Brawl Stars: Tap to Mill - Phenax, God of Deception Historic Brawl

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @andrewoliver7605
    @andrewoliver7605 4 дня назад +16

    I’ve never clicked so quickly on a video I run Phenax as my back up commander in my Captain N’gharoth deck and as soon as I saw him in the pioneer list I lost my shit immediately thank you so much for the inspiration to build him!

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  4 дня назад +2

      I'm just glad people want to see bad mill as much as I want to play it.

  • @dflameX
    @dflameX 4 дня назад +10

    You explaining opp's commander makes me a better player. Not that I needed to know for that particular game, but for me to remember to know my opp's commander and overall deck before I even mully. Lol.
    Thank you for making me a better player.

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  4 дня назад +5

      It's a great way to start a match and think about the opening hand too

  • @WiredCurrent
    @WiredCurrent 4 дня назад +4

    6:46 ..I nearly spat my drink ... Amazing

  • @roshandala
    @roshandala 5 дней назад +10

    The soulless jailor game was literally bonkers

  • @ThePretzelBread
    @ThePretzelBread 4 дня назад +1

    Mind Skinner and Syr Konrad is one of my favorite combos. It gets even sillier in 4 player games, because each milled creature causes Konrad to ping each opponent for 3 total damage, meaning each opponent mills 3 more cards, so each creature milled means a total of NINE more milled cards. It gets super silly.

  • @AwwhHex
    @AwwhHex 3 дня назад

    That weird little mill deck with rogues was the deck that got me into magic in the first place! Lurrus rogues was where it was at. I’ve never tried Anowon in edh but they seem like a ton of fun :D

  • @reapersaurus
    @reapersaurus 4 дня назад +3

    The Haunt of Hightower is one of the better cards in my Lord Xander deck (one of the few that "mill matters"). It should be able to make the cut in this deck, I'd think. It hits HARD. :)
    The big problem I've found with milling people is that it helps SO many opponents. If you don't exile the graveyard they frequently benefit from your work.

  • @stephenlewis6922
    @stephenlewis6922 4 дня назад +2

    Aww. Phenax hits me right in the member berries. I made a inspired mechanic deck with them, Thank you for this!

  • @Xeriark
    @Xeriark 4 дня назад +4

    every time Scraps joins the video, i cant help but leave a like

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  4 дня назад +1

      She's a very special guest

  • @gannonkendrick9343
    @gannonkendrick9343 4 дня назад

    I use Phenax as the commander of my zombie mill deck. It does zombie things, but as a backup strategy, many of the zombies also have big toughness or built-in mill.

  • @DanoLefourbe
    @DanoLefourbe 4 дня назад +1

    Oh, I went to the obvious, hell queue candidate, Purphoros, when there was an alternate wincon like that available. I'll have to try it next!

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  4 дня назад

      Purphoros is a MUCH stronger commander!

  • @tdsukid6510
    @tdsukid6510 4 дня назад

    I feel like even with Soulless Jailer on the field breach the multiverse would have worked. The wording to Soulless is cast creature. The words of Breach the Multiverse is put those card onto the battlefield. So you're not casting. At 24:03

    • @grunkmochumbus
      @grunkmochumbus 3 дня назад

      the wording is "Permanent cards in graveyards can’t enter the battlefield."
      Creature cards that have been milled are permanent cards in graveyards.

    • @tdsukid6510
      @tdsukid6510 3 дня назад

      @grunkmochumbus the wording i though was cast

  • @OldmanSerious
    @OldmanSerious 4 дня назад

    Every green deck I play has Gaea's Blessing in it. I've run into many mill decks and when they mill me and it hits Gaea's Blessing it's often followed with a scoop.

  • @cams9865
    @cams9865 4 дня назад +1

    Maybe in Brawl it's not as powerful, but in Commander Sting is such a good card in this deck. Untapping your Charrix to mill your opponent multiple times is so good

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  4 дня назад +2

      In a less removal heavy format, absolutely!

  • @Guynamedharry
    @Guynamedharry 4 дня назад +1

    I always forget to add good cards to my decks. I go way too theme heavy. It is more fun to play but doesn't get wins which is kind of needed in One v One.

  • @FluffySpikeM
    @FluffySpikeM 4 дня назад

    It's always nice to see unconventional commanders! My mind always wanders off into Disneyland territory with them. Like what if Phenax here, Xanathar and Dragonlord Silumgar had a party?
    On a side but important note, what do you think of most planeswalkers in Pioneer Masters having their art distorted? Has it bothered you as much as it did me? Elspeth, Domri, Garruk, Sarkhan, Kiora, Narset are all mangled. They couldn't even launch PIO properly...

  • @Hoelywater
    @Hoelywater 4 дня назад +2

    i just won in my pod last night with phenax/mothman. i didn't know it was possible to win with mill in commander and now i am insufferable in my play group lol

  • @SuperRutherr
    @SuperRutherr 4 дня назад +1

    Wtf I had so much fun watching this! I was surprised to see the amount of wins. Thanks for the effort Ms Amy! ❤🎉❤

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  4 дня назад +1

      A lot of wins were from people conceding to the control elements before I could even start milling!

    • @SuperRutherr
      @SuperRutherr 4 дня назад

      @Amazonian *said in the voice of Peasant Kanobi also known as Vince on the internet " A win is a win babyeee" lolol 😂

    • @alexandreleveque8394
      @alexandreleveque8394 4 дня назад +1

      I think sometimes Thoughtseize, reanimate, sheoldred, damnation, mana drain, agent of raffine, can make give up any opponents even if the rest of your deck are pack rats 😂

  • @akodotain
    @akodotain 4 дня назад +3

    A mill deck I enjoyed watching? What is this Christmas sorcery?!? 🎄 😅

  • @plasmawisp18
    @plasmawisp18 4 дня назад

    Great video. Im surprised there wasnt more concessions given how some players hate getting milled 😂

  • @_MikeWazowski_
    @_MikeWazowski_ 3 дня назад

    12:41 words to live by

  • @thephantomgamer6423
    @thephantomgamer6423 4 дня назад +2

    You have crabs? You're not Voxi!

    • @starmanda88
      @starmanda88 4 дня назад +1

      I get that reference 😂😂😂

  • @TheGreatBubba
    @TheGreatBubba 4 дня назад

    I've been playing this with that Doom something card from the last set. Commander into Doom, exile decks to 6 cards each, then tap commander to mill opponent for 7.

  • @ninjakingcola
    @ninjakingcola 4 дня назад

    The Soulless Jailer ROFL

  • @YaImThatGuy72
    @YaImThatGuy72 3 дня назад

    35:05pretty sure they missed lethal since if they attacked in, guide of souls would make a flier with 4 energy and we can’t block.

  • @dwainemeadows2282
    @dwainemeadows2282 4 дня назад

    Also a mill deck i enjoyed watching. Could you maybe build Liliana heretical healer? Happy holidays to all

  • @paulfitzpatrick8288
    @paulfitzpatrick8288 4 дня назад

    Built a Phenax deck yesterday! First game was against a Vorinclex that had Gaea's Blessing in it that hit 4 times XD

    @BREAKERisDEAD 3 дня назад

    If there was ever a Brawl Stars x Magic I would cry from cuteness overload

  • @OdinMagnus
    @OdinMagnus 4 дня назад

    Lol, when I was watching the first game I was wondering if there was a way (Without Beacon of Immortality) to double the opponent's life so you can make them have enough life that the Tree can mill them in 1 shot. 80 toughness Tree in commander or 50 in Brawl. Lol
    Edit: 1:13:33 Pretty sure they quit because of you do the Virtue and you just block with Shelly they will lose a creature per turn that gets around indestructible. They might have run out of creatures in hand and figured out would be too late.

  • @DefaultSeaTurtle
    @DefaultSeaTurtle 4 дня назад

    One of my favorite commanders! This was a ton of fun to watch. 💙🖤

  • @ruudvanlaarhoven5776
    @ruudvanlaarhoven5776 4 дня назад

    I'd like to see your take on Gideon, Ally of Zendikar. It was my first prerelease promo ever :D

  • @ender4101
    @ender4101 4 дня назад

    I've been thinking on making a Phenax Wall kindred deck for EDH. Very convenient!

  • @TheyCallMeDio
    @TheyCallMeDio 4 дня назад

    Ancient One meeting the other mill Dimir god

  • @briangabaldon8172
    @briangabaldon8172 4 дня назад

    Will you brew a Evereth, Viceroy of Plunder deck please?

  • @piking6329
    @piking6329 4 дня назад

    Mill is a lot of fun, as long as you're not playing against it lol

  • @wykydtron
    @wykydtron 4 дня назад


  • @neiltaylor2036
    @neiltaylor2036 4 дня назад

    I would love to see an Averna, the Chaos Bloom deck

    • @zeecaptain8202
      @zeecaptain8202 3 дня назад

      i think unfortunately it's been made clear that there just really isn't enough support for averna to function in arena. There are 11 cards with cascade in Arena and only seven of those can even be put in the deck. It would basically require Imoti to be in your starting hand for every game for her to be anything remotely beyond dead weight. OR, you build First Sliver with her as a secondary commander.

  • @localswampmonster9073
    @localswampmonster9073 4 дня назад

    How long has Phenax been in? I love that commander!

  • @relite25
    @relite25 4 дня назад

    Please Purphoros next! My very first commander deck was him with a bunch of goblin cards lol

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  4 дня назад +1

      It's already recorded! Video tomorrow

    • @relite25
      @relite25 4 дня назад

      OMG thank you!

  • @matthewmarshall5234
    @matthewmarshall5234 22 часа назад

    That was fun. Not sure if you had one in your deck but I think you missed Leyline of the Void. Thank me later 🙃

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  22 часа назад

      I'm running Consuming Aberration. It's more important to me than exiling the grave

  • @18nightc322
    @18nightc322 5 дней назад

    Now with an intro!

    • @Amazonian
      @Amazonian  5 дней назад +2

      You're thinking of a different video.

  • @rickroller420
    @rickroller420 3 дня назад

    Yorion decks are the most boring play styles I’ve ever seen. They almost never have a wincon and just stall until 2nd sun. I’d love to see someone make one with the combustible gearhulk and other phat ETB’s

  • @aslamkahn9402
    @aslamkahn9402 4 дня назад

    Can we get gideon ally of zendikar plssss

  • @Guevon_Pajaro
    @Guevon_Pajaro День назад

    Gaaaaawd why are some players so slow play? That yorion player, ugh. I know sometimes it's internet speed but I don't think so when I see them misusing over everything. It annoys me, they should be punished by the client for slow play