Love the gift we get which is being able to experience the refinement of the ‘drafts’ or demos and each and every listening event has their own unique finish. Totally glad we can compare it to the finals. Agree it’s sometimes refreshing to have a more mellow and shorter version to listen to.
the piano just hits so hard on this
I feel sad but happy when i listen to it it definitely fit both moods. The fact theres no kicks or 808s is even better.
love this version way better than the one that ended up being on donda
You might have your preferences but the song that ended up on the official release is much more spiritual than this.
@sparkle74HvH how do you even measure spirituality?
@@sparkle74HvH nah, i wasn’t feeling it
Love the gift we get which is being able to experience the refinement of the ‘drafts’ or demos and each and every listening event has their own unique finish. Totally glad we can compare it to the finals. Agree it’s sometimes refreshing to have a more mellow and shorter version to listen to.
It’s missing the background synths
Tbh it adds a really good texture