Alsocrooks, ( not a misspelling )... Pay your damned taxes, ( if you want our votes ). Like a female Al Sharpton with his New York condos. Pay your taxes....
People are smart. They calculate what their "new" taxes and obligations "will be" BEFORE they buy or inherit these additional real estate properties. Having that knowledge is part of their buying decision. Don't fall for that: 'I didn't know', bullshit. Or, 'I just found out'. That's crazy.....
14,000$$$ over 12 years ??!?!? on two homes yawn thats 1000 a year ... who the fuck cares?
Alsocrooks, ( not a misspelling )... Pay your damned taxes, ( if you want our votes ). Like a female Al Sharpton with his New York condos. Pay your taxes....
People are smart. They calculate what their "new" taxes and obligations "will be" BEFORE they buy or inherit these additional real estate properties. Having that knowledge is part of their buying decision. Don't fall for that: 'I didn't know', bullshit. Or, 'I just found out'. That's crazy.....
AlsoCrooks 😢
typical suspooks