How to RETOPOLOGIZE the BODY - Part 2 - Body Retopology

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • For Bonus Tutorials, Meshes and more:
    What's Included:
    3 Bonus Tutorials:
    1. Retopology of the Hands and Feet
    2. Reprojecting the High Resolution Details (Note I have also done a 60 second version here: • How to PROJECT DETAILS...
    3. Retopology of the Second Pass (I go over many key elements of the body in more depth)
    2 Base Meshes
    1. Pass 1 base mesh
    2. Pass 2 Base Mesh (higher tier)
    Turntables for individual sections of the body for easy viewing
    1. Head Turntable
    2. Torso Turntable
    3. Hand Turntable
    4. Foot Turntable
    5. Arm Turntable
    6. Leg Turntable
    4 A4 Reference Sheets
    1. Full Body References
    2. Head and Torso References
    3. Hand, Foot and Neck References
    4. Arm and Leg References
    Instagram: / danny_mac3d
    Tumblr: / danny-mac
    Twitch: / danny__mac
    Artstation: www.artstation...
    Facebook: /
    Twitter: / danny_mac3d

Комментарии • 109

  • @CastalianVisions
    @CastalianVisions 6 лет назад +70

    These retopology videos - head and body - got me intrigued so I purchased both 'extension packs' from your gumroad page, and all I can say is just wow. I watched many a tutorial on retopology but yours are the best by far. And I hope you can continue the series with UV ing.

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад

      Thank a lot for the feedback! Glad you found them useful 😊

    • @Blazeking636
      @Blazeking636 6 лет назад +2

      This is beyond useful. You cut my retopo time in like half and made it cleaner with these videos. So thank you for your hard work and I look forward to whatever you do next

    • @DarrinNoNAME
      @DarrinNoNAME 4 года назад

      How did you discover such a solution? Trial and error? This is amazing. I take it you still use 3dcoat for retopology?

  • @lovelettar
    @lovelettar 3 года назад +1

    i think this is the best retopo tutorial, its neat and clean, making sense and easy to follow, thank you for the great content!

  • @rontarrant
    @rontarrant 4 года назад +2

    If I could give you more than one thumbs up, I would. I've been struggling with retopology for-freaking-ever, but following along with these two videos, I finally have a character with proper topological flow. Thanks a whole bunch, Danny Mac. Yer a gentleman and a scholar.

  • @brucelucas1756
    @brucelucas1756 Год назад

    I would like to thank you for a very informative video, it was excellently presented and very easy for following the processes.

  • @Mainman0011
    @Mainman0011 4 года назад +1

    I've been 3d modeling / makin games for 7+ years and never fully understood edge flow / character creation until now. . . Very nice video tutorial!

  • @eileneje1
    @eileneje1 4 года назад

    Thank you very much. I used this and your face retop for a class I'm in. I like your method better than the vague one my instructor showed.

  • @beanlightgames
    @beanlightgames 5 лет назад +4

    I highly recommend buying the rest of the tutorials on Danny's gumroad. The additional tutorial videos and reference sheets are VERY useful! Thank you very much for making em, dude!

  • @cranberri_inari
    @cranberri_inari 5 лет назад

    By far the best retopology tutorials I have found thus far. If you guys haven't already, buy the extensions, they have even more helpful tips that I never would have known about otherwise. Thanks so much for these, they are really helping me perfect my character design techniques!!

  • @СавченкоМихайло-м4б

    Очень хорошо показал как строить топологию, давно искал подобное видео спсибо

  • @MrZelda1313
    @MrZelda1313 6 лет назад +4

    I just bought this tutorial on gumroad and OMG, how can you be so thorough and so succinct at the same time?? The what, why, how method was the best. Really. Please make a tutorial on EVERYTHING

    • @MrZelda1313
      @MrZelda1313 6 лет назад

      Also, I have a question. When you retopo for animation/game assets, do you usually do the first pass and then the second pass, or do you go straight to the second pass?

  • @arice1658
    @arice1658 6 лет назад

    Your tips are so useful.
    For example) Just mentioning the bridge tool was great, I had no idea it existed, as well as the way you say to do things in 8's, it simplifies and clears everything.
    Thank you for taking the time to make these videos and release them

  • @brynz4540
    @brynz4540 4 года назад

    THANK YOU This is so helpful!!! Been wandering around for tutorials and your channel is my top favorite!!

  • @FurlowT
    @FurlowT 3 года назад +3

    I love watching these types videos, it's interesting how similar topology everyone has on basic level, but when comes too areas such as the butt and chest area, seems too be where each artist really diverges. Hands and feet seem to really be different as well as ears. Personally, I always struggle with that shoulder area

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  3 года назад

      Differences arise with purpose. Low poly models tend to look a lot different. But dont worry about it too much, all you need to worry about is whether or not it works :)

  • @chichislover
    @chichislover 5 лет назад +3

    Danny you're a godsend! XD, when I get payed this thursday imma buy your tutorial!

  • @Ristridyn
    @Ristridyn 4 года назад

    Danny, This was quality. The face retopo gave me everything I needed for my project, but buying the extended series. This methodical approach goes beyond clean topo and worth every cent.

  • @braxtonburks7108
    @braxtonburks7108 3 года назад

    Thank you for the lessons! I'm gaining a better understanding of edge flow for body topology thanks to your series :D

  • @SebastianMineur
    @SebastianMineur 6 лет назад

    This is great! Very useful as a starting point for beginners.

  • @floda1984
    @floda1984 6 лет назад

    Super useful. Used this tutorial for a student animation movie. Thanks a lot!

  • @MrChayza
    @MrChayza 3 года назад

    Just a wonderful tutorial, thank's you soooo much!

  • @soohyeonpark5753
    @soohyeonpark5753 5 лет назад

    I just purchased your wonderful work with pleasure ! I'm watching your channel regularly and thank you for your tutorials :D

  • @reyshakquit
    @reyshakquit 4 года назад

    So Good! Great content! Very straightforward! Love it!

  • @lulyz419
    @lulyz419 6 лет назад +2

    Oh god I have to try 3DCoat. Super instructive as always Danny, thank you

  • @kayodeoseni4279
    @kayodeoseni4279 5 лет назад

    just saying thanks a lot for this one. it solved most of my problems

  • @MrZackyouells
    @MrZackyouells 6 лет назад

    thank you man, i cant tell you how much this was useful

  • @ianmasters6595
    @ianmasters6595 3 года назад +1

    Wow! I've been Blendering for nearly a year now and I have just stumbled upon your tutorial. It has to be the best one I've come across to date. So simple to follow, thanks Danny. I shall definitely check out the rest of your course.

  • @ShotGun1861
    @ShotGun1861 5 лет назад +5

    Damn, Danny got me hooked with part 1 and 2, and now that it's time to finish up withe feet and hands, he ends the tutorial series. Guess it worked cause I just spent 12 bucks I wasn't planning on :P

  • @redfoxbennaton
    @redfoxbennaton Год назад

    You make it look so easy. Is it that easy?

  • @NathanielPennington
    @NathanielPennington 6 лет назад +2

    yeah man this tutorial is super useful! wait till payday and ill grab the other courses :D

  • @DomTekNeko
    @DomTekNeko 6 лет назад

    Thank you so much for all the tutorials! Keep it up man!

  • @Machinepriest
    @Machinepriest 2 года назад

    I really love your videos and I found the face topology video to be very useful!
    I'm trying to follow this video to make topology for a realistic slender male body and I'm really struggling to get even polygons. I follow your video step by step, but they get super stretched, especially around the armpit. Maybe it will work out fine in the end though.
    Thanks for the excellent videos!

  • @CrimsonSunBear
    @CrimsonSunBear 6 лет назад +52

    the number of loops around here is dependent on the ludeness of the model

    • @johngddr5288
      @johngddr5288 6 лет назад +9

      I laughed at that too. Breast size, I guess? ha ha.

    • @franchezvibritannia7320
      @franchezvibritannia7320 5 лет назад +5

      @@johngddr5288 you better have a lot or you're going to jail.

  • @Kxarwarx
    @Kxarwarx 6 лет назад +8

    Danny, Thank You For the Lessons :)!

  • @thesafaripictures3453
    @thesafaripictures3453 3 года назад

    best tutorial on retopology with deformation being considered..when can we expect a male version

  • @FoxyGekkerson
    @FoxyGekkerson 3 года назад

    The way you draw the edge loops with the Strokes tool on the arms about 1:00 in the video, is there a similar feature in Blender?

  • @rodgerdavis4499
    @rodgerdavis4499 6 лет назад

    Amazing content! I'm very surprised that you put these two videos up for free!

    • @rodgerdavis4499
      @rodgerdavis4499 6 лет назад

      Hmm, I wonder if you could throw in the free tutorials as well. Like adding the head and these two videos to the package so it is an even more full retopology package. Just giving ideas. To be perfectly honest, the quality is so much more than $12.. This could easily be worth $50+

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад +1

      These 2 come with the package :) the head tutorials are separate though

  • @claytondolien
    @claytondolien 4 года назад

    great tutorial... can you please do the male version?

  • @Soracj
    @Soracj 4 года назад +3

    i cant seem to get my head around how to create 3 & 5 star poles.. :(
    (maybe im over thinking it?)

  • @christophercosbywatsones2036
    @christophercosbywatsones2036 5 лет назад +1

    Over all, how did you go about learning all of your various methods? Self-taught or through formal education?

  • @IGarrettI
    @IGarrettI 6 лет назад +1

    Have you tried Blender for retopo yet? I wonder if it's anygood. I would love to see some tips and tricks you've learned for blender !:)

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад +1

      Blender videos just around the corner ;)

    • @jSyndeoMusic
      @jSyndeoMusic 4 года назад

      I was able to follow along with this pretty well with the Retopoflow add-on for Blender!

  • @everend_xyz
    @everend_xyz 3 года назад

    Hello I wonder does this topology stable for further skinning and rigging process I especially wonder around the neck area for not a specific reason, thanks, I purchased full version btw

  • @MP-ul
    @MP-ul 6 лет назад

    Well it got me some usefull way to start my retopo , Thanks!

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад

      glad you found it useful! Yea the first pass isn't really final topology but works pretty nice for sculpting :)

  • @yaroslavb.2589
    @yaroslavb.2589 6 лет назад

    very cool tutorial. thank

  • @froztbytes
    @froztbytes 4 года назад

    What kind of brush is that?
    How are you making the topology smoother?

    • @localgardener8726
      @localgardener8726 4 года назад

      You can do that in Zbrush as well. That's actually a trick that Blizzard modelers use. You import the topology to zbrush and use the smooth tool to even out the topology, then export back to the retopo software. I don't use the software he is using so I'm giving you an alternative in case you don't use it either. In any case, I'm pretty sure that's a smoothing brush, but I could be wrong.

  • @RemiliaZ
    @RemiliaZ 5 лет назад

    thanks Danny!

  • @nireb7500
    @nireb7500 2 года назад

    Can do this like this for males too? Or is this just the way for female bodys?

  • @kruth6663
    @kruth6663 6 лет назад

    Two parts a day, hell yeah

  • @virgo2004
    @virgo2004 3 года назад

    How to Draw Strokes in Blender? 1:32

  • @RomboutVersluijs
    @RomboutVersluijs 5 лет назад +4

    This one isnt a topo wich could be used for rigging i guess. All very simple loops. The thumbnail and right model at the end show much nicer topoly

  • @socka3d861
    @socka3d861 6 лет назад +3

    Just pointing out. I followed the head tutorial exactly, the topology in the part 2. And it has 17 polygons at the neck, not 13. What did I do wrong?
    Edit: Took me a few hours to figure it out, apperently I did not have same topology as you, even though I did my loopcuts exactly like you, counted everytime, this makes no sense atm

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад +1

      Socka3d hmm, there's a chance I did things slightly different, such as how many edges I turned at the back of the head, or if I used edge reduction techniques on top of the head. The face section should be the same though.
      It might be slightly different like this but I would encourage you to see this as an opportunity to apply your own solutions, since meshes are seldom exactly the same. It can be tricky at first, but I promise the frustration will be worth it eventually!
      Try to see where you can make cuts to increase edges, or reroute edges so the flow somewhere else (the centre of the mesh is usually a good start).
      Like I say I could offer to show you precisely how to fix it, but this would only be detrimental to your progression. Don't worry too much about it and try to be confident that your solution is good. After all, there's no one correct answer ☺️ Hope you don't feel too deterred and good luck!

    • @socka3d861
      @socka3d861 6 лет назад +1

      I did solve it, edited previous message. To be more specific. For some reason I had 1 edge loop at the wrong location, and one pole at the wrong location, which resulted 4 extra unessesary polygons at the neck area, so I had 17 instead of 13. I paused this video a hundred times, and counted polygons by using the poles as reference. front face I had exactly the same ar you, but between the eye and ear I had slighly different. So I "simply" fixed it by comparing yours to mine, and counted the polygons from the poles, and then remade the retopo from where it looked different :P
      I am using blender, but it is the topology I am after, I love this work of yours. I havent bought the bonus yet, but I believe I will do that. I want a complete retopo with hands, and those topology/edge flow around the areas like stomache to refine those areas better. Currently the topology is more or less "flat", hard for me to explain :P
      Thanks for reply aswell! :D

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад +1

      Glad you got it sorted! Topology is tricky at first but it becomes quite therapeutic once you can the knack! :)

  • @danielluisfranco
    @danielluisfranco 4 года назад

    The tiers are separate things or if I buy the tier 2 I will have the content of the tier 1 too?

  • @RomboutVersluijs
    @RomboutVersluijs 6 лет назад

    Holy smokes!!! 3d looks like a breeze to do retopology!

  • @Prisoner-24601
    @Prisoner-24601 6 лет назад

    OMG this is Awesome

  • @gnightrow4020
    @gnightrow4020 6 лет назад

    Can you Use Normal Maps as an Alternative to Supporting Loops ?

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад

      No, supporting loops are there to retain volume. Normal maps can't do that, they can only describe surface detail

  • @musicandhappinessbyjo795
    @musicandhappinessbyjo795 4 года назад

    I am using a guy who has a pretty thick musculalture. Somewhat like hulk. How should I retopologize on such condition.

  • @Exe3D
    @Exe3D 3 года назад


  • @angelsuarez5945
    @angelsuarez5945 4 года назад

    Hello I like this video but I have a issue, when import the mesh from 3d coat to Maya, after few second appear this message sorry an unrecoverable error has encountered... Have anybody had the same problem?

  • @Tritoon710
    @Tritoon710 6 лет назад

    Thank you so much.

  • @RomboutVersluijs
    @RomboutVersluijs 5 лет назад

    PS isnt it better to make that first pole in the breast more towards the main body part. That pole seems to be in an area which could more compated to more upwards on the chest.

    • @RomboutVersluijs
      @RomboutVersluijs 5 лет назад

      PS i found this links which seems to show quite nice topology.

  • @qrl9266
    @qrl9266 4 года назад

    hi i am interested in the premium tutorial, and i was able to follow everything in the free tutorial with zbrush retopology tools. I am wondering do i need the 3D coat program to have a easier time following the rest of the tutorial? it was such a hassle drawing one polygon at a time in zbrush and i cannot add edge loops or redirect/stitching vertices in retopology mode. Also is this a good topology tutorial if i want to rig my character for animation or posing?

  • @bigboomer1013
    @bigboomer1013 4 года назад

    this is a great tutorial, but i ran into a problem. the character im making is cartoony and her head is literally an oval with giant eyes and a super narrow neck. so the topology changed when i started to go closer to her neck. the body is fine but now i cant connect her body to the neck because the neck has vertices, like a lot less. i cant add more loops to her head because im afraid that will ruin it

  • @canhedotricks6078
    @canhedotricks6078 4 года назад +1

    always been happy with my free programs but following along in blender is so frustrating

    • @jSyndeoMusic
      @jSyndeoMusic 4 года назад

      I’m using the Retopoflow add-on for Blender, and it’s working quite well for me.

  • @daanimegoatman6683
    @daanimegoatman6683 6 лет назад

    Out of curiosity, would this topology be good for animating?

    • @Dnps1360
      @Dnps1360 6 лет назад

      Unamused Animator Yes, you can try it yourself, but if you look at you can see how it works with deformation.

  • @arghyanagchowdhury9736
    @arghyanagchowdhury9736 2 года назад

    What is the software name?

  • @awaylp649
    @awaylp649 3 года назад

    How am i going to create characters, I cant sculpt or draw. geez

  • @halafradrimx
    @halafradrimx 6 лет назад

    By the way : later versions of 3D Coat are REALLY BUGGY.
    Is that why you're using version 4.1?

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад +1

      Pretty much. I've updated a few times but I always get some strange symmetry issue. I only use 3d coat for retopo though so I dont really need to update

  • @steve-mn3wk
    @steve-mn3wk 2 года назад

    Danny Mac looks like the Boss Baby

  • @anbuhyuga8299
    @anbuhyuga8299 4 года назад

    what is that dialect? i've never heard it before

    • @jSyndeoMusic
      @jSyndeoMusic 4 года назад

      Something in the UK, that’s all I can tell.

  • @_casg
    @_casg 2 года назад

    This was so clean

  • @dimKOist
    @dimKOist 6 лет назад

    ty bro :3

  • @socka3d861
    @socka3d861 6 лет назад

    So. I bought the tutorial and was especting a full tutorial how to make the topology correctly, but in the videos some areas, example the rib part, you show only a tiny bit, and the rest I have to guess myself. When I do my "guessing", my topology turns out bad. The reason I bought the guide is because I want to make it correctly. So basically, everytime you show only a small part of the entire process, I get stuck for hours, and some I cannot even solve. I loved the free tutorials, cus you showed everything, every single polygon. :(

    • @DannyMac3d
      @DannyMac3d  6 лет назад

      Hey, sorry you struggled with it. As I explain in the video (and alluded to in your previous comment) I did this very purposefully because every character is different and has different requirements. It is futile to learn the placement of every single polygon because it wont work for every character you make. So instead I teach the underlying concepts of creating topology to help you break through this barrier and take the knowledge through to your own models. Like I say, it can be really tricky at first, I have been working at topology for 5 years, which is even longer than I have been sculpting, and I still run into tricky spots. The best advice I can give is to stick at it, and eventually it will just click, I promise!

    • @socka3d861
      @socka3d861 6 лет назад

      I see. Thanks!

  • @courtneyl5600
    @courtneyl5600 3 года назад +1

    no hands? :

  • @WinExploder
    @WinExploder 6 лет назад +3

    Yes, I would like to enroll at the Danny Mac Institute of Boob Technology please

  • @Eindrew9
    @Eindrew9 4 года назад

    i messed up at the end, when i connected the body to the neck T.T i was doing so well

  • @wolfoseses4349
    @wolfoseses4349 5 лет назад

    The video over the pass didnt complete the correct topology.

  • @RomboutVersluijs
    @RomboutVersluijs 6 лет назад

    PS isnt it better to add that pole near the breast more towards to body. Now its very close to the breast and cause issue for animation i guess

  • @badkitty3559
    @badkitty3559 5 лет назад +1

    these toes though xD

  • @nuttaponsaengpukdee7070
    @nuttaponsaengpukdee7070 4 года назад

    where finger

  • @richardhead8264
    @richardhead8264 4 года назад

    *_2:02_*_ I like my female models _*_VERY LEWD!!!_* 🍑
    _The _*_Female Form_*_ is simply the _*_Best!!_* 👍🏼

  • @Alloniya
    @Alloniya 3 года назад

    Legs are a bit short and arms a bit long and big