Advice: Don't use baked in captions and NEVER use a TTS voice. No matter how bad your voice sounds, it's still better than a generic ElevenLabs AI voice. Baked in captions and TTS voices make long form videos unbearable no matter how good the actual review is.
@ThePistolShotOfficial for instance I live in norway and it takes way less time for it to arrive anw if I buy it from there plus idrk abt the price just as long as I have fun
I’d be lost without this channel and the reviews! I just got into these shell ejecting blasters.
Hey pistol shot can you review the spas 12 shotgun
Hey bro if you want i can be your editor
Ah yes the heckler & Koch USP with a big magazine that cannot sound like a drum
10:17 yep is happened to me too
And soo this is the delayed vid😮 English or Spanish?
W new gloves
Does it come with the drum mag?
It comes with the drum mag if you choose the drum mag option. If you only pick the normal one, then it won't come with the drum mag
@@ThePistolShotOfficial aight bet
@@OhioBrainrot ok
Advice: Don't use baked in captions and NEVER use a TTS voice. No matter how bad your voice sounds, it's still better than a generic ElevenLabs AI voice. Baked in captions and TTS voices make long form videos unbearable no matter how good the actual review is.
@@neonvortex I might do a ASMR review where there is only text and no tts
hey man. thanks for using ur finger safety. can you review the 1911 version off this. i just got it and will like to see it!
@@LogieyBear I already did
@@ThePistolShotOfficial do ya have discord? if so hit me up and ill make ya a free logo. on me :)
What free logo sir?
Yeah baby that's really waiting for 😎
Bro don't you forget you hit 4,000 subscribers 🎉
@@shallyjanegabayeron2955 yeah
No way im shooting my wallet with a mag
Only a cool colour
@@kevinplayz5511 ok?
@ThePistolShotOfficial ye I like the cool colors but a drum mag is to expensive but yeah I hope its as good as u say
@@kevinplayz5511 I think you can find a cheaper one
@ThePistolShotOfficial for instance I live in norway and it takes way less time for it to arrive anw if I buy it from there plus idrk abt the price just as long as I have fun
@@kevinplayz5511 alr
I’m going to get the gun in the video and a couple extra blasters in a few weeks
Stress shot is not dropping anymore,what content are you gonna do now :(
@@Mr.lore_2012 I guess it's time to review xshot blasters or nerf blasters
when you gonna come back?...
I dont know yet
Dose it work with the stress 1911 bullets
@@user-fireboltgamershorts yes
How many bullets does the drum mag hold?
14 shells
what do the internals look like?
@@dudewhodoesstuff2 idk but prob springs and mechanics used to fire the blaster
What gun have the most recoil in you collection
@@DelanEditz this one
@@ThePistolShotOfficial ok
@@DelanEditz ok
My mag for my widow can’t stop falling out help please
There must be a problem with the mag release
Did you see stress shot drop shipped the Tommy gun he released it today
Did the attachments come with it or is it from a different gun if so please tell me the name
It doesn't come with it
@@ThePistolShotOfficial where did they come from?
@@787_guy stress shot but it's gone now
@@ThePistolShotOfficial aw man that sucks
@@787_guy you can find in aliexpress i think
can u make a mantis stress shot review
@@thatrandomswedishdude ill try
This is finale season 3?
@@sHEEETeTHAN nope
@@ThePistolShotOfficial oh
How many pesos??
@@mvrki_dxst idk approximately more than 1000 pesos
Can you plz review the ultra titan stress shot next plz
@@Aviation_7487 I'll try
@@ThePistolShotOfficial thank you I love watching your reviews on stress shot guns
@@Aviation_7487 thanks!
Bois it's me
if you need help for your video tell me i will find a way to help you
why didnt i get notifactions :(
@@ThaoNguyen-ig1oh its ok
why do you buy stress shots off stress shot, when he didn't even make them?
@@Thatoneemojiguy-if5ie I test whether if it's a scam, if it works like the others. And so I can tell my subscribers
Bro why am I olways second
@@PrinceManaois-xs3dl idk
Gun not blaster
@@matthewmcginley3520 nope, gun is a real firearm whilst blaster is a fake firearm/toy
Well I don't call toy guns blasters I just call them toy guns
@@matthewmcginley3520 ok
@@PrinceManaois-xs3dl yo