Autism Treatment: The Son-Rise Program vs. ABA: Key Differences Clip 1

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • autismtreatmen... - Raun Kaufman, CEO of the Autism Treatment Center of America, here discusses the key differences between the Son-Rise Program and ABA ( Applied Behavior Analysis)
    FOR MORE INFORMATION: visit www.autismtreat...
    The Autism Treatment Center of America™ is the worldwide teaching center for The Son-Rise Program®, a powerful and effective home-based treatment for children and adults of all ages challenged by Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), and other developmental difficulties. The Son-Rise Program was originated in 1974 by parents, Barry Neil Kaufman (best-selling author, Son-Rise: The Miracle Continues) and Samahria Lyte Kaufman for their son. The treatment and educational model has changed the way children with Autism are helped worldwide. The Son-Rise Program was awarded the Best Autism Therapy at the AutismOne National Conference.
    The Son-Rise Program®can change your child's future . . .
    • Awarded "Best Autism Therapy" at the AutismOne National Conference
    • Allows your child to be your guide
    • You are your child's best resource
    • Join your child in their world - rather than force
    • them to conform to a world they don't understand
    Foundational Course
    THE SON-RISE PROGRAM START-UP is a 5-day group training program for parents, relatives and professionals looking to facilitate meaningful progress in their children (ages 18 months through 60 years) challenged by Autism, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and other related developmental difficulties.
    Exciting, inspiring and diverse presentations by a group of seasoned and dedicated teachers, will deliver to you the autism strategies, expertise, motivation and knowledge honed through years of working with thousands of families and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. At the end of this course, you will have all the tools necessary to design and implement your own home-based Son-Rise Program, as well as the skills and attitude to impact your child's growth in all areas of learning, communication, development and skill acquisition.
    THE SON-RISE PROGRAM START-UP is designed to help those with children of varying ages, from 18 months through 60 years, with a wide range of developmental difficulties, most commonly Autism Spectrum Disorders and Pervasive Developmental Disorders.
    1. Exciting, inspiring and diverse presentations by a group of seasoned and dedicated teachers, will deliver to you the autism strategies, skills, motivation and knowledge honed through years of working with thousands of families and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
    2. Dynamic group exercises that spotlight key challenges in working with children
    3. Comprehensive video and audio training
    4. A powerful slide presentation that demystifies the seemingly randon and confusing behavior of special children
    5. Question and answer forums to address critical questions and concerns
    6. An opportunity to brainstorm autism strategies and network with other parents, professionals and teachers facing similar challenges
    7. An in-depth manual that walks you step by step through all the
    key elements of The Son-Rise Program
    To arrange for a Complimentary Consultation with a Son-Rise Program Advisor:
    U.S. 1-877-766-7473
    Int'l +001-413-229-2100
    To learn more: www.autismtreat...

Комментарии • 28

  • @h4444m
    @h4444m 13 лет назад +10

    As a teacher, this has become one of my many motos: discourage parents from ABA whenever I can and NEVER suggest or even mention it to anyone.

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 14 лет назад +1

    Dear Suzanne, as a developmental DIR based special educator (many of the same basic principles in Son-Rise),that is exactly the point, and you are Not realizing it. It SHOULD NOT be viewed as "interfering" or interferences with the child's learning. Self-stimulatory perseverative behaviors (as long as they are NOT self or other injurious), should (in fact from a developmental perspective) be joined with. This deepens attachment. When we begin to attribute meaning to the child's existing

  • @misspinkpunkykat
    @misspinkpunkykat 11 лет назад +12

    My parents say that all I learned from ABA was how to perform for treats and only see the value in doing something if some sort of treat or tangible reward was available.

  • @kenreeve32
    @kenreeve32 14 лет назад +6

    Based on his own report, he has heard from thousands of parents about what is being done in ABA programs. Isnt it likely that Mr. Kaufman is only hearing from parents who are dissatisfied with ABA? Wouldnt that bias what he hears about ABA? His description of ABA is very different from my experiences as a professional in the field.

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 14 лет назад +1

    "behaviors" (or more accurate underlying affect sensory based challenges) we begin to not only deepen (primary caregiver/child) attachment but create the possibility of deepening co-narrative meaning making. Increased affect regulation and emotional signaling based upon two-way emotional problem-solving and pleasurable based interactions. This addresses affective gestural reciprocity (preverbal dynamics) which are crucial and forms the basis of integration (strengthening of synaptic connectivity

  • @kenreeve32
    @kenreeve32 14 лет назад +2

    While I appreciate Mr. Kaufman's enthusiasm, I think it is important to differentiate these two different approaches to autism treatment by having a panel discussion between Mr. Kaufman and a well regarded professional in the field of ABA. I cannot speak to the differences between the two programs because I have not received training in the Son-Rise approach. By the same token, I do not believe that Mr. Kaufman has received any training in ABA from an accredited source.

  • @SuzanneTaylor
    @SuzanneTaylor 14 лет назад +2

    ABA does not take a specific stance on excessive self stimulatory behavior. (WE ALL DO IT!) If it interferes with the child's learning or social participation it is often targeted for reduction.

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 13 лет назад +2

    Developmental, it is non-existent. It is not a matter that the child doesn't have "more fun activities available." It is a question of understanding (that is, Developmentally, and NOT in an ABA animal training, automata or bete machine manner), how the child orients and interprets affect sensory or emotional-sensory motor connections with others. This often means joining in his/her non-injurious "behaviors." Flapping, rocking, spinning, etc. which possesses MEANING to the child in PRESENT

  • @KariysuFamilia
    @KariysuFamilia 12 лет назад

    hi thank you for making this programs for uor kids, and i will put my son under your programs, he is 5 years old and autism severe, no medicine, again thank you so much..

  • @Ruggerschr
    @Ruggerschr 13 лет назад +3

    4:00 stating that ABA is about checking tasks off on a list and is not about supporting parents and families in wrong. Read my book and you will see that this is not the case at all. Our ABA/VB program is 100% parent training based.

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 13 лет назад +1

    tense. By doing so we are framing/conveying to the child that his/her actions are MEANINGFUL. Nor is this a means to an end. This is an actual fact. To do otherwise is to be resoundingly obtuse and blithely fail to appreciate a little item called Theory of Mind (that is the adult to the child's perspective, going to his/her world). When we do this we deepen attachment strengthen the foundations of reciprocal interactions (i.e., meaningful joint attention) and then theatrically add new affect

  • @KHAN8531
    @KHAN8531 12 лет назад +1

    WOW YOU ARE AMAZING, i cried for joy to see how you turned sucsess.

  • @maxgunn555
    @maxgunn555 11 лет назад +4

    we don't believe in the word inappropriate... glad to hear i've read/heard that word so much and it's meaningless it's a purley subjective word that only gains it's meaning by the actual act of it being stated therefore it's meaninlgess. i hate that word.

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 12 лет назад +2

    It is not that you "don't care." It is just that you are ignorant. The very thinking "parts." A child is not comprised of parts; not an automaton to be deconstructed and reconstructed Ala. Skinner, Lovaas Gina Green et al That is a non-sequitur. Let me correct you. Building relationship is building the child; expanding the co-affective dynamics of meaningful rather than robotic engagement. Guess what: There is NO such thing as "undesirable behaviors." This is internalized parent reprimanding

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 13 лет назад +1

    (playful) variations to the reciprocal social-emotional dynamic. These dyadic primary caregiver/child interactions (meaningful engagement) build the core foundations of thinking, relating and communicating. Not only does participation in the child's "stims" NOT interfere with learning or social goals, they help build the necessary foundation of healthy growth and development.

  • @Ruggerschr
    @Ruggerschr 13 лет назад +1

    ABA was not developed by Lovaas for clinicians. 3:33 seconds in and you are either wrong or lying. Lovaas, developed his interpretation of ABA for use in Children with Autism and is nothing more than the approach that he has taken and taught on ABA for this population. He did not develop ABA and his approach is not even the basis of anything ABA. It is nothing more than one persons approach to teaching children with Autism based on the principles of ABA.

  • @bosquecat
    @bosquecat 15 лет назад +2

    I am a SW who works with children with autism. I have learned about the Son-Rise program through a family I work with who went to the Autism Treatment Center. I am introducing the program with other families as well. Some of the families I am introducing it with also have ABA. Is it possible to use both interventions, especially if the ABA therapist is more liberal and aren't strict with extinguishing certain autism behaviors?
    Thank you for your time.

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 14 лет назад

    and expressive (spontaneous language/communication), as opposed to prompted or targeted responses mechanical produced on cue. I am not speaking from a detached perspective. I have worked with hundred on toddlers with minor to severe ASD using similar methodologies, at least adhering to the same basic emotional attachment and empathic underlying principles which are in direct accord with the latest research findings on neuroplasticity; deepening connections between, limbic and prefrontal..

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 13 лет назад +1

    @Ruggerschr Unfortunately ABA as a whole does very little to support educating families (as well as I dare say many therapists and educators) on what ACTUALLY constitutes the necessary and healthy foundations of emotional-cognitive social growth and development. The core neurodevelopmental challenges of thinking, relating and communicating involves deepening attachment; prelinguistic/affective nonverbal foundations of Meaningful engagement and caregiver affect relationship patterns.

  • @Neilgs
    @Neilgs 13 лет назад +3

    @Ruggerschr You are indeed a misguided little one aren't you now. "A stim is a child's way of entertaining himself when he does not have more fun activities available", Really? As a developmental therapist/educator who extensively uses a DIR neuroscientific based approach it is unfortunately shamefully obvious that your understanding of sensory processing over, under and mixed-reactivities within proprioceptive, vestibular, visual-spatial processing, auditory, olfactory is not only NOT

  • @monica70470
    @monica70470 12 лет назад +1

    hi Raun i not speak englis... yo trabajo basandome en su programa, pero james esta ahora pasado por una crissi nerviosa, donde no le interesa nada, como puedo tener su atencion... thank you...

  • @Adirafs
    @Adirafs 11 лет назад +7

    And rewarding with things... just sad... my son is not a dog!

  • @Adirafs
    @Adirafs 11 лет назад +7

    Aba is no respect for children individuality. To me it feels like braking childs character there is no way i will let my cjild near it.

  • @monica70470
    @monica70470 12 лет назад

    hi Raun i not speak englis... yo trabajo basandome en su programa, el niño esta ahora pasado por una crissi nerviosa, donde no le interesa nada, como puedo tener su atencion... thank you...

  • @kbarrett24
    @kbarrett24 14 лет назад +3

    ABA was developed by Dr LOVAAS??? That is inaccurate.

  • @h4444m
    @h4444m 13 лет назад +2

    ABA has absolutely NO respect for children with ASD for who they are. Their focus is constantly on changing the child's behaviour, if we can call it that, but that's not what ABA looks at it!