[WR] 🔥 Stellar Theme Hangar - Mk3 Gameplay | War Robots

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @AYGIR
    @AYGIR  Год назад +40

    Finally the most requested theme hangar is here. If you have other ideas/requests let me know.

    • @zsoltkovacs5453
      @zsoltkovacs5453 Год назад

      Poor enemy 😥😁😁
      I would love to see mender again with the new drone system and some viper's gameplay 🤞✌️

    • @Neuvillete4.6
      @Neuvillete4.6 Год назад

      Red theme next

    • @thenthtinkerer7635
      @thenthtinkerer7635 Год назад

      Comparison ideas:
      1) Redo the Noa Minax comparison but only against Theseus Skyros (to confirm unmitigable resistance bypass)
      2) Marquess vs Hussar vs Dragoon

    • @alphawryt2179
      @alphawryt2179 Год назад

      Keep up the good work aygir ur doing such a good job friend and I love ur videos

    • @uisvck
      @uisvck Год назад

      How you get much stellar version?

  • @LuminousCatt
    @LuminousCatt Год назад +53

    Stellar and Ardent are the most coolest special editions

    • @МаксимильянСычёв-ъ6д
      @МаксимильянСычёв-ъ6д Год назад +1

      For solitary skins, Skydiver Nightingale, Composite line of skins, Megalodon Orochi, and Arachnid invader

    • @МаксимильянСычёв-ъ6д
      @МаксимильянСычёв-ъ6д Год назад

      @@DenisFox- I will make myself clear, on why I did exclude them out of the list. Experimental sprks are a bit strange or me. Lightning ball on normal sparks looks somewhat cooler, and experimental Loki is just bigger than normal Loki, and it technically negates those 5 percent of extra health. I amjust looking at how cool it looks, and how effective it is. However, this is my list and of course you can always disagree with it

    • @m4lev0lentdem0nknightamv5
      @m4lev0lentdem0nknightamv5 Год назад +9

      CRYPTIC is really good too

    • @LuminousCatt
      @LuminousCatt Год назад +1

      @@m4lev0lentdem0nknightamv5 yea cryptic Fenrir, and cryptic redeemer, we need more Cryptic in the game, there's not Cryptic items

    • @henryguayaba
      @henryguayaba Год назад +2

      @@МаксимильянСычёв-ъ6д corrupted fafnir and cryptic fenrir

  • @creativeearthian1702
    @creativeearthian1702 Год назад +25

    Stellar Phantom is imo still the best looking robot.
    And what a shame that there's no Stellar Mercury ..

  • @gauthierchatelain1217
    @gauthierchatelain1217 Год назад +8

    The first game was crazy bro ! U destroyed the enter team with a leech and a phantom ha ha so cool ! Old bots are the best

  • @DrChumor
    @DrChumor Год назад +5

    You can really see the imugi glitch on full display
    Great video by the way :)

  • @bnini8728
    @bnini8728 Год назад +5

    You can see that half of the wasp bullets going through that ardent imugi

    • @thegamingdolpghin1603
      @thegamingdolpghin1603 Год назад

      yeah its dumb

    • @StrikerSoulWR
      @StrikerSoulWR Год назад

      Cause that stupid special edition bot has non damage bug where some weapons are not dealing any damage to it or it just goes invincible...

  • @julianokassab5689
    @julianokassab5689 Год назад +12

    Phantom did a surprising amount of damage

  • @Reggie_San
    @Reggie_San Год назад +1

    Hey man, I enjoyed that video that was both beautiful to watch and amazing gameplay. I'd say add more gameplay with this hangar

  • @cryptor4029
    @cryptor4029 Год назад +1

    I love how pix is obsessing with the stellar theme

  • @brightvoid9858
    @brightvoid9858 Год назад +37

    I didn’t know war robots could look this good 😂

  • @BinhWR-b1nhwr
    @BinhWR-b1nhwr Год назад +2

    What??? You definately the skillfulest player. You can play everything

  • @MarekHerceg-sg4tz
    @MarekHerceg-sg4tz Год назад

    Best edition of robots history off war robots respect

  • @xxphoenixxx9308
    @xxphoenixxx9308 Год назад

    Have y'all notice the hit box of the ardent imugi? 1:00
    He miss shots even tho he has those weapons

  • @woi_woi123
    @woi_woi123 Год назад

    Wow very cool hangar but deadly 😮

  • @Blubbleer
    @Blubbleer Год назад +2

    This gameplay is stellar

  • @SinWizWR
    @SinWizWR Год назад +5

    I love stellar🤩 ❤

  • @ПетърСтоилов
    @ПетърСтоилов Год назад +1

    Yes the most beautiful hangar

  • @MrMcCoy987
    @MrMcCoy987 Год назад

    Oh damn. I thought i was the only person with this hangar lol.

  • @Dima-ju6yu
    @Dima-ju6yu Год назад

    Oh yeah finally, it's so beautiful

  • @Emaniuz
    @Emaniuz Год назад +2

    Hornet & wasp reload time takes forever. 😅

  • @anislazreg6432
    @anislazreg6432 Год назад

    That stellar sirius look amazing I am still waiting for my sirius that I won in your last giveway to try it even when it is not the stellar one it still looks good

  • @tq-bk2ho
    @tq-bk2ho Год назад

    14:24 What is the speed km?

  • @JustGolight
    @JustGolight Год назад

    It could be also called golden or gold hanger because of the amount of shiny gold SE robots but there was already a video about yellow hangar thats what Aygir did before hand

  • @dr.zainaldeen1350
    @dr.zainaldeen1350 Год назад

    Aygir I'm building my sniper ares , what do you think is the best drone that I can buy with microchips for both of these builds : blight hazard / pulsar magnetar

  • @AWtoney2.0pogs
    @AWtoney2.0pogs Год назад

    What is the name od the song at 9:20

    • @AdrianG_WR
      @AdrianG_WR Год назад

      If you haven't found it, here it is JULES - Just A Dream

  • @Light_Yellow23
    @Light_Yellow23 Год назад

    Now imagine if war robots made a holy update its basically a heaven theme in war robots

  • @jenniferlauer6832
    @jenniferlauer6832 Год назад

    Nice video aygir

  • @Whyme-wl4hb
    @Whyme-wl4hb Год назад

    You have the stellar halo :)

  • @LostPhantom1.
    @LostPhantom1. Год назад

    Cerberus clip everyone be like "speed hacking Cerberus"

  • @CheckHertz
    @CheckHertz 4 месяца назад

    HORNET still surprises me, kills my Flying siren in SECONDS and its ONLY Mk 2 level 1... thats 100k HP with 70% resistance gone in like 3 seconds. My Finrir, 300k HP with 60% resistance also takes a BEATING from these??? they are pretty good I admit!

  • @javiponcet.9260
    @javiponcet.9260 Год назад

    my favorite hangar ♥

  • @KawazakiLMAO
    @KawazakiLMAO Год назад

    This is the rarest hanger of them all💀

  • @MrMcCoy987
    @MrMcCoy987 Год назад

    I wish the sirius was at all good. It's so hard to do anything with. I dont use those weapons when I'm running the hangar though. It's really fun.

    @NOSEWIN-WR Год назад

    nice BGM!!

  • @JustGolight
    @JustGolight Год назад +1

    I didn't realize that phantom has that much hp

    • @Newb2024
      @Newb2024 Год назад

      Bet you also don't know how op Fafnir's built in weapon as well

    • @JustGolight
      @JustGolight Год назад


    • @Newb2024
      @Newb2024 Год назад

      Yup thought so

  • @alphawryt2179
    @alphawryt2179 Год назад

    They should make a stellar nether or scavenger nether hello guys good video aygir

  • @KaidenWatson-d8g
    @KaidenWatson-d8g Год назад

    How do you get all this stuff

  • @Malikimusmaximus
    @Malikimusmaximus Год назад

    What nice video🎉🎉🎉

  • @МаксимильянСычёв-ъ6д

    I a, still waiting for stellar version or Nebulus paint job for Jaeger or Erebus

  • @ericheagan3624
    @ericheagan3624 Год назад


    @ANZ143GAMINGWR Год назад +1

    wow looks cool

  • @samuelnobre150
    @samuelnobre150 Год назад

    i rlly though i had seem a stelar erebus somewhere, or i'm just crazy XD

  • @carlosbrandt6994
    @carlosbrandt6994 Год назад +1

    Simplemente hermoso ❤❤❤❤ mi cerberus ❤ porfa podrías mostrarme una forma de usarlo con misiles cryogenicos porfa

  • @Manni-Astracraft
    @Manni-Astracraft Год назад

    I Forget about WR For 1 Month then i come back and there's New stuff
    Which is: Matriarch,Lynx,Reaper,Kestrel,Orkan Spectre,Rook,Oxy & Argon,Crisis,Ardent Imugi,Harpoon,Roulette,Rockets.
    And that's a Huuuuuuge Amount of stuff

  • @jonathanganchozo3004
    @jonathanganchozo3004 Год назад

    Como se llama la música

  • @tadejpotocnik653
    @tadejpotocnik653 Год назад

    Why cant you use your abillity on stellar cerebus.

    • @StrikerSoulWR
      @StrikerSoulWR Год назад

      Cause Cerberus has the Ghost skill I believe which makes the robot even faster, Cerberus's ability is crap nowadays since it doesn't have the EMP effect like Typhon or Erebus, Cerberus was the first robot which can suppress the enemy with almost every effect

    • @RuhRohRaggy8
      @RuhRohRaggy8 Год назад

      ⁠@@StrikerSoulWR I think they should give the cerebus a pilot that allows it to emp like the typhoon and erebus

  • @Reat-j2x
    @Reat-j2x Год назад


  • @jaffelee5183
    @jaffelee5183 Год назад

    Dope man

  • @shreyashmore31
    @shreyashmore31 Год назад

    they should reduce the reload time of wasp to may be 6 or 8 seconds. above 10 seconds is nonsense for current state of the game.

  • @pasqualetripodina5995
    @pasqualetripodina5995 Год назад

    👋⚡Hi aygir👽👋

  • @zZ-RED-Zz
    @zZ-RED-Zz Год назад

    Increible 👍

  • @JasperGado
    @JasperGado 5 месяцев назад

    You. Got. Rook

  • @AndersonGil-v4c
    @AndersonGil-v4c Год назад


  • @yongsue5426
    @yongsue5426 Год назад

    Where is stellar Erebus

  • @kesh9957
    @kesh9957 Год назад

    I sold my stellar phatom for silver xD

  • @ShadxwKing1776
    @ShadxwKing1776 Год назад

    I found out how to open the super chest for free 🤯

  • @НикитаКлиманов-ы9ы
    @НикитаКлиманов-ы9ы Месяц назад


  • @Better-Tomorrow-8
    @Better-Tomorrow-8 Год назад +2

    PLEASE PLEASE Do some weapon comparisons after the update🥺 Like :
    Cudgel vs. Shredder ☑️ PENDING
    Blight vs. Magnetar ✅️ DONE
    Redeemer vs. Talon ✅️ DONE
    Day 29 of asking🥺💯
    Day 49 of thinking about it and trying to convince friends to download the game so i can use them as test dummies😢😂

  • @leshaperevoz9086
    @leshaperevoz9086 Год назад


  • @organicdreamgaming9202
    @organicdreamgaming9202 Год назад

    Did anyone notice that every steller robots has its women pilot 😅

  • @fakfar4566
    @fakfar4566 Год назад

    Please punisher

  • @r.r-r_r-r.r_r-r_r.
    @r.r-r_r-r.r_r-r_r. Год назад

    Aygir why is sirius not getting a healing buff not grey hp healing buff but the regular hp healing buff because (0.15% healing per second) from a titan is not just pathetic but super pathetic they really need to make it from. 0.15% to 3 or 4% healing per second at least otherwise it is even weaker than an ant 🐜 in healing which is not even a thing in WWR😂

  • @creepermc-tp5ih
    @creepermc-tp5ih Год назад

    el linx no es estellar

  • @AriAzHandle
    @AriAzHandle Год назад

    Lol 🖖

  • @singgihhardiyanto8263
    @singgihhardiyanto8263 Год назад

    This game no need skill, you pay and you will win hahahaa lol....

  • @optimalprime4810
    @optimalprime4810 Год назад

    AYGIR- The music should be better while playing the game WR. Can you contact Pixonic or pass this along accordingly?

  • @optimalprime4810
    @optimalprime4810 Год назад

    AYGIR- The music should be better while playing the game WR. Can you contact Pixonic or pass this along accordingly?