WHEN GAMING SAVED ME - Delirium's Gaming Room

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • This week it's a bit more sombre, but I wanted to get things off my chest.
    #gamesroom #gamingpickups #retrogames #gaming #brütallegend #mentalhealth #autism

Комментарии • 16

  • @RetroEdUK
    @RetroEdUK День назад +3

    Hey. A good friend shared this video with me. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through and what you’re going through but thought it would be remiss not to comment on a few things.
    From experience unless you’re fully mind made up on moving on parts of your collection I’d suggest you pause on any decisions. You may regret it and it sounded as though you were undecided.
    My son is on the autistic spectrum. His diagnosis immediately and initially caused great concern and worry. Stating the obvious, it’s a spectrum so clearly no 2 cases are like for like but pls don’t let a label define who who you are, what you can do and act, and where you’re heading. For my son clearly the worry hasn’t fully gone BUT it has lessened. A key positive is that it has opened up various support routes for him and has accelerated access to some help where needed. The diagnosis isn’t a reason to think that things wont get better; they will.
    Therapy is another delicate area where (and again it’s only my opinion) a pairing with the wrong therapist can turn it all into a negative experience. I know it’s not always easy but would suggest persevering with the right individual. I did a video on it earlier this year (which in itself was a bit of self therapy!) but made it clear to the therapist that I was a “therapy cynic”, thought it was all ridiculous and wouldn’t help. Maybe I was lucky with the pairing but the guy was INCREDIBLE; very sincere, genuine, transparent discussions and although I still have dark periods (and have acknowledged I likely always will) the intensity and how I manage them is different. Again, I appreciate that scenarios aren’t like for like but if you ever wanted his details pls message me ( I met him face to face but he does online conversations too).
    I started YT a bit more regularly about 4 years ago. Prior to that it was just the odd holiday vid or days out I may upload. I was in a bad place building up to when I started and I can honestly say it has helped me immensely. I rarely talk about my mental health but just talking about things (games, films, collecting etc) serves as a great outlet. Not just from making the videos but also from the comments / conversation that follows. I’ve also ended up meeting and chatting to some amazing people as a result of YT. It sounds like it’s your plan anyway but if you can then def keep up some content 😊
    Sorry for the long winded and likely convoluted comment 😄. Genuinely not intended to be preachy in any way but it would have felt wrong not to comment having just seen your video and heard what you’re going through.
    It’s a term that used to make me squirm slightly but now I get it, be kind to yourself and keep chatting with those around you. People will always want to help.
    All the best.

    • @DeliriumGameRoom
      @DeliriumGameRoom  10 часов назад

      Thank you Ed and for sharing the video with others. It's good to know I'm not alone in my experiences and hopefully I can get into a good headspace with it all in time.

  • @Vampiregimpmask
    @Vampiregimpmask 10 дней назад +2

    Brave vid!
    For what it’s worth I have really enjoyed your content and more than that your personality and wit. I’m sorry you are having a rough time. It must be hard to have your whole sense of self smashed like that. Im currently waiting on a ADHD diagnosis after my therapist referred me. In honesty I probably have a touch of the tism as well. It’s hard to revealed everything about your personality, your history and your identity again through a new lens.
    In terms of the games collection, trimming the fat is a good idea. I’ve been slimming mine down for a few years. Not an easy task as I associate a lot of physical items with memories and some things are hard to let go of. That said I have managed to reduce my collection by at least 50% and as a result I’m actually more focused on playing what I have.
    I now try to appreciate rather than accumulate, although I’m still terrible for trawling eBay and looking g for games when I still have a pile that I haven’t played!
    Anyway, hope things pick up for you ✌🏻

    • @DeliriumGameRoom
      @DeliriumGameRoom  8 дней назад

      Thank you and I hope your diagnosis comes soon 😊

  • @Zillyanne
    @Zillyanne 10 дней назад +1

    You should be SO proud of yourself for talking about these things.. proud of you! I know you struggle to talk. Sorry I haven't checked in more. Really hope it gets easier, you can message whenever if you want to talk. Will message ❤ 🎮 👻 Love you. You are trying your best everyday and that is an achievement even though it probably doesn't feel like it xx

  • @BawhawhawYT
    @BawhawhawYT День назад +2

    Been subbed a while but only ever dropped a comment or 2 in the past. I imagine it's tough to be told something like that but it hasn't changed the person you are. There's a lot of people who have the same diagnosis but you wouldn't know if they don't tell you. RUclips is a great place to just chat to like minded people and the enthusiasm of other gamers is infectious (don't buy into the fomo though). I know what it's like falling out of love of gaming and it feels like a large part of yourself has gone when it was such a big part. The answer is step away from all the new stuff or don't feel you need everything. Just talk to like minded people and you will find the games they enjoy you prob will too. Focus your gaming is what I'm getting at. Sorry it's a bit of a waffley comment but words are not my forte.

    • @DeliriumGameRoom
      @DeliriumGameRoom  10 часов назад

      I'm hoping to fall in love with gaming again. Just taking a bit of a break from buying them for a bit when I feel down 😊

  • @Corbana
    @Corbana День назад +2

    Well done for getting through this and honestly it was extremely real and relatable, while I haven't done anything too sever I know where you are coming from with the self destructive tenancies as I keep falling into them myself and it's a real struggle to pull out of them, gaming definitely helps me but there are times, especially recently where I can't even must er t he energy to do that.
    It's good to get your thoughts out and talking about a problem can be the first step on the road to recovery (sorry if this feels like an empty platitude but it does help especially if you are talking to a therapist as they can help put things into context and stop you spiraling). That said I wouldn't make any rash decisions, don't get me wrong if the cash would help and you really don't have an attachment to the games then I can understand selling them but if you're anything like me you will look back in a year/2 years time and kick yourself for selling them and end up buying them again. Personally I'd box them up and stick them in the loft/storage and see how you feel.
    The NHS is great at offering help but they always offer that stupid CCBT which doesn't work imo, I've been through it 3 or 4 times now and each time I walk away thinking yeah I can see that I am spiraling out of control but can't stop myself, keep pushing with your doctor they can and will eventually send you to a real person to talk through things and hopefully they will start to improve.
    Keep your head up and I hope that things get better for you.

    • @DeliriumGameRoom
      @DeliriumGameRoom  10 часов назад

      M holding off on selling for now and I hopefully have some therapy lined up :) Thank you for mentioning me in your video BTW.

  • @tonymonteiro1081
    @tonymonteiro1081 10 дней назад +1

    I'm curious do you think you want to stop using games as a "crutch" because you don't think it's healthy or because you find games that help you to be to far and few between? Either way, I hope it all works out for your mental and physical health. Feel free to reach out if you want an impartial ear or point of view. Cheers

    • @DeliriumGameRoom
      @DeliriumGameRoom  8 дней назад +1

      Thank you very much 😊 I mean it more in a sense of not buying games when I feel bad about something. I'm hoping to find a more healthy outlet.

    • @tonymonteiro1081
      @tonymonteiro1081 8 дней назад +1

      @DeliriumGameRoom that's a healthy viewpoint. I don't think buying games is inherently bad, but I agree that it isn't healthy to let your emotions or stress dictate your actions, especially in a compulsive, destructive, or addictive way. Good luck it might help to talk to someone when you feel like buying games or having an accountability friend or partner you can trust. Although it's a much harder approach, trying to seek someone to talk with or help you face your problem directly would be the best solution.