Order of Operation quiz for kids. Try your best kids.. challenge it yourself..

  • Опубликовано: 3 июн 2024
  • Hey kids! Have you ever been confused about which math operation to do first when solving a problem? Don’t worry! Today, we’re going to learn about something super important in math called the Order of Operations. It’s like following a recipe - if you do the steps in the right order, you’ll get the correct answer!
    What is the Order of Operations?
    The Order of Operations is a set of rules that tells us the correct order to solve math problems. When we have more than one operation (like addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) in a problem, these rules help us know which one to do first.
    To remember the order, we use a special phrase: PEMDAS. Each letter stands for a different operation. Let’s break it down!
    PEMDAS Explained
    P stands for Parentheses: Always do the operations inside parentheses first. Parentheses look like this: ( )
    E stands for Exponents: Next, solve any exponents. Exponents are numbers that show how many times to multiply a number by itself, like 2² (which means 2 * 2).
    M stands for Multiplication: After exponents, do any multiplication.
    D stands for Division: Along with multiplication, do any division from left to right.
    A stands for Addition: Then, do any addition.
    S stands for Subtraction: Lastly, do any subtraction.
    Practice Makes Perfect
    Remember, just like any game or sport, practice makes perfect. The more you practice using PEMDAS, the easier it will get. Try solving problems with your friends or family and see who can get the right answer first!
    Fun Fact
    Did you know that some people use a different phrase to remember PEMDAS? They say “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally”. It’s a funny way to remember the order!
    So next time you’re faced with a tricky math problem, remember PEMDAS and you’ll be a math whiz in no time! Thanks for watching, and don’t forget to like and subscribe for more fun math tips and tricks. Bye!

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