Metallica - The Shortest Straw - [MULTICAM MIX] - Holland 1990

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 161

  • @order66dotexe
    @order66dotexe 5 лет назад +98

    most definitely one of their most under-rated songs. Took me a couple listens before it just shot up to my favourite song, absolute love how heavy it sounds along with the speed!

    • @vananon51
      @vananon51 3 года назад +1

      And here’s a remixed version with the bass dialed WAY up; insane:видео.html

    • @_Michael_Scott
      @_Michael_Scott Год назад

      Yes, definitely a classic that never gets old listening

  • @adrianaguirre6795
    @adrianaguirre6795 2 года назад +45

    This is probably the only performance of this song where Lars plays almost exact to what’s on the album. He played the random double bass fills here. Awesome 🤘🏻

    • @eazye519
      @eazye519 2 года назад

      Right because you've heard them all

    • @adrianaguirre6795
      @adrianaguirre6795 2 года назад +5


  • @J4ymzz
    @J4ymzz 11 лет назад +232

    they should have played it more at the justice and black album tours :(

    • @oskar599
      @oskar599 11 лет назад +3

      I totally agree

    • @denqwerty8000
      @denqwerty8000 7 лет назад +3

      they played it in 96 and 97

    • @muriloninja
      @muriloninja 7 лет назад +28

      and it sounded weak in comparison....that was a song to do on the 88-89 tour....even the 91-93 tour it would have been limited...the energy they put out 88-89 was off the charts

    • @Truth-Assassin
      @Truth-Assassin 7 лет назад +7

      They played it in '92 in San Diego on the Guns 'N Roses tour.

    • @MetaITurtle
      @MetaITurtle 7 лет назад +1

      They played hit the lights in 89' but it wasn't planned and the recording was kinda bad.видео.html

  • @matthewbyrd2693
    @matthewbyrd2693 7 лет назад +255

    METALLICA.. why didn't you make this a regular song in your setlist during the justice tour.

    • @muhammadirsyazman8389
      @muhammadirsyazman8389 4 года назад +21

      James said the songs from justice is hard to play.

    • @kilometersdavis9240
      @kilometersdavis9240 4 года назад +39

      They were lazy, song length wasn't a problem. They could of rotated longer songs out of the set every couple of nights. Pantera would often rotate songs that weren't as common because they loved their fans.

    • @AC-cj9zl
      @AC-cj9zl 3 года назад +5

      @@kilometersdavis9240 lazy? Yeah, that’s is

    • @drakonolus7922
      @drakonolus7922 3 года назад +6

      Because they suck today. They are unable to play their old stuff properley. But they can play some Justin Biever or Maddona covers so perfectly, instead of real music or even Rock.

    • @WoockerSocket
      @WoockerSocket 3 года назад +10

      @@drakonolus7922 " justice tour "

  • @calebbartlett367
    @calebbartlett367 8 лет назад +65

    Wow, I was thoroughly pleased with how well Kirk pulled off that solo!!

    • @RanDieBam
      @RanDieBam 6 лет назад +5

      Yeah if he hadn't fucked up the timing, but well it's a hard thing to play

    • @bobdouglass8010
      @bobdouglass8010 4 года назад +3

      ​@@RanDieBam it's a damn hard thing to play. i think he skipped a few bars at the end

    • @irsyazman181
      @irsyazman181 4 года назад +3

      The solo is so freaking hard to play.

    • @FlipGuitarist80
      @FlipGuitarist80 3 года назад +3

      @@RanDieBam that’s what happens when you record solos per bar instead of all the way through, when recording,hence it being perfect in the studio but hard to replicate live.

  • @alemonicata
    @alemonicata 11 лет назад +97

    lucky people...

  • @deran1983
    @deran1983 2 года назад +17

    One of the sickest riffs (sadly a very underrated and overlooked song)

  • @el_wilder8860
    @el_wilder8860 7 лет назад +85

    This is the best song on that album. So fuckin brutal and his vox are so aggressive sounding on this song I love it! Shortest straWAHHH has been pulled for yoooouuuWAH ha

    • @darreleddings5901
      @darreleddings5901 6 лет назад +8

      Dyers Eve says hello

    • @Lurts
      @Lurts 6 лет назад +4

      AJFA, One and Blackened are my favourites

    • @gregmahaffey907
      @gregmahaffey907 5 лет назад +5

      Blackened, straw, harvester, one,

    • @dhruvkulkarni8164
      @dhruvkulkarni8164 5 лет назад +7

      Frayed ends? Beholder? Dyer's eve?

    • @dendedave859
      @dendedave859 4 года назад +13

      Y’all literally just named every song in the album

  • @thomasackerly7732
    @thomasackerly7732 7 лет назад +87

    One of the best songs they never play live it shame

    • @MrParkerman6
      @MrParkerman6 5 лет назад +5

      They've played it live several times, yu dumbass!

    • @thomasackerly7732
      @thomasackerly7732 5 лет назад +2

      MrParkerman6 me DA not really u are
      Just started playing it live on the DM tour so please

    • @МемнаяКуша
      @МемнаяКуша 4 года назад +1

      @@thomasackerly7732 Wherever We May Roam Tour
      1992 North American Tour
      Poor Touring Me Tour

    • @impolaris1398
      @impolaris1398 3 года назад

      @@МемнаяКуша and 1992 at Washington DC

    • @impolaris1398
      @impolaris1398 3 года назад

      @@thomasackerly7732 what?

  • @ShadowZero1980
    @ShadowZero1980 8 лет назад +46

    How can anyone dislike this? Masterful performance of this epic song! Tx for sharing!!!

  • @Afrobomination
    @Afrobomination 9 лет назад +38

    HOLY FUCK, best live version of Shortest Straw! I want the whole concert of this, I didn't know the played this song before 1992...

    • @vananon51
      @vananon51 3 года назадвидео.html

  • @marcodhampir6796
    @marcodhampir6796 6 лет назад +157

    Oh god, Lars can play the intro at this

    • @flaviolopes2613
      @flaviolopes2613 4 года назад

      Oh really?

    • @Samford_
      @Samford_ 3 года назад +1

      He stopped playing the intro in the mid 2000s I think

    • @bruceprophet8367
      @bruceprophet8367 3 года назад +2

      @@Samford_ he last played the intro I believe at the Orion Festival in 2012 or 2013 I'm not sure which one & has never played the intro properly since.

    • @Chicago_Podcast_Authority
      @Chicago_Podcast_Authority 3 года назад +5

      He still practiced back then 🙄

    • @metallicoustic6733
      @metallicoustic6733 2 года назад +1

      What fucks him up is trying to keep time with his foot on the high hat. Lars, just do what you did here and play it with feeling, not with timing it perfectly. It's a weird rhythm that lasts all of 10 seconds. You're overthinking it, dude!

  • @gentlegroove2
    @gentlegroove2 6 лет назад +34

    That snare!

  • @punisher2971
    @punisher2971 4 года назад +11

    All though I play Electric but I admire Jason's way of playing and how he is the heart of the concert

  • @gamerBUDSproductions
    @gamerBUDSproductions 4 года назад +16

    the fastest straw!

  • @epnlvr9790
    @epnlvr9790 9 лет назад +43

    if lars' bass was louder, it wouldve been more than perfect, but still amazing! !

    • @fusionwizard3116
      @fusionwizard3116 6 лет назад +1

      EdZeGnar was super loud on that your. Those drums hurt live is the recording

    • @TrollingTime123
      @TrollingTime123 6 лет назад +2

      Fusion Wizard perfect grammar 👍👌

    • @musstazza
      @musstazza 5 лет назад

      Lars' bass?

    • @notmozart8866
      @notmozart8866 5 лет назад +3

      The bass drum. In other words- kick drum

  • @morrisfalker2773
    @morrisfalker2773 6 лет назад +13

    The Netherlands 1990.
    May 16 Zwolle, ijsselhallen.
    May 20 Leiden, Groenoordhal

  • @chadadams693
    @chadadams693 11 лет назад +15

    I love this song dude it rocks

  • @deowarsoul
    @deowarsoul 11 лет назад +10

    Este video es un tesoro invaluable!!!

  • @civ05
    @civ05 11 лет назад +45


    • @briandrum1
      @briandrum1 11 лет назад +22

      Or...1990. (It's in the title of the video!!)

    • @civ05
      @civ05 11 лет назад

      lol oops

    • @briandrum1
      @briandrum1 11 лет назад

      colby collins HAHA!! Too funny!

    • @joddeurter2448
      @joddeurter2448 7 лет назад +2

      idiot it's 1980

    • @Leo-ol2ir
      @Leo-ol2ir 3 года назад +3

      @@joddeurter2448 c'mon, you all know this is from 1932...

  • @kipnugget3838
    @kipnugget3838 7 лет назад +7

    I was there in the front!

  • @fireinthesky3379
    @fireinthesky3379 7 лет назад +19

    they should remaster this with the tech they remastered master of puppets.

  • @we5xz-1902
    @we5xz-1902 3 года назад

    My favorite Metallica song. Makes you stand up and face whatever comes your way.

  • @Delon81116
    @Delon81116 5 лет назад +7

    Thanks jason for the epic voice next!

  • @maulanaahmad3746
    @maulanaahmad3746 4 года назад +7

    Hoorraayyy..lars can actually playing that part!

  • @Blueskies_23
    @Blueskies_23 8 лет назад +10

    cool as hell.

  • @downgreyd
    @downgreyd 6 лет назад +21

    I noticed Kirk started to fall behind slightly on the solo and it seemed Larz noticed and sped up to punish him and make it that much harder to catch up. It's barely anything but I noticed and Kirk looks over at Larz when he does it. He didn't skip any notes to catch up though, just played faster.

    • @MrParkerman6
      @MrParkerman6 5 лет назад +23

      Lars speeding up had nothing to do with Punishment, he was coked up back then, so he played too fast a lot.

  • @ablazingrat3493
    @ablazingrat3493 5 лет назад +12

    What's up with James' voice during the verses, anyone notice when he sings "Secretly, siLEntly, Searchingly" at 2:29 it sounds a bit weird?

    • @johngray5477
      @johngray5477 4 года назад +5

      I think he’s so focussed on the rhythm that he’s just yelling into the mic hoping it sounds right, it’s also that this is a hard song and he’s probably so tired.

    • @barbutahelmet8966
      @barbutahelmet8966 3 года назад +2

      Also a thing to keep in mind - that gig was almost two years into the tour. Even in Seattle, compared to, say, Helsinki '88, his voice is not as visceral, as he is exhausted as shit at that point.

    • @TThatsWhatSheSaid1
      @TThatsWhatSheSaid1 3 года назад +2

      That's just James experimenting with the song. He does that with almost every song they play at some point lol their live songs are always tweaked, Kirk's solos included. It's not a sign of exhaustion or messing up or anything.

    • @XXLRebel
      @XXLRebel 3 года назад

      He's struggling to keep up with the rythm vocal wise. He just yells the last part to not come in late the next line😅 Can't blame him because this was played incredibly fast

  • @nohbody85
    @nohbody85 11 лет назад +55

    A rarity, James didn't flub the lyrics. I don't know why, but almost every time Metallica plays Straw, James fucks up the lyrics somewhere.

    • @machello9
      @machello9 7 лет назад +30

      Well actually when a song is not played that often live you can't always remember the words, believe me

    • @fusionwizard3116
      @fusionwizard3116 6 лет назад +1

      That's what makes live shows great you noob

    • @joshuarobinson1737
      @joshuarobinson1737 6 лет назад +15

      The song has some hard to remember lyrics in their defense xD

    • @MrParkerman6
      @MrParkerman6 5 лет назад +5

      That's cuz James was a constant drunk.

    • @ShadowZero1980
      @ShadowZero1980 2 года назад

      @@joshuarobinson1737 I'd say so! (still don't know them myself XD )

  • @alexplaytop
    @alexplaytop 5 лет назад +2

    ...and Metallica for all

  • @jbearmcdougall1646
    @jbearmcdougall1646 6 лет назад +11

    Amazing... Lars isn't screwing up the drums.... although he leaves a shed load if fills out..!

    • @jksvana
      @jksvana 5 лет назад

      He sucks.

    • @Chicago_Podcast_Authority
      @Chicago_Podcast_Authority 3 года назад +2

      That's because the drums were pieced together in the studio. None of the parts were played all the way through on that album

    • @shallex5744
      @shallex5744 2 года назад +3

      ​@@Chicago_Podcast_Authority doesn't mean he can't learn them of course, though naturally Lars being Lars, he doesn't

    • @Nissardpertugiu
      @Nissardpertugiu 2 года назад

      Bill ward or Ian Paice never played note for note what was on studio albums, let alone keith moon, and nobody gives a crap.
      When Lars even beign a beast back then does variations , everyone jump on it..

    • @shallex5744
      @shallex5744 2 года назад

      @@Nissardpertugiu because Lars is a compositional drummer, he has very little improvisational skill and usually any time he improvises something he fucks up or it sounds awkward. in studio, Lars builds up the composition of a song methodically and grandiosely and gives it twists and turns and build ups and alterations to certain fills and all kinds of cool stuff. Lars' compositional ability is really the only thing he has going for him, so when he doesn't stick to that, things tend to go bad. Bill Ward on the other hand is pretty much the exact opposite. he is more of a jazzy improvisational drummer with the chops to back it up, he never did methodical epic composing arrangements like Lars did, he more or less just laid down something swinging and improvised/jammy sounding, and thus he doesn't play the same kind of music as Lars. Bill doesn't have to play note for note because that's not the kind of music he makes, he plays in a jazzy improvisational style and thus he can afford to do improvising live. Lars' playing (in studio) on the other hand, and Metallica's music in general, is more geared towards their compositional epic writing arrangement style, and when Lars can't stick to that, the music generally suffers for it. there's very little room for Lars to try to 'improvise' something in Metallica's music because that's not the way it was written

  • @richardfco5570
    @richardfco5570 7 лет назад +1

    the sound its so good

  • @dnmoscato92
    @dnmoscato92 Год назад +2

    This was the first metallica album i bought. And i turned it on. And the first that really struck me first listen through was shortest straw. It blew my fucking mind!

  • @ajkorras
    @ajkorras 3 года назад +2

    oh god that was impossible not to headbang in the beginning

  • @JFB5865
    @JFB5865 11 лет назад +3


  • @runwhileyoucan9309
    @runwhileyoucan9309 4 года назад +7

    Is it a bit faster than the studio version?

  • @neptune_coyote7214
    @neptune_coyote7214 5 лет назад +7

    Ahh, remember when lars could actually play the fuckin intro?

  • @Maroonia77
    @Maroonia77 7 лет назад +17

    They sounded much better than now. Imho James voice was best during Black album session till beginning od 92. After that he starter soundtrack worse 😈

    • @MetaITurtle
      @MetaITurtle 7 лет назад +4

      Maroonia77 his vocals werent too bad here. I think since they knew they were going to work on an album he didn't want to strain his vocals too much. I think he was trying to find a different singing style too.

  • @facepalmjesus1608
    @facepalmjesus1608 3 года назад +2

    the peak of the apex

  • @Robert_Douglass
    @Robert_Douglass 2 года назад

    Strongest draught
    Challenge lethargy
    Drawn by lot
    Awesome energy
    Brew you all
    Rich roast flowing through
    Strongest draught
    The strongest draught has been
    Poured for you!

  • @EugenioBianco
    @EugenioBianco 11 лет назад


  • @AslamLam-y6r
    @AslamLam-y6r Год назад


  • @jairstar
    @jairstar Год назад


  • @julianurtz1115
    @julianurtz1115 3 года назад

    That BASS

  • @miezan8092
    @miezan8092 6 лет назад +1

    Kirk really good here...easy and fast

  • @IgorGabriel-uo7jj
    @IgorGabriel-uo7jj 2 года назад

    Why it sounds like theres a cow bell playing in the background?

  • @SSangsen
    @SSangsen 9 лет назад +5

    Holy fuck, is it real?

  • @bomberdrum_thereal3452
    @bomberdrum_thereal3452 2 года назад


  • @estagisep_
    @estagisep_ 3 года назад


  • @aslamfirdaus6443
    @aslamfirdaus6443 2 года назад


  • @alvaroresendiz6757
    @alvaroresendiz6757 7 лет назад +5

    Seattle what??

  • @TheAir97
    @TheAir97 11 лет назад

    fuck yeah \m/

  • @AndreyWhitelake
    @AndreyWhitelake 4 года назад +2

    Is it "i dissapear" or "saint anger" snare drum?

  • @_SB_69
    @_SB_69 8 лет назад +22

    Way back in the day when they were awesome, just before they completely lost it.

    • @F150fx2sporT
      @F150fx2sporT 7 лет назад +10

      Sonia Bass you must be out your mind

    • @zeljkoplavsic784
      @zeljkoplavsic784 7 лет назад +4

      That was their last album.
      Last thrash album,after and justice for all ... they went commercial and that was the end
      Rust in peace Metallica

    • @Morbidous
      @Morbidous 7 лет назад +9

      The lady is right, after justice they didn't care to keep on doing good thrash metal, just fill their pockets.

    • @Skull7727
      @Skull7727 7 лет назад +1

      People only good when they were young, that's what happened

    • @fusionwizard3116
      @fusionwizard3116 6 лет назад +2

      y'all some lanes. Last two albums were great. DM was as technical as justice with a better bassist

  • @elijah_Meijer
    @elijah_Meijer 2 года назад +2

    Which pixel is James and which is kirk

  • @tunit6458
    @tunit6458 Год назад
