Serial Killer Jeffrey Dahmer in Heaven

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 208

  • @professorx8549
    @professorx8549 3 года назад +17

    Most people ( including " so called " Christians) have no idea what Grace is. We are saved by Grace and not by works. Our sin is deserving of death before a Holy GOD and righteousness GOD.

    • @lucasmainenti584
      @lucasmainenti584 3 года назад +4

      Facts too many people in this world think going to Heaven is based on our works and self righteousness (turning from sin etc). That has nothing to do with the free gift of eternal life already paid for by Christ. The very instant you understand you’re a guilty sinner deserving of Hell and place your complete trust in Christ making the Gospel your only hope for Heaven, you are saved forever. God will save anybody no matter how wicked.

    • @jamaquinabella3378
      @jamaquinabella3378 3 года назад +3

      We are saved by grace but once we get to know God our actions ( works) should show that we belong to God.. We cannot claim to belong to God and our actions (works) glorify the devil.

  • @dbuglove537
    @dbuglove537 8 лет назад +25

    Jesus is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @lisarasmussen5760
    @lisarasmussen5760 3 года назад +6

    Amen! Our Heavenly Father is the only one, who can judge. He is the most forgiving God.

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 3 года назад

      Wrong! If God could just forgive then there would have been no need for Jesus' vicarious punishment on the cross. God is absolutely just, which logically precludes any capacity for mercy or forgiveness. If someone pays your debt for you that is NOT forgiveness. Forgiving a debt would simply mean cutting one's losses. God demands payment! In you believe that Jesus has forgiven your sins then you are in for a very unpleasant surprise in Hell!

    • @ladybhive1210
      @ladybhive1210 3 года назад

      @@bobdobbs8700 no bob sorry brother the wages of sin is death. Jesus forgave sinner but when you are repentant then jesus can forgive you now one more thing that you will not repeat the same thing. Now look at King David he had a man killed for Bathsheba she became pregnant but he prayed and ask for forgiveness one of the reasons. Is. God saw David heart toward him

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 3 года назад

      @@ladybhive1210 But David still went to Hell. So did God really forgive him? David is only in Heaven today because Jesus rescued him after dying on the cross. If God could forgive us then Christ died for nothing.

    • @brycekennedy5935
      @brycekennedy5935 3 года назад

      @@bobdobbs8700 where does it say that David went to hell?

  • @preacher1730
    @preacher1730 3 года назад +3

    Micah 3 -
    1 And I said, Hear, I pray you, O heads of Jacob, and ye princes of the house of Israel; Is it not for you to know judgment?
    2 Who hate the good, and love the evil; who pluck off their skin from off them, and their flesh from off their bones;
    3 Who also eat the flesh of my people, and flay their skin from off them; and they break their bones, and chop them in pieces, as for the pot, and as flesh within the caldron.
    4 Then shall they cry unto the Lord, but he will not hear them: he will even hide his face from them at that time, as they have behaved themselves ill in their doings.

  • @nelapiscuti2203
    @nelapiscuti2203 2 года назад +1

    I totally agree with your preaching,amen!

  • @raquelbueno758
    @raquelbueno758 8 лет назад +19

    R.I.P My angel jeff, I'll love you forever

    • @janewallace1438
      @janewallace1438 5 лет назад +2

      He's an angel to quite a few people; bless you, Raquel!

    • @janewallace1438
      @janewallace1438 5 лет назад +1

      @@elypowell6797 now that I think about it, angels are not humans anyhow, lol!

    • @defenderofthefaith7843
      @defenderofthefaith7843 4 года назад +1

      Your a fucking goof ball

    • @thelastobito2338
      @thelastobito2338 3 года назад +5

      No jeff is a demon

    • @praesidium4278
      @praesidium4278 3 года назад

      @@thelastobito2338 Good old Jeff gave his life o the big daddy in the sky of course he isn’t a demon I am fucking pissed at your so called statement and so called smart people like you

  • @anetadunaj30
    @anetadunaj30 2 года назад +1

    Amen ❤️

  • @igloozoo3771
    @igloozoo3771 3 года назад +2

    Jesus is the only way cause he is the only key that reconciles the perceived contradiction between God's Judgement vs God's Mercy and that contradiction is reconciled on the Cross. This is what makes Christ different from all the other religious leaders and mythologies that came before and after him. Show me how Islam or Judaism or Horus or Zeus reconciles this contradiction.

    • @igloozoo3771
      @igloozoo3771 2 года назад

      @Benji Even if the Christ story is 100% fiction, it still is a story that reconciles the perceived tyrannical heartless invisible God of the Old Testament and the merciful forgiving visible God of the NT. Perceived to be so different yet they are the same God. Muslims makes the mistake of claiming Jesus was a Prophet. Jesus was given the death penalty for Blasphemy. Now under Jewish Law, the death penalty for Jesus actions were just. He indeed was a Blasphemer if he indeed wasn't the IAM as he claimed to be. So he cannot be a respectable prophet. He is either a lunatic liar or he is God. He cannot just merely be a good man and prophet.

    • @igloozoo3771
      @igloozoo3771 2 года назад

      @Benji You don't even have the answer for how your sins are forgiven and wiped clean? You think you can escape God's judgement? How?

    • @igloozoo3771
      @igloozoo3771 2 года назад

      @Benji Humans seek Justice. When a lions kills a rabbit, we don't accuse the lion of murder. When a man kills or rapes someone, nearly everyone will say that man is a murderer/rapist and deserves punishment. If for some reason the man escapes punishment and gets away with murder, we naturally seek after a higher being who is Just and will provide justice (hell) in the afterlife. Would you call this a human nature response or indoctrination? I ask this question again. How does Buddhism or Islam reconcile Justice and Mercy? Surely you are not implying that Justice and Mercy are indoctrinated concepts.

    • @igloozoo3771
      @igloozoo3771 2 года назад

      @Benji Justice and Forgiveness are indoctrinated concepts? So one has to be raised in a religious culture to believe in Justice and Mercy? We don't find that in Secular life? Do you find Justice and Mercy in countries and culture that remove religion? Of course you do.

  • @crystalward5076
    @crystalward5076 2 года назад +1

    RIP Jeffrey Dahmer, it reminds me of the two thieves that was crucified along with Jesus, one told Jesus too let them be taken down from the cross and the other one, he said to Jesus to remember him when he come into his kingdom and he said him and the other deserve the punishment Jesus didn't, Jesus told him that he will be in paradise,he went to Heaven and the other thief went to Hell. Even Saul was a murderer his name changed to Paul when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus. People was afraid of him caused he used to kill and persecute the saints. Jesus forgave him we have to forgive folks like Jeffrey Dahmer well anybody that did wrong, people like Jeffrey Dahmer really needs forgiveness. He really did hurted alotta folks special those family of the 17 that got killed. Eventhough he got saved he still had to be punished sadly he reap what he sowed, I hate how it came back on him he killed gay Blacks,Asians,some white,Latin mens, then a black man that hated whites killed him and that other white man in prison. True enough it some folks that going to killed folks think they doing the work of the Lord Jesus said that in John somewhere in the Bible but they don't know the Lord. It was something wrong with his mind it was the devil prompting him to do that instead of just letting Jeffrey and other man remain alive in prison for life cause they murder people. Some folks do reap what they sowed well those two sowed bad seed it came back on them, that good Jeffrey repented got it right with the Lord now he in Heaven,God forgives people like him too, the Bible even say those type of people will make it in before the ones that supposed to be saved and we gotta forgive people like him our unforgiviness can take us to Hell that why I forgive him too I don't know the man I heard about him in school when my history teacher used to talk about him in class how he got beat by a broomstick. It alotta folks that probably ask God to forgive them and the ones that claim they saved that gotta forgive folks that like that and the ones we don't like they done move on and gave their life to the Lord and they pass on and they up in heaven including the thief,Paul,Jeffrey Dahmer, some folks used to be a liar, prostitute,or anything, some that used to scam folks but they gave their life to Christ. RIP Jeffrey Dahmer and other folks that used to be evil that pass on but they changed before they left earth.

    • @Risingofthephoenix
      @Risingofthephoenix 2 года назад

      You have sympathy for Dahmer but none for his victims. You are more evil than he is. You are evil!

  • @robinandrew1223
    @robinandrew1223 4 года назад

    Dude, you need to talk to Father Jim Martin an EVOLUTIONIST head of the academic order of Jesuit Priests at the Vatican BAD!!!

  • @rayfoley3723
    @rayfoley3723 14 дней назад

    Whacky stuff

  • @vxlika
    @vxlika 2 года назад

    Howd u know he in heaven?

  • @RealScarlett33
    @RealScarlett33 12 лет назад +3

    Please tell me that's a little sarcasm! :(

  • @mfpope7431
    @mfpope7431 5 лет назад

    But I guess I’m going to hell because I don’t believe in stupid bullshit

  • @davesteadman1226
    @davesteadman1226 5 лет назад

    According to this, Son of Sam (David Berkowitz) will go to Heaven because he's been saved but the Jews he murdered are in Hell because they aren't saved. What's wrong with this picture.

    • @BestBibleStories
      @BestBibleStories 5 лет назад +3

      The only thing wrong with this picture is the way you painted it. First name of the Jews that David Berkowitz murdered. Then post the time stamp where this preacher says those Jews are in Hell. I know what you're trying to say, but your argument is disingenuous to say the least. The simple answer is that everyone is accountable before God and everyone is without excuse when it comes to what they've done with Jesus. You can be the greatest person in the world in man's eyes, but if you reject the saving grace of God and try to get to Heaven by your own merit, you will be met with the realization that you owe a sin debt to Holy God which must be paid with a blood sacrifice. Jesus is the only means of salvation because he was the perfect lamb of God who was slain for the sins of the world, yours included. If you reject so great a salvation, you will no doubt have to pay the price yourself, which is an eternity in Hell. Let me ask you this. What is your problem with Jesus, the son of God, the Jewish Messiah? What do you have against him that you speak against his name in the manner that you do? Are you Jewish? If so, why not receive your Messiah and be saved from Hell?

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 3 года назад

      @@BestBibleStories I know. Jesus is literally making them at offer they can't refuse: worship me or be tortured forever in a fiery pit. Who could object to that?

  • @MegaAstrodude
    @MegaAstrodude 12 лет назад +4

    God loved Jeffrey Dahmer but hated those victims of cannibalism who were unsaved.

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 3 года назад

      Yes. God chose Dahmer before he was born. Through Dahmer He glorified himself by showing us that there is nothing anyone can do to save themselves, it's totally, 100% up to God. Praise Jesus!

    • @jaserrano9495
      @jaserrano9495 2 года назад

      @@bobdobbs8700 yeah nothing saved those victims

    • @jamesross7319
      @jamesross7319 Год назад

      It's very amazing what god can do,
      For even people like Dahmer. He was a wicked evil man, but Paul was way worse. But god forgave him, Jeff was a sinner like all of us because we're all guilty of sin. Because if god can't forgive somebody like Jeff he can't save anybody. But god forgives him there is nothing god cannot do for anybody.

    • @reemagill3748
      @reemagill3748 Год назад +1

      @bobdobbs8700 this is the most apt explanation iv seen all throughout the comments all over from youtube

  • @OmniMale
    @OmniMale 12 лет назад

    It's doesn't say, "those who died early and didn't get a chance to accept jesus are saved because we know that they would have later in life." They can't touch the subject because they all know that it isn't right to have his victims in hell, but if they spoke it, they know they would be saying they are more moral than their sky daddy.

  • @Whatever16167
    @Whatever16167 7 лет назад +1

    I normally say more things but know the only one thing I have to say is.... LOL.😂

  • @destructingparabola
    @destructingparabola 11 лет назад +60

    If Jesus forgave the Roman soldiers who nailed Him up on the cross, then He can forgive Dahmer. Who are we to be angry that God saved someone who we thought shouldn't been saved? God created the universe, Heaven, and Earth and if we don't like sharing Heaven with someone then we can always go to the other place. That is not a logical option.

    • @valeriemartinez5631
      @valeriemartinez5631 2 года назад

      Beautiful I like your perspective or the holy spirit wisdom given to you God bless

    • @F5_cena
      @F5_cena Год назад

      Roman guards weren't reprobate

    • @soulh4838
      @soulh4838 8 месяцев назад

      God didn't forgive Dahmer because Dahmer was a reprobate!! Consider that he died because a prisoner killed him and some other guy that were bragging about all the nasty things they did to children and got away with. Do you think for a second that Dahmer was repentant of what he did?!? Absolutely not!! He was just sorry he got caught!!
      No, Jeffrey Dahmer is in hell, NOT in heaven!!

  • @Sarah1920s
    @Sarah1920s 5 лет назад +17

    He loves you no matter what.

  • @Andy-im3kj
    @Andy-im3kj 7 лет назад +55

    One thing is for sure, we will all be in for a shock when we find out who really is in heaven and who isn't.

  • @Sarah1920s
    @Sarah1920s 5 лет назад +20

    Accept Jesus as your Lord and savior and repent of all your sins.

    • @paulumazi3416
      @paulumazi3416 4 года назад +1


    • @igloozoo3771
      @igloozoo3771 2 года назад +2

      Nobody can repent of all their sins. The work was completed at the Cross so whoever believes that can be saved.

  • @Sarah1920s
    @Sarah1920s 5 лет назад +21

    Who is this preacher ? Good preaching. We all can be saved and forgiven.

  • @professorx8549
    @professorx8549 3 года назад +6

    This is the kind of preaching that is absent from our pulpits today. The sacrifice GOD made for us via Dela Rosa; The place of the skull; Calvary; The shedding of blood to redeem us; His sufferings ; HE took our place; placed in a borrowed tomb; and was raised from the dead. Demonstrated himself amongst a cross demographic of witnesses; ascended and soon to descend to establish HIS Kingdom on earth. Eternal life to those who believe. What we are hearing today are lectures; seminars; town hall meetings; fancy words which tickles the ears. Without Romans 10: 9&10; and / or John 3:16 as a foundation , we are sounding like an ole james brown record, e.g., "talking loud and saying nothing !"

  • @lelamenesta9315
    @lelamenesta9315 2 года назад +8

    I just have a bit of a problem with this because most likely some of Dahmers victims ended up in hell so the thought that some of his victims are in hell while he gets to go to heaven just doesn’t sit right with me. It’s just kind of sick and it looks really bad. I don’t know if I’d like to be in heaven if Jeffrey Dahmer was there.

    • @mafiosigwapo1740
      @mafiosigwapo1740 2 года назад +4

      Then it's up to you ....I'll be there with him in heaven and we can be friends.🖐️🖐️🖐️🖐️

    • @lelamenesta9315
      @lelamenesta9315 2 года назад

      @Mafiosi Gwapo Fine with me you guys can all have your own little friend group up there. I’ll bet it’ll be fun hanging out with a guy who raped, murdered, and ate 17 young men. I think sometimes you forget who you’re talking about. This man was awful and ruined so many lives. He’s the last person I would wanna see in heaven. It’s absolutely sick that you’re defending this guy. He raped and murdered a 14 year old boy. 14 years old.

    • @mafiosigwapo1740
      @mafiosigwapo1740 2 года назад +3

      @@lelamenesta9315 yes I will and we will enjoy each other in heaven if he really repent and accept my lord,my God JESUS CHRIST.....and for you why the arrogance,and self righteousness,you need the Lord as well as everyone...there's no party in hell,only thing there is tears and still got time.

    • @lelamenesta9315
      @lelamenesta9315 2 года назад

      Ok first of all, I’m a Christian. I just find it hard to believe that Jeffrey Dahmer is actually in heaven considering that he was a psychopathic murderer so most likely he was just spouting off what everybody wanted to hear. He was a manipulator so keep that in mind. He’s most likely lying. And it’s so gross that you are excited to see him, a guy who lived one of the most evil lives. I’m not being arrogant, I realize I need God too, I never said that I didn’t. But all of you praising Dahmer all because he said some stuff about Jesus is just dumb. He was disgusting and I will
      say it again it’s sick that you’re defending this guy.

    • @mafiosigwapo1740
      @mafiosigwapo1740 2 года назад +2

      @@lelamenesta9315 so I ask you this,if he really repent and accept our lord Jesus Christ,what would you do????
      For me I'll accept him as my brother cause I'm just like him I fall short in the glory of God.

  • @Revelation21-4-
    @Revelation21-4- 2 года назад +4

    He will only be in heaven if his repentence was genuine .Only God knows that.

  • @faybianprince7795
    @faybianprince7795 3 года назад +4

    Have you been to hell and heaven

  • @Olove629
    @Olove629 4 года назад +8

    No one knows for sure if he was saved and is in heaven

    • @LauderdaleBaptist
      @LauderdaleBaptist  4 года назад +16

      The people in Heaven know for sure. What we here on earth do know for sure is that God will save anyone who trusts Jesus as their savior. Whether or not Dahmer was sincere in his reception of the gospel is where your doubts may lie, but not in the promises of God. Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.

    • @beardedskeptic1583
      @beardedskeptic1583 3 года назад +1

      @@LauderdaleBaptist you and the rest of those that are in your faith are a bunch of psychotic morons

    • @kaizermierkrazy6886
      @kaizermierkrazy6886 3 года назад +3

      @@beardedskeptic1583 turn to God

    • @beardedskeptic1583
      @beardedskeptic1583 3 года назад +1

      @@kaizermierkrazy6886 turn away from God

    • @kaizermierkrazy6886
      @kaizermierkrazy6886 3 года назад +1

      @@beardedskeptic1583 you're making a mistake, but if that's what you want to do

  • @kristianjensen6333
    @kristianjensen6333 2 года назад +3

    If Jesus was willing to save those who lead to his own torture, humiliation and crucifixion, I have no doubt that He would save anyone who repents, even if they were Hitler

    • @shxx9931
      @shxx9931 Год назад

      Hitler did not repent

  • @soulh4838
    @soulh4838 Год назад +1

    We're all sinners, but we're NOT perverts!
    There's people in this life that are children of the devil, and they CAN'T be saved because God has given them up to a reprobate mind!! Read Romans 1:18-32 and tell me, in light of that passage, and many others, how this perverse man is in heaven!

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 8 месяцев назад

      That verse is referring to the "vessels of wrath" described later in that same epistle (Romans 9). The fact is that those to whom God has given a reprobate mind would never even considering giving themselves to Christ as Jefferey did. These are the atheists and other non-Christians who, either out of ignorance, pride, or willful perversity never accept God's gift of eternal life and so die in their sins.

  • @2Chron-20
    @2Chron-20 2 года назад +2

    Serial killer became martyr

    • @guyp9596
      @guyp9596 2 года назад +2

      No he wasn’t a martyr, a martyr is someone who is killed for their faith. Some guy decided to kill dahmer because he was a killer

  • @Ricky_Evans1611
    @Ricky_Evans1611 Год назад +1

    If you believe your baptism saved you, you're not saved. That's the true story about Jeffrey Dahmer.

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 Год назад

      The blood of Christ doesn't wash sin away, it only makes it more egregious through the contrast. The very existence of Jesus was an indictment against mankind -- that's why they killed him.

  • @ronbo30
    @ronbo30 4 года назад +2

    I ask people all the time several simple questions.1# who determines right or wrong in your life? 2# if someone commits a crime do you feel they should be punished ( held accountable) for their crime? You can know much from a person by their answer to these 2 questions.

  • @jessicaaguilera6089
    @jessicaaguilera6089 2 года назад +2

    In all my years of life I’ve NEVER heard a testimony made me rethink my religion more than this one. Just horrible.

    • @derickmls14
      @derickmls14 2 года назад +2

      If you think the grave, forgiveness, and unconditional love of God is making you rethink your faith you may need to go into prayer and check yourself with the lord…Respectfully ❤️🔥🗣 Because he forgives you doesn’t he ? Didn’t Jesus forgive the very people who tortured him ?! And Nailed him to the cross ! This is powerful and beautiful. Pray and ask the Lord to soften your heart. I️ wish you the best. Don’t turn away from the faith. Just pray for guidance, wisdom and understanding for yourself…and all of us really 🙏🏽 Stay blessed

    • @jessicaaguilera6089
      @jessicaaguilera6089 2 года назад

      @@derickmls14yet blasphemy is an unforgivable sin but eating and murdering people isn’t? Yeah I just might.

    • @Risingofthephoenix
      @Risingofthephoenix 2 года назад

      Was looking for rational comment that calls out this evilness shown in the video and comments praising Dahmer like this one

    • @gabrieldecastro8842
      @gabrieldecastro8842 2 года назад +2

      most of dahmers victims are in hell while he might be in heaven, it is not about what you have done, it is about realizing we are all evil we are all sinners, 1 lie is the same as 300 murders. if you dont repent its hell and if u do its heaven, by the looks of it jeff repented, others that didnt repent for their sins or think they are good people end up going to hell because they dont submit to christ and repent, they think they arent too bad compared to the serial killer who is ironically in heaven

    • @EmunahFL
      @EmunahFL Год назад

      Jessica, Moses was a murderer. So was Saul before he repented and became Paul. So was David, who ended up King. All of these people repented and are in Heaven now. If *you* had committed the crimes these people have, would *you* rather find yourself on the loving, merciful, and forgiving side of God allowing you into Heaven because you repented, instead of finding yourself on the sovereign, just side of God who can't allow you into Heaven because you didn't? Guess what? You have committed these sins. We can murder with our mouths; every time we cut someone down verbally or talk badly about someone. All of us sin and fall short of God's glory. All of us are sinners in need of a Savior. All of our sins are just the same; there is no one weightier sin than another.

  • @kingofuruk5728
    @kingofuruk5728 5 лет назад +1

    God forgive him he is too victim from his parents and society no one see him no one care for him but god not like people i am so far away from him but i see him a victim too

  • @mayhem523
    @mayhem523 11 лет назад +10

    lol nope. Ghandi is burning for eternity while a man with a fridge full of human heads is in eternal paradise. What kind of mental gymnastics does it take to accept that!?!?

    • @minos121
      @minos121 4 года назад +2

      such ignorance

    • @paulumazi3416
      @paulumazi3416 4 года назад +1

      He is a changed man bro ghandi was not a good guy he had underage girls with him

    • @ZaktanVR
      @ZaktanVR 4 года назад

      mayhem523 Ghandi never heard the gospel, he’s in heaven.

    • @idawg9357
      @idawg9357 4 года назад

      If you accept Jesus into your life and believe it you are saved,Wasent ghandi speaking for a different religion?

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 3 года назад

      Mayhem523, I'm glad you understand. Gandhi tried to earn his way into Heaven & got what he deserved for such hubris. Jeff was humble enough to admit what utter garbage he was & so God saved him.

  • @Joe-dw7xu
    @Joe-dw7xu Год назад

    I love you Jesus you are so forgiving

    @JohnCGUNSNFREEDOM 2 года назад

    This is part of the interview about him becoming a Christian.видео.html

  • @RealScarlett33
    @RealScarlett33 12 лет назад +3

    Sure I do. But I'm not so sure that this IS God's judgment, letting Dahmer's soul prosper in Heaven and leaving his victims to burn. Maybe you've got it wrong.

  • @alph1057
    @alph1057 3 года назад +4

    Ok- I get it that Dahmer accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior, but picture this: Jesus gathers Dahmer’s victims together in Heaven. He tells them that Dahmer has just been murdered, and is now in Heaven with them also. Dahmer now gets to spend ETERNITY in Heaven with the victims that he murdered

    • @brycekennedy5935
      @brycekennedy5935 3 года назад +6

      They're only in heaven if they accepted Christ.
      If they're in heaven due to accepting Christ then they'll be up there forgiving him for what he did to them and welcoming him with open arms.

    • @enochm114
      @enochm114 3 года назад +2

      The sad part is they are only in heaven of they accept Jesus in their heart if they did not they are in hell while he is in heaven it God will he forgives anyone

    • @XpLoiT671
      @XpLoiT671 2 года назад +4

      There's no hate in heaven so if his victims are in heaven they would be happy to see him saved. I would never wish hell for anyone even the most wicked person in the world. I want salvation for everyone.

    • @Revelation21-4-
      @Revelation21-4- 2 года назад +3

      Paul who was once Saul came to my mind. He too was a seriel killer of christians but converted. Just imagine all those Christians who Paul had killed will one day greet him in heaven. He stoned Steven to death but I know that in heaven Paul and Steven will be friends. Everyones going to be friends in heaven.

  • @Sarah1920s
    @Sarah1920s 5 лет назад +5

    Ask Jesus to come into your heart. Give your life to Him.

  • @j.c.harrisassetmanagement7939
    @j.c.harrisassetmanagement7939 3 года назад

    Why are you screaming into the microphone. Yikes.

  • @RealScarlett33
    @RealScarlett33 12 лет назад +7

    What particularly bothers me about the Jeff Dahmer story is that not only did he kill and eat these young men, but he tortured them first. It's a fair statement to suggest that maybe the victims were not saved, but if they hadn't crossed paths with Dahmer, who's to say they might not have gotten saved a few years later? Jeff Dahmer took away that opportunity. And he's in Heaven while his victims are (or might be) in hell?? I cannot accept that.

    • @peculiartreasure007
      @peculiartreasure007 6 лет назад +1

      Scarlett Miller Hebrews 9.27

    • @janewallace1438
      @janewallace1438 5 лет назад +3

      He didn't torture his victims.

    • @carlduckett9445
      @carlduckett9445 5 лет назад +3

      @@janewallace1438 Trying to turn a human into a living zombie by drilling his head, putting one of the persons inside a barrel of acid and keeping the lip shut whilst being alive , screaming , this is not torture ?

    • @austinayers2509
      @austinayers2509 4 года назад +1

      Jane Wallace he did. He drilled holes in the heads of victims and dumped mixtures if acids in their brain while still alive in attempt to create a living zombie he could rape for the rest of his life.

    • @monique9134
      @monique9134 4 года назад +1

      He didn't torture none of his victims. Try again

  • @mikeha
    @mikeha Год назад +1

    having a changed life is not the evidence of salvation.

  • @jerryriddle7164
    @jerryriddle7164 5 лет назад +1


  • @shannonstephens727
    @shannonstephens727 5 лет назад +1

    love your video

  • @persefonestella5071
    @persefonestella5071 6 лет назад +5

    If my choices are to go to Heaven with Jeffrey Dahmer or to go to Hell, I'd rather go to Hell. Maybe I would suffer in Hell, but at least I'd feel better being with the bad people who were being punished for their sins. I don't want to go somewhere where people can do the most horrible thing imaginable and then change their mind about wanting to do that, and because they decide to follow God's will, then they can be forgiven and escape suffering. I've never dreamed of doing anything near what Jeffrey Dahmer did, and you know what? Maybe everyone is a sinner and all, but I just don't think I've committed as many sins as the average person, I don't care what anybody says. But I really would prefer to go to Hell if that's really the way it is. I know God knows best and everything, but... I just don't think that's right in my heart. Send me to Hell with the sinners, even if I've committed none, because you know what? I care too. I care too. Just like Jesus cared, I care too. I care about life, and I don't think it's right to just ignore what has caused death to begin with.

    • @bballqueen9496
      @bballqueen9496 4 года назад +5

      Sorry but Dahmer potentially being in heaven is not gonna make me want to burn in hell for eternity. That's why none of us could be God because we as sinful humans can't understand how God could forgive a person for their sins even the worse of the worse. Be grateful that He would forgive you in whatever sins you've committed. Everyone would be too busy praising God in Heaven to be wondering why certain people made it. Our minds won't even think negatively in heaven.

    • @bobdobbs8700
      @bobdobbs8700 3 года назад +5

      I'm sure God will honor your decision to not be in his presence. Just don't forget that it was your decision. You could have had Heaven, but you were too self-righteous to share it with humble, repentant sinners like Dahmer.

    • @czarinazapanta7264
      @czarinazapanta7264 3 года назад +1

      @@bobdobbs8700 amen

    • @lelamenesta9315
      @lelamenesta9315 2 года назад

      You’re unbelievable. They’re too “self righteous?” To share heaven with repentant and HUMBLE sinners?? You think Dahmer was humble? Dahmer was a manipulative and narcissistic liar. He was just spouting off what everyone wanted to hear. He was not saved. I certainly would not want to be in heaven either if Jeffrey Dahmer was there. You people are disgusting defending this evil man. Have some respect for the victims and families affected by this horrible person. My gosh.

    • @manu-animation-924
      @manu-animation-924 2 года назад +1

      Arrogant… and disapointing so your opinion is more important than God think what you are saying

  • @OmniMale
    @OmniMale 12 лет назад +2

    Don't you just love the Christian response? Not one of them actually answered the question. Or stated anything of meaning. Do you know why? Because most will agree with you that it would be very unfair that Dahmer's victims are in hell because they never had the chance to repent. The christians that state, god knows who will be saved and who won't is a great cop out. The BIBLE states that only those that have accepted Jesus will be saved.

  • @1611outdoors
    @1611outdoors 12 лет назад +1

    this is ridiculous.

  • @mayhem523
    @mayhem523 11 лет назад +1

    "Who are we to be angry that God saved someone who we thought shouldn't been saved?" When he DOESN'T save those who should be saved, then we have justification to be a little upset. Imagine all the damhers of the world, the deathrow inmates, rapists, child molesters etc. that find god, usually in their final hours. Now think about people like Ghandi, Dawkins, Einstein, Walt Disney... these people will be tortured for eternity, the rapists killers and molesters are in eternal paradise. Nonesense

  • @emmnauelmercedes9228
    @emmnauelmercedes9228 5 лет назад +2

    No murderers shall inherit the Kingdom Of Heaven.

    • @LauderdaleBaptist
      @LauderdaleBaptist  5 лет назад +16

      A murderer who is covered by the blood of Christ and saved by grace is not a murderer when he stands before God with the righteousness of the Savior. He is no different from a liar or a thief. When you get saved old things are passed away, behold all things are new. None of us would make it to Heaven otherwise because Jesus said if you have hatred in your heart it's the same as being a murderer.

    • @patlarentz6500
      @patlarentz6500 5 лет назад +8

      The Apostle Paul was a murderer. Why is he any different?

    • @indylisa777
      @indylisa777 5 лет назад +4

      It also says the same about being disobedient to parents... the purpose of those scriptures are to show us that we NEED Jesus. All of us do. Jesus also said that if you hate your brother, that is the same as murder...

    • @idawg9357
      @idawg9357 4 года назад

      God loves everyone, no matter what they do. He will never stop loving him

    • @EmunahFL
      @EmunahFL Год назад

      @Colorful Animations God says that if we look at someone with lust, we've just as much as committed adultry, even though we didn't act on it. This is why Jesus died for us. There's no way for us to _not_ sin. Sure, we can try, but we break a commandment without even realizing it several times a day. Jesus' blood is the new testament covenant betwen us and God and reconciles us to Him when we believe and have faith in Jesus.