Obinna left Dwfb to enjoy with her fans and share the cake and again other bosses were there like Murages. Already Obinna celebrated her during his homecoming so much a do let him look for money we love them.
Mimi hata watu wamenibo na hi issue ya obina..kwani ni lazima mahali dwf Ako obina akuje huko...Vinny alikuwa ameambiwa obina kitambo na so hangekosa na maybe ndio maana alimfanyia surprise ya birthday Ile siku ya homecoming alikuwa hi ha tamake kufika...watu mutumie akili
What I can say is that the light that girl carries and the favour and Grace of God she has , no one can take away . The birthday event was the best have seen this year so even without Obinna the event was well organized Omar came through and Obinna already did his part in Kisumu@@euniceandibo4686
watu wa negative comments les not focus on the negative side or rather focus on obinna's weakness no he has done alot to bebiii en his mission is to uplift young artists another thing he did bebii's birthday at Kisumu na sasa alirnda atkeast kuinua vinny coz he's young kwa industry hangeafford kulipa mc jamani focus wakuuu focusss mtaharibu hii kiti mtaharibu in obinna's voice
Obina said soon he will be helping somebody to raise up,sasa kusema ukweli amefanya DWFB KUJUANA na watu wengi,na ata kubarikiwa,stop your negativity to Obina
This confirms to many ni kipindire tu...Obi doesn't see her that way maybe na mjue mama boy came from US ako around....Obi just loves to rove around too i guess with no control..But he is spoiling his Brand hata kama ni kipindire he shud have done something...hata sending present
@@sarahkemunto-tr4ow ashai Lala Na wewe ama watu Wa kwenu ama ukampata mahali akimess up na anyone...kazi Ni kuita mtu malaya just because he has female friends and fans ...jiheshimu mama boys walikua wanafanya content vile anafanya sai na baba t
@@brettamulei job anafanyia wafanyi kanzi wake wote ,alifanyia munez ana Jackie pia , but it's ok pia Dem wa fb ni jobs tu wanafanya SS Dio tunataka kusukumia obbina bibi mwenye hataki
@@PearlShaks to be honest Kama anafanyanga Ivo Kwa camera ak off camera anamfanyia mambo mengi yenye hatujui tumpee flowers zake tu na tukuwe watulifu kidogo tuone the way forward
Stop being negative bebi has already explained and omosh too..imagine yesterday alikua Na event Adi asubuhi ,Leo mchana alikua naks,Na sai ako Kwa Vinny and tomorrow ako site Adi the next day asubuhi...try to be fair
@hadasahennisgachira5027 tell them. Dwfb was famous too but not same level. Obiz❤️❤️ made her known and respected. These are people pushing him to marry her😂😂. Wacheni watu watafute pesa kwa raha zai nanii.
Honestly speaking why did Obinna missed bebii's birthday party surely alafu time ya sherehe iko na kubebana na sandra malaya wake na ku dance na milayas any way bebii is still young girl na huyu n mzee alisha zaa sasa n kpiga tu umalaya kwa social media
Masha'Allah this is so tough ...obinna is supporting Vinny najua kulipa Mc ingekua ngumu so heri alipeleka helping hard but bebii just watch what he has for her...let's be positive tu❤
Plz patieni obina heshima yake ..hata mseme nini bebii amempenda na weakness yake na pia obina anapenda dwf..ww unaona tu Ile unapewa online haujui off cameras nn inaendelea
Ukona akili ndogo Sana...many people close to dwfb hawakuattend why only mnaona Obinna ..he gifted her expensive furniture for parents house ,he Did a birthday for her on stage in Kisumu gifted her a love song Na bado Kesho watakua samaki samaki hujui amempangia Nini simtulie and give him his flowers .mchana alikua Nakuru ,sai ako Kwa Vinny Na Kesho atakua site Adi next day morning..what is so hard to understand
Obinna left Dwfb to enjoy with her fans and share the cake and again other bosses were there like Murages. Already Obinna celebrated her during his homecoming so much a do let him look for money we love them.
Andika hapo obinna ni msee wa nguvu kwa kusupport huyu kijana wa blue hair.....big up bro❤
Obinaa is an all round and im happy kila mtu around him is happy with his suport...bebi must have approved him to be away❤❤❤❤
Obiz you are the best let them talk you are vibe you have a good heart ❤️ and you are supportive to everyone
Wachaneni n obbina bana
..zile vitu amefanyia bebii mbn hamuogei hua mnawait small mistake muanze kuogea😏😏
Mlikua mnataka ajigawe aje,he has ever been supporting bebii acheni a support Vinny pia
Mimi hata watu wamenibo na hi issue ya obina..kwani ni lazima mahali dwf Ako obina akuje huko...Vinny alikuwa ameambiwa obina kitambo na so hangekosa na maybe ndio maana alimfanyia surprise ya birthday Ile siku ya homecoming alikuwa hi ha tamake kufika...watu mutumie akili
@@cathrenmbc6111ahsante miriam amemwachia Andrew venye alitaka yule mjinga
What I can say is that the light that girl carries and the favour and Grace of God she has , no one can take away . The birthday event was the best have seen this year so even without Obinna the event was well organized Omar came through and Obinna already did his part in Kisumu@@euniceandibo4686
@@euniceandibo4686 yeah nakumbuka Ile comment yake ya Obinna wants to control everything about dem Wa fb ..mbona Sasa akijitoa kidogo wanateta
Hebu tell them. When dwfb miss Obiz❤ stuff, tgey always say "juu ako busy na kazi". Mbona usiwe same kwa Obiz❤?
Na watu mko na makasiriko bana,let obinna support others bana
Mmi hata sion shida mnacomplain nni 🤷♀️🤷♀️ bebii km hn anahug hug mwanaume wengine n hamsemi muoshi uoshswa ama obina nd ana nongo y kunguni .
He have done alot for bebi and he have to stand with Vinny bana sasa mulikua mnataka Vinny aimbe ababy mosmos peke yake acheni
I love obina sana
watu wa negative comments les not focus on the negative side or rather focus on obinna's weakness no he has done alot to bebiii en his mission is to uplift young artists another thing he did bebii's birthday at Kisumu na sasa alirnda atkeast kuinua vinny coz he's young kwa industry hangeafford kulipa mc jamani focus wakuuu focusss mtaharibu hii kiti mtaharibu in obinna's voice
I love obbina❤
Happy birthday mrembo ❤❤❤age gracefully
Amazing Star Vinny flavour and obina
I love obina ❤
Team kupitiana tupitiane tukisonga pamoja please 🙏🙏
Obinna is there for up coming generation so please stop negative comments even ya babiii it was successful.
Obiz❤❤❤❤❤ every day any day💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿💪🏿❤️. Get you 👑👑👑👑👑and 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Obina said soon he will be helping somebody to raise up,sasa kusema ukweli amefanya DWFB KUJUANA na watu wengi,na ata kubarikiwa,stop your negativity to Obina
2mbili haya ushafika uko, good job
Today is Today blessed day both sides the power of God
It's how people knows the luo verses
Yaani obinna ako huku,,, nimetafta sanaaa... Uliajia nani bebi??? 😢
Aiiih kwani obina si walifanya collabo na Vinny,bebii alikua tu sawa na wako pamoja
Mbna huku kuna kitanda ya hocy😢😢
The event was also sponsored by komarock modern hospital
@@samiramishy6818 ooh waoh thanks 😊
@@pwanigal welcome
@@samiramishy6818 🫂
Awwwh❤❤❤i love everything 😊
This confirms to many ni kipindire tu...Obi doesn't see her that way maybe na mjue mama boy came from US ako around....Obi just loves to rove around too i guess with no control..But he is spoiling his Brand hata kama ni kipindire he shud have done something...hata sending present
@@sarahkemunto-tr4ow ashai Lala Na wewe ama watu Wa kwenu ama ukampata mahali akimess up na anyone...kazi Ni kuita mtu malaya just because he has female friends and fans ...jiheshimu mama boys walikua wanafanya content vile anafanya sai na baba t
@@Reeny73tell her my dear, wanataka kucontrol life ya obinna kama robot
Obinna God's watching you aki you left bebi banaa
Aki ata technical appearance.
Mungu si jirani yako.. Bebii anakua na birthday he will attend next but vinnys concert is once..
Guys be positive give Obinna his flowers wacheni chuki Kwa vitu ndogondogo,if bebii could pull that event kiyeye eish she's a brand full package
So hamtaki a support wengine??
I think they agreed and it was just a coincidence ilikua same day but I know obinna will surprise her let's watch ❤
Obbina wanted to show you he's not dating dem wa fb juu ingekuwa real girl friend hengekosa birthday party yake , the message is home 😂😂😂😂😂
Lzm haifanye Leo job mark my words 🎉
@@brettamulei job anafanyia wafanyi kanzi wake wote ,alifanyia munez ana Jackie pia , but it's ok pia Dem wa fb ni jobs tu wanafanya SS Dio tunataka kusukumia obbina bibi mwenye hataki
@@PearlShaks to be honest Kama anafanyanga Ivo Kwa camera ak off camera anamfanyia mambo mengi yenye hatujui tumpee flowers zake tu na tukuwe watulifu kidogo tuone the way forward
@brettamulei sure I love them so much let's support them regardless❤️
@@PearlShaks thegiu dear 👏acha tugojee Leo tuone
I think Obbinna didn't miss bebiii birthday party but he was busy...let not judge.
Party ilikua ya fans wa bebi
Jana mulisema Sandra ni friend to bebi na bebi wa bebi why not attending bebi is birthday ako hapa !!!!!!!!
@@MarthaOmenda-xw5ww wewe juu you are a very good fan uliattend??
@Reeny73 good question. Ask her again. Watu waba bore sasa. They want to control people's lives, eish
Kumbe tunakutafuta kumbe uko huku 😂
Was Risper there? She is also her friend
Aki bebii aja tufanyia poa leo walai yaani akose kw bebii na akuwa kwa Vinny
We pia 😂😂😂hapa ni usiku na bebii ilikua mchana na hakua Nai mchana
So hamtaki a support watu wengine
@@elizabethnzilani3372ongeza volume watu wanabo tu sana
So Vinny si mtu,we acha zako bana
So is vinny a thing? He did a collabo with him, mbona hutaki amsupport?
Mnacomplain birthday mmesahau obi alifanyia bebii birthday kisumu but ya leo ilikua yeye na fans wake ...eeiiii watu wako na mambo huku nje😅
And he knew him being there will overshadow everything
Pia alikua anampa heshima yule mwenye alisimamia birthday na bebii a enjoy na funs
No wonder he ha not been posting about bebis birthday party..alikuwa anajua chenye anafanya
Stop being negative bebi has already explained and omosh too..imagine yesterday alikua Na event Adi asubuhi ,Leo mchana alikua naks,Na sai ako Kwa Vinny and tomorrow ako site Adi the next day asubuhi...try to be fair
Even congratulating her, something fishy cooking
He posted Trudy kitui pictures and said birthday girl on his Ig status before bebi birthday started but did not post bebi.
@@Goldaza-i8tsince these birthday things started what has obinna been doing ….kueni real manze
@@VallaryAuma-b2u I get your point.atleast he could have say something for the sake of funs
Ebu mtukomee obinna He also have a life to leave
Iremember aliambia hao malaya wake wa media ety after birthday party ya bebii ndio wamulize and we new he's just using our Queen to become famous
God will ashame u tomorrow na roho Yako chafu
Plz wachaneni na obina munaumiza dame wa fb...Kuna media amemufanyia interview after homecoming peaneni tu heshima na muwa support
Wow😢😢😢 what is the hate for??? Do you know thrm more than they know themselves? Utaachwa hapo ukikauka😂😂😂
Obina was already famous before meeting bebii wacheni izo
@hadasahennisgachira5027 tell them. Dwfb was famous too but not same level. Obiz❤️❤️ made her known and respected.
These are people pushing him to marry her😂😂. Wacheni watu watafute pesa kwa raha zai nanii.
Aki ebu fanyie obinna interview tujue bona aja kam kwa birthday party ya bebii plz
Sounding whired Aki
Hakua mchana Nai alaa
Maybe amefika ka imeisha never judge
Obina hiyo ni matharau
Shauri yake
Honestly speaking why did Obinna missed bebii's birthday party surely alafu time ya sherehe iko na kubebana na sandra malaya wake na ku dance na milayas any way bebii is still young girl na huyu n mzee alisha zaa sasa n kpiga tu umalaya kwa social media
Ashasanitize brand tayari and that's was he was after
Masha'Allah this is so tough ...obinna is supporting Vinny najua kulipa Mc ingekua ngumu so heri alipeleka helping hard but bebii just watch what he has for her...let's be positive tu❤
Plz patieni obina heshima yake ..hata mseme nini bebii amempenda na weakness yake na pia obina anapenda dwf..ww unaona tu Ile unapewa online haujui off cameras nn inaendelea
Ukona akili ndogo Sana...many people close to dwfb hawakuattend why only mnaona Obinna ..he gifted her expensive furniture for parents house ,he Did a birthday for her on stage in Kisumu gifted her a love song Na bado Kesho watakua samaki samaki hujui amempangia Nini simtulie and give him his flowers .mchana alikua Nakuru ,sai ako Kwa Vinny Na Kesho atakua site Adi next day morning..what is so hard to understand
@Reeny73 tell her hadi ana mtusi malaya surely and the way obinna is always there for bebii..hatujui plan yake watu watulie tu and learn to appreciate