Apex Legends Dead, Dying, Or Honestly Doing Okay?

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 78

  • @michaelkeller8647
    @michaelkeller8647 2 месяца назад +16

    I am a day one player, and they had the choice to create the best game ever made, with perfect gunfights, a epic lore and overall happy player, but EA decided to make more money and dont care about player and I hate them so much for this

  • @Shaxii__
    @Shaxii__ 2 месяца назад +9

    It's funny he says that new players come every season while the OG's stay for the mid and late seasons because it's so true. Every new season 1 out of my handful of gaming buddies will be like "ay Ima try Apex Legends wanna play?" They have a bunch of fun after I tell them to run a few games by themselves and we play low-rank. But when MMR/SBMM kicks in as soon as we hit late gold at that moment you can feel their passion to play Apex both ranked and pubs just drain more and more until 2 weeks finally go by and they never touch the game again no matter how many times I ask.

    • @theshadoow9345
      @theshadoow9345 2 месяца назад +5

      Cuz it's not fun, personally I don't have fun facing triple Master and Pred stacks with 50k kills and millions of dmg in my high gold low plat lobbies. It just shouldn't be a thing no matter what. I've never seen this in any video game I ever played. It's only Apex that basically doesn't have huge difference between ranks cuz u don't play against ranks yr in, u play against whoever the f decided to play at that moment and yr just thrown into the game.

    • @robledosieteseis2291
      @robledosieteseis2291 2 месяца назад +1

      @@theshadoow9345nobody said it was fun lil bro. Snd thats the problem that many blame the pred stack instead of the company that designed this game so poorly. But ngl ALGS are fun to watch

    • @theshadoow9345
      @theshadoow9345 2 месяца назад +3

      @@robledosieteseis2291 Nobody was blaming master and pred player buddy, we are all obviously blaming the company for making such a bad system xd

    • @robledosieteseis2291
      @robledosieteseis2291 2 месяца назад +1

      @@theshadoow9345 half of players say that ranked is broken because they play solo q and get put against premades. Literally people say that if you are premade pred squad you are garbage because they are farming lobbies.

    • @theshadoow9345
      @theshadoow9345 2 месяца назад +1

      @@robledosieteseis2291 Then ppl have some problems admitting that they aint good enough. Thats average stuff in online games anyways. I dont care if im playing against premades, thats bound to happen. I just wanna play against plats in plat, not against masters and preds, thats all I cry about.

  • @vagabondcaleb8915
    @vagabondcaleb8915 2 месяца назад +4

    The game isn't dead. The devs are dead. There is no skill or creativity left at Respawn. This is easy. Make game modes that are actually good--Heck, you can just make Forge and let the community do all the work... Bang my line and I save the game in a quarter. 1: Sentinel/Shotgun FFA mode with 100 base hp for 1 shot headshots.

    • @coolbrotherf127
      @coolbrotherf127 2 месяца назад

      The super creative stuff coming out of R5Reloaded is a perfect example of what the community can do when they can make their own modes and custom maps.

  • @ibuki5353
    @ibuki5353 2 месяца назад +12

    Have ANYONE play solo mode? It's a fucking joke cheater paradise 😂

  • @theprayingman
    @theprayingman 2 месяца назад +1

    I play apex almost every day the most common things people don't like about apex is the cheaters and lack of games

  • @jakethornton4856
    @jakethornton4856 2 месяца назад +4

    I have never complained about SBMM specifically, the issue is that the matchmaking within the SBMM sucks. If i am solo queing why do I have two low level team mates when there are 3 stacks of preds or masters. It's wud be more chill if when im playing against a stack of masters I should have two good team mates and the lower level players should be playing against people around their own level. Another big issue with matchmaking is that I sign into the Dallas server but it puts me in games in servers in the northern US and Canada even so my ping is over twice it wud be when I get games on the Dallas server. I wudnt even care if matchmaking took longer and the SBMM was tighter if I was always playing with and against players of similar skill. I know cheaters are another problem and I do blame EA because they have made 4 billion and cud hire a lot of people to manually review accounts that get reported.

    • @leehalifax
      @leehalifax 2 месяца назад

      100 percent man. I solo que get two low level teammates and all I am fighting against is 4k 20bomb 50k kill plus 3 stacks. Like it is really killing the game for me .

  • @pyrolistical
    @pyrolistical 2 месяца назад +3

    Oh hey its me in those clips.
    Deep games like Apex Legends, DOTA, League of Legends are very alluring to those who want something to put their effort into. But these games don't have a good casual experience. Far too many people sweat it out which makes it difficult for new players as they will get pwned then skill shamed.
    There is no real good solution to this asides from SBMM and anti smurf mechanisms. I played quite a bit of xdefiant and IMO the lack of SBMM is dumb. The purpose of SBMM is to keep the sweats away from the casuals, so they have a chance to develop. People who complain about SBMM are the sweats who don't want to play against other sweats. I don't like having fun at somebody else's expense.
    The problem with SBMM is its hard to gauge a player's skill. Its hard to slowly ramp up the difficulty for casual players, and most systems seem to suddenly put casuals against the sweats.
    Amusingly ranked is actually a pretty good SBMM. The problem is causals don't think it is for them and they don't like the feeling of being told they are of a low rank.

    • @GintsG
      @GintsG 2 месяца назад +2

      Well said! Agree, SBMM is the must in higly competitive games, it's the reason why new players don't stick around and leave. SBMM should create lobbies of 60 which are somewhat similar, not like take first 60 to have fast q times and then low-skill put in team with high skill. It's pretty much like without SBMM. There is no difference.

  • @mattjtx93
    @mattjtx93 2 месяца назад +1

    I play MnK and am a mid-diamond level solo player. S17,18,19 ranked reworks began to kill the game for me. They devalued the ranks in the name of boosting playtime, and i no longer have a desire to grind for Diamond/Masters anymore.
    On top of that, the cheating issue in the game is out of hand. I dont even mean those using blatant cheats, its the xim/chronus users who are doing the most damage trying to pass as being high-skill when they are boosting aim assist or running no recoil scripts. It’s hard enough playing mnk and trying to compete with aim assist as it is. Add in the xim/ chronus and it’s really just impossible to compete.

    • @Inf4mousKidGames
      @Inf4mousKidGames 2 месяца назад

      As a controller player myself even I'll admit if you have to mod your hardware to do better rather than just getting a pro controller like I finally did and training your aim. You're beyond sad.. you have no life...

  • @sebastianbodden8839
    @sebastianbodden8839 2 месяца назад +1

    Hi im a Apex Veteran i play this game since release back in the day it was fun i played 10+hours a day but as of late i struggle with the game i get that over time people got better at the game we all did to some degree but it became so sweaty lately that the fun part of the game is missing in my opinion it feels more like a chore when you play over everything else so as of late i play 2-3 hour max a day thats what i can deal with in this game with the lobbys this days
    I hope we see some changes on the casual site of the game to bring back the joy you feel play this game

  • @goalstop91
    @goalstop91 2 месяца назад +2

    The cheaters are the reason I stopped playing

  • @edgymoon5298
    @edgymoon5298 2 месяца назад

    I have been playing alot of Xdefiant and the game is crazy good , no sbmm is honestly a blessing , the games matchmaking is so random like some games its sweaty then others I get like 50 kills so it has such a good balance with no sbmm and this is what all games need man , sbmm is the worst thing to have ever happend in gaming history

  • @Mushroom41Life
    @Mushroom41Life 2 месяца назад +1

    I don't need new content every two weeks. Don't get me wrong I always enjoy new game modes or character but its always got a bitter taste.
    Enjoy a new mode you are good at? Expect to be stomped by pros, sweats and cheaters after your first win for 10 games in a row!
    Are you trying to enjoy a new legend, a legend you didn't master yet or simply off meta? Expect to be stomped!
    A true casual doesn't need new content all the time because they naturally don't play all the time. People who play non stop do it anyways.
    I need the game to be fixed and freed from cheaters.
    Getting disconnected, frozen or lags every third game and cheated on every second game in multiple ways is just tiering.
    Like I don't have the energy nor time to compensate all the..."things" this game throws at me. It feels like every time you improve (or you believe you have, who know with this match making, whatever kind it is) you get rewarded by getting stomped harder than before. Just sucks the fun out. I feel like im getting robbed of the time I invested in the game to keep up with people who buy cheats and just short cut 1000s of hours.
    If you ain't playing for a living, cheat or both this game just feels like another job that's wasting your time.

  • @coolbrotherf127
    @coolbrotherf127 2 месяца назад

    I dropped grinding the game back in season 17 after the horrible ranked changes. I only watch some ALGS and the occasional RUclips content these days. I was a day 1 player and had so much hope for the improvement of the game, but it's gotten a bit long in the tooth and things are starting to decay a bit. The servers and audio have always been bad since day 1, but the cheaters have only gotten worse as the game engine gets older and more exploits are found. I genuinely think making an Apex 2 with modern tech and fresh ideas for casual modes would really help.

  • @beaumason1072
    @beaumason1072 2 месяца назад +1

    SPOT ON with booting up the game looking at the lobby for about 5 mins followed by closing the game. I think for me I have thoughts of popping off so I get on. I get to the lobby look at my friends list and don't see any of my favorite friends on and I get off. My teammates need to be fun and good. I have so few friends irl and online who are good at this game it sucks. I have a few who are terrible and I will goof off in pubs with but I might as well be 1v3 every fight. The good ones hardly ever play anymore.

  • @ovalfps
    @ovalfps 2 месяца назад +1

    I also very disagree that they’re isn’t a “casual content lane” the game just isn’t going to do it for you. Creators have to make that. And many do. As they do in any game tbh. Also we have private lobbies so there’s nothing stopping creators from making machinima that have access to those.

  • @robledosieteseis2291
    @robledosieteseis2291 2 месяца назад +2

    All we need is 3 things:
    Fix audio
    Fix sbmm for ranked and pubs
    Put interesting gamemodes instead of putting the same one 3 times in a row. (Three strikes)

    • @kaioneil-bp5rr
      @kaioneil-bp5rr 2 месяца назад

      they've been asking for the first two for years. it will never happen, ever. no chance. if you still have any hope then you should move on.

  • @hootels1770
    @hootels1770 2 месяца назад

    I think there’s always going to be the problem of the pre mid-season drought but I feel like Apex could benefit from small trios takeovers. Every two weeks ship a takeover that changes the game in a small way. Only phoenix kits spawn for heals, ability cooldowns reduced, you can no longer carry ammo so you have to pick up weapons off the floor. These might be a bit extreme but something that changes the game but not to an extreme extent like the final fantasy event.

  • @SosoGamerChick
    @SosoGamerChick 2 месяца назад

    I feel like having fun stuff would still be helpful to improving. Like all nades or all p2020s. I agree with everything that’s being said .

  • @Imagination2363
    @Imagination2363 2 месяца назад

    I feel if they fixed the match making I'd be having fun again, for me the struggle is going up agains pred master trios & cheaters ever second game when my own skill level is like a gold player. It gets boring losing game after game after game. They should fix a platform with in apex to fid fun and none toxic players so that we who solo and have no friends can connect and enjoy the game again :)

  • @Iphiclus
    @Iphiclus 2 месяца назад

    I'm unable to play xdefaint due to being on old Gen but from all my friends and big streamers they have stated the no sbmm feels a breathe of fresh air. With apex state right now It just feels super burnt out I'm probs burnt out of battle royal games

  • @mattburkett6358
    @mattburkett6358 2 месяца назад

    Game is IMPOSSIBLE to solo play. Teammates absolutely suck/don’t talk and go down without coming then u gotta craft banner. No sound. Boring meta. Map sucks. Ltms suck. It’s all bad.

  • @skillzay6335
    @skillzay6335 2 месяца назад +1

    Pub matchmaking is horrible!
    I do 400 to 500 damage and my teammates do less than 100 damage in our first fight and the squad that kills us is always a triple masters/pred players!

    • @GintsG
      @GintsG 2 месяца назад

      It's probably because there is no SBMM. At best, they take the first 60 users in Q and group them in teams where one is currier and then whatever is left over is matched with lower skills.

  • @GintsG
    @GintsG 2 месяца назад +1

    To add on SBMM, I didn't play Apex (or any FPS) for 3 months or so, came back, and I was stamped to the ground. Almost like my first season ever. It's super hard to get back into Apex, which is a problem for people who are true casuals, i.e. playing for a couple of hours weekly or even less often, which is why only competitive players are there. That being said, does Apex actually have SBMM, or it's optimised for engagement, i.e. long q times just kill engagement and casuals are not enough on the server, so they are still together with everyone else. So, I think there is no SBMM! It's a myth and illusion for us players who think that facing good players there is some kind of SBMM, there is NOT! It's just engagement and everyone gets into the same bucket! So, there are just not enough casuals, everyone who still plays Apex are sweats and cheaters. Reality is, casual who cannot keep up with sweats, become cheaters. Period!
    On another hand, I played some Valorant, and the getting back experience was so gentle! I literally felt that sweatiness increases as I get back into flow. That's where SBMM is actually working, but it's absolutely not in Apex. There is just no existence of SBMM.

    • @vixantenna
      @vixantenna 2 месяца назад +1

      This is true. The game is awful mostly because there is no SBMM. Right now it just throws everyone together, so if you are an average/above average player you get thrown in with 3-stacks of people that play the game for 6 hours a day. Games don't get progressively harder the better you get. You are facing the same level of opposition no matter your skill level. This will kill this game.

    • @GintsG
      @GintsG 2 месяца назад

      @@vixantenna totally agree. This is why these people don't stick around and leave, which builds that illusion, that there is some kind of SBMM from a good player POV. The trueis that casuals cannot have fun at all and just leave. IT's a brutal game!

    • @GintsG
      @GintsG 2 месяца назад

      Just to add to my previous comment, the only element of some kind of SBMM in Apex is that they take the first 60 people in Q and then somewhat combine squads based on some kind of skill, but this doesn't serve the purpose of SBMM. It's a joke. It's pretty much as if no SBMM is in place. To actually have some benefits from SBMM, the game of 60 people should be at a similar level, not based on all and then somehow combine into "similar" skill teams, which is not good for noobs, not for pros. Nobody benefits from this.

  • @RickyBobby994
    @RickyBobby994 2 месяца назад

    There is no sbmm I constantly get killed by 3 stack 20 bombers and preds 😂.

  • @FayWildz777
    @FayWildz777 2 месяца назад

    This is why i took a 2-3 season break and cane back this season

  • @edgymoon5298
    @edgymoon5298 2 месяца назад

    I was a day 1 player , played till season 8 and stopped coz SBMM killed this game completely for me , Im justa casual trying to have fun enjoying it with friends but its impossible to have fun like that coz every single lobby is a sweatfest and I dont get why there is sbmm in pubs when there is ranked , these devs are complete idiots and dont care , the community have begged them to remove it so mamy times and they dont listen , only way they will remove it is if this game dies and community stands up against it and shows them how we refuse to play their game untill they do is the only way I see them listening

  • @swayzay7513
    @swayzay7513 2 месяца назад

    I feel like apex has steered away from it’s originality which was titan fall and just doesn’t feel like the two stories don’t connect no more it would be better if they stay on their base story line apex seems like it doesn’t care bout its own story line no more and kinda just making it like fortnite at this point cause now they aren’t even on point with there own story line anymore it would me nice it there could be some things on map that you can interact with that have to do with story line

  • @jeagerist4072
    @jeagerist4072 2 месяца назад

    Yeah same I’m just burnt out I used to play all day. Even if I have nothing but chores to do I’d rather do that after a few games.

  • @johnswan8695
    @johnswan8695 2 месяца назад +15

    Damn y’all down bad. I’ve been having a good time. But I have balance in my life.

    • @jxqsy4511
      @jxqsy4511 2 месяца назад +6

      Your so cool omg

    • @zZTraCe
      @zZTraCe 2 месяца назад

      Wow ur having a great time bud. Wonder why LOL

    • @LastStandG
      @LastStandG 2 месяца назад

      Wow .....sure you are not playing a lot

    • @johnswan8695
      @johnswan8695 2 месяца назад +2

      Huh 🤔 it’s not about being cool. It truly is about having balance in life. Whether that’s hopping into apex for a bit then playing some BG3 or Doom eternal. Or just touching grass and having a healthy career.
      I’m not trying to gas myself up or nothin. Just saying I still have fun with the game cuz of the aforementioned.

    • @SosoGamerChick
      @SosoGamerChick 2 месяца назад +1

      @@johnswan8695as long as your having fun then that’s all that matters, then don’t change anything because Johnswan is having a good time and only his games and balance matters 🤦‍♀️ either you’re truly just a narcissist troll or a narcissist cheater. Truly such a narcissist comment either way.

  • @hermes_job_observer144
    @hermes_job_observer144 2 месяца назад

    Content creators just need to think of new ideas, even if they involve finding new, fun ways to troll or finding comedic styles of play. I miss the Great Shopkeeper of Apex himself: Lord Spink! Also, i appreciate Zeus' MRVN trolling and rat hunting or teabagging sweaty ttvs. I've kept this season fresh for myself by trolling with Alter. I do it just for fun, but i could see it being made into some great content. (Check out my "Apex Legends: The Backroom Experience: Alter Portal Troll, Caustic Secret Room" playlist if you wanna see some funny vids of capturing people in odd places, lol!). Peace.
    P.S.- Been playin' Apex solo since 1st week with 25K games played, and somehow have managed to maintain my sanity, partially by just finding new ways to have fun).

  • @apostleSOLO
    @apostleSOLO 2 месяца назад

    i quit because they took configs off. tap strafing was the best part of the game and they removed it to make mnk losers happy. the removed the only thing that made the game unique. now cod has better movement so i play cod now lol i solo'd to masters and normally hit diamond so i wasnt great at the game but i wasnt a total bot either. apex is 3rd party stick figure bonanza at this point

  • @aimcrazy5843
    @aimcrazy5843 2 месяца назад +1

    This channel should be bigger

  • @illusry7631
    @illusry7631 2 месяца назад

    am i the only one that doesnt like broken moon? it just feels less exciting to me, too open or something

  • @zZTraCe
    @zZTraCe 2 месяца назад

    Xdefiant is so fun and the game is so basic. All cuz of sbmm u can hop on and just run and gun like the old cod days.

  • @Angelos_92
    @Angelos_92 2 месяца назад +2

    Dead game only the no life no job grinders play.

  • @cooliocoolio6645
    @cooliocoolio6645 2 месяца назад

    bring back season 0 it's that simple , game has gotten so toxic and cringe with all the legends and abilities

  • @samuelowusu5799
    @samuelowusu5799 Месяц назад

    hyperscape was there an yall didnt mess with it

  • @dirtmesumshii1092
    @dirtmesumshii1092 2 месяца назад +1

    Fuck sbmm, fuck aim assist, fuck the hackers, fuck the shit we've been complaining about.
    The problem is every single gun is shit now, the Havoc is the only good gun now

    • @philthethriller
      @philthethriller 2 месяца назад

      One of the reasons all the guns are shit is because Aim Assist is overtuned. Every gun that had a short TTK that made one clipping people feel satisfying gets nerfed because people with Aim Assist get a massive advantage over MNK players at the highest levels. There's nothing more frustrating than watching guns like the R-99, which were perfectly balanced for many seasons (basically from S7 - S18) get changed over and over again to try and rebalance it for the many MANY players who have switched or come into PC Apex on Controller.
      Havoc will be the next gun on the chopping block, rightfully so, but it'll just be the Flatline next season meeting the same fate. Respawn has created an ecosystem where guns will continue to have their TTK increased due to having to deal with something that isn't 100% based on player input.

  • @ImNewsome
    @ImNewsome 2 месяца назад

    i agree

  • @chrisandrews3793
    @chrisandrews3793 2 месяца назад


  • @raminpro9765
    @raminpro9765 2 месяца назад

    APEX legends world no 1 game with skill,not for kids,,,it will alive above 10 year ,,,,new maps,legends will add

  • @ndalo.khanyile
    @ndalo.khanyile 2 месяца назад

    We want soarkobi

  • @xCheeseBallx
    @xCheeseBallx 2 месяца назад

    mans gets rolled by faide and his first video after is "apex is dying" lol

  • @LastStandG
    @LastStandG 2 месяца назад


  • @taven580
    @taven580 2 месяца назад


  • @ovalfps
    @ovalfps 2 месяца назад

    Apex is not dead or dying💀

  • @vucze
    @vucze 2 месяца назад

    dead game

  • @dirtmesumshii1092
    @dirtmesumshii1092 2 месяца назад

    Fuck sbmm, fuck aim assist, fuck the hackers, fuck the shit we've been complaining about.
    The problem is every single gun is shit now, the Havoc is the only good gun now