433 - HGUC Gundam Mk-II Titans Revive Version (OOB Review)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 94

  • @muhammadbinadnan739
    @muhammadbinadnan739 4 года назад +54

    The Shield actually does Collapse, You need to remove the Lower part then put it in the Red square, If you look on the side of the Box, It'll show an image of it :D

  • @sideboxstudio
    @sideboxstudio 9 лет назад +38

    The HG Revive Mk II looks awesome! It's simply spot on with the original design of MK II in my opinion. love the bulkyness.

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  9 лет назад +6

      Me too! I like the new proportions!

  • @johnbernales6013
    @johnbernales6013 6 лет назад +35

    Gundam Mk 2 Titans is awesome

  • @sparkles5970
    @sparkles5970 7 лет назад +15

    This is my first gunpla kit and enjoyed building it still in the process but it fun but simple. I also got my self an Rg rx 78-2 still to build

    • @pabjoy
      @pabjoy 6 лет назад

      Sparkles ii

  • @johnbernales6013
    @johnbernales6013 6 лет назад +15

    If people think it's bad I won't judge but I really like this mobile suit

  • @redvalentine1989
    @redvalentine1989 9 лет назад +16

    For me, I'll choose the Revive ver. than the RG because of its proportion, but if I have one I'll try to copy the RG's panel lines then color separates it by painting, then using the RG decals hmmmm . . . a lot of work to do hahaha

    • @Robodragon17
      @Robodragon17 5 лет назад

      Im going with the hg beacause the mg has finicky parts, and im not a fan of the rg gimmick

  • @pouse4
    @pouse4 8 лет назад +5

    I am planning to get the RG of the Titans MK-2 and the new HG of the AEUG MK-2.

  • @ivancazares129
    @ivancazares129 8 лет назад +1

    You can plug the bottom of the shield to the red part on the top part to form the shorter shield. Awesome reviews. Saw this video before buying.

  • @spacehamsterZH
    @spacehamsterZH 7 лет назад +3

    I bought the AEUG version of this one basically because of your review, and I'm sure glad I did. I have the RG as well and I'd agree it's probably my favorite RG out there, but this one really is damned good too. Pretty amazing that a simple HG would look almost as good as an RG. And wait'll I get it painted.

  • @nicklomas181
    @nicklomas181 Год назад

    this is the 2nd kit I built, I LOOVE it, so sturdy and great joints

  • @froakie14
    @froakie14 4 месяца назад +1

    A little late to the party, but I’ve been looking for a good review for this kit!

  • @MedskiPurnamski
    @MedskiPurnamski 9 лет назад +6

    If only I had known that the Mk.II was going to have a revive version, I wouldn't have bought the original HGUC kit. The revive version has better legs mold. The old one is a nightmare to do seamline removal.

  • @TheUltimizer.
    @TheUltimizer. 4 года назад +4

    I ordered dis guy just a few weeks ago.
    Im looking forward to dis

  • @Arrowdodger
    @Arrowdodger 9 лет назад +3

    I think I like the way the Revive looks more than the RG, though the Mk II RG is one of the best of the real grade line, in my opinion. I just tend to prefer high grades, overall. the RG Mk II almost makes me think of the GP01 by comparison, due to the bulk. they both look great, all that said.

  • @TheBrotherDini
    @TheBrotherDini 3 года назад +2

    I like this kit, it is my first gunpla kit I ever had, but mine is very loose from the waist up, specially the backpack connection, but except from that, its pretty good.

  •  6 лет назад +10

    best design among the rx gundams.

    • @vizzyboi1829
      @vizzyboi1829 5 лет назад +5

      RX 0? Nu. Gundam?

    • @MrRe-pg7fj
      @MrRe-pg7fj 4 года назад

      VisZenOP The Hguc Unicorn is outdated and didn’t really age well compare to the Hguc Nu or Hi Nu

  • @FroskWasTaken
    @FroskWasTaken 7 лет назад +10

    RG Proportions are always different. Real Grade kits are supposed to be what the suit would look like if it was actually built today.

  • @weik-2936
    @weik-2936 4 года назад +4

    I like titans version better, I find the colors more interesting since most gundams are white, blue, yellow, and red, MK-II Titans mixes the color scheme up

  • @UselessNekoGang
    @UselessNekoGang 6 лет назад +4

    Do you actually paint these kits eventually? I’m going to get deep into HG, and I plan on panel lining and that’s about it. Is there anything I should do with my kits after they’re panel lined / stickered? Like is there something I can spray on to keep it all set?

    • @bS0up
      @bS0up 6 лет назад +1

      You've probably already looked up some suggestions since making this post, but for anyone reading who's not into fully painting their kits, there's topcoat of course, or you could also go for a gloss coat which can be achieved relatively cheaply using certain floor finishers. Although beyond panel lining, a little detail painting (on the inside of thruster bells and where there are missing color apps, for example) can go a long way in giving a Gunpla kit some personalization without too much of a time or money investment. You might also wanna check out certain weathering techniques, a lot are simpler than you might think. And I'd suggest just throwing in the extra $6 bucks or so when buying a kit for a sheet of water slide decals. General purpose decal sheets can be stretched quite a bit between multiple builds, so they're definitely worth it.

  • @haleyleyley8951
    @haleyleyley8951 5 лет назад

    There's like this part on the backpack that you could remove and it has a 3mm hole in it so you could store the shield on the back.
    Also it's said that you can make a collapsed version of the shield on the instructions

  • @JangoTheBlueFox
    @JangoTheBlueFox 9 лет назад +8

    you've probably already figured this out but the shield does collapse. you simply have to take it apart and put the two parts on top of each other just like the old HG kit. this is all explained in the instructions.

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  9 лет назад

      +Jango The Blue Fox Yeah I missed that in the instructions. And yeah I figured it out cause it was pointed out by a few people in the AEUG version review.

    • @JangoTheBlueFox
      @JangoTheBlueFox 9 лет назад

      I really think that they could have incorporated a sliding mechanic like the RG instead of using the exact same method that the old HG kit used.

    • @Press_X_to_doubt
      @Press_X_to_doubt 9 лет назад

      +Jango The Blue Fox The thing is the shield won't be solid if they do that. And it would wear out soon even if they do.

  • @vicFiBi
    @vicFiBi Год назад

    I am torn between the rg and the hg,i kinda like the looks of the hg more but the fact id doesnt have extra hands bothers me and im kinda interested in having the option of displaying it with an open cockpit or with the frame exposed,its the same with the rx 78,i like the idea of the core booster but ive heard its problematic,the revive seems ok but the proportions seem strange,and maybe displaying it next to my hg char's zaku would be not fitting? Could get both the hg and rg but i feel it would be weird having two kits of the same unit

  • @sormaikel7093
    @sormaikel7093 3 года назад

    i really enjoy your enthusiasm !

  • @skuffles
    @skuffles 9 лет назад +2

    the Revive version's back skirt looks like a toilet seat where the RG's looks is just a squarish U. The Revive's face is smaller and more deep set as opposed to the RG. And OMG thank you so much for the dual wielding shots :) Being able to make my kits as symmetric as possible is always one of my top priorities hehe

  • @JustineCabaMergal
    @JustineCabaMergal 7 месяцев назад

    Does it have ropes to build the limbs?

  • @haleyleyley8951
    @haleyleyley8951 5 лет назад

    If you remove the backpack there's a 2 peg connection for other backpacks

  • @shadowfox997
    @shadowfox997 9 лет назад

    I'll probably pick up both the AEUG and Titans versions since they're pretty cheap, just so I can put the darker backpack and black skirts of the Titans version on the AEUG one.

  • @warpath16
    @warpath16 8 лет назад

    thanks for the review sir :)
    - another one for my upcoming collection :)

  • @garrettiverson6355
    @garrettiverson6355 9 лет назад +1

    On the topic of comparison... Which would you bring into a GBF battle?

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  9 лет назад +2

      +Garrett Iverson PG Unicorn.

    • @garrettiverson6355
      @garrettiverson6355 9 лет назад +1

      ZakuAurelius Lol I couldn't ask for a better answer

    • @celtic6367
      @celtic6367 6 лет назад

      @Trung Le well i would bring the unicorn gundan statue thats in japan!

  • @DungPham-hk1oy
    @DungPham-hk1oy 3 года назад +1

    I got the MG version of this MS. And watching this video, I think HG is quite the same, just smaller. Pretty cool

  • @gendhone123
    @gendhone123 8 лет назад

    mark.ii is my favourite gundam this far.

  • @erickyllonen3113
    @erickyllonen3113 3 года назад

    i just got this gundam at ying hobbies and more in china town san fransisco :) building it as i watch the review

  • @shadowlugia9003
    @shadowlugia9003 2 года назад +1

    Aside from color what is the difference? Why is it called the titans version?

    • @matthewethansetiabudi6528
      @matthewethansetiabudi6528 Год назад +2

      It's called the Titans version because it has the colour scheme of the Titans, the other one has the AEUG colour scheme. Aside from that the two kits are identical.

    • @froakie14
      @froakie14 4 месяца назад

      @@matthewethansetiabudi6528Titans has decals

  • @johnbernales6013
    @johnbernales6013 6 лет назад +1

    I bought this cause it looks cool and it's a bit cheap and it has a nice scale and design xd

  • @slmnsd6186
    @slmnsd6186 3 года назад

    man i can't wait to get this

  • @cucumberz1000
    @cucumberz1000 5 лет назад

    Hai zaku, can u tell me the difference between kit 35 revive with box without logo 35 revive, because there is 2 kit out there with logo 35 revive and without logo 35 revive on its box

  • @junghohyun6151
    @junghohyun6151 6 лет назад +3

    The shield does collapse

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  6 лет назад +3

      Janghoda moosemilkgod thanks! You’re just over a year late and a few comments already pointed that out. But good to know!

    • @junghohyun6151
      @junghohyun6151 6 лет назад

      ZakuAurelius Uh Zac do you still love in korea?

  • @skyebrye
    @skyebrye 7 лет назад +1

    Hg AEUG MK II here in our country is priced Usd18.00 while the RG is priced Usd24.00, which onen to get?

  • @dashelmarmion5961
    @dashelmarmion5961 4 года назад

    Sorry I’m not sure you will see this but the shield on the hg can collapse into a smaller shield you split it and peg them back together

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  4 года назад

      Yes I know. Many other comments pointed that out 😅

  • @ZeroStriker426
    @ZeroStriker426 9 лет назад

    Do you, by chance, happen to have a Build Booster Mk-II lying around? I'm curious to see if it fits into the new HG Gundam Mk-II Revive without doing any mods. Thanks :)

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  9 лет назад +1

      +ZeroStriker426 I don't have that kit, but I can tell you that it fits.

    • @ZeroStriker426
      @ZeroStriker426 9 лет назад

      I do hope it does, now that the backpack of the Mk-II Revive now has a hole wherein you can attach something like the shield. Guess I'll just have to see myself. I already ordered both, and I'm just waiting for them to arrive.

  • @gudakoalter
    @gudakoalter 7 лет назад

    is the revive mk.ii compatible with the HGBC build booster mk.ii?

  • @MossyRiverRock
    @MossyRiverRock 6 лет назад

    Complete beginner here, the only listing I can find for these Gundam Mk II is the HGUC version, but there not clearly marked as "Revive." Is it true that these HGUC versions are the "Revive" versions or is the "Revive" another separate version. Thanks in advance.

    • @true_neutral3378
      @true_neutral3378 6 лет назад

      Hguc and revive kits are different, the hguc mk 2 is much older than this new revive one.

  • @derecholaboralymigratorioe4669
    @derecholaboralymigratorioe4669 2 года назад

    hello, nice program, do you know website were i can buy GUNDAM Kit with good price?

    • @ZRFehr
      @ZRFehr Год назад +1

      USA Gundam Store and Gundam Planet are two good options. Newtype is another good one. When all else fails Amazon seems to sell them mostly at retail price.

  • @jf_rides
    @jf_rides 8 лет назад +1

    does this kit come with extra hands?

  • @zaccwalker3098
    @zaccwalker3098 8 лет назад

    I wish the rg had the proportions of the hg.

  • @alexdavisson6398
    @alexdavisson6398 4 года назад

    RG is way better if you ask me. Bulky legs are not for me. Also felt pipe is amazingly better. did I mention RG's proportions are more accurate?

  • @HazeBre3
    @HazeBre3 8 лет назад

    I just got this and I really don't like the Beam Sabers in either hands, they're just too long and I don't think it fits.

  • @Echozz498
    @Echozz498 7 лет назад

    Yes it can

  • @ZombryaTheDark
    @ZombryaTheDark 8 лет назад

    so should I get this hg revive or the older hg black Titans version

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  8 лет назад

      Why would you get the old one? Unless you really like the look of the older kit~ the new one is better in almost every way.

    • @ZombryaTheDark
      @ZombryaTheDark 8 лет назад

      ZakuAurelius I figured there wouldn't be much of a difference. I like the old hguc box art of the Titans Mk 2 better tbh

    • @waveemann8857
      @waveemann8857 8 лет назад

      I think the original HGUC one is a bit more simple too, akin to the standard HGUC 78-2. If you're learning there's nothing wrong with opting for the simpler kit.

    • @ZombryaTheDark
      @ZombryaTheDark 8 лет назад

      bokunotraplord I got the real grade Titans color instead. Very beautiful kit

  • @arx3516
    @arx3516 5 лет назад

    how tough are the hg? can they urvive a fall from a shelf?

    • @ZakuAurelius
      @ZakuAurelius  5 лет назад

      Probably yeah, so long as it doesn’t fall directly on the v-fin

  • @kajkun1384
    @kajkun1384 8 лет назад

    Nub marks are too clean!!! Envy!

  • @myonionsmatter7843
    @myonionsmatter7843 6 лет назад

    Mindfenix lost its domain?

  • @ocelotl213
    @ocelotl213 9 лет назад

    love it

  • @johnbernales6013
    @johnbernales6013 6 лет назад +1

    Bandai ver. Is better than other brands this kit does not have loose parts I'm so lucky ={)

  • @สมรักพวงรัก


  • @xpluscollectorscrew
    @xpluscollectorscrew 5 лет назад

    HG for me..

  • @anyothernamelikemashugana2532
    @anyothernamelikemashugana2532 8 лет назад

    i hope bandai makes a MG gundam MK2 based of this RG

  • @Zaku_Phantom
    @Zaku_Phantom 9 лет назад

    which kit is more anime accurate?

    • @jazzedupsax8592
      @jazzedupsax8592 9 лет назад

      They are the same kit.

    • @jonspectre1103
      @jonspectre1103 9 лет назад

      probably the hg... but the rg looks cooler and more realistic if u ask me

    • @pyron674
      @pyron674 9 лет назад +1

      +mabuchiii tv (Mayuyu u) if you appreciate the anime lineart more, go for the HG. But if mechanical detail is something you consider, then the RG is the better option. Of course if you can stretch your budget, the MG is something to consider as well.

    • @jazzedupsax8592
      @jazzedupsax8592 9 лет назад

      Jon Yusko Ohh, you meant between the RG and HG. Yeah, the HG kits are the same.

    • @tenkuken7168
      @tenkuken7168 9 лет назад

      hg but for quality rg

  • @XtremeGT2015
    @XtremeGT2015 16 дней назад

    The shield does collapse