+Ryan Michael, can you find and upload Commercials that aired on Fox Kids and ABC Saturday Morning on September 5, 1992 during during Land of the Lost, Darkwing Duck, Beetlejuice - "Pest o' The West", Batman the Animated Series - "The Cat and the Claw, Part 1", Slimer! and The Real Ghostbusters - "?", Slimer! and The Real Ghostbusters closing credits, The Pirates of Dark Water - "The Darkdweller", Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - "Phantomato of the Opera", Little Shop - "Bad Seed", Hammerman - "Winnie's Winner", and the ABC Weekend Special - "Captain O.G. Readmore meets Red Riding Hood" (it was originally uploaded from RetroCCN 1st youtube channel from a private tracker a while back)? Can you find and upload it?
Thank you for the great uploads 💓
Glad you like them!
A lot of teenage mutant ninja turtles commercials
Yup, they were getting loads of air play back then. And I was right in the middle of it. hah
+Ryan Michael, can you find and upload Commercials that aired on Fox Kids and ABC Saturday Morning on September 5, 1992 during during Land of the Lost, Darkwing Duck, Beetlejuice - "Pest o' The West", Batman the Animated Series - "The Cat and the Claw, Part 1", Slimer! and The Real Ghostbusters - "?", Slimer! and The Real Ghostbusters closing credits, The Pirates of Dark Water - "The Darkdweller", Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - "Phantomato of the Opera", Little Shop - "Bad Seed", Hammerman - "Winnie's Winner", and the ABC Weekend Special - "Captain O.G. Readmore meets Red Riding Hood" (it was originally uploaded from RetroCCN 1st youtube channel from a private tracker a while back)? Can you find and upload it?
I'm sorry I don't have that file.. but I'll upload the commercials if I do come across it.
You Got Anything from FOX 29 Minnesota?
Nothing right now.. just got a bunch of NY area tapes.