed help. His father had left to go to the store and left his son in charge of the apartment and his two siblings while he was out and he was scared about being alone and asked us to borrow a phone so he could call his mom. This wasn't a big deal, his father came back within 5 minutes of us waiting for him and he hadn't been out for more than 10 minutes. What was notable however was the boys behavior. It wasn't just that he was upset about his dad being gone, he was specifically worried that he had been killed by police. He also begged us not to call the police (which we weren't going to do anyway). It's clear that this boy has grown up aware of the legitimate dangers of being a vulnerable minority in the Twin Cities. The very street we were on, Larpenteur Avenue, had a 1.5 mile stretch renamed recently. It's new name is Philando Castille Memorial Avenue. As you might remember, Philando Castille was extrajudicially murdered by a Saint Anthony Police Officer in Falcon Heights in 2015. When I put all the pieces together I was gutted. I felt sick to my stomach. It is disgusting, especially since Minnesota is so lauded as a progressive wonderland by many in various forms of bad faith, that white supremacy still has a death grip over so many peoples lives. We must stand against oppression in all its forms and the MPD and its neighboring PD's are about as oppressive as it gets.

    • @hobocode
      @hobocode Год назад +36

      I'm so glad that boy came across safe people like you and no people who would misunderstand and escalate.

    • @celluskh6009
      @celluskh6009 Год назад

      White supremacist? Castille wasn't killed by a white guy. And the black people on the jury unanimously voted to acquit the guy. You are just a seriously racist POS.

    • @kaileymo
      @kaileymo Год назад

      *American Progressive

  • @dokidokiduckie
    @dokidokiduckie Год назад +107

    The saddest part of all of this is that this is a pattern mirrored by almost every police force in the United States.

    • @imnotnotgameiacmaniac5327
      @imnotnotgameiacmaniac5327 Год назад +9

      Not nearly as bad in other areas but yes its a big issue, its eerily similar in other countries like the uk to where the issue has been getting worse and worse

    • @RileyWritey
      @RileyWritey Год назад +4

      British police are terrible but luckily unarmed most the time. They're also just pathetic and non-threatening in general.

    • @imnotnotgameiacmaniac5327
      @imnotnotgameiacmaniac5327 Год назад

      @@RileyWritey eh no british police regularly rape people and have committed unlawful violence many times. also there is an extreme lack of police focused on everyday crimes especially harder ones

  • @beccak8166
    @beccak8166 Год назад +128

    I live in Minneapolis and im so happy youre covering this. Highly reccomend everyone chack out the series of articles "Denied Justice" from the Star Tribune about the MPD's handling of r*pe cases, the organization MPD150, a breakdown of the history of the MPD, and your local chapter of CUAPB, Communities United Against Police Brutality. Help us all to reclaim our communities.

    • @Casshio
      @Casshio Год назад +2

      I'd like to check them out but I honestly can't after watching this. The amount of injustice and crazieness is exhausting.

    • @beccak8166
      @beccak8166 Год назад +1

      @@Casshio it is really rough to hear about. I totally understand.

  • @lordchaa1598
    @lordchaa1598 Год назад +264

    This is occurring in every police precinct in America. It’s actually worse in small towns because police really are Judge, jury and executioners in the small towns and rural communities they inhabit.

    • @thekestrel9290
      @thekestrel9290 Год назад +2

      If you watched a single video by Code Blue Cam you'd know it isn't EVERY precinct. Milwaukee at least has their shit figured out

    • @byronholt2031
      @byronholt2031 Год назад +55

      ​@@thekestrel9290"If you would watch this carefully curated, cherry-picked propoganda, you would see that the propaganda worka."

    • @thekestrel9290
      @thekestrel9290 Год назад

      @@byronholt2031 I never said it wasn't cherry-picked, it definitely is. It just shows that at least one district is Milwaukee doesn't have bad cops. They have a history of not being bad cops at least since 2018. This one single cherry-picked precinct is not bad. The cherry-picked nature of that channel doesn't negate the fact that not every precinct in America is like that, as the original comment stated

    • @fighttheevilrobots3417
      @fighttheevilrobots3417 Год назад +26

      ​@@thekestrel9290Acab. ALL.

    • @thekestrel9290
      @thekestrel9290 Год назад +1

      @@byronholt2031 the channel code blue cam is obviously not representative of cops as a whole, as statistics will very clearly prove. It merely serves as definitive proof against the claim that all cops are bad. It's almost like making sweeping generalizations about entire groups of people usually isn't accurate

  • @Masaru_kun
    @Masaru_kun Год назад +183

    Anyone who thinks that running away with stolen sneakers is a valid reason to get choked, is 100% on their bullshit lol

    • @drewpeacock9087
      @drewpeacock9087 Год назад +11

      Unless they literally turned around and tried to attack the officer ig, and even then there are surely better ways to manage the situation. As established though the police don't need a reason other than deciding to punish you

  • @Crystal-iq3wt
    @Crystal-iq3wt Месяц назад +3

    IMPORTANT UPDATE: The journalist who lost her eye recently died from the damage it caused

  • @desdemona950
    @desdemona950 Год назад +458

    i am so astonished & thankful to see natives included in a video like this by a white creator. we're almost always left out of coverage entirely, especially on police brutality.

    • @Solstice261
      @Solstice261 Год назад +3

      One question, what is the correct way to call native Americans? Somehow that name doesn't seem correct specially when they deserve their own sovereignty even though seldom given those deserved rights, is there a name with which natives identify themselves more?

    • @Frogface91
      @Frogface91 Год назад +13

      ​@@Solstice261I think "indigenous" is the most popular term these days?

    • @jamessherlock6912
      @jamessherlock6912 Год назад

      He isn't white.

    • @jamessherlock6912
      @jamessherlock6912 Год назад

      ​​@@Frogface91Well no. Because you have black people in parts of your country specifically antfia idiot's who claim they are "Indigenous" because Maxim.

    • @Solstice261
      @Solstice261 Год назад +2

      @@Frogface91 ok thank you

  • @greeksquad2884
    @greeksquad2884 Год назад +777

    It makes me a little sad that the first time people actually talk about Minneapolis it’s in the context of our police force being terrible. It’s totally justified tho.

    • @davidhatred7275
      @davidhatred7275 Год назад +20

      at lest you've got amphetamine reptile!

    • @veginito9927
      @veginito9927 Год назад +9

      Hey if it makes you feel better it's my favorite American city to visit since its so close to home it feels like home :)

    • @williamedge5130
      @williamedge5130 Год назад +49

      Remember when Minneapolis was a centre for funk music and not a poster boy for police brutality and misconduct? Good times
      (RIP Prince)

    • @swellson8133
      @swellson8133 Год назад +2

      @@davidhatred7275Holy shit how do you know what that is?!?

    • @SnareRushJunkie
      @SnareRushJunkie Год назад +13

      ​@@davidhatred7275Hell yeah AmRep! Our noise rock scene (and music scene in general) is still pretty great.

  • @yum9918
    @yum9918 Год назад +72

    Reminder that tasers are less lethal, not non-lethal.
    Every single time a taser is shot, it is potentially lethal force being used, and should be treated as such.
    It is lesser escalation than gunshots, but it is still potentially lethal force.
    Edit: Same for rubber bullets, doubly so for 40mm (grenade launcher caliber). Cue the Generation Kill scene.

  • @foxblogz
    @foxblogz Год назад +68

    this is exactly what we mean when we say acab. maybe not all 517 officers did something like this, but they were all complicit. A cop who so much as lets this happen unreported is a terrible cop.

    • @Yoraeryu
      @Yoraeryu 9 месяцев назад +4

      there are two types of good cops: former cops and Former cops

  • @rencogu2877
    @rencogu2877 Год назад +190

    as a minneapolis resident i have never trusted our police force. they are slow to respond, unhelpful, and often abusive. the heinous acts that have been committed by them, that are now being revealed, makes me lose any faith that i previously may have had in my city's law enforcement.

    • @drinklewinkle
      @drinklewinkle Год назад +17

      Nah don't worry though they can swiftly respond at a speedy 3 hours to ask if the incident is still happening.

    • @sloanekuria3249
      @sloanekuria3249 Год назад +1

      as an American resident, I find this as well.

    • @vappyreon1176
      @vappyreon1176 Год назад +2

      The cops here arent too bad in a physical violence sense, but hearing this about you Minneapolis, how have yall not had a damn uprising?

    • @mes4prez
      @mes4prez Год назад

      @vappyreon1176 the George Floyd protests come to mind, the effects of that branched much further than just Minnesota, I'd even say worldwide for a second there wasn't a person who was connected to the internet that didn't know about the unrest here, but I agree it's still not enough, at this point more organized protests and uprisings should be commonplace among all the BS we see from these pigs, but I'll guess we'll get there when we get there

    • @drinklewinkle
      @drinklewinkle Год назад +8

      @@vappyreon1176 There was, the shocking twist is not much changed except the cops got worse.

  • @nas84payne
    @nas84payne Год назад +94

    14:21 😮 The way my face was in shock when Joel revealed the officer was Chauvin. That is chilling knowing he did the same thing to the kid as he did George Floyd (I do know about the multiple complaints about him before the Floyd murder). The police are more dangerous than any of the “traditional” gangs in America.

    • @crispy7499
      @crispy7499 11 месяцев назад +7

      At least most gang violence is between gangs. Cops don't have those standards apparently

    • @minnethreat
      @minnethreat 3 месяца назад

      Chauvin has done that knowingly 4 times. We'll never know what he didn't record.

  • @ii121
    @ii121 Год назад +230

    The thing is, you could make this video about virtually every major police department in the US. Milwaukee puts Minneapolis to shame. Chicago is so insanely cartoonishly corrupt, the things I could write here would just sound insane. You could literally create a whole channel discussing the various criminal PDs in the Midwest.

    • @jjthekhanman2876
      @jjthekhanman2876 Год назад +24

      Ironically enough the picture in the thumbnail is actually of Milwaukee and not Minneapolis

    • @MidnightSimmer
      @MidnightSimmer Год назад +11

      ​@@jjthekhanman2876 was thinking about this the whole time. Why use a milwaukee picture?!!?!? Ppl born and raised in the twin cities are gonna know😭 esp ppl from Milwaukee

    • @lucastraman706
      @lucastraman706 Год назад +12

      I grew up in Baton Rouge
      A young black man named Alton Sterling was selling cds outside of a gas station. The police tried to arrest him for loitering. Then Sterling ended up on the ground while resisting arrest
      He was shot 5 times in the back.

    • @arandomcommenter412
      @arandomcommenter412 Год назад +3

      @@MidnightSimmergotta make Minneapolis look at least a bit better

    • @thedoober6002
      @thedoober6002 Месяц назад

      Don't even start about NYPD. It's actually a cartoon.

  • @BaronBudd16
    @BaronBudd16 4 месяца назад +13

    I live in North Minneapolis. Can confirm. MPD is absolute garbage. I live in a majority POC neighborhood and it’s appalling how the police treat the community, and how underserved we are in terms of actual safety and law enforcement in an appropriate helpful way. I’ve had to call the police many many times and they have never helped.

    • @arfinjalal4563
      @arfinjalal4563 3 месяца назад

      Hey baron its terrible you live in a city that has a gang that pretends to be cops

    • @Killmebeforeikillu
      @Killmebeforeikillu Месяц назад

      Northside psy I'm smoking naya, wheezy, ob and 14😂