[MV] 2F(Shin Yong Jae(신용재), Kim Won Joo(김원주)) - Sorry | Run On (런 온) OST PART 6 | ซับไทย

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

    @JRUOST  4 года назад +8

    * ดูซับไทยทาง Netflix : www.netflix.com/title/81318872
    * English/Thai lyrics are available Turn on CC for watch it and add lyrics to your native language :D
    * PLAYLIST FOR RUN ON (런 온) OST :: ruclips.net/p/PLWCDH5WVQGP1z67zFyPzvA-J_Bs-B65Um
    * TWITTER :: twitter.com/JRUOST
    * FACEBOOK :: facebook.com/JRUOfficial-1937893523149976/

    • @annewheadon7396
      @annewheadon7396 4 года назад

      Thank you so much love F2 voices , and their song , this drama has capture my heart and the leads are amazing ,

    • @immelodyna
      @immelodyna 4 года назад

      Thank u for editing the MV, I love it

    • @sandracavallini601
      @sandracavallini601 3 года назад

      Onde eu passo assistir esse Dorama .

  • @kdramaunnie749
    @kdramaunnie749 4 года назад +122

    "Call my name. Whenever you are sick or exhausted. Not for someone who is not there."

    • @annewheadon7396
      @annewheadon7396 4 года назад +18

      I know that just melted my heart and when she was drunk in his car and she said can you like me, he replied I already do. dear god his going to kill my heart.. and how his so worried about her when she is sick he almost crying . I want a guy like him in my life .........

    • @이나-r5b
      @이나-r5b 3 года назад


    • @LovelyzLee888
      @LovelyzLee888 3 года назад +3

      @@annewheadon7396 but maybe we never find the man like that now in the real life, just in k drama only, no good man now in this world 😢

    • @Cesious
      @Cesious 2 месяца назад

      I'm a few years late, it's been in my watch list collecting dust for far too long, but I just finished this episode. I felt those words, too many times I've gone through hard times with nobody to lean on. I think a lot of us are still looking for that person.

  • @nikmklsn9071
    @nikmklsn9071 3 года назад +94

    To all the people who are hesitating to watch this kdrama, I am telling you that you will not regret watching it!!! I swear!!! This is a masterpiece, oh my gosh, the chemistry between the main leads and even the second lead couple were very natural. As a fan of slice-of-life kdramas, this may have simple plot but I promise you that it will give you all the feels. You will love every personality in the drama!!! My favorite line in the drama is that: "You should care for yourself, before you care for others." This kdrama will make you realize a lot of life lessons. Adulting is really a hard path, but together with the people who loves you and cares for you, you will overcome everything.....
    This kdrama also has one of the best OSTs, what a great kdrama to start this year!!!!

  • @littlefucker4594
    @littlefucker4594 3 года назад +8

    this was one of the most beautiful and heartfelt dramas I've seen. 10/10 recommend!!

  • @abhisiktaa1534
    @abhisiktaa1534 3 года назад +37

    this drama a masterpiece, the way of story telling refreshingly unique, the acting as if they r not even acting,leads chemistry heart fluttering &&& im siwan!!!! absolutely blown away by his acting his looks damm m crusing hard on him rn

    • @nikmklsn9071
      @nikmklsn9071 3 года назад +4

      I couldn't agree more with you. This is the drama I am really looking for right now. It is well-balanced, not stressful, and most importantly, it is beautiful! I just love everything about this kdrama, the OST, chemistry, and plot were perfect!!!!

  • @junseyo
    @junseyo 3 года назад +30

    This drama is simple, but very heartwarming.

  • @haninabdullah6890
    @haninabdullah6890 3 года назад +16

    i love this ost!!!! Appeared when SG said “i already do”😫😫🥺🥺

  • @annewheadon7396
    @annewheadon7396 3 года назад +29

    once in a lifetime a masterpiece comes along and this drama and couple and song is that master -piece

  • @mimia-1902
    @mimia-1902 Год назад +1

    J'ai adoré cette série. Les fautes des autres sont des leçons pour nous! La plus belle leçon à tirer de cette magnifique série 🔥🔥

  • @djj270
    @djj270 3 года назад +10

    This kdrama saved my 2021. I'ma miss this so much, so many good quotes and life lessons. This truely has my heart. OST is so good too ahh this was such an amazing kdrama. It's underrated but it's hella good

  • @svckshinesunflower1959
    @svckshinesunflower1959 3 года назад +17

    once in my life, i want a man like him :(

  • @joannechoiwah
    @joannechoiwah Год назад +1

    I’ve watched this drama and all the footages/videos so many times, yet every time I see them together my heart still flutters. I’ll never get tired of the beautiful story of this couple ❤

  • @annewheadon7396
    @annewheadon7396 3 года назад +5

    how do you go on to another romantic drama and ost after this , can not do it. THis song their voices and the couple , this drama , man this writer producer needs an award and the cast as well. can not stop listening to this song

  • @helenaramsamy5795
    @helenaramsamy5795 3 года назад +2

    Love Run on.. Especially this song.. My fave..

  • @lindalau1534
    @lindalau1534 3 года назад +4

    I've been listening to Sorry endlessly, wherever. Absolutely love this stressless drama. It's heart-warming with numerous life lessons. Bravo to the main leads. Can't wait for next episode.

  • @annahaque136
    @annahaque136 3 года назад +5

    Such a beauuutiful song..and our leads with out of the world chemistry.. this series is helping me keep going through the rough patches. In love wd this.

  • @이해숙-k3n
    @이해숙-k3n 3 года назад +3

    드라마끝났지만 들을수록좋아요

  • @Jongdae9
    @Jongdae9 4 года назад +7

    i really love this song as much as i love run on. ugh! can't. wait for ep 9..

  • @oiasthefany
    @oiasthefany 2 года назад +2

    Melhor série de kdrama que assisti em toda minha vida! 💜💜😍

  • @annewheadon7396
    @annewheadon7396 3 года назад +8

    oh dear Siwan can not stop looking at you , This couple will kill me , if they do not have a happen ending

  • @jungwoospotato2651
    @jungwoospotato2651 3 года назад +5

    This mv version edit is better than the official one in 1theK.

  • @immelodyna
    @immelodyna 4 года назад +4

    Fav song😍 and I'm looking forward to all ost in this drama💕

  • @annewheadon7396
    @annewheadon7396 3 года назад +2

    ok I know I keep posting on here but this drama has gotten into my heart like no other . going to watch this drama again ..

  • @anisaabdulkadir511
    @anisaabdulkadir511 3 года назад +3

    This song touched my heart ♥️

  • @smartalec1991
    @smartalec1991 3 года назад +2

    Such a great drama that is so underrated!

  • @pat7633
    @pat7633 3 года назад +1

    i really love there characters in the drama huhu

  • @norbertomartinez1346
    @norbertomartinez1346 3 года назад +2

    Excelente música. Genial los actores principales de este drama

  • @wysteriacarlino1302
    @wysteriacarlino1302 10 месяцев назад

    Lovely song!

  • @carolcrudup2313
    @carolcrudup2313 3 года назад +1

    There is that beautiful voice of Shin Young Jae I just love it tried finding it on Itunes and I just can not find it and I want it so bad!! I found it under 2F !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Kungchipakchi21
    @Kungchipakchi21 4 года назад +6

    Finally it's out . Lovelyyyyy🤗😍

  • @melviecarlos3181
    @melviecarlos3181 3 года назад

    a new breed of kdrama... love this!

  • @kdranaline
    @kdranaline Год назад

    "Run On" was never a drama of my taste as i often prefer action, thriller and bla bla stuff-- but because of him i wanted to give it a try, and ended up being hooked because of this beautiful soundtrack and siwan's character- I adore him from bottom of my heart that is one in a million written character ever and the rarest male lead, he's a pure soul i swear ✋😭!!! it's just so special to me, no longings, no distance just mijoo completes him and seon gyeom is such a plushie, so soft and innocent like a baby whose transparency is visible like whatever you pour into him it reflects through him ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
    the scene in the drama where he hugged her from back and was SORRY for whatever argue they had and she said "stop crying, you're breaking my heart" and seon gyeom literally replied with "I'm sorry to break your heart and burst into tears"... like who in the world is so freaking cute seon gyeom 😫🥺

  • @sandraferreirasilva3529
    @sandraferreirasilva3529 Год назад

    Depois que comecei assistir doramas ,mi apaixonei ,essa música é linda ❤

  • @nildaboppredecarvalho2733
    @nildaboppredecarvalho2733 2 года назад

    Já assisti, várias vezes.Bom demais eu sou dorameira fanática.😪❤️💋💋💋

  • @sandraferreirasilva3529
    @sandraferreirasilva3529 Год назад

    Amo os detalhes dos doramas ,parece que estamos vivendo pontos da nossa vida

  • @keyvm2920
    @keyvm2920 4 года назад +2

    Waaa 😍 beautiful

  • @SplashOrange
    @SplashOrange 3 года назад

    ขอบคุณซับไทยค่าาา รักกเรื่องนี้💕💕

  • @gina793
    @gina793 3 года назад

    Truly beautiful

  • @ainsyuhada878
    @ainsyuhada878 4 года назад +1

    Really thankful for this ostt 💕

  • @bjlopez1130
    @bjlopez1130 3 года назад

    Loving this song. Loving this drama

  • @lisainenascinento771
    @lisainenascinento771 Год назад

    Apaixonda na musica no casal umas das séries mais lindas afinal de contas como são otimos passa verdade trabalho lindo

  • @mikhayla7824
    @mikhayla7824 4 года назад +1

    Thur ost for this drama is brilliant

  • @너굴맨-i8v
    @너굴맨-i8v 3 года назад +1

    존나내최애드라마에 최애ost됬네

  • @m.mewlions7024
    @m.mewlions7024 4 года назад +2

    Finally, I've been waiting for this ost.

  • @barbaraespinoza3588
    @barbaraespinoza3588 4 года назад +4

    Me encanto 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰

  • @NN-rl7uf
    @NN-rl7uf 3 года назад

    love the ost

  • @luceliasilva1454
    @luceliasilva1454 3 года назад

    Linda canção 🥰⚘❤

  • @tri4091
    @tri4091 3 года назад

    Been waiting for this😍😍

  • @aytenaydn3250
    @aytenaydn3250 3 года назад

    So beautifull
    Thank you

  • @denidenisha9742
    @denidenisha9742 4 года назад

    My babies 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

  • @amollang0209
    @amollang0209 3 года назад +3


  • @mitgirl03
    @mitgirl03 3 года назад +3

    This song remind me.. when mi joo ask KSG to like her and he said he already do.. i imagine if im in mijoo position and ask siwan to like me.. and he said he already do...😅🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @rodygalal5616
    @rodygalal5616 4 года назад +1


  • @lovingjk
    @lovingjk 3 года назад

    Thank u!!!

  • @이쁜걸어째
    @이쁜걸어째 3 года назад +3

    나 좀 좋아해 줘요
    그건 이미 하고 있는데...

  • @annewheadon7396
    @annewheadon7396 Год назад

    aug 2023 still listening . and watching

  • @silverhead1033
    @silverhead1033 3 года назад +8

    "KiSeo....." Why is your name so hard 😭

    • @lamphouninthavideth
      @lamphouninthavideth 3 года назад

      Then called “Dear” instead lolll I doubt if he’s gonna say this lollll

  • @silverhead1033
    @silverhead1033 3 года назад


  • @cindeeddt186
    @cindeeddt186 3 года назад

  • @windy4509
    @windy4509 3 года назад

    can someone explain to me so that I can understand the song better. But why does he keep apologizing about loving the person? In the song he's mostly saying how much he loves the person but also keeps apologizing for finding love in them why????

  • @firnavilamizar9003
    @firnavilamizar9003 3 года назад

    Are u have IG link?

  • @luminousstar7139
    @luminousstar7139 3 года назад

    I am sorry لانى احبك♡♡

  • @유평화의_일본어학당
    @유평화의_일본어학당 2 года назад

    【좋은 노래를 자연스러운 일본어 번역】 #378
    드라마 "런 온" OST-6
    / 2F(신용재, 김원주)(Shin YongJae, Kim WonJoo)
    쏟아지던 여름의 열기도
    ッソダヂドn ヨルメ ヨLギド
    가를 수가 없었던
    ガルL スガ オpソットn
    우리의 밤을 기억해
    ウリエ パムL ギオッケ
    설레이던 우리의 맘도
    ソLレイドn ウリエ マmド
    계절이 흘러
    ゲヂョリ フLロ
    커져가 보란 듯이
    コヂョガ ボラn ドゥシ
    기나긴 하루 견딜 수 있던 이유
    ギナギn ハル ギョnディL ス イットn イユ
    너도 나와 같다면
    ノド ナワ ガッタミョn
    I'm sorry 우리 행복했던
    ウリ へngボッケットn
    I'm sorry 僕ら 幸せだった
    시간이 너무 가득해서
    シガニ ノム ガドゥッケソ
    감당할 수 없게 난
    カmダngハL ス オpケ ナn
    너로 가득해져 가
    ノロ ガドゥッケヂョ ガ
    I'm sorry but I need to love you right now

    수없이 난 너로 채워왔고
    スオpシ ナn ノロ チェウォワッコ
    数えきれないほど 君で溢れてきて
    너로 행복해질 때면
    ノロ へngボッケヂL ッテミョn
    왜일까 더 불안해져
    ウェイLッカ ト プラネヂョ
    なんだか より不安になる
    흘러가듯 살아보려 해도
    フLロガドゥッ サラボリョ ヘド
    流れていくように 生きようとしても
    문득 커져 버린 네 모습에
    ムnドゥk コヂョ ボリn ニ モスベ
    이런 게 사랑일까
    イロn ゲ サランイLッカ
    기나긴 하루 견딜 수 있던 이유
    ギナギn ハル ギョnディL ス イットn イユ
    너도 나와 같다면
    ノド ナワ ガッタミョn
    미안해란 말을 지우면
    ミアネラn マルL ヂウミョn
    별로 해준 말이 없어
    ビョLロ ヘヂュn マリ オpソ
    사랑해 이보다
    サラngへ イボダ
    愛してる これより
    더 따뜻한 말들로 채워줄게
    ト ッタットゥッタn マLドゥLロ チェウォヂュLッケ
    ※repeat x2
    私の動画はこちら(제 동영상은 여기서)
    유평화의 일본어학당
    「ユピョンファ 日本語」

  • @melviecarlos3181
    @melviecarlos3181 3 года назад

    Why is it I want Siwan to sing this song... why not?