I would give my right arm if I could have met Hank just once. He's like a ghost that torments us . His music is epic . When I was 29 I didn't have enough since to find my way home each night. Hank passed away when he was 29. R.I.P Hiram King Williams , you are missed and loved.
They just don't make good music like this anymore. I'm 35, and I would much rather listen to this any day than what's on the radio nowadays. My dad used to sing this to my mom.
I agree, old country was good, then about the 80's & 90's it started to suck. People like Garth Brooks and Kenny Chestney came along, and now it sounds like shit.
On this day in 1952 {April 26th} Hank Williams made his only national network television appearance when he was a guest on the NBC-TV program 'The Kate Smith Evening Hour'... He performed "Hey, Good Lookin'",' eight month earlier in August 1951 it peaked at #1 on Billboard's Country & Western Records Most Played by Folk Disk Jockeys chart... And just a little over eight months after his appearance on the 'Smith' show 'Luke the Drifter' would pass away at the young age of 29 on January 1st, 1953... May he R.I.P.
There was no such thing as country western music until this giant step up to the microphone. If you do not know where you come from of the history of your world you will never know who you are.
Without a doubt one of the most talented singer song writers in history and the father of country music. His songs not only charted country charts but crossed over to others making his music like no other before him.
Williams was a lifelong Republican and was a vocal supporter of Dwight D. Eisenhower. According to singer Jo Stafford, he sent Eisenhower a telegram on his birthday prior to the 1952 presidential election informing him that Williams considered it a personal honor to endorse a military figure to lead the nation in its coming future
The story I read was that, twenty-some years ago, Minnie Pearl met Hank 3 and she was amazed, said he was the absolute spittin' image of his daddy. And, she is one who'd know.
+sleetskate Back in my day, son, we didn't have no goddamn toaster. We had to bang rocks together to get shit to work. Then we made fire, invented some glass, built a toaster out of coconuts, and THEN we could film shit. And I was born in '87, think about what they had to work with back in '51 and see if that don't ya a brain hemorrhoid.
It wasn't done with a potato you idiot. Back then, they didn't have the tech we have today. Just remember that that footage will of been considered as impressive at the time. Have a bit more appreciation for the stuff you have now.
I'm 4 months old and I love this Music..
+JCGaming 23 That ain't nothin im 2 seconds old and i like this...
+Julian klatte was they?
+Julian klatte how do you know that?
RushingMid 😂
I ain’t even born yet and i like this
k-rose gta san andreas ❤
lol thats why I looked it up I got it from San Andreas
yes thats why im here i used shazam
You guessed* it Im a gamer, I had to fix your name.
I got it stuck in my head, but I couldn't remember where I heard it!
This song always reminds me of my dad when he was in his 20s.. he is 87 now
I would give my right arm if I could have met Hank just once. He's like a ghost that torments us . His music is epic . When I was 29 I didn't have enough since to find my way home each night. Hank passed away when he was 29. R.I.P Hiram King Williams , you are missed and loved.
saw him when I was 3 years old at the Grand Ole Opry
I remember this song back when I was in my mothers tummy! 🤪😝😜
My grandpa loved listening to this song to bad he's gone :(
Classic song my pops used to sing it to us when we were little boys😎😎😎👍
What a classic, country performers today owe their gratitude to this man and a few others for the bounties they are receiving. Love ol' Hank!
They just don't make good music like this anymore. I'm 35, and I would much rather listen to this any day than what's on the radio nowadays. My dad used to sing this to my mom.
real music for sure
I agree, old country was good, then about the 80's & 90's it started to suck. People like Garth Brooks and Kenny Chestney came along, and now it sounds like shit.
On this day in 1952 {April 26th} Hank Williams made his only national network television appearance when he was a guest on the NBC-TV program 'The Kate Smith Evening Hour'...
He performed "Hey, Good Lookin'",' eight month earlier in August 1951 it peaked at #1 on Billboard's Country & Western Records Most Played by Folk Disk Jockeys chart...
And just a little over eight months after his appearance on the 'Smith' show 'Luke the Drifter' would pass away at the young age of 29 on January 1st, 1953...
May he R.I.P.
Wonderful song to drive through the countryside in an old car while listening to it...
There was no such thing as country western music until this giant step up to the microphone. If you do not know where you come from of the history of your world you will never know who you are.
Without a doubt one of the most talented singer song writers in history and the father of country music. His songs not only charted country charts but crossed over to others making his music like no other before him.
This brings me back to the gta san andreas days 😌
music nothing to touch it now Esther Collins u.k.
I'm 12 and long live Hank Williams Sr
Williams was a lifelong Republican and was a vocal supporter of Dwight D. Eisenhower. According to singer Jo Stafford, he sent Eisenhower a telegram on his birthday prior to the 1952 presidential election informing him that Williams considered it a personal honor to endorse a military figure to lead the nation in its coming future
This song always brings back good memories of my great grandmother who was born in ‘32
Driving an old pickup in the rural area and this playing brings me back to about 2017 lol
It's the best country song ever!
this was way before my time I'm 29 an I love his music
Love hanks music always and forever ❤️
My grandpa used to sing this song twice a day at least , He met hank williams in 1954.
My grandpa was born in 1929 and died 4 years ago. RIP 😢
ProDigy Gaming hope all is well
Hope all is well
well... I'm 27 and I was raised on Hank Williams Sr. and Johnny Cash. I okay GTA but this music is apart of who I am.
Song: amazing. Vocals: superb.
Video: out of my nightmares.
Here’s a good version ruclips.net/video/bjCoKslQOEs/видео.html
He was a good singer I really miss Hank Williams
Great one this one, now playing on an Indian ad.
real country music
this was my skin time favorite song when I was a kid grew up to it and his music and others like it
Love it!
its good to listen to music that brings backs memories
The best old song
my parrot loves this song
I want all his songs for my funeral
He’s the BESt!❤❤❤
I love that song
hey good looking
he's great. so many great songs! no wonder he's legendary. died so young though. he had a very intense life. was it worth it, to die at 29?
Me playing San Andreas all going through all the songs on the radio
oh yeah good old days
Perfect song to play in a fighter jet
Or a Hydra jet in Gta SA for example 😅😂
I love the way the girl at the beginning bounces around
Is that June Carter?
My dad sang this to my mom when he was alive
God I wish I was born earlier in life just so I could meet him
San andreas☺
watching this i realize that Hank 3 does resemble his grandpa in alot of ways
The story I read was that, twenty-some years ago, Minnie Pearl met Hank 3 and she was amazed, said he was the absolute spittin' image of his daddy. And, she is one who'd know.
I guess I'm the only 12 year old here because I love this mans music, and not because of gta?
gta san andreas XD
That is good.
I've listened to this since I was a baby I'm only 14 but my dad is big into it thank god now love it
Brandon Barnes OK I give up what's gta
ME. I'm 12 and I'm here
k-rose ❤🔝
My eyes!
when you record the concert with your new iPhone.
tight as he'll
my guy friend always sings this song to me when I am cooking
I gotta say...Tom does a really good job of being Hank :)
the man
Remember this song when you burn the weed farm ?? Feel deeasy...
the best
anyone else think he looks like woody from toy story?
he does
woodys based on him I believe
Ahaha that's so wrong
Woody was based on tony thyne an animator at Disney when they made toy story.
Gta San Andreas anyone
Shaggy Rogers yeah from Scotland my friend birthplace of gta
Sorry they couldn't get the video from 1948 to fit your 2015 standards
lol Appreciate the clip
+Nick Knutson - Actually filmed in March 1952 - Kate Smith Show in NYC
your welcm sir
The original film would have looked better, though. It either degraded over time (very possible) or was poorly encoded into digital format... or both.
Playing this whenever I see the alien on alien isolation.
Dat moment you realize you knew this song before you knew it in GTA Sa
every good song on youtube has the comment " i heard this on GTA"
I have a touch of consumption
GTA 💕❤
This song would be considered sexist nowadays and banned from radio.
+TheGodYouWishYouKnew Why would this song be considered sexist now?
He's asking a woman to cook for him.
LOL dear old Hank is asking for more than a home cooked meal;)
ladydruyear I know. It's just a joke with tongue firmly planted in cheek.
Women can't cook anymore anyway.
This Reminds Me Of Trevor And Chef From Gta V
No idea what brought me here.
0:45 te face tho
I know Hank william
lol me too
TPDManiacXC626 what are you fucking gay?
Kill a Nazis funny as fuck me thinks...
GTA San Andreas lol
hahaaahhahahahaahahahahaaha... classica... lembro bem dessa época que vivi, do gta SA é claro rsrsrsrsrss
filmed with a fucking toaster
+sleetskate Back in the day, that's all they had.
sorry the video quality of 1951 wasn't good enough for you
+sleetskate Back in my day, son, we didn't have no goddamn toaster. We had to bang rocks together to get shit to work. Then we made fire, invented some glass, built a toaster out of coconuts, and THEN we could film shit. And I was born in '87, think about what they had to work with back in '51 and see if that don't ya a brain hemorrhoid.
LMFO AT ALL 5 of these comments
+sleetskate and uploaded in 240 so everyone can enjoy BOTH pixels...
i'm just here to make sure i didn't hallucinate this song
Is there a husband alive who has not sung the first line of the chorus to his wife?
Yes. I have not, but then my voice s--ks. If I thought it would work...:)
where is the 4k quality??
ruclips.net/video/bjCoKslQOEs/видео.html here is the good version
check out hank 3
No it was not recorded on March 15th 1951 it was 1949
she just casually waddles away
@@DANZlIG That's my kind of girl
k-rose ;)
I can go for some radscorpion stew.
wan't this in fallout?
Who els is watching this cuz of Nick crompton
Anyone NOT here because of gta?
Me: Hey Good lookin ;)
Feminist: OMG that's raaaaape!
Me: What you got cookin?
Feminist: OMG that's patriarchy!!!!
He was Micj Jagger back then huh.
no shit huh
Was this filmed with a potato
It wasn't done with a potato you idiot. Back then, they didn't have the tech we have today. Just remember that that footage will of been considered as impressive at the time. Have a bit more appreciation for the stuff you have now.
and it was ruined by youtube's video enhancements
GTA San Andreas. man that was a good game back in the day but when you look at it now, it's very disappointing.
Who else came here from da walmart yodelin boy😂
Alexa Hernandez I knew this song since I was 4
XD my grandma
It sounds kind of Hawaiian
why didn't Elvis sing it man
Stevie Howard Hank Williams wrote and recorded this song in 1951, it's Hank's song. Elvis was only 16 at the time.
gta san
sausage party confirm
Gta san andres brought me here!