@@Mau.rochitaBro go and watch fifa 23 mobile ronaldo opened his mouth while doing the siu celebration also fc mobile is not realistic because ea has lost their contact with fifa and now they made it unrealistic fifa mobile was way too realistic referees Openden their mouths while talking to the player the player points to the gk to pass the ball go and watch fifa 23 😂Fifa mobile 23>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>efootball all celebrations
subscribe to my second channel -youtube.com/@XtremeGameP
Only e football❤❤❤❤
E football best
Ea fc mobile best suiiiii celebration
In efootball the players move their hands, blink and open their mouths, FC will never be at that level
Kutriya just turn graphics to ultra@@Mau.rochita
@@ViperGaming69-z7l yes
@@Mau.rochitaBro go and watch fifa 23 mobile ronaldo opened his mouth while doing the siu celebration also fc mobile is not realistic because ea has lost their contact with fifa and now they made it unrealistic fifa mobile was way too realistic referees Openden their mouths while talking to the player the player points to the gk to pass the ball go and watch fifa 23
😂Fifa mobile 23>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>efootball all celebrations
Yet people claim DLS to be better than EFootball 😂😂😂
This comparison always reminds me to never play DLS😂😂😂🙌🙌
DLS is better than efootball😂💯
@@dlsking127not good animations, models, graphics what is good?
@@dlsking127In your dream 😂😂😂
lol unfair comparison
Para mi los mejores son el DLS 24 Efootball y el Total football
Vive le football has better siuuu than others
So excited
Genial del bicho siiiiuuuuu🎉
I was wondering when you'd release this one😂😂🙌🙌
Hi I am terminator
Efootball the best😎😎
Legend - DLS
Great- e football
Good- ea fc mobile
If only I could play most of these on IOS in America 😪
efootball is the best!
All game names plzzz??
Efootball the best
Team Ronaldo👇
fc mobile
wtf? dude Ronaldo no. 4 jeresey Barcelona!
FC mobile
Al guoen sabe como jugar car parking descargado con todos los autos
2.Viva Le
3.Fc Mobile
4.Total Football
The rest are all trash
Fifa 🤢
😂😂😂😂😂 dls fou
E football :best🤩
EA Fc:legends🥶
TF :Perfect😎
DLS:dog shit 🤣Random entyty made this game