Do you find yourself using the effect of Red Nova Dragon? I find myself preferring to just make Bane, who tributes himself to bring out Scarred. That way Red Zone is still live but we now have extra follow up.
I like Red Nova over Bane+Scarred because Red Nova can’t be destroyed by your opponent’s card effects. It’s harder your opponent to get rid of which means the Red Zone pop is more likely to be used when you want to.
Not really. Since we’re locked into DDS negation tools are out of reach during our set up turn. Surviving Nib requires your hand to have enough non engine cards for you to get another turn
Cant special lubellion by anything other than its own effect
Yeeeee minor oversight. Lubellion does in fact have text on it. Saronir is the Regained Target
@NotoriousYGO 👍 love the combo though I'm excited for thus to drop
Nice guide dude
Most people go for a pure list but this concept is very interesting and I like how the engine works
Thank you. I love it too, it’s my favorite version of the deck so far.
Heck yeah
Do you find yourself using the effect of Red Nova Dragon? I find myself preferring to just make Bane, who tributes himself to bring out Scarred. That way Red Zone is still live but we now have extra follow up.
I like Red Nova over Bane+Scarred because Red Nova can’t be destroyed by your opponent’s card effects. It’s harder your opponent to get rid of which means the Red Zone pop is more likely to be used when you want to.
I'm assuming tyrant is benched due to it having the same problem as Bane and where having a field nuke us a bad thing for once.
Yes, we don’t really want to blow up our own stuff. Also, Tyrant is to much of an investment. 3 cards for mutual nuke isn’t where we want to be
Thanks for the combos tutorial. Is there a way to play arround or recover after getting nibiru ?
Not really. Since we’re locked into DDS negation tools are out of reach during our set up turn.
Surviving Nib requires your hand to have enough non engine cards for you to get another turn
is there a general deck list available for bystial rda?
I believe so. I can send you mine or you can join the RDA discord
How strong is the deck against the curent meta?
I’d like to see the pure list!
You won’t have to wait long should be up later this week