This was me when I was younger I was into drugs and Jesus Christ found me and save me and I been drug free for over 15 years. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me I love you Jesus Christ.
hallelujah Jesus Christ is so awesome. It amazes me that so many people have experienced Jesus Christ and prayer yet so few it seems care to share Jesus Christ with their co-workers with the environment. The only reason why I know I don't share this because I'm struggling I'm doing things I shouldn't do. But I know when I'm in prayer when I'm obedient to the lord I can't help but the desire to testify about Jesus Christ. I love being victorious and not a hypocrite I love giving life to people. We are in the valley of the shadow of death and we as Christians have the light of the world in our souls to testify to our neighbors a neighbor this is how you can see this is how you can have life and knowledge in the valley of the shadow of death.
This is truly a great story, and shows God's forgiveness. Yes, this is the main point. But notice how the father at the end said, and all I have is thine? The younger son was forgiven and welcomed back into the family, but never got his inheritance back. Yes we can be forgiven of our sins if we repent, but sin damages us, so that's why it's best not to be messed with.
Pray for me guys, pray for me to trust in him again, when i was young i lost my faith but i want to believe him once again, pray for him to open my eyes, heart and mind so i can be confident and in his arms once again
Brother Keith .... Jesus the only one who can say ; John 8:11 KJV She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more........!!! I have the same experience like you, my spiritual very sick and I come to touch His hem of his garmen which is His Word and believe his word .... Now I'm heal and free by doing Philippians 2:12 KJV Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Praise The Lord. He is the same God for you.
The Lord knows more than you know yourself. Lets have a broken heart and a contrite spirit. The Lord extends his arms continually. As Jeffrey R Holland said earlier. The Savior suffered, atoned for our sins and gavr his life for those who are lost, fpr those who mock his name, for those who accused him, betrayed him, and sin. That was the Savior's Love :) From Philippines
Believe in him. Trust me. He shows me that he is there. But then i allow the demons to torment me mentally and I fall into temptation. Stay strong and believe.
i bust into tears watching this teaching, it reminds me of how the Lord brought me back to him after so many years of back sliding, ooh how merciful are you Lord Jesus
@@adamji4390 no the prodigal son is not Jesus. Its the people that go live in the world but come back to God because because the world have nothing to offer
This is each one of us….until we come to our senses and repent. See how the Father ran to him? As soon as we make a move towards God , He also runs to us.
Unconditional love..??..but the same God didn't show that same love for his son Jesus..according to Christianity.God sacrifice his only son for....others sins!! I'm confused. .
@@adamji4390 Jesus lived and died according to His Father's will - of His own free will.. Fully man, fully God. Jesus lived perfectly and without sin and was due to be killed as prophets had prophesied. He knew all that and did what He was born to do - to set us all free. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He sits by the right hand of God on the throne. How is He not loved and appreciated by the Father Yahweh? And yeah, Jesus was NEVER the prodigal son. If anything, He reminds of the older brother from this parable. Jesus never sinned and He always did the Father's will. WE are the prodigal sons and daughters! Shalom
The father in this story represents God. The "good" son represents all those who are religious or spiritual, aiming to honour God in their speech, knowledge, pursuits and deeds. The prodigal son represents all those who wanted to go their own way and do what they wish without serving anyone. Eventually, the prodigal son returns, knowing that a life of selfish pleasures does not lead to happiness, it leads to nothing. Instead of being judged and condemned by the father, he welcomes him home and adorns him and prepares a feast for him. God is waiting for every single person to come Home; the righteous and the non-righteous. No matter how long it takes, God wants everyone with Him in some way or another. God loves everyone. Blessings.
For us Men and our salvation he was incarnate and made man begotten of the father before all worlds he is the truth and ultimate proof of the scripture. The covenant has been fulfilled and now we await the many return visits of Christ our God. We will live and prosper in his Kingdom unto Ages of Ages Amen.
I had a house with my daughter I was gambling and taking drugs all the time, i lost my house and job and was homeless. I went with tail between legs feeling hopeless and a failure back to my Mum and Dads house who welcomed in with open arms even tho I had sinned agasint them for years ! That was 18months ago and now I have a new job and new house with my daughter and a fantastic relationship with my family ! I had no faith before and did not believe now I pray every day and try to be a good son and father I owe it all to God and his son Lord Jesus Christ I've learned that Love is the only way praise be to God ! Through him all things are possible AMEN
I'm a victim of masturbation I felt empty and felt so bad but coming across this video today April 6,2023 I'm forever delivered thank you my father thank you Jesus for your mercy upon me🙏
This hit me like a ton of bricks just the other day, that day being 14-March 2023. I was blaming myself for falling away form God / Jesus for so long and then recently came back love Jesus again and was wondering if He would ever forgive me for all the sin I had done over the years. And now I know He never left me at all, EVER, I left Him and now I am found again. PRAISE GOD!!!!!
Good to hear that you've come back to the fold. Stories of redemption are always touching and powerful, especially for those who are still lost or looking for the way back.
No one is perfect; we all fall short. Our Heavenly Father loves you and will forgive you as many times as you choose to believe and repent. You can learn more about forgiveness here:
i stand in the gap for you, i decree and declare it now in Jesus mighty name. i command satan and his demons to loose and let you go now!!!! by the authority of the blood of Jesus Christ!!!!
"Yet when he was a great way off his father saw him" It was the direction the Prodigal son was moving in that made all the difference The son was walking back to his father, he had made an effort of repentance and then left his sinful ways in the past and moved back towards his father. As in this story we (myself mostly) need to stop doing wrong and chose to walk back into our Fathers presence. Stop judging others then chose to love them no matter what they have done We are not any better than all the Prodigal sons and daughters out there in this world if we continue to judge them and not love them and help them in their struggles.
My favorite parable. "....but when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran to him". The son didn't have to come and tap his father on the shoulder, he had been anxiously searching the horizon for the son's return. Did the son have to beg forgiveness or explain himself? No, the father ran to him at first sight, he couldn't wait to have him back in his house. So it is with heaven.
This is the exact part of the parable that gets me. My family has dealt with the same my mother being the father my sister being the prodigal son. The thing with my mother is she always expected that my sister beg for forgiveness first that she come back and apologize for everything she did before she would accept and kept her back in her life. I'm proud to say after years of talking with my mom she made the decision to finally make the first move and text her and now we have a beautiful loving relationship with my sister and my mom with her daughter once again
He's never lost you, your just turned away from him even though he's right there, he'll always and forever be your bestfriend you just need to have faith and except him his hand will always be there you, just need to grab it.
I Was Lost And My Life was A Mess Until My Lord Jesus Christ Found me and Save Me from the Darkness and Shine His Light upon Me.....Thank You Lord For Everything and Your Love is An everlasting one.....Thank You Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.....For Saving Me....
It's *very* important to remeber that _both sons are important._ For every one of us that has fallen away from God, there is another that stays but has become disillusioned and bitter. Both need to learn a lesson.
It’s amazing how Jesus’ parables had so many meanings in just a few words. Not only is this a lesson of how God rejoices in saving the lost, and that no one is ever outside the reach of God’s love and forgiveness, it is also a message to the Jews who didn’t want to accept the gentiles as being a part of Gods chosen people. The other son is the Jews, who say they have been faithful to him, yet, God is celebrating their return to him when they have been there the whole time. Here, God is reassuring them that all he has is theirs, and that he has always been with them, but that he also longs for the return of all his people, for Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Jesus , the would be eternal tormentor of mostly nice people who won't find salvation because of greater skepticism today due to being unable to believe. Some causes are rereading the bad dogma and deeds of the bible, advance reasoning of today, advanced logic, and knowledge of science. Jesus didn’t talk to his imaginary dad about changing the extremely harsh penalties for those who can't believe in god but live morally. He didn't try to make it fairer or to do away with permanent hell considering the importance of biology and environment in every individual, which leaves limited free will. Only 1/3 of the world actually believes in Jesus now as the Son and have a chance for this made-up heaven stuff. Those who don't are threatened with everlasting torture or be cast into a lake of fire. Jesus and religion is a shakedown .. I got the matches and your are flammable. Slaves obey your masters! Oh yeah Jesus didn’t mean it that way, sure. Mother what have I to do with thee or family values? Many of Jesus’ teachings make common and good sense but his eternal damnation is a gargantuan flaw in Jesus’ character. A good argument could be made that Jesus is maybe the worst person to ever live if you believe the Bible he’s not better than Dahmer and Manson. Forget the thousands of inaccuracies and bad dogma in the old testament . "those who do not believe in him as the Son will have everlasting hell". The worst terrorists never took torture within a gazillionth of that gory galaxy. I repeat, thinking people of today know that the major determinants of mankind is evolution, genetics, environmental forces that limit free will or the ability any of us have to believe or not. The Bible was written by human beings at a time when stealing a person’s livestock was a crime punishable by death, but raping a young girl was easily remedied by following it up with a marriage proposal. If the girl married someone other than her rapist however, and was found to not be a virgin, she would be executed. There is nothing remotely moral about any of this. The Abrahamic tribes who wrote the Old Testament simply came up with a set of laws that favored those already in power, and then claimed those laws were dictated by god and that questioning them was punishable by death. Children who talk back to parents can be stoned and killed by parents or a non-virgin on her wedding night should be stoned and killed by her new non-virgin husband. OK, I don't have a problem with some of the nonsense. In the New Testament, you can pick and choose to find verses that sound nice, but who gets to decide which verses teach the moral lessons? When Paul says that a master should treat his slave well, why didn’t he just condemn slavery? Surely the “golden rule” would require that. When Paul says, “A woman should be quiet in church and not speak. She should learn from her husband.” is that a good moral model? When Jesus says, “If you don’t love me more than your own family, you don’t deserve heaven.” Is that the kind of god you want? Hey cut off my ear for questioning the nonsense.? The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobia, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
This still brings me to tears. A few months ago my parents caught me using drugs in the house again and I had to find another place to stay until I got clean. I went off and lived just like this younger prodigal. It’s been hard to find work during the pandemic so I was selling it too. I was truly living among the pigs and eating their scraps. I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father has provided the way of repentance and has brought me home safely. Today was my first day home and clean and my parents even made steak for dinner. Thank you Jesus for bringing me back to life. To our God and Father be the glory forever.
I love the lord i to was like the Prodigal son who sinned and have Received a remission of my sins and have come back to my father and hope to dwell with him again eternally
Yeah you will brother! Remember that becoming more Christ like or perfect is that we must admit that we are not perfect until one day we are in his kingdom again!
Does anybody else's spirit stir when they hear, or read the words of Christ. Even as an atheist I dealt with this, although I fought it, hard. Now, I understand I was recognizing my Creator. John 10:27 (KJV) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
Walter Kovacs Absolutely! The Word of God is not just mere words in a book. They have true power to them. I think that's exactly what the Bible is speaking of in Hebrews 4:12 when it says "For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
One thing an atheist can recognize is that if life is completely random then everything shall come to existence at some point, every thought and visage a man can imagine and ever more would come forth in time somehow. Everything you read and think is as real as yourself ultimately with such beliefs, when I didn't believe or even was agnostic and was in great darkness I would read the bible just because the words always made me feel better that somewhere out there in the great span, there is a greater truth that all this mattered for and that something far greater might have love instead of chaos for us after all.
I was also a prodigal son---prodigal daughter rather. I took my inheritence early and squandered it living in a richer city spending it on foolishness separating myself from god not even consulting god. I paid dearly but came back to my mothers house for fogiveness and to find my true calling. God in heaven forgive me and please show me the path to take
I was a believer, I wasnt the best believer, but I believed. I decided one day I didnt believe and I sined againts God and myself. I realy need God now, will he forgive me and take me back, just like a chose to leave can I choose to return. Im much torment, I need Gods forgiveness. If you are moved to do so pray for me. God bless you
Ask yourself this : If a human knows the meaning of forgiveness, how much more can our Father, who created all things, how much more can he be capable of forgiveness? He loves you. Go back to him, he is waiting for you, and light up your life and take you away from the clutches of the devil and his legion.
Bless you. God welcomes those who turn themselves around to walk toward Him more than anyone. There is greater rejoicing in heaven for 1 sinner who turns to God than for 99 "righteous" who have no need for forgiveness. We are ALL prodigals so consider yourself worthy of God's love and do not worry about what has been... this is a new day and you are a new creation. Peace.
Dear God, Almighty Father, we have before us one of your children who needs and asks for your forgiveness. We pray to you, O Lord, that you forgive them of their sin, and that you will gladly welcome them home. Let your love and your blessing rain down on them and all your children on Earth. May you have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. May God be with you always my friend.
All glory and honor is yours LORD JESUS CHRIST. LORD GOD, you are revealing to the world your protection and wrath when humanity is not in union with you. Hear our repentant plea from those who believe in you and your divine will and we are seeking your absolution and protection. JESUS send forth your spirit and renew the face of the earth. Blessed Mother Mary pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen
Dear brothers and sisters please pray for us. My family is in trouble. We are under great debt. Please pray God provide. God bless you. Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
I'm not a religious person at all, I believe in nothing. But I've come here to pay my respects to this. I love this story so much. My favourite parable in the Bible. I will never forget the message it nor what it taught me.
I'm so glad that something in this story resonates with you! It IS one of the great stories of the world, and communicates love...parental love, filial love, friendship, forgiveness, and the love God has for all his children--especially the ones who don't yet know Him.
Friend, it is great to hear that this message resonates with you, but like this Father, God is waiting for you to come to him and be saved. He wants you to come to him, because he knows how difficult it will be if you don't. Please do not be lost, Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship with the one true living God through what God the Son has accomplished on the cross, please accept his offer of forgiveness so that the message will truly hit home.
I was lost..Doing drugs and in big dept..depression..Jesus save me 3 months ago..Now i have a dept will get clear and i have stop drugs..Jesus is real..he is love and he will forget you..This video make me cry..Praise the lord ..he is the only one !!
When someone is trying to come back, we should all rush out to embrace them and make them feel every bit as loved as the they would if they were in the actual Father's presence. They need the support, and we are only enriched spiritually by having more sheep in our fold. It's like the old saying: "The more, the merrier!" :)
After working for a job that couldn't keep me happy, I was like wait, if my father is in heaven I am going back to reclaim my title, money, healthy, abundance is mine, then I lost the job, I felt free and I couldn't understand it cause as a man once you lose your job, a depression has to come over you but after freedom and happiness months later I am now making more money than what the company gave me... The Earth is yours, bow to no man cause I say Jesus Christ is within us
My dad and I both come from a Mormon family. He was never religious and never raised me to be religious, but this story has always stuck with me. My dad, the black sheep of his family. Now as an adult I’ve wasted plenty of my own money and I’m an alcoholic. Oh how I’d love to run home and into my father’s arms again
@Mista JC, despite the hopelessness you feel, recovery from addiction is possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. We invite you and anyone else interested to join the Addiction Recovery Program, a process of studying and applying the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ to find the power to recover from addiction. Learn more and find a meeting here:
Makes me cry everytime. When you believe in Jesus Christ He forgets everything you have done and is just so happy you have come to Him. This parable speaks so greatly of God’s love for His children unconditionally
🌎🙏🙏🙏 Thank God I found my way back home. Acts 18:12-14. John316 Hebrews 1:1 . Thank God I came back home. Luke 2:14. Hebrews 12:2 Thank God for the k-love family. Thank God I have a chance to honor my marriage and family. Thank God for full time employment. Song of Solomon. Daniel 8:20
This was me when I was younger I was into drugs and Jesus Christ found me and save me and I been drug free for over 15 years. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me I love you Jesus Christ. 1.3K bust into tears watching this teaching, it reminds me of how the Lord brought me back to him after so many years of back sliding, ooh how merciful are you Lord JesusThis is one of my favourite parables. Portrays the unconditional Love of the Father for all His children, despite our sins. 613 he father in this story represents God. The "good" son represents all those who are religious or spiritual, aiming to honour God in their speech, knowledge, pursuits and deeds. The prodigal son represents all those who wanted to go their own way and do what they wish without serving anyone. Eventually, the prodigal son returns, knowing that a life of selfish pleasures does not lead to happiness, it leads to nothing. Instead of being judged and condemned by the father, he welcomes him home and adorns him and prepares a feast for him. God is waiting for every single person to come Home; the righteous and the non-righteous. No matter how long it takes, God wants everyone with Him in some way or another. God loves everyone. Blessings.
After my son left home our relationship slowly deteriorated and after 2 years we didn’t speak at all…I sent him an email with the RUclips of The Prodigal Son…he messaged my phone and now we have started to text…thank you 🙏 for what you have done for myself and my son…I am in awe of the power of your message…and my door to will always be open 😊
I WENT to Colorado to make my money & have my Fun. I became Spirit empty,smelly,poor & homeless. But my Best friend & his family took pity on me. Bought my bus ticket home, Gave me my own clothes, a warm home, cash & a job. I was dead...never have i ever felt more Alive! PRAISE YHWH!
Notice that no one had to die to be forgiven of sins. Its ALWAYS been by repentance only that we are saved and received by the father. The BEST parable in the whole bible!
I love God and believe in him who he sent ..jesus...I so realize that I can't stop sin ..only through Jesus the word of God will we break these chains of sin ...thank you God in Jesus name
Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing!I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for us!!!!
Father I am the prodigal son please forgive me and hug me and save me from this mighty battle of evil and Jesus. I cast all my fear and doubts unto you. In Jesus mighty name Amen
I’ve never been religious but my father accepted me back today with open arms never ones making Me feel bad for my sins... and today I felt god... I felt the love of my father for the first time.
my fave parable ever every time I read it reminds me of how Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples and I imagine his voice inside my mind :) such a beautiful parable
No one is perfect, we all fall short. Our Heavenly Father loves us and will forgive us as many times as you choose to believe and repent. If you're interested, you can learn more about forgiveness here:
When I listen to this with my heart, I can't help but cry. Thank Jesus for lifting yourself up on a cross so you could in turn draw me and lift me out of my own depravity.
I believe that this is one of the parables that prove that Jesus is the Son of God. So simple, so human, describing human brokenness, hope and redemption. How many of us in our own family have lost a brother or sister to wild living, drugs, worldly ambition, foolish aspirations, how much do we hunger that they come back home again...united.
The best way to illustrate how much the heavens rejoice when a wicked man comes to God, and how composed and humble the righteous have to be and except this fact. Amen
The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. Zephaniah 3:17 KJV
no matter how we the children always hurt and disappoint our parents. our parents will always love us. i love my parents they gave me unconditional love from birth and i will love them till the day i die God the father God the son God the holy spirit AMEN
I Used to loved Money more then God But God show me another pathway that money can Be deceiving and realise later on i lose everthing that put me to be humble as i progress chance over the Year My Loving Heavenly Father Bless me again sometime Pride can keep us away from Him nothing is more Important then spent time with Our Love one Money is only temporary use but won't give us happiness that God the Father is bigger blessing Follow him through his Grace and Love
This was me when I was younger I was into drugs and Jesus Christ found me and save me and I been drug free for over 15 years. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me I love you Jesus Christ.
hallelujah Jesus Christ is so awesome. It amazes me that so many people have experienced Jesus Christ and prayer yet so few it seems care to share Jesus Christ with their co-workers with the environment. The only reason why I know I don't share this because I'm struggling I'm doing things I shouldn't do. But I know when I'm in prayer when I'm obedient to the lord I can't help but the desire to testify about Jesus Christ. I love being victorious and not a hypocrite I love giving life to people. We are in the valley of the shadow of death and we as Christians have the light of the world in our souls to testify to our neighbors a neighbor this is how you can see this is how you can have life and knowledge in the valley of the shadow of death.
I wish I can be set free I love Jesus but I always seem to relapse
Thanks for sharing God is able
@@tauramartin65 look for your passion...
good for you 👏
I was addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, weed, addictive pills and porn... I am 3 days clean now. Thank you Lord Jesus!
You got this!
How are you doing so far?
It's a start and I believe you can do it because you have the desire it takes to change. Let's see how you do it. My prayers are with you.
Good job. Faith brings blessings and miracles
This is truly a great story, and shows God's forgiveness. Yes, this is the main point. But notice how the father at the end said, and all I have is thine? The younger son was forgiven and welcomed back into the family, but never got his inheritance back. Yes we can be forgiven of our sins if we repent, but sin damages us, so that's why it's best not to be messed with.
Generation nowdays need this story
Pray for me guys, pray for me to trust in him again, when i was young i lost my faith but i want to believe him once again, pray for him to open my eyes, heart and mind so i can be confident and in his arms once again
Lord Jesus Christ son of God save us from sin
The Lord who prayed for Peter will pray for you and restore you. amen
Brother Keith .... Jesus the only one who can say ; John 8:11 KJV
She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more........!!! I have the same experience like you, my spiritual very sick and I come to touch His hem of his garmen which is His Word and believe his word .... Now I'm heal and free by doing Philippians 2:12 KJV
Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Praise The Lord. He is the same God for you.
The Lord knows more than you know yourself. Lets have a broken heart and a contrite spirit. The Lord extends his arms continually.
As Jeffrey R Holland said earlier. The Savior suffered, atoned for our sins and gavr his life for those who are lost, fpr those who mock his name, for those who accused him, betrayed him, and sin. That was the Savior's Love :)
From Philippines
Believe in him. Trust me. He shows me that he is there. But then i allow the demons to torment me mentally and I fall into temptation. Stay strong and believe.
I was addicted before and alcoholic but Jesus mever leave me. Thank you Jesus! I love you Jesus.
I was lost 💔 before but Jesus 🙏 found me and then He save me 😭
@@denzelmwandha7340 amen.
i bust into tears watching this teaching, it reminds me of how the Lord brought me back to him after so many years of back sliding, ooh how merciful are you Lord Jesus
Please pray for me i want to come back to him 😭😭😭
So the God of the prodigal son is Jesus according to you..but in other case instead of forgiveness he punished. ..himself! !..
@@adamji4390 no the prodigal son is not Jesus.
Its the people that go live in the world but come back to God because because the world have nothing to offer
@@minishorts5217 believe he is there, go near him
Amen, yes he is, his word declares he is married to the backsliders... be encourage and strengthen on this morning.
This is each one of us….until we come to our senses and repent. See how the Father ran to him? As soon as we make a move towards God , He also runs to us.
This is one of my favourite parables. Portrays the unconditional Love of the Father for all His children, despite our sins.
+Jake Harrison We are not His until we are born again.
Not all father's love their children. .my own father hates me. ..i grew up with severe abuse...
@Mrfairchap the calf was slaughtered to celebrate his lost sons return, not in honour of him.
Unconditional love..??..but the same God didn't show that same love for his son Jesus..according to Christianity.God sacrifice his only son for....others sins!! I'm confused. .
@@adamji4390 Jesus lived and died according to His Father's will - of His own free will.. Fully man, fully God. Jesus lived perfectly and without sin and was due to be killed as prophets had prophesied. He knew all that and did what He was born to do - to set us all free. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He sits by the right hand of God on the throne. How is He not loved and appreciated by the Father Yahweh? And yeah, Jesus was NEVER the prodigal son. If anything, He reminds of the older brother from this parable. Jesus never sinned and He always did the Father's will. WE are the prodigal sons and daughters! Shalom
The father in this story represents God. The "good" son represents all those who are religious or spiritual, aiming to honour God in their speech, knowledge, pursuits and deeds. The prodigal son represents all those who wanted to go their own way and do what they wish without serving anyone. Eventually, the prodigal son returns, knowing that a life of selfish pleasures does not lead to happiness, it leads to nothing. Instead of being judged and condemned by the father, he welcomes him home and adorns him and prepares a feast for him.
God is waiting for every single person to come Home; the righteous and the non-righteous. No matter how long it takes, God wants everyone with Him in some way or another. God loves everyone.
Thanks for your comment ,. Blessings
Jesus Christ loves you:)
What if you believe in science
Awesome brother 🙏Amen
Very heart touching 🎉❤
Jesus is not a creation but the creator. He is eternal. He is God.
Jo Jo Amen!!!😇
The truth people cannot see👍
For us Men and our salvation he was incarnate and made man begotten of the father before all worlds he is the truth and ultimate proof of the scripture. The covenant has been fulfilled and now we await the many return visits of Christ our God. We will live and prosper in his Kingdom unto Ages of Ages Amen.
Even the Quran testifies
I had a house with my daughter I was gambling and taking drugs all the time, i lost my house and job and was homeless. I went with tail between legs feeling hopeless and a failure back to my Mum and Dads house who welcomed in with open arms even tho I had sinned agasint them for years ! That was 18months ago and now I have a new job and new house with my daughter and a fantastic relationship with my family ! I had no faith before and did not believe now I pray every day and try to be a good son and father I owe it all to God and his son Lord Jesus Christ I've learned that Love is the only way praise be to God ! Through him all things are possible AMEN
Amen 🙏
micky finn AMEN!! HEAVENLY ABBA BE GLORIFIED!!!!!!! 😊😊🙏🙏🙏🙏🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 IN JESUS NAME!!!
Hi how are you doing now? I’m so happy to hear your story ❤️ it’s very inspiring. God bless you and your family
good for you brother
This is my favourite bibel story! It reminds me that no matter how much i fail he will always be there for me and you :)
Amen ❤️
I'm no biblical scholar, but this is the only parable that makes me cry
This taught me that God loves you unconditionally despite the mistakes we make.
But we just have to try le go of sins and be new in christ
repent for your sins daily.
I'm a victim of masturbation I felt empty and felt so bad but coming across this video today April 6,2023
I'm forever delivered thank you my father thank you Jesus for your mercy upon me🙏
This hit me like a ton of bricks just the other day, that day being 14-March 2023. I was blaming myself for falling away form God / Jesus for so long and then recently came back love Jesus again and was wondering if He would ever forgive me for all the sin I had done over the years. And now I know He never left me at all, EVER, I left Him and now I am found again. PRAISE GOD!!!!!
Praise the lord
I was lost but now I'm found. Thank you father.
Good to hear that you've come back to the fold. Stories of redemption are always touching and powerful, especially for those who are still lost or looking for the way back.
Yes Brother, Death never stopped Jesus the Lion never stopped Daniel and the Water never Stopped moses! praise the Lord and God bless 💛🙌🏼
This parable relate to my condition nowadays...My Lord,please forgive my,i am a sinner..
No one is perfect; we all fall short. Our Heavenly Father loves you and will forgive you as many times as you choose to believe and repent. You can learn more about forgiveness here:
@@churchofjesuschrist forgive me too I'm a sinner
Lord, please forgive me for my sins and aid me in my struggle with them, amen.
if it comes from your heart he will .
God bless you
He already is, :) Jesus paid the price so that you will be made righteous before God through Jesus.
i stand in the gap for you, i decree and declare it now in Jesus mighty name. i command satan and his demons to loose and let you go now!!!! by the authority of the blood of Jesus Christ!!!!
"Yet when he was a great way off his father saw him" It was the direction the Prodigal son was moving in that made all the difference
The son was walking back to his father, he had made an effort of repentance and then left his sinful ways in the past and moved back towards his father.
As in this story we (myself mostly) need to stop doing wrong and chose to walk back into our Fathers presence. Stop judging others then chose to love them no matter what they have done
We are not any better than all the Prodigal sons and daughters out there in this world if we continue to judge them and not love them and help them in their struggles.
My favorite parable. "....but when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran to him". The son didn't have to come and tap his father on the shoulder, he had been anxiously searching the horizon for the son's return. Did the son have to beg forgiveness or explain himself? No, the father ran to him at first sight, he couldn't wait to have him back in his house. So it is with heaven.
Yes by raising his gown and running out of the village to greet his son, he took on the shame of his son, such was his unlimited compassion
James Taylor
The unfailing love of god and Jesus Christ our lord 🙏
This is the exact part of the parable that gets me. My family has dealt with the same my mother being the father my sister being the prodigal son. The thing with my mother is she always expected that my sister beg for forgiveness first that she come back and apologize for everything she did before she would accept and kept her back in her life. I'm proud to say after years of talking with my mom she made the decision to finally make the first move and text her and now we have a beautiful loving relationship with my sister and my mom with her daughter once again
I am lost right now seeking happiness and forgiveness again
I once was lost but now I'm found. Jesus is my savior
B r u h
Lord I need to come home I need your help in my personal life I need your guidence not people but you thank you
Who would have thought that after all these years that this parable would make me tear up.
Pray for me. Amen
Lord forgive me for I have sinned against you ...
I want to come to you again for it felt so empty without you.
Jesus will never forsake u run to him for refuge amen
He's never lost you, your just turned away from him even though he's right there, he'll always and forever be your bestfriend you just need to have faith and except him his hand will always be there you, just need to grab it.
he is able my brother trust him...
Lord please...let me come back to you...😥
I Was Lost And My Life was A Mess Until My Lord Jesus Christ Found me and Save Me from the Darkness and Shine His Light upon Me.....Thank You Lord For Everything and Your Love is An everlasting one.....Thank You Heavenly Father through our Lord Jesus Christ.....For Saving Me....
It's *very* important to remeber that _both sons are important._ For every one of us that has fallen away from God, there is another that stays but has become disillusioned and bitter. Both need to learn a lesson.
Please father don't give up on me, but help me, a poor sheep of yours, to be happy and healthy again. In the name of Jesus, Amen! 🙏
Amen better you who tries to be good in the eyes of the Lord may God answer your prayers
It’s amazing how Jesus’ parables had so many meanings in just a few words. Not only is this a lesson of how God rejoices in saving the lost, and that no one is ever outside the reach of God’s love and forgiveness, it is also a message to the Jews who didn’t want to accept the gentiles as being a part of Gods chosen people. The other son is the Jews, who say they have been faithful to him, yet, God is celebrating their return to him when they have been there the whole time. Here, God is reassuring them that all he has is theirs, and that he has always been with them, but that he also longs for the return of all his people, for Jesus came to seek and save the lost.
Lord Jesus I will love to be your servant for the rest of my life Amen.
Jesus , the would be eternal tormentor of mostly nice people who won't find salvation because of greater skepticism today due to being unable to believe. Some causes are rereading the bad dogma and deeds of the bible, advance reasoning of today, advanced logic, and knowledge of science.
Jesus didn’t talk to his imaginary dad about changing the extremely harsh penalties for those who can't believe in god but live morally. He didn't try to make it fairer or to do away with permanent hell considering the importance of biology and environment in every individual, which leaves limited free will. Only 1/3 of the world actually believes in Jesus now as the Son and have a chance for this made-up heaven stuff. Those who don't are threatened with everlasting torture or be cast into a lake of fire.
Jesus and religion is a shakedown .. I got the matches and your are flammable.
Slaves obey your masters! Oh yeah Jesus didn’t mean it that way, sure. Mother what have I to do with thee or family values? Many of Jesus’ teachings make common and good sense but his eternal damnation is a gargantuan flaw in Jesus’ character. A good argument could be made that Jesus is maybe the worst person to ever live if you believe the Bible he’s not better than Dahmer and Manson. Forget the thousands of inaccuracies and bad dogma in the old testament . "those who do not believe in him as the Son will have everlasting hell". The worst terrorists never took torture within a gazillionth of that gory galaxy. I repeat, thinking people of today know that the major determinants of mankind is evolution, genetics, environmental forces that limit free will or the ability any of us have to believe or not.
The Bible was written by human beings at a time when stealing a person’s livestock was a crime punishable by death, but raping a young girl was easily remedied by following it up with a marriage proposal. If the girl married someone other than her rapist however, and was found to not be a virgin, she would be executed. There is nothing remotely moral about any of this. The Abrahamic tribes who wrote the Old Testament simply came up with a set of laws that favored those already in power, and then claimed those laws were dictated by god and that questioning them was punishable by death. Children who talk back to parents can be stoned and killed by parents or a non-virgin on her wedding night should be stoned and killed by her new non-virgin husband. OK, I don't have a problem with some of the nonsense.
In the New Testament, you can pick and choose to find verses that sound nice, but who gets to decide which verses teach the moral lessons? When Paul says that a master should treat his slave well, why didn’t he just condemn slavery? Surely the “golden rule” would require that. When Paul says, “A woman should be quiet in church and not speak. She should learn from her husband.” is that a good moral model? When Jesus says, “If you don’t love me more than your own family, you don’t deserve heaven.” Is that the kind of god you want? Hey cut off my ear for questioning the nonsense.?
The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobia, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
This still brings me to tears. A few months ago my parents caught me using drugs in the house again and I had to find another place to stay until I got clean. I went off and lived just like this younger prodigal. It’s been hard to find work during the pandemic so I was selling it too. I was truly living among the pigs and eating their scraps. I am so grateful that my Heavenly Father has provided the way of repentance and has brought me home safely. Today was my first day home and clean and my parents even made steak for dinner. Thank you Jesus for bringing me back to life. To our God and Father be the glory forever.
Thanks for sharing your experience and testimony of repentance, Zack. Take care!
I love the lord i to was like the Prodigal son who sinned and have Received a remission of my sins and have come back to my father and hope to dwell with him again eternally
Michael Cowan
Yeah you will brother! Remember that becoming more Christ like or perfect is that we must admit that we are not perfect until one day we are in his kingdom again!
Amen Jesus is my life Yes He is The way the truth and the Life
Does anybody else's spirit stir when they hear, or read the words of Christ. Even as an atheist I dealt with this, although I fought it, hard. Now, I understand I was recognizing my Creator.
John 10:27 (KJV) My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
Walter Kovacs
Absolutely! The Word of God is not just mere words in a book. They have true power to them. I think that's exactly what the Bible is speaking of in Hebrews 4:12 when it says
"For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
One thing an atheist can recognize is that if life is completely random then everything shall come to existence at some point, every thought and visage a man can imagine and ever more would come forth in time somehow. Everything you read and think is as real as yourself ultimately with such beliefs, when I didn't believe or even was agnostic and was in great darkness I would read the bible just because the words always made me feel better that somewhere out there in the great span, there is a greater truth that all this mattered for and that something far greater might have love instead of chaos for us after all.
Wowww AMEN!!!! We’re so wicked yet He loves us..
I was also a prodigal son---prodigal daughter rather. I took my inheritence early and squandered it living in a richer city spending it on foolishness separating myself from god not even consulting god. I paid dearly but came back to my mothers house for fogiveness and to find my true calling. God in heaven forgive me and please show me the path to take
I was a believer, I wasnt the best believer, but I believed.
I decided one day I didnt believe and I sined againts God and myself.
I realy need God now, will he forgive me and take me back, just like a chose to leave can I choose to return.
Im much torment, I need Gods forgiveness.
If you are moved to do so pray for me.
God bless you
YES! he will forgive you!
Ask yourself this : If a human knows the meaning of forgiveness, how much more can our Father, who created all things, how much more can he be capable of forgiveness? He loves you. Go back to him, he is waiting for you, and light up your life and take you away from the clutches of the devil and his legion.
Bless you. God welcomes those who turn themselves around to walk toward Him more than anyone. There is greater rejoicing in heaven for 1 sinner who turns to God than for 99 "righteous" who have no need for forgiveness. We are ALL prodigals so consider yourself worthy of God's love and do not worry about what has been... this is a new day and you are a new creation. Peace.
ask him to yourself. He will if u didn't do any unforgivable sin
Dear God, Almighty Father, we have before us one of your children who needs and asks for your forgiveness. We pray to you, O Lord, that you forgive them of their sin, and that you will gladly welcome them home. Let your love and your blessing rain down on them and all your children on Earth. May you have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life. We ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May God be with you always my friend.
All glory and honor is yours LORD JESUS CHRIST. LORD GOD, you are revealing to the world your protection and wrath when humanity is not in union with you. Hear our repentant plea from those who believe in you and your divine will and we are seeking your absolution and protection. JESUS send forth your spirit and renew the face of the earth. Blessed Mother Mary pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen
Dear brothers and sisters please pray for us. My family is in trouble. We are under great debt. Please pray God provide.
God bless you. Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
The best videos ever are produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of LDS
This parable is so relevant to my salvation. I thank my God for saving my life.
What a great Parable I was a Alcholic turned my life to Jesus and am dry 1
I'm not a religious person at all, I believe in nothing. But I've come here to pay my respects to this. I love this story so much. My favourite parable in the Bible. I will never forget the message it nor what it taught me.
That great bro I'm. It religious person either but trust and believe in Jesus and you'll see miracles everyday in your life
Do you believe in god?
+PICK UP YOUR CROSS Mathew 7:21-23 yes
I'm so glad that something in this story resonates with you! It IS one of the great stories of the world, and communicates love...parental love, filial love, friendship, forgiveness, and the love God has for all his children--especially the ones who don't yet know Him.
Friend, it is great to hear that this message resonates with you, but like this Father, God is waiting for you to come to him and be saved. He wants you to come to him, because he knows how difficult it will be if you don't. Please do not be lost, Christianity is not a religion it is a relationship with the one true living God through what God the Son has accomplished on the cross, please accept his offer of forgiveness so that the message will truly hit home.
I was lost..Doing drugs and in big dept..depression..Jesus save me 3 months ago..Now i have a dept will get clear and i have stop drugs..Jesus is real..he is love and he will forget you..This video make me cry..Praise the lord ..he is the only one !!
When someone is trying to come back, we should all rush out to embrace them and make them feel every bit as loved as the they would if they were in the actual Father's presence. They need the support, and we are only enriched spiritually by having more sheep in our fold. It's like the old saying: "The more, the merrier!" :)
Quagthistle true
God loves you
When one sinner repents all of heaven rejoices!
Home is where the heart is, and the abundance of mine declares Jesus is Lord.
After working for a job that couldn't keep me happy, I was like wait, if my father is in heaven I am going back to reclaim my title, money, healthy, abundance is mine, then I lost the job, I felt free and I couldn't understand it cause as a man once you lose your job, a depression has to come over you but after freedom and happiness months later I am now making more money than what the company gave me... The Earth is yours, bow to no man cause I say Jesus Christ is within us
This story always bring tears to my eye..
Thanks you my father jesus is lord Thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus ilove you jesus so much iwodalewu iyesus
A parable befitting for every situation.. Thank you Jesus for teaching us how to truly love and forgive.
My dad and I both come from a Mormon family. He was never religious and never raised me to be religious, but this story has always stuck with me. My dad, the black sheep of his family. Now as an adult I’ve wasted plenty of my own money and I’m an alcoholic. Oh how I’d love to run home and into my father’s arms again
@Mista JC, despite the hopelessness you feel, recovery from addiction is possible through Jesus Christ and His Atonement. We invite you and anyone else interested to join the Addiction Recovery Program, a process of studying and applying the principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ to find the power to recover from addiction. Learn more and find a meeting here:
Jesus tells the greatest of things. As food fills my stomach, his words fill my heart.
Oh my lord I come to you as your prodigal daughter who has rebel against you thank you for loving me unconditionally despite all my short comings
Makes me cry everytime. When you believe in Jesus Christ He forgets everything you have done and is just so happy you have come to Him. This parable speaks so greatly of God’s love for His children unconditionally
No wan like Jesus🙌🏾 Jesus is one of the best teacher in the Bible 💜💜💓💜❤️❤️ May the lord our god keep us safe and sound ❤️❤️❤️❤️
how great is our God.. please don't leave our God anymore
This helped me come back to God
Edilberto Jimenez Please God help me
That’s sad
Amen bro
🌎🙏🙏🙏 Thank God I found my way back home. Acts 18:12-14. John316 Hebrews 1:1 . Thank God I came back home. Luke 2:14. Hebrews 12:2 Thank God for the k-love family. Thank God I have a chance to honor my marriage and family. Thank God for full time employment. Song of Solomon. Daniel 8:20
Love this. There is nothing that's lost that can't be found again.
+YankeeYapping What about time?
Gee Blanco when we join Jesus and our loved ones in heaven for eternity, time is found.
This was me when I was younger I was into drugs and Jesus Christ found me and save me and I been drug free for over 15 years. Thank you Lord for not giving up on me I love you Jesus Christ.
bust into tears watching this teaching, it reminds me of how the Lord brought me back to him after so many years of back sliding, ooh how merciful are you Lord JesusThis is one of my favourite parables. Portrays the unconditional Love of the Father for all His children, despite our sins.
he father in this story represents God. The "good" son represents all those who are religious or spiritual, aiming to honour God in their speech, knowledge, pursuits and deeds. The prodigal son represents all those who wanted to go their own way and do what they wish without serving anyone. Eventually, the prodigal son returns, knowing that a life of selfish pleasures does not lead to happiness, it leads to nothing. Instead of being judged and condemned by the father, he welcomes him home and adorns him and prepares a feast for him.
God is waiting for every single person to come Home; the righteous and the non-righteous. No matter how long it takes, God wants everyone with Him in some way or another. God loves everyone.
You have given powerful testimony of the Holy Dopamine Ghost via Placebo Faith.
God Bless, I am ex Buddhist and God saved my life when i didn't know he even existed. He revealed Jesus is the way
After my son left home our relationship slowly deteriorated and after 2 years we didn’t speak at all…I sent him an email with the RUclips of The Prodigal Son…he messaged my phone and now we have started to text…thank you 🙏 for what you have done for myself and my son…I am in awe of the power of your message…and my door to will always be open 😊
Brother Jackie God always and alway blesses you and my Brother I want only one Help from You can you do???
I WENT to Colorado to make my money & have my Fun. I became Spirit empty,smelly,poor & homeless. But my Best friend & his family took pity on me. Bought my bus ticket home, Gave me my own clothes, a warm home, cash & a job. I was dead...never have i ever felt more Alive!
yes he does
good good father
Amen he is the Rock, our solid foundation
Yes he does👏
Ohhh God in heaven, please help me 😢😢😢
Beautiful parable, praise the Lord, the truth spoken 🙏
Praise the lord,halaluliuahj..
This is my favorite bible story. It explains so wonderfully how our father in heaven forgives us and much joy he has when we truly repent!
I was lost but jesus found me
“He was lost, and is found” love that closing phrase strives for me to always be Christ like and look for those in need.
Amazing Grace. How sweet the song, that saved a wrench like me! Jesus, is all I need!
Notice that no one had to die to be forgiven of sins. Its ALWAYS been by repentance only that we are saved and received by the father. The BEST parable in the whole bible!
This is one of the most inspirational stories ever told. I am so grateful for all those who welcome me back after mistakes I've made.
It's me when I ws in the world of party no peace hatred name it jesus rescue me praise be to you lord
I love God and believe in him who he sent ..jesus...I so realize that I can't stop sin ..only through Jesus the word of God will we break these chains of sin ...thank you God in Jesus name
Jesus Christ healed me! This is my story about my healing!I was extremely ill! I had diabetes and kidney failure, which urgently requires dialysis! I prayed to God to heal me, not for me, because I don't deserve it, but for my little children, who were left without a mother! in exactly that day, in which I prayed, the Lord healed me! I suddenly felt the pain in my kidneys go away, as well as the dryness in my mouth (diabetes). I'm a new women now! I thank the Lord for His mercy and love for us!!!!
Father I am the prodigal son please forgive me and hug me and save me from this mighty battle of evil and Jesus. I cast all my fear and doubts unto you. In Jesus mighty name Amen
I’ve never been religious but my father accepted me back today with open arms never ones making Me feel bad for my sins... and today I felt god... I felt the love of my father for the first time.
my fave parable ever every time I read it reminds me of how Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples and I imagine his voice inside my mind :) such a beautiful parable
I. glad. I. Serve. A. Merciful. God
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
- Matthew 11:28 KJV
I am once a prodigal son. When I saw this clip I began to cry, our God is the forgiving and merciful God even we are so bad and cruel.
No one is perfect, we all fall short. Our Heavenly Father loves us and will forgive us as many times as you choose to believe and repent. If you're interested, you can learn more about forgiveness here:
When I listen to this with my heart, I can't help but cry. Thank Jesus for lifting yourself up on a cross so you could in turn draw me and lift me out of my own depravity.
Lord Jesus, Have mercy on me, a sinner who run away from such a lovely, humble father.
This story never gets old :) I love how the saviour teaches us :)
We are blessed to have a living prophet!!
Marlee the real savior was black.
I believe that this is one of the parables that prove that Jesus is the Son of God. So simple, so human, describing human brokenness, hope and redemption. How many of us in our own family have lost a brother or sister to wild living, drugs, worldly ambition, foolish aspirations, how much do we hunger that they come back home again...united.
The best way to illustrate how much the heavens rejoice when a wicked man comes to God, and how composed and humble the righteous have to be and except this fact. Amen
The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17 KJV
no matter how we the children always hurt and disappoint our parents. our parents will always love us.
i love my parents they gave me unconditional love from birth and i will love them till the day i die
God the father God the son God the holy spirit AMEN
I come back to this video when times are hard ..
This story is so awesome & comforting.
I Used to loved Money more then God But God show me another pathway that money can Be deceiving and realise later on i lose everthing that put me to be humble as i progress chance over the Year My Loving Heavenly Father Bless me again sometime Pride can keep us away from Him nothing is more Important then spent time with Our Love one Money is only temporary use but won't give us happiness that God the Father is bigger blessing Follow him through his Grace and Love
Pray for my mom to come home to Jesus and open her spiritual eyes to see the truth and be saved!
I was that daughter 6 years ago!
Are you also Orthodox? :)
My god
Oh lord jesus i love you..
Because you love me first..
The way the Father runs to recieve His son when He sees him makes me cry. God loves us so much!