I search the full Yiddish lyrics of this wonderful song "Shloymele Malkele" performed by the Barry Sisters, since many years ago. I sincerely hope that somebody will could help me with these lyrics in Yiddish. With all my thanks in advance for your great kindness. All the best to you.
There is lyrics by Isidore Lillian. I don't know whether the same: www.milkenarchive.org/music/volumes/view/great-songs-of-the-american-yiddish-stage/work/shloymele-malkele/#tracks
I search the full Yiddish lyrics of this wonderful song "Shloymele Malkele" performed by the Barry Sisters, since many years ago. I sincerely hope that somebody will could help me with these lyrics in Yiddish. With all my thanks in advance for your great kindness. All the best to you.
There is lyrics by Isidore Lillian. I don't know whether the same: