2 Ingredient Low Carb Tortillas | Keto

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 5 тыс.

  • @Kdija89
    @Kdija89 7 лет назад +2997

    Low carb tortillas 1/3 c coconut flour, 1/4 tsp baking powder, 8 egg whites [3/4 c = 4 lg eggs], stir, garlic, onion and chili powder for flavor, add water and a pinch of salt

  • @gloriousharmony6208
    @gloriousharmony6208 5 лет назад +33

    There are two main ingredients, how picky are people. Also she has taken the time to share so be grateful. Anyone who loves animals is a great person. Thank you.

  • @Soulman-lb3gg
    @Soulman-lb3gg 7 лет назад +450

    Separate your own eggs and use the yolks to make homemade mayonnaise. It's a lot easier than people think, and the taste is amazing. And you can flavor the mayo however you'd like. With garlic, pesto, pureed sun dried tomatoes. The dip/condiment options are endless with a basic homemade mayonnaise.

    • @Ansar866
      @Ansar866 7 лет назад +5

      Soulman1282 can you help in doing mayo... i dont know how to do it what i need

    • @denkat61
      @denkat61 7 лет назад +4

      Epic fail for me. Kept sticking to my non stick pan😣😖

    • @Emmy-ru1qt
      @Emmy-ru1qt 7 лет назад +1

      I like the idea of using real egg whites I seem to have a reaction to liquid egg whites.

    • @DarkMoonDroid
      @DarkMoonDroid 7 лет назад +9

      Yes, it's helpful to group recipes together that use the whites and yolks so that you can take care of all of it in one day. Or, you can freeze them. I have frozen yolks in the fridge, waiting for lemon bars.

    • @stacysmith6493
      @stacysmith6493 7 лет назад +2

      maybe spraying the pan wouldhelp

  • @patchambers8085
    @patchambers8085 4 года назад +64

    Geez, the trolling! I don't think she intentionally tried to deceive anyone...that would be lying. She never claims to be a professional cook. Just a regular person trying to help thankful folks. Thank you, Hun! Appreciate your time and efforts. I hope to try it soon. God bless!

  • @anitarobertson418
    @anitarobertson418 6 лет назад +50

    I dont care how many ingredients are in thesr! Being new to keto i love tortillas and am thrilled to have a simple recipe for tortillas. So many possibilities. Thank you for sharing and for sticking with the experiments to get this right for us.

  • @tobyredhead4054
    @tobyredhead4054 7 лет назад +109

    Nutrition (per 4 tortillas)
    Calories: 75
    Fat: 1.5g
    Protein: 8.5g
    Carbs: 6g
    Fiber: 3.25g
    Net Carbs: 2.75g
    From recipe link.

    • @logarttreiton2569
      @logarttreiton2569 6 лет назад +1

      How you know is 2.75 carbs per 4 tortillas? I can't find that on the website

    • @CladKing
      @CladKing 6 лет назад

      Thanks for the numbers dude..

    • @sebastiansaxon
      @sebastiansaxon 6 лет назад +18

      Cat hair .07 g

    • @twilightspacefreak
      @twilightspacefreak 6 лет назад

      Thank you

    • @jarodmorris611
      @jarodmorris611 6 лет назад +3

      Because there are 6 carbs and then there is 3.25g of fiber, which offsets all but 2.75g of carbs.

  • @mstyblu379
    @mstyblu379 3 года назад +8

    I love your site. You and your hubby are so down to earth with no put on's. It sure makes watching and learning from you so much more comfortable. It's like having a little sister in my kitchen teaching me.

  • @carlagabrielaacostavillavi2365
    @carlagabrielaacostavillavi2365 5 лет назад +180

    I'm Mexican and for keto diet you can make the same Mexican flour tortilla recipe just changing the wheat flour for coconut or almond flour, the rest of the ingredients are the same: pig fat, warm water and salt, this recipe looks more like the French crepe, to me.

    • @r3born206
      @r3born206 4 года назад +7

      thanks for the info, 've been craving tortillas since my family eats them around me often

    • @SuperlativeElectric
      @SuperlativeElectric 3 года назад +3


    • @thepatternologist
      @thepatternologist 3 года назад +1

      Are they flexible?

    • @r3born206
      @r3born206 3 года назад +43

      @@Yezel93 it means they know the actual recipe that most traditional Mexican families use, and say to use that recipe with coconut flour, instead of the recipe in the video which is nothing like the traditional recipe

    • @666lordofabyss666
      @666lordofabyss666 3 года назад +14

      @@Yezel93 Because we make the next tortillas... Duhhh, especially with mantequilla 😋😋 Don't be ensalada

  • @tonnia62
    @tonnia62 6 лет назад +242

    I made these tortillas for the first time last night. I used them for my beef enchiladas and my family loved them. I took some hints from a few people so I could make them successfully. First off, you have to practice making the layer thin. Use the 1/4 cup to dip the batter into your pan. I used a scant 1/4 cup to start with then used slightly less as I went on to obtain the thin tortilla. I ended up with 12 due to starting with too much. After pouring the batter, I followed instructions and swirled the batter to cover. I also continued to swirl the batter till none would move then placed it back on the burner. I waited till the batter lost its sheen and the edges started to curl. I slowly eased the edges up till I could get my spatula under it to gently turn it over. It has a learning curve but it is very doable. Mine were a bit fragile but I was able to put in my beef mixture and wrap together, slightly overlapping. These held up just fine with enchilada sauce poured over them and topped with cheese and baked.
    Thank you Keto Connect. You have given me my enchiladas back!

    • @BrittMFH
      @BrittMFH 6 лет назад +6

      Tonnia Williams Great hints, thank you!

    • @athomewithjenny
      @athomewithjenny 6 лет назад +5

      Thank you so much for the tips!

    • @stacylloyd7670
      @stacylloyd7670 6 лет назад +3

      Thanks 😊

    • @allxe5059
      @allxe5059 6 лет назад +6

      Tonnia Williams do they taste eggy

    • @anitarobertson418
      @anitarobertson418 6 лет назад +2

      Thanks for sharing your experience. Mine were pancakes. Not enough water and poured to thick.

  • @scotishcovenanters
    @scotishcovenanters 5 лет назад +34

    This video is a great example about why I just love this guys. They are relaxed, down-to-earth and never trying to make a "mistake proof" or "perfect video" where they look perfect and the house looks perfect, and the cat is not on the table, etc. They are the real deal. I love these people! Can't wait to see the baby!

  • @SethPortland
    @SethPortland 5 лет назад +26

    For those watching this now. I got the exact brand of egg whites and mine says 1/2c = 4 eggs, not 3/4. SO, if it changes, make sure you watch out.

    • @ehekkert
      @ehekkert 3 года назад

      Thanks for the heads up. I wish though that she had given an indication as to how much water she added.

    • @mstyblu379
      @mstyblu379 3 года назад

      @@ehekkert 10 Talespoons

  • @dawnawest3610
    @dawnawest3610 5 лет назад +29

    I read a lot of the comments before making; I used 6 whole eggs instead of 8 egg whites and about 1 tsp psyllium husks and they turned out perfect, easy to turn. I believe the secret is cooking them long enough before flipping so they won't break apart. I also added some chipotle seasoning to the other seasonings. Non stick spray really helps when frying. I'm so excited to find this recipe......thank you so much.

    • @maggieaguirre5555
      @maggieaguirre5555 Год назад

      i will try rhis next time bc my tortillas came out like scramble eggs 😢🥴😡. I've tried several dif receipts & all turn out awful. thx for sharing

  • @TempleOvBlackLight
    @TempleOvBlackLight 6 лет назад +22

    I finally made these tonight! Turned out so amazing and I had no problem at all. Somehow I managed to get them all perfect without messing up even one. I figured out 1/8 of a cup was the perfect amount for my 6 inch cast iron skillet. Thanks so much for posting the video!

    • @odethdr
      @odethdr 6 лет назад +1

      I did it and it became a total desaster😏😢

    • @adrianacastillo2807
      @adrianacastillo2807 6 лет назад +1

      Does it taste eggy?

    • @stephencarlsbad
      @stephencarlsbad 6 лет назад

      FAKE REVIEW! It tasted like eggs without the yolk. Dont be fake be honest!

  • @rohitseth
    @rohitseth 5 лет назад +8

    These were amaaaaazing. Just perfect. Got the timing just right too. Pour, wait exactly 1 minute, flip and wait for 90 seconds. Done!

    • @Kimberlyzle
      @Kimberlyzle 5 лет назад +2

      Rohit Seth at what temperature or heat setting ?

  • @TNTTruth1
    @TNTTruth1 4 года назад +197

    Thank you! I love tacos and I feel so deprived when my wife and kids get to eat them and I have to eat just salad! My wife makes great home made pizza on Friday nights for the Family. I love pizza too! She has went over and above and learned how to make me pizza from cauliflower. What great wife she Is!

    • @deannalopez6998
      @deannalopez6998 4 года назад +3

      Blessed you all are brother! May the Lord continue to bless you, your wife, & family 🤍

    • @Kube_Dog
      @Kube_Dog 4 года назад +1

      Sounds like she a great mom. BETA! BETA MALE!

    • @szabomate1179
      @szabomate1179 4 года назад +1

      @@Kube_Dog you sound like Jesse Lee Peterson

    • @Kube_Dog
      @Kube_Dog 4 года назад

      @@szabomate1179 That's a-MA-zin!

    • @judymiller5154
      @judymiller5154 4 года назад +1

      make taco shells by baking rounds of shredded cheddar! Nothing like holding a taco with both hands and biting into the crispy end with the yummy fillings and then a bit of juice running thru your fingers lol. Also try fathead pizza crust: we make 6 ahead and freeze them...only takes a few minutes to top and bake for a quick meal.

  • @daphnechristensengreenlee4593
    @daphnechristensengreenlee4593 5 лет назад +1372

    Relax about the cat. YOU are not eating these, SHE is. This is HER kitchen. Her rules. Say thank you to the nice lady for sharing her recipes.

    • @azlibra7178
      @azlibra7178 5 лет назад +32

      I’m not bothered by the sweet kitty at all! The way her & her kitty were with each other made me subscribe to their channel!😂🤘🏻😻

    • @Mike-ii1vz
      @Mike-ii1vz 5 лет назад +8


    • @NK-ox9uo
      @NK-ox9uo 5 лет назад +18

      LOL! Cats are so cool!

    • @candacerain1
      @candacerain1 5 лет назад +32

      I had a cat and I loved my cat but not that much. To pet, then eat her abomination she calls a "tortilla" is.......🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

    • @daphnechristensengreenlee4593
      @daphnechristensengreenlee4593 5 лет назад +31

      I am a farmer. I eat when i am hungry and maybe, just maybe, i rinsed my hands in the stock tank first....whatever.

  • @jacobjones3844
    @jacobjones3844 5 лет назад +29

    2 ingredients
    Coconut flour
    Baking pouder
    Nonstick spray.
    1 5 3 4 2

    • @GTSN38
      @GTSN38 5 лет назад +1

      Her and her husband are idiots

    • @olgachertovskoy4714
      @olgachertovskoy4714 5 лет назад +1

      You’re mean!

    • @olgachertovskoy4714
      @olgachertovskoy4714 5 лет назад

      Jacob Jones These tortillas really do have only two main ingredients.

    • @CSmith-mm3kg
      @CSmith-mm3kg 4 года назад

      @@Max-wl5ll count the pan and stove as ingredients 😂😂😂

    • @briantw
      @briantw 4 года назад

      @@GTSN38 She* and her husband, idiot.

  • @GesikaMarie
    @GesikaMarie 7 лет назад +14

    I made these today and they turned out great! I used coconut oil to make the pan non-sticky, kept the heat on low, and flipped when the top was dry. I also added taco seasoning since I'm all out of garlic and onion powder.

  • @YHWH683
    @YHWH683 3 года назад +12

    Made up a large batch of these and froze them for future use. Been having them for breakfast burritos, fujita night and even had one with a nutella replacement spread for dessert the other night. Fantastic.

  • @eggman9157
    @eggman9157 7 лет назад +70

    Can I cut and fry these to use them as tortilla chips?

  • @jesuiscequejesuis2267
    @jesuiscequejesuis2267 6 лет назад +141

    I reckon they'd make a great thin crust for mini pizzas. I'm growing sick of cauliflower crust pizza.

    • @didjeri
      @didjeri 6 лет назад +14

      Try the fathead "pizza" dough, it has a pretty neutral taste

    • @Kat-ev7zl
      @Kat-ev7zl 6 лет назад +1

      You can use canned chicken as well

    • @afiyathomas8041
      @afiyathomas8041 5 лет назад

      U should try parmesan crust

    • @steelcannibal
      @steelcannibal 5 лет назад +2

      The "Fat head" crust is amazing!

    • @gofigure4920
      @gofigure4920 5 лет назад

      @@steelcannibal ..where do you get the fat head crust?

  • @jmlloyd521
    @jmlloyd521 5 лет назад +75

    I made these tonight to have with steak fajitas. They came out fantastically! Dinner was delicious! Thank you!

    • @mavstermusic
      @mavstermusic 4 года назад

      How did you make it that it did not end up crumbly??

    • @jmlloyd521
      @jmlloyd521 4 года назад +2

      @@mavstermusic you let them cool down to room temp before eating. It's still delicate, but stronger once it cold

    • @robertcuratolo5339
      @robertcuratolo5339 4 года назад

      @@jmlloyd521 Any chance i could make a burrito out of this....and if i could how would go about it.

    • @dreamingrightnow1174
      @dreamingrightnow1174 3 года назад

      @@robertcuratolo5339 There are better recipes with a mix of flours and a little psyllium husk

  • @nayelischoice
    @nayelischoice 4 года назад +33

    As a Latina, one of the things I miss the most in the morning are my tortillas with my scrambled eggs. So thank you for this!

    • @dbopdbop
      @dbopdbop 3 года назад +6

      so you can have eggs with our eggs!

  • @zachsmcl
    @zachsmcl 7 лет назад +806

    This is 110% 3 ingredients

    • @lionmane42
      @lionmane42 7 лет назад +46

      Kind of depends on what you count as ingredients. If water counts, that's 4. If spices counts as 1 ingredient, then that's 5, if they count individualy, then it's 8 I believe.

    • @KetoConnect
      @KetoConnect  7 лет назад +65

      I was counting Coconut Flour and Egg Whites since you can make this recipe with just those 2 assuming you have water. Obviously skewed the numbers a bit :)

    • @aprilgee8795
      @aprilgee8795 7 лет назад +9

      Keto Connect how many small tortillas per serving?

    • @PackCrackFever
      @PackCrackFever 7 лет назад +33

      What about baking powder?

    • @Zephyr828
      @Zephyr828 7 лет назад +40

      Yep. It's 8 ingredients. Not 2.

  • @monicaji5146
    @monicaji5146 3 года назад +5

    Hello my Keto friends, you don’t have to use pure egg whites to get this done. I used 2 medium whole eggs, redo her measurements in grams, add coconut flour, water, baking powder and salt. The most important part is to add a bit more water than the given measurements in her recipe. Keep adding water until the consistency looks just like the one shown in the video. Cover the pan with the lid, and you don’t need to flip at all.

  • @lylia5851
    @lylia5851 4 года назад +7

    Made this in the morning, doubled the recipe and yielded 6 big tortillas:) me and my husband both enjoyed it so much! Thank you 👍❤️

  • @qwertyzxaszc6323
    @qwertyzxaszc6323 4 года назад +159

    I tried it. They look like tortillas but taste like eggs,

    • @emh8861
      @emh8861 4 года назад +13

      LoL, I bought some from the store. It tasted like when I over cook my egg white the crispy part I hate.

    • @mikelmart
      @mikelmart 3 года назад +5

      I'm going to try these, I think the extra water and seasoning should cover up that egg taste.

    • @mikelmart
      @mikelmart 3 года назад +14

      Epic fail. Not yet even close to making anything but a big mess.

    • @MarysPlace
      @MarysPlace 3 года назад +4

      @Connie H just use Oven Roast chicken slices from the deli that is what I use.

    • @sabrinawhite8599
      @sabrinawhite8599 3 года назад +1

      That's what I expected with all that egg in it

  • @SaSa-wu5oj
    @SaSa-wu5oj 5 лет назад +12

    1. How much water did you add?
    2. Do you have a carb and protein count?

  • @leslieragus9096
    @leslieragus9096 6 лет назад +18

    I made these this week - huge hit! I made enchiladas with them and they were fabulous, even better reheated the next day. Thank you SO MUCH for making this WOE fun, my husband and I just love you two (and the pets). :)
    A couple of notes for those having trouble ... I tried them with egg whites that I separated myself, and then again with purchased egg whites. The purchased egg whites are much thinner than the fresh cracked ones (at least in my experience). I also had to play with the temp on my stovetop and found preheating a pan to a medium temp worked best. And though I used my best non-stick pan, I still had to spray the pan to prevent stick-age. So worth it - don't give up!!

  • @oysterhouse4444
    @oysterhouse4444 5 лет назад +92

    That makes a lot! That could save lots of money since low-carb wraps cost so much!

  • @Mollie45
    @Mollie45 4 года назад +5

    Thank you for all your hard work I sure do appreciate all of your attempts to make a perfect tortilla because I miss my tortillas now this will put me in heaven

  • @ezclean7022
    @ezclean7022 6 лет назад +1184

    That was like 8 ingredients.. Not 2!

    • @k-rina3443
      @k-rina3443 6 лет назад +26

      Mcgregor getting knocked out you're obviously white

    • @lakeitawilson
      @lakeitawilson 6 лет назад +2


    • @hashley425
      @hashley425 6 лет назад +96

      they say 2 because all the other ingredients are things most people have in their pantry and don't need to go out and buy more of frequently.

    • @Shmixyy
      @Shmixyy 6 лет назад +5

      Lana is my religion racist bitch

    • @crazydiamond4565
      @crazydiamond4565 6 лет назад +11

      Do these keep or should they be eaten same day?

  • @jazmintea09
    @jazmintea09 5 лет назад +653

    I'm late to this video but reading the comments, I find it so funny that people are freaking out about her touching her cat before the tortilla. I bet all of you touch your phone while cooking or eating which is way worse. Besides being TOO clean weakens your immune system FYI.

    • @kellykessler2831
      @kellykessler2831 5 лет назад +21

      You are right. She is not cooking for a restaurant. She's a home cook showing others good keto recipes. So what.

    • @kansasgirl8371
      @kansasgirl8371 5 лет назад +59

      Nope, don't touch the phone while eating. The cat on the table is disgusting. They scratch around their litter box and then jump on the surface where you eat and prepare food. Plus, cat hair.

    • @jazmintea09
      @jazmintea09 5 лет назад +17

      KansasGirl you don’t own a cat huh?

    • @yasmeen7875
      @yasmeen7875 5 лет назад +38

      @@kansasgirl8371 thank you. This is why I don't eat at peoples homes, potlucks, or any food prepared personally. People have different rules when it comes to cleanliness.

    • @kansasgirl8371
      @kansasgirl8371 5 лет назад +11

      @@jazmintea09 My husband had a cat when I married him. I went through gallons of bleach and took all kinds of precautions to keep the cat off of eating surfaces.

  • @ScreenPrintR
    @ScreenPrintR 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you, this happens to be the best Flat Bread I've make (Via RUclips), so far. At first I thought it was a little eggie. So after I made half, I put in a 1/3 cup of Almond flour. They tasted different, but still felt a little eggie. So, I thought these are okay and much better than everything else. I took a pile of deli ham and a new flat bread and microwaved it for 20 seconds. The texture changed and felt more breadish than eggie. As Kimtameko said, cook it a little longer to get the moisture out (what I call eggie). Thank you very much. Next goal, Pizza.

  • @stephaniewilkinson5859
    @stephaniewilkinson5859 4 года назад +1

    I made these last night for taco night. They turned out great, but I used eggwhites from 8 large eggs, so I needed to add a bit more water (about 1/4 cup). Still very pliable, and just all around perfect for the 2 keto people in the room. Thanks so much for this recipe... I'm definitely making these again.

  • @lymmontijo87
    @lymmontijo87 5 лет назад +9

    Just made these yesterday and followed the recipe. They turned out great. Thanks for sharing

  • @Cuzzasedso
    @Cuzzasedso 5 лет назад +5

    I just wanted you to know that I use this recipe every week. LOVE them. Thank you!

  • @janestevens2030
    @janestevens2030 5 лет назад +12

    I just tried this recipe. I actually got some of them to come out, so there's a bit of a learning curve. But they are a wonderful addition to my go-to recipes. Thanks!

  • @yuliiaklmtsv5575
    @yuliiaklmtsv5575 3 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for the recipe! Made this today and it's perfect. I didn't add spices and it was good, just too salty for me. 1/8 tsp of salt would be enough in this case, than added 1 Tbsp of erythritol and it came out great!

  • @SimplyAdia
    @SimplyAdia 5 лет назад +161

    OK just made these! Definitely needed more than 10 tbsp of water. I measured perfectly and it was still kinda thick. I put in like 15 tbsp of water. Spread nicely, but definitely takes less than a minute on both sides. My first couple were golden pancake on one side and light tortilla on the other! My gas stove is on crack though so it may vary. My skillet was slightly bigger I think because I only got 8 tortillas using the 1/4 measuring cup.
    Final verdict, so so yummy!! Thank you for the recipe! The kid loved them and I don't feel so sad on Taco Tuesday!
    Oh, and there is a link in the description for everyone asking about measurements and nutrition.

    • @SchemeThatToddSetUp
      @SchemeThatToddSetUp 5 лет назад +2

      Simply Adia thanks mine was too thick as well. Glad I was not the only one. Also the recipe linked to their site in this video does not say 1/4 but 1/3... that’s what I put. PLS DON’T DO THAT anyone else. Makes it super thick like pancake batter or grits. In the end mine look nothing like hers but I do have something tortilla like to use instead of lettuce so it wasn’t a loss 🤷🏽‍♀️🤗

    • @babymend8980
      @babymend8980 5 лет назад +2

      thank you!!!! 😊

    • @SimplyAdia
      @SimplyAdia 5 лет назад

      @@SchemeThatToddSetUp so weird! I just looked at the written recipe again and it says use a 1/4 measuring cup!

    • @Gtoni1
      @Gtoni1 5 лет назад +1

      My mixture looks like mash potatoes....

    • @Gtoni1
      @Gtoni1 5 лет назад

      Tryintomake Adollaroutof15cents oh....that’s what I did. Dang it what the heck. She said 1/3 cup!

  • @LettySoul11
    @LettySoul11 5 лет назад +29

    I love the way the cat is trying to sneak a tortilla!

    • @buildingsafe
      @buildingsafe 4 года назад +1

      Letty Alcala their not tortillas..

  • @bruceree1574
    @bruceree1574 4 года назад +137

    So what six items do you consider not ingredients?! 😂

    • @tharshope8203
      @tharshope8203 3 года назад +6

      dude... I was going to comment when the count was just 3 ingredients...little did I know what was coming!

    • @JaniceCrowell
      @JaniceCrowell 3 года назад +1

      That’s what I was wondering.

    • @dublinjazz1
      @dublinjazz1 3 года назад +2

      I'm assuming she means that since most people have baking powder, water, salt and seasonings in their homes already, they'll likely only have to buy the eggwhites and coconut flour

  • @AndrewsArt78
    @AndrewsArt78 5 лет назад +21

    You can use egg yolks to make keto friendly pasta. Mix shredded cheese with them, refrigerate, cut into strips and boil. In case you don't want to use carton egg whites.

  • @nuraisyah7986
    @nuraisyah7986 4 года назад +1

    I just made these! OMG they were the best keto tortilla/wraps I have ever tried. I just love that they are not heavy with almond flour, I can eat so much more without going over carb !! I made chappati for the family and these for myself, I did not envy them one bit!! I didn't even add any spices, when they are cool (rested for at least 15mins) you can hardly taste any egg, and eaten with curry... eggy? NO WAY!! All the negative comments here and on your blog really comes down to bad cooking technique, NOT the recipe .

  • @kpduty150
    @kpduty150 7 лет назад +383

    there are 3 kinds of people in this world. the ones that can count, and the ones who can't.

    • @lo2284lo
      @lo2284lo 7 лет назад +2

      Kp duty ⚰️

    • @damondavis842
      @damondavis842 7 лет назад

      Hahaha. Wait. I don’t get it

    • @danielthomas9871
      @danielthomas9871 7 лет назад +1


    • @Ok-KB
      @Ok-KB 7 лет назад +12

      Hahahaah I know I know. I was like wait that's more than 2 ingredients!

    • @Cryptogally
      @Cryptogally 6 лет назад +6

      Lighten up, people.

  • @DarkMoonDroid
    @DarkMoonDroid 4 года назад +13

    I love your little helper. Offering a paw there at the end. LOL

  • @evespower1
    @evespower1 7 лет назад +139

    10 tbsp of water is what she added...your welcome

    • @xDMrGarrison
      @xDMrGarrison 5 лет назад +1

      My welcome

    • @tazboy1934
      @tazboy1934 5 лет назад

      teaspoon or tablespoon???

    • @fuzzilu
      @fuzzilu 5 лет назад

      @@tazboy1934 table :)

    • @heatherclark2623
      @heatherclark2623 4 года назад

      Tbs = Tablespoon (occasionally ppl go overboard with consonants & put "Tbsp")
      (tsp = teaspoon)

    • @aandjmom1
      @aandjmom1 3 года назад

      @@heatherclark2623 THAT's what you took from this video?

  • @jejebenji
    @jejebenji 3 года назад +1

    Tried these tonight but instead using 45 grams of coconut flour I used 90 grams of lupin flour. They turned out great!

  • @mom3xys
    @mom3xys 7 лет назад +37

    Cute cat ! That paw was so close to grabbing a tortilla :)

    • @oopssugar
      @oopssugar 7 лет назад +2

      mom3xys I know I saw that that was so cute

    • @ladywytch129
      @ladywytch129 5 лет назад

      He realized the camera was still on😂

  • @SBVCP
    @SBVCP 5 лет назад +73

    Sadly, coconut or almond flour here are extremely expensive (literally 50 times the price of regular flour)

    • @commiesareevil3823
      @commiesareevil3823 5 лет назад +14

      Lot of stuff is cheaper at Walmart they're starting to carry coconut and almond flour it's not as expensive as it used to be. Hope that helps

    • @Sarsora44
      @Sarsora44 5 лет назад +6

      I get almonds and ground them in the house but i didn't do it with coconut yet

    • @friendly1870
      @friendly1870 5 лет назад +2

      where? mongolia?

    • @joeynice123
      @joeynice123 5 лет назад +35

      Cheaper than diabetes meds 👍

    • @East_TX_LCR
      @East_TX_LCR 5 лет назад +2

      Use thrive.com

  • @berrygirlfinn
    @berrygirlfinn 7 лет назад +34

    I feel a game changer coming on!!! Just in time for Monday's meal prep baby! Breakfast burritos Eeeek stoked!

  • @VivianCooks
    @VivianCooks 3 года назад +1

    Lovely video, can I used almond flour instead of the coconut flour?

  • @SioLazer
    @SioLazer 7 лет назад +7

    I love that you guys are doing stuff with coconut flour. I'd found Michelle Rock's video but I really prefer coconut flour. Can you please tell me what temperature you heated the pan to? Like, high, medium low or something in between?

    • @KetoConnect
      @KetoConnect  7 лет назад +4

      It's in the blog post - low heat!

  • @davidmallette
    @davidmallette 5 лет назад +6

    This recipe is a keeper for me. I have tried others and this one is a winner. Thanks.

  • @marwan1521
    @marwan1521 4 года назад +63

    Title: 2 ingredients low carb tortilla
    Adds baking powder..
    Me: AiGht iMma hEad oUt

  • @KetoCookbooksCorner
    @KetoCookbooksCorner 8 месяцев назад +1

    *These tortillas look absolutely delicious and versatile. Thanks for sharing this fantastic idea!*

  • @drewramirez1
    @drewramirez1 7 лет назад +8

    tried this recipe and liked it alot.

  • @elrincondekeila9948
    @elrincondekeila9948 5 лет назад +208

    Cat is the secret ingredient. 😍

  • @karenmelesio6864
    @karenmelesio6864 5 лет назад +219

    OMG I can't believe some people are arguing about how many ingredients, instead of saying Thank you and either make them or don't following the video.

    • @kikadenina
      @kikadenina 4 года назад +1

      Karen Melesio I know right 🤦🏻‍♀️

    • @maiguapa8
      @maiguapa8 4 года назад +1

      😂😂😂 right?

    • @BoltFlashdrive
      @BoltFlashdrive 4 года назад +1

      Yes, thank you for the video on easy tortillas. 😊

    • @Lachicadelcable24
      @Lachicadelcable24 4 года назад +7

      People have the right to complaint

    • @Komainu959
      @Komainu959 4 года назад +7

      Cause being truthful in your video title isn't important at all.
      How about if it used 2 ingredients but showed how to make an omelette, then would we have the right to be pissed?
      How about if it was 2 ingredients and made great tortillas but it wasn't low carb, would you then be pissed?

  • @only4fun38
    @only4fun38 2 года назад

    Tried this using egg white powder but mixture was initially very thick (different coconut fours absorb different amounts of water) so added some milk ..and it worked beautifully thank you

  • @danielwhitt3809
    @danielwhitt3809 5 лет назад +20

    Could you use almond flour instead? I'm alergic to coconuts but I really want some wraps 😢

    • @DoctorSteak
      @DoctorSteak 5 лет назад +2

      Did u try? I have the same question

    • @peaceandlove544
      @peaceandlove544 5 лет назад

      I think you can try oatmel or amond flower, and skip the extra ingredients she added but use those that yo like

    • @peaceandlove544
      @peaceandlove544 5 лет назад

      You can also us flaxseed flower, maybe taste or work as good or even better I have seen several .recepies with flaxseed.

    • @mauriliozamora790
      @mauriliozamora790 5 лет назад +3

      I wondered the same. I have almond flour but don't want to go buy coconut flower if i don't need to. lol

    • @friendly1870
      @friendly1870 5 лет назад +3

      use a table spoon of dirt

  • @teetertotter5787
    @teetertotter5787 4 года назад +3

    The kitty paw at the end. I love it.

  • @addisonarabella4694
    @addisonarabella4694 4 года назад +3

    I'm tired of buying tortillas this is perfect

  • @yvonneb2637
    @yvonneb2637 4 года назад +2

    Thank you for posting all these great keto recipes. I'm born and raised in Philly. Im so happy i found your channel

  • @kellykessler2831
    @kellykessler2831 5 лет назад +35

    Mine were a little fragile so I added 1 tsp psyllum husk to the batter. That worked.

    • @hummingbirdfilms
      @hummingbirdfilms 5 лет назад +1

      Forget about the cat comments, I always look past to see the apartment. What’s with the toilet paper sitting in the entry way? It always looks like a dorm room. I’d be happy to be your assistant! 🤪

    • @branbeelotus
      @branbeelotus 5 лет назад

      Tony Briant 🤣

    • @friendly1870
      @friendly1870 5 лет назад +2

      @@hummingbirdfilms dont be gay

  • @AjarChart
    @AjarChart 5 лет назад +7

    How well does the mixture keep? Can you make a batch to use later?

  • @3Mfarm
    @3Mfarm 7 лет назад +61

    how about trying a coconut flour won ton wrapper that can be deep fried for egg rolls.

  • @lemonmusk4218
    @lemonmusk4218 4 года назад +2

    my doctor said I can't eat carbs after 18h so I was looking at this and I'm glad to say this is the first time I've heard about most of the ingredients lol

  • @wireman290
    @wireman290 6 лет назад +364

    I love you so much for this. And I couldn't give two shits if you combine cats with food, live your life as you see fit. Everyone should calm down. She showed you a recipe, she didn't invite you over for a meal.

    • @klownie420
      @klownie420 6 лет назад +15

      wireman290 best comment I’ve seen yet !!!

    • @CalintzJerevinan546
      @CalintzJerevinan546 6 лет назад

      No she's ugly

    • @jasminem9059
      @jasminem9059 6 лет назад +16

      Exactly!! If you dont like it move on, but keep your useless unwanted negative comments to yourself!!!

    • @renewagoner1383
      @renewagoner1383 5 лет назад


    • @CalintzJerevinan546
      @CalintzJerevinan546 5 лет назад +1

      @@thorneyrose8803 I bet you're fat and ugly too :)

  • @kristilisakleiner9384
    @kristilisakleiner9384 4 года назад +3

    I am so happy for this recipe! Btw,,, your skin looks amazing, better than I’ve ever noticed, especially around your eyes - keep doing whatever you are doing and thanks for the recipe

  • @mt7801
    @mt7801 5 лет назад +7

    Can we use almond flour instead of coconut flour

    • @briathomas5310
      @briathomas5310 5 лет назад

      probably. She's got a nut allergy.

    • @raindogtube
      @raindogtube 5 лет назад +3

      It won't work. Coconut flour absorbs much more liquid than almond flour.

    • @irmagherd9088
      @irmagherd9088 5 лет назад +1

      I tried it with almond flour and I also changed the ratio of it, and it did not work

  • @amargandam1640
    @amargandam1640 3 года назад +2

    I’m so much in love with the cat trying to steal a tortilla....please give it first🥺

  • @Alicia-ou2ws
    @Alicia-ou2ws 7 лет назад +5

    i just started keto a bit over a week ago and i always used to eat tortillas, so i was so happy to see this recipe ! i just tried making them right now and honestly im so disappointed ! :( mine came out looking and feeling like just eggs!!! idk if i did something wrong but i will not be doing this again

  • @aarondailey9562
    @aarondailey9562 7 лет назад +44

    this didn't seem to work at all. when it was thin it would crack and stick (I used a nonstick pan with oil and butter separately). when I added more flower or baking powder it turned into a thin souffle. What was used to grease the pan? what temp for the skillet? how much water? can we have a redo on this recipe?

    • @Littlemanloki
      @Littlemanloki 6 лет назад +4

      They literally have a link to the recipe itself (with step-by-step instructions included) in the description: www.ketoconnect.net/recipe/low-carb-tortillas/

    • @BrittMFH
      @BrittMFH 6 лет назад +6

      Jim Smith 😂😂😂

    • @rahmaniamahareni
      @rahmaniamahareni 6 лет назад +3

      Jim Smith 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @onanothernote
      @onanothernote 6 лет назад +2

      Jim Smith 😂😂🤣🤣🤣

    • @jenjabba6210
      @jenjabba6210 6 лет назад +1

      Aron, this was a big mess for me too. Horrible. Despite the other comments, this recipe didn't work for me either

  • @witterwindyapril
    @witterwindyapril 7 лет назад +4

    I made these and I wasn't so impressed. They worked but I they seemed like pancakes to me. Love your guys other recipes :) thank you for sharing.

  • @CSmith-mm3kg
    @CSmith-mm3kg 4 года назад

    Made these and instead of making them savory I added stevia nutmeg and cinnamon. Filled with a stevia sweetened lemon cream cheese filling and topped with a stevia sweetened mixed berry compote. Topped with sweetened whipped cream. Let's talk! OMG delicious! Tastes just like it came from an expensive Swiss Bakery. My family was amazed this was keto. They want it again soon.

  • @leannaestep3066
    @leannaestep3066 6 лет назад +10

    I just made these and they're pretty tasty. Definitely better than the 6 net carb Mission tortillas I've been buying. Thank you for this recipe.
    Just a note (and I'm sure others have made them)...Using 1/4 cup was too much, but 1/8 was too little. I used the 1/4 measuring cup about 3/4 full.
    Also, 10 TBS of water is equal to 5 fluid ounces, and 8 large egg whites (purchased Liquid Egg Whites in the carton) is equal to 1 1/2 cups.

    • @marmejia90
      @marmejia90 5 лет назад

      LeAnna Bing how many are you suppose to eat?

    • @leannaestep3066
      @leannaestep3066 5 лет назад +1

      @@marmejia90, each tortilla has only 1 net carb (2 total), 4 grams of protein, 0 fat, and 31 calories.
      I usually eat two of them, but I suppose you can eat however many fits into your daily nutritional allowance.

    • @marmejia90
      @marmejia90 5 лет назад +1

      LeAnna Bing thank you so much for replying back!!

    • @leannaestep3066
      @leannaestep3066 5 лет назад

      @@marmejia90, no problem. I hope you try them and like them. There is a little learning curve to getting the pan just the right temperature and being patient enough not to try to turn them too soon. But well worth the effort.
      I'm thinking my next attempt will be to make a sweet version.

  • @mander1n693
    @mander1n693 4 года назад +3

    These look amazing! I just took some eggs and made a really flat and skimpy omelette. They worked out nicely too.

  • @videostartsat4464
    @videostartsat4464 7 лет назад +330

    doing the Lord's work

    • @elizabethsaxton1516
      @elizabethsaxton1516 7 лет назад +5


    • @patymontero2347
      @patymontero2347 7 лет назад +1


    • @Dr.M.VincentCurley
      @Dr.M.VincentCurley 6 лет назад +3

      Which lord would that be? Do you subscribe to Roman, Greek or Norse Gods?

    • @Bennynigga64
      @Bennynigga64 6 лет назад +1

      Matt Curley do you have to be that serious?

    • @kem6429
      @kem6429 6 лет назад +4

      Matt Curley "One Lord, one faith, one baptism," Ephesians 4:5
      Who is Jesus Christ, Romans 6: 23

  • @EmunahFL
    @EmunahFL 3 года назад +1

    I love the little paw reach at the end... Like kitty has been hinting the whole time, 🙋"*eh-em* I like tortillas..."
    *Meghan:* _Still not noticing_
    *Cat:* 😐
    *Also Cat:* 🐾 _reaches_

  • @ericmotil1105
    @ericmotil1105 5 лет назад +5

    turned out great once i got the amount right in the pan. make sure its just enough to cover the surface area.

  • @scottmiller2591
    @scottmiller2591 3 года назад +75

    "2 Ingredients"
    8 ingredients later...

    • @paulaprice493
      @paulaprice493 3 года назад +2

      I know. I feel a bit like a victim of bait and switch. Spices and flavorings are ingredients in my book.

    • @Josh-zz4wc
      @Josh-zz4wc 3 года назад +2

      Gah you two are the worst...

    • @scottmiller2591
      @scottmiller2591 3 года назад

      @@Josh-zz4wc Worse than Hitler, they tell me ;).

  • @mrschavez781
    @mrschavez781 7 лет назад +86

    I just used these tortillas for some shredded beef tacos and they were delicious, definitely another great recipe #ketoconnect! megha you were right about letting them sit a bit and they get more tortilla like. thanks guys!

    • @curiosity7776
      @curiosity7776 7 лет назад

      Sabrina Chavez letting the batter sit?

    • @texasgina
      @texasgina 7 лет назад +1

      Letting the tortillas/crepes sit after cooking and rest

    • @carmenRodriguez-cq3bx
      @carmenRodriguez-cq3bx 7 лет назад

      Sabrina Chavez. usted esta haciendo esta dieta? como le ha ido??

    • @aprilrice7184
      @aprilrice7184 6 лет назад +1

      Do they taste like eggs?

    • @guibox3
      @guibox3 6 лет назад +2

      Yeah, I didn't let mine sit and I had to adjust the recipe so overall, mine were a washout! Disaster!

  • @EarlWallaceNYC
    @EarlWallaceNYC 4 года назад +1

    Made it. Loved It. It's my new bread substitute. Thanks

  • @fayspringer6782
    @fayspringer6782 4 года назад +3

    Going to try making it with almond flour. Wish me luck🤞🏽

    • @teyondamurphy6198
      @teyondamurphy6198 4 года назад

      I would love to know how yours would turn out. I was thinking about the same thing......

  • @TheGorillafoot
    @TheGorillafoot 6 лет назад +22

    Could this be done with almond flour?

    • @athomewithjenny
      @athomewithjenny 6 лет назад +2

      I hope so, cause that's how I'm going to try it

    • @TheGorillafoot
      @TheGorillafoot 6 лет назад +3

      The only thing I worry about with almond flour is that it's slightly sweet tasting.

    • @athomewithjenny
      @athomewithjenny 6 лет назад +3

      Doughnut Spaghetti that would be ok with me :-) Thanks!

    • @gladyschacon4004
      @gladyschacon4004 6 лет назад +4

      Jenn Molina if you use regular flour then it's not low carb anymore ... wrong page. Js

    • @MyChilepepper
      @MyChilepepper 6 лет назад

      Jenn Molina duh!

  • @rhyman01
    @rhyman01 7 лет назад +27

    I would so make those into crepes with cocoa and cream cheese!

  • @jacquelinejones2190
    @jacquelinejones2190 3 года назад

    Megha looks so young in this video. Motherhood is real❤ Thanks for sharing this recipe

  • @marshaparrott3125
    @marshaparrott3125 7 лет назад +67

    Think I'll add some Nutritional Yeast so that they have a cheesy flavor! Thanks for the recipe!!

    • @jeniffermast4476
      @jeniffermast4476 6 лет назад +3

      Marsha Parrott what's nutritional yeast and how's does it make it cheesy?

    • @ezclean7022
      @ezclean7022 6 лет назад +3

      Marsha Parrott tortillas don't have cheesy flavor.. Add cheese for a cheesy flavor to ur tacos

    • @epeonangel86
      @epeonangel86 6 лет назад +1

      Marsha Parrott agreed cause I'm doing keto but dairy and nut free. These tortillas are gonna be a cheat for me

    • @Berrypancakes229
      @Berrypancakes229 5 лет назад +1

      Marsha Parrott wondering how yeast gives a cheesy flavor.

  • @jasonjulaton
    @jasonjulaton 5 лет назад +5

    Thank you! I’m so excited to have my breakfast burritos back in my life! I can’t thank you enough!

  • @KS-ut7kg
    @KS-ut7kg 4 года назад +3

    Hey thanks for the recipe❤️ can you tell how i can store them and for how long?

  • @mitlee50
    @mitlee50 4 года назад

    Great job , these are really simple and I like the ingredients. THANKS

  • @Msfelixthecatz
    @Msfelixthecatz 4 года назад +3

    I always freeze my egg whites when using recipes using only yolks. Comes in handy later. :)

  • @HaxPotato
    @HaxPotato 5 лет назад +9

    Baking powder requires a small amount of acid to activate, I suggest adding a quarter too a half tsp of your favorite vinegar or lemon/lime juice. Shouldn't affect flavor much and will give them a small amount of "lift."

  • @AGM-ts5bb
    @AGM-ts5bb 4 года назад +3

    Thank you! The commercial ones are SO pricey here in Canada. Almost $12 a pack.

  • @Julie-uo8wg
    @Julie-uo8wg 5 лет назад

    Ok, first attempt went in the garbage. It’s much thicker and kind of lumpy than I expected. After three or four attempts I’m getting the hang of it. You make it look so easy!
    Thanks for the recipe !

  • @clementinahernandezvillase5150
    @clementinahernandezvillase5150 5 лет назад +46

    Thanks for the cat, I love you for loving the cat

  • @BoltFlashdrive
    @BoltFlashdrive 4 года назад +6

    I like the well-behaved kitty.

  • @InLawsAttic
    @InLawsAttic 4 года назад

    Thanks! I am going to try this with 1/2 tigernut/1/2 cauliflower flour, your spices, and ad a drop of Anatto Corn flavor. (Because my husband is allergic to nuts/coconut). Yours look great!

  • @raven2114
    @raven2114 7 лет назад +284

    Cat hair the third condiment 😉

    • @SanSan-hz3cp
      @SanSan-hz3cp 6 лет назад +38

      😂😂 I'm a cat owner and was like, my cats are not allowed on the table, ma'am

    • @teemusole1841
      @teemusole1841 6 лет назад

      Raven 21 😂😂😂😂

    • @Evmendez333
      @Evmendez333 6 лет назад +16

      San50 San50 exactly my cat knows not to be on my damn counters lol

    • @Nolegirl77
      @Nolegirl77 6 лет назад

      Raven 21 😂😂😂😂 😵 too funny

    • @Eskojpuasok
      @Eskojpuasok 6 лет назад
