Disciples always put others first and in many ways put other’s needs before their own. This is evident in disciples’ selfless deeds and many acts of kindness. That man is Pastor Assefa
“Aletafa Yale Esat” አልጠፋ ያለ እሳት : በመጋቢ አሰፋ ዓለሙ book is first book to bring the true story of the Holy-spirit movement in Ethiopia. I feel like it is a major step forward into fulfilling God's plan in “that generation”. Please! Read it….
Disciples always put others first and in many ways put other’s needs before their own. This is evident in disciples’ selfless deeds and many acts of kindness. That man is Pastor Assefa
እባካችሁ ተጨማሪ ቪዲዮዎች ካላችሁ ሼር አርጉልን
“Aletafa Yale Esat” አልጠፋ ያለ እሳት : በመጋቢ አሰፋ ዓለሙ book is first book
to bring the true story of the Holy-spirit movement in Ethiopia. I feel like it is a major step
forward into fulfilling God's plan in “that generation”. Please! Read it….
መጋቢ አሰፋ ዓለሙ ለአግልግሎት የጠራውን ጌታውን በታማኝነት ያገለገበትን ሚስጥር በብእሩ አቅልሞ ለእኛ ትቶልን ወደ ሰማያዊዉ አባቱ ቤት ተጉዙአል......በተለይም በ1960 ዓም በጰንጠቆስጤ ቤተ-እምነት ተከታዮች ላይ ስደት እና መከራው በዝቶ ....ለአቤቱታ እነማን ዓጼ ኃይለስላሴ ዙፋን ችሎት እንቀረቡ ለማወቅ ይህንን መጽሀፍ ገዝተው ያንቡት!!! "አልጠፋ ያለ እሳት"....ታላቅ የታሪክ ማህደር!! 😁 🤣 🤔 😀
መፅሐፉ የት እንደማገኝ ብትጠቁምን እባካችሁ