Regenerative Agriculture vs Plant Based 2020

  • Опубликовано: 31 дек 2019
  • Climate change, climate crisis, cow fart apocalypse...whatever you wish to call it, there's a lot of noise surrounding the topic and arguments against raising livestock. However, you may be surprised where the real noise is really found.
    Tamarack Lamb & Wool has been pasture based since 1987 and has been using regenerative grazing practices since the year 2000 when depredation from a growing wolf population made her re-examine how she manages grazing. By changing to a mob stock fashion grazing management, moving daily, and allowing long rest periods, the results were amazing. The pastures became more drought resilient, there was 2.5 times more grass, the soil became alive, parasite problems in the sheep were reduced, and yes, the wolves were no longer a big problem. Janet McNally shares with you some of the lessons she has learned along the way.
    Some related resources worth checking out:
    Dr. Christine Jones
    The Grassfed Exchange
    Gabe Brown:
    Gabe Brown's Book: "Dirt to Soil" his story of his family's journey into regenerative agriculture and dropping the use of herbicides, insecticides, and synthetic fertilizers that are a standard part of conventional agriculture.
    Information on climate change, regenerative agriculture, land management, gabe brown, nbc news, advancing eco agriculture, no till farming, climate crisis, soil life, sustainable agriculture, microbiology, cover crops, spin farming, self sufficiency, permaculture design, permaculture, soil organic matter, soil health, homestead, regenerative grazing, grass fed beef, grass fed sheep, paul brown, garden tour, living soil, regenerative farming, rotational grazing, soil biology, biodiversity, carbon sequestration.
    Affiliate links are provided in this description that, if used, may earn us a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support!

Комментарии • 41

  • @sookibeulah9331
    @sookibeulah9331 4 года назад +3

    Really good demo on the effect on biodiversity of both farming systems.

  • @folsterfarms
    @folsterfarms 2 года назад +1

    That's a really cool idea… I never realized there was such a difference in the life sounds of the two environments

  • @Ptitnain2
    @Ptitnain2 3 года назад +1

    The audio difference is incredible. I heard the same phenomenon in an orchard, one wasn't spraying anything in his orchard and his neighbor was a conventional apple grower it was dead silent.

    • @tamaracklambwool319
      @tamaracklambwool319  3 года назад +1

      The difference is amazing, and disturbing at the same time isn't it?

  • @Eveproguides
    @Eveproguides 4 года назад +4

    Would be interesting to see a soil core from both.

    • @tamaracklambwool319
      @tamaracklambwool319  4 года назад +1

      Yes that would be interesting. I will put it on my to do list.

  • @TS-vr9of
    @TS-vr9of 4 года назад +3

    I shared the video on facebook a few times. hopefully it gets you a boost in viewership. Keep making great videos, Really enjoyed this one.

  • @jonstevensmaplegrovefarms3754
    @jonstevensmaplegrovefarms3754 3 года назад +1

    Great job!

  • @merileacain1826
    @merileacain1826 4 года назад +2

    Well done thank you for showing this in a way people should get!

  • @strawsofftheneurodivergent4221
    @strawsofftheneurodivergent4221 4 года назад +1

    This is a great video with the audio versions.

  • @TinaThevarge
    @TinaThevarge 4 года назад

    Great demonstration. Shared and saved.

  • @leoscheibelhut940
    @leoscheibelhut940 3 года назад

    Thank you for producing this great video making the 'case' for regenerative animal agriculture from an ethical perspective.

    • @tamaracklambwool319
      @tamaracklambwool319  3 года назад

      I am glad you enjoyed it. The difference in bio diversity is something we notice every day, but I realized with the majority not involved in agriculture, very few witness the rich complexity of living organisms on a regenerative farm.

    • @leoscheibelhut940
      @leoscheibelhut940 3 года назад +1

      @@tamaracklambwool319As a former grazing dairyman, I agree completely.

  • @tamaracklambwool319
    @tamaracklambwool319  4 года назад +4

    Could you hear the difference? What other differences have you noticed between tilled & untilled land?

    • @FatimaLasay
      @FatimaLasay 4 года назад +1

      The difference in sound is incredible. How we take such aural environments for granted! We have a food forest garden and the sounds of birds and insects is so soothing, but I never really thought of listening to adjacent areas which are managed differently. I will give that a try too. Thank you for this wonderful work you have done!

    • @tamaracklambwool319
      @tamaracklambwool319  4 года назад

      @@FatimaLasay Thank you, I agree the sounds are very soothing!

  • @jonstevensmaplegrovefarms3754
    @jonstevensmaplegrovefarms3754 3 года назад +1

    Life promotes life and that life is how we get nutrients into food!
    Wonder what is the nutrient content of the modern tofu?

  • @gocrazy432
    @gocrazy432 4 года назад +1

    Do plant based dieters advocate for fields to be converted from an ecosystem to just a monocrop industrial mining operation?

    • @tamaracklambwool319
      @tamaracklambwool319  4 года назад +1

      They do advocate for monocultures when they vote with their food dollars.

    • @gocrazy432
      @gocrazy432 4 года назад +1

      @@tamaracklambwool319 Advocate? I'm not sure we agree on defintion.
      To recommend a particular cause or policy.
      If I pay taxes without lying and cheating but support lowering taxes. Do I advocate for taxes to remain the same or for them to be lower? Neither, there is no expressing the stance. If I then talk about it you would say I advocate for it. Even paying taxes at the current rate while advocating for lower rates would still count as not being contradictory.

    • @TinaThevarge
      @TinaThevarge 4 года назад +3

      If you buy tofu, soya milk and protein powder, you advocated for mono crops with your dollars. She’s just demonstrated that it’s not a healthy choice for the environment that vegans purport to be saving.

    • @gocrazy432
      @gocrazy432 4 года назад +2

      @@TinaThevarge That's not advocating. That's financially supporting. Most people are also ethically against factory farming but still shop and go to restaurants instead of regenerative farms. There's a difference between supporting financially and politically. Financially there might not be a better option. Depends on the Nash Equilibrium.

    • @TinaThevarge
      @TinaThevarge 4 года назад +2

      gocrazy432 yes, but we aren’t under the religious delusion preached by veganism. And not all meat is feed lot. Not in Canada anyway. So I know where my dollars are going. Can you say the same?

  • @tc9634
    @tc9634 3 года назад

    It's not a myth, it's a scientific consensus. Sure, some animal farmers are less bad, and some plant farmers are terrible ecologically, but that's not science/facts/logic etc

    • @tamaracklambwool319
      @tamaracklambwool319  3 года назад +1

      There are many studies at universities around the world over the past century that examine the impact various agricultural practices have on soils. What we have long known, It is very difficult to build soils without animals. This is actually ancient knowledge. What modern science has done is to discover exactly how grazing animals contribute to carbon sequestration and soil health and what type of grazing management optimizes the process. Grazing ruminants are part of a diverse ecosystem that supports a wide array of native wildlife. Human food crops otoh are monocultures that use herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides essentially to sterilize the soil to eliminate all competition. The latter is not sustainable as it leads to soil loss. We have only 60 years of topsoil left.

  • @davidprice1339
    @davidprice1339 3 года назад +1

    It shouldnt be a vegan vs not vegan debate. Vegans from what I understand advocate not eating animals for humane reasons others for health reasons. As relating to health there significant evidence that shows nutrition high in whole plant based foods are optimal for human health. This can be seen in multiple cultures around the world. Diets higher in animal based foods tend to lead to health problems in the long term. This is not some conspiracy to end the meat industry as this has been shown through countless research studies. On the flip side, we will need animals on farms period. Their main purpose is to keep the soil alive and healthy which will maintain a healthy ecosystem and produce higher quality produce. Ruminant animals are essential to keep our soil fertile which many vegans seem to not understand. If someone wants to use some of the animals for meat that is also fine. One must not consume 100% plant based to be healthy. Again animals are essential to keeping the environment healthy as long as they are raised as nature intended. The issue arises when animals are raised on feed lots where they are fed grains/legumes that are grown on thousands of acres of land which is a waste of resources and degenerates the soil over time.These same animals could be pasture raised and help build soil and used in crop rotations between plantings.

    • @tamaracklambwool319
      @tamaracklambwool319  3 года назад +3

      That eating meat causes health problems has been debunked many times. The old heart / diet hypothesis by Ancel Keys that started this myth was found to have cherry picked 7 countries out of a total of 21 studied. Just the countries that fit his hypothesis were used. Our entire USDA dietary guidelines and the entire "plants are healthier" mantra were based on this flawed study. The result is as beef, dairy, and animal fat consumption fell, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and alzheimers rose substantially. Just recently a much higher quality study done at the same time was discovered in the basement of a co worker who recently passed away. The data was run and it found that this study debunked Key's work. The question is what incentive prevented this co worker from publishing a study that would have changed the course of our national (and indeed the world's) health? Many people including myself have had to switch from plant based to a meat centric diet for health reasons. The curious thing is how this change resulted in great improvement in cholesterol and triglycerides. Exactly the opposite of what we have been told. Two other vegan myths that are out there are that eating meat causes more harm to animals and the environment. This video is meant to adress these two bits of misinformation. By listening closely to the two videos, you can hear the difference in impact on wildlife between an animal based diet and a vegan one. While vegans focus on the domestic animals in the video (who are living happy comfortable lives in as natural way as possible) they completely ignore the huge toll their diet has on wildlife ... birds, insects, rodents, predators, and raptors. Just listen to the difference. The soybean field is devoid of life while the pasture is bustling with wild creatures. Lastly no, soybeans are not grown to feed livestock. They are grown to feed people or to make fuel (biodiesel), the livestock only eat the byproduct (soybean meal) which otherwise would have to be dumped in a landfill.

  • @charleswalters5284
    @charleswalters5284 2 года назад

    @outtaspoons Who's this "we"?
    You and the tooth fairy?
    Maybe the great pumpkin.